毕 业 设 计(论 文) 英文翻译 姓 名
学 号 0811122121 所在
学院 理 学 院 专业班级
2008 级光信 1 班 指导教师
日 期 2012 年 4 月 20 日 英文原文
1.5 Experimental Setup Due to the many concepts and variations involved in performing
the experimentsin this project and also because of their introductory nature Project 1 will
very likelybe the most time consuming project in this kit. This project may require as
much as 9hours to complete. We recommend that you perform the experiments in two or
morelaboratory sessions. For example power and astigmatic distance characteristics
maybe examined in the first session and the last two experiments frequency andamplitude
characteristics may be performed in the second session. A Note of Caution All of the
above comments refer to single-mode operation of the laser which is avery fragile device
with respect to reflections and operating point. One must ensurethat before performing
measurements the laser is indeed operating can be realized if a single
broad fringe pattern is obtained or equivalently a goodsinusoidal output is obtained from
the Michelson interferometer as the path imbalanceis scanned. If this is not the case the
laser is probably operating multimode and itscurrent should be adjusted. If single-mode
operation cannot be achieved by adjustingthe current then reflections may be driving the
laser multimode in which case thesetup should be adjusted to minimize reflections. If still
not operating single-modethe laser diode may have been damaged and may need to be
replaced. Warning The lasers provided in this project kit emit invisible radiation that can
damagethe human eye. It is essential that you avoid direct eye exposure to the laser
recommend the use of protective eyewear designed for use at the laser
wavelengthof 780 nm. Read the Safety sections in the Laser Diode Driver Operating
Manual and in thelaser diode section of Component Handling and Assembly Appendix A
beforeproceeding.1.5.1 Semiconductor Diode Laser Power Characteristics1. Assemble
the laser mount assembly LMA-I and connect the laser to its powersupply. We will first
collimate the light beam. Connect the laser beam to a videomonitor and image the laser
beam on a white sheet of paper held about two to tencentimeters from the laser assembly.
Slowly increase the drive current to the laser andobserve the spot on the white card. The
threshold drive current rating of the laser issupplied with each laser. Increase the current
to about 10-20 mA over the thresholdvalue. With the infrared imager or infrared sensor
card observe the spot on the card andadjust the collimator lens position in the laser
assembly LMA-I to obtain a bright spoton the card. Move the card to about 30 to 60
centimeters from the lens and adjust thelens position relative to the laser to obtain a spot
where size does not vary stronglywith the position of the white card. When the spot size
remains roughly constant asthe card is moved closer or further from the laser the output
can be consideredcollimated. Alternatively the laser beam may be collimated by focusing
it at adistance as far away as possible. Protect fellow co-workers from accidental
exposureto the laser beam.2. Place an 818-SL detector on a post mount assembly M818
and adjust its positionso that its active area is in the center of the beam. There should be
adequate opticalpower falling on the detector to get a strong signal. Connect the
photodetector to thepower meter 815. Reduce the background lighting room lights so that
the signalbeing detected is only from the laser. Reduce the drive current to a few
milliamperesbelow threshold and again check to see that room light is not the dominant
signal atthe detector by blocking the laser light.3. Increase the current and record the
output of the detector as a function of laser drivecurrent. You should obtain a curve
similar to Figure 1.2. If desired the diodetemperature may also be varied to observe the
effects of temperature on thresholdcurrent. When examining laser diode temperature
characteristics the laser diodedriver should be operated in the constant current mode as a
safeguard againstexcessive currents that damage the diode laser. Note that as the diode
temperature isreduced the threshold decreases. Start all measurements with the diode
current off toprevent damage to the laser by preventing drive currents too high above
prevent destruction of the laser do not exceed the stated maximum drive
current ofthe laser.1.5.2 Astigmatic Distance Characteristics The laser diode astigmatic
distance is determined as follows. A lens is used tofocus the laser beam at a convenient
distance. A razor blade is then incrementallymoved across the beam to obtain data for
total optical power passing the razor edge razor blade position. A plot of this data
produces an integrated power profile of thelaser beam Figure 1.9a which through
differentiation exposes the actual powerprofile Figure 1.9b which in turn permits
determination of the beam diameter W.A beam diameter profile is obtained by measuring
the beam diameter while varyingthe laser position. Figure 1.9c illustrates the two beam
diameter profiles of interest:one for razor edge travel in the direction perpendicular to the
laser diode junctionplane and the other for travel in the direction parallel to the junction
plane. Theastigmatic distance for a laser diode is the displacement between the minima of
thesetwo profiles. This method is known as the knife edge technique.1. Assemble the
components shown in Figure 1.8 with the collimator lens LC in therotational stage
assembly RSA-I placed roughly 1 centimeter away from the beam should travel
along the optic axis of the lens. This is the same lens used incollimating the laser in the
previous setup. The approximate placement of all thecomponents are shown in the figure.
