LC470EUDProduct SpecificationSPECIFICATIONFORAPPROVAL(●)Preliminary Specification()Final SpecificationTitleBUYERMODELGeneral47.0”WUXGA TFT LCDSUPPLIER*MODELSUFFIXLG Display Co., 470EUDSCA1 (RoHS Verified)*When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffixSIGNATURE
Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and . 1.0TV Product Development Display Co., Ltd1/39
LC470EUDProduct SpecificationRECORD OF REVISIONSRevision No. DateAug, 04, 2009Oct, 06, 2009Nov, 13, 2009
Nov, 16, 2009
Mar, 05, 2010
Mar. 16. 2010Page-21, 22724, 256DescriptionPreliminary Specification(First Draft)
Change the mechanical characteristicUpdate electrical specificationUpdate mechanical characteristicUpdate electrical characteristicsCAS Version 1.0 Release
Final SpecificationVer. 1.03/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification1. General DescriptionThe LC470EUD is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Light Emitting Diode (LED)
backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 46.96inch diagonally
measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array).Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 10-bit gray scale signal for each ore, it can present a palette of more than 1.06Bilion colors.
Ithas been designed to apply the 10-bit 4-port LVDS is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut,high color depth and fast response time are 2(41pin)LVDSEEPROMLVDS 3,4SCLSDAMini-LVDS(RGB)Source Driver CircuitS1G1S19202PortLVDS2PortLVDS
SelectBit SelectL-Dim
Enable+12.0VLocal DimCN3(51pin)LVDS 1,2Option
signalTiming ControllerLVDS Rx + L-Dim + DGA + ODCControlIntegratedSignalsTFT -LCD Panel(1920×RGB ×1080pixels)[Gate In Panel]G1080CN1I2CPower Circuit
BlockPower SignalsDim
V : 6BlockH : 2BlockLED DriverLocal Dimming : 12 BlockGeneral FeaturesActive Screen SizeOutline DimensionPixel PitchPixel FormatColor DepthLuminance, WhiteViewing Angle (CR>10)Power ConsumptionWeightDisplay ModeSurface Treatment46.96 inch (1192.87mm) diagonal1083.6(H) x 628.8(V) x 10.8(D) mm (Typ.)0.5415 mm x 0.5415 mm1920 horiz. by 1080 vert. Pixels, RGB stripe arrangement10bit(D), 1.06Billon colors450 cd/m2
(Center 1point ,Typ.)Viewing angle free ( R/L 178 (Min.), U/D 178 (Min.))Total 110.7W () (Logic=8.4W, LED Driver=102.3W(ExtVbr_B=100% )]15.0 Kg (Typ.)
Transmissive mode, Normally blackHard coating(3H), Anti-glare treatment of the front polarizer (Haze 10%)
4/39Ver. 1.0
LC470EUDProduct Specification2. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to theLCD 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameterLCD CircuitDriverON/OFFBrightnessSymbolVLCDVBLVOFF
/ VONEXTVBR-BVLOGICTOPTSTTSURHOPHSTValueMin-0.3-0.3-0.30.0-0.30-20-1010Max+14.0+ 27.0+5.5+5.5+4.0+50+60+689090UnitVDCVDCVDCVDCVDC°C°C°C%RH%RH2,342,31NotePower Input VoltageDriver Control VoltageT-Con Option Selection VoltageOperating TemperatureStorage TemperaturePanel Front Temperature
Operating Ambient HumidityStorage HumidityNote
1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta =
25 ±2 °C )2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown inthe figure below.
Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39°C, and no condensation of water.
3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40°C condition.4. The maximum operating temperatures is based on the test condition that the surface temperatureof display area is less than or equal to 68°C with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled l management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature ofdisplay area from being over 68℃. The range of operating temperature may degraded in case ofimproper thermal management in final product design.
90%6060%Wet BulbTemperature [°C]302010010%1080Humidity
[(%)RH]5040Storage40%Operation-200Dry Bulb Temperature [°C]Ver. 1.05/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3. Electrical Specifications3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsIt requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the LED
backlight and LED Driver 2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterCircuit :Power Input VoltagePower Input CurrentPower ConsumptionRush currentVLCDILCDPLCDIRUSH-10.8--12.07029808.42-13.2913127110.955.0VDCmAmAWattA1213SymbolMinValueTypMaxUnitNoteNote
1. The specified current and power consumption are under the VLCD=12.0V, Ta=25 ±2°C, fV=120Hz
condition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and fVis the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at the maximum current pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time ofpower input is 0.5ms (min.).
White : 1023 GrayBlack : 0 GrayMosaic Pattern(8 x 6)Ver. 1.06/39
LC470EUDProduct SpecificationTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)ParameterLED Driver :Power Supply Input VoltagePower Supply Input Current
Power Supply Input Current (In-Rush)Power ConsumptionOn/OffOnOffVBLIBL_AIrushPBLV onV offExtVBR-BPALNTSCHigh LevelLow Level2.50.030,00022.8---2.5-0.31024.04.27-102.3-0.0-100120--5.00.825.24.545.73108.9SymbolValuesMinTypMaxUnitNotesVdcAAWVdcVdc%HzHzVdcVdcHrs1Ext VBR-B= 100%VBL= 22.8VExt VBR-B= 100%4Ext VBR-B= 100%5.00.8100Brightness AdjustInput Voltage for
Control System
PWM Frequency for
NTSC & PALPulse Duty Level(PWM)LED :Life TimeOn Duty33HIGH : on dutyLOW : off duty2Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 60minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage24Vand VBR(ExtVBR-B: 100%), it is total power consumption.2. The life time(MTTF) is determined as the time which luminance of the LED is 50% compared to that of initialvalue at the typical LED current (ExtVBR-B :100%) on condition of continuous operating in LCM state at25±2°C.3. LGD recommend that the PWM freq. is synchronized with One time harmonic of Vsync signal of system.
Though PWM frequency is over 120Hz (max 252Hz), function of LED Driver is not affected.4. The duration of rush current is about 200ms.5. Even though inrush current is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is . 1.07/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs three kinds of interface connection, 51-pin, 41-pin and 8-pin connector are used
for the module electronics and 14-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system.
