21. ---Heller John. Thij;
A. I14K been
hal are you doing novj
B. wax C, wiII be
I m w«tcbiq£ a Rxiihiill nmich. It suited
7;30 p. m -and ___________ on for another one hour
22. ____ April 22"
. peopLe ground (lie Wiirld cdtbi'alL' Earth Djy itidin'crciK uays
A, In B. At C
23. ——Tlhmc s _____ in the city, Why noi hdVc a picnic in the courttryxidc'*
— real? Dawei'ihaji Monniain miphl he a good chnice.
A. inlcrc^tmg soinclhing B, Noth mg intcrcMing C. LinyLhin^ inteteMing
24. ____ C3i*efLilly
please! Uwk jil the road
m Tliere ix n school Lihend.
A. Drive B. To drive C Driving
23. —-Is there anybody who can lend me a hand?
--I'm airaid net. You know
ourc (supposed to depend on ___________ .
A. niyKeJf B. yourself C. fhemwlves
2fi. Nut »nJy my jweiits hut disci my sisier _________ emzy nbout the TV pJay in the name n} people.
A. is B. arc G have been
27. —Philip _________ you make sn much noise when your link sifter K sleeping?
—Sorry, Mum< TH stop right away.
A. van li. may C, irm?iL
25. Shared bike^ which are rnvirunmenudly lrki]d]>. ___________ quite popular among big cide^ in China since
laM April,
A, betiiine R. have become C. will become
we keep fry in
and never five up,
C. so dial
29. We'll achieve nur dreams some A. 酣 Lung us B. even diuugb M —Could yi>u plea M ? tell me ----For ivto weeks. A. how w>ii he will he huck ? B. how Ions he will lie away C. hi^w long will he be away 第二节词谱填空 [I. SDiHififfl 31—2S CCBAB M—30 ACBAB as 二节x近z H— 站 CACBB J 一 40 CACBA 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 A father and hi* † dau^hc^r weir flyinjr J kilt in Iht park. The 、 nun 琴 dmi^htcr u link bii [ined, 如 I hey took a ___ *1 ___ nn the beach* when the dnughrer un old man selling nppks* she a^ked Iwr father to buy her ari apple. Her lullier didift bnn^ much money wilh lum. but it k a?> enough lu buy two applet. So I 忙 did* and gave ______________ 32. of them tc his chu 百 hlcr. smiling. His chughler held onv Rpplc in her h 話 nd and I be other in the right hard. Then lhe hither u^ked her i 『 she could 33 one of th 亡 applet ^ith him. When the ^irl heard ihi% wh 亡 quickly took ft hite < 12 ) from ime iipplc. And bc(i ) rr her fitherciHild . xhc iilsc hmk a hitu fmm thr ____________________________ 34 ___ apple. The father was ____ 35 __ . Ik ^nn ( iered what l^i^take lie made so ihai hi$ daughter acred in such a greedy (击毡的) way. He was k>st in clKwglu. Perhaps he was just ihinking ttw much. Iii ihu^^ier was too uLidciMand about sharing and giving. A wtni 】弋 disuppejired from hi 、 face. Suddenly h his daugliler with an apple in her left hand sakl* *Daddy» have this cne! h is much juicer and 37 T 36 Lu Her hthcr 啊 E speech lei* ; . He fell ______________ 3S __ ab^vt making lhe jud^emenl {判断) so quickly dkhHii a Miiall child. But his Hinilc ____________________________ 39 __ kiKjwing why his ilqu^hlcr quickly luok E bile fmin each tipple. 31. A. walk 32. A. both lime lo itiingK bellcr. 