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APPLICATION NOTESAVAILABLEAN42 • AN44–48 • AN50 •AN52 •AN53 • AN71 • AN73Terminal Voltage

±5V, 100 TapsX9C102/103/104/503X9C102/103/104/503E2POT™ Nonvolatile Digital PotentiometerFEATURESDESCRIPTIONThe Xicor X9C102/103/104/503 is a solid state nonvola-tile potentiometer and is ideal for digitally controlledresistance X9C102/103/104/503 is a resistor array composed of99 resistive elements. Between each element and ateither end are tap points accessible to the wiper position of the wiper element is controlled by the CS,U/D, and INC inputs. The position of the wiper can bestored in nonvolatile memory and then be recalled upon asubsequent power-up resolution of the X9C102/103/104/503 is equal tothe maximum resistance value divided by 99. As anexample, for the X9C503 (50KΩ) each tap point repre-sents 505Ω.All Xicor nonvolatile memories are designed and testedfor applications requiring extended endurance and dataretention.•••••••••Compatible with X9102/103/104/503Low Power CMOS—VCC = 5V—Active Current, 3mA Max—Standby Current, 500µA Max99 Resistive Elements—Temperature Compensated—± 20% End to End Resistance Range100 Wiper Tap Points—Wiper Positioned via Three-Wire Interface—Similar to TTL Up/Down Counter—Wiper Position Stored in NonvolatileMemory and Recalled on Power-Up100 Year Wiper Position Data RetentionX9C102 = 1KΩX9C103 = 10KΩX9C503 = 50KΩX9C104 = 100KΩFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMU/DINCCS7-BITUP/DOWNCOUNTER999897VH7-BITNONVOLATILEMEMORYONE


RECALLCONTROLCIRCUITRY10VLVW3863 FHD F01E2POT™ is a trademark of Xicor, Inc.©Xicor, Inc. 1994, 1995 Patents Pending3863-2.4 9/18/96 T2/C0/D0 SH1Characteristics subject to change without notice

X9C102/103/104/503PIN DESCRIPTIONSVH and VLThe high (VH) and low (VL) terminals of the X9C102/103/104/503 are equivalent to the fixed terminals of amechanical potentiometer. The minimum voltage is –5Vand the maximum is +5V. It should be noted that theterminology of VL and VH references the relative positionof the terminal in relation to wiper movement directionselected by the U/D input and not the voltage potential onthe is the wiper terminal, equivalent to the movableterminal of a mechanical potentiometer. The positionof the wiper within the array is determined by thecontrol inputs. The wiper terminal series resistance istypically 40Ω.Up/Down (U/D)The U/D input controls the direction of the wipermovement and whether the counter is incremented ent (INC)The INC input is negative-edge triggered. Toggling INCwill move the wiper and either increment or decrementthe counter in the direction indicated by the logic level onthe U/D Select (CS)The device is selected when the CS input is LOW. Thecurrent counter value is stored in nonvolatile memorywhen CS is returned HIGH while the INC input is alsoHIGH. After the store operation is complete the X9C102/103/104/503 will be placed in the low power standbymode until the device is selected once /SOICINCU/DVHVSS128VCCCSVLVWPIN CONFIGURATION7X9C102/103/104/5 FHD F02.2PIN NAMESSymbolVHVWVLVSSVCCU/DINCCSNCDescriptionHigh TerminalWiper TerminalLow TerminalGroundSupply VoltageUp/Down InputIncrement InputChip Select InputNo Connect3863 PGM T012

