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跟人人学英语06-10 中英双语MP3

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跟人人学英语06 中英双语MP3+文本

26 [二十六]在大自然里 26 [twenty-six]In nature

你看见那里的塔了吗? Do you see the tower there?

你看见那里的那座山了吗? Do you see the mountain there?

你看见那里的村庄了吗? Do you see the village there?

你看见那里的那条河了吗? Do you see the river there?

你看见那里的那座桥了吗? Do you see the bridge there?

你看见那里的湖了吗? Do you see the lake there?

我喜欢那只鸟。I like that bird.

我喜欢那棵树。I like that tree.

我喜欢这块石头。I like this stone.

我喜欢那个公园。I like that park.

我喜欢那个花园。I like that garden.

我喜欢这朵花。I like this flower.

我觉得这挺漂亮。I find that pretty.

我觉得这有趣儿。I find that interesting.

我觉得这太美了。I find that gorgeous.

我觉得这很丑。I find that ugly.

我觉得这很无聊。I find that boring.

我觉得这很可怕。I find that terrible.

27 [二十七]在宾馆 – 到达 27 [twenty-seven]In the hotel – Arrival

您有一个空房间吗? Do you have a vacant room?

我定了一个房间。I have booked a room.

我的名字是米勒。My name is Miller.

我需要一个单人间。I need a single room.

我需要一个双人间。I need a double room.

这个房间每晚要多少钱? What does the room cost per night?

我需要一个带浴盆的房间。I would like a room with a bathroom.

我需要一个带淋浴的房间。I would like a room with a shower.

我能看一下房间吗? Can I see the room?

这里有车库吗? Is there a garage here?

这里有保险柜吗? Is there a safe here?

这里有传真吗? Is there a fax machine here?

好, 我就要这个房间。Fine, I’ll take the room.

这是房间钥匙。Here are the keys.

这是我的行李。Here is my luggage.

早餐几点开始? What time do you serve breakfast?

午饭几点开始? What time do you serve lunch?

晚饭几点开始? What time do you serve dinner?

28 [28]在宾馆里–抱怨 28 [twenty-eight]In the hotel– Complaints

这个淋浴不好使。The shower isn’t working.

没热水出来。There is no warm water.

您能把它修理一下吗? Can you get it repaired?

这房间里没有电话。There is no telephone in the room.

这房间里没有电视。There is no TV in the room.

这房间没有阳台。The room has no balcony.

这房间太吵。The room is too noisy.

这房间太小。The room is too small.

这房间太暗。The room is too dark.

暖气设备不供暖。The heater isn’t working.

空调用不了。The air-conditioning isn’t working.

电视机坏了。The TV isn’t working.

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我对这很不满意。I don’t like that.

这对我来说太贵了。That’s too expensive.

您有便宜一点的吗? Do you have anything cheaper?

这附近有青年旅馆 / 旅社吗? Is there a youth hostel nearby?


Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby?

这附近有餐馆吗? Is there a restaurant nearby?

29 [二十九]在餐馆 1 29 [twenty-nine]At the restaurant 1

这张桌子是空着的吗? Is this table taken?

我要看一下菜单。I would like the menu, please.

您能给我推荐什么菜? What would you recommend?

我要一个啤酒。I’d like a beer.

我要一个矿泉水。I’d like a mineral water.

我要一个橙汁。I’d like an orange juice.

我要一杯咖啡。I’d like a coffee.

我要一杯咖啡加牛奶。I’d like a coffee with milk.

请给我加糖。With sugar, please.

我要一杯茶。I’d like a tea.

我要一杯加柠檬的茶。I’d like a tea with lemon.

我要一杯加牛奶的茶。I’d like a tea with milk.

您有香烟吗? Do you have cigarettes?

您有烟灰缸吗? Do you have an ashtray?

您有打火机吗? Do you have a light?

我缺少一个叉子。I’m missing a fork.

我缺少一把刀。I’m missing a knife.

我缺少一个勺子。I’m missing a spoon.

30 [三十]在饭店 2 30 [thirty]At the restaurant 2

请给我来个苹果汁。An apple juice, please.

请来一杯柠檬水。A lemonade, please.

请来一杯番茄汁。A tomato juice, please.

我想要一杯红葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of red wine.

我想要一杯白葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of white wine.

我想要一瓶香槟酒。I’d like a bottle of champagne.

你喜欢吃鱼吗? Do you like fish?

你喜欢吃牛肉吗? Do you like beef?

你喜欢吃猪肉吗? Do you like pork?

我想要不带肉的菜。I’d like something without meat.

我想要盘蔬菜拼盘。I’d like some mixed vegetables.

我想要一个上的快的菜。I’d like something that won’t take much time.

您的菜要加米饭吗? Would you like that with rice?

您的菜要配面条吗? Would you like that with pasta?

您的菜要配土豆吗? Would you like that with potatoes?

我觉得这不好吃。That doesn’t taste good.

饭菜是凉的。The food is cold.

我没有点这道菜。I didn’t order this.

跟人人学英语07 中英双语MP3+文本

31 [三十一]在饭店 3 31 [thirty-one]At the restaurant 3

我要一个前餐。I would like a starter.

我要一个色拉 / 凉菜。I would like a salad.

我要一个汤。I would like a soup.

我要一个餐后 / 甜点。I would like a dessert.


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I would like an ice cream with whipped cream.

我要水果或是奶酪。I would like some fruit or cheese.

我们要吃早饭。We would like to have breakfast.

我门要吃午饭。We would like to have lunch.

我们要吃晚饭。We would like to have dinner.

您早餐想吃点什么? What would you like for breakfast?

加果酱和蜂蜜的面包? Rolls with jam and honey?

加香肠和奶酪的烤面包吗? Toast with sausage and cheese?

要一个熟鸡蛋吗?(指水煮) A boiled egg?

要一个煎鸡蛋吗? A fried egg?

要一份鸡蛋饼吗? An omelette?

请再来一个酸奶。Another yoghurt, please.

请再来点盐和胡椒粉。Some salt and pepper also, please.

