music《What Is Love》
What is love If it's not with you
I know when you're alone you feel it too
In your arms is where I long to be
Cause being with you gives me sanity
oh...Listen to me darling
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it
And what good is the party If you're not around
Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
What good is love
If it's not your love
It's a crazy party Im so glad to be with everybody
Balance Shake your body down to zhe ground
What's a song If you can't heart it too
Can't imagine dancing without Jewel
A shooting star, ain't really nothing to see
In the brighest night, be nice to me
oh....Listen to me darling
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it And what good is the party
If you're not around Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
明尼苏达州来的鸟还有自己的舞步For a bird from Minnesota you've got own moves
这不是舞步 这是事故Oh actually that's wasn't a move,that was an acident.
不过我接受你的恭维 But I'll take the compliment.
多亏拉斐尔能帮我们照顾孩子 Glad Rafael is watch the kids.
是啊,这样今天你得和我在一起..一整晚 Yes and it Looks like you're stuck all night.
你是我的唯一 布鲁 You are one of my only Blu.
那太好了,因为公的就剩我一个了(...汗!!!) Ah,that's a good thing, since I am be the only other
-比翼鸟 新年快乐 -拉斐尔 他们在哪?- Hi, lovebirds, happy new year! - Rafa,
孩子们和路易兹在一起 不用担心! The kids are with worry!
担心?我们很担心Worries, right here.
-路易兹 孩子们呢?-什么?我又没有孩子- Luiz, where are the kids? - What? I have no kids.
Jewel & blu - 我们的孩子Our Kids!
-哦 对了 我交给小不点了 -小不点!- oh right! I leave them with Tiny. -Tiny?
干嘛 她可是这里最棒的保姆What? She is the excellent babysitter.
我是这里最差劲的保姆I'm a horrible babysitter.
这一定会很炫的This must be awesome!
行了 我已经计算过了All right,I've done all the calculations
每次爆炸都会完美的踩在节奏点上And each explosion will be pperfectly synced to the beat.
除非我没有算上这个...Unless I didn't carry
我觉得...这里会有红色 蓝色 绿色 黄色...紫色Here's Red, blue, green, yellow,
我觉得会是...And it'
我觉得你们爸妈不会想看到这个的I don't think your parents will like see that very much
那我们开始吧Here we go.
-你这是要去哪儿啊小鸟 -这是什么?- Where are you going, little birds? - What is it?
-爸爸 -你们知道规矩的- Ah Dad! - Guys, You know the rules
没有大人的监督 不能放烟花No pyrotechnics without adult supervision.
我们问过小不点了We ask Tiny
这就更糟了 抱歉小不点That's even worse. Sorry Tiny.
工钱我不要了 布鲁先生You don't have to need pay me salary, Mr Blu.
下次玩 一定要先问我Kids next time, ask me.
-可你每次都说不 -不 我没有- But you always says no. - No I don't.
-爸爸 你在否认现实- Daddy, you're in denial.
-好吧 亲爱的 我经常说不嚒Ok honey, did I always say no?
是的 哦 我是说...不...yes! oh
太好了,现在妈妈也在说不了Great, now Mom same too.
听着 我们是地球上最后的蓝斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉Listen, we are the last blue speakes Macaws
left on this planet
我们得注意安全We have to stay safe.
-有蓝色羽毛的鸟- Birds with
-要团结在一起-Have to stick together
我闻到烤鸡味了I smell chicken.
啊 不不不....No, no, no!
啊 不不不....No, no, no!
根据我的计算 这是他今天说的第27个不了By my count he said "no" 27 times today.
-救命 -啊...- Help! - What?
大家伙 快跑Everybody fly!
这不公平 凭什么 只有爸爸玩的这么爽Oh man! How can Dad gets time all the fun?
看啊 成功了Look! It worked!
看来今年开了个好头Well, this year has a great started.
里约大冒险 2RIO 2
亚马逊之行 第七天Amazon Expedition. 7th day.
距里约热内卢 2000英里3200km from Rio
我们到达热带雨林的中心We can reach the center of the rainforest.
当我们沿着河流毫不费力的向前划行的时候We are surrounded by plants and animals
struggling for survival.
周围都是挣扎生存的植物和动物As we effortlessly guide down the river.
毫不费力的是你Effortless for you.
哇哦 好漂亮Wow! How pretty!
吐出来 快吐出来Spit it out! Spit it out!
我们已经接近亚马逊树林鹌鹑的栖息地We are nearly the nature ground of the Amazon
六个月前我们从走私者手中救下这只小鸟6 months ago, we rescued this little bird form
那时候它生着病,营养不良 还断了一条腿It was sick, malnourished, with a broken leg.
而现在 我可靠的助手..But now, my
我是说我的妻子兼同事I mean, loveing wife and colleague
就要把它放归回自然will release it back to natural habitat.
都没事了 你可以走的 就像这样It's okay, you can go now. Just like this.
还是让我跟他说吧Let me talk to her.
走吧Go on!
-你觉得他会没事吗 -给他一点时间- Do you think she's gonna be okay? - Give her some time
欢迎回家Welcome home.
等一下 它..好像在说什么 图里奥Wait a minute. What she is saying, Tulio?
他是不舍得我们 在和我们说再见It is just hard for her to say goodbye.
不 我觉得他好像在警告我们No, I think is trying to warn us.
不不不 琳达 这可能是吸引异性的舞蹈No,no,no, Linda,It may be some mating dance.
图里奥 看那 快划 快啊Tulio, look! Paddle! now!
好的 好的Okay, okay!
往右...不不不 往左To the right ! No,no the left
往前 往前Forward! Forward!
你想清楚再说 图里奥Make up your mind, Tulio!
这下可糟了Chese and sprinkles!
哦 不 快划快划 快点!Oh no! Row, row! Faster!
感谢上帝 你没有事Thank heavens you're ok.
图里奥 这是..Tulio,
啊 琳达 真难以置信Linda, this is incredible!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:54.65,0:08:58.72,music,,0,0,0,,《Breakfast in Rio》
早上好 珠儿Goodmornning, Jewel
嘿 你们看我找到了什么Hey,everyone look what I found.
布鲁?Blu ?
-好了 谁肚子饿了想吃早饭 -难以置信Okay, who is ready to some Breakfast?
你知道么 那些全麦煎饼Did you know that this whole pancakes
所含的维生素矿物质是普通煎饼的两倍has twice the vitamins and minerals?
而且加上蓝莓后味道会好上4倍and with blueberries is 4 times to tasty.
嘿 蓝莓都哪去了Hey Where are the blueberries?
爸爸 你在找这个吗Oh Dad, looking for this?
给我吧bring it!
已经到了最后关头 他的脚仿佛有魔力一样In the final minutes, he has his magic in feet
他射门了he shoots!
球进了!- Goal!
噢耶 我接到了 我真是太棒了Oh yeh, I got, I'm good.
爸爸 注意了Hands up, Dad.
哦 帅呆了Awesome!
嗨 妈妈Hi, Mom!
-这下惨了 -该走了- Busted. - Time to go.
亲爱的 你饿了吗Hi, honey. Are you hungry?
布鲁 我跟你说过的Blu, we talked about this.
是吗 我不记得了 哦 对的 你拿的是什么Did we?Ummm,so,uhhh,so whatta you got there?
-早饭 -很好笑 不过 说真的 这是什么- Breakfast. - That's funny, but Seriously what is that?
这是个巴西栗It's a Brazil nut.
离城市这么近的地方居然也有I never thought I'd find one this close to the city.
-我要教孩子们怎么打开 -你是说打开这个吗- I want to show the kids how to open it. - I mean,
爸爸已经教过我们了Daddy already shown us.
等等 来了Wait back.
爸爸妈妈 你们上电视了Mom Dad you're on TV.
巴西鸟类学家图里奥蒙泰罗博士Doctor Tulio Monteiro,the"birdman"of Brazial
今天宣布了一项重大发现announced a major discovery today
我们相信 我们在亚马逊丛林深处找到了野生的We believe we having encountered a wild blue
speakes macaw
蓝色金刚鹦鹉 in Amazon jungle
蓝色金刚鹦鹉之前被认为在野外全部灭绝了The blue speakes Macaw was thought practically
仅存的一家鹦鹉With the last remain family
目前居住在里约的布鲁鸟类保护区living under the protection at the "blu" bird's shrine In Rio
de Janeiro
我们出名了We are famous .
如果找到这些野生鹦鹉 他们的家园将受到保护If these birds can be found their home will
be saved
那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flock of birds there
如果真的有 我们会找到他们 并保护他们If here is, we'll find them and protect them
你好 布鲁Hi, Blu!
你好 琳达Hi, Linda!
我们不是唯一的We are not the only ones.
我们还有活着的同类啊There are more of us there.
-是啊 太好了 -这么长时间 我一直...- Yes, that's great. - All this time
我一直以为...我们是孤独的I thought we were alone.
嘿 以前也没有那么糟糕This was not bad?
是挺好的 可是...Of course not,
想象一下 有一大群同类Imagine there was a whole flock of us.
那该有多么美妙啊How amazing will that being!
-我们得做点什么 -真的吗- We have to do something. - We do?
对 我们去亚马逊Yes, we have to fly to Amazon
去帮助琳达和图里奥找到他们And help Linda and Tulio find them.
哦...我们不能说走就走We can't just pack up and go.
为什么不能 现在正是时候出去让翅膀吹吹风了Why not? It's time this family feel the wind in
their wings.
看看我们 音乐播放器 电视 煎饼Look at us! IPod television pancakes?
亲爱的 我们不是人类 我们可是鸟We are not people, we are birds!
我们应该回到野外 做真正的鸟 布鲁We have get out to the wild and be birds, Blu.
让孩子们回到大自然吧Let the kids know their roots
看看我们从前的生活Show them what I had.
他们需要这样 我们也需要They need this we need this.
来吧,布鲁!你说呢?Come on Blu! What do you say?
我不知道...也许吧...I do not know. Maybe,
他没有说不He didn't say no.
这就意味着他说 行That's mean he probabiliy said yes.
-嘿 等一下 -亲爱的,一定会很好玩!- What, no! - It will be so much fun!
耶...我们要去亚马逊咯We are come to the Amazon.
等一下,亚马逊是什么?Wait, what is the Amazon?
亚马逊,目前世界上最濒危的生态系统之一The Amazon is one of the most danger ecosystems
由于非法砍伐和耕种Due to illegal deforestation and framing
我们希望博士和他的团队Let's hope the ro and his team
能找到那些珍惜鸟类,让他们的家园得以保存find these rare birds so their home can be save
那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flockout of there
如果真的有,我们会找到它们并保护他们If there is, we'll find them and protect them
Ecochatos 把我的船准备好Ecochatos. get my boat ready.
我要亲自去处理这件事情I need to do this personally.
轮到我了,行了你们可以回家了It's time for me, everybody can go home now.
你们正在看着的下一位,狂欢之王You are looking for the next King of Carnival.
嘿 大鸟 祝你好运Hi,big bird, good luck!
走路小心点,别躺着进去!Whach out buddy!
棒极了!你唱的真是太好了Bravo! That was amazing!
我亲爱的,你刚才一个音符也没落下Eva, darling, you hit every note.
-伙计们? -对!是的!-Huh guys? -Yeah yeah
还多了很多我从来没听过的音In various a lot of notes I've ever heard of.
-拉斐尔 -别 别担心- Rafa! - Do not worry!
我会和他们说的I'll talk to them.
我会为你找到完美的角色!We will find a perfect part for you!
嗯...潜规则也没用Antarctica maybe.
最好如此 回头见You bet! Bye bye!
再见 孩子们!Goodbye, boys!
我们家里见,我的美味小芒果See you back at home, my tasty mango!
哎...这些表演一点都不好 我连一点灵感都没有None of the acts are inspiring.I am just not
狂欢节眼看就要到了The carnival is right on the corner.
我们的名声会毁于一旦的And our reputations are on the line.
明白!我们需要一些能让我们嗨起来的节奏Copy yeat! we need something make us wild
我们需要 动感 火爆 激情Something like jungle. We need
你知道激情怎么说么?You know pop is that word?
啪...下一个...- Pop - Next.
-布鲁 -对不起兄弟- Blu! - Sorry, man!
没关系 路易兹 我也很高兴见到你It's Okay, Luiz! Good to see you too!
听着 布鲁 我们在寻找一位歌手Listen, Blu, we are looking for a singer
一个舞者 样样都会的a dancer, the whole package.
不要唱歌跑调 跳舞摔跤的 你懂我的意思么?Yeah and you're more of a
catch my drift?
我不是来面试的No I'm not here for the audition.
我有事情要宣布I got news!
我准备要去亚马逊了I'm going to the Amazon.
那可真够野的That's wild.
是呀 珠儿觉得这对我们有好处Yes, Jewel think will be good for us.
-有多野 -超级宇宙无敌野- How wild? - Real wild.
那里的蚊子能够一口吸干你的There mosquitoes suck your blood like slurpess.
那里的蛇能一口将你整个吞下去There snakes that swallow you whole.
那里还有吃肉的食人鱼 会吃肉的!There eat fresh
哦!好极了 真不赖Great,sounds pretty nice!
-我不去了 -得了伙计们- I will not going! -Gus guys guys!
布鲁 你根本不用担心这些Blu, you have nothing to worry about.
他们说的这些都有点夸张的过分了All those stories are highly exaggerated.
-你真的这么想? -当然了!- You think so? - Of course!
如果这对珠儿很重要 那你就去吧If it is important to Jewel, Just do it.
老婆开心 日子舒心...Happy wife
-一定要记住 -好的 对!- Remember that. - Okay, you're right.
你说的对 就当全家一起去度假 一定很有趣You know,a little family vacation, might actually
be fun.
再说了 又不是定居在那里Plus it's not like it's foever!
这就对了That's the spirit.
好的 谢谢伙计们!Okay, thanks guys!
过段时间见See you in a couple of weeks.
-一路顺风 布鲁 -记得带纪念品回来- Safe treavles Blu! - Bring me back a souvenir!
得了 他不会回来了Dog, he can't come back.
我们走 快点爸爸 快点Let's go! Come on Dad! come on!
好的 驱虫剂 净水剂 还有创可贴Ok, bug spray check, water purifier cheak,
哦 我好像忘了点什么I feel like I'm forgetting something.
哇哦 酷 是多功能瑞士军刀Wow! Cool, the all-in-one Adventurer's knife.
-这个交给我来弄吧 -这不是给你准备的-I'll be in charge of this. -That's not for you!
嘿 爸爸 来看我这个Dad, look at this!
你知道亚马逊的蛇能一口把你吃掉吗?Did you know the Amazon has snakes that can swallow
you whole?
事实上这些故事写得太夸张了Actually, Bia ,all those stories are highly exaggerated
不一定吧 你看这个No, really! Look!
哦 这个好恶心啊Oh..That's sick!
准备好出发了吗?All right, Are we ready to go?
你带了个腰包?A fanny pack?
是的 琳达给我的 用来装GPS定位Yeah Linda gave it to me, I need it for the GPS.
哦 我的GPS呢Where's the GPS.
卡拉 我们要走啦Carla we're leaveing.
我才不去呢!肯定很无聊I'm not going! It's gonna be lame.
行了 找到了OK, Here it is!
它有语音识别功能 很好用的 你看着 The voice recognition makes totally easier. Here watch
给我找琳达和图里奥Finding Linda and Tulio.
正在搜索 去东京吃料理Seaching for dining in Tokyo
好的 额 事实上这个还真不错Ok,actually that is a nice suggestion.
-你相信这个女人? -是的 我相信- You trust this woman? - Yes, I do.
嘿 等下伙计们 我们也要一起去Wait us family, I will going too.
别担心哥们 我们会罩着你的Do not worry buddy. We'll get you back.
-你老婆让你去了吗? -当然!- Eva let you come? - Sure!
我答应她在狂欢演出里给他弄个角色Promised her a place in the carnival show.
-答应他什么 -你们迟到了- You did what? -You guys are late.
-是有点晚 -但我们可是音乐家-Clock late. - But musicians early.
等等 你们也要去吗?Wait your guys are coming?
我们当然不会错过We wouldn't miss it for the world.
我们要去丛林寻找最棒的歌手We're gonna scout the wildest coolest talent in that jungle.
这是我们今年狂欢节演出的创作灵感And it's our inspiration for the carnival show.
狂野的 亚马逊Amazon untamed.
酷 我是说...好吧Cool!
我也会去的I guess I will go.
去亚马逊放手一搏Amazon jungle for bust, baby!
都准备好去热带探险了么Who's ready for a tropical adventure?
等等 等等 孩子们 还没有点名Guys, wait up! We didn't do a head count! Hey guys wait up!
嘿 小鸟 快回来Hey Birds come back!
又是这样 丢下我自己走了!They were go without me..again!
太让人伤心了!This is Sadly!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:35.04,0:17:37.24,music,,0,0,0,,《O Vida》
Dialogue: 0,0:17:37.24,0:17:42.24,white,,0,0,0,,里约热内卢
Dialogue: 0,0:17:43.49,0:17:48.49,white,,0,0,0,,欧鲁普雷图
Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.21,0:18:02.21,white,,0,0,0,,巴西利亚{fade(255,0,255,100,500,4000,5000)}
前方道路 拥堵Heavy traffic ahead
多谢了 GPS小姐Great..Thanks a lot GPS lady.
快点 快点 快点Faster, faster!
我们到了孩子们,这里就是亚马逊的大门了Here we are, kids! The gate way to the Amazon.
生存 还是....毁灭"alive .." Or... Do not be!
这是个问题That is the question!
究竟哪一个更高贵 去忍受这命运Whether is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings
还是去忍受着无边的烦恼And arrows of outrageous fortune
经受无边的摧残Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
还是把它忘个干净And by opposing end them
噢 真实太美妙了 奈杰尔 这是什么意思Oh that's beautiful Nigel. What does it mean?
死亡 噶比Death Gabi.
说的是死亡Is about death.
哦 奈杰尔 我爱死你了Oh Nigel, I love it when you get all dark and brooding.
嘿 笨鸟 该上场了Hey bird, it's showtime!
我的观众正等着我呢My audience waits!
从里约的丛林 到亚马逊的街头From the streets of Rio to the Amazon jungle
有请 神秘的大鸟The Bird of mystery.
别害羞,快来了解属于你的命运吧Don't be shine learn your destiny
喂 别打蚂蚁的主意 干你的活去Hey Get away form the ants. Back to work.
妈妈 我要玩这个 占卜Mami, I want one, I want to furtune!
