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 Hobbies

A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time. It’s an

activity you turn to for pleasure, not something that you have to do,

like helping with dishes. It’s more like a special friend that you choose

for yourself. You spend your free time with it because it interests you

and because you enjoy it.

Since different people like to do so many different things in their

spare time, we could makes a long list of hobbies, taking in

everything from collecting match-boxes or raising rare fish, to

learning about the stars or making model ships. Some hobbies are

very popular: stamp collecting, painting and cycling, for example,

while others are quite unusual, like collecting insects or traveling on

all the trains in one country.

Once you’ve selected a hobby that interest you, it will give you

many hours of pleasure, and may lead to an interesting and creative


(definition---classification---advantages of hobbies)

说明文通常用于以下三个方面: 1) 简单介绍事实的客观事物: 圣诞节、教

师节、电脑或杂志... 2) 介绍某事的功能、重要性、优缺点... 3)如何做

某事: 如何控制环境污染,如何做面包,如何成为一个优秀的学生..

The Jobs I Would Like to Do after Graduation

To acquire a job that is intellectually rewarding, creative,

and contributive has been my ambition for many years. For I believe

this kind of job is worthiest of devotion. (P.149)

 Some differences Between American and Chinese Social


We can often find Chinese social customs acceptable in America,

but in many cases, American customs are quite different from the

Chinese ones.

Americans are often very informal in social situations. For

example, when two people meet for the first time, it is normal for

them to call each other by their given names immediately.

In China, of course, the given name is not used so freely.

Another difference is in the kind of questions that can be asked.

Americans, like Chinese, ask about where you work, how many

children you have, and how large your house is. But there some

subjects are avoided unless you have very close relationship with the



 Hobbies

A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time. It’s an

activity you turn to for pleasure, not something that you have to do,

like helping with dishes. It’s more like a special friend that you choose

for yourself. You spend your free time with it because it interests you

and because you enjoy it.

Since different people like to do so many different things in their

spare time, we could makes a long list of hobbies, taking in

everything from collecting match-boxes or raising rare fish, to

learning about the stars or making model ships. Some hobbies are

very popular: stamp collecting, painting and cycling, for example,

while others are quite unusual, like collecting insects or traveling on

all the trains in one country.

Once you’ve selected a hobby that interest you, it will give you

many hours of pleasure, and may lead to an interesting and creative


(definition---classification---advantages of hobbies)

说明文通常用于以下三个方面: 1) 简单介绍事实的客观事物: 圣诞节、教

师节、电脑或杂志... 2) 介绍某事的功能、重要性、优缺点... 3)如何做

某事: 如何控制环境污染,如何做面包,如何成为一个优秀的学生..

The Jobs I Would Like to Do after Graduation

To acquire a job that is intellectually rewarding, creative,

and contributive has been my ambition for many years. For I believe

this kind of job is worthiest of devotion. (P.149)

 Some differences Between American and Chinese Social


We can often find Chinese social customs acceptable in America,

but in many cases, American customs are quite different from the

Chinese ones.

Americans are often very informal in social situations. For

example, when two people meet for the first time, it is normal for

them to call each other by their given names immediately.

In China, of course, the given name is not used so freely.

Another difference is in the kind of questions that can be asked.

Americans, like Chinese, ask about where you work, how many

children you have, and how large your house is. But there some

subjects are avoided unless you have very close relationship with the


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