请再来一杯水。Another glass of water, please.

32 [三十二]在餐馆4 32 [thirty-two] At the restaurant 4

一份炸薯条加番茄酱。I’d like chips / French fries (am.) with ketchup.

再要两份加蛋黄酱的。And two with mayonnaise.

三份加芥末的油煎香肠。And three sausages with mustard.

您有什么蔬菜? What vegetables do you have?

您有扁豆吗? Do you have beans?

您有花菜吗? Do you have cauliflower?

我喜欢吃玉米。I like to eat (sweet) corn.

我喜欢吃黄瓜。I like to eat cucumber.

我喜欢吃西红柿。I like to eat tomatoes.

您也喜欢吃葱吗? Do you also like to eat leek?

您也喜欢吃酸菜吗? Do you also like to eat sauerkraut?

您也喜欢吃小扁豆吗? Do you also like to eat lentils?

你也喜欢吃胡萝卜吗? Do you also like to eat carrots?

你也喜欢吃绿花菜吗? Do you also like to eat broccoli?

你也喜欢吃辣椒吗? Do you also like to eat peppers?

我不喜欢吃洋葱。I don’t like onions.

我不喜欢吃橄榄。I don’t like olives.

我不喜欢吃蘑菇。I don’t like mushrooms.

33 [三十三]在火车站 33 [thirty-three]At the train station


When is the next train to Berlin?

下一列开往巴黎的火车什么时候开? When is the next train to Paris?

下一列开往伦敦的火车什么时候开? When is the next train to London?

开往华沙的火车几点开? When does the train for Warsaw leave?


When does the train for Stockholm leave?

开往布达佩斯的火车几点开? When does the train for Budapest leave?

我要一张到马德里的票。I’d like a ticket to Madrid.

我要一张到布拉格的票。I’d like a ticket to Prague.

我要一张到伯尔尼的票。I’d like a ticket to Bern.

火车什么时候到达维也纳? When does the train arrive in Vienna?

火车什么时候到达莫斯科? When does the train arrive in Moscow?


When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?

我需要换车吗? Do I have to change trains?

火车从几号站台开? From which platform does the train leave?

火车上有卧铺吗? Does the train have sleepers?

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我只要到布鲁塞尔的单程票。I’d like a one-way ticket to Brussels.

我要一张到哥本哈根的往返票 。

I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.

一张卧铺票多少钱? What does a berth in the sleeper cost?

34 [三十四]在火车里 34 [thirty-four]On the train

这是开往柏林的火车吗? Is that the train to Berlin?

火车什么时候启程? When does the train leave?

火车什么时候到达柏林? When does the train arrive in Berlin?

打扰了, 可以让我过去吗? Excuse me, may I pass?

我想这个位置是我的。I think this is my seat.

我想您坐了我的位置。I think you’re sitting in my seat.

卧铺车厢在哪里? Where is the sleeper?

卧铺车厢在这列火车的尾部。The sleeper is at the end of the train.

那么车厢餐厅在哪里? 在最前面。

And where is the dining car? – At the front.

我能睡在下铺吗? Can I sleep below?

我能睡在中铺吗? Can I sleep in the middle?

我能睡在上铺吗? Can I sleep at the top?

我们什么时候能到边境? When will we get to the border?

到柏林要行驶多久? How long does the journey to Berlin take?

火车晚点了吗? Is the train delayed?

您有什么可阅读的吗? Do you have something to read?


Can one get something to eat and to drink here?

您能在七点钟把我叫醒吗? Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock?

35 [三十五]在飞机场 35 [thirty-five]At the airport

我要订到雅典机票。I’d like to book a flight to Athens.

这是直飞的航班吗? Is it a direct flight?

要一个靠窗座位, 不吸烟的。A window seat, non-smoking, please.

我要确认我预定的航班。I would like to confirm my reservation.

我要取消预定的航班。I would like to cancel my reservation.

我要改签预定航班。I would like to change my reservation.


When is the next flight to Rome?

还有两个空位吗? Are there two seats available?

不,我们只有一个空位了。No, we have only one seat available.

我们什么时候降落? When do we land?

我们什么时候到? When will we be there?


When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)?

这是您的行李箱吗? Is that your suitcase?

这是您的手提包吗? Is that your bag?

这是您的行李吗? Is that your luggage?

我可以携带多少行李? How much luggage can I take?

二十公斤Twenty kilos.

什么?只有二十公斤? What? Only twenty kilos?

跟人人学英语08 中英双语MP3+文本

36 [三十六] 公共的郊区运输 36 [thirty-six] ublic transportation

公共汽车站在哪里? Where is the bus stop?


Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?

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我得乘坐哪一路车? Which bus do I have to take?

我得在中途换车吗? Do I have to change?

我得在哪里换车? Where do I have to change?

一张车票多少钱? How much does a ticket cost?


How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?

您得在这里下车。You have to get off here.

您必须从后面下车。You have to get off at the back.

下趟地铁五分钟后来。The next train is in 5 minutes.

下趟有轨电车十分钟后到。The next tram is in 10 minutes.

下趟公共汽车十五分钟后到。The next bus is in 15 minutes.

最后一班地铁什么时候开? When is the last train?

最后一班有轨电车什么时候开? When is the last tram?

最后一班公共汽车什么时候开? When is the last bus?

您有车票吗? Do you have a ticket?

车票?不, 我没有。A ticket? – No, I don’t have one.

那您必须交罚金 / 罚款。Then you have to pay a fine.

37 [三十七]途中 37 [thirty-seven]En route

他开摩托车去。He drives a motorbike.

他骑自行车去。He rides a bicycle.

他走着去。He walks.

他乘船去。He goes by ship.

他开小艇去。He goes by boat.

他游泳。He swims.

这里危险吗? Is it dangerous here?

独自搭便车危险吗? Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone?

晚上出去散步危险吗? Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night?

我们开车开错了路。We got lost.

我们走错路了。We’re on the wrong road.

我们必须调头。We must turn around.

这里哪里可以停车? Where can one park here?

这有停车场吗? Is there a parking lot here?