X9C102/103/104/503DEVICE OPERATIONThere are three sections of the X9C102/103/104/503:the input control, counter and decode section; the non-volatile memory; and the resistor array. The input controlsection operates just like an up/down counter. Theoutput of this counter is decoded to turn on a singleelectronic switch connecting a point on the resistor arrayto the wiper output. Under the proper conditions thecontents of the counter can be stored in nonvolatilememory and retained for future use. The resistor arrayis comprised of 99 individual resistors connected inseries. At either end of the array and between eachresistor is an electronic switch that transfers thepotential at that point to the INC, U/D and CS inputs control the movement of thewiper along the resistor array. With CS set LOW theX9C102/103/104/503 is selected and enabled torespond to the U/D and INC inputs. HIGH to LOWtransitions on INC will increment or decrement(depending on the state of the U/D input) a seven-bitcounter. The output of this counter is decoded toselect one of one-hundred wiper positions along theresistive wiper, when at either fixed terminal, acts like itsmechanical equivalent and does not move beyond thelast position. That is, the counter does not wrap aroundwhen clocked to either value of the counter is stored in nonvolatile memorywhenever CS transistions HIGH while the INC input isalso the X9C102/103/104/503 is powered-down, thelast counter position stored will be maintained in thenonvolatile memory. When power is restored, the con-tents of the memory are recalled and the counter is resetto the value last ION NOTESThe system may select the X9C102/103/104/503, movethe wiper, and deselect the device without having tostore the latest wiper, position in nonvolatile wiper movement is performed as described above;once the new position is reached, the system would thekeep INC LOW while taking CS HIGH. The new wiperposition would be maintained until changed by thesystem or until a power-down/up cycle recalled thepreviously stored would allow the system to always power-up to apreset value stored in nonvolatile memory; then duringsystem operation minor adjustments could be adjustments might be based on user preference:system parameter changes due to temperature The state of U/D may be changed while CS remainsLOW. This allows the host system to enable theX9C102/103/104/503 and then move the wiper up anddown until the proper trim is /RTOTALThe electronic switches on the X9C102/103/104/503operate in a “make before break” mode when the wiperchanges tap positions. If the wiper is moved severalpositions, multiple taps are connected to the wiper fortIW (INC to VW change). The RTOTAL value for the devicecan temporarily be reduced by a significant amountif the wiper is moved several with VCC RemovedThe end to end resistance of the array will fluctuate onceVCC is TABLEWAVEFORMINPUTSMust besteadyMay changefrom LOW

to HIGHMay changefrom HIGH

to LOWDon’t Care:ChangesAllowedN/AOUTPUTSWill besteadyWill changefrom LOW

to HIGHWill changefrom HIGHto LOWChanging:State NotKnownCenter Lineis HighImpedance3

X9C102/103/104/503ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Temperature –65°C to +135°.–65°C to +150°CVoltage on CS, INC, U/D and VCCwith Respect –1V to +7VVoltage on VH and VLReferenced –8V to +8V∆V = |VH–4VX9C103, X9C503, 10VLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds)....+300°±1mAANALOG CHARACTERISTICSElectrical CharacteristicsEnd-to-End ±20%Power Rating at 25°16mWX9C103, X9C503, .±1mA l 40Ω at < –120dB/Hz Ref: 1%LinearityAbsolute Linearity(1)........................................±1.0 Ml(2)Relative Linearity(3).....................................±0.2 Ml(2)Test Circuit #1Temperature Coefficient(–40°C to +85°+600 ppm/°C TypicalX9C103, X9C503, +300 ppm/°C TypicalRatiometric ±20 ppmWiper AdjustabilityUnlimited Wiper Adjustment (Non-Store operation) Wiper Position 10,000 Data ChangesPhysical CharacteristicsMarking IncludesManufacturer‘s TrademarkResistance Value or CodeDate CodeTest Circuit #2*COMMENTStresses above those listed under “Absolute MaximumRatings” may cause permanent damage to the is a stress rating only and the functional operationof the device at these or any other conditions abovethose listed in the operational sections of this specifica-tion is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximumrating conditions for extended periods may affect ST POINTTEST POINTVWVL3863 FHD F04VWVLFORCECURRENT3863 FHD F05Notes:(1)Absolute Linearity is utilized to determine actual wiper voltage versus expected voltage= (Vw(n)(actual) – Vw(n)(expected)) = ±1 Ml Maximum.(2)1 Ml = Minimum Increment = RTOT/99.(3)Relative Linearity is a measure of the error in step size between taps = VW(n+1) – [Vw(n) + Ml] = +0.2 Ml.4

