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API 510-模拟试题 原稿

IT圈 admin 24浏览 0评论




1 For corrosion-resistant weld overlay cladding, no open discontinuity exceeding ,

measured in any direction, shall be permitted in the cladding, and no open

discontinuity exceeding 1/8 in. (3 mm) shall be permitted along the approximate weld


(A) 1/16 in.

(B) 1/8 in.

(C) 1/32 in.

(D) 3/16 in.

 QW-163 耐蝕覆焊層彎曲試驗開口接受標準為1/16”,一般對焊為1/8”

2 If a WPS is qualified using a base material that is 9" thick, the correct base metal

thickness range shown in the WPS should be:

(A) 3/16"-12" thick

(B) 1/16"-14" thick

(C) 3/16"-18" thick

(D) 3/16"-9.9" thick

(E) 3/16"-maximum to be welded

 QW-451.1

3 Two types of impact testing are permitted in ASME IX. One of these is:

(A) Charpy V-notch

(B) Etch-notch

(C) Drop weight

(D) Izon notch

(E) Either A or C, above


4 A welding procedure is qualified on P5A to P5A steel. This WPS is then qualified to

weld on:

(A) P5A - P4 steels

(B) P5A - P5B steels

(C) P4 - P4 steels

(D) All of the above

 QW-424 Base Metals Used for Procedure Qualification

5 Which of the following is an essential variable for the GMAW process?

(A) A. Wire diameter

(B) Travel speed

(C) Interpass temperature

(D) Electrical characteristics (short arc to spray or vice-versa)

(E) Groove design


Tungsten-Arc Welding (GTAW)


1 A welder cannot be qualified by radiography when using:

(A) P4X metals

(B) P5A metals

(C) P3X metals with GMAW-Spray Arc

(D) P-1 metals with GMAW short-circuiting arc

 QW-304 Welders

2 Supplementary Essential Variables (if applicable) must be addressed on the:

(A) A. WPS only

(B) WPQ only

(C) PQR only

(D) WPS, PQR and WPQ

(E) WPS and PQR only


3 If the WPS shows a single "Vee" groove is to be used and the PQR was qualified with

a double "Vee" groove:

(A) The WPS can be used without re-qualification

(B) The WPS must be requalified

(C) The PQR must be retested

(D) The WPS must be modified to show the correct joint

 開槽方式通常不列入WPS必要變數

4 A welder qualifies on a 3 NPS pipe in a 6G position. The piping is titanium, and the

weld is made with SMAW. How many bend tests are required for this test weld?

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 1

(D) 3

 QW-452.1(a) NOTES:(1)

5 Which welding test position with pipe axis horizontal and with the welding groove in a

vertical plane, welding shall be done without rotating the pipe.

(A) 1G

(B) 3G

(C) 6G

(D) 5G

 QW-122.3 Multiple Position 5G.

6 Do the mechanical tests support qualification of this PQR?

(A) Yes

(B) No, one tensile test failed.

(C) Face Bends and root Bends should have been performed instead of side bends.

(D) The 3/32” defect in the heat effected zone on the side bend tests is over the

acceptable limit.

 母材為A-516 Grade70 抗拉強度為70ksi;焊條等級為E-7018,抗拉強度為70ksi 兩

支抗拉強度試片均斷在母材,其中1支不到母材95% (66403/70000)=0.9486

 QW-153.1 (d)

7 Is joint dseign fully addressed on the WPS?

(A) No, the sketch of the joint must also show weld layers & specify uphill or


(B) Yes

(C) No, root spacing is not addressed.

(D) No, spacing between backing strip & base metal must also be addressed.

 root spacing非屬必要變數,但須於WPS中明確標示 QW-253

8 The full range qualified for the base metal thickness that may be welded with this

WPS is:

(A) 1/16” to 1 1/2”

(B) 3/16” to 1 1/8”

(C) As shown on the WPS

(D) None of the above

 QW-451.1 查表

9 The actual maximum throat dimension allowed for the weld metal thickness “t”

fillet welds:

(A) Has been restricted by the WPS to 1” maximum throat.

(B) Should be 0” to 8”

(C) Is 1/16” to 3/4”

(D) Is 3/16” to 1 1/2”

 (A)為4個答案中最適當之選項,但不是唯一

 QW-202.2(C)、 QW-451.4,Butt Weld PQR取代Fillet Weld PQR之規定

10 If a joint was made using this WPS and the welder put in a single pass with a

deposited weld metal thickness, “t”, of 9/16:

(A) It would not make any difference.

(B) The welder would need to use a different electrode.


(C) The WPS would need to be requalified with a new PQR.

(D) Charpy production toughness tests would need to run.

 若單一堆焊層厚度大於1/2”,則母材合格厚度範圍受限於1.1T,在此1.1T為0.825”,


 QW-253,QW-403.9

11 The minimum preheat temperature that this WPS could specify without requalification


(A) 200°F

(B) 300°F

(C) 50°F

(D) 100°F

 QW-253,QW-403.9

 PQR所列預熱溫度為200°F,預熱溫度容許變動範圍為100°F,因此下修之預熱溫度可


12 To minimum the full range qualified for“T”on the WPS to 3/16”to 2”:

(A) The original coupon used for the PQR would have to have been 1” thick.