这里能停多长时间的车? How long can one park here?

您滑雪吗? Do you ski?

您乘滑雪缆车上去吗? Do you take the ski lift to the top?

这里能租到滑雪用具吗? Can one rent skis here?

38 [三十八]在出租车里 38 [thirty-eight] In the taxi

请您叫一辆出租车。Please call a taxi.

到火车站要多少钱? What does it cost to go to the station?

到飞机场要多少钱? What does it cost to go to the airport?

请一直往前走。Please go straight ahead.

请在这里右转。Please turn right here.

请在那个拐弯处向左转。Please turn left at the corner.

我赶时间。 / 急着哪! I’m in a hurry.

我有时间。I have time.

请您开慢点儿。Please drive slowly.

请您在这里停车。Please stop here.

请您等一下。Please wait a moment.

我马上回来。I’ll be back immediately.

请您给我一张收据。Please give me a receipt.

我没有零钱。I have no change.

就这样好了, 这剩下的是给您的。That is okay, please keep the change.

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请您把我送到这个地址。Drive me to this address.

请您把我送到我的宾馆。Drive me to my hotel.

请您把我送到海边去。Drive me to the beach.

39 [三十九]汽车故障 39 [thirty-nine] Car breakdown

最近的加油站在哪里? Where is the next gas station?

我的车胎瘪了。I have a flat tyre / tire (am.).

您能把车胎换一下吗? Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)?

我需要几升柴油。I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.

我的车没有油了。I have no more petrol / gas (am.).

您有备用油箱吗? Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?

我能在哪里打电话? Where can I make a call?

我需要拖车服务。I need a towing service.

我找汽车修配厂。I’m looking for a garage.

发生了一起交通事故。An accident has occurred.

最近的公用电话在哪? Where is the nearest telephone?

您身边有手机吗? Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?

我们需要帮助。We need help.

您叫医生来! Call a doctor!

您叫警察来! Call the police!

请出示您的证件! Your papers, please.

请出示您的驾驶证! Your licence / license (am.), please.

请出示您的行车证! Your registration, please.

40 [四十]问路 40 [forty]Asking for directions

对不起, 打扰了! Excuse me!

您能帮个忙吗? Can you help me?

这哪里有比较好的餐馆? Is there a good restaurant around here?

您在拐角往左拐。然后您往前直走一段。Then go straight for a while.

然后您向右走一百米。Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.).

您也可以乘公共汽车。You can also take the bus.

您也可以乘有轨电车。You can also take the tram.

您也可以跟着我走。You can also follow me with your car.


How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium?

您走过这个桥! Cross the bridge!

您穿过这个隧道! Go through the tunnel!

您走到第三个红绿灯。Drive until you reach the third traffic light.

您走到第一个路口向右拐。Then turn into the first street on your right.


Then drive straight through the next intersection.

打扰了,我去飞机场怎么走? Excuse me, how do I get to the airport?


It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.).

您一直坐到终点站。Simply get out at the last stop.

跟人人学英语09 中英双语MP3+文本

41 [四十一]方向 41 [forty-one] Where is ... ?

旅游管理处在哪里? Where is the tourist information office?

您能给我一张城市地图吗? Do you have a city map for me?

这儿能预定旅馆房间吗? Can one reserve a room here?

老城区在哪里? Where is the old city?

教堂在哪里? Where is the cathedral?

博物馆在哪里? Where is the museum?

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在哪里可以买到邮票? Where can one buy stamps?

在哪里可以买到鲜花? Where can one buy flowers?

在哪里可以买到车票? Where can one buy tickets?

码头在哪里? Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)?

集市在哪里? Where is the market?

城堡在哪里? Where is the castle?

导游什么时候开始? When does the tour begin?

导游什么时候结束? When does the tour end?

导游一共多长时间? How long is the tour?

我想要一个讲德语的导游 。I would like a guide who speaks German.


I would like a guide who speaks Italian.

我想要一个讲法语的导游 。I would like a guide who speaks French.

42 [四十二]城一游 42 [forty-two]City tour

星期日有集市吗? / 市场是开着的吗? Is the market open on


展览会星期一开放吗? Is the fair open on Mondays?

展览会星期二开放吗? Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays?

动物园星期三开放吗? Is the zoo open on Wednesdays?

博物馆星期四开放吗? Is the museum open on Thursdays?

画廊星期五开放吗? Is the gallery open on Fridays?

可以照相吗? Can one take photographs?

必须买门票吗? Does one have to pay an entrance fee?

门票多少钱? How much is the entrance fee?

对团体有优惠吗? Is there a discount for groups?

对儿童有优惠吗? Is there a discount for children?

对大学生有优惠吗? Is there a discount for students?

这座大楼是做什么用的? What building is that?

这座大楼建了多少年了? How old is the building?

谁建的这座大楼? Who built the building?

我对建筑很感兴趣。I’m interested in architecture.

我对艺术很感兴趣。I’m interested in art.


43 [四十三]在动物园里。 43 [forty-three]At the zoo

动物园在那边。The zoo is there.

长颈鹿在那边。The giraffes are there.

熊都在哪里? Where are the bears?

大象都在哪里? Where are the elephants?

蛇都在哪里? Where are the snakes?

狮子都在哪里? Where are the lions?

我有一台照相机。I have a camera.

我也有一台电影摄影机。I also have a video camera.

电池在哪里? Where can I find a battery?

企鹅都在哪里? Where are the penguins?

袋鼠都在哪里? Where are the kangaroos?

犀牛都在哪里? Where are the rhinos?

厕所在哪里? Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?

那边有一间咖啡厅。There is a café over there.

那边有一家饭店。There is a restaurant over there.

骆驼都在哪里? Where are the camels?

大猩猩和斑马都在哪里? Where are the gorillas and the zebras?

老虎和鳄鱼都在哪里? Where are the tigers and the crocodiles?

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44 [四十四]夜生活 44 [forty-four]Going out in the evening

这儿有迪厅吗? Is there a disco here?

这儿有晚间俱乐部吗? Is there a nightclub here?

这儿有酒馆吗? Is there a pub here?


