php check syntax,php
(PHP 5 < 5.0.5)
此函数除了会执行(但不会输出)$filename,其他与命令行中使用php -l相似。
因为某些技术原因,该函数已被弃用,并且从PHP中移除了。请以commandline使用php -l somefile.php取而代之。
范例php -l somefile.php
以上例程的输出类似于:PHP Parse error: unexpected T_STRING in /tmp/somefile.php on line 81
参见include- includeI've given it some thought and rewritten my function to take full advantage of the CLI -l option (that's lower L). It requires that you enable error reporting via your own php.ini file (which you should edit the function to apply) otherwise the return result is a worthless "Error parsing".
Anyway, I hope this is useful for someone. I'm sure it could use improvement, so use at your own risk. Demo here:
* Check Syntax
* Performs a Syntax check within a php script, without killing the parser (hopefully)
* Do not use this with PHP 5 <= PHP 5.0.4, or rename this function.
* @params string PHP to be evaluated
* @return array Parse error info or true for success
function php_check_syntax( $php, $isFile=false )
# Get the string tokens
$tokens = token_get_all( '<?php '.trim( $php ));
# Drop our manually entered opening tag
array_shift( $tokens );
token_fix( $tokens );
# Check to see how we need to proceed
# prepare the string for parsing
if( isset( $tokens[0][0] ) && $tokens[0][0] === T_OPEN_TAG )
$evalStr = $php;
$evalStr = "<?php \n{$php}?>";
if( $isFile OR ( $tf = tempnam( NULL, 'parse-') AND file_put_contents( $tf, $php ) !== FALSE ) AND $tf = $php )
# Prevent output
system( 'C:\inetpub\PHP\5.2.6\php -c "'.dirname(__FILE__).'/php.ini" -l < '.$php, $ret );
$output = ob_get_clean();
if( $ret !== 0 )
# Parse error to report?
if( (bool)preg_match( '/Parse error:\s*syntax error,(.+?)\s+in\s+.+?\s*line\s+(\d+)/', $output, $match ) )
return array(
'line'=> (int)$match[2],
'msg'=> $match[1]
return true;
return false;
//fixes related bugs: 29761, 34782 => token_get_all returns <?php NOT as T_OPEN_TAG
function token_fix( &$tokens ) {
if (!is_array($tokens) || (count($tokens)<2)) {
//return of no fixing needed
if (is_array($tokens[0]) && (($tokens[0][0]==T_OPEN_TAG) || ($tokens[0][0]==T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO)) ) {
$p1 = (is_array($tokens[0])?$tokens[0][1]:$tokens[0]);
$p2 = (is_array($tokens[1])?$tokens[1][1]:$tokens[1]);
$p3 = '';
if (($p1.$p2 == '') || ($p1.$p2 == '
$type = ($p2=='?')?T_OPEN_TAG:T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO;
$del = 2;
//update token type for 3rd part?
if (count($tokens)>2) {
$p3 = is_array($tokens[2])?$tokens[2][1]:$tokens[2];
$del = (($p3=='php') || ($p3=='='))?3:2;
$type = ($p3=='=')?T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO:$type;
//rebuild erroneous token
$temp = array($type, $p1.$p2.$p3);
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.2', '
$temp[] = isset($tokens[0][2])?$tokens[0][2]:'unknown';
$tokens[1] = '';
if ($del==3) $tokens[2]='';
$tokens[0] = $temp;
?>While developing an app where I have to include PHP files written by a user, I came across the following problem:
I used "php -l somefile.php" to check the syntax of the file I was about to include and if it passed, I would include it - so far so good. But in some test cases, the file I was including would have other includes/requires inside it. If one of these was invalid, then I would still get the parse error that I was trying to avoid.