匡 slinwer C, hre^k Don't jud^e anylhinj : or dmw a conch 怡 ion (结论) ton quickly _40 ________ 、闫代 vime more B. either C. neither C. share 33. A Cut 34, . first B. wash B. 'iftund ]k xurprisetl B. silly C, third C- moved 35- A. satisfied 、 37. A. sweeter A. proud 59. A. wetn 40 A. Always C young B. bitterer B. ^rtal [}. CuElkC bjuk C. biiliicr C. had C. ran off H. Nexer C. Seldom m. 阅读技能 第一节图表理解 A Zoo One Day Pass Adults Seniors (Aged &0 und above) Children (Ages 6-17) $24 $20 $12 • • • † (.'hildrer aged 5 and under PERR FREE Parking 9: - 5:00 p. in seven days ■ we^k Open every day except Thanksgiving [hy jritJ C'hrisiniah Ihy 41. Mt i. Siiiiih Ljkeb her live yejr old sun I Q ditr zw 4 andnced^ to paj , 扎贮丄 R. SS6 C. 544 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 42. 77 城 ftaas abnxe tells us lhat A die ztio is lire ibr old people . H ilic Z IHJ ufkiA free parking C. the ELHJ 叫) cn 、 ex cry da> B The Youth Daily newspaper group is looking for two English-hn^ij^e buxines editon < 编辑) for the intcinaticnjl t^dni. Applicants (申增人) should ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ help the «ditor-in-diief (主編 sd goals and worlc on completing I hem. give creative idea 呂 kx able lo rewrite articles if neceisary and give lessons to the team members who have little experience. work hard to imish the tusks on time. haxe 3l Iftist three yeani' experience If yftii join i 畔 ynu 砧 H get ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ free I UIK L 80*% iiiedkul cost, 'ictcn di»ys + puid leave, elrvrn public holidii 、 s mid a itflurn Lickrl io }our tkutueluwn. 43 lhe Youth Mt/r/v newspaper croup oilers, even 8 thing: below except A. free 44. It yuu warn lu A. call R. nil mcclicEil costs C. public bo]idays L to Lhe editors. the job you can _______ Thd Youth Lkiily newspaper group tlrs(. B. visit C. cmatl 45. l-mm the chart (罔表) we kiitiw lliat ____________ . ■. < LTC rctjiiiivLl kibe good 昂 wriiing 11. anyone whe hx worked for two years can pel lhe job. C. of Hie Youth Daily ilon'l need lo p»> hir h ( msing. 第二节虧文理解 A Almost everyone has a question or two about living in sptice. Whm is I ife usally like in space? And what do astronauts C 宇航员) do (here? Asironuuts living in sptKe hmc the SJITIC hwitjtw necdh poiiple de cn Ejrth. When Lticy wuke up* they wash their liair, hru^h their lectb nnd go to the balhrx>m as well, Ho^cvcn hetau.'ie of niicro£ni ity ■做 任 h ) . iMrtiiiuut% Luke UIR ? of dieniselves in different wa^s Lor example, the) ”亡 a kind ufvpetial mallei io ^jsh their hdir and ]琴 rrstraints i .腿部 IK : ii 诫冒 > to pcsilkun themselves when they use lhe toilet. Asfronuils enls ihree incak d day: brrnkfusL, lunch and dinner* Some fkxwl ciin be eaten in the nut urn ] form such as fruit. (.Jrher foods require adding waler such as ncuxHes. There ant no fridges in space, sc spi>ce fbcM mus[ be stored und ( mtpare fleMdes mtimink ; routintr S L 説) and crating in space. 