Make sure that the plane of the diode junctionxz plane in Figure 1.1 is parallel with the
table surface.2. Due to the asymmetric divergence of the light the cross-section of the
beamleaving the laser and further past the spherical lens is elliptical. The beam thus
hastwo distinct focal points one in the plane parallel and the other in the
planeperpendicular to the laser diode junction. There is a point between the two
focalpoints where the beam cross-section is circular. With the infrared imager and a
whitecard roughly determine the position where the beam cross-section is circular. Figure
1.9 – Procedure for finding astigmatic distance.3. Adjust the laser diode to lens distance
such that the razor blades are located in thexy plane where the beam cross-section is
circular.4. Move the laser diode away from the lens until minimum beam waist is reached
atthe plane of razor blades. Now move the laser diode about 200 m further away fromthe
lens.5. Move razor blade 1 in the x direction across the beam through the beam spread
θxand record the x position and detected intensity at each increment ≤100 mincrements.
The expected output is shown in Figure 1.9. The derivative of this curveyields the
intensity profile of the beam in the x direction from which the beamdiameter is
determined.6. Repeat with razor blade 2 for θy in the y direction.7. Move the laser closer
to the lens in increments ≤50 m through a total of at leastthan 500m. Repeat Steps 5 and 6
at each z increment recording the z position.8. Using the collected data determine the
beam intensity profiles in the x and ydirections as a function of the lens position z. This is
done by differentiating each dataset with respect to position. Then calculate the beam
diameter and plot as a functionof z. The difference in z for the minimum in θx and θy is
the astigmatic distance of thelaser diode. Use of computer software especially in
differentiating the data is highlyrecommended. If the laser junction is not parallel to the
table surface then for eachmeasurement above you will obtain an admixture of the two
beam divergences andthe measurement will become imprecise. If the laser is oriented at
45° to the surfaceof the table the astigmatic distance will be zero. Different laser
structures will have different angular beam divergences and thusdifferent astigmatic
distances. If you have access to several different laser types gainguided index guided it
may be instructive to characterize their astigmatic distances.1.5.3 Frequency
Characteristics of Diode Lasers In order to study frequency characteristics of a diode
laser we will employ aMichelson interferometer to convert frequency variations into
intensity variations. Anexperimental setup for examining frequency and also amplitude
characteristics of alaser source is illustrated in Figure 1.10.1. In this experiment it is very
possible that light may be coupled back into the laserthereby destabilizing it. An optical
isolator therefore will be required to minimizefeedback into the laser. A simple isolator
will be constructed using a polarizing beamsplitter cube and a quarterwave plate. We
orient the quarterwave plate such that thelinearly polarized light from the polarizer is
incident at 45° to the principal axes of thequarterwave plate so that light emerging from
the quarterwave plate is circularlypolarized. Reflections change left-circular polarized
light into right-circular or viceversa so that reflected light returning through the
quarterwave plate will be linearlypolarized and 90° rotated with respect to the polarizer
transmission axis. The polarizerthen greatly attenuates the return beam. In assembling the
isolator make sure that the laser junction xz plane in Figure1.1 is parallel to the surface of
the table the notch on the laser diode case pointsupward and the beam is collimated by
the lens. The laser beam should be parallel tothe surface of the optical table. Set the
polarizer and quarterwave λ/4 plate in a mirror after the λ/4 plate and rotate
the λ/4 plate so that maximum rejectedsignal is obtained from the rejection port of the
polarizing beam splitter cube asshown in Figure 1.11. When this signal is maximized the
feedback to the laser shouldbe at a minimum.2. Construct the Michelson interferometer
as shown in Figure 1.12. Place the beamsteering assembly BSA-II on the optical table
and use the reflected beam from themirror to adjust the quarterwave plate orientation. Set
the cube mount CM on theoptical breadboard place a double sided piece of adhesive tape
on the mount and putthe nonpolarizing beam splitter cube 05BC16NP.6 on the adhesive
tape. Next placethe other beam steering assembly BSA-I and the detector mount
M818BB inlocation and adjust the mirrors so that the beams reflected from the two
