1. Feel the new space. (Samsung) 感受新境界
2. Things go better with Coca Cola. 常饮可口可乐,万事可心可意。Or可乐更添妙
3. Making life a little sweeter. ( Mars Milk Way) 玛斯巧克力,生活更甜蜜。
4. Think once. Think twice. Think bike. 左想想,右想想,还是自行车最理想。Or 三
5. ——直翻,不译,意译 这些单音节动词。
6. Fresh up with Seven-up. 打开七喜, 清爽自己。Or 君饮七喜,醒脑提神。
7. What a good time for a good taste of Kent! 健脾香烟,其味无穷,其乐也无穷。
8. Good to the last drop! 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
9. See new, hear new, feel new.耳目一新, 全新体验。Or 新视听,新感觉。Or 全
方位, 新感受——尽在诺基亚。
10. ——模拟,生造词,意译,创译。
11. Easier crusting by a Stre-e-tch.(除尘布) 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。
12. The Orangemostest Drink in the world! Come to our Fruice Fruit Juice.
Give a Timex(time+excellence) to all, to all a good time.天美时。
13. Mosquito-repellent incense. Repelling mosquitoes in silence. 洁士灭蚊,
14. ——练习
15. Buy a cardigan for your mother in the cold winter.(春晖羊毛衫) 寒冬春晖
16. Polaroid(拍立得) instant movies. Easy to make. Easy to show. Hard to
believe. 拍立得,了不得,立拍即得,难以置信。Or 易于拍摄,便于分享,共享此刻,
17. This word processor plays a tune of deep feeling whenever you are
typing. (文字处理器) 输入千言万语,输出一片深情。
18. I’d rather live one moment with you than an eternity without
you.(OREO) 奥利奥饼干,回味无穷,片刻拥有,回味永久。Or 不能没有你——奥利奥。
19. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it blossom at our branches. 钱不能长
20. You eat what you touch. (Lifebuoy Hand wash) 干干净净洗完手,健健康康
我自有/留。Or 吃前洗洗手,细菌不入口。Or 所碰即所吃。
1. Feel the new space. (Samsung) 感受新境界
2. Things go better with Coca Cola. 常饮可口可乐,万事可心可意。Or可乐更添妙
3. Making life a little sweeter. ( Mars Milk Way) 玛斯巧克力,生活更甜蜜。
4. Think once. Think twice. Think bike. 左想想,右想想,还是自行车最理想。Or 三
5. ——直翻,不译,意译 这些单音节动词。
6. Fresh up with Seven-up. 打开七喜, 清爽自己。Or 君饮七喜,醒脑提神。
7. What a good time for a good taste of Kent! 健脾香烟,其味无穷,其乐也无穷。
8. Good to the last drop! 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
9. See new, hear new, feel new.耳目一新, 全新体验。Or 新视听,新感觉。Or 全
方位, 新感受——尽在诺基亚。
10. ——模拟,生造词,意译,创译。
11. Easier crusting by a Stre-e-tch.(除尘布) 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。
12. The Orangemostest Drink in the world! Come to our Fruice Fruit Juice.
Give a Timex(time+excellence) to all, to all a good time.天美时。
13. Mosquito-repellent incense. Repelling mosquitoes in silence. 洁士灭蚊,
14. ——练习
15. Buy a cardigan for your mother in the cold winter.(春晖羊毛衫) 寒冬春晖
16. Polaroid(拍立得) instant movies. Easy to make. Easy to show. Hard to
believe. 拍立得,了不得,立拍即得,难以置信。Or 易于拍摄,便于分享,共享此刻,
17. This word processor plays a tune of deep feeling whenever you are
typing. (文字处理器) 输入千言万语,输出一片深情。
18. I’d rather live one moment with you than an eternity without
you.(OREO) 奥利奥饼干,回味无穷,片刻拥有,回味永久。Or 不能没有你——奥利奥。
19. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it blossom at our branches. 钱不能长
20. You eat what you touch. (Lifebuoy Hand wash) 干干净净洗完手,健健康康
我自有/留。Or 吃前洗洗手,细菌不入口。Or 所碰即所吃。