3-2-1. LCD Module
-LCD Connector(CN1) : FI-R51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or KN25-51P-0.5SH(manufactured by Hirose)Refer to below and next Page table-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleTable 4-1. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo17181926SymbolNCNCNCNCNCNCLVDS SelectEXTVBR-BNCL-DIM EnableGNDR1ANR1APR1BNR1BPR1CNR1CPGNDR1CLKNR1CLKPGNDR1DNR1DPR1ENR1EPNCDescriptionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo Connection‘H’=JEIDA , ‘L’or NC= VESA
External VBR (From System)No Connection‘H’= Enable , ‘L’or NC = Disable
GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)No ConnectionNo27282936373839464748495051-SymbolBit SelectR2ANR2APR2BNR2BPR2CNR2CPGNDR2CLKNR2CLKPGNDR2DNR2DPR2ENR2EPNCNC
GNDGNDGNDNCVLCDVLCDVLCDVLCD-Description‘H’or NC=10bit(D) , ‘L’= 8bitSECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundSECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundSECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)No ConnectionNo ConnectionGroundGroundGroundNo connectionPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0V-Note
1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.
2. All VLCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.4. Specific pins(pin No. #2~#6) are used for internal data process of the LCD pins should be no connection.5. Specific pins(pin No. # 8~#10) are used for Local Dimming function of the LCD module.
If not used, these pins are no connection. (Please see the Appendix III-4 for more information.)6. LVDS pin (pin No. #24,25,40,41) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.7. Specific pin No. #44 is used for “No signal detection”of system signal should be GND for NSB(No Signal Black) during the system interface signal is this pin is “H”, LCD Module displays AGP(Auto Generation Pattern).8/39Ver. 1.0
LC470EUDProduct Specification-LCD Connector(CN2) : FI-RE41S-HF (manufactured by JAE) or KN25-41P-0.5SH (manufactured by Hirose)-Mating Connector : FI-RE41HLTable 4-2. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN2) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo1718192021SymbolNCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCGNDRA3NRA3PRB3NRB3PRC3NRC3PGNDRCLK3NRCLK3PGNDRD3NRD3PDescriptionNo connection(Reserved)No connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionGroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)No2223242526272829363738394041-SymbolRE3NRE3PGNDGNDRA4NRA4PRB4NRB4PRC4NRC4PGNDRCLK4NRCLK4PGNDRD4NRD4PRE4NRE4PGNDGNDDescriptionTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)GroundGroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)GroundGroundNote : 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.
2. LVDS pin (pin No. #22,23,38,39) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no 4-3. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN3) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo12345678SymbolVSYNCGNDGNDSINGNDSCLKReservedReverseDescriptionVertical Sync signalBacklight GroundBacklight GroundLocal Dimming Serial DataBacklight GroundLocal Dim Serial ClockNo ConnectionLocal Dimming data Reverse#1#1CN3#8#1CN1#51#1CN2#41CN3#8#1CN1 CN2#51#1#41Rear view of LCMVer. 1.09/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-2-2. Backlight Module
Master-LED Driver Connector : 20022WR-14B1(Yeonho)
or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-14or EquivalentTable 5. LED DRIVER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATIONPin No11121314SymbolVBLVBLVBLVBLVBLGNDGNDGNDGNDGNDNCVON/OFFEXTVBR-BGNDDescriptionPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundNo connectionBacklight ON/OFF controlExternal PWMBacklight GroundNote123Notes : 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.
2. High : on duty / Low : off duty, Pin#13 can be opened. ( if Pin #13 is open , EXTVBR-B is 100% )3. #14 of Input CNT Must be Connected to Backlight Ground.4. Each impedance of pin #12 and 13 is over 50 [KΩ] and over 50 [KΩ].
◆Rear view of LCMPCB14……1
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal
timings should be satisfied with the following specification fornormal 6-1. TIMING TABLE for ATSC/NTSC (DE Only Mode)ITEMDisplayPeriodHorizontalBlankTotalDisplayPeriodVerticalBlankTotalDCLKFrequencyHorizontalVerticalSymboltHVtHBtHPtVVtVBtVPfCLKfHfVMin48109666.97121.8108Typ48112574.25135120Max486116678.00140122UnittCLKtCLKtCLKLinesLinesLinesMHzKHzHz221Note1920 / 41Table 6-2 TIMING TABLE for DVB/PAL (DE Only Mode)ITEMDisplayPeriodHorizontalBlankTotalDisplayPeriodVerticalBlankTotalDCLKFrequencyHorizontalVerticalSymboltHVtHBtHPtVVtVBtVPfCLKfHfVMin488130866.97121.895Typ480135074.25135100Max4800138078.00140104UnittCLKtCLKtCLKLinesLinesLinesMHzKHzHz221Note1920 / 41Note 1. The Input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation(DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum for EMI, add some additional clock tominimum value for clock margin.
2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the verticalrefresh rate and the horizontal . 1.011/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing DiagramDE, Data0.7VDD0.3VDDDCLKtCLK0.5 VDDValid dataFirst dataInvalid dataPixel 0Pixel 4Invalid dataValid dataSecond dataInvalid dataPixel 1Pixel 5Invalid dataValid dataThird dataInvalid dataPixel 2Pixel 6Invalid dataValid dataForth dataInvalid dataPixel 3Pixel 7Invalid dataDE(Data Enable)* tHB= tHFP+ tWH+tHBP* tVB= tVFP+ tWV+tVBP1DE(Data Enable)1080tVVtVPVer. 1.012/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal Characteristics1) DC SpecificationLVDS -LVDS +VCM# VCM= {(LVDS+) + (LVDS-)}/20VVIN_MAXVIN_MINDescriptionLVDS Common mode VoltageLVDS Input Voltage RangeChange in common mode Voltage2) AC SpecificationSymbolVCMVINΔVCMMin1.00.7Max1.51.8250UnitVVmVNote---TclkLVDS ClockALVDS DatatSKEWtSKEW(Fclk= 1/Tclk)ATclk80%LVDS 1’st ClockLVDS 2nd/ 3rd/ 4thClock20%tSKEW_mintSKEW_maxtRFDescriptionLVDS Differential VoltageHigh ThresholdLow ThresholdSymbolVTHVTLtSKEWtRFteffMin100-300260±360Max300-100|(0.25*Tclk)/7|(0.3*Tclk)/71/7* TclkUnitmVmVpspspsTclkNote3-2--LVDS Clock to Data Skew MarginLVDS Clock/DATA Rising/Falling timeEffective time of LVDSLVDS Clock to Clock Skew Margin (Even to Odd)tSKEW_EONote
1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.2. IftRFisn’t enough, teff
should be meet the range.3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within teffVer. 1.013/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification360psV+
clktui : Unit IntervalVcmV-clkVer. 1.014/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based onthe
10bit gray scale data input for the higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color DataColorREDGREENBLUEMSB LSBMSB LSBMSB LSBR9 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1BlackRed (1023)Green (1023)BasicColorBlue (1023)CyanMagentaYellowWhiteRED (0000)RED (0001)RED…RED (1022)RED (1023)GREEN (0000)
GREEN (GREEN (1022)GREEN (1023)BLUE (0000)
BLUE (0001)BLUE…BLUE (1022)BLUE (1023)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ver. 1.015/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuit90%90%10%T8T230%T510%Power Supply For LCDVLCD0V10%T1Valid DataVcm: LVDS Common mode VoltageInterface Signal (Tx_clock)0V100%T6T3T4User Control Signal
(LVDS_select, BIT _select, L-DIM Enable)Power for LEDT7LED ONTable 8. POWER SEQUENCEValueParameterMinT1T2T3T4T5T6T7T80.502002001.0-0.5100Typ------Max20----T2--msmsmsmssmssms643354UnitNotesNote :1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V.3. The
T4is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification,
abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.4. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power(VLCD),it will be happened abnormal display. When
T6is NC status,T6doesn’t need to be measured.
