Block Lock Feature
The block lock feature protects either the entire device or ranges of blocks from being
programmed and erased. Using the block lock feature is preferable to using WP# to pre-
vent PROGRAM and ERASE operations.
Block lock is enabled and disabled at power-on through the LOCK pin. At power-on, if
LOCK is LOW, all BLOCK LOCK commands are disabled. However if LOCK is HIGH at
power-on, the BLOCK LOCK commands are enabled and, by default, all the blocks on
the device are protected, or locked, from PROGRAM and ERASE operations, even if WP#
is HIGH.
Before the contents of the device can be modified, the device must first be unlocked.
Either a range of blocks or the entire device may be unlocked. PROGRAM and ERASE
operations complete successfully only in the block ranges that have been unlocked.
Blocks, once unlocked, can be locked again to protect them from further PROGRAM
and ERASE operations.
Blocks that are locked can be protected further, or locked tight. When locked tight, the
device’s blocks can no longer be locked or unlocked until the device is power cycled.
WP# and Block Lock
The following is true when the block lock feature is enabled:
•Holding WP# LOW locks all blocks, provided the blocks are not locked tight.
•If WP# is held LOW to lock blocks, then returned to HIGH, a new UNLOCK command
must be issued to unlock blocks.
UNLOCK (23h-24h)
By default at power-on, if LOCK is HIGH, all the blocks are locked and protected from
PROGRAM and ERASE operations. The UNLOCK (23h) command is used to unlock a
range of blocks. Unlocked blocks have no protection and can be programmed or erased.
The UNLOCK command uses two registers, a lower boundary block address register and
an upper boundary block address register, and the invert area bit to determine what
range of blocks are unlocked. When the invert area bit = 0, the range of blocks within
the lower and upper boundary address registers are unlocked. When the invert area bit
= 1, the range of blocks outside the boundaries of the lower and upper boundary ad-
dress registers are unlocked. The lower boundary block address must be less than the
upper boundary block address. The figures below show examples of how the lower and
upper boundary address registers work with the invert area bit.
To unlock a range of blocks, issue the UNLOCK (23h) command followed by the appro-
priate address cycles that indicate the lower boundary block address. Then issue the
24h command followed by the appropriate address cycles that indicate the upper boun-
dary block address. The least significant page address bit, PA0, should be set to 1 if set-
ting the invert area bit; otherwise, it should be 0. The other page address bits should be
Only one range of blocks can be specified in the lower and upper boundary block ad-
dress registers. If after unlocking a range of blocks the UNLOCK command is again is-
sued, the new block address range determines which blocks are unlocked. The previous
unlocked block address range is not retained.
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Two-Plane Operations
Address input (3 cycles)
1st plane
Address input (3 cycles)
2nd plane
or 78h
Don‘t Care
78hAddress (3 cycles)
Status output
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Interleaved Die (Multi-LUN) Operations
Interleaved Die (Multi-LUN) Operations
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Internal ECC enables 5-bit detection and 4-bit error correction in 512 bytes (x8) or 256
words (x16) of the main area and 4 bytes (x8) or 2 words (x16) of metadata I in the spare
area. The metadata II area, which consists of two bytes (x8) and one word (x16), is not
ECC protected. During the busy time for PROGRAM operations, internal ECC generates
parity bits when error detection is complete.
During READ operations the device executes the internal ECC engine (5-bit detection
and 4-bit error correction). When the READ operaton is complete, read status bit 0 must
be checked to determine whether errors larger than four bits have occurred.
Following the READ STATUS command, the device must be returned to read mode by
issuing the 00h command.
Limitations of internal ECC include the spare area, defined in the figures below, and
ECC parity areas that cannot be written to. Each ECC user area (referred to as main and
spare) must be written within one partial-page program so that the NAND device can
calculate the proper ECC parity. The number of partial-page programs within a page
cannot exceed four.