X9C102/103/104/503RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSTemperatureCommercialIndustrialMilitaryMin.0°C–40°C–55°CMax.+70°C+85°C+125°C3863 PGM T03.1Supply VoltageX9C102/103/104/503Limits5V ±10%3863 PGM T04.2D.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified.)LimitsSymbolICCISBILIVIHVILRWVHVLCIN(5)ParameterVCC Active CurrentStandby Supply CurrentCS, INC, U/D InputLeakage CurrentCS, INC, U/D InputHIGH VoltageCS, INC, U/D InputLOW VoltageWiper ResistenceVH Terminal VoltageVL Terminal VoltageCS, INC, U/D .(4)1200Max.3500±102–140–5–5VCC + 10.8100+5+510UnitsmAµAµAVVΩVVpFMax. Wiper Current ±1mATest ConditionsCS = VIL, U/D = VIL or VIH andINC = 0.4V to 2.4V @ max. tCYCCS = VCC – 0.3V, U/D and INC =VSS or VCC – 0.3VVIN = VSS to VCCVCC = 5V, VIN = VSS,TA = 25°C, f = 1MHz3863 PGM T05.3STANDARD PARTSPart NumberX9C102X9C103X9C503X9C104Maximum Resistance1KΩ10KΩ50KΩ100KΩWiper Increments10.1Ω101Ω505Ω1010ΩMinimum Resistance40Ω40Ω40Ω40Ω3863 PGM T08.1Notes:(4)Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage.(5)This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.5

X9C102/103/104/503A.C. CONDITIONS OF TESTInput Pulse LevelsInput Rise and Fall TimesInput Reference Levels0V to 3V10ns1.5V3863 PGM T05.1MODE SELECTIONCSLLHHXLINCU/DHLXXXModeWiper UpWiper DownStore Wiper PositionStandby CurrentNo Store, Return toStandby3863 PGM T06A.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified)LimitsSymboltCltlDtDItlLtlHtlCtCPHtIWtCYCtR,


VCC(7)A.C. TimingCStCYCtCIINCtIDU/DtIWVWMI(8)3863 FHD F03ParameterCS to INC SetupINC HIGH to U/D ChangeU/D to INC SetupINC LOW PeriodINC HIGH PeriodINC Inactive to CS InactiveCS Deselect TimeINC to Vw ChangeINC Cycle TimeINC Input Rise and Fall TimePower up to Wiper StableVCC

Power-up RateMin.1001002.911120Typ.(6)snsµsµsµsµsmsµsµsµsµsmV/µs3863 PGM T07.31500.2tILtIHtICtCPH90%90%10%tDItFtRNotes:(6)Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage.(7)This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.(8)MI in the A.C. timing diagram refers to the minimum incremental change in the VW output due to a change in the wiper position.6

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Frequency Response for X9C102963NORMALIZED


(dB)0–3–6–9–12–15–18– IN KHzTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1KHz)Test Circuit #13863 FHD F06Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1022.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F077

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Linearity for X9C1021086PERCENTAGE

ERRORTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2420–2–4–6–8KEY:= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–9–16WIPER POSITION3863 FHD F08Typical Frequency Response for X9C103963NORMALIZED


(dB)0–3–6–9–12–15–18– IN KHzTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1KHz)Test Circuit #13863 FHD F098

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1032.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F10Typical Linearity for X9C1031086TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2PERCENTAGE


X9C102/103/104/503Typical Frequency Response for X9C503963NORMALIZED


(dB)0-3-6-9-12-15-18- CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1 KHz)Test Circuit #1FREQUENCY IN KHz3863 FHD F12Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C50391.81.61.4THD

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F1310

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Linearity for X9C5031086PERCENTAGE

ERRORTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2420-2-4-6-8-16WIPER POSITION3863 FHD F14KEY:= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–9Typical Frequency Response for X9C104963NORMALIZED


(dB)0-3-6-9-12-15-18- CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1 KHz)Test Circuit #1FREQUENCY IN KHz3863 FHD F1511

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1042.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F16Typical Linearity for X9C1041086PERCENTAGE

ERROR42TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2KEY:0-2-4-6-8-16WIPER POSITION= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–93863 FHD F1712

X9C102/103/104/503PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE TYPE P0.430 (10.92)0.360 (9.14)0.092 (2.34)DIA. NOM.0.255 (6.47)0.245 (6.22)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.300(7.62) REF.0.060 (1.52)0.020 (0.51)HALF SHOULDER WIDTH ONALL END PINS OPTIONALSEATINGPLANE0.150 (3.81)0.125 (3.18)0.140 (3.56)0.130 (3.30)0.020 (0.51)0.015 (0.38)0.062 (1.57)0.058 (1.47)0.020 (0.51)0.016 (0.41)0.110 (2.79)0.090 (2.29)0.015 (0.38)MAX.0.325 (8.25)0.300 (7.62)TYP. 0.010 (0.25)0°15°NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F0113