欢迎光临 夫人Welcome, madam.
这只难以置信的鹦鹉 能够预示你的未来This amazing Cockatoo reveal your future.
好了小鸟 选一个吧All right the furture.
快点 小鸟Come on bird!
你干的很好 奈杰尔You're doing right, Nigel.
快一点Pick it up already.
加油 伙计们 就快到了 今天不用再飞了Come on,almost more flying today
晚一点 我们能赶上一艘船We've got a boat to catch.
根据GPS的计算 明天一早我们就能到According my friend here will get there by the morning.
他能活下来 但永远也飞不起来了You will live but could never fly again
快点 小鸟 快给我算命Come on! My luck
-很好奈杰尔 -怎么要这么长时间- You are very cute.- Why is it taking so long
我会这么惨 都是那只蓝色的鸟害的That blue bird caused my misery
小鸟乖Nice birddy.
为什么要打自己 为什么要打自己Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?
哇哦 奈杰尔好有男子汉气概Wow..Nigel is very macho.
谢谢Thank you.
我自由了I'm free!
这里有只箭毒蛙Poisonous frog!
嘎嘎叫的凤头鹦鹉 呐喊着要去复仇The croaking cockatoo doth bellow for revenge.
这是莎士比亚写得That's Shakespeare, by the way.
-没有你的表演 他一文不值 -说得好Without your interpretation it's nothing. -Good point.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.61,0:22:29.33,white,,0,0,0,,一个完成旧任务的好时机
哦 这空气 又清新 又舒适Oh this air is so fresh and full
再见了 城市里的雾霾Goodbye, smelly city air!
对!再见!Yes, goodbye.
嘿 谢谢你能为我这样做 真的很谢谢你Hey Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate.
为了你 我愿意做任何事情I would do anything for you.
-你懂得 对么? -我当然懂- You know that, right? - Of course I know.
我们不是来这吃点心的 我们是来复仇的We aren't here for neck, We are here to revenge.
等乘客都睡着的时候When these pesky passengers flat sleep
我们就好好关爱下我的蓝色朋友们We'll show our blue friends some love
给他们一点...毒爱Some poisonously love.
哦 这个我最拿手了Oh..That is my specialty.
我们在午夜发动攻击 这样显得更加邪恶We will attack at midnight hour because it is more
保持警惕Stay alert.
午夜!袭击的时间Midnight. Time to attack!
奈杰尔 奈杰尔Nigel. Nigel.
看看我们两个另类的生物Look for us mistys.
一只剧毒的青蛙 一只不会飞的怪鸟A toxic frog and a flyless freak.
我们如此的不同 又如此的相同So different and yet the same
亲爱的 当你睡着了 我们是朋友 那样很好My darling whilesleep all is well We're friends and
that's swell
可是有个秘密一定要告诉你....我爱你But the truth I have a secret I love you
Dialogue: 0,0:24:23.63,0:24:30.20,music,,0,0,0,,《Poisonous Love》
人们说这不对 很可笑 一只青蛙怎么和鸟恋爱People says it is wrong and absurda frog and a
bird love
可我心里知道 这是命中注定的But I know in my heart this is ment to be
如果我们能拥抱亲吻 那真是天堂般的幸福If only we could could hug and could kiss be in
heavenly bliss
可你的肺会烂掉 就像这样But your lungs would explode and you'd look just like this
你会窒息 脸涨成蓝色As you'd hemorrhage and gag would cough up your face turn blue
不过亲爱的 我会照顾你But darling I'll protect you
我会的 你尽管放松Do not worry just chill
因为我能杀掉任何鸟 只要是为了你Cause there isn't a bird that I wouldn't kill ..for you
我们注定要在一起oh we were destined to be
因为我们的爱For we have love
有毒的爱...Poisonous love
-爱... -虽然 是的-Love - Yes i know
是的- Yes
我知道你没法拥抱我I know that you can't hold me
投入我的怀抱吧Feel me close now
你爱的翅膀 围绕着我Your loving wings enfold me
命运告诉我 爱...Fate told me..love..
站在这里Standing here
你离我是如此的近 可是..You're so near and..
-又那么远 -就像一颗星星 Yet so far..like a star
我们到了Here we are
-哪儿? -该怎么办?- Where - What to do
哦oh poo
你是我的罗密欧 我是你的朱丽叶Your my romeo I'm juliet
我们天生一对 可是 如果我们触碰哪怕一点点We are so perfect and yet if we touch not by
可以确信一点Still on all you can bet
那就是 永别It's good bye
我会哭泣And I'll cry
因为你已不再As you die
好可怕的梦What a nightmare.
查理 你应该把我叫醒的Charli, you were supposed to wake me.
要行动了It's time.
能做奈杰尔的搭档真好I love being on team of Nigel.
我想不出什么比在夜晚下I can not think of anything more romantic than
给乘客下毒更浪漫的事情了poisoning passengers on a moonlight cruise
那家伙是我的That one is mine.
一闪一闪小布鲁...找你找得好辛苦...Twinkle, twinkle, little I wondered where were
高高的挂在天空中...Up above the world so high.
今天让你..一命呜呼Are you ready to die?
你应该吃块绿箭薄荷糖You need one breath mint.
你睡着了都要嘲笑我!Even you sleep you mock me?
等等我Wait for me.
别丢下我Do not leave me!
-迪耶戈 别到处乱跑 -我什么也没干啊- Tiago, stop leaveing around. - I didn't do anything.
孩子 听你妈妈的话Tiago Gunderson, listen to your mother.
哦 天Oh man.
-我们快到了 -等一下伙计们-We're almost there right. -Hey Guys
记住 有蓝色....算了 ver mind.
他们都跑了They are getting away.
快醒醒 你这个吃蚂蚁的笨蛋 快跟上他们Wake up, you ant-eating idiot. follow them!
好多了 现在给我快一点Better! Now get to times faster!
这个笨蛋!River hugs!
我一直在想 你是不是比猴子还笨You! I always suspected that was dumber than a monkey.
现在我懂了And now I know.
老板 您来丛林里干什么?Boss, what are you doing in the jungle?
你应该问他们来这里干什么Perhaps the better question is: What are they doing?
那些环保狂 Nature Freaks.
这里有几百万平方英里的丛林Too million hectares of jungle
可替他们偏偏跑到这里来And they play in my backyard?
我可不是好惹的家伙I don't think so.
你也知道 朋友 我们的伐木作业As you know my friends, these our operations
稍微有点....违法is illegal.
如果这些人找到那些鸟 我们的生意就完了If these two nuts found those birds, we have no
所以你现在要尽快结束他们的寻鸟丛林探险And that's why you must end their little bird
watching expedition
找到他们 赶走他们Find them! And get rid of them.
其余的人 都给我砍树去The rest of you go cut some trees.
谁在乎一群什么破鸟Who cares a bunch of birds?
鹦鹉会把鸟巢筑在巴西栗树附近The macaws should be nesting near the Brazial nut trees
所以我觉得我们应该...So..I think that we should
图里奥 你在听我说话吗Tulio, are you listening to me?
你已到达目的地You have arrived at your destination
看!是不是很管用 我们到了You see? It worked like a charm. Here we are.
嗯 这东西稍微有点误差Oh..These things have a margin of error.
我跟你说过别相信那个女人I told you not trust that woman.
这是一个幼虫 他就要进入变蛹的阶段了That's a Heliconius 's about to enter the pupa
哈 你说桶Ha! You said poop
-你们跟紧了 -我要去找他们N-hey kids stay close. -I'll get them.
好吧 你们留在这里别动 我去周边看看Okay, you stay here and I take a look around.
别担心 我们就在这 我们哪儿都不去Do not worry, we'll be going anywhere.
-我后背的羽毛都竖起来了--My feathers is poppin'up on the back ofmy neck.
-我可不喜欢这个感觉 - I don't like this.
我们掉头吧Let's back it up.
比亚 迪耶戈Bia? Tiago!
拜托 小姐 别让我失望Come on lady don't let me down.
规划前往...秀场的路线Calculating route to: funky town
好吧 太好了Ok great
呵呵 可以 这很好玩Haha come on guys. Very funny.
很好 很好 很聪明的玩笑Funny same. Very clever.
珠儿 你在哪?Jewel where are you?
孩子们 老婆?Kids? Jewel?
啊 蓝色金刚鹦鹉 琳达!Ah it's a Macaw! Linda!
放开我Let me go!
放开我 你这个野蛮人Let me go! you barbarian.
我发誓 这声音听起来像布鲁的I swear that's sound like my Blu.
不 不可能 琳达That's impossible, Linda.
他在家里 既舒适又安全He is home in Rio safe and sound.
我可是美国公民 你这个野蛮人I am an americian citizen, you savage!
我要求见美国大使 我知道我有这个权利I demand to see my ambassador.I know my rights.
我有这个权利I know my rights.
退后 野蛮人Back up barbarian.
对 没错 这是个勺子 也是个叉子Yeah That's a spoon and a fork.
害怕了吧 怕的发抖了吧Be afraid. Be very afraid.
啊哦...把你的东西放下Aho my buddy put that spork down.
放开我...有种来啊Let leave me. Luckily I'm bigger.
真不敢相信 我们找到他们了I can't believe we found them.
严格的说 是他们找到了我们Well, technically they found us.
好吧 得找点东西来写名字Ok we're going to need some name tags.
哦 那是绿箭薄荷糖Oh hello em.. There are mints.
你用不到它 不过味道还不错...你可以试试Don't you need it but they are eat them.
不 别连盒都吞下去No not the whole box.
赶快..把它..吐出来Get that out of your mouth
Dialogue: 0,0:33:58.24,0:33:59.70,music,,0,0,0,,{fs14fn华文细黑} 还记得第一部里珠儿还有
出什么事情 怎么了?What is this doing here? What's going on?
我们发现他们飞得离人类太近We found them flying too close to the humans.
什么 你是谁?What? And who are you?
额 可不是一个合适的回答 我问你话呢Er...This is not the appropriate answer.I asked a
你们到底从哪来Where did you come from?
- 嘿 退后-Hey back off
- 不好意思小姐...-Excuse me young lady,
真不敢相信I can't believe it.
这...这怎么可能 How
伐木工来的时候到处都是大火Some loggers came
到处都是浓烟 然后...There was fire and.. so much smoke.
我把你藏在翅膀下面I hide you under my wing.
然后你就...不见了-And you were.. -Gone
我一直在找你I was looking everywhere for you.
我在这I'm here
我好想你I missed you.
没事了 一切都过去了It's 's Okay.
有爸爸在Dad has you.
看看你 我的小女儿Look at you. It's my little girl.
已经长大了Have grown up.
长得这么漂亮So beautiful.
就像你的妈妈一样Just like your mother.
对不起 我把你弄丢了I'm so sorry I missed you.
我无法想象这些年你一个人到底怎么过来的I can not imagine you were alone all this time.
没什么 爸爸 我不孤单It's okay, Dad. I wasn't alone.
布鲁找到我了Blu found me.
很高兴见到你 先生 Nice to meet you Sir.
把翅膀收起来 布鲁 到我这来Cut down wings away come here.
-当然 -近一点- Sure okay. - Closer.
-是吗? -再近点- Really? - Closer.
你把我女儿带回来了You brought my jewell back to me.
我谢谢你I thank you.
现在我要拥抱你I'll hug you now.
额 好的Em..Okay.
-行了 过来吧 -抱上了- Come here. - Here we are.
真是我的荣幸My pleasure.
什么 你在哭吗? Nico, Are you crying?
看到这么感人的场面 我内心很脆弱啊It's a heavy moment and I'm very vulnerable right now.
拥抱吧 我们Let me give you an arm.
妈妈 你没事吧Mom, are you okay?
妈妈?我当外公了Mom ? I'm Grandpa.
我当外公了I'm Grandpa.
看看 我是外公了Look at me I'm a Grandpa!
爸爸 这是卡拉 比亚 迪耶戈Daddy is this: Carla Bia and Tiago.
-你好呀 先生- Nice to meet you, sir
-不要叫我先生 我的小姐- There is no sir around here, my young lady.
-你应该叫我..帕帕-You'll call me papa
-帕帕 哦 我喜欢- Pa Pa? Oh I like that.
我是外公啦 太好啦 我是外公啦I'm the papa papa. I'm papa papa.
别把外公弄伤了 孩子们Kids, go easy on old grandpa
你还叫我先生You call me sir.
我女儿回来啦My daughter has returned.
这些年我们东躲西藏 人类把我们逼往For years we live because humans fleeing push us
越来越深的丛林deep into the jungle.
不过你看 我们找到了一个避难所But as you can see we‘re found a sanctuary.
我们终于可以在这里扎根了A place we can finally put down roots.
大伙们 出来吧Everyone. Come on. All leave the nest.
我女儿回来啦My daughter is home.
出来吧小鸟们 我的珠儿回来啦Come birds. My Jewel is back.
让开 让开 珠儿!Make way, make way. Jewel!
咪咪婶婶 咪咪婶婶Aunt Mimi? Aunt Mimi!
哦 我想死你了I felt you so much.
我的小野花终于回家了My wild little flower has return.
我就知道你会回来I knew you are coming back.
我会用鸟粪算命I saw the specks of dropings.
看看这些小家伙们Look at these puppies.
谁是可爱的小蓝皮克斯鹦鹉Who's the most cutest little macaws?
哦 你长得可有点着急啊Oh you look big for your age.
哦 咪咪婶 这是苏Mimi this is the Bilu.
事实上我叫布鲁Actually I am the Blu.
-我们都是鹦鹉 呵呵 -我名字是Blu- We are all - It's mean is my name.
金刚鹦鹉都是蓝色的So that is why we call blue macaws.
你就依着她吧Just go with it.
Dialogue: 0,0:37:41.23,0:37:46.86,music,,0,0,0,,《Welcome Back》
原来你在这种鸟里长得算是挫的So that's what a blue macaw is supposed to look like?
看她多耀眼Look it shining
她的羽毛闪闪发光Her feathers is glow
现在丛林都在欢笑Now the jungle is smiling
因为我们的宝贝回来了Because our baby is home.
你是否和我一样的感受Can you feel what I feeled
因为这一天终于来到That day has come last
我们心爱的珠珠回来了Our precious Jade has returned
我要第一个唱出来 欢迎回来I'll be the first to say welcome back
罗伯特....我Roberto, I...
欢迎回来Welcome back
我是说 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎I say welcome back
-哇 你看上去棒极了 -你也是- Wow..You look great. - So do you.
嗨 你好 我是珠儿的...重要的那一位Hey, hi, hello. I am the Jewel significant other.
哦 那你就是那个俘获了珠珠芳心的幸运鸟So you're the lucky bird who swept Ju-Ju of her feet,
-珠珠? -是啊- Ju-Ju? - Yeah.
我们小时候一直给对方起可爱的小名When we were kids we called cute name in each other.
是的 我叫他背头...呵呵We did, I called him Beto.
那真可爱 我也喜欢起小名That's adorable. I love doing nicknames.
你可从来没提起过什么罗伯特You never mentioned any Roberto.
那是他没有什么可提的啊There was nothing to mention.
嘿..我的搭档来了Hey..There is my wing man.
有罗伯特放哨 我们都能安心睡觉了We can rest with Rober to look out.
多亏艾迪教会我一切Eduardo taught me everything I know.
-全靠你这只好鸟- He is the bird.
-不 你才是好鸟...-No.. You're the bird!
-不 你是只好鸟 -你才是好鸟...-No, you're the bird. -You're the bird
知道了 你们两个都是好鸟We get it. You both are birds.
能不能别唧唧歪歪了 开始聚会吧Now can we stop yapping and start party
Dialogue: 0,0:39:17.95,0:39:30.04,music,,0,0,0,,《Beautiful Creatures》
哇哦...我记得这首歌Oh well..I remember this song.
怎么可能忘记 它一直流淌在我们的血液里How could you forget? It's in our blood baby.
这是只属于我们的歌It's who we are.
不介意我借用她一会吧?嗯...You don't mind if I borrow her for a minute, do you
-额 事实上我... -来吧 珠珠 开始了- Have - Come on, Ju-Ju let's go.
Let's come together singing love and harmoni
We are so different but the same inside our hearts
Beautiful colors as far as the eyes can see ya
Open your wings fly when you hear the call
Let's celebrate calling the beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings dance and sing songs about freedom
Like lah lah lah hoo hoo
One for the jungle familia
Like bah bah bah boo boo
Calling the beautiful creatures
Come this way celebrate
Laugh and dance all the way
-这个地方真是潜力无穷啊 -我好喜欢他们这种歌 Follow me sing along
Lah lah bah bah
Ja disse que Jade chegou
Ja disse que ja disse que
Pop-pop I am the pop-pop
I am the tchh I am your pop-pop
I am the pop-pop-pop tchch pop-pop-pop
I am the pop-pop the tchhhchhc
Let's celebrate calling the beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings dance and sing songs about freedom
Like lah lah lah hoo hoo
One for the jungle familia
Like bah bah bah boo boo
Calling the
只有你能理解 孤苦伶仃是什么感觉You are the one who knows what being
额 你邪恶 我狠毒 哦呵呵Misunderstood. you are the "evil" to my "mortal".
你应该改个名字叫话唠I can see why they call you Gabi
在哪儿呢 你这个肮脏的家禽Where are you,you filthy fowl
我之前的行动战略不对I've been going about this all wrong
我应该去更高的地方找I need to search him from higher around.
哦 你刚才腾空了将近整整一秒钟You stay there for almost full second this time.
太棒了 简直太NB了Bravo! Bravissimo!
你看什么看 帮我上去What you do looking at? Take me up there.
再高点Even higher.
稍微再高点A little bit higher.
低点 现在低点 很好 现在正好lower lower ... perfect.
哇哦 这么一大群祸害Ugh, it's an infestation
呵呵 继续庆祝吧 你们很快就要高兴不起来了Keep celebrate, I'll be pooping on your party
嗨 尼克 嗨 佩克罗Hi, Nico. Hi, Peter.
我们来对地方了 这就是火爆 亚马逊的火爆We have come to the right place. This is zhe pop
in Amazon.
我们要把这些金刚鹦鹉带回里约We could bring these macaws back to Rio
参加有史以来最棒的狂欢节演出 我现在灵感如泉涌And have the best carnaval show ever. I'm
抱歉 城里来的鸟Sorry to break it your cityboys
我看你们还是去找别的明星吧But you'll have to find some other talent
谁也不许离开这里nobody leaves the tribe.
