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Chapter 3 Organizational Culture and Environment: The



1. In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen

as directly responsible for

an organization 's success or failure.

2. The current dominant assumption in management theory

suggests that managers

are omnipotent.

3. The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the

stereotypical picture of

the take-charge business executive who can overcome any

obstacle in carrying out the org anization 's objectives.

4. The symbolic view of management impact is useful in

explaining the high turnover

among college and professional sports coaches, who can be

considered the

“managers” of their teams.

5. In the omnipotent view of management, much of an

organization 's success or

failure is due to forces outside management 's control.

6. In the symbolic view of management, it is unreasonable to

expect managers to have

a significant effect on the organization 's performance.

7. In the omnipotent view of management, a manager's role

is to create

meaning out of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity.


8. An organizational culture refers to a system of shared


9. Organizational cultures influence how employees behave

in an organization.

/doc/,anizational culture is

a perception, not reality.

tly, there is no method for analyzing or assessing

organizational culture.

ong cultures have more in flue nee on employees tha

n do



increasing body of evidenee suggests that strong

cultures associated with

high orga ni zati onal performa nee.


/doc/,pensation structures

are considered to be a primary dimension of

orga ni zati onal culture.

orga ni zatio ns have very weak


16. An orga ni zatio n ' s foun der has little in flue nee


its culture.

s are repetitive sequences of activities rein force

the key values of an orga ni zati on.

that express and

/doc/,a ni zati onal stories

typically contain

sig nifica nt eve nts or people. n




ee stock options are one example of might

represe nt orga ni zati onal culture.

material symbol that

link betwee n values and man agerial




21.A strong ethical culture is likely to have a powerful


in flue nee on employee behavior.

22丄ow risk tolera nee gen erally leads to high ethical sta

ndards within an orga ni zati on.

23. C ompanies that allow their employees freedom tend to

encourage inno vative


24. To encourage a customer-responsive

culture, organizations should formalize and enforce strict

customer service policies.

25. C ustomer service employees tend to provide better

customer service whe n they are

very clear about their employee roles.

26. To in crease customer resp on sive ness, orga ni zati ons

should hire

employees who are outgo ing and frie ndly.


27. The part of the environment directly related to

achievement of an organization ' s

goals is the specific environment.

28. The general environment refers to environmental factors


in side an orga ni zati on.

29. E nvir onmen tal un certa inty can be divided into two

dime nsions: degree

of trust and degree of in tegrati on.

30. Because certainty is a threat to an organization ' s


managers try to minimize it.

31. The term suppliers in cludes providers of finan cial and

labor in puts.

32. Industry conditions are an example of an organization ' s


en vir onment.

33. Economic conditions are part of the organization ' s


en vir onment.


For each of the followi ng choose the an swer that most

completely an swers the questi on.


34. Which of the followi ng represe nt the two views of man

agerial impact

on the success or failure of the orga ni zati on?

a. omnipotent and symbolic

b. omnipotent and reflective

c. symbolic and in teractive

d. reflective and in teractive

35. The omn ipote nt view of man ageme nt states that

____________ .

a. the top manager is the only person in charge

b. managers are directly responsible for an organization ' s


or failure

c. that there is only one boss in the organization, and she or

he is resp on sible for

delegati ng orders

d. managers have little or no responsibility for an

organization ' s

success or failure 36. ______________ The view of management

is ________________ consistent with the

stereotypical picture of the take-charge bus in ess executive

who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization

' s objectives. a. omnipotent b. symbolic c. functional d. systems

most accurately reflects the symbolic responsible for an

organization ' s success or no responsibility for an organization '

s directly responsible for an organization ' s d. Employees are

directly responsible for an organizati or failure. 38. Internal

constraints that restrict a manage r s decision


a. exist within every organization

b. do not exist, as all managers have decision-making


c. exist only to the extent that upper management imposes


d. exist only to the extent that followers won ' t do as they

are told

39. The current dominant assumption in

management theory suggests

a. a balaneed view of managers as symbolic and omnipotent

b. an emphasis on the view that managers are symbolic

c. an emphasis on the view that managers are omnipotent


that both the symbolic and omnipotent views are obsolete

ing to the symbolic view, managers have a(n)


effect on substa ntive orga ni zati onal outcomes.

