M: Look at these low prices at these fashionable TV sets. Something
is fishy, don’t you think so?
W: Well,there have been a lot of robberies recently. Some of the stole
n goods may have landed here.
Q: What does the woman imply about the low price television sets?
M: I’ve been assigned to cover the governessspeech today. What abo
ut you?
W: Nothingis grand as yours. I have to do an interview for the evenin
g news about amanwith dozens of cats.
Q: What do we learn about the speakers?
W: Didn’tI see you going into the administration building this aftern
M: Ineeded to switch my computer class to the 950 section.
Q: What dowe learn from the conversation?
W: I guessyou watch the quiz show on television last night. What did
you think about it?
M: Well,it’s great. The first four contestants won only small prizes, b
ut the fifthleft with anew luxury car.
Q: Whatdoes the man say about the quiz show?
W: I can’tfind the arrival time of the New York to Boston Express on
this schedule.
M: Lookfor New York in the left-hand column and follow it across u
ntil you find thehourlisted in the Boston column.
Q: Whatare the speakers most probably doing?
W: Youlook different today, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it
M: Oh,yesterday I finally got around to that new barbershop in the ma
ll and enjoyedtheirservices.
Q: Whatcan be inferred about the man?
W: What doyou think Picasso’s painting exhibited in the city museum
M:Personally I can’t quite see the meaning in his modern works. Mos
t of themremind me ofthe stuff my nephew brings home from the kinderg
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?
W: Rodsaid he wanted to get involved in student government this yea
M: But hehasn’t gone through a single meeting, has he?
Q: What does the man imply about Rod?
Conversation One
M:Good morning! Madam. Can Ihelp you?
W: Oh, Ido hope so. I have to get to Manchester today and my own ca
r has by any chance have a car available?
M:For how many days?Madam.
W:Three,justuntil the weekend.
M:And whatsort of car did you have in mind?
W:pends a little bit on the I normally drive a C
youhaveanything like that?
M:Yes,’sgroup C which includes Chevrolet and sea-arr
ows. W:How much arethey?
M:Well,forthree days, you would have to have it under the unlimited
will work out cheaper for Manchester anyway.
Let’s see,Group C, three to five days hire with unlimited mileage is 5
3 pounds per day.
W:I that include everything?
M:ItIncludes third party insurance, but it’s not include value-added t
ax,patrol orCDW.
M:CDW? Oh,that’s the cover you in case you damage the hire car. Th
ird partyinsuranceonly covers you for damage two another Gr
oup C cars is 6 poundsperday.
W:OK. Ithink I’ll have the Chevrolet.
M:Allright. Could I have your driving license please?
W: we are.
M:So, it’.
M:And thenumber is 509024bc9cs, expiring the 1st,July, yo
u want to takeitimmediately?
W:Yes, Ido ,please.
M: you could just initial that box there for the
that boxthere toconfirm you have known driving convictions,thank you,
And then !That’s it!
Q9-11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Q9:Why does the woman want to hire a car?
Q10:What is the woman’s main consideration in hiring a car?
Q11:What does the daily charge included?
Conversation Two
Passage 1
In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra G
old of the DukeCenter for the study of aging and human development fou
nd that about 20% said they werehostile or indifferent to ward their siste
rs and brothers. Reasons for this ranged frominheritance disputes to hostil
ity between spouses. But, many of those who had poorrelationships felt g
uilty. Although most people admitted to some lingering rivalry, it was ra
relystrong enough to end the relationship. Only four out of the 54 people i
nterviewed hadcompletely broken with their sisters and brothers and only
one of the four felt comfortable withthe break. As sisters and brothers ad
vanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalrydiminishes, explains
VC, a psychologist at Purdue University. Most of the elderly people heint
erviewed said they had supportive and friendly dealings and got along we
ll or very well withtheir sisters and brothers. Only 4% got along poorly. G
old found that as people age, they oftenbecome more involved with and i
nterested in their sisters and brothers.
