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【专八来了】翻译技巧 经典句段--钱歌川

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l 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。

Birds dwell in a tree by the pond.

A monk knocks at the door under the moon.

l 皓月当空。The moon shines brightly.

l 他命在旦夕。Death stared him in the face.

l 她打了他一记耳光。She strikes him across the face.

l 别的客人都走光了他还不走。He sits out the other guests.

l 这件衣服你穿了很合适。The dress becomes you very well.

年轻人宜彬彬有礼。Modesty becomes a young man.

l 这件衣服我穿了五年。This coat has lasted me five years.

l 他说话把声音都说哑了。He talked himself hoarse.

l She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and

worn, and horrible, and dead. (Bennett,

Old Wives’ Tale

) 她看到他的时候,他是年轻、


l 战争使我们的生意萧条。

Our business has suffered not a little through the war.

The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.

The war has affected our business to a remarkable.

The war has done our business much harm.

The war has rendered our business dull. (46)

l They saw a burning house, standing a little distance from the road, with

some stately fir-trees in the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起


l Caught in a shower on his way to his house in Lloyd Road, a tall English

gentleman, a teacher of English in one of the most flourishing private schools in

Singapore, began running, with some books under his arm, in order to catch a bus

going at full speed about twenty yards ahead of him. 一个身材高大的英国人,是新






l 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。

Birds dwell in a tree by the pond.

A monk knocks at the door under the moon.

l 皓月当空。The moon shines brightly.

l 他命在旦夕。Death stared him in the face.

l 她打了他一记耳光。She strikes him across the face.

l 别的客人都走光了他还不走。He sits out the other guests.

l 这件衣服你穿了很合适。The dress becomes you very well.

年轻人宜彬彬有礼。Modesty becomes a young man.

l 这件衣服我穿了五年。This coat has lasted me five years.

l 他说话把声音都说哑了。He talked himself hoarse.

l She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and

worn, and horrible, and dead. (Bennett,

Old Wives’ Tale

) 她看到他的时候,他是年轻、


l 战争使我们的生意萧条。

Our business has suffered not a little through the war.

The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.

The war has affected our business to a remarkable.

The war has done our business much harm.

The war has rendered our business dull. (46)

l They saw a burning house, standing a little distance from the road, with

some stately fir-trees in the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起


l Caught in a shower on his way to his house in Lloyd Road, a tall English

gentleman, a teacher of English in one of the most flourishing private schools in

Singapore, began running, with some books under his arm, in order to catch a bus

going at full speed about twenty yards ahead of him. 一个身材高大的英国人,是新





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