mirrorsoverlap at the detector. When long path length measurements are made the
interferometer signal willdecrease or disappear if the laser coherence length is less than
the two wayinterferometer path imbalance. If this is the case shorten the interferometer
until thesignal reappears. If this does not work then check the laser for single-mode
operationby looking for the fringe pattern on a card or by scanning the piezoelectric
transducerblock PZBin BSA-II and monitoring the detector output which should be
sinusoidalwith PZB scan distance. If the laser does not appear to be operating
single-moderealign the isolator and/or change the laser operating point by varying the
bias onally to ensure single-mode operation the laser should be DC biased
abovethreshold before applying AC modulation. Overdriving the laser can also force it
intomultimode operation.3. The Michelson interferometer has the property that
depending on the position of themirrors light may strongly couple back toward the laser
input port. In order to furtherreduce the feed-back slightly tilt the mirrors as illustrated in
Figure 1.13. If stillunable to obtain single-mode operation replace the laser diode.4. Place
a white card in front of the detector and observe the fringe pattern with theinfrared
imager. Slightly adjust the mirrors to obtain the best fringe pattern. Try toobtain one
broad fringe.5. Position the detector at the center of the fringe pattern so that it intercepts
no morethan a portion of the centered peak.6. By applying a voltage to the piezoelectric
transducer block attached to the mirrorpart PZB in one arm of the
BSA-II maximize the outputintensity. The output should be stable over a time period of a
minute or so. If it is notverify that all components are rigidly mounted. If they are then
room air currents maybe destabilizing the setup. In this case place a box cardboard will
do over the setupto prevent air currents from disturbing the interferometer setup.7. Place
the interferometer in quadrature point of maximum sensitivity betweenmaximum and
minimum outputs of the interferometer by varying the voltage on thePZB.8. The output
signal of the interferometer due to frequency shifting of the laser isgiven by I∝φ 2π/c
L ν where L is the difference in path length between thetwo arms of the interferometer
and ν is the frequency sweep of the laser that isinduced by applying a current modulation.
Remember that in a Michelsoninterferometer L is twice the physical difference in length
between the arms sincelight traverses this length difference in both directions. L values of
3-20 cmrepresent convenient length differences with the larger L yielding higher
outputsignals. Before we apply a current modulation to the laser note that the
interferometeroutput signal I should be made larger than the detector or laser noise levels
byproper choice of L and current modulation amplitude di. Also recall from Section
1.3that when the diode current is modulated so is the laser intensity as well as
itsfrequency. We can measure the laser intensity modulation by blocking one arm of
theinterferometer. This eliminates interference and enables measurement of the
intensitymodulation depth. We then subtract this value from the total interferometer
output todetermine the true dI/di due to frequency modulation. Apply a low frequency
smallcurrent modulation to the laser diode. Note that when the proper range is
beingobserved 1 dv 10 5 mA 1 v diand 1 dI 0.2mA 1 I difor the amplitude change
ingdI d(Δφ) 2π Δv c dI ∝ ΔL 10 5 mA 1 di di c Δi 2πΔLv diordI ΔL
2Kπ mA 1di λ10 -5where K is a detector response constant determined by varying L.9.
With the interferometer and detection system properly adjusted vary the drivefrequency
of the laser and obtain the frequency response of the laser Figure 1.4 will
need to record two sets of data: i the modulation depth of theinterferometer output as a
function of frequency and ii the laser intensitymodulation depth. The difference of the
two sets of collected data will provide anestimate of the actual dI/di due to frequency
modulation. Also note that if the currentmodulation is sufficiently small and the path
mismatch sufficiently large the laserintensity modulation may be negligible. You may
need to actively keep theinterferometer in quadrature by adjusting the PZB voltage. Make
any necessary function generator amplitude adjustments to keep thecurrent modulation
depth of the laser constant as you vary the frequency. This isbecause the function
generator/driver combination may not have a flat frequencyresponse. The effect of this is
that the current modulation depth di is not constant andvaries with frequency. So to avoid
unnecessary calculations monitor the current.