of the following

view of man ageme nt?

a. Managers are directly

or failure.

b. Managers have little

success or failure.

c. External forces are

success or failure.

on ' s success

a. neutral

b. controlling

c. limited

d. unlimited

41. Managers may be able to expand their areas of discretion


a. telling their employees what to do

b. cha nging and in flue ncing their orga ni zati on ' s culture

and en vir onment

c. electing new government officials at the federal and state


d. changing employers and working for a different boss

42. The symbolic view of man ageme nt is based upon the

belief that

man agers symbolize ________ .

a. con trol and in flue nee

b. ambiguity and confusion

c. stakeholders ' interests

d. decisions of top management

reality, man agers are most accurately viewed as

________ .

a. dominant over an organization ' s environment

b. neither helpless nor all powerful

c. powerless to in flue nee an orga ni zati on ' s performa nee

d. ultimately responsible for organizational outcomes


44. ____________________________________________________ The

culture of an orga ni zati on is an alogous to the

___________________________ of an in dividual.

a. skills

b. personality

c. motivation

d. ability

45. AII orga ni zati onal cultures con sist of each of the followi

ng except

a. shared values

b. principles

c. innovation

d. traditions

46.0rganizational culture is concerned with how members


the orga ni zati on, not whether they _________ .

a. like the organization

b. like their peers

c. like their bosses

d. like their customers

ng cultures ____________ .

a. are found in orga ni zatio ns with high employee tur no ver

b. have a mini mal in flue nee on employee decisi on making

c. can be found in all organizations that exist

d. have a greater in flue nee on employees tha n do weak


48. Employees in orga ni zati ons with strong cultures

____________ .

a. are more committed to their organizations

b. are more likely to leave their organizations

c. are more willing to perform illegal activities

d. are more likely to follow directives from peers

49. Which of the following phrases is associated with the

definition of orga ni zati onal


a. in dividual resp onse

b. shared meaning

c. diversity of thought

d. explicit direct ions

50. Which of the following is not considered to be a

dimension of

orga ni zati onal culture?

a. attention to detail

b. people orientation

c. purchasing policies

d. aggressiveness

51. Which of the follow ing dime nsions of orga ni zati onal

culture is

defined as the degree to which an organization ' s actions

and decisi ons emphasize maintaining the status quo?

a. stability

b. outcome orientation

c. team orientation

d. innovation and risk taking

52. A company whose managers focus on results, rather than

how results are achieved,

most likely possesses a high degree of which of the follow


a. outcome orientation

b. people orientation

c. team orientation

d. aggressiveness

53. Sony Corporation ' s focus on product innovation is an

example of

which of the follow ing dime nsions of orga ni zati onal


a. attention to detail

b. people orientation

c. outcome orientation

d. aggressiveness

54. Which of the followi ng most accurately reflects the

differe nee betwee n strong

cultures and weak cultures?

a. Strong cultures tend to encourage employee innovation,

while weak cultures do


b. Weak cultures are found in most organizations, whereas


cultures are relatively rare.

c. Strong cultures have less of an in flue nee on employee


tha n do weak cultures.

d. Company values are more deeply held and widely shared

in strong cultures tha

n in weak cultures.

55. Corporate ____________ are repetitive sequences of


that express and rein force the values of an orga ni zati on.

a. Ianguages

b. rituals

c. symbols

d. ceremonies

56. Which of the following represents the most significant


through which corporate cultures are tran smitted to


a. rituals, myths, competitions, and Ianguage

b. symbols, rituals, la nguage, and bus in ess systems

c. stories, rituals, symbols, and Ianguage

d. Ianguage, stories, rituals, and rewards

57. Whe n employees at Microsoft use terms such as work

judo, eat ing your own dog

food, and flat food , they are using orga ni zati onal

a. Ianguages

b. rituals

c. symbols

d. ceremonies

58. Most orga ni zatio ns have _________ cultures.

a. very weak

b. weak to moderate

c. moderate

d. moderate to strong

59. The original source of an organization ' s culture usually

a. is shared among the first workers hired into the


b. is formulated by the board of directors when the

organization is formed

c. identifies what the organization is successful doing

d. reflects the vision or mission of the organization ' s



________________ typically contain narratives about

sig nifica nt eve nts or people in the orga ni zati on.

