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IT圈 admin 49浏览 0评论


I. 物品名称与厂商资料Identification of the substance / preparation and company

物品名称Product Information :水胶 Grafted Contact Adhesives

物品编号Product Number : 285L

制造商或供货商名称地址及电话 Information on Producer/Supplier Name、Addresses、Phone :



紧急联络电话/传真电话Emergency Phone / Fax:769-8-515-7892 / 769-8-515-7890

名称Name:品检部 QC department.



Issue Unit

楼03室, Room1303, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Rd, Kowloon Bay, HK /27551028

制 表 人 职称Professional Post:化学分析员

姓名Name (Sign):梁耀明 Lance Leong

Issue by Chemical Analyst



Release Date

文件编号版 次文件类别

MSDS-409 1.1 Uncontrolled Document

Document No. Version Document type

II. 成分辨识资料Composition / Information on Ingredients

混合物Mixing :

化学性质Chemical Characteristics:


Hazardous Components Name





Concentration /

NFPA Hazard Rating

Percentage (%)


H: 1 / F: 2 / R: 0


H: 2 / F: 3 / R: 1

聚氯丁橡胶Polychloroprene Adhesives


甲苯 Toluene 108-88-3

* H: 健康Health F: 火灾Fire R: 反应Reactivity

III. 危害辨识资料 Hazard Identification

紧急信息Information in emergency : 高度易燃Extremely flammable.

 眼睛接触Eye Contact : 如不及时清除, 会刺激眼睛, 或伤害眼膜. Irritating and may injure eye tissue if not

removed promptly.

 皮肤接触Skin Contact : 经常或长期接触会引起刺激或皮炎, 重复或长期接触会引起皮肤脱脂, 导致皮肤刺

激或干燥. Frequent or prolonged contact may irritate and cause dermatitis. Repeated or prolonged contact

may cause de-fatting of the skin, which may lead to skin irritation and / or dryness.

 吸入Inhalation : 吸入过量可能会刺激呼吸道, 引起眼部刺激或呕吐, 应注意吸入的浓度不要超过TWA值.

Overexposure may be irritating to respiratory passages and cause other effects such as eye irritation or

nausea. Care should be taken not to exceed the TWA.

 食入Ingestion : 刺激口, 喉, 胃. 可能会引起胃部紊乱或伤害. 在吞食或呕吐时少量液体会渗入呼吸系统, 可

能会引起肺部水肿, 支气管肺炎. Irritating to mouth, throat and stomach. May cause gastric tract disorder

and / or damage. Small amount of liquid aspirated into the respiratory system during ingestion or from

vomiting, may cause bronchopneumonia of pulmonary edema.

IV. 急救措施First Aid Measures

 吸入Inhalation:将患者移至空气清新处. 如果呼吸困难, 立即供氧; 如果呼吸停止, 立即施予人工呼吸并送

医治疗. Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial

respiration. Get medical attention.

 皮肤接触Skin Contact:以大量清水或肥皂水洗清. 脱掉严重污染的衣服, 鞋. 在再穿之前洗净, 如果刺激持

续, 请就医. Flush with large amount of water; Use soap if available. Remove grossly contaminated clothing,

including shoes and launder before re-use. Discard shoes. If irritation persists, get medical attention.

 眼睛接触Eye Contact: 立即翻起上下眼皮以大量水冲洗15分以上, 并及时送医治疗. Immediately flush eyes

with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower lids. Get prompt medical

 食入Ingestion: 避免催吐, 如患者清醒, 给予牛奶或水以稀释胃液, 注意保暖, 保持休息, 并送医治疗. Do not

induce vomiting. If individual is conscious, give milk or water to dilute stomach contents. Keep warm and

quiet. Get prompt medical attention.

对医师之提示Note to physician: 若是吸入, 请考虑输氧, 若是食入, 应考虑胃的伤害, 避免碳酸盐或重碳酸盐.

For inhalation, consider oxygen. For ingestion, consider gastric ravage. Avoid carbonates, bicarbonates.

V. 灭火措施Fire Fighting Measure

闪点 Flash Point : 7 ℃

自燃点 Auto-ignition : 422 ℃

燃烧上下限Low / Upper Flammable limits :

适用灭火剂Extinguishing Media : 使用水雾, 泡沫, 化学干粉或二氧化碳灭火剂. Use water spray, foam, dry

chemical or carbon dioxide.

