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Unit One People Around Us

Thesis statement

※ It is the central point of an essay.

※ It controls the organization of your essay and specifies the purpose of your


※ You always need to state your thesis and develop your essay in a way that

supports your thesis.

Important words:


1) feel great fear or anxiety about 害怕,恐惧;担心

2) 例句:We all dread to think what will happen if a pandemic breaks out.


1) (of people) stay around one place, esp. in a way that annoys other people


2) 例句:He hovered nervously in the doorway, waiting for the hostess to come



1) having an unfair reason for liking or disliking sb. /sth. 有偏见的;偏袒一方

2) 例句:在求职过程中,一些毕业生在性别、家庭状况甚至种族上遭遇了


During job hunting, some graduates are biased against their genders, family

statuses, or even races.


1) [(of)] tell firmly and with confidence, esp. with the aim of removing doubt;

promise [常与of连用]

2) 例句:女售货员向我保证了电视机质量很好。

The saleswoman assured me of the good quality of the television.

CF: ensure, assure, guarantee对比

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1) ensure侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。例如:

How did she ensure Tom was safe?

2) assure侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,

但不如ensure普通。例如:I assure you that he can be trusted.

3) guarantee指对事物的品质或人的行为的保证。例如:

Their turning up will guarantee the success of the battle against the contagion.

e a.

1) [(to)]that can be seen; noticeable to the eye [常与to连用] 可见的,看得


2) 例句:只有最近的星星才能用肉眼看得见。

Only the nearest stars are visible to the naked eye.

3) Antonym: invisible


get by

1) have enough money to buy the things one needs, but no more 勉强过活

2) 例句:The young couple can’t get by on such a small income.


1) suddenly make a loud sound such as a shout or cry 发出(叫声等)

2) 通常不用进行时或完成时

3) let out a cry/a laugh/a sigh

例句:The baby let out a cry of pain when the nurse gave him the injection.


check on

1) make sure that there is nothing wrong with sb. / sth. 核实,检查(是否一


2) 例句:在面试前,他将会核对申请者的资格。

Before the interview, he will check on the qualifications of the applicants.

3) check用法:

 check in 登记,报到

 check out 得到证实,获得证明;

 check out (of) 结账离开

4) check, examine, inspect

 check 检查人或物以确保正确、正常和安全;

 examine 仔细检查有无问题,或找出问题所在

 inspect 查看、审视确保一切正常完好;视察(学校、工厂等等)


1) continue to live or exist after (a difficult or dangerous event or situation);

survive 经受住;熬过(困难、危险等)而活下来

2) 例句:The patients under severe and critical conditions have slim hope to

come through the disease.

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Unit One People Around Us

Thesis statement

※ It is the central point of an essay.

※ It controls the organization of your essay and specifies the purpose of your


※ You always need to state your thesis and develop your essay in a way that

supports your thesis.

Important words:


1) feel great fear or anxiety about 害怕,恐惧;担心

2) 例句:We all dread to think what will happen if a pandemic breaks out.


1) (of people) stay around one place, esp. in a way that annoys other people


2) 例句:He hovered nervously in the doorway, waiting for the hostess to come



1) having an unfair reason for liking or disliking sb. /sth. 有偏见的;偏袒一方

2) 例句:在求职过程中,一些毕业生在性别、家庭状况甚至种族上遭遇了


During job hunting, some graduates are biased against their genders, family

statuses, or even races.


1) [(of)] tell firmly and with confidence, esp. with the aim of removing doubt;

promise [常与of连用]

2) 例句:女售货员向我保证了电视机质量很好。

The saleswoman assured me of the good quality of the television.

CF: ensure, assure, guarantee对比

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1) ensure侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。例如:

How did she ensure Tom was safe?

2) assure侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,

但不如ensure普通。例如:I assure you that he can be trusted.

3) guarantee指对事物的品质或人的行为的保证。例如:

Their turning up will guarantee the success of the battle against the contagion.

e a.

1) [(to)]that can be seen; noticeable to the eye [常与to连用] 可见的,看得


2) 例句:只有最近的星星才能用肉眼看得见。

Only the nearest stars are visible to the naked eye.

3) Antonym: invisible


get by

1) have enough money to buy the things one needs, but no more 勉强过活

2) 例句:The young couple can’t get by on such a small income.


1) suddenly make a loud sound such as a shout or cry 发出(叫声等)

2) 通常不用进行时或完成时

3) let out a cry/a laugh/a sigh

例句:The baby let out a cry of pain when the nurse gave him the injection.


check on

1) make sure that there is nothing wrong with sb. / sth. 核实,检查(是否一


2) 例句:在面试前,他将会核对申请者的资格。

Before the interview, he will check on the qualifications of the applicants.

3) check用法:

 check in 登记,报到

 check out 得到证实,获得证明;

 check out (of) 结账离开

4) check, examine, inspect

 check 检查人或物以确保正确、正常和安全;

 examine 仔细检查有无问题,或找出问题所在

 inspect 查看、审视确保一切正常完好;视察(学校、工厂等等)


1) continue to live or exist after (a difficult or dangerous event or situation);

survive 经受住;熬过(困难、危险等)而活下来

2) 例句:The patients under severe and critical conditions have slim hope to

come through the disease.

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