哦 还有 丛林里不许留下人类的东西And no human things in jungle.
什么 他什么毛病What's his problem?
差点就能流芳百世了We could been legends
我们已经超级无敌了 可是...你懂我的意思吗We are already awesome, but you know what I'm
什么都有啊We had all.
没被发掘的明星 好的创意The undiscovered talent,the big idea and the inspiration
可是没有办法把他们带回里约...but if we can not take this guys to Rio ..
就什么都没有We got nothing.
别那么失落嘛 不是还有我老婆吗Hold your mangoes, we still have Eva
哇哦 你跳的还是那么好 珠珠Wow You still got zhe move, Ju-Ju
-我快累死了- I'm so exhausted.
-是啊 我们该去休息了-Yeah, we should get some rest
找个旅馆或者酒店Find a local innl or B&B nearby.
你在胡说些什么啊What is this crazy talk?
不 你们就住我家里Now, you guys are staying in my nest
今晚我巡逻I'm on charge tonight.
-我的家 就是你们的家- My house is all yours.
-你真是太好了 背头 - That's really nice, Beto.
谢谢 但我觉得我们能搞定Thank you but we're fine
再说我们一大家子 住单身公寓 挤不下Besides our whole family couldn't possibly fit in your
bachelor pad
这里的房价一定非常低吧Real estate must be pretty cheap around here.
哇哦 真是不可思议This is incredible.
你说这里?Oh, this old nest?
这只是我最近随便弄的It's just something I put together last minute
当然 用的是我的两只翅膀With my own two wings, of course.
我的力气And my strength.
还有我的肌肉(...)And my breast.
爸爸 这里好大 有六个卧室呢Daddy is huge It has 6 bedrooms.
-我要最大的这间- I'll get zhe big one.
-我是最大的- No, I'm the oldest.
就比我大3分钟外加2.5秒Only for 3 minutes and 2.5 seconds.
我真希望有一天I hoped to one day be blessed
我也有一群小鬼抢房间with a bunch of little Betinhos cause my own.
-一定会的 - I think you did
-不会吧 这里还有鸟浴盆- No way! A bird bath!
还有按摩- And it's Jacuzzi!
嘿 布鲁 我告诉你Blu meet you something
如果你出了任何事 任何...If anything..I mean anything ever happen to you
我会帮忙照顾好你的家人I'll take care of your family.
行了 睡个好觉All right, buddy. Sleep well.
-晚安 珠珠 -晚安- Good night, Ju-Ju. - Good night.
好了 一切都安全了Okya all clear.
Dialogue: 0,0:45:18.31,0:45:22.31,music,,0,0,0,,《Don't Go Away》
Jewel:月光和星光Moonbeats and starlight
神奇的曙光magical Twilight
最温暖的雨The warmest rain
听他低吟你的名字Hear it wispering your names
午夜的彩虹Rainbows at midnight
让星空闪耀sparkling night sky
不要远走Don't go away
多停留一天stay another day
你能再唱一遍吗?Can you sing again please.
该睡觉了Time to bad now.
多棒的一天啊What an amazing day.
一直以来 我...All this time, I...
我都没奢望过他们还活着I never hope that they were alive but..
但是他们真的还都活着But they are.
我们找到家人了 布鲁We found our family Blu
这会改变一切的This changes everything.
等等 什么? 改变什么?Wait wait what? What changing?
去..去 走开Go on
亲爱的 别 别这样 很痒的Honey stop. That's tickles.
哈哈 真有意思That was fun.
快走 迪耶戈 看我们走Come on, Tiago! Let's go!
早上好Good morning.
或者我应该说 下午好Or should I say afternoon.
早上好 先生Morning sir.
生活在这里得习惯早起Our days in jungle is start early.
早上好 爸爸Good morning, Daddy.
真是我的好女儿 她早就起来了That's my girl see? already up and at'em
早上好 亲爱的Good morning sweety.
你干嘛让我睡懒觉Why did you let me sleep in?
你说什么呢?你每天都睡懒觉What are you talking about? You sleep in every day.
-是的 可是... -爸爸- Yeah, - Hey Dad!
咪咪阿姨说泥土对消化有好处Aunt Mimi said plants is good for digestion.
-试试啊 -不 宝贝儿 我刚刚刷过牙- Try some. - No,sweety, I just brushed..
味道不错吧 我再去弄点Is good, right? I'll go get some more.
聪明的孩子My girl.
我说要领格鲁转一转So I thought I'd take Stu here for a little tour of the area
参观一下Show him around
-这主意太好了 -什么?- It's a great idea. - What?
你跟爸爸出去转转 我带孩子们探探险You go fan with Dad, and I'll take a explore with the
-恩 好的 -你会喜欢的- Okay, sure. - You'll love it.
恩 好的 我只要...Okay, great. I just
行了 好了Okay ready.
行了 布鲁 靠近点Okay Blu come closer.
-太近了 -好的- Not so close. - Okay.
我看不下去了 你把人类的口袋扔掉 行吗?I can't look at it You gotta lose that human
pocket ok?
这只是个腰包This here is a fanny pack.
腰包嘛 很可爱A fanny pack, amiable.
但这是人类的Is human.
现在你已经是部落的一员了Now that will join the tribe
你以后用不着它了You wouldn't need it any anymore.
我们在河边泥岸上见I'll meet you by the clay banks
哦 不 加入部落?No, wait, join the tribe?
他不会以为我们真要搬到丛林里来吧He does not actually think we move to the jungle, doesn't
不 不 他是因为我们来了 太激动了No, he's just excitied for us here
别扫兴好么Let's not spoil the moment ok.
再说了 不带这个腰包去又不会要了你的命Besides, it won't kill you to leave behind the fanny
好吧 你赢了All right, you win.
我不带腰包就是了I leave the fanny pack behand.
老婆开心 日子舒心Happy wife happy life.
再见 亲爱的 玩的开心点Bye honey. Have fun.
哦 当然 再见Yeah sure. Goodbye.
各位 该起床了Guys wakey wakey
起床啦!Wake up!
伊娃 你有角色了Eve you got it.
那个野性亚马逊怎么样了?What happened on Amazon untapped?
我订了计划Here is the plan
今天面试 然后明天预演一场Audition today and rehearse the show tomorrow.
我们?什么 你在说法语么?We, you said we, are you speak French?
行了 赶紧的 我们开始吧Come on cha-cha. Let's get started.
哇哦 她动作可够快的Wow..she is being working.
准备好了就可以开始了Anytime! When ready.
每次碰见个男的 我就想把他追到手
可是他们最后都逃走了 我就装傻 我就装酷
管他们想什么 做什么
我不关心 到此结束N{rTESTfs15}(太快了,没听明白....)
-下一个 -我们是- Next! -We are the..
神奇的巴西战舞龟Amazing capoeiristas turtles.
太精彩了 再来一个 再来一个Bravo! Another one! Another one!
抱歉 伙计们 刚才谁表演Sorry guys! Did I miss something?
嗨 我叫格兰纳 我是水豚Hi my name is Clara, the capybara
我要唱一首我最喜欢的歌and I'll sing my favorite song.
孤零零的站在月光里All I lonely under the moonlight
告诉我Touch me
离开是如此的容易is so easy to leave me
再这么吃下去我们就没有演员了If you keep eating at there'll get no show.
这里不是比谁吃的多!It's not your eat competition!
嘿 你飞的好快 真的好快Oh hey, you're fast. You're really fast
我觉得我翅膀已经拉伤了I think I pulled a wing or something
你这老鸟飞的还真快You are really fast for a old bird.
我是说...你的智慧For such wise
智慧 拥有很多智慧的鸟Wise bird, a wise bird.
智慧一般是随年龄一起增长的Wisdom is which sometimes comes with age
不过年轻的时候也增长 比如像你But also can happen when you're young like you
又年轻 又智慧 In your case You can be wise and young
这种组合很少见 不过看到你真的好让人激动Which is kind of a rare thrilling
when it happens
-安静点儿 -哦 谢谢- Be quiet. - Thank you, sir.
你应该把城市的习惯丢掉了It's time to take the city of you.
你要学习基本的...丛林生存要素Need to learn the basics of jungle survival
我们不是出来观光的吗?I thought we were to go sightseeing
今天是训练日It's training day.
来吧 泥土是你的朋友Come on! Mud is your friend.
这是你的伪装 感觉他 品尝他She is their camouflage. Feel it, Taste it.
如果没感觉 说明你的动作不对You don't feel tasty, you not doing
你不会想被人类看见的You don't want to be seen by humans.
快点儿 你是蓝皮克斯鹦鹉还是火鸡?Come on Are you a macaw or turkey?
快点 再快点Faster! Faster!
加油!你不想被吃掉吧Come on! You don't want to be eaten.
你独自一人在丛林里You're alone in jungle.
你被陷阱抓住了You get caught in trap.
你会怎么办?What will you do?
-如果我的腰包在的话 -不Well, if I had my -no
-你要用你的嘴 -我的嘴?- Uses your beak! - My beak!
这是你最重要的工具Your most important tool.
好的 我用我的嘴Okay, I use my beak.
-就差一点了 -时间到- Almost. - Time's up.
你挂了You are jaguar's meat.
罗伯特第一次就成功了Roberto got first tried.
肯定的Of course he did.
上 上 盘旋Up, Up, plane!
现在倒着飞Now Back!
倒飞?什么 不 只有蜂鸟能倒着飞Fly back? Only hummingbird can fly backward.
跳 飞起来 俯冲 在高点Under! Over! Under! Over!
-干得好 -谢谢- Good job! - Thanks.
没说你Not you
这是巴西栗树Brazil nut trees
这些树对我们的生存至关重要These trees are the key to our alive
这些树为我们提供食物 它们供养我们The trees feed us they sustain us
醒醒Wake up!
我醒着 我醒着呢 栗巴西还是..I'! Em..nut brazil..
哦 不 巴西栗树什么的 哦 明白了Brazil nut it
这很重要This is important.
我们要保护这些树We have to protect these trees.
我们的未来要依靠他们Our future depends on it.
嗨 艾迪 这跟班是谁啊Edie, who's that sidekick?
你现在需要护士了?You get a nurses now?
-嗨 我是... -你们是不是- Hi, - - Aren't you boys
离我们的地盘太近了?get a little bit too close to our side?
我们说好的 费利佩We have an deal, Felipe.
嘿 别紧张 你知道我们对你满怀深情Relax! You know you got a old man love for you
来吧 伙计们快飞吧Come on boys let's fly
给天空添些色彩吧 让他们去哭鼻子咯paint the skies before they start to cry.
-他们挺和气的 -树林那边是他们的-They seem nice. - They have their side
这边是我们的and we have ours.
最近食物短缺The food is scarce.
从没看见他们离我们的家园这么近I've never seen them so close to the village before.
-别让他们看到你 -哦 对 抱歉- Do not let them see you. - Right right sorry.
也许我们应该去找琳达Maybe we should go find Linda.
-那是什么? -琳达是人- What is Linda? - Linda is
-她把我养大 -什么?- who created me. - What?
-你是宠物? -不 不..-You're the pet? -No no I mean..
不是你想的那样 我们是朋友Is not what you think, I was a companion.
什么?朋友 噢.. You like it? Oh..
难怪你这幅样子That explains everything.
-琳达是我的家人 -家人?- Linda's family. - Family?
人类不是我们的家人Humans aren't family.
你没明白 他们是来帮忙的You do not understand, they coming here to help.
听我说 绝对不能带人类来我们的部落Listen to me, we do not bring human into the tribe.
远离人类我们才活到现在That is only reason we still alive.
这你总应该明白吧You can't be confused about this
是的 明白Yeah. Got it.
现在 观光结束Sightseeing is over.
你看见鸟巢了嚒?Did you see the nest?
图里奥 你没事吧?Tulio are you okay?
我没事 我很好 我...Yes, I'm fine i'
我不太好I'm not ok.
图里奥 他们在砍伐森林Tulio they're Cutting down the forest!
-琳达你要去哪? -去和他们说- Where is it going? - To talk to them.
你去跟鸟说 我去和人说You talk to birds and I talk to humans.
不 等等No wait!
嘿 先生 你好Hi hi mister hello
我命令你把电锯关掉You can take it easy with that chain saw.
有很珍贵的鸟类居住在这片丛林里There are rare birds living around here.
你不能把这些树都砍掉You can not cut these trees!
哦 亲爱的 你在这儿啊Oh sweetheart, there you are
我到处找你I was looking for you.
嗨 你好 这儿真漂亮 对吗?Hello! It's beautiful out here, isn't it?
你们迷路了?You two lost?
迷路? 没有 呵呵 迷路?Lost? Not!
我们是来 来 来度蜜月的We are here.. have honeymoon.
我们正要回去和旅行团汇合呢We're actually just heading back to join the tour
今天晚上 有一场卡拉okIs a karaoke night.
走吧 亲爱的 人家还等着我们去唱..月亮河呢Come on henny, moonriver isn't going sing a
琳达 这些人砍得可不止这些树Linda, woods aren't the only things these guys cut.
快跑 琳达 我拖住他们 快跑!Run! Run Linda I'll hold them off. Go! Go!
请让一下Excuse me
来吧 我们来比赛Come on! Let's Race.
-真是太棒了 -好样的 迪耶戈- Cool! - All right, Tiago.
哦 太爽了Oh that's so good
嘿 你们回来啦Hey you're back
玩儿的怎么样啊?How did it go?
我们玩的很开心 今天很有教育意义We had a great time. It was educational.
爸爸 鲍勃叔叔教了我一些很酷的飞行技巧Dad, Uncle Beto taught me some cool fly tricks.
-叔叔? -看 我会倒着飞啦- Uncle? - Look, I can fly backwards.
是啊 你很有天分Yeah you are naturel tree bird.
丛林的生活技巧要从小学起It's Never too soon to learn the way in jungle Tiago.
可是有些家伙学不会Also someone may never learn.
我要去..洗个澡(可怜的blu)I'm getting go have a.. clean up.
罗伯特 我看见人类在丛林附近Roberto we saw human near the orchard.
你要保持警惕I mean you have to stay aleart.
丛林的生活方法..Way lives
我倒想学离开的方法I'd better learen go out of the jungle.
哦 他在那儿 我们的机会来啦There he is. Now is our chance.
哦 我真是太激动了I'm so excitied!
准备舌头弹弓 Prepare the tongue-a-bult.
查理 让我重新飞起来Charlie, make me fly again.
去干掉他们 老虎Get them tiger.
快向征服你的凤头鹦鹉跪拜吧Bow before the conquering cockatoo!
你是不是有病啊 伙计?What is your problem, dude?
天哪 好变态啊That was sick!
我说 面试的时候就该有这种镜头That's the energy you bring to an audition
是啊 我就是面试的 我有一个很棒的....Yeah,thats actually why I'm here.I've got
您继续go on.
我们在寻找一个新的明星We are looking for a new star.
你看上去很眼熟You look familiar.
我们是不是哪儿见过?Don't I know you from somewhere?
不 不 不会的No, I don't think so
我叫...鲍勃 Bob.
小鲍勃..Yes Bob the bird..
无所谓啦 展示才艺吧OK. show us what you got
恩 一开始我很害怕At first, I was afraid
我惊得目瞪口呆I was petrified.
我一直以为我没法再活下去I kept thinking that I could never live
没法再展翅飞翔I could barely fly.
我在无数个慢慢长夜里回想And I spend oh.. so many nights thinking
回想起他对我的残忍how he did me wrong
于是我变得坚强But I grew strong.
我学会了如何随遇而安And I learned how to get alone
走吧 快滚Go on, now go
Dialogue: 0,0:59:37.35,0:59:40.61,music,,0,0,0,,《I Will Survive》
滚出这扇门Walk out the door
转身离开吧Just turn around now
现在这里是我的了It's I who have the floor
你不就是那个想用分手来伤害我的人吗?was not you who tried hurt me with goodbye
-你以为我会垮掉 -哦 不Did you think I'd lay down and die
你以为我会躺在这儿死掉?Did you think I'd lay down and die
-不 奈杰尔你不会 -我会活下来-Oh, no Nige -I'll survive
只要我知道怎么去恨 我就会活下来As long as I know how to hate, I know I'll stay alive ahh..
我会好好过这一生I've got all my life to live
我又满腔的爱要付出And I got all my love to give
-我会活下来 -你会活下来-And I'll survive -You'll survive
-我会活下来 -我们会活下来-And I'll survive -We'll survive
我是个幸存者 我的眼睛虎视眈眈I'm a survivor, I've got the eye of a tiger
加强修炼 多吃高纤I've been training again and eating my fiber
你只是活着 而我是鲜活的活着You've been staying alive well I've been staying aliverer
你要坐稳了 我吐口水的时候声音响彻云霄Watch where you sit when I spit my saliva like
你从来没见过一只凤头鹦鹉You've never seen a cockatoo
随着摇滚的节奏 又唱又跳 尽情摇摆Rocking shaking and droping and opoing and locking too
看看我的本事 都用不着调音器Watch what I can do without no autotune
怎么样Say what?
真的没有用哦All he did it
如果你你打压我If you try to keep me down
只会让我变得更坚强I'll just come back stronger
你想打断我If you try to cut me short
只会让我说的更多I'll just come back longer
如果你想用乒乓球打败我If you beat me at ping pong
我会变成乒乓球健将I'll ust play ping pong-er
给我个王位 我准备好上位Give my my throne, I'm ready to thrive
我很清楚 我会活下去I know I'll survive
谢谢 我是小鸟 鲍勃Yeah Thank you, I am little Bob the bird
他真是太帅了He is so hot.
-好了 就是他 我要了- Yes that's it you're in
-虽然不如伊娃 但是你很棒- You is not Eve, but you're awesum.
明天晚上狂欢节演出的时候见We'll see you at the performance tomorrow night
这里所有的鸟都会来看Everyone from this village is coming
你一定会红到发紫的It's gonna be off the charts
这是个完美的计划Is the perfect plan.
算你运气好 拔你几根刺 豪猪Bless the godden plating you, porcupine.
滚吧Go away.
与其满林子追那只鸟In stead of chasing that bird all over the jungle
不如让他演出的时候自己送上门We let him come to us at the Carnaval show
我会在舞台上迷住他们I'll mesmerize them from te stage
而在观众席里 你 我的小噶比...While in the audience you my little Gabi
你会成为我的 迷你致命武器You'll be my petite weapon of muss destruction
这场演出将会是..It will be a performance..
好看到死To die for
只有我才笑得出那种气场It only works when I do it.
好的 爱你哦Okay. Love you.