What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?


What’s playing at the cinema / movies (am.) this evening?

今晚有什么电视节目? What’s on TV this evening?

剧院还有门票吗? Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still


电影院还有门票吗? Are tickets for the cinema / movies (am.) still



Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available?

我想坐最后面的座位。I want to sit in the back.

我想坐中间的某个位子。I want to sit somewhere in the middle.

我想坐最前面的位子。I want to sit at the front.

您能给我一些建议吗? Could you recommend something?

演出什么时候开始? When does the show begin?

您能帮我弄到一张票吗? Can you get me a ticket?

这附近有高尔夫球场吗? Is there a golf course nearby?

这附近有网球场吗? Is there a tennis court nearby?

这附近有室内泳池吗? Is there an indoor swimming pool nearby?

45 [四十五]在电影院里 45 [forty-five]At the cinema

我们要去看电影。We want to go to the cinema.

今天上映一部好电影。A good film is playing today.

这是一部新电影。The film is brand new.

售票处在哪里? Where is the cash register?

还有空位吗? Are seats still available?

一张票多少钱? How much are the admission tickets?

什么时候开演? When does the show begin?

这电影演多长时间? How long is the film?

能预定电影票吗? Can one reserve tickets?

我想坐在后面。I want to sit at the back.

我想坐在前面。I want to sit at the front.

我想坐在中间。I want to sit in the middle.

这部电影很精彩。The film was exciting.

这部电影不无聊。The film was not boring.


But the book on which the film was based was better.

音乐怎么样? How was the music?

演员们怎么样? How were the actors?

有英语字幕吗? Were there English subtitles?

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46 [四十六]在迪厅里 46 [forty-six]In the discotheque

这个位子是空的吗? Is this seat taken?

我可以坐在您旁边吗? May I sit with you?


您觉得这音乐怎么样? How do you like the music?

有点儿太吵了。A little too loud.

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但是这个乐队演奏得很棒。But the band plays very well.

您经常到这里来吗? Do you come here often?

不是的,这是第一次。No, this is the first time.

我以前没有来过这儿。I’ve never been here before.

您跳舞吗? Would you like to dance?

也许过一会儿吧。Maybe later.

我跳得不好。 I can’t dance very well.

这很简单。 It’s very easy.

我跳给您看。 I’ll show you.

不用了,还是下次吧! No, maybe some other time.

您在等什么人吗? Are you waiting for someone?

是啊,在等我的朋友。 Yes, for my boyfriend.

这不,他来了! There he is!

47 [四十七]准备旅行 47 [forty-seven]Preparing a trip

你得收拾我们的行李箱! You have to pack our suitcase!

你不能忘东西。 Don’t forget anything!

你需要一个大的提箱! You need a big suitcase!

不要忘了旅行护照! Don’t forget your passport!

不要忘了飞机票!Don’t forget your ticket!


Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)!

把防晒霜带上! Take some suntan lotion with you.

把太阳镜带上! Take the sun-glasses with you.

把太阳帽带上! Take the sun hat with you.

你要带一张城市交通图吗? Do you want to take a road map?

你要带一个旅游指南吗? Do you want to take a travel guide?

你要带一把雨伞吗? Do you want to take an umbrella?

别忘了带裤子,衬衫和袜子。 Remember to take pants, shirts and socks.


Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets.


Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts.

你需要鞋,凉鞋和靴子。You need shoes, sandals and boots.


You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper.


You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

48 [四十八]度假活动 48 [forty-eight]Vacation activities

海滩干净吗? Is the beach clean?

那儿能游泳吗? Can one swim there?

在那里游泳不危险吧? Isn’t it dangerous to swim there?

这里能租用太阳伞吗? Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here?

这里能租用背靠躺椅吗? Can one rent a deck chair here?

这里能租用小艇吗? Can one rent a boat here?

我想冲浪。 I would like to surf.

我想潜水。 I would like to dive.

我想滑水。 I would like to water ski.

能租用冲浪板吗? Can one rent a surfboard?

能租用潜水器吗? Can one rent diving equipment?

能租用滑水板吗? Can one rent water skis?

我是初学者。 I’m only a beginner.

我是中等的(水平)。I’m moderately good.

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对此我已经了解了。 I’m pretty good at it.

滑雪电缆车在哪里? Where is the ski lift?

你带了滑雪板吗? Do you have skis?

你带了滑雪鞋了吗?Do you have ski boots?

49 [四十九]体育运动 49 [forty-nine]Sports

你做体育运动吗? Do you exercise?

是啊,我需要运动运动。Yes, I need some exercise.

我参加体育俱乐部。I am a member of a sports club.

我们踢足球。We play football / soccer (am.).

我们有时候游泳。 We swim sometimes.

或者我们骑自行车。 Or we cycle.


There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.

也有带桑拿浴的游泳场。 There is also a swimming pool with a sauna.

还有高尔夫球场。And there is a golf course.

电视上演什么? What is on TV?

正在转播足球赛。 There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now.

德国队对英国队。 The German team is playing against the English one.

谁会赢? Who is winning? 我不知道。 I have no idea.

现在还没产生结果。 It is currently a tie.

这个裁判来自比利时。 The referee is from Belgium.

现在要点球了。 Now there is a penalty.

进球! 1比0! Goal! One – zero!

50 [五十]在游泳馆里 50 [fifty]In the swimming pool

今天天气很热。It is hot today.

我们去游泳馆吗? Shall we go to the swimming pool?

你有兴趣去游泳馆吗?Do you feel like swimming?

你有毛巾吗? Do you have a towel?

你有游泳裤吗? Do you have swimming trunks?

你有游泳衣吗? Do you have a bathing suit?

你会游泳吗? Can you swim?

你会潜水吗? Can you dive?

你会跳水吗? Can you jump in the water?

淋浴在哪? Where is the shower?

更衣室在哪? Where is the changing room?

游泳眼镜在哪? Where are the swimming goggles?

水深吗? Is the water deep?

水干净吗?Is the water clean?

水暖和 / 温暖吗? Is the water warm?

我感到很冷。I am freezing.