X9C102/103/104/503PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE GULL WING PACKAGE TYPE S0.150 (3.80)0.158 (4.00)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.228 (5.80)0.244 (6.20)0.014 (0.35)0.019 (0.49)0.188 (4.78)0.197 (5.00)(4X) 7°0.053 (1.35)0.069 (1.75)0.004 (0.19)0.010 (0.25)0.050 (1.27)0.010 (0.25)X 45°0.020 (0.50)0° – 8°0.0075 (0.19)0.010 (0.25)0.027 (0.683)0.037 (0.937)NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESIS IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F2214

X9C102/103/104/503ORDERING INFORMATIONX9CXXXXXTemperature RangeBlank = Commercial = 0°C to +70°CI = Industrial = –40°C to +85°CM = Military = –55°C to +125°CPackageP = 8-Lead Plastic DIPS = 8-Lead SOICEnd to End Resistance102 = 1KΩ103 = 10KΩ503 = 50KΩ104 = 100KΩLIMITED WARRANTYDevices sold by Xicor, Inc. are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. Xicor, Inc. makes no warranty,express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent , Inc. makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Xicor, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue production and change specifications andprices at any time and without , Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Xicor, Inc. product. No other circuits, patents, licenses areimplied.U.S. PATENTSXicor products are covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,263,664; 4,274,012; 4,300,212; 4,314,265; 4,326,134; 4,393,481; 4,404,475;4,450,402; 4,486,769; 4,488,060; 4,520,461; 4,533,846; 4,599,706; 4,617,652; 4,668,932; 4,752,912; 4,829, 482; 4,874, 967; 4,883, 976. Foreign patents andadditional patents RELATED POLICYIn situations where semiconductor component failure may endanger life, system designers using this product should design the system with appropriate errordetection and correction, redundancy and back-up features to prevent such an 's products are not authorized for use in critical components in life support devices or support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whosefailure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significantinjury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the lifesupport device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.15


APPLICATION NOTESAVAILABLEAN42 • AN44–48 • AN50 •AN52 •AN53 • AN71 • AN73Terminal Voltage

±5V, 100 TapsX9C102/103/104/503X9C102/103/104/503E2POT™ Nonvolatile Digital PotentiometerFEATURESDESCRIPTIONThe Xicor X9C102/103/104/503 is a solid state nonvola-tile potentiometer and is ideal for digitally controlledresistance X9C102/103/104/503 is a resistor array composed of99 resistive elements. Between each element and ateither end are tap points accessible to the wiper position of the wiper element is controlled by the CS,U/D, and INC inputs. The position of the wiper can bestored in nonvolatile memory and then be recalled upon asubsequent power-up resolution of the X9C102/103/104/503 is equal tothe maximum resistance value divided by 99. As anexample, for the X9C503 (50KΩ) each tap point repre-sents 505Ω.All Xicor nonvolatile memories are designed and testedfor applications requiring extended endurance and dataretention.•••••••••Compatible with X9102/103/104/503Low Power CMOS—VCC = 5V—Active Current, 3mA Max—Standby Current, 500µA Max99 Resistive Elements—Temperature Compensated—± 20% End to End Resistance Range100 Wiper Tap Points—Wiper Positioned via Three-Wire Interface—Similar to TTL Up/Down Counter—Wiper Position Stored in NonvolatileMemory and Recalled on Power-Up100 Year Wiper Position Data RetentionX9C102 = 1KΩX9C103 = 10KΩX9C503 = 50KΩX9C104 = 100KΩFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMU/DINCCS7-BITUP/DOWNCOUNTER999897VH7-BITNONVOLATILEMEMORYONE


RECALLCONTROLCIRCUITRY10VLVW3863 FHD F01E2POT™ is a trademark of Xicor, Inc.©Xicor, Inc. 1994, 1995 Patents Pending3863-2.4 9/18/96 T2/C0/D0 SH1Characteristics subject to change without notice

