Color入门指南 LaserJet Pro M253-M254Getting Started /support/ljM253
34. 在控制面板上进行初始设置5.
选.........2下择连接方法载和安装软件 ..................................27.
移设动打印(可选) ..............................HP置通过电子邮件的
..........................33 ePrint(可选) ...........................
3故障排除 ...............................................3. Initial setup on the control panel ......................54. Select the connection method ...........................55. Download and install the software ...................66. Mobile printing (optional) ....................................67. Set up HP ePrint via email (optional) ................6Troubleshooting .......................................................7
开启打印机之后,等待其初始化。要在 2 行控制面板上导航,请使用箭头按钮和 OK 按钮。要在触摸屏控制面板上导航,请使用轻触、轻扫和滚动手势。按控制面板上的提示配置以下这些设置:• 语言• 位置• 默认设置在默认设置下选择以下某个选项:• 自我管理:为大多数用户优化的默认设置,其中包括引导式 设置和配置步骤以及自动更新。• IT 管理:为批量管理优化的默认设置。 初始设置之后,全部设置均可自定义。注:选择打印信息页可打印一页内容,其中说明如何更改默认设置。执行打印机硬件设置海报上的步骤 1 - 2,然后继续执行步骤 3。4.
USB 直接连接打印机和计算机使用 A 转 B 型 USB 电缆。
无线网络连接(仅限无线型号)触摸屏控制面板1. 要将打印机连接到无线 (Wi-Fi) 网络,请在打印机控制面板上轻触
“无线”按钮。2. 依次轻触无线菜单、无线设置向导。从 SSID 列表中选择该网络名称,如果未列出该网络名称,则输入它。3. 使用键盘输入通行短语,然后轻触确定按钮。4. 等待打印机建立网络连接。5. 在打印机控制面板上,轻触“网络”按钮。如果列出 IP 地址,
记下 IP 地址供安装软件时使用。IP 地址示例: 安装软件之前请勿连接 USB 电缆。安装过程将适时提示连接电缆。如果已连接电缆,则在安装过程提示连接电缆时重新启动打印机。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。OS X1. 对于 OS X,在安装软件之前使用 USB 电缆连接计算机和打印机。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。2 行/LED 控制面板1. 要将打印机连接到无线 (Wi-Fi) 网络,请务必开启打印机、接入点和计算机,并将计算机连接到该无线网络。2. 安装软件期间可能需要 USB 电缆。3. 要从计算机进行打印,请继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。要仅从手机或平板电脑进行打印,请继续执行“6. 移动打印(可选)”。
有线以太网网络连接使用标准网络电缆。1. 使用网络电缆连接打印机和网络。等待几分钟,让打印机获取网络地址。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。 手动配置 IP 地址有关如何手动配置 IP 地址的信息,请参阅打印机《用户指南》,
网址为 /support/ljM253。2
5. 下载和安装软件1. 访问 /laserjet,然后单击下载。2. 按屏幕上的说明和提示将文件保存到计算机。3. 从保存软件文件的文件夹中启动该文件。方法 1:下载 HP Easy Start(Windows 和 OS X)
1. 将打印机 CD 插入计算机。2. 按照屏幕上的说明安装软件。方法 3:从打印机 CD 安装(仅限 Windows)
访问 /support/ljM253。选择软件和驱动程序。下载适用于您的打印机型号和操作系统的软件。从保存软件文件的文件夹中启动该文件。方法 2:从打印机支持网站下载(Windows 和 OS X)
安装说明有关打印机软件的更多详细信息,请参阅打印机 CD 上的安装说明文件。 移动打印(可选)6.
6.1将设备连接到无线网络要从手机或平板电脑进行打印,请将该设备与打印机连接到同一无线网络。Apple iOS 设备 (AirPrint):打开要打印的项,然后选择“操作”图标。依次选择打印、本打印机、打印。Android 设备(4.4 或更高版本):打开要打印的项,然后选择菜单按钮。依次选择打印、本打印机、打印。某些设备需要从 Google Play 商店下载“HP Print Service 插件”
应用程序。Windows Phone:从 Windows 应用商店下载“HP AiO Remote”
应用程序。6.2 Wi-Fi Direct(仅限无线型号)通过 Wi-Fi Direct,智能手机、平板电脑或计算机等支持 Wi-Fi 的设备可直接与打印机建立无线网络连接,而不必使用无线路由器或接入点。连接到打印机的 Wi-Fi Direct 信号与将支持 Wi-Fi 的设备连接到新的无线网络或热点的方式相同。启用 Wi-Fi Direct1. 2 行控制面板:在打印机控制面板上,按 OK 按钮,然后打开网络设置菜单。 触 摸屏控制面板:从打印机控制面板上的主屏幕中,选择连接信息
按钮。2. 打开以下菜单: • Wi-Fi Direct • 设置(仅限触摸屏控制面板) • 开/关3. 轻触开菜单项。轻触关按钮将禁用 Wi-Fi Direct 打印。 详细了解移动打印有关这些和其他操作系统
(Chrome/Google 云打印)的进一步信息,请访问 /go/LaserJetMobilePrinting 或扫描二维码。
/go/wirelessprinting。发现打印机1. 从移动设备上开启 Wi-Fi,然后搜索无线网络。2. 选择打印机控制面板上显示的打印机。
示例打印机名称:Direct-bb-HP M277 Laserjet
设置通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint(可选)7.