水太凉了。The water is too cold.

我现在从水里出来。I am getting out of the water now.

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26 [二十六]在大自然里 26 [twenty-six]In nature

你看见那里的塔了吗? Do you see the tower there?

你看见那里的那座山了吗? Do you see the mountain there?

你看见那里的村庄了吗? Do you see the village there?

你看见那里的那条河了吗? Do you see the river there?

你看见那里的那座桥了吗? Do you see the bridge there?

你看见那里的湖了吗? Do you see the lake there?

我喜欢那只鸟。I like that bird.

我喜欢那棵树。I like that tree.

我喜欢这块石头。I like this stone.

我喜欢那个公园。I like that park.

我喜欢那个花园。I like that garden.

我喜欢这朵花。I like this flower.

我觉得这挺漂亮。I find that pretty.

我觉得这有趣儿。I find that interesting.

我觉得这太美了。I find that gorgeous.

我觉得这很丑。I find that ugly.

我觉得这很无聊。I find that boring.

我觉得这很可怕。I find that terrible.

27 [二十七]在宾馆 – 到达 27 [twenty-seven]In the hotel – Arrival

您有一个空房间吗? Do you have a vacant room?

我定了一个房间。I have booked a room.

我的名字是米勒。My name is Miller.

我需要一个单人间。I need a single room.

我需要一个双人间。I need a double room.

这个房间每晚要多少钱? What does the room cost per night?

我需要一个带浴盆的房间。I would like a room with a bathroom.

我需要一个带淋浴的房间。I would like a room with a shower.

我能看一下房间吗? Can I see the room?

这里有车库吗? Is there a garage here?

这里有保险柜吗? Is there a safe here?

这里有传真吗? Is there a fax machine here?

好, 我就要这个房间。Fine, I’ll take the room.

这是房间钥匙。Here are the keys.

这是我的行李。Here is my luggage.

早餐几点开始? What time do you serve breakfast?

午饭几点开始? What time do you serve lunch?

晚饭几点开始? What time do you serve dinner?

28 [28]在宾馆里–抱怨 28 [twenty-eight]In the hotel– Complaints

这个淋浴不好使。The shower isn’t working.

没热水出来。There is no warm water.

您能把它修理一下吗? Can you get it repaired?

这房间里没有电话。There is no telephone in the room.

这房间里没有电视。There is no TV in the room.

这房间没有阳台。The room has no balcony.

这房间太吵。The room is too noisy.

这房间太小。The room is too small.

这房间太暗。The room is too dark.

暖气设备不供暖。The heater isn’t working.

空调用不了。The air-conditioning isn’t working.

电视机坏了。The TV isn’t working.

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我对这很不满意。I don’t like that.

这对我来说太贵了。That’s too expensive.

您有便宜一点的吗? Do you have anything cheaper?

这附近有青年旅馆 / 旅社吗? Is there a youth hostel nearby?


Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby?

这附近有餐馆吗? Is there a restaurant nearby?

29 [二十九]在餐馆 1 29 [twenty-nine]At the restaurant 1

这张桌子是空着的吗? Is this table taken?

我要看一下菜单。I would like the menu, please.

您能给我推荐什么菜? What would you recommend?

我要一个啤酒。I’d like a beer.

我要一个矿泉水。I’d like a mineral water.

我要一个橙汁。I’d like an orange juice.

我要一杯咖啡。I’d like a coffee.

我要一杯咖啡加牛奶。I’d like a coffee with milk.

请给我加糖。With sugar, please.

我要一杯茶。I’d like a tea.

我要一杯加柠檬的茶。I’d like a tea with lemon.

我要一杯加牛奶的茶。I’d like a tea with milk.

您有香烟吗? Do you have cigarettes?

您有烟灰缸吗? Do you have an ashtray?

您有打火机吗? Do you have a light?

我缺少一个叉子。I’m missing a fork.

我缺少一把刀。I’m missing a knife.

我缺少一个勺子。I’m missing a spoon.

30 [三十]在饭店 2 30 [thirty]At the restaurant 2

请给我来个苹果汁。An apple juice, please.

请来一杯柠檬水。A lemonade, please.

请来一杯番茄汁。A tomato juice, please.

我想要一杯红葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of red wine.

我想要一杯白葡萄酒。I’d like a glass of white wine.

我想要一瓶香槟酒。I’d like a bottle of champagne.

你喜欢吃鱼吗? Do you like fish?

你喜欢吃牛肉吗? Do you like beef?

你喜欢吃猪肉吗? Do you like pork?

我想要不带肉的菜。I’d like something without meat.

我想要盘蔬菜拼盘。I’d like some mixed vegetables.

我想要一个上的快的菜。I’d like something that won’t take much time.

您的菜要加米饭吗? Would you like that with rice?

您的菜要配面条吗? Would you like that with pasta?

您的菜要配土豆吗? Would you like that with potatoes?

我觉得这不好吃。That doesn’t taste good.

饭菜是凉的。The food is cold.

我没有点这道菜。I didn’t order this.

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31 [三十一]在饭店 3 31 [thirty-one]At the restaurant 3

我要一个前餐。I would like a starter.

我要一个色拉 / 凉菜。I would like a salad.

我要一个汤。I would like a soup.

我要一个餐后 / 甜点。I would like a dessert.


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I would like an ice cream with whipped cream.

我要水果或是奶酪。I would like some fruit or cheese.

我们要吃早饭。We would like to have breakfast.

我门要吃午饭。We would like to have lunch.

我们要吃晚饭。We would like to have dinner.

您早餐想吃点什么? What would you like for breakfast?

加果酱和蜂蜜的面包? Rolls with jam and honey?

加香肠和奶酪的烤面包吗? Toast with sausage and cheese?

要一个熟鸡蛋吗?(指水煮) A boiled egg?

要一个煎鸡蛋吗? A fried egg?

要一份鸡蛋饼吗? An omelette?

请再来一个酸奶。Another yoghurt, please.

请再来点盐和胡椒粉。Some salt and pepper also, please.

请再来一杯水。Another glass of water, please.