品 irDnaul* periorm many tudx including checking lhe machines, uixlating oom[>uier equipment (更新 E 也脑 t 曲备) k eic. Al tt>e same time, ihe COJIITO I cenier on Earth Ntiids tiiesvLigcs to the a'iHrotiaiiU dirough oicc or cniiil with new instrucLions to desist thcin in their dtiily mutincs, Whut more, I Win 笔 in hpw is n^t jinl nil wn cun enjoy iheiiLsckc^ b wale king movie s T irddn]^ bcxiks, pljyin TO their fajr il ies during their free lime, 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 The underline word ^hy^ifne'" in llus piissa^e properly Tneiin% A. 卫生 B. tXft C 心理 in Chinese. 47 for eatiiii? in *-p ; Ke, which xtateinenl i 、 OT rrue? A. A^LruiuuL% eal ill tee mejh IL djy people de oil Earlh B. Fruit can be eaten in the natural tbnn C. Food can he Vept fre^h m 阳( lge< 48. What's rhe mnin idea of Piiragraph 段落) Four? A. Eming in space B. working in spuce C. Rchxii]^ in space 1 49“ 出 eHUes kJuxling ih 亡 mtwhiiv; 、 and updating lherr chill v wort;. J X. comniunkate wiih fti^nds on Earth B. cuntrol tlie people aL the cumli'ol utinLer cn Lui ill equipinerd. 鸭 also rteed in C. received 疇借 and tblkiw the injiiructions rniin the ccwitrol center w EiirUi 50. Pnom this we learn thul ________ . A. life in ■ h ^dually the name as life on Earth U. living in space 乩 different but interesiing C, uMnmauis hiivr little Rci : tirnc in spuct Ji A colkfe graduate (毕业生) from Shanxi named Wu Jun created a l ) page "WcChat guided With drawings and simple words, die step-by-step guide explains how to send meiis^ges^ take pictures and make vidcu Calls. Wu mikdc I he guide fi ) r her purrnlK. b 'My [wcnls ar? getting oldn They need an easy way to Icam hi ) w to tevhnnldjzy. lie ^jid. Wu experieiites is cuiinnun tHjWLidjys, HdrlcJwiJt:. 40 pti'ceiit of parents le^rn abvul new letHinologie 轧 including c^mpuiers. mobile 1nieme[, and niKial media (媒体)* [r Parent used io teach iheir kids about almositv^Qtliing* Now for the first lime* the teachers become ihe MudciiK, while llic MIH I CIIL ? S turn inh^ lhe tCLictiers. The etnnge of the 帕】严 tonie^ from The rapid devekpmenl cf society | land Tedinology. wy 吗 Zhou XiiM^hiing, a pn ) resi ( 0T ( Nanjiiig Univcniiiy. Zhou 栩 id lhe fnicmd t uid oilier hxni* of medh give 范文.范例.指导.参考 'MPiisdod QI sm^piwjd maij— JW X j^yp JWS X y (可鸟卑…•初) 3iu 阴 J o] swiiJiiuos ISAO ^ aqj, uoiimiiejnoA miup 01 HPI (划出 I 卩|网 uosj?d snomv.i r jo oHM|d 吐 io I nw 帕 ^t ( i |soiu|i! ^ JII surfi^Ap pun v ) V'4d 丄■ } ) ”|mtq MI JCJ LI .- ACU ^ ) s^q si ^mi± 砂 IL ■ ¥3uniu3d i 河 d 之屮 J ^ AO 芦园 uEip ^Arq MJ . UIOIIA | I Moq IF 屮 r s,is ] -$:] d 屮 ui s^uiznSnu j¥[hd ( x1 誓 oui X|i jo 55114] z 5 ULA ^|[ C > J 糾丄 iui^e^eui op 哗 'wJu^qj 昌巴屮 Xjj.y 'jwfi 屮!皿 3 ^uop jp?q si ^iiiuuiri^q poo J ? r ■ j |[JV L ptw 關屮 |pM || H U LUI ^I Of p|0 001 J3AJU K,ji r ■ iuq ) 0 訓品 wl jq) iuoy f 删吊口 jajui UH 、】 岂乂 ■ JII ^ IU ^ AUOI HLHiP^iunuimoj SY ? UJ O ) .