使用通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint 打印文档时,只需从任何支持电子邮件的设备(甚至可从不在同一网络上的设备)将这些文档作为电子邮件附件发送到打印机的电子邮件地址即可。要使用通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint,打印机必须满足以下这些要求:•
打印机必须连接到有线或无线网络并可访问 Internet。
打印机上必须启用 HP Web 服务,并且打印机必须注册到 HP Connected。
启用 HP Web 服务2 行/LED 控制面板触摸屏控制面板1. 从打印机控制面板上的主屏幕中,轻触“连接 信息”钮,然后打开以下菜单: • HP ePrint • 设置 • 启用 Web 服务 按1. 在打印机连接到网络之后,打印配置页并找出打印机 IP 地址。2. 在计算机上打开 Web 浏览器,然后在地址行中输入打印机 IP
地址。随后将打开 HP 内嵌式 Web 服务器 (EWS)。3. 选择 HP Web 服务选项卡,然后单击启用按钮。打印机配置
Internet 连接,然后显示一条消息,指示将打印信息表。4. 单击确定按钮。随后将打印一张 ePrint 页。在该 ePrint 页上,查找自动分配给打印机的电子邮件地址。2. 轻触确定菜单项。随后打印机将启用 Web 服务,然后打印一张信息页。该信息页包含在 HP Connected 注册 HP 打印机所需的打印机代码。3. 访问 以创建 HP ePrint 帐户并完成设置过程。3
故障排除用户指南《用户指南》中含有打印机使用和故障排除信息。可在打印机 CD
和 Web 上找到它:1. 访问 /support/ljM2532. 如果提示选择打印机,请照做,然后单击用户指南。控制面板帮助(仅限触摸屏型号)轻触打印机控制面板上的“帮助” 按钮以访问帮助主题。检查固件更新1.
访问 /support/ljM253如果提示选择打印机,请照做,然后单击软件和驱动程序。选择操作系统,然后单击下一步按钮。选择固件,然后单击下载按钮。其他支持资源有关 HP 对打印机的全方位帮助,请访问:
/support/ljM253• 解决问题• 查找高级配置说明• 下载软件更新• 加入支持论坛• 查找保修和监管信息• 访问移动打印资源
通过 ping 网络,测试网络连接:
单击开始 > 运行。键入 cmd,然后按 Enter。依次键入 ping、
空格、打印机 IP 地址,然后按 Enter。IP 地址示例:。要查找打印机 IP 地址,请参阅“查找打印机 IP 地址”。OS X
打开“网络实用工具”,然后在 Ping 窗格中键入 IP 地址。
按 Enter。IP 地址示例:。要查找打印机 IP 地址,
请参阅“查找打印机 IP 地址”。• 如果窗口显示往返时间,则表明网络运行正常。• 如果 ping 不起作用,则尝试重新启动打印机,然后重新检查所有连接步骤。
无线网络连接(无线型号)• 确 认未连接网络电缆。连接网络电缆时,打印机无法连接到无线网络。• 确 认打印机和无线路由器均已开启且通电。还要确保无线开关已开启。• 确 认打印机在无线网络的覆盖范围内。对于大多数网络,
打印机与无线接入点(无线路由器)的距离必须在 30 米(100 英尺)以内。• 确认计算机上装有打印驱动程序。• 确认计算机与打印机连接到同一无线网络。• 对于 OS X,确认无线路由器支持 Bonjour。• 重新启动无线路由器。4
Steps 1 - 2 on
the printer hardware setup
poster, then continue
with Step 3.
Initial setup on the control panel3.