32 [三十二]在餐馆4 32 [thirty-two] At the restaurant 4

一份炸薯条加番茄酱。I’d like chips / French fries (am.) with ketchup.

再要两份加蛋黄酱的。And two with mayonnaise.

三份加芥末的油煎香肠。And three sausages with mustard.

您有什么蔬菜? What vegetables do you have?

您有扁豆吗? Do you have beans?

您有花菜吗? Do you have cauliflower?

我喜欢吃玉米。I like to eat (sweet) corn.

我喜欢吃黄瓜。I like to eat cucumber.

我喜欢吃西红柿。I like to eat tomatoes.

您也喜欢吃葱吗? Do you also like to eat leek?

您也喜欢吃酸菜吗? Do you also like to eat sauerkraut?

您也喜欢吃小扁豆吗? Do you also like to eat lentils?

你也喜欢吃胡萝卜吗? Do you also like to eat carrots?

你也喜欢吃绿花菜吗? Do you also like to eat broccoli?

你也喜欢吃辣椒吗? Do you also like to eat peppers?

我不喜欢吃洋葱。I don’t like onions.

我不喜欢吃橄榄。I don’t like olives.

我不喜欢吃蘑菇。I don’t like mushrooms.

33 [三十三]在火车站 33 [thirty-three]At the train station


When is the next train to Berlin?

下一列开往巴黎的火车什么时候开? When is the next train to Paris?

下一列开往伦敦的火车什么时候开? When is the next train to London?

开往华沙的火车几点开? When does the train for Warsaw leave?


When does the train for Stockholm leave?

开往布达佩斯的火车几点开? When does the train for Budapest leave?

我要一张到马德里的票。I’d like a ticket to Madrid.

我要一张到布拉格的票。I’d like a ticket to Prague.

我要一张到伯尔尼的票。I’d like a ticket to Bern.

火车什么时候到达维也纳? When does the train arrive in Vienna?

火车什么时候到达莫斯科? When does the train arrive in Moscow?


When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?

我需要换车吗? Do I have to change trains?

火车从几号站台开? From which platform does the train leave?

火车上有卧铺吗? Does the train have sleepers?

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我只要到布鲁塞尔的单程票。I’d like a one-way ticket to Brussels.

我要一张到哥本哈根的往返票 。

I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.

一张卧铺票多少钱? What does a berth in the sleeper cost?

34 [三十四]在火车里 34 [thirty-four]On the train

这是开往柏林的火车吗? Is that the train to Berlin?

火车什么时候启程? When does the train leave?

火车什么时候到达柏林? When does the train arrive in Berlin?

打扰了, 可以让我过去吗? Excuse me, may I pass?

我想这个位置是我的。I think this is my seat.

我想您坐了我的位置。I think you’re sitting in my seat.

卧铺车厢在哪里? Where is the sleeper?

卧铺车厢在这列火车的尾部。The sleeper is at the end of the train.

那么车厢餐厅在哪里? 在最前面。

And where is the dining car? – At the front.

我能睡在下铺吗? Can I sleep below?

我能睡在中铺吗? Can I sleep in the middle?

我能睡在上铺吗? Can I sleep at the top?

我们什么时候能到边境? When will we get to the border?

到柏林要行驶多久? How long does the journey to Berlin take?

火车晚点了吗? Is the train delayed?

您有什么可阅读的吗? Do you have something to read?


Can one get something to eat and to drink here?

您能在七点钟把我叫醒吗? Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock?

35 [三十五]在飞机场 35 [thirty-five]At the airport

我要订到雅典机票。I’d like to book a flight to Athens.

这是直飞的航班吗? Is it a direct flight?

要一个靠窗座位, 不吸烟的。A window seat, non-smoking, please.

我要确认我预定的航班。I would like to confirm my reservation.

我要取消预定的航班。I would like to cancel my reservation.

我要改签预定航班。I would like to change my reservation.


When is the next flight to Rome?

还有两个空位吗? Are there two seats available?

不,我们只有一个空位了。No, we have only one seat available.

我们什么时候降落? When do we land?

我们什么时候到? When will we be there?


When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)?

这是您的行李箱吗? Is that your suitcase?

这是您的手提包吗? Is that your bag?

这是您的行李吗? Is that your luggage?

我可以携带多少行李? How much luggage can I take?

二十公斤Twenty kilos.

什么?只有二十公斤? What? Only twenty kilos?

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36 [三十六] 公共的郊区运输 36 [thirty-six] ublic transportation

公共汽车站在哪里? Where is the bus stop?


Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?

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我得乘坐哪一路车? Which bus do I have to take?

我得在中途换车吗? Do I have to change?

我得在哪里换车? Where do I have to change?

一张车票多少钱? How much does a ticket cost?


How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?

您得在这里下车。You have to get off here.

您必须从后面下车。You have to get off at the back.

下趟地铁五分钟后来。The next train is in 5 minutes.

下趟有轨电车十分钟后到。The next tram is in 10 minutes.

下趟公共汽车十五分钟后到。The next bus is in 15 minutes.

最后一班地铁什么时候开? When is the last train?

最后一班有轨电车什么时候开? When is the last tram?

最后一班公共汽车什么时候开? When is the last bus?

您有车票吗? Do you have a ticket?

车票?不, 我没有。A ticket? – No, I don’t have one.

那您必须交罚金 / 罚款。Then you have to pay a fine.

37 [三十七]途中 37 [thirty-seven]En route

他开摩托车去。He drives a motorbike.

他骑自行车去。He rides a bicycle.

他走着去。He walks.

他乘船去。He goes by ship.

他开小艇去。He goes by boat.

他游泳。He swims.

这里危险吗? Is it dangerous here?

独自搭便车危险吗? Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone?

晚上出去散步危险吗? Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night?

我们开车开错了路。We got lost.

我们走错路了。We’re on the wrong road.

我们必须调头。We must turn around.

这里哪里可以停车? Where can one park here?

这有停车场吗? Is there a parking lot here?

这里能停多长时间的车? How long can one park here?

您滑雪吗? Do you ski?