(B) The WPS only needs editorial revision to allow the welding the thicker material.

(C) The preheat temperature need to be increased to 300°F.

(D) The method of back gouging must be restricted to grinding only.

 QW-451.1 查表

 QW-451.1幾個重要節點建議背起來

13 The full range of A Number qualification which may be shown on the WPS is:

(A) A-1 through A-11, P-34 and P-4X

(B) As shown on the WPS

(C) A-1, Groups 1,2 & 3 only

(D) Not covered by ASME Section IX

 QW-253,QW-404.5



1 The IQI image must be visible on sides when using a shim, per ASME V

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

 T-277.3

2 A weld will be radiographed using a source-side wire IQI. The weld is 3/8" thick with

1/16" reinforcement on both sides. What ASTM IQI set will be required?

(A) Set A

(B) Set B

(C) Set C

(D) Set D

(E) (A) and (D)

 焊道加計兩側焊冠厚度為1/2”。

 先查TABLE T-276得Wire-Type Essential Wire 7

 再查TABLE T-233.2 Essential Wire 7落在Set B

3 The allowable unsharpness for a material that is 2" thick is:

(A) .015

(B) .020

(C) .040

(D) .030

(E) Unsharpness is not allowed in any ASME Code

 查T-274.2 Geometric Unsharpness Limitations

4 The radiographic density through an IQI is measured at 2.6 with a densitometer using

gamma RT. The allowable density through the weld will be , if no shim is used.

(A) 2.0-4.0

(B) 1.8-4.0

(C) 2.21 - 3.38

(D) 2.0-2.99

 T-282.2 Density Variation “the area of interest varies by more than minus 15% or plus



1 At what temperatures does SE-797 provide guidelines for measuring the thickness of

materials using the contact pulse-echo method?

(A) A. Not to exceed 93°F

(B) Not to exceed 200°C

(C) Not to exceed 200°F

(D) Not to exceed 100°C

 SE-797 1. Scope 1.1

2 When inaccessibility prevents placing of RT location markers on the source or film

side, a shall accompany the radiographs to show full coverage has been obtained.

(A) Narrative report

(B) Dimensioned map

(C) Photograph

(D) Inspector's certification

(E) more than one marker to be used

 T-275.3 Mapping the Placement of Location Markers.

3 When conducting a bubble leak test, the temperature at the surface of the part should

be within __°F to °F.

(A) 60 - 125

(B) 40-125

(C) 30-100

(D) Above 70°F

 I-1072 Surface Temperature

4 A hole type IQI may be placed:

(A) Only on the weld

(B) Only beside the weld

(C) Either on or beside the weld

(D) Wire type IQIs must always be used

 T-277.1 (c)

5 One of the procedural requirements for MT examination that must be addressed is:

(A) Magnetizing time

(B) Developer application

(C) Type of particles, wet or dry

(D) (A) and (B) above

 TABLE T-721

6 A lead symbol “B,” with minimum dimensions of 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) in height and

thickness, shall be attached to the back of each film holder during each exposure to

determine if backscatter radiation is exposing the film.

(A) 1⁄32 in.

(B) 3⁄32 in.

(C) 1⁄16 in.

(D) 1⁄8 in

 T-223 Backscatter Radiation

7 The outside diameter limite for RT double wall viewing is.

(A) 3-1/2 in.

(B) 3 in.

(C) 2 in.

(D) 2-1/2 in.

 T-271.2 Double-Wall Technique (b) Double-Wall Viewing

8 Densitometers shall be calibrated by verification with a calibrated

(A) Densitometer.

(B) Transmission Monitor

(C) Step Wedge Film.

(D) Light Meter

 T-262.1 Densitometers (a)

9 An ASME magnetic particle field indicator is made up of how many "PIE" sections

furnace brazed together?

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8


10 A quench cracked aluminum block is used in:

(A) PT examinations

(B) RT examinations

(C) MT examinations

(D) AE examinations


11 The intensity of the black light at the surface shall not be less than when conducting a

fluorescent PT examination.

(A) 100 μW/cm


(B) 1000μW/cm


(C) 800μW/cm


(D) 400μW/cm


 T-676.4 (c)

12 How many individual examinations must be conducted on each area of interest when

conducting MT examination, per ASME V?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 1

(D) 4

 T-772

API 577


1 To reduce burn-through potential, liquid flow rates should be between _________ and

_________ when hot-tapping.

(A) 0.4 – 1.3 m/sec

(B) 1.5 – 4.0 ft/sec

(C) 0.4 – 1.2 m/sec

(D) 40 – 70 ft/se

 11.2.2 Flow Rates

2 A material Test Report shows the following chemistries:

C:0.15% Cr:1.25% V:0.02%



Cu:0.01% Mn:0.20% Mo:1.00%

(A) 0.35

(B) 0.7

(C) 0.9

(D) 0.55

 依10.9.1 Metallurgy and Weldability 公式計算

3 From the above CE number, what should typically be done after welding this steel?

(A) no PWHT

(B) preheating


(D) preheat and PWHT

 10.9.1 Metallurgy and Weldability

 Typically, steels with a CE less than 0.35 require no preheat. Steels with a CE of 0.35 –

0.55 usually require preheating, and steels with a CE greater than 0.55 require both

preheating and a PWHT.