After turning on the printer, wait for it to initialize. To navigate the 2-line control
panel, use the arrow buttons and the OK button. To navigate the touchscreen
control panel, use touch, swipe, and scroll gestures. Follow the prompts on the
control panel to configure these settings:• Language• Location• Default SettingsUnder Default Settings select one of these options:• Self-managed: Optimized default settings for most users that include
guided setup and configuration steps and automatic updates.• IT-managed: Optimized default settings for fleet manageability. Settings are fully customizable after initial : Select Print Information Page to print a page that instructs how to
change the default settings.4.
Select the connection method
USB connection directly between the
Wireless network connection
printer and the computerUse an A-to-B type USB cable.(wireless models only)WindowsTouchscreen control panels1. Do not connect the USB cable before installing the software.
The installation process prompts to connect the cable at the
appropriate time. If the cable is already connected, restart the
printer when installation prompts to connect the cable.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”OS X1. For OS X, connect the USB cable between the computer and the
printer before installing the software.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, on the
printer control panel, touch the Wireless button.2. Touch Wireless Menu, and then touch Wireless Setup Wizard. Select
the network name from the SSID list, or enter the network name if
it is not listed.3. Use the keyboard to enter the passphrase, and then touch the
OK button.4. Wait while the printer establishes a network connection.5. On the printer control panel, touch the Network button. If an
IP address is listed, the network connection has been established.
If not, wait a few more minutes and try again. Note the IP address
for use during software installation. Example IP address: control panelsWired Ethernet network connection
(Optional)Use a standard network cable.1. Connect the network cable to the printer and to the network. Wait
a few minutes for the printer to acquire a network address.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, make sure
that the printer, access point, and computer are turned on and
that the computer is connected to the wireless network.2. A USB cable might be required during SW installation.3. To print from a computer, continue with “5. Download and
install the software.” To print from a phone or tablet only,
continue with “6. Mobile printing (optional).” Manually configure the IP addressSee the printer user guide for information on how to manually configure
the IP address /support/ljM253.5
5. Download and install the software1. Go to /laserjet, and click Download.2. Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts to save the file to the
computer.3. Launch the software file from the folder where the file was 1: Download HP Easy Start (Windows and OS X)
3. Download the software for your printer model and operating system.4. Launch the software file from the folder where the file was saved.1. Insert the printer CD into the computer.2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the 3: Install from the printer CD
(Windows only)
1. Go to /support/ljM253.2. Select Software and drivers. ethod 2: Download from printer support website M(Windows and OS X) Install NotesFor more details about the software for the printer, see the install notes file on the
printer CD. Mobile printing (optional)6.
6.1Connect the device to the wireless networkTo print from a phone or tablet, connect the device to the same wireless
network as the iOS devices (AirPrint): Open the item to print, and select the
Action icon. Select Print, select the printer, and then select d devices (4.4 or newer): Open the item to print, and select the
Menu button. Select Print, select the printer, and select devices require downloading the HP Print Service plugin app from
the Google Play s Phone: Download the HP AiO Remote app from the
Windows Store.6.2 Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only)Wi-Fi Direct allows Wi-Fi capable devices, such as smart phones, tablets,
or computers, to make a wireless network connection directly to the
printer without using a wireless router or access point. Connect to the
printer’s Wi-Fi Direct signal the same way Wi-Fi capable devices are
connected to a new wireless network or hotspot. Learn more about mobile printingFor further information on these and other
operating systems (Chrome/Google Cloud Print) go
to /go/LaserJetMobilePrinting or scan
the QR code.1. 2-line control panels: On the printer control panel, press the OK
button, and then open the Network Setup menu. T ouchscreen control panels: From the Home screen on the printer
control panel, select the Connection Information
button.2. Open the following menus: • Wi-Fi Direct • Settings (touchscreen control panels only) • On/Off3. Touch the On menu item. Touching the Off button disables Wi-Fi
Direct printing.
Enable Wi-Fi Direct
For more information on wireless printing and wireless setup, go to
/go/er the printer1. From the mobile device, turn on the Wi-Fi, and search for wireless
networks.2. Select the printer as shown on the printer control panel.
Example printer name: Direct-bb-HP M277 Laserjet
Set up HP ePrint via email (optional)7.
Use HP ePrint via email to print documents by sending them as an email attachment to the printer’s email address from any email enabled device, even
from devices that are not on the same use HP ePrint via email, the printer must meet these requirements:•
The printer must be connected to a wired or wireless network and have Internet Web Services must be enabled on the printer, and the printer must be registered with HP HP Web Services2-line/LED control panels1. After the printer is connected to the network, print a configuration
page and identify the printer IP address.2. At the computer, open a web browser and enter the printer IP address
into the address line. The HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) opens.3. Select the HP Web Services tab, and click the Enable button.