53% of those sheinterviewed said that contact with their sisters and broth
ers increase innate adulthood. Withfamily and career obligations reduced
, many said that they had more time for each said that they fe
lted with time to heal wounds. A man who had recently reconciled withhi
s brother told Gold there’s something that lets older people to put aside ba
d deeds of thepast and focus a little on what we need now, especially whe
n it’s sisters and brothers.
16. What does the study by Debra Gold find about older people?
17. What has probably caused closeness to increase among sisters and bro
thers according toVC?
18. What did the man who had recently reconciled with his brother tell D
ebra Gold about olderpeople?
Passage 2
Monarch butterflies, the large origin black insects, are common summer s
ights in northernUnited States and Canada. They brighten in parks and ga
rdens as they fly among the makes monarch butterflies par
ticularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to Californiaor Mexico in
back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this. Every year in t
he latesummer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those headi
ng for Mexico go first forthe Louisiana Mississippi region. And then they
fly to go across Mexico into Texas. Once inMexico, they establish thems
elves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. Each sideprovides th
e winter home for millions of monarchs. The butterflies are so numerous
that theyoften cover the entire trees. When spring comes, they began their
long journey north. Thequestion is often asked whether every butterfly
makes the round trip journey every year. Andthe answer is no. The averag
e monarch lives about nine month. So when fly the north, theymight lay
eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be f
ound inKentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michig
an. The last generation of theseason about the forth may make the journey
back in Mexico and restart the cycle. Scientistslearn about the monarch
butterflies’ migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags inthe
insects. By recapturing the attempt of the monarch and noting where the
y came from, thenext scientist can figure out things like butterfly’s age a
nd its routing
19. What is the unique about the monarch butterfly according to the spe
20. Where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration?
21. What does the speaker say about the monarch butterflies’ reproducti
22. What is the talk mainly about ?
Passage 3
People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more
limited. Comparedwith early generations we spend more and more time
working and have less and less free timeto engage in leisure pursues. But
this premise turns out to be an illusion. The mostcomprehensive data fro
m major Time Use Service suggests, if anything, Americans today havem
ore free time than the early generations. The number of hours we work ha
s not changedmuch, but we spend less time now on home tasks. So we ha
ve a great amount of time forleisure than in decades past. so why do we fe
el like time so scare. One problem is that timebecomes more valuable an
d time becomes more worth money. we feel like we have less of
s who bill or get paid by the hour, think employer and fast-food workers,
report focusingmore on pursuing more money than those who get paid by
salary and the fact has been fast. Inone experiment, people were told to pl
ay the role of consultant and bill their time by either ninedollars an hour o
r ninety dollars an hour. When people billed their time by ninety dollars a
n hourthey report feeling far more priced for time. Thinking about our tim
e as money, changes are ourbehavior as well. in one study, people who w
ere instructed to think about money beforeentering a cafe spent less times
chatting with the other patrons and more time working. Thosewho are thi
nking their time did reverse spending time socializing instead of working.
23. What does the speaker say now people feel about time?
24. What do the data from time use service show?
25. What happen when we think about our time as money?
The first copy right law in the United States was passed by congress in
1790. In 1976,congress enacted the latest copy right law, taking into con
sideration the technologicaldevelopments that had occurred since the pas
sage of the copy right act of 1909. For example,in 1909 anyone who want
ed to make a single copy of a literary work for personal use had todo so
by hand. The very process imposed a limitation on the quantity of mater
ials , a photo copier can do the work in seconds. The limitat
ion has disappeared. The 1909Law did not provide full protection for fil
ms and sound recordings nor did it anticipate theneed to protect radio an
d television. As a result, violations of the law and abuses of the intentof t
he law have lessened the financial rewards of authors, artists and produce
rs. The 1976 copyright act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has
clarified the legal rights of the injuredparties and given them an avenue fo
r remedy. Since 1976 the act has been amended to includecomputer soft
ware and guidelines have been adopted for fair use of television broadcast
changes have cleared up much of the confusion and conflict that
followed in the wakeof 1976 legislation. The fine points of the law are de
cided by the courts and by acceptablecommon practice overtime. As thes
e decisions and agreements are made, we modify ourbehavior accordingl
y. For now, we need to interpret the law and its guidelines as accurately
aswe can and to act in a fair manner.