T5should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on
period.6. It is recommendation specification that T8 has to be 100ms asa minimum . 1.016/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification3-6-2. Sequence for LED DriverPower Supply For LED Driver24V (typ.)90%90%VBL10%0VT1VON/OFFT2T3LED ONExt-VBR-BT4T53-6-3. Dip condition for LED DriverT6VBL
: 24VVBL(Typ.) x 0.80 VTable 9. Power Sequence for LED DriverParameterT1T2T3T4T5T6ValuesMin205001000----Typ--Max-----10UnitsmsmsmsmsmsmsVBL(Typ) x 0.8Remarks1Notes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time.
Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is . 1.017/39
LC470EUDProduct Specification4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stablein a dark environmentat
25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm fromthe LCD surface at a viewing angle
of Φand θequal to 0 °.
It is presented additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method in FIG. l Stage(x,y)LCD ModulePritchard 880 orequivalent50cmFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and MethodTable 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterContrast RatioSurface Luminance, whiteLuminance VariationGray-to-GrayResponse TimeMPRTUniformityUniformityREDGREENBLUE
WHITEColor TemperatureColor GamutViewing Angle (CR>10)x axis, right(φ=0°)x axis, left (φ=180°)y axis, up (φ=90°)y axis, down (φ=270°)Gray ScaleVer. 1.0θrθlθuθd89898989-----------718/39degree6SymbolCRLWHδWHITEG to GMPRTδMPRTδG TO GRxRyGxGyBxByWxWyTyp-0.035PTa= 25±2°C, VLCD=12.0V, fV=120Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz,
EXTVBR-B =100%ValueMin1000360-----Typ1400450-58--0.6490.3320.3070.5950.1490.0590.2790.29210,00072K%Typ
+0.03Max--1.381211msmscd/m2UnitNote1234,5Color Coordinates
LC470EUDProduct SpecificationNotes :1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(ContrastRatio) = Maximum CRn(n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCR =
Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 1 Hour afterlighting the
backlight in a dark environmentat 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center
1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) / Minimum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5)Where Lon1to Lon5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations.
For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transitfrom G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, TrR)
and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, TrD). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N LC470EUDProduct SpecificationMeasuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance ②①BV③④⑤A : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mm@ H,V : Active AreaFIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.TrR10090TrDOptical Response100Gray(N)Gray(M)N,M = Black~White, N LC470EUDProduct SpecificationMPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge with Bij(pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture.M =1ULjBij (i=j)90%Example) Bij = 12pixels, U = 10pixels / 120HzM = 12pixels / (10pixels / 120Hz)= 12pixels / {10pixels / (1/120)s}i= 12 / 1,200 s= 10 msFIG. 4 MPRTL10%BijDimension of viewing angle rangeNormal E Yφ = 90°, Upφ = 180°, Leftθφφ = 0°, Rightφ = 270°, DownFIG. 5 Viewing AngleVer. 1.021/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSItemHorizontalOutline DimensionVerticalDepthBezel AreaHorizontalVerticalHorizontalVerticalValue1083.6 mm628.8 mm10.8 mm1047.6 mm592.8 mm1039.68 mm584.82 mm15.0Kg (Typ.), 16.5kg (Max.) Active Display AreaWeightNote : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next . 1.022/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification[ FRONT VIEW ]Ver. 1.023/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification[ REAR VIEW ]Ver. 1.024/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNo.1234Test ItemHigh temperature storage testLow temperature storage testHigh temperature operation testLow temperature operation testTa= 60°C 240hTa= -20°C 240hConditionTa= 50°C 50%RH 240hTa= 0°C 240hWave form : randomVibration level : 1.0GrmsBandwidth : 10-300HzDuration : X,Y,Z, 30 min Each direction per 10 minShock level : 50GrmsWaveform : half sine wave, 11msDirection :±X, ±Y, ±ZOne time each directionTa= 40 °C ,90%RH0 -15,000 ft0 -40,000 ft5Vibration test(non-operating)6Shock test(non-operating)78Humidity condition OperationAltitude operatingstorage / shipmentNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal . 1.025/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories , Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards , Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for ElectrotechnicalStandardization (CENELEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.(Including report of IEC60825-1:2001 clause 8 and clause 9)Notes 1. Laser (LED Backlight) InformationClass 1M LED ProductIEC60825-1 : 2001Embedded LED Power (Class1M)Power : 6.5896 mW(Max.)Wavelength : 277 ~526 (nm)Width : 1.6 x 0.6 (mm)2. Caution: LED 1M laser (LEDs) radiation when not open while operating.7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.”American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003.b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limit and methods of measurement." International Special Committeeon Radio Interference (CISPR), 2005.c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of thecouncil of 27 January 2003Ver. 1.026/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification8. Packing8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) E : MONTH D : YEAR F ~ M : SERIAL 1. YEARYearMark233266299201002. MONTHMonthMarkJan1Feb2Mar4Apr4May5Jun6Jul7Aug8Sep9OctANovBDecCb) Location of Lot MarkSerial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to thebackside of the LCD is subject to change without prior notice. 8-2. Packing Forma) Package quantity in one Pallet : 13 pcsb) Pallet Size : 1300 mm X 1140 mm X 850 mm Ver. 1.027/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCDmodule.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the arent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimentalto the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials like chamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer. (8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causes deformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength. 