The printer configures the connection to the Internet, and then
a message appears indicating an information sheet will print.4. Click the OK button. An ePrint page prints out. On the ePrint page, look
for the e-mail address that is automatically assigned to the printer.1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, touch the
Connection Information
button, and open the following menus: • HP ePrint • Settings • Enable Web Services2. Touch the OK menu item. The printer enables Web Services, and then
prints an information page. The information page contains a printer
code necessary to register the HP printer at HP Connected.3. Go to to create an HP ePrint account and
complete the setup creen control panels6
TroubleshootingUser guideThe user guide includes printer usage and troubleshooting information. It is
available on the printer CD and on the Web:1. Go to /support/ljM2532. Select the printer if prompted to, and then click User l panel help (touchscreen models only)Touch the Help button on the printer control panel to access help for firmware updatesAdditional support resourcesFor HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to: /support/ljM253• Solve problems• Find advanced configuration instructions• Download software updates• Join support forums• Find warranty and regulatory information• Access mobile printing resources1. Go to /support/ljM2532. Select the printer if prompted to, and then click Software and Drivers.
3. Select the operating system, and click the Next button.4. Select Firmware, and click the Download button.
Wired (Ethernet) network connection (optional)• Verify that the printer is attached to the correct network port using
a cable of the correct length.• Verify the lights next to the network port are lit.• Verify the print driver is installed on the computer.• Test the network connection by pinging the network:Windows
Click Start > Run. Type cmd, and press Enter. Type ping,
type a space, type the printer IP address, and then press Enter.
Example IP address: To find the printer IP, see “Find the
printer IP address.”OS X
Open the Network Utility, and type the IP address in the ping pane.
Press Enter. Example IP address: To find the printer
IP, see “Find the printer IP address.”• If the window displays round-trip times, the network is working.• If the ping does not work, try restarting the printer and recheck all of the
connection steps.
Wireless network connection
(wireless models)• Verify that the network cable is not connected. The printer cannot
connect to a wireless network when a network cable is connected.• Verify that the printer and wireless router are turned on and have power.
Also make sure the wireless switch is turned on.• Verify that the printer is within the range of the wireless network. For
most networks, the printer must be within 30 m (100 ft) of the wireless
access point (wireless router).• Verify the print driver is installed on the computer.• Verify that the computer and printer connect to the same
wireless network.• For OS X verify that the wireless router supports Bonjour.• Restart the wireless router.7
© 2017 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。此处包含的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。此类产品和服务附带的保修声明中明确规定了 HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项。不得将本文的任何内容视为构成附加保修。HP 不对本文档中的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏承担责任。商标说明Windows®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。Apple 和 Apple 徽标是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其它国家/地区的注册商标OS X 是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。AirPrint 是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。FCC
本设备经测试,确认符合规则 FCC 规则第 15 部分有关 B 级数字设备的限制规定。这些限制旨在为防止住宅安装中的有害干扰提供合理保护。本设备会产生、使用并可能辐射射频能量。如果不按照说明进行安装和使用,可能会对无线电通信造成有害干扰。但也不能保证在特定的安装中不会产生干扰的问题。如果本设备确实对无线电或电视接收造成干扰(可以通过开关设备来确定),可通过以下一种或多种措施排除干扰:• 重新调整接收天线的方向或位置。• 增加设备和接收器之间的距离。• 将设备连接到与接收器不在同一电路上的插座。• 咨询代理商或经验丰富的无线电/电视技术人员。未经 HP 公司的明确同意而擅自更改或改动本产品,用户可能会失去使用此设备的权利。根据 FCC 规则第 15 部分有关 B 级数字设备的限制规定,用户必须使用屏蔽的接口电缆。有关更多管制信息,请参阅电子版《用户指南》。对于由提供或使用本信息所引起的任何直接、间接、偶然、继发性或其它损失,HP 概不负责。© Copyright 2017 HP Development Company, uction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission
is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The information contained herein is subject to change without only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the
express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.
Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions
contained ark CreditsWindows® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other X is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other nt is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
RegulationsThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio-frequency energy. If this equipment is not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. Howeverwill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
, there is no guarantee that interference
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase separation between equipment and receiver.• Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is located.• Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV changes or modifications to the product that are not expressly
approved by HP could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class
B limits of Part 15 of FCC rules. For more regulatory information, see
the electronic user guide. HP shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the
furnishing or use of this information.