点第二个说话的女士。对应选项A Theymight be stolengoods.
“cover the governessspeech”(cover表示报道) “do an interview”可以推
测,两人都是记者。对应选项C They are newsreporters.
点在第二位男士所说的话。对应选项D :The man went to changethe
time ofhis computer class 选项中change是对switch的同义改写。
The fifth contestant wonthebiggest prize 选项中的biggest prize是对
only small prizes的反向改写。
“New York to Boston Express”(express 表示特快列车)“schedule”
“the hour”可以推测,两人正在寻找火车时
刻表,对应选项B Looking for a railwaytimetable.
点在第二位男士。从“newbarbershop’可以推测,答案为D:He had his h
“I can’t quitesee the meaning inhis modern works” 可以推测,男士并不
He cannotappreciate thePicasso exhibition air cut yesterday.
点在第二位男士。从 “I can’t quite seethe meaning inhis modern works”
He cannotappreciate thePicasso exhibition
D He has been long involvedin student government.
9. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据女士所说的
“my own car has broken down” 对应选项
B Something went wrong withher car.
10. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据女士所说的
“That depends a little bit onthe price.” 以及后文反复出现的询价,可知
本题对应选项D: Cost
11. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据男士所说的
“It Includes third partyinsurance” 可知答案对应选项
A: Third-party insurance.
16. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本文第一句话就是考点,
“about 20% said theywerehostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and
brothers” 得出本题答案为选项
A: One fifth ofthem were onbad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其
中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, “beon bad terms with”是对
“hostile or indifferent to”的改写。
17. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章中间,
“As sisters and brothersadvancedinto old age, closeness increases and riv
alry diminishes, explains VC” 得出本题答案为选项C:Advance in age.
18. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章最后,
“there’s something that letsolderpeople to put aside(放到一旁)bad deeds
(不好的行为)of the past and focus alittle onwhat we need now” 得出
B: They tend to forget pastunhappy memories and focuson their present n
19. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案。
“What makesmonarchbutterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, a
ll the way to Californiaor Mexico inback. They are thought to be the only
insect that does this.” 第4句中的 “the only insect thatdoesthis”就是本
C: They are the only insectthat migrates alongfixed routes. Fixed routes
表示固定路线,是对原文 “all the way to California orMexico in back”
20. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题来自文章中间。
“Once in Mexico, theyestablishthemselves in one of about 15 sizes in the
mountain forth.” 所谓的establish oneself in someplace就表示在某处安
家。对应选项D: In a Mexican mountainforest.
21. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案,
“So when fly the north, theymight lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The egg
s of that followinggeneration maybe found in Kentucky, the eggs of next
generation may be in the last generation of the season
about the forth may make the journey back inMexicoand restart the cycle
.”对应选项C Each generation in a cyclelays eggs at a different place.
22. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:由于本文从头到尾都在
C Migration patterns ofmonarch butterflies.
23. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题就是对文章第一句
“People nowadays seemto havethe sense that their time has become more
limited.” 对应选项A. Time has becomesmorelimited.
24. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题可以直接得出答案,
“ …data…suggests…Americans today have morefree time than the early
generations” 对应选项
ans today have morefree time than earlier generations.
25. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题考察的是文中所提
“Thinkingabout our time asmoney, changes are our behavior as well.” 对
应选项D. Our behavior ischanged.
16. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本文第一句话就是考点,
“about 20% said theywerehostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and
brothers” 得出本题答案为选项
A: One fifth ofthem were onbad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其
中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, “beon bad terms with”是对
“hostile or indifferent to”的改写。
M: Look at these low prices at these fashionable TV sets. Something
is fishy, don’t you think so?
W: Well,there have been a lot of robberies recently. Some of the stole
n goods may have landed here.
Q: What does the woman imply about the low price television sets?
M: I’ve been assigned to cover the governessspeech today. What abo
ut you?