1 Which welding process is used without shielding gas



What is the approximate CE of this material using the formula supplied in RP 577?




 SAW焊道全程被焊藥覆蓋,故不須shielding gas

2 Some commonly accepted advantages of the GTAW process include:

(A) Produces high purity welds, generally free from defects

(B) Lot of post-weld cleaning is required

(C) Allows for excellent control of root pass weld overlay

(D) Can be used with or without filler metal, dependent on the application.

(E) (A) and (D) above

 5.3.1 Advantages of GTAW

3 A common root pass welding defect is:

(A) Porosity

(B) Lack of penetration

(C) Tungsten inclusion

(D) Overlap

 Root pass 易發生滲透不足

4 A welding electrode is marked E8018. The first two digits mean that the electrode has:

(A) 80 kg weld strength

(B) 80 psi stress

(C) 80,000 ksi tensile strength

(D) 80,000 psi tensile strength

 前2碼數字代表強度(ksi) 1ksi=1000psi

5 The primary difference between GMAW and FCAW is:

(A) The wire feeder used

(B) The gas used

(C) The wire used

(D) The power source used

 GTAW與FCAW列於WPS之變數完全相同,其主要差異為實心焊條與空心焊條

6 Weld underbead cracking is normally found _______________________.

(A) in the HAZ

(B) in the throat of the weld

(C) in the weld root

(D) in the weld face

 Table 2—Common Types of Discontinuities

ASME B16.5


1 A Class 600 flange, NPS 14, has a bolt hole diameter of

(A) 1.375"

(B) 2.075"

(C) 1.5"

(D) Not given in any available literature

 Table II-15 Templates for Drilling Class 600 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

2 The gasket contact surface from a Class 600 flange (NPS 8) has a radial "ding" in the

125 μin. face surface that is not deeper than the bottom of the serrations but is greater

than 1/2 the depth of the serrations. The length of the "ding" is 3/8". This imperfection

should be judge __________________________

(A) Acceptable

(B) Rejectable

(C) Not enough information given

(D) Flange "dings" are not a concern to a piping inspector

(E) Acceptable if operating pressure is lower than 50 psi

 先確認表面精度125 μin是否符合,6.4.5 Flange Facing Finish.

 查Table 3 Permissible Imperfections in Flange Facing Finish,介於1/2~1 serration 深

度之瑕疵於NPS 8之容許值為8mm<3/5”,故reject

3 A B564 GR NO 6600 Class 2500 flange is installed in a piping system that will be

hydrotested at 9500 psi. This condition will be:

(A) Acceptable

(B) Unacceptable - exceeds flange hydro-rating

(C) Acceptable, provided the test medium is water, and not air

(D) Unacceptable if the system will operate above 10,000 psi

(E) Acceptable, if the water temperature can be keep on 32°F or greater

 先查Table 1A List of Material Specifications 確認材料群組

 查Table II-2-3.5 Pressure–Temperature Ratings for Group 3.5 Materials,在100°F溫


4 One of the items that must be marked on every B16.5 flange is:

(A) Material heat number

(B) Mill marking

(C) Size

(D) Temperature marking

(E) (C) and (B)

 僅Size為必要刻印項目


1 The pressure classes given in ASME B16.5 not include which of the following:

(A) 150

(B) 300

(C) 400

(D) 1200

(E) 2500

 共7個額定等級 150、300、400、600、900、1500、2500

2 Per ASME B16.5, bolt holes in flanges are all required to be placed in multiples of

(A) 3

(B) 6

(C) 2

(D) 4

 螺栓孔數一定是4的倍數

3 Classes 150 and 300 pipe flanges and companion flanges of fittings are regularly

furnished with mm raised face, which is in addition to the minimum flange


(A) 1.5

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 7

 6.4 Flange Facings,150#及300# raised face 為2mm,400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500


4 Flanges and flanged fittings shall have bearing surfaces for bolting that are parallel to

the flange face within deg.

(A) 0.3

(B) 0.5

(C) 1

(D) 1.6

 6.6 Bolting Bearing Surfaces

5 Flange drilling, outside diameter, thickness, and facing are the same as those of the

standard flange of the size which the reducing flange is being made.

(A) to

(B) from

 6.8.1

 特別注意6.8.1及6.8.2對reducing flange尺寸之定義。不要被from which 及 to which


6 Repair welding of bolting material is

(A) permitted

(B) prohibited

(C) permitted if properly inspected

(D) permitted by GTAW

 Table 1B List of Bolting Specifications Note (1)

ASME B31.3


1 If carbon steel piping is to be welded and the temperature is less than 32°F, the piping

must be preheated to a minimum temperature of °F per B31.3

(A) 100°

(B) 75°F

(C) 150°F

(D) 50°F

 330.1.1 Requirements and Recommendations

 Table 330.1.1 Preheat Temperatures

2 If seal welds are employed on a threaded joint, the Code requires that:

(A) Seal welds be at least .250" leg

(B) The seal welds must cover all threads

(C) The seal welds can only be used in Cat. D and NFS

(D) Both B & C, above

 328.5.3 Seal Welds

3 If welding procedures are to be "shared" between companies as allowed by ASME

B31.3, a number of conditions must be met. One of these conditions is:

(A) P-No.# limited to 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8

(B) Material to be welded is not more than 3/4" thick

(C) Lethal service is not permitted

(D) The employer has at least two welders qualified with the new procedure

 328.2.2 Procedure Qualification by Others

4 A pipe is NPS 16, and is made from A 335 Grade P1 material. The design pressure is

1200 psig, and the temperature is 750°F. What is the minimum thickness of this pipe,

if a 1/16" corrosion allowance will be maintained?