Color入门指南 LaserJet Pro M253-M254Getting Started /support/ljM253
34. 在控制面板上进行初始设置5.
选.........2下择连接方法载和安装软件 ..................................27.
移设动打印(可选) ..............................HP置通过电子邮件的
..........................33 ePrint(可选) ...........................
3故障排除 ...............................................3. Initial setup on the control panel ......................54. Select the connection method ...........................55. Download and install the software ...................66. Mobile printing (optional) ....................................67. Set up HP ePrint via email (optional) ................6Troubleshooting .......................................................7
开启打印机之后,等待其初始化。要在 2 行控制面板上导航,请使用箭头按钮和 OK 按钮。要在触摸屏控制面板上导航,请使用轻触、轻扫和滚动手势。按控制面板上的提示配置以下这些设置:• 语言• 位置• 默认设置在默认设置下选择以下某个选项:• 自我管理:为大多数用户优化的默认设置,其中包括引导式 设置和配置步骤以及自动更新。• IT 管理:为批量管理优化的默认设置。 初始设置之后,全部设置均可自定义。注:选择打印信息页可打印一页内容,其中说明如何更改默认设置。执行打印机硬件设置海报上的步骤 1 - 2,然后继续执行步骤 3。4.
USB 直接连接打印机和计算机使用 A 转 B 型 USB 电缆。
无线网络连接(仅限无线型号)触摸屏控制面板1. 要将打印机连接到无线 (Wi-Fi) 网络,请在打印机控制面板上轻触
“无线”按钮。2. 依次轻触无线菜单、无线设置向导。从 SSID 列表中选择该网络名称,如果未列出该网络名称,则输入它。3. 使用键盘输入通行短语,然后轻触确定按钮。4. 等待打印机建立网络连接。5. 在打印机控制面板上,轻触“网络”按钮。如果列出 IP 地址,
记下 IP 地址供安装软件时使用。IP 地址示例: 安装软件之前请勿连接 USB 电缆。安装过程将适时提示连接电缆。如果已连接电缆,则在安装过程提示连接电缆时重新启动打印机。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。OS X1. 对于 OS X,在安装软件之前使用 USB 电缆连接计算机和打印机。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。2 行/LED 控制面板1. 要将打印机连接到无线 (Wi-Fi) 网络,请务必开启打印机、接入点和计算机,并将计算机连接到该无线网络。2. 安装软件期间可能需要 USB 电缆。3. 要从计算机进行打印,请继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。要仅从手机或平板电脑进行打印,请继续执行“6. 移动打印(可选)”。
有线以太网网络连接使用标准网络电缆。1. 使用网络电缆连接打印机和网络。等待几分钟,让打印机获取网络地址。2. 继续执行“5. 下载和安装软件”。 手动配置 IP 地址有关如何手动配置 IP 地址的信息,请参阅打印机《用户指南》,
网址为 /support/ljM253。2
5. 下载和安装软件1. 访问 /laserjet,然后单击下载。2. 按屏幕上的说明和提示将文件保存到计算机。3. 从保存软件文件的文件夹中启动该文件。方法 1:下载 HP Easy Start(Windows 和 OS X)
1. 将打印机 CD 插入计算机。2. 按照屏幕上的说明安装软件。方法 3:从打印机 CD 安装(仅限 Windows)
访问 /support/ljM253。选择软件和驱动程序。下载适用于您的打印机型号和操作系统的软件。从保存软件文件的文件夹中启动该文件。方法 2:从打印机支持网站下载(Windows 和 OS X)
安装说明有关打印机软件的更多详细信息,请参阅打印机 CD 上的安装说明文件。 移动打印(可选)6.
6.1将设备连接到无线网络要从手机或平板电脑进行打印,请将该设备与打印机连接到同一无线网络。Apple iOS 设备 (AirPrint):打开要打印的项,然后选择“操作”图标。依次选择打印、本打印机、打印。Android 设备(4.4 或更高版本):打开要打印的项,然后选择菜单按钮。依次选择打印、本打印机、打印。某些设备需要从 Google Play 商店下载“HP Print Service 插件”
应用程序。Windows Phone:从 Windows 应用商店下载“HP AiO Remote”
应用程序。6.2 Wi-Fi Direct(仅限无线型号)通过 Wi-Fi Direct,智能手机、平板电脑或计算机等支持 Wi-Fi 的设备可直接与打印机建立无线网络连接,而不必使用无线路由器或接入点。连接到打印机的 Wi-Fi Direct 信号与将支持 Wi-Fi 的设备连接到新的无线网络或热点的方式相同。启用 Wi-Fi Direct1. 2 行控制面板:在打印机控制面板上,按 OK 按钮,然后打开网络设置菜单。 触 摸屏控制面板:从打印机控制面板上的主屏幕中,选择连接信息
按钮。2. 打开以下菜单: • Wi-Fi Direct • 设置(仅限触摸屏控制面板) • 开/关3. 轻触开菜单项。轻触关按钮将禁用 Wi-Fi Direct 打印。 详细了解移动打印有关这些和其他操作系统
(Chrome/Google 云打印)的进一步信息,请访问 /go/LaserJetMobilePrinting 或扫描二维码。
/go/wirelessprinting。发现打印机1. 从移动设备上开启 Wi-Fi,然后搜索无线网络。2. 选择打印机控制面板上显示的打印机。
示例打印机名称:Direct-bb-HP M277 Laserjet
设置通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint(可选)7.