9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage: V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature sation makes damage to polarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnantimage is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppressionto the electromagnetic interference shall be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized theinterference. (7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impactto LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operated its full characteristics perfectly. (8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw. (if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCMa fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from LED driver inductor to prevent abnormal display, sound noise and temperature . 1.028/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperature between 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped. 9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a very small amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on thebezel surface or its vestige is recognized, please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with . 1.029/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-I■LC470EUD-SCA1 –Pallet Ass’yNO.1112DESCRIPTIONLCD ModuleBAGTAPEPALLETPACKING,BOTTOMPACKING,TOPANGLE,POSTANGLE,PACKINGBAND,CLIPBANDTAPELABEL47INCHMATERIALMASKING 20MMX50MPAPER 1300X1140X126MMEPSEPSPAPER PAPERSTEELPPOPPYUPO 80G 100X70Ver. 1.030/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-II-1■LC470EUD-SCA1-LCM LabelModelLC470EUD(SC)(A1)Serial UL, TUV MarkLGD LogoUS PATENT . 1.031/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-II-2■LC470EUD-SCA1-Pallet LabelLC470EUDSCA113 PCS001/01-01MADE IN KOREARoHS VerifiedXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX Ver. 1.032/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“L”)Host System30 BitRED0RED1RED2RED3RED4RED5RED6RED7RED8RED9GREEN0GREEN1GREEN2GREEN3GREEN4GREEN5GREEN6GREEN7GREEN8GREEN9BLUE0BLUE1BLUE2BLUE3BLUE4BLUE5BLUE6BLUE7BLUE8BLUE9HsyncVsyncData EnableCLOCKTHC63LVD103or Compatible333435363738596495155575812FI-RE51S-HF3TimingControllerTA-TA+TB-TB+TC-TC+TCLK-TCLK+TD-TD+TE-TE+71920ΩRO0NRO0PRO1NRO1PRO2NRO2PROCLKNROCLKPRO3NRO3PRO4NRO4PVESA/ JEIDA100Ω100Ω100Ω100Ω100ΩLCM ModuleNote: 1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data. Ver. 1.033/39GND LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“H”)Host System30 BitRED0RED1RED2RED3RED4RED5RED6RED7RED8RED9GREEN0GREEN1GREEN2GREEN3GREEN4GREEN5GREEN6GREEN7GREEN8GREEN9BLUE0BLUE1BLUE2BLUE3BLUE4BLUE5BLUE6BLUE7BLUE8BLUE9HsyncVsyncData EnableCLOCKTHC63LVD103or Compatible4559638686263412FI-RE51S-HF3TimingControllerTA-TA+TB-TB+TC-TC+TCLK-TCLK+TD-TD+TE-TE+71920ΩRO0NRO0PRO1NRO1PRO2NRO2PROCLKNROCLKPRO3NRO3PRO4NRO4PVESA /JEIDA100Ω100Ω100Ω100Ω100ΩLCM ModuleNote :1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data. Ver. 1.034/39VCC LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (10 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPREPR15’G16’B17’R13’R11’R14’G15’B16’R12’R10’G14B15DEXXR19B14R18G19R17G18R16G17B18G12G10R15G16B17R13R11R14G15B16R12R10G14”B15”DE”X”X”VSYNCHSYNCB19B13B11B12B10G13G112) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPREPR11’G12’B13’R17’R19’R10’G11’B12’R16’R18’G10B11DEXXR15B10R14G15R13G14R12G13B14G16G18R11G12B13R17R19R10G11B12R16R18G10”B15”DE”X”X”VSYNCHSYNCB15B17B19B16B18G17G19Ver. 1.035/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (8 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPR13’G14’B15’R11’R12’G13’B14’R10’G12B13DEXR17B12R16G17R15G16R14G15B16G10R13G14B15R11R12G13B14R10G12”B13”DE”X”VSYNCHSYNCB17B11B10G112) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPR11’G12’B13’R17’R10’G11’B12’R16’G10B11DEXR15B10R14G15R13G14R12G13B14G16R11G12B13R17R10G11B12R16G10”B15”DE”X”VSYNCHSYNCB15B17B16G17Ver. 1.036/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-3■Option PinCircuit Block Diagram1) Circuit Block Diagram of LVDS FormatSelection pinLVDS Select Pin : Pin 71KΩLVDS Select(Pin 7)LVDS Select50KΩASIC(TCON)System SideLCM Side2) Circuit Block Diagram of L-Dim EnableSelection pinL-Dim Enable Pin : Pin 10VCCVCCOPENR1L-Dim _Enable (Pin 10) 50KΩL-Dim _EnableASIC(TCON)1KΩSystem SideR1 ≤1KΩLCM SideVer. 1.037/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-4■EXTVBR-B & Local DimmingDesign Guide 1) When L-Dim Enable is “L", Vertical Sync Signal = System Dimming with 100Hz or 120Hz frequency.2) Local Dimming signals are synchronized with V-Sync Freq. of System in T-Con Board.3)EXTVBR-BSpecification ( VCC = 3.3V ) @ Local Dimminga) High Voltage Range : 2.5 V ~ 3.6 Vb) Low Voltage Range : 0.0 V ~ 0.8 V(8pin)#1 : Vertical Sync signal#2 : Reserved#3 : Reserved#4 : Local Dimming Serial Data#5 : GND#6 : Local Dim Serial Clock#7 : Reserved#8 : ReverseLCM T-con Board#1#8T-Con51CNT1 51pinCNT4#1CNT2 41pinCNT441(51pin)#8 : EXTVBR-B#9 : NC#10 : L-DIM Enable #11 : NC#1#8#1B/L Signal GenerationBlock#13 : EXTVBR-BLocal Dimming On3.3VSystemMain IC(PWM Generator)Local Dimming OffLEDDriver14pinChassis 1KhzRecommendation: 100 Hz for PAL120Hz for NTSCMAX 10.0 μsMAX 10.0 μsVCCVCC*0.9Rising TimeFalling TimeVCC*0.1038/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-IV-1Gray to Gray Response Time UniformityThis is only the reference data of G to G and uniformity for LC470EUD-SCA1 model.1. G to G Response Time : Response time is defined as Figure3 and shall be measured by switching the input signal for“Gray (N) ”and “Gray(M)”.(32Gray Step at 8bit) 2. G to G Uniformity The variation of G to G Uniformity , δG to Gis defined as :G to G Uniformity =Maximum(GtoG)−Typical(GtoG)Typical(GtoG)≤1*Maximum (GtoG) means maximum value of measured time (N, M = 0 (Black) ~ 1023(White), 128 gray step).0Gray0Gray127Gray255Gray…895Gray1023GrayTrD:127G
2024年2月24日发(作者:节半兰) LC470EUDProduct SpecificationSPECIFICATIONFORAPPROVAL(●)Preliminary Specification()Final SpecificationTitleBUYERMODELGeneral47.0”WUXGA TFT LCDSUPPLIER*MODELSUFFIXLG Display Co., 470EUDSCA1 (RoHS Verified)*When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffixSIGNATURE DATEAPPROVED BY/APPROVED BYSIGNATUREDATEP.Y. Kim / Team LeaderREVIEWED BY/Y.J. Heo / Project LeaderPREPARED BY/K.S. Kim / Engineer Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and . 1.0TV Product Development Display Co., Ltd1/39 LC470EUDProduct SpecificationCONTENTSNumberCOVERCONTENTSRECORD OF REVISIONS1233-13-23-33-43-53-645677-17-27-388-18-299-19-29-39-49-59-6Ver. 1.0GENERAL DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSINTERFACE CONNECTIONSSIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONSLVDS SIGNAL SPECIFICATIONSCOLOR DATA REFERENCEPOWER SEQUENCEOPTICAL SPECIFICATIONSMECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSRELIABILITYINTERNATIONAL STANDARDSSAFETYEMCEnvironmentPACKINGINFORMATION OF LCM LABELPACKING FORMPRECAUTIONSMOUNTING PRECAUTIONSOPERATING PRECAUTIONSELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLPRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURESTORAGEHANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILMITEMPage26262626272727282828292929292/39 LC470EUDProduct SpecificationRECORD OF REVISIONSRevision No. DateAug, 04, 2009Oct, 06, 2009Nov, 13, 2009 Nov, 16, 2009 Mar, 05, 2010 Mar. 16. 