<^o|oui|33i VLSU 勺 1 心剧 jpqj qaesj p]noL|s U3jp|ii|^ ) ■ j A3 tpvLtijqi 诲 o|OuipR M3U u 彌| 01 paKuddns SUE NIUOURJ g A 珀叩山 1|, 旳 MJ3LI IJJtTJ| L ) | MIUJJIld [WJU l 、 Ll Si JIJL|J - F siuaitxi qaeil PH 怡屮{谱 币£) uouauJOiUL|d 纠 1 jo ^uiqi 、氓中 附 U Vl ■^^uiqi MJU lds^c oi s^njAt J 忖屮駝“左期乍[ p j utHiTMimjut i^S o] 血 /n njutii RAEI | uaup]iqo 础 iwosg 'Q N^ijnitMiu JTiji^q nct| uaip”ip ^snr?^g T y ( _0p sni^jnd jpcp TIT 屮 SJOHJ 仏门叭 u^jpjiq.^ imp 3jqis _ £c Xm^iuq. - '^ w^ujc 「.]»/:.) uSis^p ^ijnuji^sun y '3|diw[ pp jo vJsqLunu S UIMC . L ^ 乱口卫 ■X3 O | OIIH ?5» I pi IP A ISIXJS jo iu^iLidop^p pidrj ci] 丄 『, 卩 IUEJ ?i{l ni ^iiURrsi ) noqr w ( cu dqi “ ^out : qj 訓卩 p^sne^ spq i^q 三丫 J3.w ) |s b j 'So[n ( n[.i?i A SIT ?np iui?3] 讯吗口灼嗣 .iflq JOT ?[diuts "肚 IT ^prin R .flpTnS 1 和门丽 j^pjnq ' 弋 d- 斤 s n r [f pifis Hj jno ^u^ind jnodo^ AM ppotfSi 上 q 艳 ^Sn[ouq^n ^uisn MOUJ 3it?3iuntLitiio^ uiM j|do^ E [„ 'Miiajpd JOI | ui jo^>p j?q rEuuq IIK ^ U Muwndjpq 区出口犯 E ' SO X O 罠 n 总 u] ■s3.|3siLjaqi £qp|. IOY nw ?qj oj jaauuo.i ur? sinaird 刑亦 [ouqgj siuaiml ci^qj 盅押 osq^V T iu3um ( M|ftU9 2> 冲 pun s9i|>ui&f 卫 ©i 卩 u^?.sU9q {祓圳) yu][ c ye sjoc X ( n?nsn IJCI ) RJ ^ U ^S dunoA 3qi ■ () £ jo 2 取 Joplin ; UE rLiiq2) UI 旳申 n ni]Wm | 也訓杓 JO 丁工勺 pUE )^IU^1U| JO )U^Md £ 加申 p?yild3j sj] ^ui?fsB LULUJ 、 npih 刊 VQI | HUU ( > JUI pj □ ) uai 卩 |iip op siuxtnd 」 pip wqi aiom M b uoiinuui ) |ui jo aSt pifl in3|ns9J esy ■ [斋) yucfiwu 話 j^pp WadOM釜辛 2024年4月6日发(作者:逮俊楚) 完美WORD格式 2017年长沙中考英语真题试卷 [.肝力技能(略) 1 【・知识运用 第一节语法填空 21. ---Heller John. Thij; A. I14K been Mike. 応 hal are you doing novj ,} B. wax C, wiII be I m w«tcbiq£ a Rxiihiill nmich. It suited JL 7;30 p. m -and ___________ on for another one hour 22. ____ April 22" J . peopLe ground (lie Wiirld cdtbi'alL' Earth Djy itidin'crciK uays L A, In B. At C r On 23. ——Tlhmc s _____ in the city, Why noi hdVc a picnic in the courttryxidc'* — real? Dawei'ihaji Monniain miphl he a good chnice. A. inlcrc^tmg soinclhing B, Noth mg intcrcMing C. LinyLhin^ inteteMing 24. ____ C3i*efLilly t please! Uwk jil the road 订百 m Tliere ix n school Lihend. A. Drive B. To drive C Driving 23. —-Is there anybody who can lend me a hand? --I'm airaid net. You know + ourc (supposed to depend on ___________ . A. niyKeJf B. yourself C. fhemwlves 2fi. Nut »nJy my jweiits hut disci my sisier _________ emzy nbout the TV pJay in the name n} people. A. is B. arc G have been 27. —Philip _________ you make sn much noise when your link sifter K sleeping? —Sorry, Mum< TH stop right away. A. van li. may C, irm?iL 25. Shared bike^ which are rnvirunmenudly lrki]d]>. ___________ quite popular among big cide^ in China since laM April, A, betiiine R. have become C. will become we keep fry in 雷 and never five up, C. so dial 29. We'll achieve nur dreams some A. 