I got round it using this:
function CheckSyntax($fileName, $checkIncludes = true)
// If it is not a file or we can't read it throw an exception
if(!is_file($fileName) || !is_readable($fileName))
throw new Exception("Cannot read file ".$fileName);
// Sort out the formatting of the filename
$fileName = realpath($fileName);
// Get the shell output from the syntax check command
$output = shell_exec('php -l "'.$fileName.'"');
// Try to find the parse error text and chop it off
$syntaxError = preg_replace("/Errors parsing.*$/", "", $output, -1, $count);
// If the error text above was matched, throw an exception containing the syntax error
if($count > 0)
throw new Exception(trim($syntaxError));
// If we are going to check the files includes
foreach(GetIncludes($fileName) as $include)
// Check the syntax for each include
function GetIncludes($fileName)
// NOTE that any file coming into this function has already passed the syntax check, so
// we can assume things like proper line terminations
$includes = array();
// Get the directory name of the file so we can prepend it to relative paths
$dir = dirname($fileName);
// Split the contents of $fileName about requires and includes
// We need to slice off the first element since that is the text up to the first include/require
$requireSplit = array_slice(preg_split('/require|include/i', file_get_contents($fileName)), 1);
// For each match
foreach($requireSplit as $string)
// Substring up to the end of the first line, i.e. the line that the require is on
$string = substr($string, 0, strpos($string, ";"));
// If the line contains a reference to a variable, then we cannot analyse it
// so skip this iteration
if(strpos($string, "$") !== false)
// Split the string about single and double quotes
$quoteSplit = preg_split('/[\'"]/', $string);
// The value of the include is the second element of the array
// Putting this in an if statement enforces the presence of '' or "" somewhere in the include
// includes with any kind of run-time variable in have been excluded earlier
// this just leaves includes with constants in, which we can't do much about
if($include = $quoteSplit[1])
// If the path is not absolute, add the dir and separator
// Then call realpath to chop out extra separators
if(strpos($include, ':') === FALSE)
$include = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$include);
array_push($includes, $include);
return $includes;
This checks as many of the includes inside the file as it possibly can without executing anything.
php check syntax,php
(PHP 5 < 5.0.5)
此函数除了会执行(但不会输出)$filename,其他与命令行中使用php -l相似。
因为某些技术原因,该函数已被弃用,并且从PHP中移除了。请以commandline使用php -l somefile.php取而代之。
范例php -l somefile.php
以上例程的输出类似于:PHP Parse error: unexpected T_STRING in /tmp/somefile.php on line 81
参见include- includeI've given it some thought and rewritten my function to take full advantage of the CLI -l option (that's lower L). It requires that you enable error reporting via your own php.ini file (which you should edit the function to apply) otherwise the return result is a worthless "Error parsing".
Anyway, I hope this is useful for someone. I'm sure it could use improvement, so use at your own risk. Demo here:
* Check Syntax
* Performs a Syntax check within a php script, without killing the parser (hopefully)
* Do not use this with PHP 5 <= PHP 5.0.4, or rename this function.
* @params string PHP to be evaluated
* @return array Parse error info or true for success
function php_check_syntax( $php, $isFile=false )
# Get the string tokens
$tokens = token_get_all( '<?php '.trim( $php ));
# Drop our manually entered opening tag
array_shift( $tokens );
token_fix( $tokens );
# Check to see how we need to proceed
# prepare the string for parsing
if( isset( $tokens[0][0] ) && $tokens[0][0] === T_OPEN_TAG )
$evalStr = $php;
$evalStr = "<?php \n{$php}?>";
if( $isFile OR ( $tf = tempnam( NULL, 'parse-') AND file_put_contents( $tf, $php ) !== FALSE ) AND $tf = $php )
# Prevent output
system( 'C:\inetpub\PHP\5.2.6\php -c "'.dirname(__FILE__).'/php.ini" -l < '.$php, $ret );
$output = ob_get_clean();
if( $ret !== 0 )