2010Page-21, 22724, 256DescriptionPreliminary Specification(First Draft) Change the mechanical characteristicUpdate electrical specificationUpdate mechanical characteristicUpdate electrical characteristicsCAS Version 1.0 Release Final SpecificationVer. 1.03/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification1. General DescriptionThe LC470EUD is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Light Emitting Diode (LED) backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 46.96inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array).Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 10-bit gray scale signal for each ore, it can present a palette of more than 1.06Bilion colors. Ithas been designed to apply the 10-bit 4-port LVDS is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut,high color depth and fast response time are 2(41pin)LVDSEEPROMLVDS 3,4SCLSDAMini-LVDS(RGB)Source Driver CircuitS1G1S19202PortLVDS2PortLVDS SelectBit SelectL-Dim Enable+12.0VLocal DimCN3(51pin)LVDS 1,2Option signalTiming ControllerLVDS Rx + L-Dim + DGA + ODCControlIntegratedSignalsTFT -LCD Panel(1920×RGB ×1080pixels)[Gate In Panel]G1080CN1I2CPower Circuit BlockPower SignalsDim (8 pin)DCLKVSYNC, SIN, SCLK, GND+24.0V, GND, On/OffExtVBR-B V : 6BlockH : 2BlockLED DriverLocal Dimming : 12 BlockGeneral FeaturesActive Screen SizeOutline DimensionPixel PitchPixel FormatColor DepthLuminance, WhiteViewing Angle (CR>10)Power ConsumptionWeightDisplay ModeSurface Treatment46.96 inch (1192.87mm) diagonal1083.6(H) x 628.8(V) x 10.8(D) mm (Typ.)0.5415 mm x 0.5415 mm1920 horiz. by 1080 vert. Pixels, RGB stripe arrangement10bit(D), 1.06Billon colors450 cd/m2 (Center 1point ,Typ.)Viewing angle free ( R/L 178 (Min.), U/D 178 (Min.))Total 110.7W () (Logic=8.4W, LED Driver=102.3W(ExtVbr_B=100% )]15.0 Kg (Typ.) Transmissive mode, Normally blackHard coating(3H), Anti-glare treatment of the front polarizer (Haze 10%) 4/39Ver. 1.0 LC470EUDProduct Specification2. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to theLCD 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameterLCD CircuitDriverON/OFFBrightnessSymbolVLCDVBLVOFF / VONEXTVBR-BVLOGICTOPTSTTSURHOPHSTValueMin-0.3-0.3-0.30.0-0.30-20-1010Max+14.0+ 27.0+5.5+5.5+4.0+50+60+689090UnitVDCVDCVDCVDCVDC°C°C°C%RH%RH2,342,31NotePower Input VoltageDriver Control VoltageT-Con Option Selection VoltageOperating TemperatureStorage TemperaturePanel Front Temperature Operating Ambient HumidityStorage HumidityNote 1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta = 25 ±2 °C )2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown inthe figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39°C, and no condensation of water. 3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40°C condition.4. The maximum operating temperatures is based on the test condition that the surface temperatureof display area is less than or equal to 68°C with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled l management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature ofdisplay area from being over 68℃. The range of operating temperature may degraded in case ofimproper thermal management in final product design. 90%6060%Wet BulbTemperature [°C]302010010%1080Humidity [(%)RH]5040Storage40%Operation-200Dry Bulb Temperature [°C]Ver. 1.05/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3. Electrical Specifications3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsIt requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the LED backlight and LED Driver 2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterCircuit :Power Input VoltagePower Input CurrentPower ConsumptionRush currentVLCDILCDPLCDIRUSH-10.8--12.07029808.42-13.2913127110.955.0VDCmAmAWattA1213SymbolMinValueTypMaxUnitNoteNote 1. The specified current and power consumption are under the VLCD=12.0V, Ta=25 ±2°C, fV=120Hz condition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and fVis the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at the maximum current pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time ofpower input is 0.5ms (min.). White : 1023 GrayBlack : 0 GrayMosaic Pattern(8 x 6)Ver. 1.06/39 LC470EUDProduct SpecificationTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)ParameterLED Driver :Power Supply Input VoltagePower Supply Input Current Power Supply Input Current (In-Rush)Power ConsumptionOn/OffOnOffVBLIBL_AIrushPBLV onV offExtVBR-BPALNTSCHigh LevelLow Level2.50.030,00022.8---2.5-0.31024.04.27-102.3-0.0-100120--5.00.825.24.545.73108.9SymbolValuesMinTypMaxUnitNotesVdcAAWVdcVdc%HzHzVdcVdcHrs1Ext VBR-B= 100%VBL= 22.8VExt VBR-B= 100%4Ext VBR-B= 100%5.00.8100Brightness AdjustInput Voltage for Control System PWM Frequency for Signals NTSC & PALPulse Duty Level(PWM)LED :Life TimeOn Duty33HIGH : on dutyLOW : off duty2Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 60minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage24Vand VBR(ExtVBR-B: 100%), it is total power consumption.2. The life time(MTTF) is determined as the time which luminance of the LED is 50% compared to that of initialvalue at the typical LED current (ExtVBR-B :100%) on condition of continuous operating in LCM state at25±2°C.3. LGD recommend that the PWM freq. is synchronized with One time harmonic of Vsync signal of system. Though PWM frequency is over 120Hz (max 252Hz), function of LED Driver is not affected.4. The duration of rush current is about 200ms.5. Even though inrush current is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is . 1.07/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs three kinds of interface connection, 51-pin, 41-pin and 8-pin connector are used for the module electronics and 14-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system. 3-2-1. LCD Module -LCD Connector(CN1) : FI-R51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or KN25-51P-0.5SH(manufactured by Hirose)Refer to below and next Page table-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleTable 4-1. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo17181926SymbolNCNCNCNCNCNCLVDS SelectEXTVBR-BNCL-DIM EnableGNDR1ANR1APR1BNR1BPR1CNR1CPGNDR1CLKNR1CLKPGNDR1DNR1DPR1ENR1EPNCDescriptionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo ConnectionNo Connection‘H’=JEIDA , ‘L’or NC= VESA External VBR (From System)No Connection‘H’= Enable , ‘L’or NC = Disable GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundFIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)No ConnectionNo27282936373839464748495051-SymbolBit SelectR2ANR2APR2BNR2BPR2CNR2CPGNDR2CLKNR2CLKPGNDR2DNR2DPR2ENR2EPNCNC GNDGNDGNDNCVLCDVLCDVLCDVLCD-Description‘H’or NC=10bit(D) , ‘L’= 8bitSECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundSECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundSECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)No ConnectionNo ConnectionGroundGroundGroundNo connectionPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0VPower Supply +12.0V-Note 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame. 2. All VLCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.4. Specific pins(pin No. #2~#6) are used for internal data process of the LCD pins should be no connection.5. Specific pins(pin No. # 8~#10) are used for Local Dimming function of the LCD module. If not used, these pins are no connection. (Please see the Appendix III-4 for more information.)6. LVDS pin (pin No. #24,25,40,41) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.7. Specific pin No. #44 is used for “No signal detection”of system signal should be GND for NSB(No Signal Black) during the system interface signal is this pin is “H”, LCD Module displays AGP(Auto Generation Pattern).8/39Ver. 1.0 LC470EUDProduct Specification-LCD Connector(CN2) : FI-RE41S-HF (manufactured by JAE) or KN25-41P-0.5SH (manufactured by Hirose)-Mating Connector : FI-RE41HLTable 4-2. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN2) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo1718192021SymbolNCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCGNDRA3NRA3PRB3NRB3PRC3NRC3PGNDRCLK3NRCLK3PGNDRD3NRD3PDescriptionNo connection(Reserved)No connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionNo connectionGroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)No2223242526272829363738394041-SymbolRE3NRE3PGNDGNDRA4NRA4PRB4NRB4PRC4NRC4PGNDRCLK4NRCLK4PGNDRD4NRD4PRE4NRE4PGNDGNDDescriptionTHIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)THIRD LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)GroundGroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)GroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)GroundFORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (E-)FORTH LVDS Receiver Signal (E+)GroundGroundNote : 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame. 2. LVDS pin (pin No. #22,23,38,39) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no 4-3. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN3) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo12345678SymbolVSYNCGNDGNDSINGNDSCLKReservedReverseDescriptionVertical Sync signalBacklight GroundBacklight GroundLocal Dimming Serial DataBacklight GroundLocal Dim Serial ClockNo ConnectionLocal Dimming data Reverse#1#1CN3#8#1CN1#51#1CN2#41CN3#8#1CN1 CN2#51#1#41Rear view of LCMVer. 1.09/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-2-2. Backlight Module Master-LED Driver Connector : 20022WR-14B1(Yeonho) or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-14or EquivalentTable 5. LED DRIVER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATIONPin No11121314SymbolVBLVBLVBLVBLVBLGNDGNDGNDGNDGNDNCVON/OFFEXTVBR-BGNDDescriptionPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VPower Supply +24.0VBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundBacklight GroundNo connectionBacklight ON/OFF controlExternal PWMBacklight GroundNote123Notes : 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame. 2. High : on duty / Low : off duty, Pin#13 can be opened. ( if Pin #13 is open , EXTVBR-B is 100% )3. #14 of Input CNT Must be Connected to Backlight Ground.4. Each impedance of pin #12 and 13 is over 50 [KΩ] and over 50 [KΩ]. ◆Rear view of LCMPCB14……1 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification fornormal 6-1. TIMING TABLE for ATSC/NTSC (DE Only Mode)ITEMDisplayPeriodHorizontalBlankTotalDisplayPeriodVerticalBlankTotalDCLKFrequencyHorizontalVerticalSymboltHVtHBtHPtVVtVBtVPfCLKfHfVMin48109666.97121.8108Typ48112574.25135120Max486116678.00140122UnittCLKtCLKtCLKLinesLinesLinesMHzKHzHz221Note1920 / 41Table 6-2 TIMING TABLE for DVB/PAL (DE Only Mode)ITEMDisplayPeriodHorizontalBlankTotalDisplayPeriodVerticalBlankTotalDCLKFrequencyHorizontalVerticalSymboltHVtHBtHPtVVtVBtVPfCLKfHfVMin488130866.97121.895Typ480135074.25135100Max4800138078.00140104UnittCLKtCLKtCLKLinesLinesLinesMHzKHzHz221Note1920 / 41Note 1. The Input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation(DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum for EMI, add some additional clock tominimum value for clock margin. 2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the verticalrefresh rate and the horizontal . 1.011/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing DiagramDE, Data0.7VDD0.3VDDDCLKtCLK0.5 VDDValid dataFirst dataInvalid dataPixel 0Pixel 4Invalid dataValid dataSecond dataInvalid dataPixel 1Pixel 5Invalid dataValid dataThird dataInvalid dataPixel 2Pixel 6Invalid dataValid dataForth dataInvalid dataPixel 3Pixel 7Invalid dataDE(Data Enable)* tHB= tHFP+ tWH+tHBP* tVB= tVFP+ tWV+tVBP1DE(Data Enable)1080tVVtVPVer. 1.012/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal Characteristics1) DC SpecificationLVDS -LVDS +VCM# VCM= {(LVDS+) + (LVDS-)}/20VVIN_MAXVIN_MINDescriptionLVDS Common mode VoltageLVDS Input Voltage RangeChange in common mode Voltage2) AC SpecificationSymbolVCMVINΔVCMMin1.00.7Max1.51.8250UnitVVmVNote---TclkLVDS ClockALVDS DatatSKEWtSKEW(Fclk= 1/Tclk)ATclk80%LVDS 1’st ClockLVDS 2nd/ 3rd/ 4thClock20%tSKEW_mintSKEW_maxtRFDescriptionLVDS Differential VoltageHigh ThresholdLow ThresholdSymbolVTHVTLtSKEWtRFteffMin100-300260±360Max300-100|(0.25*Tclk)/7|(0.3*Tclk)/71/7* TclkUnitmVmVpspspsTclkNote3-2--LVDS Clock to Data Skew MarginLVDS Clock/DATA Rising/Falling timeEffective time of LVDSLVDS Clock to Clock Skew Margin (Even to Odd)tSKEW_EONote 1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.2. IftRFisn’t enough, teff should be meet the range.3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within teffVer. 1.013/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification360psV+ data0.5tuituiVTHVcmVTLV-data360psteffV+ clktui : Unit IntervalVcmV-clkVer. 