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2013★绵阳报春Primula mianyangensis (Primulaceae),

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Phytotaxa 131 (1): 49

52 (2013)




Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press




ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)



(online edition)

Primula mianyangensis (Primulaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China











College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China


Author for correspondence. E-mail: haogang@


A new species assigned to Primula section Aleuritia Duby is described and illustrated under the name P. mianyangensis

& . The new species resembles P. socialis Chen & in lacking a scape and having farinose leaves,

but differs by its much taller stature, long-petioled leaves and larger flowers.

Key words: Section Aleuritia, primrose, southwestern China


Primula L. (1753: 142), comprising more than 500 species, is the largest genus of Primulaceae (Hu & Kelso

1996, Richards 2002, Mast et al. 2006). The genus is mainly distributed in the North Temperate zone, with

only a few outliers in the mountainous regions of Africa, tropical Asia, and South America. The modern

centre of diversity is in West China, with approximately 300 species, most of which occur in western Sichuan,

eastern Xizang, and northwestern Yunnan (Hu 1994, Hu & Kelso 1996).

In the past twenty years large-scale molecular phylogenetic analyses on the genus Primula have been

carried out (Mast et al. 2001, Trift et al. 2002, Mast et al. 2006, Yan et al. 2010). Concomitantly, a series of

field expeditions have been undertaken in various parts of China to collect samples for such molecular

phylogenetic studies, and in the course of naming the voucher specimens, a new species was discovered and is

described here.

According to the classification system of the genus established by Smith et al. (1941–1949) and modified

by Hu (1990), the new species, named here as Primula mianyangensis & , obviously belongs

to Primula sect. Aleuritia Duby (1844: 41). Superficially it resembles P. kialensis Franchet (1895: 450), but

differs from the latter by lacking a scape, with flowers solitary arising from the leaf-rosette. It is more closely

related to P. socialis & in Hu (1990: 209), both characterized by having solitary flowers

arising from the leaf-rosette, without a scape, but can be distinguished from P. socialis by its larger stature,

long-petioled leaves and the larger flowers. Primula socialis occurs in Yunnan, Tengchong Xian, about 870

km west of the site of the new species and in a similar habitat.

Primula mianyangensis & , sp. nov. (Fig. 1)

Type:⎯CHINA. Sichuan: Mianyang City, An Xian , Cha Ping Xiang, summit of Qian Fo Shan, 31° 74' N, 104° 21' E,

2750 m elev., 20 June 2012, Y. Xu 120112 (

holotype: IBSC; isotype: IBSC


Species affinis P. kialensi Franch. et P. sociali Chen & C. M. Hu sectionis Aleuritiae Duby, a priore imprimis scapo

nullo, foliis longe petiolatis differt; ab altera statura majore, pedicellis ad 5 cm longis, floribus multo maioribus

valde diversa.

Accepted by Tim Utteridge: 22 Aug. 2013; published: 13 Sept. 2013


FIGURE 1. Primula mianyangensis. A. the plant; B. calyx (opened); C. corolla dissected to show stamens and pistil (short-styled

flower); D. capsule. A−D drawn from Y. Xu 120112. Drawing by Liu Yun-Xiao.

Herbs, perennial, 5

8 cm tall, with a short rootstock covered with the remains of old leaves. Leaves variable,

inner leaves smaller, leaf blade obovate to oblanceolate, 0.8

1.8 cm long, pale yellow farinose on both

surfaces, obscurely toothed above the middle, base gradually tapering into a winged petiole usually as long as

the blade; outer leaves long petiolate, petioles 3

4.5 cm long, ca. 2 times the length of the leaf blade, not

winged; leaf blade elliptic, 1.5

3 × 0.6

13 cm, membranous when dry, apex obtuse to more or less acute, base


Phytotaxa 131 (1) © 2013 Magnolia PressWU ET AL.


Phytotaxa 131 (1): 49

52 (2013)




Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press




ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)



(online edition)

Primula mianyangensis (Primulaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China











College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China


Author for correspondence. E-mail: haogang@


A new species assigned to Primula section Aleuritia Duby is described and illustrated under the name P. mianyangensis

& . The new species resembles P. socialis Chen & in lacking a scape and having farinose leaves,

but differs by its much taller stature, long-petioled leaves and larger flowers.

Key words: Section Aleuritia, primrose, southwestern China


Primula L. (1753: 142), comprising more than 500 species, is the largest genus of Primulaceae (Hu & Kelso

1996, Richards 2002, Mast et al. 2006). The genus is mainly distributed in the North Temperate zone, with

only a few outliers in the mountainous regions of Africa, tropical Asia, and South America. The modern

centre of diversity is in West China, with approximately 300 species, most of which occur in western Sichuan,

eastern Xizang, and northwestern Yunnan (Hu 1994, Hu & Kelso 1996).

In the past twenty years large-scale molecular phylogenetic analyses on the genus Primula have been

carried out (Mast et al. 2001, Trift et al. 2002, Mast et al. 2006, Yan et al. 2010). Concomitantly, a series of

field expeditions have been undertaken in various parts of China to collect samples for such molecular

phylogenetic studies, and in the course of naming the voucher specimens, a new species was discovered and is

described here.

According to the classification system of the genus established by Smith et al. (1941–1949) and modified

by Hu (1990), the new species, named here as Primula mianyangensis & , obviously belongs

to Primula sect. Aleuritia Duby (1844: 41). Superficially it resembles P. kialensis Franchet (1895: 450), but

differs from the latter by lacking a scape, with flowers solitary arising from the leaf-rosette. It is more closely

related to P. socialis & in Hu (1990: 209), both characterized by having solitary flowers

arising from the leaf-rosette, without a scape, but can be distinguished from P. socialis by its larger stature,

long-petioled leaves and the larger flowers. Primula socialis occurs in Yunnan, Tengchong Xian, about 870

km west of the site of the new species and in a similar habitat.

Primula mianyangensis & , sp. nov. (Fig. 1)

Type:⎯CHINA. Sichuan: Mianyang City, An Xian , Cha Ping Xiang, summit of Qian Fo Shan, 31° 74' N, 104° 21' E,

2750 m elev., 20 June 2012, Y. Xu 120112 (

holotype: IBSC; isotype: IBSC


Species affinis P. kialensi Franch. et P. sociali Chen & C. M. Hu sectionis Aleuritiae Duby, a priore imprimis scapo

nullo, foliis longe petiolatis differt; ab altera statura majore, pedicellis ad 5 cm longis, floribus multo maioribus

valde diversa.

Accepted by Tim Utteridge: 22 Aug. 2013; published: 13 Sept. 2013


FIGURE 1. Primula mianyangensis. A. the plant; B. calyx (opened); C. corolla dissected to show stamens and pistil (short-styled

flower); D. capsule. A−D drawn from Y. Xu 120112. Drawing by Liu Yun-Xiao.

Herbs, perennial, 5

8 cm tall, with a short rootstock covered with the remains of old leaves. Leaves variable,

inner leaves smaller, leaf blade obovate to oblanceolate, 0.8

1.8 cm long, pale yellow farinose on both

surfaces, obscurely toothed above the middle, base gradually tapering into a winged petiole usually as long as

the blade; outer leaves long petiolate, petioles 3

4.5 cm long, ca. 2 times the length of the leaf blade, not

winged; leaf blade elliptic, 1.5

3 × 0.6

13 cm, membranous when dry, apex obtuse to more or less acute, base


Phytotaxa 131 (1) © 2013 Magnolia PressWU ET AL.


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