- --[[
- 我有一个小书包呀咿呀咿呀呦,贪心算法求次优解
- 由调用者保证nNum的合法性(nNum >= 0 and nNum <= #tbNumSet)
- ]]
- function FindCloseSet(nTarget, nNum, tbNumSet)
- local tbResult = {}
- local nSum = 0
- local nLocal = 1
- for i = 1, nNum do
- nSumnSum = nSum + tbNumSet[i]
- table.insert(tbResult, tbNumSet[i])
- nLocal = i
- end
- local nDistance = math.abs(nTarget - nSum)
- for j = nLocal + 1, #tbNumSet do
- local nNewSum = 0
- local nRepLocal = 0
- for k = 1, #tbResult do
- local nLocalSum = nSum - tbResult[k] + tbNumSet[j]
- local nLocalDis = math.abs(nTarget - nLocalSum)
- if nLocalDis < nDistance then
- nNewSum = nLocalSum
- nRepLocal = k
- nDistance = nLocalDis
- end
- end
- if nRepLocal ~= 0 then
- table.remove(tbResult, nRepLocal)
- table.insert(tbResult, tbNumSet[j])
- nSum = nNewSum
- end
- end
- return tbResult
- end
- local nTarget = 58
- local nNum = 2
- local tbNumSet = { 1, 4, 8, 11, 10, 80, 110, -5, -8, -100 }
- n = 100
- t = {86, 23, 19, 8, 42, 12, 49}
- table.sort(t)
- local tbResult = FindCloseSet(n, 4, t)
- print(unpack(tbResult))
- --[[
- 我有一个小书包呀咿呀咿呀呦,贪心算法求次优解
- 由调用者保证nNum的合法性(nNum >= 0 and nNum <= #tbNumSet)
- ]]
- function FindCloseSet(nTarget, nNum, tbNumSet)
- local tbResult = {}
- local nSum = 0
- local nLocal = 1
- for i = 1, nNum do
- nSumnSum = nSum + tbNumSet[i]
- table.insert(tbResult, tbNumSet[i])
- nLocal = i
- end
- local nDistance = math.abs(nTarget - nSum)
- for j = nLocal + 1, #tbNumSet do
- local nNewSum = 0
- local nRepLocal = 0
- for k = 1, #tbResult do
- local nLocalSum = nSum - tbResult[k] + tbNumSet[j]
- local nLocalDis = math.abs(nTarget - nLocalSum)
- if nLocalDis < nDistance then
- nNewSum = nLocalSum
- nRepLocal = k
- nDistance = nLocalDis
- end
- end
- if nRepLocal ~= 0 then
- table.remove(tbResult, nRepLocal)
- table.insert(tbResult, tbNumSet[j])
- nSum = nNewSum
- end
- end
- return tbResult
- end
- local nTarget = 58
- local nNum = 2
- local tbNumSet = { 1, 4, 8, 11, 10, 80, 110, -5, -8, -100 }
- n = 100
- t = {86, 23, 19, 8, 42, 12, 49}
- table.sort(t)
- local tbResult = FindCloseSet(n, 4, t)
- print(unpack(tbResult))