毕 业 设 计(论 文) 英文翻译 姓 名
学 号 0811122121 所在
学院 理 学 院 专业班级
2008 级光信 1 班 指导教师
日 期 2012 年 4 月 20 日 英文原文
1.5 Experimental Setup Due to the many concepts and variations involved in performing
the experimentsin this project and also because of their introductory nature Project 1 will
very likelybe the most time consuming project in this kit. This project may require as
much as 9hours to complete. We recommend that you perform the experiments in two or
morelaboratory sessions. For example power and astigmatic distance characteristics
maybe examined in the first session and the last two experiments frequency andamplitude
characteristics may be performed in the second session. A Note of Caution All of the
above comments refer to single-mode operation of the laser which is avery fragile device
with respect to reflections and operating point. One must ensurethat before performing
measurements the laser is indeed operating can be realized if a single
broad fringe pattern is obtained or equivalently a goodsinusoidal output is obtained from
the Michelson interferometer as the path imbalanceis scanned. If this is not the case the
laser is probably operating multimode and itscurrent should be adjusted. If single-mode
operation cannot be achieved by adjustingthe current then reflections may be driving the
laser multimode in which case thesetup should be adjusted to minimize reflections. If still
not operating single-modethe laser diode may have been damaged and may need to be
replaced. Warning The lasers provided in this project kit emit invisible radiation that can
damagethe human eye. It is essential that you avoid direct eye exposure to the laser
recommend the use of protective eyewear designed for use at the laser
wavelengthof 780 nm. Read the Safety sections in the Laser Diode Driver Operating
Manual and in thelaser diode section of Component Handling and Assembly Appendix A
beforeproceeding.1.5.1 Semiconductor Diode Laser Power Characteristics1. Assemble
the laser mount assembly LMA-I and connect the laser to its powersupply. We will first
collimate the light beam. Connect the laser beam to a videomonitor and image the laser
beam on a white sheet of paper held about two to tencentimeters from the laser assembly.
Slowly increase the drive current to the laser andobserve the spot on the white card. The
threshold drive current rating of the laser issupplied with each laser. Increase the current
to about 10-20 mA over the thresholdvalue. With the infrared imager or infrared sensor
card observe the spot on the card andadjust the collimator lens position in the laser
assembly LMA-I to obtain a bright spoton the card. Move the card to about 30 to 60
centimeters from the lens and adjust thelens position relative to the laser to obtain a spot
where size does not vary stronglywith the position of the white card. When the spot size
remains roughly constant asthe card is moved closer or further from the laser the output
can be consideredcollimated. Alternatively the laser beam may be collimated by focusing
it at adistance as far away as possible. Protect fellow co-workers from accidental
exposureto the laser beam.2. Place an 818-SL detector on a post mount assembly M818
and adjust its positionso that its active area is in the center of the beam. There should be
adequate opticalpower falling on the detector to get a strong signal. Connect the
photodetector to thepower meter 815. Reduce the background lighting room lights so that
the signalbeing detected is only from the laser. Reduce the drive current to a few
milliamperesbelow threshold and again check to see that room light is not the dominant
signal atthe detector by blocking the laser light.3. Increase the current and record the
output of the detector as a function of laser drivecurrent. You should obtain a curve
similar to Figure 1.2. If desired the diodetemperature may also be varied to observe the
effects of temperature on thresholdcurrent. When examining laser diode temperature
characteristics the laser diodedriver should be operated in the constant current mode as a
safeguard againstexcessive currents that damage the diode laser. Note that as the diode
temperature isreduced the threshold decreases. Start all measurements with the diode
current off toprevent damage to the laser by preventing drive currents too high above
prevent destruction of the laser do not exceed the stated maximum drive
current ofthe laser.1.5.2 Astigmatic Distance Characteristics The laser diode astigmatic
distance is determined as follows. A lens is used tofocus the laser beam at a convenient
distance. A razor blade is then incrementallymoved across the beam to obtain data for
total optical power passing the razor edge razor blade position. A plot of this data
produces an integrated power profile of thelaser beam Figure 1.9a which through
differentiation exposes the actual powerprofile Figure 1.9b which in turn permits
determination of the beam diameter W.A beam diameter profile is obtained by measuring
the beam diameter while varyingthe laser position. Figure 1.9c illustrates the two beam
diameter profiles of interest:one for razor edge travel in the direction perpendicular to the
laser diode junctionplane and the other for travel in the direction parallel to the junction
plane. Theastigmatic distance for a laser diode is the displacement between the minima of
thesetwo profiles. This method is known as the knife edge technique.1. Assemble the
components shown in Figure 1.8 with the collimator lens LC in therotational stage
assembly RSA-I placed roughly 1 centimeter away from the beam should travel
along the optic axis of the lens. This is the same lens used incollimating the laser in the
previous setup. The approximate placement of all thecomponents are shown in the figure.