W: Nothingis grand as yours. I have to do an interview for the evenin
g news about amanwith dozens of cats.
Q: What do we learn about the speakers?
W: Didn’tI see you going into the administration building this aftern
M: Ineeded to switch my computer class to the 950 section.
Q: What dowe learn from the conversation?
W: I guessyou watch the quiz show on television last night. What did
you think about it?
M: Well,it’s great. The first four contestants won only small prizes, b
ut the fifthleft with anew luxury car.
Q: Whatdoes the man say about the quiz show?
W: I can’tfind the arrival time of the New York to Boston Express on
this schedule.
M: Lookfor New York in the left-hand column and follow it across u
ntil you find thehourlisted in the Boston column.
Q: Whatare the speakers most probably doing?
W: Youlook different today, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it
M: Oh,yesterday I finally got around to that new barbershop in the ma
ll and enjoyedtheirservices.
Q: Whatcan be inferred about the man?
W: What doyou think Picasso’s painting exhibited in the city museum
M:Personally I can’t quite see the meaning in his modern works. Mos
t of themremind me ofthe stuff my nephew brings home from the kinderg
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?
W: Rodsaid he wanted to get involved in student government this yea
M: But hehasn’t gone through a single meeting, has he?
Q: What does the man imply about Rod?
Conversation One
M:Good morning! Madam. Can Ihelp you?
W: Oh, Ido hope so. I have to get to Manchester today and my own ca
r has by any chance have a car available?
M:For how many days?Madam.
W:Three,justuntil the weekend.
M:And whatsort of car did you have in mind?
W:pends a little bit on the I normally drive a C
youhaveanything like that?
M:Yes,’sgroup C which includes Chevrolet and sea-arr
ows. W:How much arethey?
M:Well,forthree days, you would have to have it under the unlimited
will work out cheaper for Manchester anyway.
Let’s see,Group C, three to five days hire with unlimited mileage is 5
3 pounds per day.
W:I that include everything?
M:ItIncludes third party insurance, but it’s not include value-added t
ax,patrol orCDW.
M:CDW? Oh,that’s the cover you in case you damage the hire car. Th
ird partyinsuranceonly covers you for damage two another Gr
oup C cars is 6 poundsperday.
W:OK. Ithink I’ll have the Chevrolet.
M:Allright. Could I have your driving license please?
W: we are.
M:So, it’.
M:And thenumber is 509024bc9cs, expiring the 1st,July, yo
u want to takeitimmediately?
W:Yes, Ido ,please.
M: you could just initial that box there for the
that boxthere toconfirm you have known driving convictions,thank you,
And then !That’s it!
Q9-11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Q9:Why does the woman want to hire a car?
Q10:What is the woman’s main consideration in hiring a car?
Q11:What does the daily charge included?
Conversation Two
Passage 1
In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra G
old of the DukeCenter for the study of aging and human development fou
nd that about 20% said they werehostile or indifferent to ward their siste
rs and brothers. Reasons for this ranged frominheritance disputes to hostil
ity between spouses. But, many of those who had poorrelationships felt g
uilty. Although most people admitted to some lingering rivalry, it was ra
relystrong enough to end the relationship. Only four out of the 54 people i
nterviewed hadcompletely broken with their sisters and brothers and only
one of the four felt comfortable withthe break. As sisters and brothers ad
vanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalrydiminishes, explains
VC, a psychologist at Purdue University. Most of the elderly people heint
erviewed said they had supportive and friendly dealings and got along we
ll or very well withtheir sisters and brothers. Only 4% got along poorly. G
old found that as people age, they oftenbecome more involved with and i
nterested in their sisters and brothers.
53% of those sheinterviewed said that contact with their sisters and broth
ers increase innate adulthood. Withfamily and career obligations reduced
, many said that they had more time for each said that they fe
lted with time to heal wounds. A man who had recently reconciled withhi
s brother told Gold there’s something that lets older people to put aside ba
d deeds of thepast and focus a little on what we need now, especially whe
n it’s sisters and brothers.