酣 Lung us B. even diuugb M —Could yi>u plea M ? tell me ----For ivto weeks. A. how w>ii he will he huck ? B. how Ions he will lie away C. hi^w long will he be away 第二节词谱填空 [I. SDiHififfl 31—2S CCBAB M—30 ACBAB as 二节x近z H— 站 CACBB J 一 40 CACBA 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 A father and hi* † dau^hc^r weir flyinjr J kilt in Iht park. The 、 nun 琴 dmi^htcr u link bii [ined, 如 I hey took a ___ *1 ___ nn the beach* when the dnughrer un old man selling nppks* she a^ked Iwr father to buy her ari apple. Her lullier didift bnn^ much money wilh lum. but it k a?> enough lu buy two applet. So I 忙 did* and gave ______________ 32. of them tc his chu 百 hlcr. smiling. His chughler held onv Rpplc in her h 話 nd and I be other in the right hard. Then lhe hither u^ked her i 『 she could 33 one of th 亡 applet ^ith him. When the ^irl heard ihi% wh 亡 quickly took ft hite < 12 ) from ime iipplc. And bc(i ) rr her fitherciHild . xhc iilsc hmk a hitu fmm thr ____________________________ 34 ___ apple. The father was ____ 35 __ . Ik ^nn ( iered what l^i^take lie made so ihai hi$ daughter acred in such a greedy (击毡的) way. He was k>st in clKwglu. Perhaps he was just ihinking ttw much. Iii ihu^^ier was too uLidciMand about sharing and giving. A wtni 】弋 disuppejired from hi 、 face. Suddenly h his daugliler with an apple in her left hand sakl* *Daddy» have this cne! h is much juicer and 37 T 36 Lu Her hthcr 啊 E speech lei* ; . He fell ______________ 3S __ ab^vt making lhe jud^emenl {判断) so quickly dkhHii a Miiall child. But his Hinilc ____________________________ 39 __ kiKjwing why his ilqu^hlcr quickly luok E bile fmin each tipple. 31. A. walk 32. A. both lime lo itiingK bellcr. 匡 slinwer C, hre^k Don't jud^e anylhinj : or dmw a conch 怡 ion (结论) ton quickly _40 ________ 、闫代 vime more B. either C. neither C. share 33. A Cut 34, . first B. wash B. 'iftund ]k xurprisetl B. silly C, third C- moved 35- A. satisfied 、 37. A. sweeter A. proud 59. A. wetn 40 A. Always C young B. bitterer B. ^rtal [}. CuElkC bjuk C. biiliicr C. had C. ran off H. Nexer C. Seldom m. 阅读技能 第一节图表理解 A Zoo One Day Pass Adults Seniors (Aged &0 und above) Children (Ages 6-17) $24 $20 $12 • • • † (.'hildrer aged 5 and under PERR FREE Parking 9: - 5:00 p. in seven days ■ we^k Open every day except Thanksgiving [hy jritJ C'hrisiniah Ihy 41. Mt i. Siiiiih Ljkeb her live yejr old sun I Q ditr zw 4 andnced^ to paj , 扎贮丄 R. SS6 C. 544 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 42. 77 城 ftaas abnxe tells us lhat A die ztio is lire ibr old people . H ilic Z IHJ ufkiA free parking C. the ELHJ 叫) cn 、 ex cry da> B The Youth Daily newspaper group is looking for two English-hn^ij^e buxines editon < 编辑) for the intcinaticnjl t^dni. Applicants (申增人) should ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ help the «ditor-in-diief (主編 sd goals and worlc on completing I hem. give creative idea 呂 kx able lo rewrite articles if neceisary and give lessons to the team members who have little experience. work hard to imish the tusks on time. haxe 3l Iftist three yeani' experience If yftii join i 畔 ynu 砧 H get ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ free I UIK L 80*% iiiedkul cost, 'ictcn di»ys + puid leave, elrvrn public holidii 、 s mid a itflurn Lickrl io }our tkutueluwn. 