(A) .734"

(B) .675"

(C) .480"

(D) .970"

(E) 1.115”

 304.1.2 Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure

 NPS16 Diameter D=16” (公式中直接帶入)

 Design pressure P=1200 psig

 allowable stress S=13.8ksi=13800psi 查table A-1 (A335 P1 at 750°F)

 quality factor E=1 查table A-1B

 weld joint strength reduction factor W=1 查table 302.3.5

 徑/厚 形狀係數 Y=0.4 查table 304.1.1











5 From the information in #4 above, what will the required PWHT be (if any), if this

piping will be girth welded in place, and the actual thickness used will be 1/16" over

the required thickness (including the corrosion allowance)?

(A) 1100-1325°F

(B) 1100-1200°F

(C) 200°F preheat in lieu of PWHT is allowable per API 570

(D) No PWHT is required on this thickness

(E) Full Annealing

 實際厚度=0.7345+0.0625=0.797=20.2 A335-P1 P-No.=3

 查Table 331.1.1 Requirements for Heat Treatment

6 The total linear thermal expansion of a 30' long, A426 Grade CP5 pipe operating

between 70° and 350°F is:

(A) .47"

(B) 2.10"

(C) 3.4'

(D) .67"

(E) .63"

 A426 Grade CP5 材質為5Cr-0.5Mo

 查Table C-1 膨脹係數=2.1 in/100ft,總長30ft,膨脹量=0.63”

7 An A-135 Gr. B Category D service pipe is to be replaced. The pipe is NPS 8, and will

be .875" thick. The pressure on the system is 120 psi at 300°F, and the minimum

temperature is -20°F. This piping:

(A) Must be impact tested

(B) Is exempt from impact testing

(C) Must be RT'd to NFS

(D) Must be received with MTR's

 查table A1, A-135 Gr. B 豁免衝擊試驗溫度條件為curve B,查Fig. 323.2.2A ,厚度及

溫度對照點落於B curve 下方,應實施衝擊試驗,但題目標明使用於D類流體,在Fig.

323.2.2A Note(1)中註明 碳鋼在D類流體條件中,豁免衝擊試驗溫度均為-20°F

8 During impact testing of an A182 F321 base metal, a 3/4 size bar was used instead of

a full size bar. The design temperature is 30°F below the allowable minimum

temperature listed in B31.3. At what temperature must the impact test be performed?

(A) -325°F

(B) -355°F

(C) -360°F

(D) -430°F

 查table A1, A182 F321豁免衝擊試驗溫度為-325°F, 故題目所訂之設計溫度為-355°F,

如以標準impact test bar實施則測試溫度就是-355°F, 如以3/4 size bar測試應查Table

323.3.4 決定補償溫度(在此為往下調降), 在此為5°F ,故答案為 -360°F

9 If a carbon steel piping system is A-106B and is .125" thick with a minimum design

temperature of -55°F, the piping must be

(A) Normalized

(B) Annealed

(C) Impact tested

(D) Radiographed

(E) Stress analysis

 table A1, A-106B豁免衝擊試驗溫度條件為curve B, 查Fig. 323.2.2A ,厚度及溫度對

照點落於B curve正上,應實施衝擊試驗

10 A girth weld is UT inspected to Normal Fluid Service and is found to have an indication

that is characterized as a slag inclusion. The inclusion is 3/8" long and the piping is

1/2" thick. The width is 3/8". This indication is characterized as a per B31.3

(A) Imperfection - acceptable

(B) Discontinuity - acceptable

(C) Defect - unacceptable

(D) Indication – acceptable

 341.3.2 明列Table 341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Welds and Examination Methods

不包含UT, UT接受標準在344.6.2 。在此linear-type discontinuity接受標準為6mm


1 A 1/4" leg fillet weld will have a throat dimension of

(A) .250"

(B) .176"

(C) .190"

(D) .35"

 Fig. 328.5.2A Fillet Weld Size , theoretical throat = 0.707 size, .25x0.707=0.1767”

2 A standard hydrostatic test is to be run after an alteration on a piping system. The

piping has a stress value of 20 ksi at the test temperature and 17 ksi at design

temperature. The design pressure is 720 psi. What is the calculated test pressure?

(A) 1080 psi

(B) 918 psi

(C) 1270 psi

(D) 792 psi

 345.4.2 Test Pressure. P




, P





3 The allowable internal misalignment on a circumferential butt weld is per ASME B31.3


(A) 1/16"

(B) 1/8"

(C) Per the Inspector's judgment

(D) Per the WPS allowances

 328.4.3 Alignment

4 When weld hardness tests are required by ASME B31.3, at least % of the welds must

be tested when local PWHT is employed.