Make sure that the plane of the diode junctionxz plane in Figure 1.1 is parallel with the
table surface.2. Due to the asymmetric divergence of the light the cross-section of the
beamleaving the laser and further past the spherical lens is elliptical. The beam thus
hastwo distinct focal points one in the plane parallel and the other in the
planeperpendicular to the laser diode junction. There is a point between the two
focalpoints where the beam cross-section is circular. With the infrared imager and a
whitecard roughly determine the position where the beam cross-section is circular. Figure
1.9 – Procedure for finding astigmatic distance.3. Adjust the laser diode to lens distance
such that the razor blades are located in thexy plane where the beam cross-section is
circular.4. Move the laser diode away from the lens until minimum beam waist is reached
atthe plane of razor blades. Now move the laser diode about 200 m further away fromthe
lens.5. Move razor blade 1 in the x direction across the beam through the beam spread
θxand record the x position and detected intensity at each increment ≤100 mincrements.
The expected output is shown in Figure 1.9. The derivative of this curveyields the
intensity profile of the beam in the x direction from which the beamdiameter is
determined.6. Repeat with razor blade 2 for θy in the y direction.7. Move the laser closer
to the lens in increments ≤50 m through a total of at leastthan 500m. Repeat Steps 5 and 6
at each z increment recording the z position.8. Using the collected data determine the
beam intensity profiles in the x and ydirections as a function of the lens position z. This is
done by differentiating each dataset with respect to position. Then calculate the beam
diameter and plot as a functionof z. The difference in z for the minimum in θx and θy is
the astigmatic distance of thelaser diode. Use of computer software especially in
differentiating the data is highlyrecommended. If the laser junction is not parallel to the
table surface then for eachmeasurement above you will obtain an admixture of the two
beam divergences andthe measurement will become imprecise. If the laser is oriented at
45° to the surfaceof the table the astigmatic distance will be zero. Different laser
structures will have different angular beam divergences and thusdifferent astigmatic
distances. If you have access to several different laser types gainguided index guided it
may be instructive to characterize their astigmatic distances.1.5.3 Frequency
Characteristics of Diode Lasers In order to study frequency characteristics of a diode
laser we will employ aMichelson interferometer to convert frequency variations into
intensity variations. Anexperimental setup for examining frequency and also amplitude
characteristics of alaser source is illustrated in Figure 1.10.1. In this experiment it is very
possible that light may be coupled back into the laserthereby destabilizing it. An optical
isolator therefore will be required to minimizefeedback into the laser. A simple isolator
will be constructed using a polarizing beamsplitter cube and a quarterwave plate. We
orient the quarterwave plate such that thelinearly polarized light from the polarizer is
incident at 45° to the principal axes of thequarterwave plate so that light emerging from
the quarterwave plate is circularlypolarized. Reflections change left-circular polarized
light into right-circular or viceversa so that reflected light returning through the
quarterwave plate will be linearlypolarized and 90° rotated with respect to the polarizer
transmission axis. The polarizerthen greatly attenuates the return beam. In assembling the
isolator make sure that the laser junction xz plane in Figure1.1 is parallel to the surface of
the table the notch on the laser diode case pointsupward and the beam is collimated by
the lens. The laser beam should be parallel tothe surface of the optical table. Set the
polarizer and quarterwave λ/4 plate in a mirror after the λ/4 plate and rotate
the λ/4 plate so that maximum rejectedsignal is obtained from the rejection port of the
polarizing beam splitter cube asshown in Figure 1.11. When this signal is maximized the
feedback to the laser shouldbe at a minimum.2. Construct the Michelson interferometer
as shown in Figure 1.12. Place the beamsteering assembly BSA-II on the optical table
and use the reflected beam from themirror to adjust the quarterwave plate orientation. Set
the cube mount CM on theoptical breadboard place a double sided piece of adhesive tape
on the mount and putthe nonpolarizing beam splitter cube 05BC16NP.6 on the adhesive
tape. Next placethe other beam steering assembly BSA-I and the detector mount
M818BB inlocation and adjust the mirrors so that the beams reflected from the two
