sony 专业录象机故障代码解决问题
sony 专业录象机DSR-1800P 故障代码
02-058 Detected an abnormal current in the S reel motor.
02-068 Detected an abnormality of reel brake plunger solenoid.
02-078 Detected an abnormal current in the T reel motor.
02-0B8 Detected an abnormality of pinch plunger solenoid.
02-154 Failed to detect the S reel FG by the FG check during
cassette tape insertion.
02-174 Failed to detect the T reel FG by the FG check during
cassette tape insertion.
02-194 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs by the FG check
during cassette tape insertion.
02-254 Failed to detect the S reel FG during threading.
02-255 Detected the S reel FG during threading.
02-274 Failed to detect the T reel FG during threading.
02-275 Detected the T reel FG during threading.
02-291 Failed to complete winding a tape.
02-355 Detected the S reel FG during STOP and STILL.
02-375 Detected the T reel FG during STOP and STILL
02-395 Detected both S and T reel FGs during STOP and STILL.
02-402 Detected an abnormal tape speed during F. FWD and REW.
02-403 Detected slack tape during F. FWD and REW.
02-454 Failed to detect the S reel FG during F. FWD and REW.
02-474 Failed to detect the T reel FG during F. FWD and REW.
02-494 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs during F. FWD and REW.
02-496 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during F. FWD and REW.
02-503 Detected slack tape during search.
02-554 Failed to detect the S reel FG during search.
02-574 Failed to detect the T reel FG during search.
02-594 Failed to detect the S and T reel FGs during search.
02-596 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during search.
02-603 Detected slack tape during PLAY and REC.
02-654 Failed to detect the S reel FG during PLAY and REC.
02-674 Failed to detect the T reel FG during PLAY and REC.
02-694 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs during PLAY and REC
02-696 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during PLAY and REC.
02-803 Detected slack tape during unthreading.
02-854 Failed to detect the S reel FG during unthreading.
02-855 Detected the S reel FG during unthreading.
02-874 Failed to detect the T reel FG during unthreading.
02-875 Detected the T reel FG during unthreading.
02-A55 Detected the S reel FG during cassette eject.
02-A75 Detected the T reel FG during cassette eject.
02-A95 Detected both S and T reel FGs during cassette eject.
09-010 Detected abnomal position of cassette compartment.
09-020 Detected an abnormality of threading position sensor.
09-028 Detected an abnormal current of threading motor.
09-224 Failed to detect the threading FG during threading.
09-821 Failed to complete unthreading within the specified time
09-824 Failed to detect the threading FG during unthreading.
顾客送修一台DSR-1800P机器,自述故障为“有时不穿带”。经试机检查未见不穿带故障。查看“ERROR LOG”,发现故障信息有“E-09-020、09-028、09-824”等。检查“MODE齿轮”及“FG齿轮”未件有异物;清洁SE-521板;组装机器后试机正常。多次穿退带试机,出现了“09-824”故障。更换SE-521板后试机,故障现象依旧(时好时坏)。怀疑DR-428板及SSP-24板,更换后无效。更换机芯后故障消失。证明故障仍出在机芯上。再次检查机芯,更换了所有连接线后仍未解决问题。将示波器连接到DR-428板302-42,观察到当报警时示波器显示有杂波出现。重新仔细检查机芯,发现“FG齿轮”上有一道轻微划伤,更换新齿
NO COMMUNICATION 无通信 检测到下部控制面板侧,下部控制面板(KY-464/465 电路板)与系统CPU(SS-89 电路板)间产生异常
ERROR-01 磁带故障在穿带或脱带操作中,检测到录像带松弛。
ERROR-02 磁带故障在搜索、快进或倒带过程中,检测到录像带松弛和断裂。
ERROR-03 磁带故障在录制或播放模式下,检测到录像带松弛和断裂、或供带盘或收带盘卡住。
ERROR-04 磁带故障在快进或倒带过程中,检测到走带速度故障。