啊...舒服So minty.
哦 亲爱的 你在这儿 怎么这么长时间?Hi, sweetheart. here you are. Why is it taking so long?
啊 别再弄那个GPS了Enough with this GPS, seriously!
我们一起去看日落 快走吧Whole tribe is gathering for sunset come on
等一下 我刚找到琳达和图里奥的坐标Hey wait. I just find Linda and Tulio's coordinates.
他们就在林子的另一半 瞧They're just on the other side of the orchard, look!
他们离得很近They are very close.
是呀 我知道你爸爸不相信人类I know that your father does not totally trust humans
可他一旦见到了 他就会改变想法But I'm sure he met them he change his mind
琳达他们能保护这里They can help to keep this place safe.
是的 布鲁 我爸自己能解决Yeah Blu, my dad is
我说你能不能忘掉琳达和图里奥一会儿?Can't you just forget your Linda and tulio one
好好享受日落?and enjoy the sunset?
但是这不是我们的计划吗?But I thought that was our plan.
Dialogue: 0,1:02:56.56,1:02:58.12,white,,0,0,0,,GPS:路线规划完成New gide is complete
恩...我...你知道I. ..
有些地方也许不该被发现Maybe some places should't be found.
也许就应该与世隔绝Maybe they should be left alone.
她吃了一只虫子 一只虫子She ate a bug! A bug!
布鲁 布鲁 冷静Blu alm down!
冷静?我们有个计划Calm down? We have a plan
帮助琳达和图里奥找到鹦鹉 然后回家Help Linda and Tulio find the flocks and get home.
可是我提醒他 她根本就不理我But I mentioned her she completely shut me down
哦 还有他的爸爸Oh..And her father..
他就是个疯子 他对人类的看法很奇怪Totally a nut job. Has a weird thing about humans.
他对人类的看法很奇怪He's got this weird thing about humans
他爱人类 他是个宠物He loves them! He is a pet!
宠物?A pet?
他叫我宠物!He called me a pet!
真不敢相信 他居然当我的面这么说I can't believe he used that word to my face
像是把我当成敌人似的It's looks like me as the enemys or something!
他跟我们不是一路的 你要盯着点儿他It is not one of us, Roberto. Keep eyes on him.
还有那个罗伯特 他在监视And that Roberto He is always watching.
总是在珠儿身边转 总是唱着什么歌He's always hovering around Jewel He is always singing
我根本比不上他I can't compete with that.
你要拿出点鸟样来 从被驯养的状态中解放出来You have to be a bird guy! If release of
用珠儿的眼光看这里Try to see this place through her eyes.
去尝尝珠儿品尝的那些味道Taste the flavors she's tasting.
让我去吃虫子?So..I should eat a bug?
想想都觉得恶心 在考虑下吧This is disgusting think about it.
-闪光片 我的闪光片在哪儿?- Shine! Where is my glitter?
-哦 对不起 对不起- Oh Sorry, sorry
我不需要听道歉 我要闪光片I don't want apologize I want glitter
充满魔力的表演最终要靠的就是闪光片Brightness is absolutely essential for magic
你怎么就不懂呢?Do not you know anything?
伙计们 快去彩排 明天是个大日子Guys, big day tomorrow
想起来了吗? 来吧 你来吗 爸爸?Remember about? Come on! You're coming right Dad?
哦 当然了 of course.
那孩子把娱乐搞得像是交作业That girl puts the business in show business
-布鲁 记住 -我知道 我知道了- - I know I know
老婆开心 日子舒心Happy wife happy life.
多么美好的晨曦啊!What a glorious morning!
我都忘记了能够享受这样的早晨I forgot I could have a mornings like this.
你最爱吃的Your favorite.
哦..你记得这个 这真是太好了Ao..You remember. Isn't that nice
这感觉真是好极了 谢谢你 布鲁It's so crazy good. Thank you so much Blu.
对呀That's it!
我要给珠儿一个惊喜 给他送早餐 马上就来I'll be the one to surprise her breakfast in bed
coming up
巴西栗 你们在哪儿?Brazil nuts, where are you?
我就知道你们在这附近I know you around here somewhere.
不 快回来 等等No hey hey come back here
-那不是玩具 -GPS:违章驾驶 靠边停车- This is not a toy! - Directing dangerous
不 不 不要No no don't do it.
总算找到了 巴西栗Finally! Brazil nuts!
这个才是我最重要的工具This is my most important tool.
好啊 好啊 瞧瞧这是谁来了Well well well what do we have here
看样子不是所有的鸟都遵守老艾迪的规矩I guess the old Eddie's rules don't apply to everyone
这儿是我们的地盘You are in our side.
哦 是吗? 对不起 我没注意到 真抱歉Really? My bad. Do not know that, sorry.
对不起 对不起Sorry, sorry.
闯进我们的地盘 抢我们的食物You come over here, take our food
现在你还侮辱我?and now you insult me?
不 不 不 这件事儿完全是个误会No, no. This is just a big misunderstanding
知道吗 我非常想接受你的道歉You know, I wish I could accept your apology
你看上去像是只好鸟You seem like a nice bird
可是这代表战争!but this means war!
什么?有必要吗?能代表点别的吗?What? Does it have to? Can't it mean something else?
今天 在死亡坑Today in the pit of doom
对不起 死亡坑 真的吗?Sorry, the pit of doom really?
-哦 真的 -正午- Oh,really -highnoon.
我要腾出点地方I'll make some room
像扫帚一样把你扫出这片林子Sweep you up like a broom
-你干了什么? -那是个意外- You did what? - It was an accident.
-意外 -嘿 出了什么事?-An accident? - What's going on?
多谢布鲁 我们可能要失去这片林子了Thanks to Stu here,we're going rights to the rntire
我只是想去摘个坚果 就一个I was just trying to get a nut! One nut
你都不喜欢吃坚果 这到底是怎么一回事 布鲁?You don't even like nuts,what's gotten in to
you Blu?
我想给你准备点早餐I want getting it for you
哦 真的吗?Are you were?
罗伯特 你带上最棒的鸟去Roberto, I want your best birds on it.
我们绝不能不战而降We will not give up without a fight!
明白Got it!
你 别管这事儿了 净添麻烦You! Stay out of it! Have kitted enough.
-等等 -布鲁 他是对的- Wait! - Blu, he's right.
就让爸爸和罗伯特去处理这件事吧Maybe you should let dad and Roberto handle it
-你也觉得我处理不了?- You don't think I can do this?
-不 我只是... - Not!
只是不太确定 外交在不在你的专长范围内Do not know if it's your exactly in expertise
快走 快走 死亡坑Let' pit of doom now!
我希望你别介意 我把这儿当自己家I hope you do not mind I make myself at home
棒棒糖?A lollipop?
真是可惜啊 你们两位大老远跑来保护这片森林Is a shame. You all came this way to protect
the jungle.
我们看看它会不会报答你们Let's see if she returns the favor.
-罗伯特 -费利佩- -
给他点厉害瞧瞧No mercy!
-我得阻止他们 -什么 布鲁?- I have to stop this. - What? Blu!
停下 停下 艾迪 这太疯狂Stop, stop! Edwardo this is crazy.
我们是高等物种We are intelligent species
我们能更好的解决问题 with advanced problem solving techniques.
这是你挑起来的 等着瞧吧You brought this on us! Now watch.
- 头冲上 -尾巴冲上- Head. - Tails.
我讨厌这工作I hate this job.
-这是比赛? 这是比赛! - Oh, it's a game! it's a game!
-这不是比赛 这是战争- It's not a game It's war.
嘿 嘿 嘿 今天死亡坑天气不错It's a beautiful day in the pit of doom!
-这是胜者为王的比赛 -七局四胜- It's winner take all! - It's the best of seven.
获胜者将得到整片巴西栗子林The winner will take control of the entire Brazil nut grove.
这就像足球 这我会玩It's just like soccer. I can do this.
有什么特别的战术吗?4-4-2 还是 5-4-1All right. Any special strategies? Will we be running at
4-4-2 or 5-4-1?
怎么踢 教练 我踢什么位置What are we doing here, coach? What position is likely?
事实上我给你准备了一个合适的位置Actually I do have a perfect spot for you.
水 这儿有水 来喝水吧Water. Water here. Get your water.
好的 谢谢Okay, thanks.
罗伯特 他所向披靡势不可挡 到处都是他的身影Roberto is unstoppable! He's incredible!
-加油罗伯特 -哼 这我也能行- Go, Roberto! - I could have done that.
罗伯特和对手保持距离 他正在向前冲 向前冲Roberto's breaking! There he go!There he go!
他射门了!He shooted!
哦 费利佩抢到了球 红金刚鹦鹉要扭转局面Felipe has the ball! The red macaws are making a
费利佩传给提科 提科传给马里奥Felipe pass to Tito, Tito to Mario.
马里奥传给凯撒 凯撒传给安东尼Mario to Keita, Keita to Antonio.
安东尼射门得分!It's goal!
嘿 去你的吧Yes! In your face!
费利佩 罗伯特 费利佩 罗伯特...Felipe, Roberto, Roberto, Felipe,
-这一定很疼 -上 上- I guess this is gonna hurt. - Go go!
费利佩 利佩 利佩Felipe! Lipe, Lipe, Lipe!
-犯规 -嘿 得了吧 裁判-Foul -Come on Referee
-好吧 你上 -真的?- Okay. You are in. - Really?
没说你 你Not you. You!
学着点吧 送水小子Watch and learn waterboy!
-好吧 你..你上吧 -好的- All right. Get in there. - Yes!
开始吧 教练Here, here we go.
嘿 爸爸Yeah, Dad!
现在有位替补队员上场了 他会是秘密武器吗?A new player is coming off the bench! Is he a
secret weapon?
他不就是那个送水的吗I think he's the waterboy.
没人防我 没人防我 把球传给我啊Hey! I'm open! I'm open! Toss it to me!
传给我 我这儿没人防守 快传给我啊Pass to me! I'm open. I am wide open!
把球传给我Pass the ball to me!
-谢谢你把球传给我- Thanks for the pass, Blu!
-借用一下- Might I borrow this?
罗伯特向前挺进 他避开一个防守 又避开一个Roberto looked this. He shied a defense,
罗伯特 进啦Roberto! Goal!
目前的比分 3比3We are tie now at the pit of doom.
接下来谁先进球 谁就赢得比赛Whoever - Wins all!
我来接 我来接Oh! I got it, I got it!
加油 布鲁Come on, Blu.
哇噢 送水小子突然表现出了专业水准Wow! The water boy suddenly playing like a pro!
把球传给罗伯特Pass the ball to Roberto!
快传球 快传球!Pass the ball! Pass the ball!
-布鲁 等等 -我自己能搞定- Blu, wait! - This bird's gonna covered!
看上去这个秘密武器 突然走火了It looks like the secret weapon lost its fire.
我们来看看艾迪现在的反应Let's go to Edwardo for his reaction.
我要杀了这只该死的宠物I'm gonna kill you fanny pack!
哦 老艾迪Check it out, old Eddie.
看样子你们没有坚果吃了 只能减肥了Looks like you guys are gonna have to start a nut-free
这场比赛在我们那儿会传为佳话的We'll be talking about that for a long time.
我真不该对人类的宠物报抱什么希望I should have never expected more of a human's pet.
嘿 刚才你怎么回事儿啊?What happened back there?
我太想融入这个大家庭了I was trying to be one of the tribe.
但我可能永远都不能成为你爸爸希望的那样But I guess I'm never gonna be the bird like your
dad wants me to be.
-你..说什么? -我想我们该回家了- My... what? - I think it's time to go home.
-我正要跟你说呢 -跟我说什么?- We should talk about this. - Talk about what?
布鲁 看看周围Blu, look around.
孩子们这里 在野外玩的这么的开心The kids are thriving. They love being in the wild.
也许这里就是我们的家Maybe this place is home.
我们的家? 这里是我们的家?Home? How can this be home?
我尽全力适应这里 帮助他们I've done everything I can to fit in and help out
可我做什么都不对 but no matter what I do it's wrong!
这不是我们的家 珠儿That's not home, Jewel.
也许属于你 但不是我的Maybe for you, but not for me.
知道吗? 你应该清楚你到底需要什么You know what? You need to figure out what you want.
而且And maybe
别老想着你自己 也为我们想想吧Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about us.
出发 出发 快点Move out! Let's go.
琳达 图里奥Linda! Tulio!
再见 琳达Goodbye Linda.
-再见 小腰包- Goodbye, fanny pack
Dialogue: 0,1:17:22.42,1:17:24.21,white,,0,0,0,,请在能拐弯的时候拐弯Turn around when
抱歉 GPS小姐 不是你的错 是我的不对Sorry, GPS lady. It's not you it's me.
再见 煎饼 再见 咖啡Goodbye, pancakes. Goodbye, coffee.
再见 咖啡Goodbye coffee.
艾迪说的对 你是个叛徒Edwardo was right! Traitor!
-等等 你不明白?- Wait. You don't understand.
-我有什么不明白的 与人类为伍?- What don't I understand? Siding with humans?
-你对人类了解多少?- What do you even know about humans?
-哦 我很了解他们- Oh I know everything.
他们引诱你 把你抓起来They lure you in! They trap you!
他们还给你洗脑!They destroy your mind!
鹦鹉要吃饼干吗 要吃饼干吗?Polly want a cracker? Polly want a cracker?
不 我受够饼干了 我讨厌饼干No! Enough crackers! I hate crackers.
-快走 罗伯特- Come on, Roberto!
-是他们 是他们 是他们!- It's them! It's them! It's them!
让开Roberto, get out of there!
不要 不要 我不要饼干Not again, not again! No more crackers!
你冷静点Stop out of it!
听好 我们还有个机会阻止这一切Look, we got one chance to stop this, okay?
我去找到我的朋友I have to find my friends.
你飞回去警告大家 明光吗?You fly back and warn the others, you got it?
-明白 -好的 快去!- Yeah, I got it. - Okay! Go! - Okay!
人类 人类!Humans! Humans!
-往你的左边 不右边 右边 -左还是右?- Your left! Right! - Left or right?
你的右腿 我的左腿Your right leg my left leg.
好的 就这样- Good good.
现在..往上爬 爬!Now go..up up.
差一点了 就快到了Reach. Almost there!
琳达 我真的很抱歉Linda I'm so sorry.
虽然情况很糟糕 但是我全世界哪儿也不想去As bad as this is, there is
只想和你在一起I would rather be in the whole world than with you
哪怕是被拴在一棵树上 (记得 第一部里Jewel和blu吗?) Even it's tie to a tree
哦 琳达~Noh Linda
布鲁 布鲁Blu! Blu!
-琳达? -下面!- Linda? - Down here!
-啊 布鲁 -你怎么在这儿?- What? Blu! - What are you doing here?
这里很危险This is dangerous.
真难以置信 里约飞到这儿有2000英里That's incredible! It's a 2000-mile flight!
-我们跟着他 -太神奇了Let's follow him!
我就说我听到他的声音了I told you I heard him!
还给我钥匙blu: Let me take those.
Dialogue: 0,1:20:09.39,1:20:12.89,music,,0,0,0,,ps:好有Avatar的感觉
一切都完了 人类 人类It's over! Humans! The light! The light!
那些光 那些光 不...No...
自从我们找到他 他就不停的说胡话He's been staggering like this since we found him.
伐木工来了 布鲁和他们在一起The loggers are coming and Blu is with them.
-他是个叛徒- Traitor!s.
-不 布鲁是想帮我们- No, Blu is trying to help us.
什么? 就他自己? -我们快撤- What? By himself? - Let's evacuate!
离开这里 所有的鸟立刻出发 快 快 快We are leaving. Let's go, everyone move out! Go! Go!
爸爸 这次不行 我不能和你一起走Dad, no, not this time. I'm not going with you.
你必须和我一起走You have to go with me
我不能再让家人面临危险 I will not put my family in danger again.
布鲁也是我的家人 我不会丢下他的Blu is my family and I'm not leaving him behind.
不用担心You don't have to.
你没事吧Are you okay?
听着 埃德沃德 也许我不是这里最有鸟样的鸟Look, Edwardo, I might not be the birdiest bird
in the flock.
就现在来说 这是好事But for once that's actually a good thing.
你了解丛林 我了解人类You know the jungle, I know humans.
我们合作就能阻止伐木工And I know that together we can stop them.
不能让他们夺走我们的家园We can't let them take our home.
虽然这里又热又吵 到处是恐怖的虫子Sure it's hot, and loud and filled of creepy bugs.
可这是属于我们的 我们要为他而战But it's ours. Let's fight for it!
-谁跟我去? -我跟你...- Who is with me? - I'm with you!
还有谁吗?Anybody else?
停下 停下Stop! Stop! Stop!
哦 这就对了 请尊重热带雨林Oh yeah! Respect the rainforest!
我就知道 我就知道 我就...I knew it! I knew it!
你这是要去哪儿?Where do you think you're going?
那只不过是一群该死的鸽子 It's just a bunch of pigeons.
给我回去干活Get back to work!
你带头 布鲁Lead the way Blu.
终于叫对了 你叫我布鲁That's my name, yes. You called me Blu!
对 我叫布鲁!Yes! I am Blu.
哦 哦 对 有蓝色羽毛的鸟What? Oh, oh, right. Birds of
团结在一起have to stick together!
准备好了吗? 现在往下Everybody ready? And under!
我会活下去 我会活下去I'll survive, I will survive.
-抓到了 -哇 好准- Got it! - Wow, precise.
我才不怕什么鸟呢I'm afraid of no birds.
-亚马逊保卫战开始了- It's on in the Amazon.
-准备 扔- All right, hit it!
-为什么?为什么? -给我振作起来- Why? Why? - Get hold of youelf!
停下 他在那儿 查理 给我准备鼻射炮There he is. Charlie, prepare the nozooka!
-迪耶戈 -这才对嘛- Tiago. - That's what I were talking.
准备 瞄准 开火Ready, aim, fire!
又失手了Foiled again.
-干得好 迪耶戈 -我们是最棒的团队- Good job, Tiago! - We are great team, Dad!
-费利佩? -你以为我会错过这个机会?- Felipe? - You think I'd miss this party?
比赛开始Game on!
嘿 快回来 一群饭桶 没用的东西Hey! Come back! You are useless! All of you!
小心Look out!
要打架 找个个子和你一样大的Pick on someone your own size!
-不 不 -接住你了 接住你了- No! No! - Gotcha, gotcha.
别害怕 没事了 你安全了It's Okay, it's okay, you are safe now.