Figure 80: Spare Area Mapping (x8)
Max ByteMin Byte
ECC ProtectedAreaDescription
1FFh000hYesMain 0User data
3FFh200hYesMain 1User data
5FFh400hYesMain 2User data
7FFh600hYesMain 3User data
803h802hNoUser metadata II
807h804hYesSpare 0User metadata I
80Fh808hYesSpare 0ECC for main/spare 0
813h812hNoUser metadata II
817h814hYesSpare 1User metadata I
81Fh818hYesSpare 1ECC for main/spare 1
823h822hNoUser metadata II
827h824hYesSpare 2User metadata I
82Fh828hYesSpare 2ECC for main/spare 2
831h830hNoUser data
833h832hNoUser metadata II
837h834hYesSpare 3User metadata I
83Fh838hYesSpare 3ECC for main/spare 3
Bad Block
2 bytes
8 bytes
User Data
6 bytes
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Figure 81: Spare Area Mapping (x16)
Max word Min word
Address Address
ECC ProtectedAreaDescription
0FFh 000h Yes Main 0 User data
1FFh 100h Yes Main 1 User data
2FFh 200h Yes Main 2 User data
3FFh 300h Yes Main 3 User data
400h 400h No Reserved
401h 401h No User metadata II
403h 402h Yes Spare 0 User metadata I
407h 404h Yes Spare 0 ECC for main/spare 0
408h 408h No Reserved
409h 409h No User metadata II
40Bh 40Ah Yes Spare 1 User metadata I
40Fh 40Ch Yes Spare 1 ECC for main/spare 1
410h 410h No Reserved
411h 411h No User metadata II
413h 412h Yes Spare 2 User metadata I
417h 414h Yes Spare 2 ECC for main/spare 2
418h 418h No User data
419h 419h No User metadata II
41Bh 41Ah Yes Spare 3 User metadata I
41Fh 41Ch Yes Spare 3 ECC for main/spare 3
Bad Block
1 word
4 words
User Data
3 words
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
Block Lock Feature
The block lock feature protects either the entire device or ranges of blocks from being
programmed and erased. Using the block lock feature is preferable to using WP# to pre-
vent PROGRAM and ERASE operations.
Block lock is enabled and disabled at power-on through the LOCK pin. At power-on, if
LOCK is LOW, all BLOCK LOCK commands are disabled. However if LOCK is HIGH at
power-on, the BLOCK LOCK commands are enabled and, by default, all the blocks on
the device are protected, or locked, from PROGRAM and ERASE operations, even if WP#
is HIGH.
Before the contents of the device can be modified, the device must first be unlocked.
Either a range of blocks or the entire device may be unlocked. PROGRAM and ERASE
operations complete successfully only in the block ranges that have been unlocked.
Blocks, once unlocked, can be locked again to protect them from further PROGRAM
and ERASE operations.
Blocks that are locked can be protected further, or locked tight. When locked tight, the
device’s blocks can no longer be locked or unlocked until the device is power cycled.
WP# and Block Lock
The following is true when the block lock feature is enabled:
•Holding WP# LOW locks all blocks, provided the blocks are not locked tight.
•If WP# is held LOW to lock blocks, then returned to HIGH, a new UNLOCK command
must be issued to unlock blocks.
UNLOCK (23h-24h)
By default at power-on, if LOCK is HIGH, all the blocks are locked and protected from
PROGRAM and ERASE operations. The UNLOCK (23h) command is used to unlock a
range of blocks. Unlocked blocks have no protection and can be programmed or erased.
The UNLOCK command uses two registers, a lower boundary block address register and
an upper boundary block address register, and the invert area bit to determine what
range of blocks are unlocked. When the invert area bit = 0, the range of blocks within
the lower and upper boundary address registers are unlocked. When the invert area bit
= 1, the range of blocks outside the boundaries of the lower and upper boundary ad-
dress registers are unlocked. The lower boundary block address must be less than the
upper boundary block address. The figures below show examples of how the lower and
upper boundary address registers work with the invert area bit.