ERROR-05 磁带故障在插入录像带过程中,检测到供带盘或收带盘运行故障。
ERROR-06 磁带张力在录制或播放模式下,检测到磁带张力过大。
ERROR-07 主导轴故障检测到主导轴电机故障。
ERROR-08 磁鼓故障检测到磁鼓电机故障。
ERROR-09 穿带/ 退带电机检测到穿带/ 退带操作故障。
ERROR-0A 穿带在穿带模式下,磁带上部操作未完成。
ERROR-10 湿气检测到湿气凝结。
ERROR-11 磁带头/ 尾传感器同时探测到磁带的头与尾。
ERROR-12 带头传感器检测到带头传感器故障。
ERROR-13 带尾传感器检测到带尾传感器故障。
ERROR-14 风扇电机检测到冷却风扇电机故障。
ERROR-20 磁带仓电机检测到磁带仓上下操作故障。
ERROR-21 磁带SFT 电机检测到适合磁带大小的磁带盘运转故障。
ERROR-22 磁带位置传感器同时检测到磁带盘的大型磁带与小型磁带的位置。
ERROR-23 穿带环传感器同时检测到穿带环的穿带端部与退带端部状态。
ERROR-92 内部接口1 检测到,系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与其他CPU/MPU 间的接口异常。
ERROR-93 CPU 初始化错误检测到,系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与磁鼓CPU(在DR-414
ERROR-95 其他NV-RAM 错误检测到FP-119 电路板上的NV-RAM 运行异常。
ERROR-96 系统控制NV-RAM 错误检测到系统控制系统的NV-RAM(在SS-89 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-97 伺服系统NV-RAM 检测到伺服系统的NV-RAM(在DR-414 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-98 RF NV-RAM 错误检测到RF 系统的NV-RAM(在EQ-84 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-99 内部接口2 检测到系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与伺服CPU(在SS-89 电路板上,或在EQ-84、DM-123、HIF-1、VPR-64、APR-52、DPR-195 与DPR-155 电路板上)间的接口异常。
sony 专业录象机故障代码解决问题
sony 专业录象机DSR-1800P 故障代码
02-058 Detected an abnormal current in the S reel motor.
02-068 Detected an abnormality of reel brake plunger solenoid.
02-078 Detected an abnormal current in the T reel motor.
02-0B8 Detected an abnormality of pinch plunger solenoid.
02-154 Failed to detect the S reel FG by the FG check during
cassette tape insertion.
02-174 Failed to detect the T reel FG by the FG check during
cassette tape insertion.
02-194 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs by the FG check
during cassette tape insertion.
02-254 Failed to detect the S reel FG during threading.
02-255 Detected the S reel FG during threading.
02-274 Failed to detect the T reel FG during threading.
02-275 Detected the T reel FG during threading.
02-291 Failed to complete winding a tape.
02-355 Detected the S reel FG during STOP and STILL.
02-375 Detected the T reel FG during STOP and STILL
02-395 Detected both S and T reel FGs during STOP and STILL.
02-402 Detected an abnormal tape speed during F. FWD and REW.
02-403 Detected slack tape during F. FWD and REW.
02-454 Failed to detect the S reel FG during F. FWD and REW.
02-474 Failed to detect the T reel FG during F. FWD and REW.
02-494 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs during F. FWD and REW.
02-496 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during F. FWD and REW.
02-503 Detected slack tape during search.
02-554 Failed to detect the S reel FG during search.
02-574 Failed to detect the T reel FG during search.
02-594 Failed to detect the S and T reel FGs during search.
02-596 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during search.
02-603 Detected slack tape during PLAY and REC.
02-654 Failed to detect the S reel FG during PLAY and REC.
02-674 Failed to detect the T reel FG during PLAY and REC.
02-694 Failed to detect both S and T reel FGs during PLAY and REC
02-696 Detected the abnormal direction of S and T reel rotation
during PLAY and REC.
02-803 Detected slack tape during unthreading.
02-854 Failed to detect the S reel FG during unthreading.
02-855 Detected the S reel FG during unthreading.
02-874 Failed to detect the T reel FG during unthreading.