您乘滑雪缆车上去吗? Do you take the ski lift to the top?

这里能租到滑雪用具吗? Can one rent skis here?

38 [三十八]在出租车里 38 [thirty-eight] In the taxi

请您叫一辆出租车。Please call a taxi.

到火车站要多少钱? What does it cost to go to the station?

到飞机场要多少钱? What does it cost to go to the airport?

请一直往前走。Please go straight ahead.

请在这里右转。Please turn right here.

请在那个拐弯处向左转。Please turn left at the corner.

我赶时间。 / 急着哪! I’m in a hurry.

我有时间。I have time.

请您开慢点儿。Please drive slowly.

请您在这里停车。Please stop here.

请您等一下。Please wait a moment.

我马上回来。I’ll be back immediately.

请您给我一张收据。Please give me a receipt.

我没有零钱。I have no change.

就这样好了, 这剩下的是给您的。That is okay, please keep the change.

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请您把我送到这个地址。Drive me to this address.

请您把我送到我的宾馆。Drive me to my hotel.

请您把我送到海边去。Drive me to the beach.

39 [三十九]汽车故障 39 [thirty-nine] Car breakdown

最近的加油站在哪里? Where is the next gas station?

我的车胎瘪了。I have a flat tyre / tire (am.).

您能把车胎换一下吗? Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)?

我需要几升柴油。I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.

我的车没有油了。I have no more petrol / gas (am.).

您有备用油箱吗? Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?

我能在哪里打电话? Where can I make a call?

我需要拖车服务。I need a towing service.

我找汽车修配厂。I’m looking for a garage.

发生了一起交通事故。An accident has occurred.

最近的公用电话在哪? Where is the nearest telephone?

您身边有手机吗? Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?

我们需要帮助。We need help.

您叫医生来! Call a doctor!

您叫警察来! Call the police!

请出示您的证件! Your papers, please.

请出示您的驾驶证! Your licence / license (am.), please.

请出示您的行车证! Your registration, please.

40 [四十]问路 40 [forty]Asking for directions

对不起, 打扰了! Excuse me!

您能帮个忙吗? Can you help me?

这哪里有比较好的餐馆? Is there a good restaurant around here?

您在拐角往左拐。然后您往前直走一段。Then go straight for a while.

然后您向右走一百米。Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.).

您也可以乘公共汽车。You can also take the bus.

您也可以乘有轨电车。You can also take the tram.

您也可以跟着我走。You can also follow me with your car.


How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium?

您走过这个桥! Cross the bridge!

您穿过这个隧道! Go through the tunnel!

您走到第三个红绿灯。Drive until you reach the third traffic light.

您走到第一个路口向右拐。Then turn into the first street on your right.


Then drive straight through the next intersection.

打扰了,我去飞机场怎么走? Excuse me, how do I get to the airport?


It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.).

您一直坐到终点站。Simply get out at the last stop.

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41 [四十一]方向 41 [forty-one] Where is ... ?

旅游管理处在哪里? Where is the tourist information office?

您能给我一张城市地图吗? Do you have a city map for me?

这儿能预定旅馆房间吗? Can one reserve a room here?

老城区在哪里? Where is the old city?

教堂在哪里? Where is the cathedral?

博物馆在哪里? Where is the museum?

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在哪里可以买到邮票? Where can one buy stamps?

在哪里可以买到鲜花? Where can one buy flowers?

在哪里可以买到车票? Where can one buy tickets?

码头在哪里? Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)?

集市在哪里? Where is the market?

城堡在哪里? Where is the castle?

导游什么时候开始? When does the tour begin?

导游什么时候结束? When does the tour end?

导游一共多长时间? How long is the tour?

我想要一个讲德语的导游 。I would like a guide who speaks German.


I would like a guide who speaks Italian.

我想要一个讲法语的导游 。I would like a guide who speaks French.

42 [四十二]城一游 42 [forty-two]City tour

星期日有集市吗? / 市场是开着的吗? Is the market open on


展览会星期一开放吗? Is the fair open on Mondays?

展览会星期二开放吗? Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays?

动物园星期三开放吗? Is the zoo open on Wednesdays?

博物馆星期四开放吗? Is the museum open on Thursdays?

画廊星期五开放吗? Is the gallery open on Fridays?

可以照相吗? Can one take photographs?

必须买门票吗? Does one have to pay an entrance fee?

门票多少钱? How much is the entrance fee?

对团体有优惠吗? Is there a discount for groups?

对儿童有优惠吗? Is there a discount for children?

对大学生有优惠吗? Is there a discount for students?

这座大楼是做什么用的? What building is that?

这座大楼建了多少年了? How old is the building?

谁建的这座大楼? Who built the building?

我对建筑很感兴趣。I’m interested in architecture.

我对艺术很感兴趣。I’m interested in art.


43 [四十三]在动物园里。 43 [forty-three]At the zoo

动物园在那边。The zoo is there.

长颈鹿在那边。The giraffes are there.

熊都在哪里? Where are the bears?

大象都在哪里? Where are the elephants?

蛇都在哪里? Where are the snakes?

狮子都在哪里? Where are the lions?

我有一台照相机。I have a camera.

我也有一台电影摄影机。I also have a video camera.

电池在哪里? Where can I find a battery?

企鹅都在哪里? Where are the penguins?

袋鼠都在哪里? Where are the kangaroos?

犀牛都在哪里? Where are the rhinos?

厕所在哪里? Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?

那边有一间咖啡厅。There is a café over there.

那边有一家饭店。There is a restaurant over there.

骆驼都在哪里? Where are the camels?

大猩猩和斑马都在哪里? Where are the gorillas and the zebras?

老虎和鳄鱼都在哪里? Where are the tigers and the crocodiles?

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44 [四十四]夜生活 44 [forty-four]Going out in the evening

这儿有迪厅吗? Is there a disco here?

这儿有晚间俱乐部吗? Is there a nightclub here?

这儿有酒馆吗? Is there a pub here?


What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?


What’s playing at the cinema / movies (am.) this evening?

今晚有什么电视节目? What’s on TV this evening?