灭火程序Fire fighting procedures: 消防人员须佩戴便携式呼吸器以防止有毒或刺激性气体. Fire fighters

should be equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against potentially toxic and irritating


危害分解物Hazardous Decomposition: 热分解时会产生一氧化碳, 未知的有机化合物. Thermal

decomposition could produce carbon monoxide, unidentified organic compounds.

VI. 泄漏处理方法Accidental Release Measures

泄漏处理程序Spill and leak procedure: 熄灭火源, 若无危险, 尽量堵住外泄物. 若少量泄漏, 用沙或吸附性物

质吸干;若泄露量大, 先筑堤将外泄物围堵, 等待处理. 危险场所不能有烟火, 并隔离闲人. Shut off ignition

sources. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. For small liquid spills, take up with sand or other absorbent

material. For larger spills, dike far ahead of spill for later disposal. No smoking, flares of flames in hazard area.

Keep unnecessary people away.

环境保护Environmental protection : 防止扩散, 避免流入下水道. Prevent diffusion, Prevent entry into the

sewage system.

为了安全和环境的预防, 请参考完整的MSDS资料. For safety and environmental precautions please review

entire MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, for necessary information.

VII. 安全处置与储存方法Handling and Storage

处置Handling : 保持工作场所通风良好 . Ensure efficient exhaust ventilation in the working area.

储存Storage : 密封储存于5--40℃. Keep container tightly closed and store between 5℃ and 40℃.

VIII. 暴露预防措施 Exposure Control / Personal Protection

暴露界限Exposure limits




200 ppm


50 ppm 甲苯 Toluene

个人防护设备Personal Protection Equipment :

 通风防护Ventilation protection : 保持工作场所通风良好. Ensure efficient exhaust ventilation in the

working area.

 呼吸防护Respirator protection: 避免过长或重复呼吸其蒸气或烟雾, 若超过职业暴露限制, 请佩戴NIOSH

确认的呼吸器. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor or mists. If exposure may exceed

occupational exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator to prevent overexposure.

 眼部防护Eye protection : 戴护目镜. Wear chemical goggles.

 手部防护Hand protection : 建议戴防渗橡胶手套. Impervious neoprene or rubber gloves are


 衣服防护Clothing protection : 使用符合卫生标准的衣服. Standard industrial hygiene procedures should

be practiced.

卫生措施Hygiene Procedures : 遵循一般预防措施, 污染的衣物立即更换, 工作后洗手. Observe the common

precautionary measure, contaminated clothes must be changed immediately. Wash hands after work is


IX. 物理及化学性质Physical and Chemical Properties / Characteristics

外观Appearance :淡黄半透明黏液 Light Yellowish Translucence Solution

沸点/沸点范围Boiling Point / Boiling Range: 75 –110 ℃

黏度Viscosity : 3600 ±500cps @ 30 ℃

气味Odor : 辛辣刺激味 Pungent odor

不挥发成份Solid Content: 24.9 ± 1%

溶解度Solubility in Water : 不溶. Insoluble.

X. 安定性及反应性Stability and Reactivity

安定性Stability : 安定. Stable.

应避免之状况Conditions to Avoid : 远离火源. Keep away from flame.

应避免之物质Incompatibility : 强碱和强酸. Strong alkalis and strong acids.

危害分解物Hazardous Decomposition Products : 热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体. Formation of

combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.

XI. 毒性资料Toxicological Information

甲苯 Toluene

刺激资料 Irritation data : Eye-rabbit : 2 mg/24H ; Skin-rabbit: 200 mg/24H MOD ;

LD 50 Skin-rabbit 14100 mg/kg

毒性资料 Toxicity data : LC50 inhalation-rat 49 mg/m3/4H ; LD50 oral-rat 636 mg/kg

伤害器官 Target organs : Central nervous system

XII. 环境资料Ecological Information

甲苯 Toluene

生态毒性资料 Ecotoxicity Data:

鱼类 Fish toxicity: >36200 ug/L 96 hour(s) LC 50 (Mortality) Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus)

无脊椎动物 Invertebrate toxicity: 313000 ug/L 48 hour(s) EC 50 (Immobilization) Water flea (Daphnia magna)

海藻类Algal toxicity : >13000 ug/L 96 hour(s) EC 50 (Photosynthesis) Diatom (Skeletonema costatum)

环境总结 Environmental Summary: Harmful to aquatic life

XIII. 废弃处置方法Disposal Information

废弃处置方法Waste disposal methods : 依联邦, 国家或地方法规处理. Waste disposal should be in

accordance with existing federal, state and local environmental regulations.