那就是琳达That's a Linda.
还是这么默契 布鲁We stil got it, Blu.
真是的 什么事都得我亲自干I have to do everything myself.
-给我滚开- Hey! Get away from that!
-不 没有人可以抢我的戏- No way, no one steals my scene.
你在干嘛? 快走 快逃命吧What are you doing? Let go, save yourself.
-快放开 -我就不- Come on, let go. - Never.
你疯了吗? 你会把我们两个都害死的Are you crazy? You are bringing both of us down! Let
-飞呀 似曾相识吧 布鲁 -奈杰尔- Deja vu, Blu. - Nigel!
-布鲁 -奈杰- Blu! - Nigel!
你要为你的罪恶付出最惨痛的代价You'll pay it, pay the price for your insolence!
住手 别过来Stop it. Get away from here.
用我愤怒的羽毛 扇肿你的脸Give my furious feathers in your face.
-你没必要 没必要这么做- You don't have to do this.
-我就是想这么做- Oh, I just want to.
哦天哪 查理 机会来了Oh my God! Charlie! This is it, this is it!
稳住 稳住Steady, steady.
扇耳光比赛Slap fight!
就是现在 发射!Shoot! Shoot!
哦 奈杰尔Oh! Nigel!
我就要死了吗?Is this the end?
我太年轻 又太英俊 天妒英才I was too young, too beautiful to live.
-鲍勃 -等下 那不是鲍勃- Bob? - Hold up, that ain't Bob!
我就说我见过他I told you I knew him from somewhere.
这是我最后的谢幕My final curtain call
现在只剩下站票了has standing room only.
不!!我干了些什么啊No! No! What have I done?
如果不能与汝同生 那我不如死了算了If you can not live it with me then I shall not live it at all.
那只青蛙它没有毒That frog is not poisonous.
-什么? -我们没有死?- What? - We're not dead?
这个品种经常被搞错It's a very common mistake.
它是只假的箭毒蛙But she's a colostethus Dendrobate.
从它粉色的斑点就能看出来You can tell by the pink spots.
可我父母从小告诉我说 我有剧毒But my parents always told me I was poisonous
叫我别碰任何人and shouldn't touch anyone.
你是你爹妈充话费送的吧?You just have really mean parents.
那么现在 我们可以在一起啦We can be together!
-奈杰尔 奈杰尔 我的维克多 -谁来救救我- Nigel! Nigel! - No! No! My victory help me!
-我绝对不会放你走的 -不 不 我会学好的- I will never let you go! - I'm sorry, I'll be nicer.
不 不 查理No! No! Charlie!
这是违反自然法则的This is unatural!
嘿 伙计们 嗨 头发没弄脏吧Hi, guys, hi. There's nothing in my hair, right?
我们从亚马逊的腹地Directly from the heart of the Amazon rainforest
为你带来特大新闻we have some breaking news.
多亏了图里奥博士和他的团队Thanks to Dr. Monteiro and his team
这里的整片区域都将会制定为the entire area will be designated
国家野生鸟类保护区as a national wildlife refuge
我们大家会一起确保这里的安全and together we will make sure this place stay safe.
对吗 布鲁?Right, Blu?
好消息还不止这一个But that's not the only good news.
我们在丛林深处找到这只凤头鹦鹉We found this cockatoo deep in the Amazon
他好像和一只树蛙黏在一起and he seems to have bounded to a tree frog
我们会把它带回里约We are bringing them back to Rio
进行持续的观察for continuing observation.
哦 奈杰尔 我们要去里约度蜜月啦Oh, Nigel, wow! A honeymoon in Rio!
大家一起来 拍手 拍手 摇尾巴Put paws, downs, and tails together
这是丛林里有史以来最强大的明星阵容for the most amazing talents ever gathered in one
下面请看--野性亚马逊It's Amazon untamed!
Dialogue: 0,1:30:23.59,1:30:26.89,music,,0,0,0,,《 Batucada Familia》
嘿 嘿 别咬我 别咬我What's up? Don't Bite it. What's up? Don't Bite it
我的鸟儿朋友们Where are my birds up?
翅膀挥舞起来Flap your wings.
这是我们最爱的绿宝石It's an emerald we treasure
从密林来到你的面前Coming from the jungle to you
拍打的是心跳的节奏Beating like it's hopping.
演绎的是自由的音符Interpretation of the freely notes
这是我们最爱的绿宝石It's the emerald we treasure
来自我们生活的地方- Coming from the place where we live. - Place where we live.
充满着自由和欢乐...happy night
时光不停飞逝Time Flies Past as the breeze
丛林就像一阵清风 一个奇迹
快穿上舞裙 随时有人叫你跳舞N{rTESTfs15}(还是没听清..)
你好 亚马逊Hello Amazon!
-嘿 路易兹 -嘿 小鸟们 我来了- Luiz! - Hey birds, I made it!
欢迎来到丛林Welcome to the Amazon!
Dialogue: 0,1:31:28.45,1:31:31.26,white,,0,0,0,,硬汉乌龟
唱吧 宝贝儿Sing it baby.
你确定要在亚马逊安家吗?Are you sure you can make the Amazon our home?
-这里有热又有恐怖的虫子 -开什么玩笑- With the heat, the creepy bugs? - What, are you
我可是丛林先生 充满野性而且还很有鸟样I'm totally wild and very birdy.
夏天还是去里约避暑吧Maybe we can beat summer in Rio.
你是我的唯一 珠儿You are my one of my only Jewel.
music《What Is Love》
What is love If it's not with you
I know when you're alone you feel it too
In your arms is where I long to be
Cause being with you gives me sanity
oh...Listen to me darling
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it
And what good is the party If you're not around
Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
What good is love
If it's not your love
It's a crazy party Im so glad to be with everybody
Balance Shake your body down to zhe ground
What's a song If you can't heart it too
Can't imagine dancing without Jewel
A shooting star, ain't really nothing to see
In the brighest night, be nice to me
oh....Listen to me darling
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it And what good is the party
If you're not around Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
明尼苏达州来的鸟还有自己的舞步For a bird from Minnesota you've got own moves
这不是舞步 这是事故Oh actually that's wasn't a move,that was an acident.
不过我接受你的恭维 But I'll take the compliment.
多亏拉斐尔能帮我们照顾孩子 Glad Rafael is watch the kids.
是啊,这样今天你得和我在一起..一整晚 Yes and it Looks like you're stuck all night.
你是我的唯一 布鲁 You are one of my only Blu.
那太好了,因为公的就剩我一个了(...汗!!!) Ah,that's a good thing, since I am be the only other
-比翼鸟 新年快乐 -拉斐尔 他们在哪?- Hi, lovebirds, happy new year! - Rafa,
孩子们和路易兹在一起 不用担心! The kids are with worry!
担心?我们很担心Worries, right here.
-路易兹 孩子们呢?-什么?我又没有孩子- Luiz, where are the kids? - What? I have no kids.
Jewel & blu - 我们的孩子Our Kids!
-哦 对了 我交给小不点了 -小不点!- oh right! I leave them with Tiny. -Tiny?
干嘛 她可是这里最棒的保姆What? She is the excellent babysitter.
我是这里最差劲的保姆I'm a horrible babysitter.
这一定会很炫的This must be awesome!
行了 我已经计算过了All right,I've done all the calculations
每次爆炸都会完美的踩在节奏点上And each explosion will be pperfectly synced to the beat.
除非我没有算上这个...Unless I didn't carry
我觉得...这里会有红色 蓝色 绿色 黄色...紫色Here's Red, blue, green, yellow,
我觉得会是...And it'
我觉得你们爸妈不会想看到这个的I don't think your parents will like see that very much
那我们开始吧Here we go.
-你这是要去哪儿啊小鸟 -这是什么?- Where are you going, little birds? - What is it?
-爸爸 -你们知道规矩的- Ah Dad! - Guys, You know the rules
没有大人的监督 不能放烟花No pyrotechnics without adult supervision.
我们问过小不点了We ask Tiny
这就更糟了 抱歉小不点That's even worse. Sorry Tiny.
工钱我不要了 布鲁先生You don't have to need pay me salary, Mr Blu.
下次玩 一定要先问我Kids next time, ask me.
-可你每次都说不 -不 我没有- But you always says no. - No I don't.
-爸爸 你在否认现实- Daddy, you're in denial.
-好吧 亲爱的 我经常说不嚒Ok honey, did I always say no?
是的 哦 我是说...不...yes! oh
太好了,现在妈妈也在说不了Great, now Mom same too.
听着 我们是地球上最后的蓝斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉Listen, we are the last blue speakes Macaws
left on this planet
我们得注意安全We have to stay safe.
-有蓝色羽毛的鸟- Birds with
-要团结在一起-Have to stick together
我闻到烤鸡味了I smell chicken.
啊 不不不....No, no, no!
啊 不不不....No, no, no!
根据我的计算 这是他今天说的第27个不了By my count he said "no" 27 times today.
-救命 -啊...- Help! - What?
大家伙 快跑Everybody fly!
这不公平 凭什么 只有爸爸玩的这么爽Oh man! How can Dad gets time all the fun?
看啊 成功了Look! It worked!
看来今年开了个好头Well, this year has a great started.
里约大冒险 2RIO 2
亚马逊之行 第七天Amazon Expedition. 7th day.
距里约热内卢 2000英里3200km from Rio
我们到达热带雨林的中心We can reach the center of the rainforest.
当我们沿着河流毫不费力的向前划行的时候We are surrounded by plants and animals
struggling for survival.
周围都是挣扎生存的植物和动物As we effortlessly guide down the river.
毫不费力的是你Effortless for you.
哇哦 好漂亮Wow! How pretty!
吐出来 快吐出来Spit it out! Spit it out!
我们已经接近亚马逊树林鹌鹑的栖息地We are nearly the nature ground of the Amazon
六个月前我们从走私者手中救下这只小鸟6 months ago, we rescued this little bird form
那时候它生着病,营养不良 还断了一条腿It was sick, malnourished, with a broken leg.
而现在 我可靠的助手..But now, my
我是说我的妻子兼同事I mean, loveing wife and colleague
就要把它放归回自然will release it back to natural habitat.
都没事了 你可以走的 就像这样It's okay, you can go now. Just like this.
还是让我跟他说吧Let me talk to her.
走吧Go on!
-你觉得他会没事吗 -给他一点时间- Do you think she's gonna be okay? - Give her some time
欢迎回家Welcome home.
等一下 它..好像在说什么 图里奥Wait a minute. What she is saying, Tulio?
他是不舍得我们 在和我们说再见It is just hard for her to say goodbye.
不 我觉得他好像在警告我们No, I think is trying to warn us.
不不不 琳达 这可能是吸引异性的舞蹈No,no,no, Linda,It may be some mating dance.
图里奥 看那 快划 快啊Tulio, look! Paddle! now!
好的 好的Okay, okay!
往右...不不不 往左To the right ! No,no the left
往前 往前Forward! Forward!
你想清楚再说 图里奥Make up your mind, Tulio!
这下可糟了Chese and sprinkles!
哦 不 快划快划 快点!Oh no! Row, row! Faster!
感谢上帝 你没有事Thank heavens you're ok.
图里奥 这是..Tulio,
啊 琳达 真难以置信Linda, this is incredible!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:54.65,0:08:58.72,music,,0,0,0,,《Breakfast in Rio》
早上好 珠儿Goodmornning, Jewel
嘿 你们看我找到了什么Hey,everyone look what I found.
布鲁?Blu ?
-好了 谁肚子饿了想吃早饭 -难以置信Okay, who is ready to some Breakfast?
你知道么 那些全麦煎饼Did you know that this whole pancakes
所含的维生素矿物质是普通煎饼的两倍has twice the vitamins and minerals?
而且加上蓝莓后味道会好上4倍and with blueberries is 4 times to tasty.
嘿 蓝莓都哪去了Hey Where are the blueberries?
爸爸 你在找这个吗Oh Dad, looking for this?
给我吧bring it!
已经到了最后关头 他的脚仿佛有魔力一样In the final minutes, he has his magic in feet
他射门了he shoots!
球进了!- Goal!
噢耶 我接到了 我真是太棒了Oh yeh, I got, I'm good.
爸爸 注意了Hands up, Dad.
哦 帅呆了Awesome!
嗨 妈妈Hi, Mom!
-这下惨了 -该走了- Busted. - Time to go.
亲爱的 你饿了吗Hi, honey. Are you hungry?
布鲁 我跟你说过的Blu, we talked about this.
是吗 我不记得了 哦 对的 你拿的是什么Did we?Ummm,so,uhhh,so whatta you got there?
-早饭 -很好笑 不过 说真的 这是什么- Breakfast. - That's funny, but Seriously what is that?
这是个巴西栗It's a Brazil nut.
离城市这么近的地方居然也有I never thought I'd find one this close to the city.
-我要教孩子们怎么打开 -你是说打开这个吗- I want to show the kids how to open it. - I mean,
爸爸已经教过我们了Daddy already shown us.
等等 来了Wait back.
爸爸妈妈 你们上电视了Mom Dad you're on TV.
巴西鸟类学家图里奥蒙泰罗博士Doctor Tulio Monteiro,the"birdman"of Brazial
今天宣布了一项重大发现announced a major discovery today
我们相信 我们在亚马逊丛林深处找到了野生的We believe we having encountered a wild blue
speakes macaw
蓝色金刚鹦鹉 in Amazon jungle
蓝色金刚鹦鹉之前被认为在野外全部灭绝了The blue speakes Macaw was thought practically
仅存的一家鹦鹉With the last remain family
目前居住在里约的布鲁鸟类保护区living under the protection at the "blu" bird's shrine In Rio
de Janeiro
我们出名了We are famous .
如果找到这些野生鹦鹉 他们的家园将受到保护If these birds can be found their home will
be saved
那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flock of birds there
如果真的有 我们会找到他们 并保护他们If here is, we'll find them and protect them
你好 布鲁Hi, Blu!
你好 琳达Hi, Linda!
我们不是唯一的We are not the only ones.
我们还有活着的同类啊There are more of us there.
-是啊 太好了 -这么长时间 我一直...- Yes, that's great. - All this time
我一直以为...我们是孤独的I thought we were alone.
嘿 以前也没有那么糟糕This was not bad?
是挺好的 可是...Of course not,
想象一下 有一大群同类Imagine there was a whole flock of us.
那该有多么美妙啊How amazing will that being!
-我们得做点什么 -真的吗- We have to do something. - We do?
对 我们去亚马逊Yes, we have to fly to Amazon
去帮助琳达和图里奥找到他们And help Linda and Tulio find them.
哦...我们不能说走就走We can't just pack up and go.
为什么不能 现在正是时候出去让翅膀吹吹风了Why not? It's time this family feel the wind in
their wings.
看看我们 音乐播放器 电视 煎饼Look at us! IPod television pancakes?
亲爱的 我们不是人类 我们可是鸟We are not people, we are birds!
我们应该回到野外 做真正的鸟 布鲁We have get out to the wild and be birds, Blu.
让孩子们回到大自然吧Let the kids know their roots
看看我们从前的生活Show them what I had.
他们需要这样 我们也需要They need this we need this.
来吧,布鲁!你说呢?Come on Blu! What do you say?
我不知道...也许吧...I do not know. Maybe,
他没有说不He didn't say no.
这就意味着他说 行That's mean he probabiliy said yes.
-嘿 等一下 -亲爱的,一定会很好玩!- What, no! - It will be so much fun!
耶...我们要去亚马逊咯We are come to the Amazon.
等一下,亚马逊是什么?Wait, what is the Amazon?
亚马逊,目前世界上最濒危的生态系统之一The Amazon is one of the most danger ecosystems
由于非法砍伐和耕种Due to illegal deforestation and framing
我们希望博士和他的团队Let's hope the ro and his team
能找到那些珍惜鸟类,让他们的家园得以保存find these rare birds so their home can be save
那里可能有很多这种鹦鹉There may be the whole flockout of there
如果真的有,我们会找到它们并保护他们If there is, we'll find them and protect them
Ecochatos 把我的船准备好Ecochatos. get my boat ready.
我要亲自去处理这件事情I need to do this personally.
轮到我了,行了你们可以回家了It's time for me, everybody can go home now.
你们正在看着的下一位,狂欢之王You are looking for the next King of Carnival.
嘿 大鸟 祝你好运Hi,big bird, good luck!
走路小心点,别躺着进去!Whach out buddy!
棒极了!你唱的真是太好了Bravo! That was amazing!
我亲爱的,你刚才一个音符也没落下Eva, darling, you hit every note.
-伙计们? -对!是的!-Huh guys? -Yeah yeah
还多了很多我从来没听过的音In various a lot of notes I've ever heard of.
-拉斐尔 -别 别担心- Rafa! - Do not worry!
我会和他们说的I'll talk to them.
我会为你找到完美的角色!We will find a perfect part for you!
嗯...潜规则也没用Antarctica maybe.
最好如此 回头见You bet! Bye bye!
再见 孩子们!Goodbye, boys!
我们家里见,我的美味小芒果See you back at home, my tasty mango!
哎...这些表演一点都不好 我连一点灵感都没有None of the acts are inspiring.I am just not
狂欢节眼看就要到了The carnival is right on the corner.
我们的名声会毁于一旦的And our reputations are on the line.
明白!我们需要一些能让我们嗨起来的节奏Copy yeat! we need something make us wild
我们需要 动感 火爆 激情Something like jungle. We need
你知道激情怎么说么?You know pop is that word?
啪...下一个...- Pop - Next.
-布鲁 -对不起兄弟- Blu! - Sorry, man!
没关系 路易兹 我也很高兴见到你It's Okay, Luiz! Good to see you too!
听着 布鲁 我们在寻找一位歌手Listen, Blu, we are looking for a singer
一个舞者 样样都会的a dancer, the whole package.
不要唱歌跑调 跳舞摔跤的 你懂我的意思么?Yeah and you're more of a
catch my drift?
我不是来面试的No I'm not here for the audition.
我有事情要宣布I got news!
我准备要去亚马逊了I'm going to the Amazon.
那可真够野的That's wild.
是呀 珠儿觉得这对我们有好处Yes, Jewel think will be good for us.
-有多野 -超级宇宙无敌野- How wild? - Real wild.
那里的蚊子能够一口吸干你的There mosquitoes suck your blood like slurpess.
那里的蛇能一口将你整个吞下去There snakes that swallow you whole.
那里还有吃肉的食人鱼 会吃肉的!There eat fresh
哦!好极了 真不赖Great,sounds pretty nice!