剧院还有门票吗? Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still


电影院还有门票吗? Are tickets for the cinema / movies (am.) still



Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available?

我想坐最后面的座位。I want to sit in the back.

我想坐中间的某个位子。I want to sit somewhere in the middle.

我想坐最前面的位子。I want to sit at the front.

您能给我一些建议吗? Could you recommend something?

演出什么时候开始? When does the show begin?

您能帮我弄到一张票吗? Can you get me a ticket?

这附近有高尔夫球场吗? Is there a golf course nearby?

这附近有网球场吗? Is there a tennis court nearby?

这附近有室内泳池吗? Is there an indoor swimming pool nearby?

45 [四十五]在电影院里 45 [forty-five]At the cinema

我们要去看电影。We want to go to the cinema.

今天上映一部好电影。A good film is playing today.

这是一部新电影。The film is brand new.

售票处在哪里? Where is the cash register?

还有空位吗? Are seats still available?

一张票多少钱? How much are the admission tickets?

什么时候开演? When does the show begin?

这电影演多长时间? How long is the film?

能预定电影票吗? Can one reserve tickets?

我想坐在后面。I want to sit at the back.

我想坐在前面。I want to sit at the front.

我想坐在中间。I want to sit in the middle.

这部电影很精彩。The film was exciting.

这部电影不无聊。The film was not boring.


But the book on which the film was based was better.

音乐怎么样? How was the music?

演员们怎么样? How were the actors?

有英语字幕吗? Were there English subtitles?

跟人人学英语10 中英双语MP3+文本

46 [四十六]在迪厅里 46 [forty-six]In the discotheque

这个位子是空的吗? Is this seat taken?

我可以坐在您旁边吗? May I sit with you?


您觉得这音乐怎么样? How do you like the music?

有点儿太吵了。A little too loud.

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但是这个乐队演奏得很棒。But the band plays very well.

您经常到这里来吗? Do you come here often?

不是的,这是第一次。No, this is the first time.

我以前没有来过这儿。I’ve never been here before.

您跳舞吗? Would you like to dance?

也许过一会儿吧。Maybe later.

我跳得不好。 I can’t dance very well.

这很简单。 It’s very easy.

我跳给您看。 I’ll show you.

不用了,还是下次吧! No, maybe some other time.

您在等什么人吗? Are you waiting for someone?

是啊,在等我的朋友。 Yes, for my boyfriend.

这不,他来了! There he is!

47 [四十七]准备旅行 47 [forty-seven]Preparing a trip

你得收拾我们的行李箱! You have to pack our suitcase!

你不能忘东西。 Don’t forget anything!

你需要一个大的提箱! You need a big suitcase!

不要忘了旅行护照! Don’t forget your passport!

不要忘了飞机票!Don’t forget your ticket!


Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)!

把防晒霜带上! Take some suntan lotion with you.

把太阳镜带上! Take the sun-glasses with you.

把太阳帽带上! Take the sun hat with you.

你要带一张城市交通图吗? Do you want to take a road map?

你要带一个旅游指南吗? Do you want to take a travel guide?

你要带一把雨伞吗? Do you want to take an umbrella?

别忘了带裤子,衬衫和袜子。 Remember to take pants, shirts and socks.


Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets.


Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts.

你需要鞋,凉鞋和靴子。You need shoes, sandals and boots.


You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper.


You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

48 [四十八]度假活动 48 [forty-eight]Vacation activities

海滩干净吗? Is the beach clean?

那儿能游泳吗? Can one swim there?

在那里游泳不危险吧? Isn’t it dangerous to swim there?

这里能租用太阳伞吗? Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here?

这里能租用背靠躺椅吗? Can one rent a deck chair here?

这里能租用小艇吗? Can one rent a boat here?

我想冲浪。 I would like to surf.

我想潜水。 I would like to dive.

我想滑水。 I would like to water ski.

能租用冲浪板吗? Can one rent a surfboard?

能租用潜水器吗? Can one rent diving equipment?

能租用滑水板吗? Can one rent water skis?

我是初学者。 I’m only a beginner.

我是中等的(水平)。I’m moderately good.

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对此我已经了解了。 I’m pretty good at it.

滑雪电缆车在哪里? Where is the ski lift?

你带了滑雪板吗? Do you have skis?

你带了滑雪鞋了吗?Do you have ski boots?

49 [四十九]体育运动 49 [forty-nine]Sports

你做体育运动吗? Do you exercise?

是啊,我需要运动运动。Yes, I need some exercise.

我参加体育俱乐部。I am a member of a sports club.

我们踢足球。We play football / soccer (am.).

我们有时候游泳。 We swim sometimes.

或者我们骑自行车。 Or we cycle.


There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.

也有带桑拿浴的游泳场。 There is also a swimming pool with a sauna.

还有高尔夫球场。And there is a golf course.

电视上演什么? What is on TV?

正在转播足球赛。 There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now.

德国队对英国队。 The German team is playing against the English one.

谁会赢? Who is winning? 我不知道。 I have no idea.

现在还没产生结果。 It is currently a tie.

这个裁判来自比利时。 The referee is from Belgium.

现在要点球了。 Now there is a penalty.

进球! 1比0! Goal! One – zero!

50 [五十]在游泳馆里 50 [fifty]In the swimming pool

今天天气很热。It is hot today.

我们去游泳馆吗? Shall we go to the swimming pool?

你有兴趣去游泳馆吗?Do you feel like swimming?

你有毛巾吗? Do you have a towel?

你有游泳裤吗? Do you have swimming trunks?

你有游泳衣吗? Do you have a bathing suit?

你会游泳吗? Can you swim?

你会潜水吗? Can you dive?

你会跳水吗? Can you jump in the water?

淋浴在哪? Where is the shower?

更衣室在哪? Where is the changing room?

游泳眼镜在哪? Where are the swimming goggles?

水深吗? Is the water deep?

水干净吗?Is the water clean?

水暖和 / 温暖吗? Is the water warm?

我感到很冷。I am freezing.

水太凉了。The water is too cold.

我现在从水里出来。I am getting out of the water now.

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