16. What does the study by Debra Gold find about older people?
17. What has probably caused closeness to increase among sisters and bro
thers according toVC?
18. What did the man who had recently reconciled with his brother tell D
ebra Gold about olderpeople?
Passage 2
Monarch butterflies, the large origin black insects, are common summer s
ights in northernUnited States and Canada. They brighten in parks and ga
rdens as they fly among the makes monarch butterflies par
ticularly interesting is they migrate, all the way to Californiaor Mexico in
back. They are thought to be the only insect that does this. Every year in t
he latesummer, monarch begin their migration to the south, those headi
ng for Mexico go first forthe Louisiana Mississippi region. And then they
fly to go across Mexico into Texas. Once inMexico, they establish thems
elves in one of about 15 sizes in the mountain forth. Each sideprovides th
e winter home for millions of monarchs. The butterflies are so numerous
that theyoften cover the entire trees. When spring comes, they began their
long journey north. Thequestion is often asked whether every butterfly
makes the round trip journey every year. Andthe answer is no. The averag
e monarch lives about nine month. So when fly the north, theymight lay
eggs in Louisiana and die. The eggs of that following generation may be f
ound inKentucky, the eggs of next generation may be in the Kang Michig
an. The last generation of theseason about the forth may make the journey
back in Mexico and restart the cycle. Scientistslearn about the monarch
butterflies’ migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags inthe
insects. By recapturing the attempt of the monarch and noting where the
y came from, thenext scientist can figure out things like butterfly’s age a
nd its routing
19. What is the unique about the monarch butterfly according to the spe
20. Where does the butterfly settle at the end of the migration?
21. What does the speaker say about the monarch butterflies’ reproducti
22. What is the talk mainly about ?
Passage 3
People nowadays seem to have the sense that their time has become more
limited. Comparedwith early generations we spend more and more time
working and have less and less free timeto engage in leisure pursues. But
this premise turns out to be an illusion. The mostcomprehensive data fro
m major Time Use Service suggests, if anything, Americans today havem
ore free time than the early generations. The number of hours we work ha
s not changedmuch, but we spend less time now on home tasks. So we ha
ve a great amount of time forleisure than in decades past. so why do we fe
el like time so scare. One problem is that timebecomes more valuable an
d time becomes more worth money. we feel like we have less of
s who bill or get paid by the hour, think employer and fast-food workers,
report focusingmore on pursuing more money than those who get paid by
salary and the fact has been fast. Inone experiment, people were told to pl
ay the role of consultant and bill their time by either ninedollars an hour o
r ninety dollars an hour. When people billed their time by ninety dollars a
n hourthey report feeling far more priced for time. Thinking about our tim
e as money, changes are ourbehavior as well. in one study, people who w
ere instructed to think about money beforeentering a cafe spent less times
chatting with the other patrons and more time working. Thosewho are thi
nking their time did reverse spending time socializing instead of working.
23. What does the speaker say now people feel about time?
24. What do the data from time use service show?
25. What happen when we think about our time as money?
The first copy right law in the United States was passed by congress in
1790. In 1976,congress enacted the latest copy right law, taking into con
sideration the technologicaldevelopments that had occurred since the pas
sage of the copy right act of 1909. For example,in 1909 anyone who want
ed to make a single copy of a literary work for personal use had todo so
by hand. The very process imposed a limitation on the quantity of mater
ials , a photo copier can do the work in seconds. The limitat
ion has disappeared. The 1909Law did not provide full protection for fil
ms and sound recordings nor did it anticipate theneed to protect radio an
d television. As a result, violations of the law and abuses of the intentof t
he law have lessened the financial rewards of authors, artists and produce
rs. The 1976 copyright act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has
clarified the legal rights of the injuredparties and given them an avenue fo
r remedy. Since 1976 the act has been amended to includecomputer soft
ware and guidelines have been adopted for fair use of television broadcast
changes have cleared up much of the confusion and conflict that
followed in the wakeof 1976 legislation. The fine points of the law are de
cided by the courts and by acceptablecommon practice overtime. As thes
e decisions and agreements are made, we modify ourbehavior accordingl
y. For now, we need to interpret the law and its guidelines as accurately
aswe can and to act in a fair manner.