43 lhe Youth Mt/r/v newspaper croup oilers, even 8 thing: below except A. free 44. It yuu warn lu A. call R. nil mcclicEil costs C. public bo]idays L to Lhe editors. the job you can _______ Thd Youth Lkiily newspaper group tlrs(. B. visit C. cmatl 45. l-mm the chart (罔表) we kiitiw lliat ____________ . ■. < LTC rctjiiiivLl kibe good 昂 wriiing 11. anyone whe hx worked for two years can pel lhe job. C. of Hie Youth Daily ilon'l need lo p»> hir h ( msing. 第二节虧文理解 A Almost everyone has a question or two about living in sptice. Whm is I ife usally like in space? And what do astronauts C 宇航员) do (here? Asironuuts living in sptKe hmc the SJITIC hwitjtw necdh poiiple de cn Ejrth. When Lticy wuke up* they wash their liair, hru^h their lectb nnd go to the balhrx>m as well, Ho^cvcn hetau.'ie of niicro£ni ity ■做 任 h ) . iMrtiiiuut% Luke UIR ? of dieniselves in different wa^s Lor example, the) ”亡 a kind ufvpetial mallei io ^jsh their hdir and ]琴 rrstraints i .腿部 IK : ii 诫冒 > to pcsilkun themselves when they use lhe toilet. Asfronuils enls ihree incak d day: brrnkfusL, lunch and dinner* Some fkxwl ciin be eaten in the nut urn ] form such as fruit. (.Jrher foods require adding waler such as ncuxHes. There ant no fridges in space, sc spi>ce fbcM mus[ be stored und ( mtpare fleMdes mtimink ; routintr S L 説) and crating in space. 品 irDnaul* periorm many tudx including checking lhe machines, uixlating oom[>uier equipment (更新 E 也脑 t 曲备) k eic. Al tt>e same time, ihe COJIITO I cenier on Earth Ntiids tiiesvLigcs to the a'iHrotiaiiU dirough oicc or cniiil with new instrucLions to desist thcin in their dtiily mutincs, Whut more, I Win 笔 in hpw is n^t jinl nil wn cun enjoy iheiiLsckc^ b wale king movie s T irddn]^ bcxiks, pljyin TO their fajr il ies during their free lime, 范文.范例.指导.参考 完美WORD格式 The underline word ^hy^ifne'" in llus piissa^e properly Tneiin% A. 卫生 B. tXft C 心理 in Chinese. 47 for eatiiii? in *-p ; Ke, which xtateinenl i 、 OT rrue? A. A^LruiuuL% eal ill tee mejh IL djy people de oil Earlh B. Fruit can be eaten in the natural tbnn C. Food can he Vept fre^h m 阳( lge< 48. What's rhe mnin idea of Piiragraph 段落) Four? A. Eming in space B. working in spuce C. Rchxii]^ in space 1 49“ 出 eHUes kJuxling ih 亡 mtwhiiv; 、 and updating lherr chill v wort;. J X. comniunkate wiih fti^nds on Earth B. cuntrol tlie people aL the cumli'ol utinLer cn Lui ill equipinerd. 