(A) 5%

(B) 10%

(C) 25%

(D) 100%

 331.1.7 Hardness Tests (a)




1 For corrosion-resistant weld overlay cladding, no open discontinuity exceeding ,

measured in any direction, shall be permitted in the cladding, and no open

discontinuity exceeding 1/8 in. (3 mm) shall be permitted along the approximate weld


(A) 1/16 in.

(B) 1/8 in.

(C) 1/32 in.

(D) 3/16 in.

 QW-163 耐蝕覆焊層彎曲試驗開口接受標準為1/16”,一般對焊為1/8”

2 If a WPS is qualified using a base material that is 9" thick, the correct base metal

thickness range shown in the WPS should be:

(A) 3/16"-12" thick

(B) 1/16"-14" thick

(C) 3/16"-18" thick

(D) 3/16"-9.9" thick

(E) 3/16"-maximum to be welded

 QW-451.1

3 Two types of impact testing are permitted in ASME IX. One of these is:

(A) Charpy V-notch

(B) Etch-notch

(C) Drop weight

(D) Izon notch

(E) Either A or C, above


4 A welding procedure is qualified on P5A to P5A steel. This WPS is then qualified to

weld on:

(A) P5A - P4 steels

(B) P5A - P5B steels

(C) P4 - P4 steels

(D) All of the above

 QW-424 Base Metals Used for Procedure Qualification

5 Which of the following is an essential variable for the GMAW process?

(A) A. Wire diameter

(B) Travel speed

(C) Interpass temperature

(D) Electrical characteristics (short arc to spray or vice-versa)

(E) Groove design


Tungsten-Arc Welding (GTAW)


1 A welder cannot be qualified by radiography when using:

(A) P4X metals

(B) P5A metals

(C) P3X metals with GMAW-Spray Arc

(D) P-1 metals with GMAW short-circuiting arc

 QW-304 Welders

2 Supplementary Essential Variables (if applicable) must be addressed on the:

(A) A. WPS only

(B) WPQ only

(C) PQR only

(D) WPS, PQR and WPQ

(E) WPS and PQR only


3 If the WPS shows a single "Vee" groove is to be used and the PQR was qualified with

a double "Vee" groove:

(A) The WPS can be used without re-qualification

(B) The WPS must be requalified

(C) The PQR must be retested

(D) The WPS must be modified to show the correct joint

 開槽方式通常不列入WPS必要變數

4 A welder qualifies on a 3 NPS pipe in a 6G position. The piping is titanium, and the

weld is made with SMAW. How many bend tests are required for this test weld?

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 1

(D) 3

 QW-452.1(a) NOTES:(1)

5 Which welding test position with pipe axis horizontal and with the welding groove in a

vertical plane, welding shall be done without rotating the pipe.

(A) 1G

(B) 3G

(C) 6G

(D) 5G

 QW-122.3 Multiple Position 5G.

6 Do the mechanical tests support qualification of this PQR?

(A) Yes

(B) No, one tensile test failed.

(C) Face Bends and root Bends should have been performed instead of side bends.

(D) The 3/32” defect in the heat effected zone on the side bend tests is over the

acceptable limit.

 母材為A-516 Grade70 抗拉強度為70ksi;焊條等級為E-7018,抗拉強度為70ksi 兩

支抗拉強度試片均斷在母材,其中1支不到母材95% (66403/70000)=0.9486

 QW-153.1 (d)

7 Is joint dseign fully addressed on the WPS?

(A) No, the sketch of the joint must also show weld layers & specify uphill or


(B) Yes

(C) No, root spacing is not addressed.

(D) No, spacing between backing strip & base metal must also be addressed.

 root spacing非屬必要變數,但須於WPS中明確標示 QW-253

8 The full range qualified for the base metal thickness that may be welded with this

WPS is:

(A) 1/16” to 1 1/2”

(B) 3/16” to 1 1/8”

(C) As shown on the WPS

(D) None of the above

 QW-451.1 查表

9 The actual maximum throat dimension allowed for the weld metal thickness “t”

fillet welds:

(A) Has been restricted by the WPS to 1” maximum throat.

(B) Should be 0” to 8”

(C) Is 1/16” to 3/4”

(D) Is 3/16” to 1 1/2”

 (A)為4個答案中最適當之選項,但不是唯一

 QW-202.2(C)、 QW-451.4,Butt Weld PQR取代Fillet Weld PQR之規定

10 If a joint was made using this WPS and the welder put in a single pass with a

deposited weld metal thickness, “t”, of 9/16:

(A) It would not make any difference.

(B) The welder would need to use a different electrode.


(C) The WPS would need to be requalified with a new PQR.

(D) Charpy production toughness tests would need to run.

 若單一堆焊層厚度大於1/2”,則母材合格厚度範圍受限於1.1T,在此1.1T為0.825”,


 QW-253,QW-403.9

11 The minimum preheat temperature that this WPS could specify without requalification


(A) 200°F

(B) 300°F

(C) 50°F

(D) 100°F

 QW-253,QW-403.9

 PQR所列預熱溫度為200°F,預熱溫度容許變動範圍為100°F,因此下修之預熱溫度可


12 To minimum the full range qualified for“T”on the WPS to 3/16”to 2”:

(A) The original coupon used for the PQR would have to have been 1” thick.

(B) The WPS only needs editorial revision to allow the welding the thicker material.