X9C102/103/104/503PIN DESCRIPTIONSVH and VLThe high (VH) and low (VL) terminals of the X9C102/103/104/503 are equivalent to the fixed terminals of amechanical potentiometer. The minimum voltage is –5Vand the maximum is +5V. It should be noted that theterminology of VL and VH references the relative positionof the terminal in relation to wiper movement directionselected by the U/D input and not the voltage potential onthe is the wiper terminal, equivalent to the movableterminal of a mechanical potentiometer. The positionof the wiper within the array is determined by thecontrol inputs. The wiper terminal series resistance istypically 40Ω.Up/Down (U/D)The U/D input controls the direction of the wipermovement and whether the counter is incremented ent (INC)The INC input is negative-edge triggered. Toggling INCwill move the wiper and either increment or decrementthe counter in the direction indicated by the logic level onthe U/D Select (CS)The device is selected when the CS input is LOW. Thecurrent counter value is stored in nonvolatile memorywhen CS is returned HIGH while the INC input is alsoHIGH. After the store operation is complete the X9C102/103/104/503 will be placed in the low power standbymode until the device is selected once /SOICINCU/DVHVSS128VCCCSVLVWPIN CONFIGURATION7X9C102/103/104/5 FHD F02.2PIN NAMESSymbolVHVWVLVSSVCCU/DINCCSNCDescriptionHigh TerminalWiper TerminalLow TerminalGroundSupply VoltageUp/Down InputIncrement InputChip Select InputNo Connect3863 PGM T012

X9C102/103/104/503DEVICE OPERATIONThere are three sections of the X9C102/103/104/503:the input control, counter and decode section; the non-volatile memory; and the resistor array. The input controlsection operates just like an up/down counter. Theoutput of this counter is decoded to turn on a singleelectronic switch connecting a point on the resistor arrayto the wiper output. Under the proper conditions thecontents of the counter can be stored in nonvolatilememory and retained for future use. The resistor arrayis comprised of 99 individual resistors connected inseries. At either end of the array and between eachresistor is an electronic switch that transfers thepotential at that point to the INC, U/D and CS inputs control the movement of thewiper along the resistor array. With CS set LOW theX9C102/103/104/503 is selected and enabled torespond to the U/D and INC inputs. HIGH to LOWtransitions on INC will increment or decrement(depending on the state of the U/D input) a seven-bitcounter. The output of this counter is decoded toselect one of one-hundred wiper positions along theresistive wiper, when at either fixed terminal, acts like itsmechanical equivalent and does not move beyond thelast position. That is, the counter does not wrap aroundwhen clocked to either value of the counter is stored in nonvolatile memorywhenever CS transistions HIGH while the INC input isalso the X9C102/103/104/503 is powered-down, thelast counter position stored will be maintained in thenonvolatile memory. When power is restored, the con-tents of the memory are recalled and the counter is resetto the value last ION NOTESThe system may select the X9C102/103/104/503, movethe wiper, and deselect the device without having tostore the latest wiper, position in nonvolatile wiper movement is performed as described above;once the new position is reached, the system would thekeep INC LOW while taking CS HIGH. The new wiperposition would be maintained until changed by thesystem or until a power-down/up cycle recalled thepreviously stored would allow the system to always power-up to apreset value stored in nonvolatile memory; then duringsystem operation minor adjustments could be adjustments might be based on user preference:system parameter changes due to temperature The state of U/D may be changed while CS remainsLOW. This allows the host system to enable theX9C102/103/104/503 and then move the wiper up anddown until the proper trim is /RTOTALThe electronic switches on the X9C102/103/104/503operate in a “make before break” mode when the wiperchanges tap positions. If the wiper is moved severalpositions, multiple taps are connected to the wiper fortIW (INC to VW change). The RTOTAL value for the devicecan temporarily be reduced by a significant amountif the wiper is moved several with VCC RemovedThe end to end resistance of the array will fluctuate onceVCC is TABLEWAVEFORMINPUTSMust besteadyMay changefrom LOW

to HIGHMay changefrom HIGH

to LOWDon’t Care:ChangesAllowedN/AOUTPUTSWill besteadyWill changefrom LOW

to HIGHWill changefrom HIGHto LOWChanging:State NotKnownCenter Lineis HighImpedance3

