Vocabulary of Botany both in Latin and English
1. arbor (tree) 乔木
2. frutex (shrub) 灌木
3. suffrutex (subshrub)亚灌木
4. herba (herb) 草本
5. planta scandens (vine) 藤本
6. frutex scandens (scandent shrub)藤灌
1. terrestris (terrestrial)陆生
2. aquaticus (aquatic) 水生
3. epiphyticus (epiphytic)附生植物
4. saprophyticus (saprophytic) 腐生植物
1. annuus (annual)一年生植物
2. biennis (biennial)二年生植物
3. perennis (perennial) 多年生植物
Radix (Root)
1. radix fibrosa (lateral root) 侧根
2. radix primaria (tap root) 主根
3. radix adventitia (adventitious root) 不定根
4. radix aeria (aerial root) 气生根
Caulis (Stem)
1. herbaceus (herbaceous) 草质
2. ligneus;lignosus (woody;ligneus) 木质
3. suffruticosus (suffrutiscent) 半灌木状
1. erectus (erect) 直立的
Vocabulary of Botany both in Latin and English
1. arbor (tree) 乔木
2. frutex (shrub) 灌木
3. suffrutex (subshrub)亚灌木
4. herba (herb) 草本
5. planta scandens (vine) 藤本
6. frutex scandens (scandent shrub)藤灌
1. terrestris (terrestrial)陆生
2. aquaticus (aquatic) 水生
3. epiphyticus (epiphytic)附生植物
4. saprophyticus (saprophytic) 腐生植物
1. annuus (annual)一年生植物
2. biennis (biennial)二年生植物
3. perennis (perennial) 多年生植物
Radix (Root)
1. radix fibrosa (lateral root) 侧根
2. radix primaria (tap root) 主根
3. radix adventitia (adventitious root) 不定根
4. radix aeria (aerial root) 气生根
Caulis (Stem)
1. herbaceus (herbaceous) 草质
2. ligneus;lignosus (woody;ligneus) 木质
3. suffruticosus (suffrutiscent) 半灌木状
1. erectus (erect) 直立的