使用通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint 打印文档时,只需从任何支持电子邮件的设备(甚至可从不在同一网络上的设备)将这些文档作为电子邮件附件发送到打印机的电子邮件地址即可。要使用通过电子邮件的 HP ePrint,打印机必须满足以下这些要求:•
打印机必须连接到有线或无线网络并可访问 Internet。
打印机上必须启用 HP Web 服务,并且打印机必须注册到 HP Connected。
启用 HP Web 服务2 行/LED 控制面板触摸屏控制面板1. 从打印机控制面板上的主屏幕中,轻触“连接 信息”钮,然后打开以下菜单: • HP ePrint • 设置 • 启用 Web 服务 按1. 在打印机连接到网络之后,打印配置页并找出打印机 IP 地址。2. 在计算机上打开 Web 浏览器,然后在地址行中输入打印机 IP
地址。随后将打开 HP 内嵌式 Web 服务器 (EWS)。3. 选择 HP Web 服务选项卡,然后单击启用按钮。打印机配置
Internet 连接,然后显示一条消息,指示将打印信息表。4. 单击确定按钮。随后将打印一张 ePrint 页。在该 ePrint 页上,查找自动分配给打印机的电子邮件地址。2. 轻触确定菜单项。随后打印机将启用 Web 服务,然后打印一张信息页。该信息页包含在 HP Connected 注册 HP 打印机所需的打印机代码。3. 访问 以创建 HP ePrint 帐户并完成设置过程。3
故障排除用户指南《用户指南》中含有打印机使用和故障排除信息。可在打印机 CD
和 Web 上找到它:1. 访问 /support/ljM2532. 如果提示选择打印机,请照做,然后单击用户指南。控制面板帮助(仅限触摸屏型号)轻触打印机控制面板上的“帮助” 按钮以访问帮助主题。检查固件更新1.
访问 /support/ljM253如果提示选择打印机,请照做,然后单击软件和驱动程序。选择操作系统,然后单击下一步按钮。选择固件,然后单击下载按钮。其他支持资源有关 HP 对打印机的全方位帮助,请访问:
/support/ljM253• 解决问题• 查找高级配置说明• 下载软件更新• 加入支持论坛• 查找保修和监管信息• 访问移动打印资源
通过 ping 网络,测试网络连接:
单击开始 > 运行。键入 cmd,然后按 Enter。依次键入 ping、
空格、打印机 IP 地址,然后按 Enter。IP 地址示例:。要查找打印机 IP 地址,请参阅“查找打印机 IP 地址”。OS X
打开“网络实用工具”,然后在 Ping 窗格中键入 IP 地址。
按 Enter。IP 地址示例:。要查找打印机 IP 地址,
请参阅“查找打印机 IP 地址”。• 如果窗口显示往返时间,则表明网络运行正常。• 如果 ping 不起作用,则尝试重新启动打印机,然后重新检查所有连接步骤。
无线网络连接(无线型号)• 确 认未连接网络电缆。连接网络电缆时,打印机无法连接到无线网络。• 确 认打印机和无线路由器均已开启且通电。还要确保无线开关已开启。• 确 认打印机在无线网络的覆盖范围内。对于大多数网络,
打印机与无线接入点(无线路由器)的距离必须在 30 米(100 英尺)以内。• 确认计算机上装有打印驱动程序。• 确认计算机与打印机连接到同一无线网络。• 对于 OS X,确认无线路由器支持 Bonjour。• 重新启动无线路由器。4
Steps 1 - 2 on
the printer hardware setup
poster, then continue
with Step 3.
Initial setup on the control panel3.