02-875 Detected the T reel FG during unthreading.
02-A55 Detected the S reel FG during cassette eject.
02-A75 Detected the T reel FG during cassette eject.
02-A95 Detected both S and T reel FGs during cassette eject.
09-010 Detected abnomal position of cassette compartment.
09-020 Detected an abnormality of threading position sensor.
09-028 Detected an abnormal current of threading motor.
09-224 Failed to detect the threading FG during threading.
09-821 Failed to complete unthreading within the specified time
09-824 Failed to detect the threading FG during unthreading.
顾客送修一台DSR-1800P机器,自述故障为“有时不穿带”。经试机检查未见不穿带故障。查看“ERROR LOG”,发现故障信息有“E-09-020、09-028、09-824”等。检查“MODE齿轮”及“FG齿轮”未件有异物;清洁SE-521板;组装机器后试机正常。多次穿退带试机,出现了“09-824”故障。更换SE-521板后试机,故障现象依旧(时好时坏)。怀疑DR-428板及SSP-24板,更换后无效。更换机芯后故障消失。证明故障仍出在机芯上。再次检查机芯,更换了所有连接线后仍未解决问题。将示波器连接到DR-428板302-42,观察到当报警时示波器显示有杂波出现。重新仔细检查机芯,发现“FG齿轮”上有一道轻微划伤,更换新齿
NO COMMUNICATION 无通信 检测到下部控制面板侧,下部控制面板(KY-464/465 电路板)与系统CPU(SS-89 电路板)间产生异常
ERROR-01 磁带故障在穿带或脱带操作中,检测到录像带松弛。
ERROR-02 磁带故障在搜索、快进或倒带过程中,检测到录像带松弛和断裂。
ERROR-03 磁带故障在录制或播放模式下,检测到录像带松弛和断裂、或供带盘或收带盘卡住。
ERROR-04 磁带故障在快进或倒带过程中,检测到走带速度故障。
ERROR-05 磁带故障在插入录像带过程中,检测到供带盘或收带盘运行故障。
ERROR-06 磁带张力在录制或播放模式下,检测到磁带张力过大。
ERROR-07 主导轴故障检测到主导轴电机故障。
ERROR-08 磁鼓故障检测到磁鼓电机故障。
ERROR-09 穿带/ 退带电机检测到穿带/ 退带操作故障。
ERROR-0A 穿带在穿带模式下,磁带上部操作未完成。
ERROR-10 湿气检测到湿气凝结。
ERROR-11 磁带头/ 尾传感器同时探测到磁带的头与尾。
ERROR-12 带头传感器检测到带头传感器故障。
ERROR-13 带尾传感器检测到带尾传感器故障。
ERROR-14 风扇电机检测到冷却风扇电机故障。
ERROR-20 磁带仓电机检测到磁带仓上下操作故障。
ERROR-21 磁带SFT 电机检测到适合磁带大小的磁带盘运转故障。
ERROR-22 磁带位置传感器同时检测到磁带盘的大型磁带与小型磁带的位置。
ERROR-23 穿带环传感器同时检测到穿带环的穿带端部与退带端部状态。
ERROR-92 内部接口1 检测到,系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与其他CPU/MPU 间的接口异常。
ERROR-93 CPU 初始化错误检测到,系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与磁鼓CPU(在DR-414
ERROR-95 其他NV-RAM 错误检测到FP-119 电路板上的NV-RAM 运行异常。
ERROR-96 系统控制NV-RAM 错误检测到系统控制系统的NV-RAM(在SS-89 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-97 伺服系统NV-RAM 检测到伺服系统的NV-RAM(在DR-414 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-98 RF NV-RAM 错误检测到RF 系统的NV-RAM(在EQ-84 电路板上)运行异常。
ERROR-99 内部接口2 检测到系统CPU(在SS-89 电路板上)与伺服CPU(在SS-89 电路板上,或在EQ-84、DM-123、HIF-1、VPR-64、APR-52、DPR-195 与DPR-155 电路板上)间的接口异常。