(C) The preheat temperature need to be increased to 300°F.

(D) The method of back gouging must be restricted to grinding only.

 QW-451.1 查表

 QW-451.1幾個重要節點建議背起來

13 The full range of A Number qualification which may be shown on the WPS is:

(A) A-1 through A-11, P-34 and P-4X

(B) As shown on the WPS

(C) A-1, Groups 1,2 & 3 only

(D) Not covered by ASME Section IX

 QW-253,QW-404.5



1 The IQI image must be visible on sides when using a shim, per ASME V

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

 T-277.3

2 A weld will be radiographed using a source-side wire IQI. The weld is 3/8" thick with

1/16" reinforcement on both sides. What ASTM IQI set will be required?

(A) Set A

(B) Set B

(C) Set C

(D) Set D

(E) (A) and (D)

 焊道加計兩側焊冠厚度為1/2”。

 先查TABLE T-276得Wire-Type Essential Wire 7

 再查TABLE T-233.2 Essential Wire 7落在Set B

3 The allowable unsharpness for a material that is 2" thick is:

(A) .015

(B) .020

(C) .040

(D) .030

(E) Unsharpness is not allowed in any ASME Code

 查T-274.2 Geometric Unsharpness Limitations

4 The radiographic density through an IQI is measured at 2.6 with a densitometer using

gamma RT. The allowable density through the weld will be , if no shim is used.

(A) 2.0-4.0

(B) 1.8-4.0

(C) 2.21 - 3.38

(D) 2.0-2.99

 T-282.2 Density Variation “the area of interest varies by more than minus 15% or plus



1 At what temperatures does SE-797 provide guidelines for measuring the thickness of

materials using the contact pulse-echo method?

(A) A. Not to exceed 93°F

(B) Not to exceed 200°C

(C) Not to exceed 200°F

(D) Not to exceed 100°C

 SE-797 1. Scope 1.1

2 When inaccessibility prevents placing of RT location markers on the source or film

side, a shall accompany the radiographs to show full coverage has been obtained.

(A) Narrative report

(B) Dimensioned map

(C) Photograph

(D) Inspector's certification

(E) more than one marker to be used

 T-275.3 Mapping the Placement of Location Markers.

3 When conducting a bubble leak test, the temperature at the surface of the part should

be within __°F to °F.

(A) 60 - 125

(B) 40-125

(C) 30-100

(D) Above 70°F

 I-1072 Surface Temperature

4 A hole type IQI may be placed:

(A) Only on the weld

(B) Only beside the weld

(C) Either on or beside the weld

(D) Wire type IQIs must always be used

 T-277.1 (c)

5 One of the procedural requirements for MT examination that must be addressed is:

(A) Magnetizing time

(B) Developer application

(C) Type of particles, wet or dry

(D) (A) and (B) above

 TABLE T-721

6 A lead symbol “B,” with minimum dimensions of 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) in height and

thickness, shall be attached to the back of each film holder during each exposure to

determine if backscatter radiation is exposing the film.

(A) 1⁄32 in.

(B) 3⁄32 in.

(C) 1⁄16 in.

(D) 1⁄8 in

 T-223 Backscatter Radiation

7 The outside diameter limite for RT double wall viewing is.

(A) 3-1/2 in.

(B) 3 in.

(C) 2 in.

(D) 2-1/2 in.

 T-271.2 Double-Wall Technique (b) Double-Wall Viewing

8 Densitometers shall be calibrated by verification with a calibrated

(A) Densitometer.

(B) Transmission Monitor

(C) Step Wedge Film.

(D) Light Meter

 T-262.1 Densitometers (a)

9 An ASME magnetic particle field indicator is made up of how many "PIE" sections

furnace brazed together?

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8


10 A quench cracked aluminum block is used in:

(A) PT examinations

(B) RT examinations

(C) MT examinations

(D) AE examinations


11 The intensity of the black light at the surface shall not be less than when conducting a

fluorescent PT examination.

(A) 100 μW/cm


(B) 1000μW/cm


(C) 800μW/cm


(D) 400μW/cm


 T-676.4 (c)

12 How many individual examinations must be conducted on each area of interest when

conducting MT examination, per ASME V?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 1

(D) 4

 T-772

API 577


1 To reduce burn-through potential, liquid flow rates should be between _________ and

_________ when hot-tapping.

(A) 0.4 – 1.3 m/sec

(B) 1.5 – 4.0 ft/sec

(C) 0.4 – 1.2 m/sec

(D) 40 – 70 ft/se

 11.2.2 Flow Rates

2 A material Test Report shows the following chemistries:

C:0.15% Cr:1.25% V:0.02%



Cu:0.01% Mn:0.20% Mo:1.00%

(A) 0.35

(B) 0.7

(C) 0.9

(D) 0.55

 依10.9.1 Metallurgy and Weldability 公式計算

3 From the above CE number, what should typically be done after welding this steel?

(A) no PWHT

(B) preheating


(D) preheat and PWHT

 10.9.1 Metallurgy and Weldability

 Typically, steels with a CE less than 0.35 require no preheat. Steels with a CE of 0.35 –

0.55 usually require preheating, and steels with a CE greater than 0.55 require both

preheating and a PWHT.