After turning on the printer, wait for it to initialize. To navigate the 2-line control
panel, use the arrow buttons and the OK button. To navigate the touchscreen
control panel, use touch, swipe, and scroll gestures. Follow the prompts on the
control panel to configure these settings:• Language• Location• Default SettingsUnder Default Settings select one of these options:• Self-managed: Optimized default settings for most users that include
guided setup and configuration steps and automatic updates.• IT-managed: Optimized default settings for fleet manageability. Settings are fully customizable after initial : Select Print Information Page to print a page that instructs how to
change the default settings.4.
Select the connection method
USB connection directly between the
Wireless network connection
printer and the computerUse an A-to-B type USB cable.(wireless models only)WindowsTouchscreen control panels1. Do not connect the USB cable before installing the software.
The installation process prompts to connect the cable at the
appropriate time. If the cable is already connected, restart the
printer when installation prompts to connect the cable.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”OS X1. For OS X, connect the USB cable between the computer and the
printer before installing the software.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, on the
printer control panel, touch the Wireless button.2. Touch Wireless Menu, and then touch Wireless Setup Wizard. Select
the network name from the SSID list, or enter the network name if
it is not listed.3. Use the keyboard to enter the passphrase, and then touch the
OK button.4. Wait while the printer establishes a network connection.5. On the printer control panel, touch the Network button. If an
IP address is listed, the network connection has been established.
If not, wait a few more minutes and try again. Note the IP address
for use during software installation. Example IP address: control panelsWired Ethernet network connection
(Optional)Use a standard network cable.1. Connect the network cable to the printer and to the network. Wait
a few minutes for the printer to acquire a network address.2. Continue to “5. Download and install the software.”1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, make sure
that the printer, access point, and computer are turned on and
that the computer is connected to the wireless network.2. A USB cable might be required during SW installation.3. To print from a computer, continue with “5. Download and
install the software.” To print from a phone or tablet only,
continue with “6. Mobile printing (optional).” Manually configure the IP addressSee the printer user guide for information on how to manually configure
the IP address /support/ljM253.5
5. Download and install the software1. Go to /laserjet, and click Download.2. Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts to save the file to the
computer.3. Launch the software file from the folder where the file was 1: Download HP Easy Start (Windows and OS X)
3. Download the software for your printer model and operating system.4. Launch the software file from the folder where the file was saved.1. Insert the printer CD into the computer.2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the 3: Install from the printer CD
(Windows only)
1. Go to /support/ljM253.2. Select Software and drivers. ethod 2: Download from printer support website M(Windows and OS X) Install NotesFor more details about the software for the printer, see the install notes file on the
printer CD. Mobile printing (optional)6.
6.1Connect the device to the wireless networkTo print from a phone or tablet, connect the device to the same wireless
network as the iOS devices (AirPrint): Open the item to print, and select the
Action icon. Select Print, select the printer, and then select d devices (4.4 or newer): Open the item to print, and select the
Menu button. Select Print, select the printer, and select devices require downloading the HP Print Service plugin app from
the Google Play s Phone: Download the HP AiO Remote app from the
Windows Store.6.2 Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only)Wi-Fi Direct allows Wi-Fi capable devices, such as smart phones, tablets,
or computers, to make a wireless network connection directly to the
printer without using a wireless router or access point. Connect to the
printer’s Wi-Fi Direct signal the same way Wi-Fi capable devices are
connected to a new wireless network or hotspot. Learn more about mobile printingFor further information on these and other
operating systems (Chrome/Google Cloud Print) go
to /go/LaserJetMobilePrinting or scan
the QR code.1. 2-line control panels: On the printer control panel, press the OK
button, and then open the Network Setup menu. T ouchscreen control panels: From the Home screen on the printer
control panel, select the Connection Information
button.2. Open the following menus: • Wi-Fi Direct • Settings (touchscreen control panels only) • On/Off3. Touch the On menu item. Touching the Off button disables Wi-Fi
Direct printing.
Enable Wi-Fi Direct
For more information on wireless printing and wireless setup, go to
/go/er the printer1. From the mobile device, turn on the Wi-Fi, and search for wireless
networks.2. Select the printer as shown on the printer control panel.
Example printer name: Direct-bb-HP M277 Laserjet
Set up HP ePrint via email (optional)7.
Use HP ePrint via email to print documents by sending them as an email attachment to the printer’s email address from any email enabled device, even
from devices that are not on the same use HP ePrint via email, the printer must meet these requirements:•
The printer must be connected to a wired or wireless network and have Internet Web Services must be enabled on the printer, and the printer must be registered with HP HP Web Services2-line/LED control panels1. After the printer is connected to the network, print a configuration
page and identify the printer IP address.2. At the computer, open a web browser and enter the printer IP address
into the address line. The HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) opens.3. Select the HP Web Services tab, and click the Enable button.