空容器警告Empty containers warnings : 空容器可能含有化学残留物, 即使已倒空, 也要参照物质安全资料表

& 标签处理. Empty containers may contain product residue; follow MSDS and label warnings even after they

have been emptied.

XIV. 运输资料Transport Information

海运名称 联合国运输编号

Dot Shipping Name UN Number



Inflammable Liquid


Dot Hazard Class





XV. 法规资料Regulation Information

 TSCA: 所有成分都在 TSCA详细目录中. All components are on the TSCA inventory.

 欧共体危险, 安全短语EC Risk and Safety Phrases:

R11 : 高度易燃. Highly flammable.

R36 : 刺激眼睛. Irritating to eyes.

R38 : 刺激皮肤. Irritating to skins.

R65: 有害Harmful: 吞食可能引起肺的损伤. may cause lung damage if swallowed.

R66 : 重复的接触会引起皮肤干燥或裂口. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

R67 : 蒸汽可能引起睡眠或头晕. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

S09 : 放置于通风良好的地方. Keep container in a well ventilated place.

S16 : 远离火源, 严禁吸烟. Keep away from sources of ignition-No smoking.

S25 : 避免接触到眼睛与皮肤. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

S33 : 防止静电. Take precautionary measures against static discharges.

XVI. 其它资料Other Information

资料来源Sources of information : 台湾工业安全局Taiwan industrial safety corporation.

美国 MDL信息系统U.S. MDL information systems, Inc.

本资料只适用于产品本身, 不适用于和其它混合使用. 根据我们的研究和可靠的资料, 我们认为它是精确的, 但

不保证它的精确性. The information given and the recommendations made herein apply to our products alone

and not combined with other products. Such are based on our research and on data from other reliable

sources and are believed to be accurate. No guaranty of accuracy is made.



I. 物品名称与厂商资料Identification of the substance / preparation and company

物品名称Product Information :水胶 Grafted Contact Adhesives

物品编号Product Number : 285L

制造商或供货商名称地址及电话 Information on Producer/Supplier Name、Addresses、Phone :



紧急联络电话/传真电话Emergency Phone / Fax:769-8-515-7892 / 769-8-515-7890

名称Name:品检部 QC department.



Issue Unit

楼03室, Room1303, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Rd, Kowloon Bay, HK /27551028

制 表 人 职称Professional Post:化学分析员

姓名Name (Sign):梁耀明 Lance Leong

Issue by Chemical Analyst



Release Date

文件编号版 次文件类别

MSDS-409 1.1 Uncontrolled Document

Document No. Version Document type

II. 成分辨识资料Composition / Information on Ingredients

混合物Mixing :

化学性质Chemical Characteristics:


Hazardous Components Name





Concentration /

NFPA Hazard Rating

Percentage (%)


H: 1 / F: 2 / R: 0


H: 2 / F: 3 / R: 1

聚氯丁橡胶Polychloroprene Adhesives


甲苯 Toluene 108-88-3

* H: 健康Health F: 火灾Fire R: 反应Reactivity

III. 危害辨识资料 Hazard Identification

紧急信息Information in emergency : 高度易燃Extremely flammable.

 眼睛接触Eye Contact : 如不及时清除, 会刺激眼睛, 或伤害眼膜. Irritating and may injure eye tissue if not

removed promptly.

 皮肤接触Skin Contact : 经常或长期接触会引起刺激或皮炎, 重复或长期接触会引起皮肤脱脂, 导致皮肤刺

激或干燥. Frequent or prolonged contact may irritate and cause dermatitis. Repeated or prolonged contact

may cause de-fatting of the skin, which may lead to skin irritation and / or dryness.

 吸入Inhalation : 吸入过量可能会刺激呼吸道, 引起眼部刺激或呕吐, 应注意吸入的浓度不要超过TWA值.

Overexposure may be irritating to respiratory passages and cause other effects such as eye irritation or

nausea. Care should be taken not to exceed the TWA.