鸭 also rteed in C. received 疇借 and tblkiw the injiiructions rniin the ccwitrol center w EiirUi 50. Pnom this we learn thul ________ . A. life in ■ h ^dually the name as life on Earth U. living in space 乩 different but interesiing C, uMnmauis hiivr little Rci : tirnc in spuct Ji A colkfe graduate (毕业生) from Shanxi named Wu Jun created a l ) page "WcChat guided With drawings and simple words, die step-by-step guide explains how to send meiis^ges^ take pictures and make vidcu Calls. Wu mikdc I he guide fi ) r her purrnlK. b 'My [wcnls ar? getting oldn They need an easy way to Icam hi ) w to tevhnnldjzy. lie ^jid. Wu experieiites is cuiinnun tHjWLidjys, HdrlcJwiJt:. 40 pti'ceiit of parents le^rn abvul new letHinologie 轧 including c^mpuiers. mobile 1nieme[, and niKial media (媒体)* [r Parent used io teach iheir kids about almositv^Qtliing* Now for the first lime* the teachers become ihe MudciiK, while llic MIH I CIIL ? S turn inh^ lhe tCLictiers. The etnnge of the 帕】严 tonie^ from The rapid devekpmenl cf society | land Tedinology. wy 吗 Zhou XiiM^hiing, a pn ) resi ( 0T ( Nanjiiig Univcniiiy. Zhou 栩 id lhe fnicmd t uid oilier hxni* of medh give 范文.范例.指导.参考 'MPiisdod QI sm^piwjd maij— JW X j^yp JWS X y (可鸟卑…•初) 3iu 阴 J o] swiiJiiuos ISAO ^ aqj, uoiimiiejnoA miup 01 HPI (划出 I 卩|网 uosj?d snomv.i r jo oHM|d 吐 io I nw 帕 ^t ( i |soiu|i! ^ JII surfi^Ap pun v ) V'4d 丄■ } ) ”|mtq MI JCJ LI .- ACU ^ ) s^q si ^mi± 砂 IL ■ ¥3uniu3d i 河 d 之屮 J ^ AO 芦园 uEip ^Arq MJ . UIOIIA | I Moq IF 屮 r s,is ] -$:] d 屮 ui s^uiznSnu j¥[hd ( x1 誓 oui X|i jo 55114] z 5 ULA ^|[ C > J 糾丄 iui^e^eui op 哗 'wJu^qj 昌巴屮 Xjj.y 'jwfi 屮!皿 3 ^uop jp?q si ^iiiuuiri^q poo J ? r ■ j |[JV L ptw 關屮 |pM || H U LUI ^I Of p|0 001 J3AJU K,ji r ■ iuq ) 0 訓品 wl jq) iuoy f 删吊口 jajui UH 、】 岂乂 ■ JII ^ IU ^ AUOI HLHiP^iunuimoj SY ? UJ O ) .<^o|oui|33i VLSU 勺 1 心剧 jpqj qaesj p]noL|s U3jp|ii|^ ) ■ j A3 tpvLtijqi 诲 o|OuipR M3U u 彌| 01 paKuddns SUE NIUOURJ g A 珀叩山 1|, 旳 MJ3LI IJJtTJ| L ) | MIUJJIld [WJU l 、 Ll Si JIJL|J - F siuaitxi qaeil PH 怡屮{谱 币£) uouauJOiUL|d 纠 1 jo ^uiqi 、氓中 附 U Vl ■^^uiqi MJU lds^c oi s^njAt J 忖屮駝“左期乍[ p j utHiTMimjut i^S o] 血 /n njutii RAEI | uaup]iqo 础 iwosg 'Q N^ijnitMiu JTiji^q nct| uaip”ip ^snr?^g T y ( _0p sni^jnd jpcp TIT 屮 SJOHJ 仏门叭 u^jpjiq.^ imp 3jqis _ £c Xm^iuq. - '^ w^ujc 「.]»/:.) uSis^p ^ijnuji^sun y '3|diw[ pp jo vJsqLunu S UIMC . L ^ 乱口卫 ■X3 O | OIIH ?5» I pi IP A ISIXJS jo iu^iLidop^p pidrj ci] 丄 『, 卩 IUEJ ?i{l ni ^iiURrsi ) noqr w ( cu dqi “ ^out : qj 訓卩 p^sne^ spq i^q 三丫 J3.w ) |s b j 'So[n ( n[.i?i A SIT ?np iui?3] 讯吗口灼嗣 .iflq JOT ?[diuts "肚 IT ^prin R .flpTnS 1 和门丽 j^pjnq ' 弋 d- 斤 s n r [f pifis Hj jno ^u^ind jnodo^ AM ppotfSi 上 q 艳 ^Sn[ouq^n ^uisn MOUJ 3it?3iuntLitiio^ uiM j|do^ E [„ 'Miiajpd JOI | ui jo^>p j?q rEuuq IIK ^ U Muwndjpq 区出口犯 E ' SO X O 罠 n 总 u] ■s3.|3siLjaqi £qp|. IOY nw ?qj oj jaauuo.i ur? sinaird 刑亦 [ouqgj siuaiml ci^qj 盅押 osq^V T iu3um ( M|ftU9 2> 冲 pun s9i|>ui&f 卫 ©i 卩 u^?.sU9q {祓圳) yu][ c ye sjoc X ( n?nsn IJCI ) RJ ^ U ^S dunoA 3qi ■ () £ jo 2 取 Joplin ; UE rLiiq2) UI 旳申 n ni]Wm | 也訓杓 JO 丁工勺 pUE )^IU^1U| JO )U^Md £ 加申 p?yild3j sj] ^ui?fsB LULUJ 、 npih 刊 VQI | HUU ( > JUI pj □ ) uai 卩 |iip op siuxtnd 」 pip wqi aiom M b uoiinuui ) |ui jo aSt pifl in3|ns9J esy ■ [斋) yucfiwu 話 j^pp WadOM釜辛