1.014/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based onthe 10bit gray scale data input for the higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color DataColorREDGREENBLUEMSB LSBMSB LSBMSB LSBR9 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1BlackRed (1023)Green (1023)BasicColorBlue (1023)CyanMagentaYellowWhiteRED (0000)RED (0001)RED…RED (1022)RED (1023)GREEN (0000) GREEN (GREEN (1022)GREEN (1023)BLUE (0000) BLUE (0001)BLUE…BLUE (1022)BLUE (1023)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ver. 1.015/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuit90%90%10%T8T230%T510%Power Supply For LCDVLCD0V10%T1Valid DataVcm: LVDS Common mode VoltageInterface Signal (Tx_clock)0V100%T6T3T4User Control Signal (LVDS_select, BIT _select, L-DIM Enable)Power for LEDT7LED ONTable 8. POWER SEQUENCEValueParameterMinT1T2T3T4T5T6T7T80.502002001.0-0.5100Typ------Max20----T2--msmsmsmssmssms643354UnitNotesNote :1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V.3. The T3 / T4is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.4. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power(VLCD),it will be happened abnormal display. When T6is NC status,T6doesn’t need to be measured. 5. T5should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.6. It is recommendation specification that T8 has to be 100ms asa minimum . 1.016/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification3-6-2. Sequence for LED DriverPower Supply For LED Driver24V (typ.)90%90%VBL10%0VT1VON/OFFT2T3LED ONExt-VBR-BT4T53-6-3. Dip condition for LED DriverT6VBL : 24VVBL(Typ.) x 0.80 VTable 9. Power Sequence for LED DriverParameterT1T2T3T4T5T6ValuesMin205001000----Typ--Max-----10UnitsmsmsmsmsmsmsVBL(Typ) x 0.8Remarks1Notes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time. Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is . 1.017/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stablein a dark environmentat 25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm fromthe LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φand θequal to 0 °. It is presented additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method in FIG. l Stage(x,y)LCD ModulePritchard 880 orequivalent50cmFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and MethodTable 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameterContrast RatioSurface Luminance, whiteLuminance VariationGray-to-GrayResponse TimeMPRTUniformityUniformityREDGREENBLUE WHITEColor TemperatureColor GamutViewing Angle (CR>10)x axis, right(φ=0°)x axis, left (φ=180°)y axis, up (φ=90°)y axis, down (φ=270°)Gray ScaleVer. 1.0θrθlθuθd89898989-----------718/39degree6SymbolCRLWHδWHITEG to GMPRTδMPRTδG TO GRxRyGxGyBxByWxWyTyp-0.035PTa= 25±2°C, VLCD=12.0V, fV=120Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz, EXTVBR-B =100%ValueMin1000360-----Typ1400450-58--0.6490.3320.3070.5950.1490.0590.2790.29210,00072K%Typ +0.03Max--1.381211msmscd/m2UnitNote1234,5Color Coordinates [CIE1931] LC470EUDProduct SpecificationNotes :1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(ContrastRatio) = Maximum CRn(n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCR = Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 1 Hour afterlighting the backlight in a dark environmentat 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) / Minimum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5)Where Lon1to Lon5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations. For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transitfrom G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, TrR) and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, TrD). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N LC470EUDProduct SpecificationMeasuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance ②①BV③④⑤A : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mm@ H,V : Active AreaFIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.TrR10090TrDOptical Response100Gray(N)Gray(M)N,M = Black~White, N LC470EUDProduct SpecificationMPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge with Bij(pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture.M =1ULjBij (i=j)90%Example) Bij = 12pixels, U = 10pixels / 120HzM = 12pixels / (10pixels / 120Hz)= 12pixels / {10pixels / (1/120)s}i= 12 / 1,200 s= 10 msFIG. 4 MPRTL10%BijDimension of viewing angle rangeNormal E Yφ = 90°, Upφ = 180°, Leftθφφ = 0°, Rightφ = 270°, DownFIG. 5 Viewing AngleVer. 1.021/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSItemHorizontalOutline DimensionVerticalDepthBezel AreaHorizontalVerticalHorizontalVerticalValue1083.6 mm628.8 mm10.8 mm1047.6 mm592.8 mm1039.68 mm584.82 mm15.0Kg (Typ.), 16.5kg (Max.) Active Display AreaWeightNote : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next . 1.022/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification[ FRONT VIEW ]Ver. 1.023/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification[ REAR VIEW ]Ver. 1.024/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNo.1234Test ItemHigh temperature storage testLow temperature storage testHigh temperature operation testLow temperature operation testTa= 60°C 240hTa= -20°C 240hConditionTa= 50°C 50%RH 240hTa= 0°C 240hWave form : randomVibration level : 1.0GrmsBandwidth : 10-300HzDuration : X,Y,Z, 30 min Each direction per 10 minShock level : 50GrmsWaveform : half sine wave, 11msDirection :±X, ±Y, ±ZOne time each directionTa= 40 °C ,90%RH0 -15,000 ft0 -40,000 ft5Vibration test(non-operating)6Shock test(non-operating)78Humidity condition OperationAltitude operatingstorage / shipmentNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal . 1.025/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories , Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards , Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for ElectrotechnicalStandardization (CENELEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.(Including report of IEC60825-1:2001 clause 8 and clause 9)Notes 1. Laser (LED Backlight) InformationClass 1M LED ProductIEC60825-1 : 2001Embedded LED Power (Class1M)Power : 6.5896 mW(Max.)Wavelength : 277 ~526 (nm)Width : 1.6 x 0.6 (mm)2. Caution: LED 1M laser (LEDs) radiation when not open while operating.7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.”American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003.b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limit and methods of measurement." International Special Committeeon Radio Interference (CISPR), 2005.c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of thecouncil of 27 January 2003Ver. 1.026/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification8. Packing8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) E : MONTH D : YEAR F ~ M : SERIAL 1. YEARYearMark233266299201002. MONTHMonthMarkJan1Feb2Mar4Apr4May5Jun6Jul7Aug8Sep9OctANovBDecCb) Location of Lot MarkSerial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to thebackside of the LCD is subject to change without prior notice. 