-我不去了 -得了伙计们- I will not going! -Gus guys guys!
布鲁 你根本不用担心这些Blu, you have nothing to worry about.
他们说的这些都有点夸张的过分了All those stories are highly exaggerated.
-你真的这么想? -当然了!- You think so? - Of course!
如果这对珠儿很重要 那你就去吧If it is important to Jewel, Just do it.
老婆开心 日子舒心...Happy wife
-一定要记住 -好的 对!- Remember that. - Okay, you're right.
你说的对 就当全家一起去度假 一定很有趣You know,a little family vacation, might actually
be fun.
再说了 又不是定居在那里Plus it's not like it's foever!
这就对了That's the spirit.
好的 谢谢伙计们!Okay, thanks guys!
过段时间见See you in a couple of weeks.
-一路顺风 布鲁 -记得带纪念品回来- Safe treavles Blu! - Bring me back a souvenir!
得了 他不会回来了Dog, he can't come back.
我们走 快点爸爸 快点Let's go! Come on Dad! come on!
好的 驱虫剂 净水剂 还有创可贴Ok, bug spray check, water purifier cheak,
哦 我好像忘了点什么I feel like I'm forgetting something.
哇哦 酷 是多功能瑞士军刀Wow! Cool, the all-in-one Adventurer's knife.
-这个交给我来弄吧 -这不是给你准备的-I'll be in charge of this. -That's not for you!
嘿 爸爸 来看我这个Dad, look at this!
你知道亚马逊的蛇能一口把你吃掉吗?Did you know the Amazon has snakes that can swallow
you whole?
事实上这些故事写得太夸张了Actually, Bia ,all those stories are highly exaggerated
不一定吧 你看这个No, really! Look!
哦 这个好恶心啊Oh..That's sick!
准备好出发了吗?All right, Are we ready to go?
你带了个腰包?A fanny pack?
是的 琳达给我的 用来装GPS定位Yeah Linda gave it to me, I need it for the GPS.
哦 我的GPS呢Where's the GPS.
卡拉 我们要走啦Carla we're leaveing.
我才不去呢!肯定很无聊I'm not going! It's gonna be lame.
行了 找到了OK, Here it is!
它有语音识别功能 很好用的 你看着 The voice recognition makes totally easier. Here watch
给我找琳达和图里奥Finding Linda and Tulio.
正在搜索 去东京吃料理Seaching for dining in Tokyo
好的 额 事实上这个还真不错Ok,actually that is a nice suggestion.
-你相信这个女人? -是的 我相信- You trust this woman? - Yes, I do.
嘿 等下伙计们 我们也要一起去Wait us family, I will going too.
别担心哥们 我们会罩着你的Do not worry buddy. We'll get you back.
-你老婆让你去了吗? -当然!- Eva let you come? - Sure!
我答应她在狂欢演出里给他弄个角色Promised her a place in the carnival show.
-答应他什么 -你们迟到了- You did what? -You guys are late.
-是有点晚 -但我们可是音乐家-Clock late. - But musicians early.
等等 你们也要去吗?Wait your guys are coming?
我们当然不会错过We wouldn't miss it for the world.
我们要去丛林寻找最棒的歌手We're gonna scout the wildest coolest talent in that jungle.
这是我们今年狂欢节演出的创作灵感And it's our inspiration for the carnival show.
狂野的 亚马逊Amazon untamed.
酷 我是说...好吧Cool!
我也会去的I guess I will go.
去亚马逊放手一搏Amazon jungle for bust, baby!
都准备好去热带探险了么Who's ready for a tropical adventure?
等等 等等 孩子们 还没有点名Guys, wait up! We didn't do a head count! Hey guys wait up!
嘿 小鸟 快回来Hey Birds come back!
又是这样 丢下我自己走了!They were go without me..again!
太让人伤心了!This is Sadly!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:35.04,0:17:37.24,music,,0,0,0,,《O Vida》
Dialogue: 0,0:17:37.24,0:17:42.24,white,,0,0,0,,里约热内卢
Dialogue: 0,0:17:43.49,0:17:48.49,white,,0,0,0,,欧鲁普雷图
Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.21,0:18:02.21,white,,0,0,0,,巴西利亚{fade(255,0,255,100,500,4000,5000)}
前方道路 拥堵Heavy traffic ahead
多谢了 GPS小姐Great..Thanks a lot GPS lady.
快点 快点 快点Faster, faster!
我们到了孩子们,这里就是亚马逊的大门了Here we are, kids! The gate way to the Amazon.
生存 还是....毁灭"alive .." Or... Do not be!
这是个问题That is the question!
究竟哪一个更高贵 去忍受这命运Whether is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings
还是去忍受着无边的烦恼And arrows of outrageous fortune
经受无边的摧残Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
还是把它忘个干净And by opposing end them
噢 真实太美妙了 奈杰尔 这是什么意思Oh that's beautiful Nigel. What does it mean?
死亡 噶比Death Gabi.
说的是死亡Is about death.
哦 奈杰尔 我爱死你了Oh Nigel, I love it when you get all dark and brooding.
嘿 笨鸟 该上场了Hey bird, it's showtime!
我的观众正等着我呢My audience waits!
从里约的丛林 到亚马逊的街头From the streets of Rio to the Amazon jungle
有请 神秘的大鸟The Bird of mystery.
别害羞,快来了解属于你的命运吧Don't be shine learn your destiny
喂 别打蚂蚁的主意 干你的活去Hey Get away form the ants. Back to work.
妈妈 我要玩这个 占卜Mami, I want one, I want to furtune!
欢迎光临 夫人Welcome, madam.
这只难以置信的鹦鹉 能够预示你的未来This amazing Cockatoo reveal your future.
好了小鸟 选一个吧All right the furture.
快点 小鸟Come on bird!
你干的很好 奈杰尔You're doing right, Nigel.
快一点Pick it up already.
加油 伙计们 就快到了 今天不用再飞了Come on,almost more flying today
晚一点 我们能赶上一艘船We've got a boat to catch.
根据GPS的计算 明天一早我们就能到According my friend here will get there by the morning.
他能活下来 但永远也飞不起来了You will live but could never fly again
快点 小鸟 快给我算命Come on! My luck
-很好奈杰尔 -怎么要这么长时间- You are very cute.- Why is it taking so long
我会这么惨 都是那只蓝色的鸟害的That blue bird caused my misery
小鸟乖Nice birddy.
为什么要打自己 为什么要打自己Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?
哇哦 奈杰尔好有男子汉气概Wow..Nigel is very macho.
谢谢Thank you.
我自由了I'm free!
这里有只箭毒蛙Poisonous frog!
嘎嘎叫的凤头鹦鹉 呐喊着要去复仇The croaking cockatoo doth bellow for revenge.
这是莎士比亚写得That's Shakespeare, by the way.
-没有你的表演 他一文不值 -说得好Without your interpretation it's nothing. -Good point.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.61,0:22:29.33,white,,0,0,0,,一个完成旧任务的好时机
哦 这空气 又清新 又舒适Oh this air is so fresh and full
再见了 城市里的雾霾Goodbye, smelly city air!
对!再见!Yes, goodbye.
嘿 谢谢你能为我这样做 真的很谢谢你Hey Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate.
为了你 我愿意做任何事情I would do anything for you.
-你懂得 对么? -我当然懂- You know that, right? - Of course I know.
我们不是来这吃点心的 我们是来复仇的We aren't here for neck, We are here to revenge.
等乘客都睡着的时候When these pesky passengers flat sleep
我们就好好关爱下我的蓝色朋友们We'll show our blue friends some love
给他们一点...毒爱Some poisonously love.
哦 这个我最拿手了Oh..That is my specialty.
我们在午夜发动攻击 这样显得更加邪恶We will attack at midnight hour because it is more
保持警惕Stay alert.
午夜!袭击的时间Midnight. Time to attack!
奈杰尔 奈杰尔Nigel. Nigel.
看看我们两个另类的生物Look for us mistys.
一只剧毒的青蛙 一只不会飞的怪鸟A toxic frog and a flyless freak.
我们如此的不同 又如此的相同So different and yet the same
亲爱的 当你睡着了 我们是朋友 那样很好My darling whilesleep all is well We're friends and
that's swell
可是有个秘密一定要告诉你....我爱你But the truth I have a secret I love you
Dialogue: 0,0:24:23.63,0:24:30.20,music,,0,0,0,,《Poisonous Love》
人们说这不对 很可笑 一只青蛙怎么和鸟恋爱People says it is wrong and absurda frog and a
bird love
可我心里知道 这是命中注定的But I know in my heart this is ment to be
如果我们能拥抱亲吻 那真是天堂般的幸福If only we could could hug and could kiss be in
heavenly bliss
可你的肺会烂掉 就像这样But your lungs would explode and you'd look just like this
你会窒息 脸涨成蓝色As you'd hemorrhage and gag would cough up your face turn blue
不过亲爱的 我会照顾你But darling I'll protect you
我会的 你尽管放松Do not worry just chill
因为我能杀掉任何鸟 只要是为了你Cause there isn't a bird that I wouldn't kill ..for you
我们注定要在一起oh we were destined to be
因为我们的爱For we have love
有毒的爱...Poisonous love
-爱... -虽然 是的-Love - Yes i know
是的- Yes
我知道你没法拥抱我I know that you can't hold me
投入我的怀抱吧Feel me close now
你爱的翅膀 围绕着我Your loving wings enfold me
命运告诉我 爱...Fate told me..love..
站在这里Standing here
你离我是如此的近 可是..You're so near and..
-又那么远 -就像一颗星星 Yet so far..like a star
我们到了Here we are
-哪儿? -该怎么办?- Where - What to do
哦oh poo
你是我的罗密欧 我是你的朱丽叶Your my romeo I'm juliet
我们天生一对 可是 如果我们触碰哪怕一点点We are so perfect and yet if we touch not by
可以确信一点Still on all you can bet
那就是 永别It's good bye
我会哭泣And I'll cry
因为你已不再As you die
好可怕的梦What a nightmare.
查理 你应该把我叫醒的Charli, you were supposed to wake me.
要行动了It's time.
能做奈杰尔的搭档真好I love being on team of Nigel.
我想不出什么比在夜晚下I can not think of anything more romantic than
给乘客下毒更浪漫的事情了poisoning passengers on a moonlight cruise
那家伙是我的That one is mine.
一闪一闪小布鲁...找你找得好辛苦...Twinkle, twinkle, little I wondered where were
高高的挂在天空中...Up above the world so high.
今天让你..一命呜呼Are you ready to die?
你应该吃块绿箭薄荷糖You need one breath mint.
你睡着了都要嘲笑我!Even you sleep you mock me?
等等我Wait for me.
别丢下我Do not leave me!
-迪耶戈 别到处乱跑 -我什么也没干啊- Tiago, stop leaveing around. - I didn't do anything.
孩子 听你妈妈的话Tiago Gunderson, listen to your mother.
哦 天Oh man.
-我们快到了 -等一下伙计们-We're almost there right. -Hey Guys
记住 有蓝色....算了 ver mind.
他们都跑了They are getting away.
快醒醒 你这个吃蚂蚁的笨蛋 快跟上他们Wake up, you ant-eating idiot. follow them!
好多了 现在给我快一点Better! Now get to times faster!
这个笨蛋!River hugs!
我一直在想 你是不是比猴子还笨You! I always suspected that was dumber than a monkey.
现在我懂了And now I know.
老板 您来丛林里干什么?Boss, what are you doing in the jungle?
你应该问他们来这里干什么Perhaps the better question is: What are they doing?
那些环保狂 Nature Freaks.
这里有几百万平方英里的丛林Too million hectares of jungle
可替他们偏偏跑到这里来And they play in my backyard?
我可不是好惹的家伙I don't think so.
你也知道 朋友 我们的伐木作业As you know my friends, these our operations
稍微有点....违法is illegal.
如果这些人找到那些鸟 我们的生意就完了If these two nuts found those birds, we have no
所以你现在要尽快结束他们的寻鸟丛林探险And that's why you must end their little bird
watching expedition
找到他们 赶走他们Find them! And get rid of them.
其余的人 都给我砍树去The rest of you go cut some trees.
谁在乎一群什么破鸟Who cares a bunch of birds?
鹦鹉会把鸟巢筑在巴西栗树附近The macaws should be nesting near the Brazial nut trees
所以我觉得我们应该...So..I think that we should
图里奥 你在听我说话吗Tulio, are you listening to me?
你已到达目的地You have arrived at your destination
看!是不是很管用 我们到了You see? It worked like a charm. Here we are.
嗯 这东西稍微有点误差Oh..These things have a margin of error.
我跟你说过别相信那个女人I told you not trust that woman.
这是一个幼虫 他就要进入变蛹的阶段了That's a Heliconius 's about to enter the pupa
哈 你说桶Ha! You said poop
-你们跟紧了 -我要去找他们N-hey kids stay close. -I'll get them.
好吧 你们留在这里别动 我去周边看看Okay, you stay here and I take a look around.
别担心 我们就在这 我们哪儿都不去Do not worry, we'll be going anywhere.
-我后背的羽毛都竖起来了--My feathers is poppin'up on the back ofmy neck.
-我可不喜欢这个感觉 - I don't like this.
我们掉头吧Let's back it up.
比亚 迪耶戈Bia? Tiago!
拜托 小姐 别让我失望Come on lady don't let me down.
规划前往...秀场的路线Calculating route to: funky town
好吧 太好了Ok great
呵呵 可以 这很好玩Haha come on guys. Very funny.
很好 很好 很聪明的玩笑Funny same. Very clever.
珠儿 你在哪?Jewel where are you?
孩子们 老婆?Kids? Jewel?
啊 蓝色金刚鹦鹉 琳达!Ah it's a Macaw! Linda!
放开我Let me go!
放开我 你这个野蛮人Let me go! you barbarian.
我发誓 这声音听起来像布鲁的I swear that's sound like my Blu.
不 不可能 琳达That's impossible, Linda.
他在家里 既舒适又安全He is home in Rio safe and sound.
我可是美国公民 你这个野蛮人I am an americian citizen, you savage!
我要求见美国大使 我知道我有这个权利I demand to see my ambassador.I know my rights.
我有这个权利I know my rights.
退后 野蛮人Back up barbarian.
对 没错 这是个勺子 也是个叉子Yeah That's a spoon and a fork.
害怕了吧 怕的发抖了吧Be afraid. Be very afraid.
啊哦...把你的东西放下Aho my buddy put that spork down.
放开我...有种来啊Let leave me. Luckily I'm bigger.
真不敢相信 我们找到他们了I can't believe we found them.
严格的说 是他们找到了我们Well, technically they found us.
好吧 得找点东西来写名字Ok we're going to need some name tags.
哦 那是绿箭薄荷糖Oh hello em.. There are mints.
你用不到它 不过味道还不错...你可以试试Don't you need it but they are eat them.
不 别连盒都吞下去No not the whole box.
赶快..把它..吐出来Get that out of your mouth
Dialogue: 0,0:33:58.24,0:33:59.70,music,,0,0,0,,{fs14fn华文细黑} 还记得第一部里珠儿还有
出什么事情 怎么了?What is this doing here? What's going on?
我们发现他们飞得离人类太近We found them flying too close to the humans.
什么 你是谁?What? And who are you?
额 可不是一个合适的回答 我问你话呢Er...This is not the appropriate answer.I asked a
你们到底从哪来Where did you come from?
- 嘿 退后-Hey back off
- 不好意思小姐...-Excuse me young lady,
真不敢相信I can't believe it.
这...这怎么可能 How
伐木工来的时候到处都是大火Some loggers came
到处都是浓烟 然后...There was fire and.. so much smoke.
我把你藏在翅膀下面I hide you under my wing.
然后你就...不见了-And you were.. -Gone
我一直在找你I was looking everywhere for you.
我在这I'm here
我好想你I missed you.
没事了 一切都过去了It's 's Okay.
有爸爸在Dad has you.
看看你 我的小女儿Look at you. It's my little girl.
已经长大了Have grown up.
长得这么漂亮So beautiful.
就像你的妈妈一样Just like your mother.
对不起 我把你弄丢了I'm so sorry I missed you.
我无法想象这些年你一个人到底怎么过来的I can not imagine you were alone all this time.
没什么 爸爸 我不孤单It's okay, Dad. I wasn't alone.
布鲁找到我了Blu found me.
很高兴见到你 先生 Nice to meet you Sir.
把翅膀收起来 布鲁 到我这来Cut down wings away come here.
-当然 -近一点- Sure okay. - Closer.
-是吗? -再近点- Really? - Closer.
你把我女儿带回来了You brought my jewell back to me.
我谢谢你I thank you.
现在我要拥抱你I'll hug you now.
额 好的Em..Okay.
-行了 过来吧 -抱上了- Come here. - Here we are.
真是我的荣幸My pleasure.
什么 你在哭吗? Nico, Are you crying?
看到这么感人的场面 我内心很脆弱啊It's a heavy moment and I'm very vulnerable right now.
拥抱吧 我们Let me give you an arm.
妈妈 你没事吧Mom, are you okay?
妈妈?我当外公了Mom ? I'm Grandpa.
我当外公了I'm Grandpa.
看看 我是外公了Look at me I'm a Grandpa!
爸爸 这是卡拉 比亚 迪耶戈Daddy is this: Carla Bia and Tiago.
-你好呀 先生- Nice to meet you, sir
-不要叫我先生 我的小姐- There is no sir around here, my young lady.
-你应该叫我..帕帕-You'll call me papa
-帕帕 哦 我喜欢- Pa Pa? Oh I like that.
我是外公啦 太好啦 我是外公啦I'm the papa papa. I'm papa papa.
别把外公弄伤了 孩子们Kids, go easy on old grandpa
你还叫我先生You call me sir.
我女儿回来啦My daughter has returned.
这些年我们东躲西藏 人类把我们逼往For years we live because humans fleeing push us
越来越深的丛林deep into the jungle.
不过你看 我们找到了一个避难所But as you can see we‘re found a sanctuary.
我们终于可以在这里扎根了A place we can finally put down roots.
大伙们 出来吧Everyone. Come on. All leave the nest.
我女儿回来啦My daughter is home.
出来吧小鸟们 我的珠儿回来啦Come birds. My Jewel is back.
让开 让开 珠儿!Make way, make way. Jewel!
咪咪婶婶 咪咪婶婶Aunt Mimi? Aunt Mimi!
哦 我想死你了I felt you so much.
我的小野花终于回家了My wild little flower has return.
我就知道你会回来I knew you are coming back.