X9C102/103/104/503ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Temperature –65°C to +135°.–65°C to +150°CVoltage on CS, INC, U/D and VCCwith Respect –1V to +7VVoltage on VH and VLReferenced –8V to +8V∆V = |VH–4VX9C103, X9C503, 10VLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds)....+300°±1mAANALOG CHARACTERISTICSElectrical CharacteristicsEnd-to-End ±20%Power Rating at 25°16mWX9C103, X9C503, .±1mA l 40Ω at < –120dB/Hz Ref: 1%LinearityAbsolute Linearity(1)........................................±1.0 Ml(2)Relative Linearity(3).....................................±0.2 Ml(2)Test Circuit #1Temperature Coefficient(–40°C to +85°+600 ppm/°C TypicalX9C103, X9C503, +300 ppm/°C TypicalRatiometric ±20 ppmWiper AdjustabilityUnlimited Wiper Adjustment (Non-Store operation) Wiper Position 10,000 Data ChangesPhysical CharacteristicsMarking IncludesManufacturer‘s TrademarkResistance Value or CodeDate CodeTest Circuit #2*COMMENTStresses above those listed under “Absolute MaximumRatings” may cause permanent damage to the is a stress rating only and the functional operationof the device at these or any other conditions abovethose listed in the operational sections of this specifica-tion is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximumrating conditions for extended periods may affect ST POINTTEST POINTVWVL3863 FHD F04VWVLFORCECURRENT3863 FHD F05Notes:(1)Absolute Linearity is utilized to determine actual wiper voltage versus expected voltage= (Vw(n)(actual) – Vw(n)(expected)) = ±1 Ml Maximum.(2)1 Ml = Minimum Increment = RTOT/99.(3)Relative Linearity is a measure of the error in step size between taps = VW(n+1) – [Vw(n) + Ml] = +0.2 Ml.4

X9C102/103/104/503RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSTemperatureCommercialIndustrialMilitaryMin.0°C–40°C–55°CMax.+70°C+85°C+125°C3863 PGM T03.1Supply VoltageX9C102/103/104/503Limits5V ±10%3863 PGM T04.2D.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified.)LimitsSymbolICCISBILIVIHVILRWVHVLCIN(5)ParameterVCC Active CurrentStandby Supply CurrentCS, INC, U/D InputLeakage CurrentCS, INC, U/D InputHIGH VoltageCS, INC, U/D InputLOW VoltageWiper ResistenceVH Terminal VoltageVL Terminal VoltageCS, INC, U/D .(4)1200Max.3500±102–140–5–5VCC + 10.8100+5+510UnitsmAµAµAVVΩVVpFMax. Wiper Current ±1mATest ConditionsCS = VIL, U/D = VIL or VIH andINC = 0.4V to 2.4V @ max. tCYCCS = VCC – 0.3V, U/D and INC =VSS or VCC – 0.3VVIN = VSS to VCCVCC = 5V, VIN = VSS,TA = 25°C, f = 1MHz3863 PGM T05.3STANDARD PARTSPart NumberX9C102X9C103X9C503X9C104Maximum Resistance1KΩ10KΩ50KΩ100KΩWiper Increments10.1Ω101Ω505Ω1010ΩMinimum Resistance40Ω40Ω40Ω40Ω3863 PGM T08.1Notes:(4)Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage.(5)This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.5

X9C102/103/104/503A.C. CONDITIONS OF TESTInput Pulse LevelsInput Rise and Fall TimesInput Reference Levels0V to 3V10ns1.5V3863 PGM T05.1MODE SELECTIONCSLLHHXLINCU/DHLXXXModeWiper UpWiper DownStore Wiper PositionStandby CurrentNo Store, Return toStandby3863 PGM T06A.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified)LimitsSymboltCltlDtDItlLtlHtlCtCPHtIWtCYCtR,


VCC(7)A.C. TimingCStCYCtCIINCtIDU/DtIWVWMI(8)3863 FHD F03ParameterCS to INC SetupINC HIGH to U/D ChangeU/D to INC SetupINC LOW PeriodINC HIGH PeriodINC Inactive to CS InactiveCS Deselect TimeINC to Vw ChangeINC Cycle TimeINC Input Rise and Fall TimePower up to Wiper StableVCC

Power-up RateMin.1001002.911120Typ.(6)snsµsµsµsµsmsµsµsµsµsmV/µs3863 PGM T07.31500.2tILtIHtICtCPH90%90%10%tDItFtRNotes:(6)Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage.(7)This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.(8)MI in the A.C. timing diagram refers to the minimum incremental change in the VW output due to a change in the wiper position.6

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Frequency Response for X9C102963NORMALIZED


(dB)0–3–6–9–12–15–18– IN KHzTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1KHz)Test Circuit #13863 FHD F06Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1022.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F077