a. stories

b. rituals

c. charts

d. material symbols

61. All of the following are mentioned in the textbook as

examples of material symbols

except _________________________ .

a. employee dress attire

b. size of employee offices

c. availability of stock options

d. reserved parking spaces for certain employees

62. The link betwee n orga ni zati onal values and man agerial

behavior is

a. usually uncertain

b. fairly straightforward

c. often highly complex

d. relatively dynamic

learning an organization ' s specific Ianguage, members


displayi ng their ________________ .

a. willi ngn ess to com muni cate with the orga ni zati on ' s


b. con fide nee that they will soon be promoted to greater

resp on sibility

c. willingness to help preserve the culture of the organization

d. consent to share material symbols with the other members

of the orga ni zati on

64. An organization ' s culture affects managers by

______________ .

a. providing them with additional decision-making power

b. restricting them from disciplining certain employees

c. encouraging them to bend or even break company rules

d. establishing what is appropriate and expected behavior



65. Which of the following is most likely to have a highly


orga ni zati onal culture?

a. a highly aggressive, competitive bus in ess

b. a company with high risk toleranee

c. a bus in ess that focuses strictly on outcomes

d. a bus in ess with outgo ing and frie ndly employees

66. To en courage ethical cultures, man agers should

a. enforce strict discipline policies

b. encourage employees to compete

c. act in their own self-interest

d. serve as visible role models

67. A company that primarily values a strong sense of

purpose through meanin gful

work has a(n) _________________________________________________

orga ni zati onal culture.

a. spiritual

b. customer-responsive

c. ethical

d. innovative

68. Conscientious employees with good listening skills are





a. ethical

b. innovative

c. customer-responsive

d. spiritual

69. An innovative organizational culture is characterized by

all of

the followi ng characteristics except _________________.

a. freedom

b. conformity

c. debates

d. risk taking

70. Workplace spirituality has become importa nt in the con


workplace because it helps to _________________ .

for building a(n) _________________________



Chapter 3 Organizational Culture and Environment: The



1. In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen

as directly responsible for

an organization 's success or failure.

2. The current dominant assumption in management theory

suggests that managers

are omnipotent.

3. The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the

stereotypical picture of

the take-charge business executive who can overcome any

obstacle in carrying out the org anization 's objectives.

4. The symbolic view of management impact is useful in

explaining the high turnover

among college and professional sports coaches, who can be

considered the

“managers” of their teams.

5. In the omnipotent view of management, much of an

organization 's success or

failure is due to forces outside management 's control.

6. In the symbolic view of management, it is unreasonable to

expect managers to have

a significant effect on the organization 's performance.

7. In the omnipotent view of management, a manager's role

is to create

meaning out of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity.


8. An organizational culture refers to a system of shared


9. Organizational cultures influence how employees behave

in an organization.

/doc/,anizational culture is

a perception, not reality.

tly, there is no method for analyzing or assessing

organizational culture.

ong cultures have more in flue nee on employees tha

n do



increasing body of evidenee suggests that strong

cultures associated with

high orga ni zati onal performa nee.


/doc/,pensation structures

are considered to be a primary dimension of

orga ni zati onal culture.

orga ni zatio ns have very weak


16. An orga ni zatio n ' s foun der has little in flue nee


its culture.

s are repetitive sequences of activities rein force

the key values of an orga ni zati on.

that express and

/doc/,a ni zati onal stories

typically contain

sig nifica nt eve nts or people. n




ee stock options are one example of might

represe nt orga ni zati onal culture.

material symbol that

link betwee n values and man agerial




21.A strong ethical culture is likely to have a powerful


in flue nee on employee behavior.

22丄ow risk tolera nee gen erally leads to high ethical sta

ndards within an orga ni zati on.

23. C ompanies that allow their employees freedom tend to

encourage inno vative


24. To encourage a customer-responsive

culture, organizations should formalize and enforce strict

customer service policies.

25. C ustomer service employees tend to provide better

customer service whe n they are

very clear about their employee roles.