mirrorsoverlap at the detector. When long path length measurements are made the
interferometer signal willdecrease or disappear if the laser coherence length is less than
the two wayinterferometer path imbalance. If this is the case shorten the interferometer
until thesignal reappears. If this does not work then check the laser for single-mode
operationby looking for the fringe pattern on a card or by scanning the piezoelectric
transducerblock PZBin BSA-II and monitoring the detector output which should be
sinusoidalwith PZB scan distance. If the laser does not appear to be operating
single-moderealign the isolator and/or change the laser operating point by varying the
bias onally to ensure single-mode operation the laser should be DC biased
abovethreshold before applying AC modulation. Overdriving the laser can also force it
intomultimode operation.3. The Michelson interferometer has the property that
depending on the position of themirrors light may strongly couple back toward the laser
input port. In order to furtherreduce the feed-back slightly tilt the mirrors as illustrated in
Figure 1.13. If stillunable to obtain single-mode operation replace the laser diode.4. Place
a white card in front of the detector and observe the fringe pattern with theinfrared
imager. Slightly adjust the mirrors to obtain the best fringe pattern. Try toobtain one
broad fringe.5. Position the detector at the center of the fringe pattern so that it intercepts
no morethan a portion of the centered peak.6. By applying a voltage to the piezoelectric
transducer block attached to the mirrorpart PZB in one arm of the
BSA-II maximize the outputintensity. The output should be stable over a time period of a
minute or so. If it is notverify that all components are rigidly mounted. If they are then
room air currents maybe destabilizing the setup. In this case place a box cardboard will
do over the setupto prevent air currents from disturbing the interferometer setup.7. Place
the interferometer in quadrature point of maximum sensitivity betweenmaximum and
minimum outputs of the interferometer by varying the voltage on thePZB.8. The output
signal of the interferometer due to frequency shifting of the laser isgiven by I∝φ 2π/c
L ν where L is the difference in path length between thetwo arms of the interferometer
and ν is the frequency sweep of the laser that isinduced by applying a current modulation.
Remember that in a Michelsoninterferometer L is twice the physical difference in length
between the arms sincelight traverses this length difference in both directions. L values of
3-20 cmrepresent convenient length differences with the larger L yielding higher
outputsignals. Before we apply a current modulation to the laser note that the
interferometeroutput signal I should be made larger than the detector or laser noise levels
byproper choice of L and current modulation amplitude di. Also recall from Section
1.3that when the diode current is modulated so is the laser intensity as well as
itsfrequency. We can measure the laser intensity modulation by blocking one arm of
theinterferometer. This eliminates interference and enables measurement of the
intensitymodulation depth. We then subtract this value from the total interferometer
output todetermine the true dI/di due to frequency modulation. Apply a low frequency
smallcurrent modulation to the laser diode. Note that when the proper range is
beingobserved 1 dv 10 5 mA 1 v diand 1 dI 0.2mA 1 I difor the amplitude change
ingdI d(Δφ) 2π Δv c dI ∝ ΔL 10 5 mA 1 di di c Δi 2πΔLv diordI ΔL
2Kπ mA 1di λ10 -5where K is a detector response constant determined by varying L.9.
With the interferometer and detection system properly adjusted vary the drivefrequency
of the laser and obtain the frequency response of the laser Figure 1.4 will
need to record two sets of data: i the modulation depth of theinterferometer output as a
function of frequency and ii the laser intensitymodulation depth. The difference of the
two sets of collected data will provide anestimate of the actual dI/di due to frequency
modulation. Also note that if the currentmodulation is sufficiently small and the path
mismatch sufficiently large the laserintensity modulation may be negligible. You may
need to actively keep theinterferometer in quadrature by adjusting the PZB voltage. Make
any necessary function generator amplitude adjustments to keep thecurrent modulation
depth of the laser constant as you vary the frequency. This isbecause the function
generator/driver combination may not have a flat frequencyresponse. The effect of this is
that the current modulation depth di is not constant andvaries with frequency. So to avoid
unnecessary calculations monitor the current.