The printer configures the connection to the Internet, and then
a message appears indicating an information sheet will print.4. Click the OK button. An ePrint page prints out. On the ePrint page, look
for the e-mail address that is automatically assigned to the printer.1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, touch the
Connection Information
button, and open the following menus: • HP ePrint • Settings • Enable Web Services2. Touch the OK menu item. The printer enables Web Services, and then
prints an information page. The information page contains a printer
code necessary to register the HP printer at HP Connected.3. Go to to create an HP ePrint account and
complete the setup creen control panels6
TroubleshootingUser guideThe user guide includes printer usage and troubleshooting information. It is
available on the printer CD and on the Web:1. Go to /support/ljM2532. Select the printer if prompted to, and then click User l panel help (touchscreen models only)Touch the Help button on the printer control panel to access help for firmware updatesAdditional support resourcesFor HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to: /support/ljM253• Solve problems• Find advanced configuration instructions• Download software updates• Join support forums• Find warranty and regulatory information• Access mobile printing resources1. Go to /support/ljM2532. Select the printer if prompted to, and then click Software and Drivers.
3. Select the operating system, and click the Next button.4. Select Firmware, and click the Download button.
Wired (Ethernet) network connection (optional)• Verify that the printer is attached to the correct network port using
a cable of the correct length.• Verify the lights next to the network port are lit.• Verify the print driver is installed on the computer.• Test the network connection by pinging the network:Windows
Click Start > Run. Type cmd, and press Enter. Type ping,
type a space, type the printer IP address, and then press Enter.
Example IP address: To find the printer IP, see “Find the
printer IP address.”OS X
Open the Network Utility, and type the IP address in the ping pane.
Press Enter. Example IP address: To find the printer
IP, see “Find the printer IP address.”• If the window displays round-trip times, the network is working.• If the ping does not work, try restarting the printer and recheck all of the
connection steps.
Wireless network connection
(wireless models)• Verify that the network cable is not connected. The printer cannot
connect to a wireless network when a network cable is connected.• Verify that the printer and wireless router are turned on and have power.
Also make sure the wireless switch is turned on.• Verify that the printer is within the range of the wireless network. For
most networks, the printer must be within 30 m (100 ft) of the wireless
access point (wireless router).• Verify the print driver is installed on the computer.• Verify that the computer and printer connect to the same
wireless network.• For OS X verify that the wireless router supports Bonjour.• Restart the wireless router.7
© 2017 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。此处包含的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。此类产品和服务附带的保修声明中明确规定了 HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项。不得将本文的任何内容视为构成附加保修。HP 不对本文档中的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏承担责任。商标说明Windows®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。Apple 和 Apple 徽标是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其它国家/地区的注册商标OS X 是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。AirPrint 是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。FCC
本设备经测试,确认符合规则 FCC 规则第 15 部分有关 B 级数字设备的限制规定。这些限制旨在为防止住宅安装中的有害干扰提供合理保护。本设备会产生、使用并可能辐射射频能量。如果不按照说明进行安装和使用,可能会对无线电通信造成有害干扰。但也不能保证在特定的安装中不会产生干扰的问题。如果本设备确实对无线电或电视接收造成干扰(可以通过开关设备来确定),可通过以下一种或多种措施排除干扰:• 重新调整接收天线的方向或位置。• 增加设备和接收器之间的距离。• 将设备连接到与接收器不在同一电路上的插座。• 咨询代理商或经验丰富的无线电/电视技术人员。未经 HP 公司的明确同意而擅自更改或改动本产品,用户可能会失去使用此设备的权利。根据 FCC 规则第 15 部分有关 B 级数字设备的限制规定,用户必须使用屏蔽的接口电缆。有关更多管制信息,请参阅电子版《用户指南》。对于由提供或使用本信息所引起的任何直接、间接、偶然、继发性或其它损失,HP 概不负责。© Copyright 2017 HP Development Company, uction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission
is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The information contained herein is subject to change without only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the
express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.
Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions
contained ark CreditsWindows® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other X is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other nt is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
RegulationsThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio-frequency energy. If this equipment is not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. Howeverwill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
, there is no guarantee that interference
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase separation between equipment and receiver.• Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is located.• Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV changes or modifications to the product that are not expressly
approved by HP could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class
B limits of Part 15 of FCC rules. For more regulatory information, see
the electronic user guide. HP shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the
furnishing or use of this information.