 食入Ingestion : 刺激口, 喉, 胃. 可能会引起胃部紊乱或伤害. 在吞食或呕吐时少量液体会渗入呼吸系统, 可

能会引起肺部水肿, 支气管肺炎. Irritating to mouth, throat and stomach. May cause gastric tract disorder

and / or damage. Small amount of liquid aspirated into the respiratory system during ingestion or from

vomiting, may cause bronchopneumonia of pulmonary edema.

IV. 急救措施First Aid Measures

 吸入Inhalation:将患者移至空气清新处. 如果呼吸困难, 立即供氧; 如果呼吸停止, 立即施予人工呼吸并送

医治疗. Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial

respiration. Get medical attention.

 皮肤接触Skin Contact:以大量清水或肥皂水洗清. 脱掉严重污染的衣服, 鞋. 在再穿之前洗净, 如果刺激持

续, 请就医. Flush with large amount of water; Use soap if available. Remove grossly contaminated clothing,

including shoes and launder before re-use. Discard shoes. If irritation persists, get medical attention.

 眼睛接触Eye Contact: 立即翻起上下眼皮以大量水冲洗15分以上, 并及时送医治疗. Immediately flush eyes

with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower lids. Get prompt medical

 食入Ingestion: 避免催吐, 如患者清醒, 给予牛奶或水以稀释胃液, 注意保暖, 保持休息, 并送医治疗. Do not

induce vomiting. If individual is conscious, give milk or water to dilute stomach contents. Keep warm and

quiet. Get prompt medical attention.

对医师之提示Note to physician: 若是吸入, 请考虑输氧, 若是食入, 应考虑胃的伤害, 避免碳酸盐或重碳酸盐.

For inhalation, consider oxygen. For ingestion, consider gastric ravage. Avoid carbonates, bicarbonates.

V. 灭火措施Fire Fighting Measure

闪点 Flash Point : 7 ℃

自燃点 Auto-ignition : 422 ℃

燃烧上下限Low / Upper Flammable limits :

适用灭火剂Extinguishing Media : 使用水雾, 泡沫, 化学干粉或二氧化碳灭火剂. Use water spray, foam, dry

chemical or carbon dioxide.

灭火程序Fire fighting procedures: 消防人员须佩戴便携式呼吸器以防止有毒或刺激性气体. Fire fighters

should be equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against potentially toxic and irritating


危害分解物Hazardous Decomposition: 热分解时会产生一氧化碳, 未知的有机化合物. Thermal

decomposition could produce carbon monoxide, unidentified organic compounds.

VI. 泄漏处理方法Accidental Release Measures

泄漏处理程序Spill and leak procedure: 熄灭火源, 若无危险, 尽量堵住外泄物. 若少量泄漏, 用沙或吸附性物

质吸干;若泄露量大, 先筑堤将外泄物围堵, 等待处理. 危险场所不能有烟火, 并隔离闲人. Shut off ignition

sources. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. For small liquid spills, take up with sand or other absorbent

material. For larger spills, dike far ahead of spill for later disposal. No smoking, flares of flames in hazard area.

Keep unnecessary people away.

环境保护Environmental protection : 防止扩散, 避免流入下水道. Prevent diffusion, Prevent entry into the

sewage system.

为了安全和环境的预防, 请参考完整的MSDS资料. For safety and environmental precautions please review

entire MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, for necessary information.

VII. 安全处置与储存方法Handling and Storage

处置Handling : 保持工作场所通风良好 . Ensure efficient exhaust ventilation in the working area.

储存Storage : 密封储存于5--40℃. Keep container tightly closed and store between 5℃ and 40℃.

VIII. 暴露预防措施 Exposure Control / Personal Protection

暴露界限Exposure limits




200 ppm


50 ppm 甲苯 Toluene

个人防护设备Personal Protection Equipment :

 通风防护Ventilation protection : 保持工作场所通风良好. Ensure efficient exhaust ventilation in the

working area.

 呼吸防护Respirator protection: 避免过长或重复呼吸其蒸气或烟雾, 若超过职业暴露限制, 请佩戴NIOSH

确认的呼吸器. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor or mists. If exposure may exceed

occupational exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator to prevent overexposure.

 眼部防护Eye protection : 戴护目镜. Wear chemical goggles.