26. To in crease customer resp on sive ness, orga ni zati ons

should hire

employees who are outgo ing and frie ndly.


27. The part of the environment directly related to

achievement of an organization ' s

goals is the specific environment.

28. The general environment refers to environmental factors


in side an orga ni zati on.

29. E nvir onmen tal un certa inty can be divided into two

dime nsions: degree

of trust and degree of in tegrati on.

30. Because certainty is a threat to an organization ' s


managers try to minimize it.

31. The term suppliers in cludes providers of finan cial and

labor in puts.

32. Industry conditions are an example of an organization ' s


en vir onment.

33. Economic conditions are part of the organization ' s


en vir onment.


For each of the followi ng choose the an swer that most

completely an swers the questi on.


34. Which of the followi ng represe nt the two views of man

agerial impact

on the success or failure of the orga ni zati on?

a. omnipotent and symbolic

b. omnipotent and reflective

c. symbolic and in teractive

d. reflective and in teractive

35. The omn ipote nt view of man ageme nt states that

____________ .

a. the top manager is the only person in charge

b. managers are directly responsible for an organization ' s


or failure

c. that there is only one boss in the organization, and she or

he is resp on sible for

delegati ng orders

d. managers have little or no responsibility for an

organization ' s

success or failure 36. ______________ The view of management

is ________________ consistent with the

stereotypical picture of the take-charge bus in ess executive

who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization

' s objectives. a. omnipotent b. symbolic c. functional d. systems

most accurately reflects the symbolic responsible for an

organization ' s success or no responsibility for an organization '

s directly responsible for an organization ' s d. Employees are

directly responsible for an organizati or failure. 38. Internal

constraints that restrict a manage r s decision


a. exist within every organization

b. do not exist, as all managers have decision-making


c. exist only to the extent that upper management imposes


d. exist only to the extent that followers won ' t do as they

are told

39. The current dominant assumption in

management theory suggests

a. a balaneed view of managers as symbolic and omnipotent

b. an emphasis on the view that managers are symbolic

c. an emphasis on the view that managers are omnipotent


that both the symbolic and omnipotent views are obsolete

ing to the symbolic view, managers have a(n)


effect on substa ntive orga ni zati onal outcomes.

of the following

view of man ageme nt?

a. Managers are directly

or failure.

b. Managers have little

success or failure.

c. External forces are

success or failure.

on ' s success

a. neutral

b. controlling

c. limited

d. unlimited

41. Managers may be able to expand their areas of discretion


a. telling their employees what to do

b. cha nging and in flue ncing their orga ni zati on ' s culture

and en vir onment

c. electing new government officials at the federal and state


d. changing employers and working for a different boss

42. The symbolic view of man ageme nt is based upon the

belief that

man agers symbolize ________ .

a. con trol and in flue nee

b. ambiguity and confusion

c. stakeholders ' interests

d. decisions of top management

reality, man agers are most accurately viewed as

________ .

a. dominant over an organization ' s environment

b. neither helpless nor all powerful

c. powerless to in flue nee an orga ni zati on ' s performa nee

d. ultimately responsible for organizational outcomes


44. ____________________________________________________ The

culture of an orga ni zati on is an alogous to the

___________________________ of an in dividual.

a. skills

b. personality

c. motivation

d. ability

45. AII orga ni zati onal cultures con sist of each of the followi

ng except

a. shared values

b. principles

c. innovation

d. traditions

46.0rganizational culture is concerned with how members


the orga ni zati on, not whether they _________ .

a. like the organization

b. like their peers

c. like their bosses

d. like their customers

ng cultures ____________ .

a. are found in orga ni zatio ns with high employee tur no ver

b. have a mini mal in flue nee on employee decisi on making

c. can be found in all organizations that exist

d. have a greater in flue nee on employees tha n do weak


48. Employees in orga ni zati ons with strong cultures

____________ .

a. are more committed to their organizations

b. are more likely to leave their organizations

c. are more willing to perform illegal activities

d. are more likely to follow directives from peers

49. Which of the following phrases is associated with the

definition of orga ni zati onal


a. in dividual resp onse

b. shared meaning

c. diversity of thought

d. explicit direct ions

50. Which of the following is not considered to be a

dimension of

orga ni zati onal culture?