8-2. Packing Forma) Package quantity in one Pallet : 13 pcsb) Pallet Size : 1300 mm X 1140 mm X 850 mm Ver. 1.027/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCDmodule.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the arent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimentalto the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials like chamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer. (8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causes deformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength. 9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage: V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature sation makes damage to polarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnantimage is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppressionto the electromagnetic interference shall be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized theinterference. (7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impactto LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operated its full characteristics perfectly. (8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw. (if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCMa fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from LED driver inductor to prevent abnormal display, sound noise and temperature . 1.028/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperature between 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped. 9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a very small amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on thebezel surface or its vestige is recognized, please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with . 1.029/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-I■LC470EUD-SCA1 –Pallet Ass’yNO.1112DESCRIPTIONLCD ModuleBAGTAPEPALLETPACKING,BOTTOMPACKING,TOPANGLE,POSTANGLE,PACKINGBAND,CLIPBANDTAPELABEL47INCHMATERIALMASKING 20MMX50MPAPER 1300X1140X126MMEPSEPSPAPER PAPERSTEELPPOPPYUPO 80G 100X70Ver. 1.030/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-II-1■LC470EUD-SCA1-LCM LabelModelLC470EUD(SC)(A1)Serial UL, TUV MarkLGD LogoUS PATENT . 1.031/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-II-2■LC470EUD-SCA1-Pallet LabelLC470EUDSCA113 PCS001/01-01MADE IN KOREARoHS VerifiedXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX Ver. 1.032/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“L”)Host System30 BitRED0RED1RED2RED3RED4RED5RED6RED7RED8RED9GREEN0GREEN1GREEN2GREEN3GREEN4GREEN5GREEN6GREEN7GREEN8GREEN9BLUE0BLUE1BLUE2BLUE3BLUE4BLUE5BLUE6BLUE7BLUE8BLUE9HsyncVsyncData EnableCLOCKTHC63LVD103or Compatible333435363738596495155575812FI-RE51S-HF3TimingControllerTA-TA+TB-TB+TC-TC+TCLK-TCLK+TD-TD+TE-TE+71920ΩRO0NRO0PRO1NRO1PRO2NRO2PROCLKNROCLKPRO3NRO3PRO4NRO4PVESA/ JEIDA100Ω100Ω100Ω100Ω100ΩLCM ModuleNote: 1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data. Ver. 1.033/39GND LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“H”)Host System30 BitRED0RED1RED2RED3RED4RED5RED6RED7RED8RED9GREEN0GREEN1GREEN2GREEN3GREEN4GREEN5GREEN6GREEN7GREEN8GREEN9BLUE0BLUE1BLUE2BLUE3BLUE4BLUE5BLUE6BLUE7BLUE8BLUE9HsyncVsyncData EnableCLOCKTHC63LVD103or Compatible4559638686263412FI-RE51S-HF3TimingControllerTA-TA+TB-TB+TC-TC+TCLK-TCLK+TD-TD+TE-TE+71920ΩRO0NRO0PRO1NRO1PRO2NRO2PROCLKNROCLKPRO3NRO3PRO4NRO4PVESA /JEIDA100Ω100Ω100Ω100Ω100ΩLCM ModuleNote :1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data. Ver. 1.034/39VCC LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (10 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPREPR15’G16’B17’R13’R11’R14’G15’B16’R12’R10’G14B15DEXXR19B14R18G19R17G18R16G17B18G12G10R15G16B17R13R11R14G15B16R12R10G14”B15”DE”X”X”VSYNCHSYNCB19B13B11B12B10G13G112) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPREPR11’G12’B13’R17’R19’R10’G11’B12’R16’R18’G10B11DEXXR15B10R14G15R13G14R12G13B14G16G18R11G12B13R17R19R10G11B12R16R18G10”B15”DE”X”X”VSYNCHSYNCB15B17B19B16B18G17G19Ver. 1.035/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (8 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPR13’G14’B15’R11’R12’G13’B14’R10’G12B13DEXR17B12R16G17R15G16R14G15B16G10R13G14B15R11R12G13B14R10G12”B13”DE”X”VSYNCHSYNCB17B11B10G112) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)RCLKPRCLKMRAPRBPRCPRDPR11’G12’B13’R17’R10’G11’B12’R16’G10B11DEXR15B10R14G15R13G14R12G13B14G16R11G12B13R17R10G11B12R16G10”B15”DE”X”VSYNCHSYNCB15B17B16G17Ver. 1.036/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-3■Option PinCircuit Block Diagram1) Circuit Block Diagram of LVDS FormatSelection pinLVDS Select Pin : Pin 71KΩLVDS Select(Pin 7)LVDS Select50KΩASIC(TCON)System SideLCM Side2) Circuit Block Diagram of L-Dim EnableSelection pinL-Dim Enable Pin : Pin 10VCCVCCOPENR1L-Dim _Enable (Pin 10) 50KΩL-Dim _EnableASIC(TCON)1KΩSystem SideR1 ≤1KΩLCM SideVer. 1.037/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-III-4■EXTVBR-B & Local DimmingDesign Guide 1) When L-Dim Enable is “L", Vertical Sync Signal = System Dimming with 100Hz or 120Hz frequency.2) Local Dimming signals are synchronized with V-Sync Freq. of System in T-Con Board.3)EXTVBR-BSpecification ( VCC = 3.3V ) @ Local Dimminga) High Voltage Range : 2.5 V ~ 3.6 Vb) Low Voltage Range : 0.0 V ~ 0.8 V(8pin)#1 : Vertical Sync signal#2 : Reserved#3 : Reserved#4 : Local Dimming Serial Data#5 : GND#6 : Local Dim Serial Clock#7 : Reserved#8 : ReverseLCM T-con Board#1#8T-Con51CNT1 51pinCNT4#1CNT2 41pinCNT441(51pin)#8 : EXTVBR-B#9 : NC#10 : L-DIM Enable #11 : NC#1#8#1B/L Signal GenerationBlock#13 : EXTVBR-BLocal Dimming On3.3VSystemMain IC(PWM Generator)Local Dimming OffLEDDriver14pinChassis 1KhzRecommendation: 100 Hz for PAL120Hz for NTSCMAX 10.0 μsMAX 10.0 μsVCCVCC*0.9Rising TimeFalling TimeVCC*0.1038/39 LC470EUDProduct Specification# APPENDIX-IV-1Gray to Gray Response Time UniformityThis is only the reference data of G to G and uniformity for LC470EUD-SCA1 model.1. G to G Response Time : Response time is defined as Figure3 and shall be measured by switching the input signal for“Gray (N) ”and “Gray(M)”.(32Gray Step at 8bit) 2. G to G Uniformity The variation of G to G Uniformity , δG to Gis defined as :G to G Uniformity =Maximum(GtoG)−Typical(GtoG)Typical(GtoG)≤1*Maximum (GtoG) means maximum value of measured time (N, M = 0 (Black) ~ 1023(White), 128 gray step).0Gray0Gray127Gray255Gray…895Gray1023GrayTrD:127G