我会用鸟粪算命I saw the specks of dropings.
看看这些小家伙们Look at these puppies.
谁是可爱的小蓝皮克斯鹦鹉Who's the most cutest little macaws?
哦 你长得可有点着急啊Oh you look big for your age.
哦 咪咪婶 这是苏Mimi this is the Bilu.
事实上我叫布鲁Actually I am the Blu.
-我们都是鹦鹉 呵呵 -我名字是Blu- We are all - It's mean is my name.
金刚鹦鹉都是蓝色的So that is why we call blue macaws.
你就依着她吧Just go with it.
Dialogue: 0,0:37:41.23,0:37:46.86,music,,0,0,0,,《Welcome Back》
原来你在这种鸟里长得算是挫的So that's what a blue macaw is supposed to look like?
看她多耀眼Look it shining
她的羽毛闪闪发光Her feathers is glow
现在丛林都在欢笑Now the jungle is smiling
因为我们的宝贝回来了Because our baby is home.
你是否和我一样的感受Can you feel what I feeled
因为这一天终于来到That day has come last
我们心爱的珠珠回来了Our precious Jade has returned
我要第一个唱出来 欢迎回来I'll be the first to say welcome back
罗伯特....我Roberto, I...
欢迎回来Welcome back
我是说 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎I say welcome back
-哇 你看上去棒极了 -你也是- Wow..You look great. - So do you.
嗨 你好 我是珠儿的...重要的那一位Hey, hi, hello. I am the Jewel significant other.
哦 那你就是那个俘获了珠珠芳心的幸运鸟So you're the lucky bird who swept Ju-Ju of her feet,
-珠珠? -是啊- Ju-Ju? - Yeah.
我们小时候一直给对方起可爱的小名When we were kids we called cute name in each other.
是的 我叫他背头...呵呵We did, I called him Beto.
那真可爱 我也喜欢起小名That's adorable. I love doing nicknames.
你可从来没提起过什么罗伯特You never mentioned any Roberto.
那是他没有什么可提的啊There was nothing to mention.
嘿..我的搭档来了Hey..There is my wing man.
有罗伯特放哨 我们都能安心睡觉了We can rest with Rober to look out.
多亏艾迪教会我一切Eduardo taught me everything I know.
-全靠你这只好鸟- He is the bird.
-不 你才是好鸟...-No.. You're the bird!
-不 你是只好鸟 -你才是好鸟...-No, you're the bird. -You're the bird
知道了 你们两个都是好鸟We get it. You both are birds.
能不能别唧唧歪歪了 开始聚会吧Now can we stop yapping and start party
Dialogue: 0,0:39:17.95,0:39:30.04,music,,0,0,0,,《Beautiful Creatures》
哇哦...我记得这首歌Oh well..I remember this song.
怎么可能忘记 它一直流淌在我们的血液里How could you forget? It's in our blood baby.
这是只属于我们的歌It's who we are.
不介意我借用她一会吧?嗯...You don't mind if I borrow her for a minute, do you
-额 事实上我... -来吧 珠珠 开始了- Have - Come on, Ju-Ju let's go.
Let's come together singing love and harmoni
We are so different but the same inside our hearts
Beautiful colors as far as the eyes can see ya
Open your wings fly when you hear the call
Let's celebrate calling the beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings dance and sing songs about freedom
Like lah lah lah hoo hoo
One for the jungle familia
Like bah bah bah boo boo
Calling the beautiful creatures
Come this way celebrate
Laugh and dance all the way
-这个地方真是潜力无穷啊 -我好喜欢他们这种歌 Follow me sing along
Lah lah bah bah
Ja disse que Jade chegou
Ja disse que ja disse que
Pop-pop I am the pop-pop
I am the tchh I am your pop-pop
I am the pop-pop-pop tchch pop-pop-pop
I am the pop-pop the tchhhchhc
Let's celebrate calling the beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings dance and sing songs about freedom
Like lah lah lah hoo hoo
One for the jungle familia
Like bah bah bah boo boo
Calling the
只有你能理解 孤苦伶仃是什么感觉You are the one who knows what being
额 你邪恶 我狠毒 哦呵呵Misunderstood. you are the "evil" to my "mortal".
你应该改个名字叫话唠I can see why they call you Gabi
在哪儿呢 你这个肮脏的家禽Where are you,you filthy fowl
我之前的行动战略不对I've been going about this all wrong
我应该去更高的地方找I need to search him from higher around.
哦 你刚才腾空了将近整整一秒钟You stay there for almost full second this time.
太棒了 简直太NB了Bravo! Bravissimo!
你看什么看 帮我上去What you do looking at? Take me up there.
再高点Even higher.
稍微再高点A little bit higher.
低点 现在低点 很好 现在正好lower lower ... perfect.
哇哦 这么一大群祸害Ugh, it's an infestation
呵呵 继续庆祝吧 你们很快就要高兴不起来了Keep celebrate, I'll be pooping on your party
嗨 尼克 嗨 佩克罗Hi, Nico. Hi, Peter.
我们来对地方了 这就是火爆 亚马逊的火爆We have come to the right place. This is zhe pop
in Amazon.
我们要把这些金刚鹦鹉带回里约We could bring these macaws back to Rio
参加有史以来最棒的狂欢节演出 我现在灵感如泉涌And have the best carnaval show ever. I'm
抱歉 城里来的鸟Sorry to break it your cityboys
我看你们还是去找别的明星吧But you'll have to find some other talent
谁也不许离开这里nobody leaves the tribe.
哦 还有 丛林里不许留下人类的东西And no human things in jungle.
什么 他什么毛病What's his problem?
差点就能流芳百世了We could been legends
我们已经超级无敌了 可是...你懂我的意思吗We are already awesome, but you know what I'm
什么都有啊We had all.
没被发掘的明星 好的创意The undiscovered talent,the big idea and the inspiration
可是没有办法把他们带回里约...but if we can not take this guys to Rio ..
就什么都没有We got nothing.
别那么失落嘛 不是还有我老婆吗Hold your mangoes, we still have Eva
哇哦 你跳的还是那么好 珠珠Wow You still got zhe move, Ju-Ju
-我快累死了- I'm so exhausted.
-是啊 我们该去休息了-Yeah, we should get some rest
找个旅馆或者酒店Find a local innl or B&B nearby.
你在胡说些什么啊What is this crazy talk?
不 你们就住我家里Now, you guys are staying in my nest
今晚我巡逻I'm on charge tonight.
-我的家 就是你们的家- My house is all yours.
-你真是太好了 背头 - That's really nice, Beto.
谢谢 但我觉得我们能搞定Thank you but we're fine
再说我们一大家子 住单身公寓 挤不下Besides our whole family couldn't possibly fit in your
bachelor pad
这里的房价一定非常低吧Real estate must be pretty cheap around here.
哇哦 真是不可思议This is incredible.
你说这里?Oh, this old nest?
这只是我最近随便弄的It's just something I put together last minute
当然 用的是我的两只翅膀With my own two wings, of course.
我的力气And my strength.
还有我的肌肉(...)And my breast.
爸爸 这里好大 有六个卧室呢Daddy is huge It has 6 bedrooms.
-我要最大的这间- I'll get zhe big one.
-我是最大的- No, I'm the oldest.
就比我大3分钟外加2.5秒Only for 3 minutes and 2.5 seconds.
我真希望有一天I hoped to one day be blessed
我也有一群小鬼抢房间with a bunch of little Betinhos cause my own.
-一定会的 - I think you did
-不会吧 这里还有鸟浴盆- No way! A bird bath!
还有按摩- And it's Jacuzzi!
嘿 布鲁 我告诉你Blu meet you something
如果你出了任何事 任何...If anything..I mean anything ever happen to you
我会帮忙照顾好你的家人I'll take care of your family.
行了 睡个好觉All right, buddy. Sleep well.
-晚安 珠珠 -晚安- Good night, Ju-Ju. - Good night.
好了 一切都安全了Okya all clear.
Dialogue: 0,0:45:18.31,0:45:22.31,music,,0,0,0,,《Don't Go Away》
Jewel:月光和星光Moonbeats and starlight
神奇的曙光magical Twilight
最温暖的雨The warmest rain
听他低吟你的名字Hear it wispering your names
午夜的彩虹Rainbows at midnight
让星空闪耀sparkling night sky
不要远走Don't go away
多停留一天stay another day
你能再唱一遍吗?Can you sing again please.
该睡觉了Time to bad now.
多棒的一天啊What an amazing day.
一直以来 我...All this time, I...
我都没奢望过他们还活着I never hope that they were alive but..
但是他们真的还都活着But they are.
我们找到家人了 布鲁We found our family Blu
这会改变一切的This changes everything.
等等 什么? 改变什么?Wait wait what? What changing?
去..去 走开Go on
亲爱的 别 别这样 很痒的Honey stop. That's tickles.
哈哈 真有意思That was fun.
快走 迪耶戈 看我们走Come on, Tiago! Let's go!
早上好Good morning.
或者我应该说 下午好Or should I say afternoon.
早上好 先生Morning sir.
生活在这里得习惯早起Our days in jungle is start early.
早上好 爸爸Good morning, Daddy.
真是我的好女儿 她早就起来了That's my girl see? already up and at'em
早上好 亲爱的Good morning sweety.
你干嘛让我睡懒觉Why did you let me sleep in?
你说什么呢?你每天都睡懒觉What are you talking about? You sleep in every day.
-是的 可是... -爸爸- Yeah, - Hey Dad!
咪咪阿姨说泥土对消化有好处Aunt Mimi said plants is good for digestion.
-试试啊 -不 宝贝儿 我刚刚刷过牙- Try some. - No,sweety, I just brushed..
味道不错吧 我再去弄点Is good, right? I'll go get some more.
聪明的孩子My girl.
我说要领格鲁转一转So I thought I'd take Stu here for a little tour of the area
参观一下Show him around
-这主意太好了 -什么?- It's a great idea. - What?
你跟爸爸出去转转 我带孩子们探探险You go fan with Dad, and I'll take a explore with the
-恩 好的 -你会喜欢的- Okay, sure. - You'll love it.
恩 好的 我只要...Okay, great. I just
行了 好了Okay ready.
行了 布鲁 靠近点Okay Blu come closer.
-太近了 -好的- Not so close. - Okay.
我看不下去了 你把人类的口袋扔掉 行吗?I can't look at it You gotta lose that human
pocket ok?
这只是个腰包This here is a fanny pack.
腰包嘛 很可爱A fanny pack, amiable.
但这是人类的Is human.
现在你已经是部落的一员了Now that will join the tribe
你以后用不着它了You wouldn't need it any anymore.
我们在河边泥岸上见I'll meet you by the clay banks
哦 不 加入部落?No, wait, join the tribe?
他不会以为我们真要搬到丛林里来吧He does not actually think we move to the jungle, doesn't
不 不 他是因为我们来了 太激动了No, he's just excitied for us here
别扫兴好么Let's not spoil the moment ok.
再说了 不带这个腰包去又不会要了你的命Besides, it won't kill you to leave behind the fanny
好吧 你赢了All right, you win.
我不带腰包就是了I leave the fanny pack behand.
老婆开心 日子舒心Happy wife happy life.
再见 亲爱的 玩的开心点Bye honey. Have fun.
哦 当然 再见Yeah sure. Goodbye.
各位 该起床了Guys wakey wakey
起床啦!Wake up!
伊娃 你有角色了Eve you got it.
那个野性亚马逊怎么样了?What happened on Amazon untapped?
我订了计划Here is the plan
今天面试 然后明天预演一场Audition today and rehearse the show tomorrow.
我们?什么 你在说法语么?We, you said we, are you speak French?
行了 赶紧的 我们开始吧Come on cha-cha. Let's get started.
哇哦 她动作可够快的Wow..she is being working.
准备好了就可以开始了Anytime! When ready.
每次碰见个男的 我就想把他追到手
可是他们最后都逃走了 我就装傻 我就装酷
管他们想什么 做什么
我不关心 到此结束N{rTESTfs15}(太快了,没听明白....)
-下一个 -我们是- Next! -We are the..
神奇的巴西战舞龟Amazing capoeiristas turtles.
太精彩了 再来一个 再来一个Bravo! Another one! Another one!
抱歉 伙计们 刚才谁表演Sorry guys! Did I miss something?
嗨 我叫格兰纳 我是水豚Hi my name is Clara, the capybara
我要唱一首我最喜欢的歌and I'll sing my favorite song.
孤零零的站在月光里All I lonely under the moonlight
告诉我Touch me
离开是如此的容易is so easy to leave me
再这么吃下去我们就没有演员了If you keep eating at there'll get no show.
这里不是比谁吃的多!It's not your eat competition!
嘿 你飞的好快 真的好快Oh hey, you're fast. You're really fast
我觉得我翅膀已经拉伤了I think I pulled a wing or something
你这老鸟飞的还真快You are really fast for a old bird.
我是说...你的智慧For such wise
智慧 拥有很多智慧的鸟Wise bird, a wise bird.
智慧一般是随年龄一起增长的Wisdom is which sometimes comes with age
不过年轻的时候也增长 比如像你But also can happen when you're young like you
又年轻 又智慧 In your case You can be wise and young
这种组合很少见 不过看到你真的好让人激动Which is kind of a rare thrilling
when it happens
-安静点儿 -哦 谢谢- Be quiet. - Thank you, sir.
你应该把城市的习惯丢掉了It's time to take the city of you.
你要学习基本的...丛林生存要素Need to learn the basics of jungle survival
我们不是出来观光的吗?I thought we were to go sightseeing
今天是训练日It's training day.
来吧 泥土是你的朋友Come on! Mud is your friend.
这是你的伪装 感觉他 品尝他She is their camouflage. Feel it, Taste it.
如果没感觉 说明你的动作不对You don't feel tasty, you not doing
你不会想被人类看见的You don't want to be seen by humans.
快点儿 你是蓝皮克斯鹦鹉还是火鸡?Come on Are you a macaw or turkey?
快点 再快点Faster! Faster!
加油!你不想被吃掉吧Come on! You don't want to be eaten.
你独自一人在丛林里You're alone in jungle.
你被陷阱抓住了You get caught in trap.
你会怎么办?What will you do?
-如果我的腰包在的话 -不Well, if I had my -no
-你要用你的嘴 -我的嘴?- Uses your beak! - My beak!
这是你最重要的工具Your most important tool.
好的 我用我的嘴Okay, I use my beak.
-就差一点了 -时间到- Almost. - Time's up.
你挂了You are jaguar's meat.
罗伯特第一次就成功了Roberto got first tried.
肯定的Of course he did.
上 上 盘旋Up, Up, plane!
现在倒着飞Now Back!
倒飞?什么 不 只有蜂鸟能倒着飞Fly back? Only hummingbird can fly backward.
跳 飞起来 俯冲 在高点Under! Over! Under! Over!
-干得好 -谢谢- Good job! - Thanks.
没说你Not you
这是巴西栗树Brazil nut trees
这些树对我们的生存至关重要These trees are the key to our alive
这些树为我们提供食物 它们供养我们The trees feed us they sustain us
醒醒Wake up!
我醒着 我醒着呢 栗巴西还是..I'! Em..nut brazil..
哦 不 巴西栗树什么的 哦 明白了Brazil nut it
这很重要This is important.
我们要保护这些树We have to protect these trees.
我们的未来要依靠他们Our future depends on it.
嗨 艾迪 这跟班是谁啊Edie, who's that sidekick?
你现在需要护士了?You get a nurses now?
-嗨 我是... -你们是不是- Hi, - - Aren't you boys
离我们的地盘太近了?get a little bit too close to our side?
我们说好的 费利佩We have an deal, Felipe.
嘿 别紧张 你知道我们对你满怀深情Relax! You know you got a old man love for you
来吧 伙计们快飞吧Come on boys let's fly
给天空添些色彩吧 让他们去哭鼻子咯paint the skies before they start to cry.
-他们挺和气的 -树林那边是他们的-They seem nice. - They have their side
这边是我们的and we have ours.
最近食物短缺The food is scarce.
从没看见他们离我们的家园这么近I've never seen them so close to the village before.
-别让他们看到你 -哦 对 抱歉- Do not let them see you. - Right right sorry.
也许我们应该去找琳达Maybe we should go find Linda.
-那是什么? -琳达是人- What is Linda? - Linda is
-她把我养大 -什么?- who created me. - What?
-你是宠物? -不 不..-You're the pet? -No no I mean..
不是你想的那样 我们是朋友Is not what you think, I was a companion.
什么?朋友 噢.. You like it? Oh..
难怪你这幅样子That explains everything.
-琳达是我的家人 -家人?- Linda's family. - Family?
人类不是我们的家人Humans aren't family.
你没明白 他们是来帮忙的You do not understand, they coming here to help.
听我说 绝对不能带人类来我们的部落Listen to me, we do not bring human into the tribe.
远离人类我们才活到现在That is only reason we still alive.
这你总应该明白吧You can't be confused about this
是的 明白Yeah. Got it.
现在 观光结束Sightseeing is over.
你看见鸟巢了嚒?Did you see the nest?
图里奥 你没事吧?Tulio are you okay?
我没事 我很好 我...Yes, I'm fine i'
我不太好I'm not ok.
图里奥 他们在砍伐森林Tulio they're Cutting down the forest!
-琳达你要去哪? -去和他们说- Where is it going? - To talk to them.
你去跟鸟说 我去和人说You talk to birds and I talk to humans.
不 等等No wait!
嘿 先生 你好Hi hi mister hello
我命令你把电锯关掉You can take it easy with that chain saw.
有很珍贵的鸟类居住在这片丛林里There are rare birds living around here.
你不能把这些树都砍掉You can not cut these trees!
哦 亲爱的 你在这儿啊Oh sweetheart, there you are
我到处找你I was looking for you.
嗨 你好 这儿真漂亮 对吗?Hello! It's beautiful out here, isn't it?
你们迷路了?You two lost?
迷路? 没有 呵呵 迷路?Lost? Not!
我们是来 来 来度蜜月的We are here.. have honeymoon.
我们正要回去和旅行团汇合呢We're actually just heading back to join the tour
今天晚上 有一场卡拉okIs a karaoke night.
走吧 亲爱的 人家还等着我们去唱..月亮河呢Come on henny, moonriver isn't going sing a
琳达 这些人砍得可不止这些树Linda, woods aren't the only things these guys cut.
快跑 琳达 我拖住他们 快跑!Run! Run Linda I'll hold them off. Go! Go!
请让一下Excuse me
来吧 我们来比赛Come on! Let's Race.