To unlock a range of blocks, issue the UNLOCK (23h) command followed by the appro-
priate address cycles that indicate the lower boundary block address. Then issue the
24h command followed by the appropriate address cycles that indicate the upper boun-
dary block address. The least significant page address bit, PA0, should be set to 1 if set-
ting the invert area bit; otherwise, it should be 0. The other page address bits should be
Only one range of blocks can be specified in the lower and upper boundary block ad-
dress registers. If after unlocking a range of blocks the UNLOCK command is again is-
sued, the new block address range determines which blocks are unlocked. The previous
unlocked block address range is not retained.
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Two-Plane Operations
Address input (3 cycles)
1st plane
Address input (3 cycles)
2nd plane
or 78h
Don‘t Care
78hAddress (3 cycles)
Status output
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Interleaved Die (Multi-LUN) Operations
Interleaved Die (Multi-LUN) Operations
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Internal ECC enables 5-bit detection and 4-bit error correction in 512 bytes (x8) or 256
words (x16) of the main area and 4 bytes (x8) or 2 words (x16) of metadata I in the spare
area. The metadata II area, which consists of two bytes (x8) and one word (x16), is not
ECC protected. During the busy time for PROGRAM operations, internal ECC generates
parity bits when error detection is complete.
During READ operations the device executes the internal ECC engine (5-bit detection
and 4-bit error correction). When the READ operaton is complete, read status bit 0 must
be checked to determine whether errors larger than four bits have occurred.
Following the READ STATUS command, the device must be returned to read mode by
issuing the 00h command.
Limitations of internal ECC include the spare area, defined in the figures below, and
ECC parity areas that cannot be written to. Each ECC user area (referred to as main and
spare) must be written within one partial-page program so that the NAND device can
calculate the proper ECC parity. The number of partial-page programs within a page
cannot exceed four.
Figure 80: Spare Area Mapping (x8)
Max ByteMin Byte
ECC ProtectedAreaDescription
1FFh000hYesMain 0User data
3FFh200hYesMain 1User data
5FFh400hYesMain 2User data
7FFh600hYesMain 3User data
803h802hNoUser metadata II
807h804hYesSpare 0User metadata I
80Fh808hYesSpare 0ECC for main/spare 0
813h812hNoUser metadata II
817h814hYesSpare 1User metadata I
81Fh818hYesSpare 1ECC for main/spare 1
823h822hNoUser metadata II
827h824hYesSpare 2User metadata I
82Fh828hYesSpare 2ECC for main/spare 2
831h830hNoUser data
833h832hNoUser metadata II
837h834hYesSpare 3User metadata I
83Fh838hYesSpare 3ECC for main/spare 3
Bad Block
2 bytes
8 bytes
User Data
6 bytes
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN
4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb: x8, x16 NAND Flash Memory
Internal ECC and Spare Area Mapping for ECC
Figure 81: Spare Area Mapping (x16)
Max word Min word
Address Address
ECC ProtectedAreaDescription
0FFh 000h Yes Main 0 User data
1FFh 100h Yes Main 1 User data
2FFh 200h Yes Main 2 User data
3FFh 300h Yes Main 3 User data
400h 400h No Reserved
401h 401h No User metadata II
403h 402h Yes Spare 0 User metadata I
407h 404h Yes Spare 0 ECC for main/spare 0
408h 408h No Reserved
409h 409h No User metadata II
40Bh 40Ah Yes Spare 1 User metadata I
40Fh 40Ch Yes Spare 1 ECC for main/spare 1
410h 410h No Reserved
411h 411h No User metadata II
413h 412h Yes Spare 2 User metadata I
417h 414h Yes Spare 2 ECC for main/spare 2
418h 418h No User data
419h 419h No User metadata II
41Bh 41Ah Yes Spare 3 User metadata I
41Fh 41Ch Yes Spare 3 ECC for main/spare 3
Bad Block
1 word
4 words
User Data
3 words
PDF: 09005aef83b25735
m60a_4gb_ecc_ – Rev. M 2/12 EN