 手部防护Hand protection : 建议戴防渗橡胶手套. Impervious neoprene or rubber gloves are


 衣服防护Clothing protection : 使用符合卫生标准的衣服. Standard industrial hygiene procedures should

be practiced.

卫生措施Hygiene Procedures : 遵循一般预防措施, 污染的衣物立即更换, 工作后洗手. Observe the common

precautionary measure, contaminated clothes must be changed immediately. Wash hands after work is


IX. 物理及化学性质Physical and Chemical Properties / Characteristics

外观Appearance :淡黄半透明黏液 Light Yellowish Translucence Solution

沸点/沸点范围Boiling Point / Boiling Range: 75 –110 ℃

黏度Viscosity : 3600 ±500cps @ 30 ℃

气味Odor : 辛辣刺激味 Pungent odor

不挥发成份Solid Content: 24.9 ± 1%

溶解度Solubility in Water : 不溶. Insoluble.

X. 安定性及反应性Stability and Reactivity

安定性Stability : 安定. Stable.

应避免之状况Conditions to Avoid : 远离火源. Keep away from flame.

应避免之物质Incompatibility : 强碱和强酸. Strong alkalis and strong acids.

危害分解物Hazardous Decomposition Products : 热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体. Formation of

combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.

XI. 毒性资料Toxicological Information

甲苯 Toluene

刺激资料 Irritation data : Eye-rabbit : 2 mg/24H ; Skin-rabbit: 200 mg/24H MOD ;

LD 50 Skin-rabbit 14100 mg/kg

毒性资料 Toxicity data : LC50 inhalation-rat 49 mg/m3/4H ; LD50 oral-rat 636 mg/kg

伤害器官 Target organs : Central nervous system

XII. 环境资料Ecological Information

甲苯 Toluene

生态毒性资料 Ecotoxicity Data:

鱼类 Fish toxicity: >36200 ug/L 96 hour(s) LC 50 (Mortality) Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus)

无脊椎动物 Invertebrate toxicity: 313000 ug/L 48 hour(s) EC 50 (Immobilization) Water flea (Daphnia magna)

海藻类Algal toxicity : >13000 ug/L 96 hour(s) EC 50 (Photosynthesis) Diatom (Skeletonema costatum)

环境总结 Environmental Summary: Harmful to aquatic life

XIII. 废弃处置方法Disposal Information

废弃处置方法Waste disposal methods : 依联邦, 国家或地方法规处理. Waste disposal should be in

accordance with existing federal, state and local environmental regulations.

空容器警告Empty containers warnings : 空容器可能含有化学残留物, 即使已倒空, 也要参照物质安全资料表

& 标签处理. Empty containers may contain product residue; follow MSDS and label warnings even after they

have been emptied.

XIV. 运输资料Transport Information

海运名称 联合国运输编号

Dot Shipping Name UN Number



Inflammable Liquid


Dot Hazard Class





XV. 法规资料Regulation Information

 TSCA: 所有成分都在 TSCA详细目录中. All components are on the TSCA inventory.

 欧共体危险, 安全短语EC Risk and Safety Phrases:

R11 : 高度易燃. Highly flammable.

R36 : 刺激眼睛. Irritating to eyes.

R38 : 刺激皮肤. Irritating to skins.

R65: 有害Harmful: 吞食可能引起肺的损伤. may cause lung damage if swallowed.

R66 : 重复的接触会引起皮肤干燥或裂口. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

R67 : 蒸汽可能引起睡眠或头晕. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

S09 : 放置于通风良好的地方. Keep container in a well ventilated place.

S16 : 远离火源, 严禁吸烟. Keep away from sources of ignition-No smoking.

S25 : 避免接触到眼睛与皮肤. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

S33 : 防止静电. Take precautionary measures against static discharges.

XVI. 其它资料Other Information

资料来源Sources of information : 台湾工业安全局Taiwan industrial safety corporation.

美国 MDL信息系统U.S. MDL information systems, Inc.

本资料只适用于产品本身, 不适用于和其它混合使用. 根据我们的研究和可靠的资料, 我们认为它是精确的, 但

不保证它的精确性. The information given and the recommendations made herein apply to our products alone

and not combined with other products. Such are based on our research and on data from other reliable

sources and are believed to be accurate. No guaranty of accuracy is made.



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