#1.从学生表中查询所有学生的所有信息SELECT * FROM `student`#2.从学生表查询所有学生的学号姓名信息并分别赋予别名SELECT StudentNo AS ‘学号‘, St
SELECT * FROM `student`
SELECT StudentNo AS '学号', StudentName AS '姓名' FROM `student`;
#3.从学生表中查询学号是 1012 的学生信息
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentNo like '1012';
#4.从学生表中查询学号在 1011-1017 之间的所有学生信息
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentNo between 1011 and 1017;
SELECT StudentNo AS '学号', StudentName AS '姓名' FROM `student` where Address like '北京%';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '张%';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '张_';
#8.查询学生表中第 3 个字是‘涛’的学生信息4
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '__涛';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '%辉%';
#10.查询学生表中的姓名和号码,并用命令插入到新表 phonelist 中
CREATE TABLE `phoneList` (SELECT `studentName`, `phone` FROM `student`);
#1.从学生表中查询所有学生的所有信息SELECT * FROM `student`#2.从学生表查询所有学生的学号姓名信息并分别赋予别名SELECT StudentNo AS ‘学号‘, St
SELECT * FROM `student`
SELECT StudentNo AS '学号', StudentName AS '姓名' FROM `student`;
#3.从学生表中查询学号是 1012 的学生信息
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentNo like '1012';
#4.从学生表中查询学号在 1011-1017 之间的所有学生信息
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentNo between 1011 and 1017;
SELECT StudentNo AS '学号', StudentName AS '姓名' FROM `student` where Address like '北京%';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '张%';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '张_';
#8.查询学生表中第 3 个字是‘涛’的学生信息4
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '__涛';
SELECT * FROM `student` where StudentName like '%辉%';
#10.查询学生表中的姓名和号码,并用命令插入到新表 phonelist 中
CREATE TABLE `phoneList` (SELECT `studentName`, `phone` FROM `student`);