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Linearity for X9C1021086PERCENTAGE

ERRORTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2420–2–4–6–8KEY:= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–9–16WIPER POSITION3863 FHD F08Typical Frequency Response for X9C103963NORMALIZED


(dB)0–3–6–9–12–15–18– IN KHzTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1KHz)Test Circuit #13863 FHD F098

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1032.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F10Typical Linearity for X9C1031086TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2PERCENTAGE


X9C102/103/104/503Typical Frequency Response for X9C503963NORMALIZED


(dB)0-3-6-9-12-15-18- CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1 KHz)Test Circuit #1FREQUENCY IN KHz3863 FHD F12Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C50391.81.61.4THD

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F1310

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Linearity for X9C5031086PERCENTAGE

ERRORTEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2420-2-4-6-8-16WIPER POSITION3863 FHD F14KEY:= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–9Typical Frequency Response for X9C104963NORMALIZED


(dB)0-3-6-9-12-15-18- CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 0.5VRMSNormalized (0dB @ 1 KHz)Test Circuit #1FREQUENCY IN KHz3863 FHD F1511

X9C102/103/104/503Typical Total Harmonic Distortion for X9C1042.

(%)TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CWiper @ Tap 50VH = 2VRMSTest Circuit # IN KHz3863 FHD F16Typical Linearity for X9C1041086PERCENTAGE

ERROR42TEST CONDITIONSVCC = 5VTemp. = 25°CTest Circuit #2KEY:0-2-4-6-8-16WIPER POSITION= ABSOLUTE= RELATIVE0039–93863 FHD F1712

X9C102/103/104/503PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE TYPE P0.430 (10.92)0.360 (9.14)0.092 (2.34)DIA. NOM.0.255 (6.47)0.245 (6.22)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.300(7.62) REF.0.060 (1.52)0.020 (0.51)HALF SHOULDER WIDTH ONALL END PINS OPTIONALSEATINGPLANE0.150 (3.81)0.125 (3.18)0.140 (3.56)0.130 (3.30)0.020 (0.51)0.015 (0.38)0.062 (1.57)0.058 (1.47)0.020 (0.51)0.016 (0.41)0.110 (2.79)0.090 (2.29)0.015 (0.38)MAX.0.325 (8.25)0.300 (7.62)TYP. 0.010 (0.25)0°15°NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F0113

X9C102/103/104/503PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE GULL WING PACKAGE TYPE S0.150 (3.80)0.158 (4.00)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.228 (5.80)0.244 (6.20)0.014 (0.35)0.019 (0.49)0.188 (4.78)0.197 (5.00)(4X) 7°0.053 (1.35)0.069 (1.75)0.004 (0.19)0.010 (0.25)0.050 (1.27)0.010 (0.25)X 45°0.020 (0.50)0° – 8°0.0075 (0.19)0.010 (0.25)0.027 (0.683)0.037 (0.937)NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESIS IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F2214

X9C102/103/104/503ORDERING INFORMATIONX9CXXXXXTemperature RangeBlank = Commercial = 0°C to +70°CI = Industrial = –40°C to +85°CM = Military = –55°C to +125°CPackageP = 8-Lead Plastic DIPS = 8-Lead SOICEnd to End Resistance102 = 1KΩ103 = 10KΩ503 = 50KΩ104 = 100KΩLIMITED WARRANTYDevices sold by Xicor, Inc. are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. Xicor, Inc. makes no warranty,express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent , Inc. makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Xicor, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue production and change specifications andprices at any time and without , Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Xicor, Inc. product. No other circuits, patents, licenses areimplied.U.S. PATENTSXicor products are covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,263,664; 4,274,012; 4,300,212; 4,314,265; 4,326,134; 4,393,481; 4,404,475;4,450,402; 4,486,769; 4,488,060; 4,520,461; 4,533,846; 4,599,706; 4,617,652; 4,668,932; 4,752,912; 4,829, 482; 4,874, 967; 4,883, 976. Foreign patents andadditional patents RELATED POLICYIn situations where semiconductor component failure may endanger life, system designers using this product should design the system with appropriate errordetection and correction, redundancy and back-up features to prevent such an 's products are not authorized for use in critical components in life support devices or support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whosefailure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significantinjury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the lifesupport device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.15


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