1 Which welding process is used without shielding gas



What is the approximate CE of this material using the formula supplied in RP 577?




 SAW焊道全程被焊藥覆蓋,故不須shielding gas

2 Some commonly accepted advantages of the GTAW process include:

(A) Produces high purity welds, generally free from defects

(B) Lot of post-weld cleaning is required

(C) Allows for excellent control of root pass weld overlay

(D) Can be used with or without filler metal, dependent on the application.

(E) (A) and (D) above

 5.3.1 Advantages of GTAW

3 A common root pass welding defect is:

(A) Porosity

(B) Lack of penetration

(C) Tungsten inclusion

(D) Overlap

 Root pass 易發生滲透不足

4 A welding electrode is marked E8018. The first two digits mean that the electrode has:

(A) 80 kg weld strength

(B) 80 psi stress

(C) 80,000 ksi tensile strength

(D) 80,000 psi tensile strength

 前2碼數字代表強度(ksi) 1ksi=1000psi

5 The primary difference between GMAW and FCAW is:

(A) The wire feeder used

(B) The gas used

(C) The wire used

(D) The power source used

 GTAW與FCAW列於WPS之變數完全相同,其主要差異為實心焊條與空心焊條

6 Weld underbead cracking is normally found _______________________.

(A) in the HAZ

(B) in the throat of the weld

(C) in the weld root

(D) in the weld face

 Table 2—Common Types of Discontinuities

ASME B16.5


1 A Class 600 flange, NPS 14, has a bolt hole diameter of

(A) 1.375"

(B) 2.075"

(C) 1.5"

(D) Not given in any available literature

 Table II-15 Templates for Drilling Class 600 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

2 The gasket contact surface from a Class 600 flange (NPS 8) has a radial "ding" in the

125 μin. face surface that is not deeper than the bottom of the serrations but is greater

than 1/2 the depth of the serrations. The length of the "ding" is 3/8". This imperfection

should be judge __________________________

(A) Acceptable

(B) Rejectable

(C) Not enough information given

(D) Flange "dings" are not a concern to a piping inspector

(E) Acceptable if operating pressure is lower than 50 psi

 先確認表面精度125 μin是否符合,6.4.5 Flange Facing Finish.

 查Table 3 Permissible Imperfections in Flange Facing Finish,介於1/2~1 serration 深

度之瑕疵於NPS 8之容許值為8mm<3/5”,故reject

3 A B564 GR NO 6600 Class 2500 flange is installed in a piping system that will be

hydrotested at 9500 psi. This condition will be:

(A) Acceptable

(B) Unacceptable - exceeds flange hydro-rating

(C) Acceptable, provided the test medium is water, and not air

(D) Unacceptable if the system will operate above 10,000 psi

(E) Acceptable, if the water temperature can be keep on 32°F or greater

 先查Table 1A List of Material Specifications 確認材料群組

 查Table II-2-3.5 Pressure–Temperature Ratings for Group 3.5 Materials,在100°F溫


4 One of the items that must be marked on every B16.5 flange is:

(A) Material heat number

(B) Mill marking

(C) Size

(D) Temperature marking

(E) (C) and (B)

 僅Size為必要刻印項目


1 The pressure classes given in ASME B16.5 not include which of the following:

(A) 150

(B) 300

(C) 400

(D) 1200

(E) 2500

 共7個額定等級 150、300、400、600、900、1500、2500

2 Per ASME B16.5, bolt holes in flanges are all required to be placed in multiples of

(A) 3

(B) 6

(C) 2

(D) 4

 螺栓孔數一定是4的倍數

3 Classes 150 and 300 pipe flanges and companion flanges of fittings are regularly

furnished with mm raised face, which is in addition to the minimum flange


(A) 1.5

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 7

 6.4 Flange Facings,150#及300# raised face 為2mm,400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500


4 Flanges and flanged fittings shall have bearing surfaces for bolting that are parallel to

the flange face within deg.

(A) 0.3

(B) 0.5

(C) 1

(D) 1.6

 6.6 Bolting Bearing Surfaces

5 Flange drilling, outside diameter, thickness, and facing are the same as those of the

standard flange of the size which the reducing flange is being made.

(A) to

(B) from

 6.8.1

 特別注意6.8.1及6.8.2對reducing flange尺寸之定義。不要被from which 及 to which


6 Repair welding of bolting material is

(A) permitted

(B) prohibited

(C) permitted if properly inspected

(D) permitted by GTAW

 Table 1B List of Bolting Specifications Note (1)

ASME B31.3


1 If carbon steel piping is to be welded and the temperature is less than 32°F, the piping

must be preheated to a minimum temperature of °F per B31.3

(A) 100°

(B) 75°F

(C) 150°F

(D) 50°F

 330.1.1 Requirements and Recommendations

 Table 330.1.1 Preheat Temperatures

2 If seal welds are employed on a threaded joint, the Code requires that:

(A) Seal welds be at least .250" leg

(B) The seal welds must cover all threads

(C) The seal welds can only be used in Cat. D and NFS

(D) Both B & C, above

 328.5.3 Seal Welds

3 If welding procedures are to be "shared" between companies as allowed by ASME

B31.3, a number of conditions must be met. One of these conditions is:

(A) P-No.# limited to 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8

(B) Material to be welded is not more than 3/4" thick

(C) Lethal service is not permitted

(D) The employer has at least two welders qualified with the new procedure

 328.2.2 Procedure Qualification by Others

4 A pipe is NPS 16, and is made from A 335 Grade P1 material. The design pressure is

1200 psig, and the temperature is 750°F. What is the minimum thickness of this pipe,

if a 1/16" corrosion allowance will be maintained?