# Parse error to report?
if( (bool)preg_match( '/Parse error:\s*syntax error,(.+?)\s+in\s+.+?\s*line\s+(\d+)/', $output, $match ) )
return array(
'line'=> (int)$match[2],
'msg'=> $match[1]
return true;
return false;
//fixes related bugs: 29761, 34782 => token_get_all returns <?php NOT as T_OPEN_TAG
function token_fix( &$tokens ) {
if (!is_array($tokens) || (count($tokens)<2)) {
//return of no fixing needed
if (is_array($tokens[0]) && (($tokens[0][0]==T_OPEN_TAG) || ($tokens[0][0]==T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO)) ) {
$p1 = (is_array($tokens[0])?$tokens[0][1]:$tokens[0]);
$p2 = (is_array($tokens[1])?$tokens[1][1]:$tokens[1]);
$p3 = '';
if (($p1.$p2 == '') || ($p1.$p2 == '
$type = ($p2=='?')?T_OPEN_TAG:T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO;
$del = 2;
//update token type for 3rd part?
if (count($tokens)>2) {
$p3 = is_array($tokens[2])?$tokens[2][1]:$tokens[2];
$del = (($p3=='php') || ($p3=='='))?3:2;
$type = ($p3=='=')?T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO:$type;
//rebuild erroneous token
$temp = array($type, $p1.$p2.$p3);
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.2', '
$temp[] = isset($tokens[0][2])?$tokens[0][2]:'unknown';
$tokens[1] = '';
if ($del==3) $tokens[2]='';
$tokens[0] = $temp;
?>While developing an app where I have to include PHP files written by a user, I came across the following problem:
I used "php -l somefile.php" to check the syntax of the file I was about to include and if it passed, I would include it - so far so good. But in some test cases, the file I was including would have other includes/requires inside it. If one of these was invalid, then I would still get the parse error that I was trying to avoid.
I got round it using this:
function CheckSyntax($fileName, $checkIncludes = true)
// If it is not a file or we can't read it throw an exception
if(!is_file($fileName) || !is_readable($fileName))
throw new Exception("Cannot read file ".$fileName);
// Sort out the formatting of the filename
$fileName = realpath($fileName);
// Get the shell output from the syntax check command
$output = shell_exec('php -l "'.$fileName.'"');
// Try to find the parse error text and chop it off
$syntaxError = preg_replace("/Errors parsing.*$/", "", $output, -1, $count);
// If the error text above was matched, throw an exception containing the syntax error
if($count > 0)
throw new Exception(trim($syntaxError));
// If we are going to check the files includes
foreach(GetIncludes($fileName) as $include)
// Check the syntax for each include
function GetIncludes($fileName)
// NOTE that any file coming into this function has already passed the syntax check, so
// we can assume things like proper line terminations
$includes = array();
// Get the directory name of the file so we can prepend it to relative paths
$dir = dirname($fileName);
// Split the contents of $fileName about requires and includes
// We need to slice off the first element since that is the text up to the first include/require
$requireSplit = array_slice(preg_split('/require|include/i', file_get_contents($fileName)), 1);
// For each match
foreach($requireSplit as $string)
// Substring up to the end of the first line, i.e. the line that the require is on
$string = substr($string, 0, strpos($string, ";"));
// If the line contains a reference to a variable, then we cannot analyse it
// so skip this iteration
if(strpos($string, "$") !== false)
// Split the string about single and double quotes
$quoteSplit = preg_split('/[\'"]/', $string);
// The value of the include is the second element of the array
// Putting this in an if statement enforces the presence of '' or "" somewhere in the include
// includes with any kind of run-time variable in have been excluded earlier
// this just leaves includes with constants in, which we can't do much about
if($include = $quoteSplit[1])
// If the path is not absolute, add the dir and separator
// Then call realpath to chop out extra separators
if(strpos($include, ':') === FALSE)
$include = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$include);
array_push($includes, $include);
return $includes;
This checks as many of the includes inside the file as it possibly can without executing anything.