点第二个说话的女士。对应选项A Theymight be stolengoods.
“cover the governessspeech”(cover表示报道) “do an interview”可以推
测,两人都是记者。对应选项C They are newsreporters.
点在第二位男士所说的话。对应选项D :The man went to changethe
time ofhis computer class 选项中change是对switch的同义改写。
The fifth contestant wonthebiggest prize 选项中的biggest prize是对
only small prizes的反向改写。
“New York to Boston Express”(express 表示特快列车)“schedule”
“the hour”可以推测,两人正在寻找火车时
刻表,对应选项B Looking for a railwaytimetable.
点在第二位男士。从“newbarbershop’可以推测,答案为D:He had his h
“I can’t quitesee the meaning inhis modern works” 可以推测,男士并不
He cannotappreciate thePicasso exhibition air cut yesterday.
点在第二位男士。从 “I can’t quite seethe meaning inhis modern works”
He cannotappreciate thePicasso exhibition
D He has been long involvedin student government.
9. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据女士所说的
“my own car has broken down” 对应选项
B Something went wrong withher car.
10. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据女士所说的
“That depends a little bit onthe price.” 以及后文反复出现的询价,可知
本题对应选项D: Cost
11. 2014年6月英语六级听力长对话解析:根据男士所说的
“It Includes third partyinsurance” 可知答案对应选项
A: Third-party insurance.
16. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本文第一句话就是考点,
“about 20% said theywerehostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and
brothers” 得出本题答案为选项
A: One fifth ofthem were onbad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其
中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, “beon bad terms with”是对
“hostile or indifferent to”的改写。
17. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章中间,
“As sisters and brothersadvancedinto old age, closeness increases and riv
alry diminishes, explains VC” 得出本题答案为选项C:Advance in age.
18. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:考点信息来自文章最后,
“there’s something that letsolderpeople to put aside(放到一旁)bad deeds
(不好的行为)of the past and focus alittle onwhat we need now” 得出
B: They tend to forget pastunhappy memories and focuson their present n
19. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案。
“What makesmonarchbutterflies particularly interesting is they migrate, a
ll the way to Californiaor Mexico inback. They are thought to be the only
insect that does this.” 第4句中的 “the only insect thatdoesthis”就是本
C: They are the only insectthat migrates alongfixed routes. Fixed routes
表示固定路线,是对原文 “all the way to California orMexico in back”
20. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题来自文章中间。
“Once in Mexico, theyestablishthemselves in one of about 15 sizes in the
mountain forth.” 所谓的establish oneself in someplace就表示在某处安
家。对应选项D: In a Mexican mountainforest.
21. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题无法直接得出答案,
“So when fly the north, theymight lay eggs in Louisiana and die. The egg
s of that followinggeneration maybe found in Kentucky, the eggs of next
generation may be in the last generation of the season
about the forth may make the journey back inMexicoand restart the cycle
.”对应选项C Each generation in a cyclelays eggs at a different place.
22. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:由于本文从头到尾都在
C Migration patterns ofmonarch butterflies.
23. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题就是对文章第一句
“People nowadays seemto havethe sense that their time has become more
limited.” 对应选项A. Time has becomesmorelimited.
24. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题可以直接得出答案,
“ …data…suggests…Americans today have morefree time than the early
generations” 对应选项
ans today have morefree time than earlier generations.
25. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本题考察的是文中所提
“Thinkingabout our time asmoney, changes are our behavior as well.” 对
应选项D. Our behavior ischanged.
16. 2014年6月英语六级听力短文解析:本文第一句话就是考点,
“about 20% said theywerehostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and
brothers” 得出本题答案为选项
A: One fifth ofthem were onbad terms with their sisters and brothers. 其
中one fifth是对20%的同义改写, “beon bad terms with”是对
“hostile or indifferent to”的改写。