a. attention to detail

b. people orientation

c. purchasing policies

d. aggressiveness

51. Which of the follow ing dime nsions of orga ni zati onal

culture is

defined as the degree to which an organization ' s actions

and decisi ons emphasize maintaining the status quo?

a. stability

b. outcome orientation

c. team orientation

d. innovation and risk taking

52. A company whose managers focus on results, rather than

how results are achieved,

most likely possesses a high degree of which of the follow


a. outcome orientation

b. people orientation

c. team orientation

d. aggressiveness

53. Sony Corporation ' s focus on product innovation is an

example of

which of the follow ing dime nsions of orga ni zati onal


a. attention to detail

b. people orientation

c. outcome orientation

d. aggressiveness

54. Which of the followi ng most accurately reflects the

differe nee betwee n strong

cultures and weak cultures?

a. Strong cultures tend to encourage employee innovation,

while weak cultures do


b. Weak cultures are found in most organizations, whereas


cultures are relatively rare.

c. Strong cultures have less of an in flue nee on employee


tha n do weak cultures.

d. Company values are more deeply held and widely shared

in strong cultures tha

n in weak cultures.

55. Corporate ____________ are repetitive sequences of


that express and rein force the values of an orga ni zati on.

a. Ianguages

b. rituals

c. symbols

d. ceremonies

56. Which of the following represents the most significant


through which corporate cultures are tran smitted to


a. rituals, myths, competitions, and Ianguage

b. symbols, rituals, la nguage, and bus in ess systems

c. stories, rituals, symbols, and Ianguage

d. Ianguage, stories, rituals, and rewards

57. Whe n employees at Microsoft use terms such as work

judo, eat ing your own dog

food, and flat food , they are using orga ni zati onal

a. Ianguages

b. rituals

c. symbols

d. ceremonies

58. Most orga ni zatio ns have _________ cultures.

a. very weak

b. weak to moderate

c. moderate

d. moderate to strong

59. The original source of an organization ' s culture usually

a. is shared among the first workers hired into the


b. is formulated by the board of directors when the

organization is formed

c. identifies what the organization is successful doing

d. reflects the vision or mission of the organization ' s



________________ typically contain narratives about

sig nifica nt eve nts or people in the orga ni zati on.

a. stories

b. rituals

c. charts

d. material symbols

61. All of the following are mentioned in the textbook as

examples of material symbols

except _________________________ .

a. employee dress attire

b. size of employee offices

c. availability of stock options

d. reserved parking spaces for certain employees

62. The link betwee n orga ni zati onal values and man agerial

behavior is

a. usually uncertain

b. fairly straightforward

c. often highly complex

d. relatively dynamic

learning an organization ' s specific Ianguage, members


displayi ng their ________________ .

a. willi ngn ess to com muni cate with the orga ni zati on ' s


b. con fide nee that they will soon be promoted to greater

resp on sibility

c. willingness to help preserve the culture of the organization

d. consent to share material symbols with the other members

of the orga ni zati on

64. An organization ' s culture affects managers by

______________ .

a. providing them with additional decision-making power

b. restricting them from disciplining certain employees

c. encouraging them to bend or even break company rules

d. establishing what is appropriate and expected behavior



65. Which of the following is most likely to have a highly


orga ni zati onal culture?

a. a highly aggressive, competitive bus in ess

b. a company with high risk toleranee

c. a bus in ess that focuses strictly on outcomes

d. a bus in ess with outgo ing and frie ndly employees

66. To en courage ethical cultures, man agers should

a. enforce strict discipline policies

b. encourage employees to compete

c. act in their own self-interest

d. serve as visible role models

67. A company that primarily values a strong sense of

purpose through meanin gful

work has a(n) _________________________________________________

orga ni zati onal culture.

a. spiritual

b. customer-responsive

c. ethical

d. innovative

68. Conscientious employees with good listening skills are





a. ethical

b. innovative

c. customer-responsive

d. spiritual

69. An innovative organizational culture is characterized by

all of

the followi ng characteristics except _________________.

a. freedom

b. conformity

c. debates

d. risk taking

70. Workplace spirituality has become importa nt in the con


workplace because it helps to _________________ .

for building a(n) _________________________


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