(A) .734"

(B) .675"

(C) .480"

(D) .970"

(E) 1.115”

 304.1.2 Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure

 NPS16 Diameter D=16” (公式中直接帶入)

 Design pressure P=1200 psig

 allowable stress S=13.8ksi=13800psi 查table A-1 (A335 P1 at 750°F)

 quality factor E=1 查table A-1B

 weld joint strength reduction factor W=1 查table 302.3.5

 徑/厚 形狀係數 Y=0.4 查table 304.1.1











5 From the information in #4 above, what will the required PWHT be (if any), if this

piping will be girth welded in place, and the actual thickness used will be 1/16" over

the required thickness (including the corrosion allowance)?

(A) 1100-1325°F

(B) 1100-1200°F

(C) 200°F preheat in lieu of PWHT is allowable per API 570

(D) No PWHT is required on this thickness

(E) Full Annealing

 實際厚度=0.7345+0.0625=0.797=20.2 A335-P1 P-No.=3

 查Table 331.1.1 Requirements for Heat Treatment

6 The total linear thermal expansion of a 30' long, A426 Grade CP5 pipe operating

between 70° and 350°F is:

(A) .47"

(B) 2.10"

(C) 3.4'

(D) .67"

(E) .63"

 A426 Grade CP5 材質為5Cr-0.5Mo

 查Table C-1 膨脹係數=2.1 in/100ft,總長30ft,膨脹量=0.63”

7 An A-135 Gr. B Category D service pipe is to be replaced. The pipe is NPS 8, and will

be .875" thick. The pressure on the system is 120 psi at 300°F, and the minimum

temperature is -20°F. This piping:

(A) Must be impact tested

(B) Is exempt from impact testing

(C) Must be RT'd to NFS

(D) Must be received with MTR's

 查table A1, A-135 Gr. B 豁免衝擊試驗溫度條件為curve B,查Fig. 323.2.2A ,厚度及

溫度對照點落於B curve 下方,應實施衝擊試驗,但題目標明使用於D類流體,在Fig.

323.2.2A Note(1)中註明 碳鋼在D類流體條件中,豁免衝擊試驗溫度均為-20°F

8 During impact testing of an A182 F321 base metal, a 3/4 size bar was used instead of

a full size bar. The design temperature is 30°F below the allowable minimum

temperature listed in B31.3. At what temperature must the impact test be performed?

(A) -325°F

(B) -355°F

(C) -360°F

(D) -430°F

 查table A1, A182 F321豁免衝擊試驗溫度為-325°F, 故題目所訂之設計溫度為-355°F,

如以標準impact test bar實施則測試溫度就是-355°F, 如以3/4 size bar測試應查Table

323.3.4 決定補償溫度(在此為往下調降), 在此為5°F ,故答案為 -360°F

9 If a carbon steel piping system is A-106B and is .125" thick with a minimum design

temperature of -55°F, the piping must be

(A) Normalized

(B) Annealed

(C) Impact tested

(D) Radiographed

(E) Stress analysis

 table A1, A-106B豁免衝擊試驗溫度條件為curve B, 查Fig. 323.2.2A ,厚度及溫度對

照點落於B curve正上,應實施衝擊試驗

10 A girth weld is UT inspected to Normal Fluid Service and is found to have an indication

that is characterized as a slag inclusion. The inclusion is 3/8" long and the piping is

1/2" thick. The width is 3/8". This indication is characterized as a per B31.3

(A) Imperfection - acceptable

(B) Discontinuity - acceptable

(C) Defect - unacceptable

(D) Indication – acceptable

 341.3.2 明列Table 341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Welds and Examination Methods

不包含UT, UT接受標準在344.6.2 。在此linear-type discontinuity接受標準為6mm


1 A 1/4" leg fillet weld will have a throat dimension of

(A) .250"

(B) .176"

(C) .190"

(D) .35"

 Fig. 328.5.2A Fillet Weld Size , theoretical throat = 0.707 size, .25x0.707=0.1767”

2 A standard hydrostatic test is to be run after an alteration on a piping system. The

piping has a stress value of 20 ksi at the test temperature and 17 ksi at design

temperature. The design pressure is 720 psi. What is the calculated test pressure?

(A) 1080 psi

(B) 918 psi

(C) 1270 psi

(D) 792 psi

 345.4.2 Test Pressure. P




, P





3 The allowable internal misalignment on a circumferential butt weld is per ASME B31.3


(A) 1/16"

(B) 1/8"

(C) Per the Inspector's judgment

(D) Per the WPS allowances

 328.4.3 Alignment

4 When weld hardness tests are required by ASME B31.3, at least % of the welds must

be tested when local PWHT is employed.

(A) 5%

(B) 10%

(C) 25%

(D) 100%

 331.1.7 Hardness Tests (a)


评论列表 (0)

  1. 暂无评论