-真是太棒了 -好样的 迪耶戈- Cool! - All right, Tiago.
哦 太爽了Oh that's so good
嘿 你们回来啦Hey you're back
玩儿的怎么样啊?How did it go?
我们玩的很开心 今天很有教育意义We had a great time. It was educational.
爸爸 鲍勃叔叔教了我一些很酷的飞行技巧Dad, Uncle Beto taught me some cool fly tricks.
-叔叔? -看 我会倒着飞啦- Uncle? - Look, I can fly backwards.
是啊 你很有天分Yeah you are naturel tree bird.
丛林的生活技巧要从小学起It's Never too soon to learn the way in jungle Tiago.
可是有些家伙学不会Also someone may never learn.
我要去..洗个澡(可怜的blu)I'm getting go have a.. clean up.
罗伯特 我看见人类在丛林附近Roberto we saw human near the orchard.
你要保持警惕I mean you have to stay aleart.
丛林的生活方法..Way lives
我倒想学离开的方法I'd better learen go out of the jungle.
哦 他在那儿 我们的机会来啦There he is. Now is our chance.
哦 我真是太激动了I'm so excitied!
准备舌头弹弓 Prepare the tongue-a-bult.
查理 让我重新飞起来Charlie, make me fly again.
去干掉他们 老虎Get them tiger.
快向征服你的凤头鹦鹉跪拜吧Bow before the conquering cockatoo!
你是不是有病啊 伙计?What is your problem, dude?
天哪 好变态啊That was sick!
我说 面试的时候就该有这种镜头That's the energy you bring to an audition
是啊 我就是面试的 我有一个很棒的....Yeah,thats actually why I'm here.I've got
您继续go on.
我们在寻找一个新的明星We are looking for a new star.
你看上去很眼熟You look familiar.
我们是不是哪儿见过?Don't I know you from somewhere?
不 不 不会的No, I don't think so
我叫...鲍勃 Bob.
小鲍勃..Yes Bob the bird..
无所谓啦 展示才艺吧OK. show us what you got
恩 一开始我很害怕At first, I was afraid
我惊得目瞪口呆I was petrified.
我一直以为我没法再活下去I kept thinking that I could never live
没法再展翅飞翔I could barely fly.
我在无数个慢慢长夜里回想And I spend oh.. so many nights thinking
回想起他对我的残忍how he did me wrong
于是我变得坚强But I grew strong.
我学会了如何随遇而安And I learned how to get alone
走吧 快滚Go on, now go
Dialogue: 0,0:59:37.35,0:59:40.61,music,,0,0,0,,《I Will Survive》
滚出这扇门Walk out the door
转身离开吧Just turn around now
现在这里是我的了It's I who have the floor
你不就是那个想用分手来伤害我的人吗?was not you who tried hurt me with goodbye
-你以为我会垮掉 -哦 不Did you think I'd lay down and die
你以为我会躺在这儿死掉?Did you think I'd lay down and die
-不 奈杰尔你不会 -我会活下来-Oh, no Nige -I'll survive
只要我知道怎么去恨 我就会活下来As long as I know how to hate, I know I'll stay alive ahh..
我会好好过这一生I've got all my life to live
我又满腔的爱要付出And I got all my love to give
-我会活下来 -你会活下来-And I'll survive -You'll survive
-我会活下来 -我们会活下来-And I'll survive -We'll survive
我是个幸存者 我的眼睛虎视眈眈I'm a survivor, I've got the eye of a tiger
加强修炼 多吃高纤I've been training again and eating my fiber
你只是活着 而我是鲜活的活着You've been staying alive well I've been staying aliverer
你要坐稳了 我吐口水的时候声音响彻云霄Watch where you sit when I spit my saliva like
你从来没见过一只凤头鹦鹉You've never seen a cockatoo
随着摇滚的节奏 又唱又跳 尽情摇摆Rocking shaking and droping and opoing and locking too
看看我的本事 都用不着调音器Watch what I can do without no autotune
怎么样Say what?
真的没有用哦All he did it
如果你你打压我If you try to keep me down
只会让我变得更坚强I'll just come back stronger
你想打断我If you try to cut me short
只会让我说的更多I'll just come back longer
如果你想用乒乓球打败我If you beat me at ping pong
我会变成乒乓球健将I'll ust play ping pong-er
给我个王位 我准备好上位Give my my throne, I'm ready to thrive
我很清楚 我会活下去I know I'll survive
谢谢 我是小鸟 鲍勃Yeah Thank you, I am little Bob the bird
他真是太帅了He is so hot.
-好了 就是他 我要了- Yes that's it you're in
-虽然不如伊娃 但是你很棒- You is not Eve, but you're awesum.
明天晚上狂欢节演出的时候见We'll see you at the performance tomorrow night
这里所有的鸟都会来看Everyone from this village is coming
你一定会红到发紫的It's gonna be off the charts
这是个完美的计划Is the perfect plan.
算你运气好 拔你几根刺 豪猪Bless the godden plating you, porcupine.
滚吧Go away.
与其满林子追那只鸟In stead of chasing that bird all over the jungle
不如让他演出的时候自己送上门We let him come to us at the Carnaval show
我会在舞台上迷住他们I'll mesmerize them from te stage
而在观众席里 你 我的小噶比...While in the audience you my little Gabi
你会成为我的 迷你致命武器You'll be my petite weapon of muss destruction
这场演出将会是..It will be a performance..
好看到死To die for
只有我才笑得出那种气场It only works when I do it.
好的 爱你哦Okay. Love you.
啊...舒服So minty.
哦 亲爱的 你在这儿 怎么这么长时间?Hi, sweetheart. here you are. Why is it taking so long?
啊 别再弄那个GPS了Enough with this GPS, seriously!
我们一起去看日落 快走吧Whole tribe is gathering for sunset come on
等一下 我刚找到琳达和图里奥的坐标Hey wait. I just find Linda and Tulio's coordinates.
他们就在林子的另一半 瞧They're just on the other side of the orchard, look!
他们离得很近They are very close.
是呀 我知道你爸爸不相信人类I know that your father does not totally trust humans
可他一旦见到了 他就会改变想法But I'm sure he met them he change his mind
琳达他们能保护这里They can help to keep this place safe.
是的 布鲁 我爸自己能解决Yeah Blu, my dad is
我说你能不能忘掉琳达和图里奥一会儿?Can't you just forget your Linda and tulio one
好好享受日落?and enjoy the sunset?
但是这不是我们的计划吗?But I thought that was our plan.
Dialogue: 0,1:02:56.56,1:02:58.12,white,,0,0,0,,GPS:路线规划完成New gide is complete
恩...我...你知道I. ..
有些地方也许不该被发现Maybe some places should't be found.
也许就应该与世隔绝Maybe they should be left alone.
她吃了一只虫子 一只虫子She ate a bug! A bug!
布鲁 布鲁 冷静Blu alm down!
冷静?我们有个计划Calm down? We have a plan
帮助琳达和图里奥找到鹦鹉 然后回家Help Linda and Tulio find the flocks and get home.
可是我提醒他 她根本就不理我But I mentioned her she completely shut me down
哦 还有他的爸爸Oh..And her father..
他就是个疯子 他对人类的看法很奇怪Totally a nut job. Has a weird thing about humans.
他对人类的看法很奇怪He's got this weird thing about humans
他爱人类 他是个宠物He loves them! He is a pet!
宠物?A pet?
他叫我宠物!He called me a pet!
真不敢相信 他居然当我的面这么说I can't believe he used that word to my face
像是把我当成敌人似的It's looks like me as the enemys or something!
他跟我们不是一路的 你要盯着点儿他It is not one of us, Roberto. Keep eyes on him.
还有那个罗伯特 他在监视And that Roberto He is always watching.
总是在珠儿身边转 总是唱着什么歌He's always hovering around Jewel He is always singing
我根本比不上他I can't compete with that.
你要拿出点鸟样来 从被驯养的状态中解放出来You have to be a bird guy! If release of
用珠儿的眼光看这里Try to see this place through her eyes.
去尝尝珠儿品尝的那些味道Taste the flavors she's tasting.
让我去吃虫子?So..I should eat a bug?
想想都觉得恶心 在考虑下吧This is disgusting think about it.
-闪光片 我的闪光片在哪儿?- Shine! Where is my glitter?
-哦 对不起 对不起- Oh Sorry, sorry
我不需要听道歉 我要闪光片I don't want apologize I want glitter
充满魔力的表演最终要靠的就是闪光片Brightness is absolutely essential for magic
你怎么就不懂呢?Do not you know anything?
伙计们 快去彩排 明天是个大日子Guys, big day tomorrow
想起来了吗? 来吧 你来吗 爸爸?Remember about? Come on! You're coming right Dad?
哦 当然了 of course.
那孩子把娱乐搞得像是交作业That girl puts the business in show business
-布鲁 记住 -我知道 我知道了- - I know I know
老婆开心 日子舒心Happy wife happy life.
多么美好的晨曦啊!What a glorious morning!
我都忘记了能够享受这样的早晨I forgot I could have a mornings like this.
你最爱吃的Your favorite.
哦..你记得这个 这真是太好了Ao..You remember. Isn't that nice
这感觉真是好极了 谢谢你 布鲁It's so crazy good. Thank you so much Blu.
对呀That's it!
我要给珠儿一个惊喜 给他送早餐 马上就来I'll be the one to surprise her breakfast in bed
coming up
巴西栗 你们在哪儿?Brazil nuts, where are you?
我就知道你们在这附近I know you around here somewhere.
不 快回来 等等No hey hey come back here
-那不是玩具 -GPS:违章驾驶 靠边停车- This is not a toy! - Directing dangerous
不 不 不要No no don't do it.
总算找到了 巴西栗Finally! Brazil nuts!
这个才是我最重要的工具This is my most important tool.
好啊 好啊 瞧瞧这是谁来了Well well well what do we have here
看样子不是所有的鸟都遵守老艾迪的规矩I guess the old Eddie's rules don't apply to everyone
这儿是我们的地盘You are in our side.
哦 是吗? 对不起 我没注意到 真抱歉Really? My bad. Do not know that, sorry.
对不起 对不起Sorry, sorry.
闯进我们的地盘 抢我们的食物You come over here, take our food
现在你还侮辱我?and now you insult me?
不 不 不 这件事儿完全是个误会No, no. This is just a big misunderstanding
知道吗 我非常想接受你的道歉You know, I wish I could accept your apology
你看上去像是只好鸟You seem like a nice bird
可是这代表战争!but this means war!
什么?有必要吗?能代表点别的吗?What? Does it have to? Can't it mean something else?
今天 在死亡坑Today in the pit of doom
对不起 死亡坑 真的吗?Sorry, the pit of doom really?
-哦 真的 -正午- Oh,really -highnoon.
我要腾出点地方I'll make some room
像扫帚一样把你扫出这片林子Sweep you up like a broom
-你干了什么? -那是个意外- You did what? - It was an accident.
-意外 -嘿 出了什么事?-An accident? - What's going on?
多谢布鲁 我们可能要失去这片林子了Thanks to Stu here,we're going rights to the rntire
我只是想去摘个坚果 就一个I was just trying to get a nut! One nut
你都不喜欢吃坚果 这到底是怎么一回事 布鲁?You don't even like nuts,what's gotten in to
you Blu?
我想给你准备点早餐I want getting it for you
哦 真的吗?Are you were?
罗伯特 你带上最棒的鸟去Roberto, I want your best birds on it.
我们绝不能不战而降We will not give up without a fight!
明白Got it!
你 别管这事儿了 净添麻烦You! Stay out of it! Have kitted enough.
-等等 -布鲁 他是对的- Wait! - Blu, he's right.
就让爸爸和罗伯特去处理这件事吧Maybe you should let dad and Roberto handle it
-你也觉得我处理不了?- You don't think I can do this?
-不 我只是... - Not!
只是不太确定 外交在不在你的专长范围内Do not know if it's your exactly in expertise
快走 快走 死亡坑Let' pit of doom now!
我希望你别介意 我把这儿当自己家I hope you do not mind I make myself at home
棒棒糖?A lollipop?
真是可惜啊 你们两位大老远跑来保护这片森林Is a shame. You all came this way to protect
the jungle.
我们看看它会不会报答你们Let's see if she returns the favor.
-罗伯特 -费利佩- -
给他点厉害瞧瞧No mercy!
-我得阻止他们 -什么 布鲁?- I have to stop this. - What? Blu!
停下 停下 艾迪 这太疯狂Stop, stop! Edwardo this is crazy.
我们是高等物种We are intelligent species
我们能更好的解决问题 with advanced problem solving techniques.
这是你挑起来的 等着瞧吧You brought this on us! Now watch.
- 头冲上 -尾巴冲上- Head. - Tails.
我讨厌这工作I hate this job.
-这是比赛? 这是比赛! - Oh, it's a game! it's a game!
-这不是比赛 这是战争- It's not a game It's war.
嘿 嘿 嘿 今天死亡坑天气不错It's a beautiful day in the pit of doom!
-这是胜者为王的比赛 -七局四胜- It's winner take all! - It's the best of seven.
获胜者将得到整片巴西栗子林The winner will take control of the entire Brazil nut grove.
这就像足球 这我会玩It's just like soccer. I can do this.
有什么特别的战术吗?4-4-2 还是 5-4-1All right. Any special strategies? Will we be running at
4-4-2 or 5-4-1?
怎么踢 教练 我踢什么位置What are we doing here, coach? What position is likely?
事实上我给你准备了一个合适的位置Actually I do have a perfect spot for you.
水 这儿有水 来喝水吧Water. Water here. Get your water.
好的 谢谢Okay, thanks.
罗伯特 他所向披靡势不可挡 到处都是他的身影Roberto is unstoppable! He's incredible!
-加油罗伯特 -哼 这我也能行- Go, Roberto! - I could have done that.
罗伯特和对手保持距离 他正在向前冲 向前冲Roberto's breaking! There he go!There he go!
他射门了!He shooted!
哦 费利佩抢到了球 红金刚鹦鹉要扭转局面Felipe has the ball! The red macaws are making a
费利佩传给提科 提科传给马里奥Felipe pass to Tito, Tito to Mario.
马里奥传给凯撒 凯撒传给安东尼Mario to Keita, Keita to Antonio.
安东尼射门得分!It's goal!
嘿 去你的吧Yes! In your face!
费利佩 罗伯特 费利佩 罗伯特...Felipe, Roberto, Roberto, Felipe,
-这一定很疼 -上 上- I guess this is gonna hurt. - Go go!
费利佩 利佩 利佩Felipe! Lipe, Lipe, Lipe!
-犯规 -嘿 得了吧 裁判-Foul -Come on Referee
-好吧 你上 -真的?- Okay. You are in. - Really?
没说你 你Not you. You!
学着点吧 送水小子Watch and learn waterboy!
-好吧 你..你上吧 -好的- All right. Get in there. - Yes!
开始吧 教练Here, here we go.
嘿 爸爸Yeah, Dad!
现在有位替补队员上场了 他会是秘密武器吗?A new player is coming off the bench! Is he a
secret weapon?
他不就是那个送水的吗I think he's the waterboy.
没人防我 没人防我 把球传给我啊Hey! I'm open! I'm open! Toss it to me!
传给我 我这儿没人防守 快传给我啊Pass to me! I'm open. I am wide open!
把球传给我Pass the ball to me!
-谢谢你把球传给我- Thanks for the pass, Blu!
-借用一下- Might I borrow this?
罗伯特向前挺进 他避开一个防守 又避开一个Roberto looked this. He shied a defense,
罗伯特 进啦Roberto! Goal!
目前的比分 3比3We are tie now at the pit of doom.
接下来谁先进球 谁就赢得比赛Whoever - Wins all!
我来接 我来接Oh! I got it, I got it!
加油 布鲁Come on, Blu.
哇噢 送水小子突然表现出了专业水准Wow! The water boy suddenly playing like a pro!
把球传给罗伯特Pass the ball to Roberto!
快传球 快传球!Pass the ball! Pass the ball!
-布鲁 等等 -我自己能搞定- Blu, wait! - This bird's gonna covered!
看上去这个秘密武器 突然走火了It looks like the secret weapon lost its fire.
我们来看看艾迪现在的反应Let's go to Edwardo for his reaction.
我要杀了这只该死的宠物I'm gonna kill you fanny pack!
哦 老艾迪Check it out, old Eddie.
看样子你们没有坚果吃了 只能减肥了Looks like you guys are gonna have to start a nut-free
这场比赛在我们那儿会传为佳话的We'll be talking about that for a long time.
我真不该对人类的宠物报抱什么希望I should have never expected more of a human's pet.
嘿 刚才你怎么回事儿啊?What happened back there?
我太想融入这个大家庭了I was trying to be one of the tribe.
但我可能永远都不能成为你爸爸希望的那样But I guess I'm never gonna be the bird like your
dad wants me to be.
-你..说什么? -我想我们该回家了- My... what? - I think it's time to go home.
-我正要跟你说呢 -跟我说什么?- We should talk about this. - Talk about what?
布鲁 看看周围Blu, look around.
孩子们这里 在野外玩的这么的开心The kids are thriving. They love being in the wild.
也许这里就是我们的家Maybe this place is home.
我们的家? 这里是我们的家?Home? How can this be home?
我尽全力适应这里 帮助他们I've done everything I can to fit in and help out
可我做什么都不对 but no matter what I do it's wrong!
这不是我们的家 珠儿That's not home, Jewel.
也许属于你 但不是我的Maybe for you, but not for me.
知道吗? 你应该清楚你到底需要什么You know what? You need to figure out what you want.
而且And maybe
别老想着你自己 也为我们想想吧Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about us.
出发 出发 快点Move out! Let's go.
琳达 图里奥Linda! Tulio!
再见 琳达Goodbye Linda.
-再见 小腰包- Goodbye, fanny pack
Dialogue: 0,1:17:22.42,1:17:24.21,white,,0,0,0,,请在能拐弯的时候拐弯Turn around when
抱歉 GPS小姐 不是你的错 是我的不对Sorry, GPS lady. It's not you it's me.
再见 煎饼 再见 咖啡Goodbye, pancakes. Goodbye, coffee.
再见 咖啡Goodbye coffee.
艾迪说的对 你是个叛徒Edwardo was right! Traitor!
-等等 你不明白?- Wait. You don't understand.
-我有什么不明白的 与人类为伍?- What don't I understand? Siding with humans?
-你对人类了解多少?- What do you even know about humans?
-哦 我很了解他们- Oh I know everything.
他们引诱你 把你抓起来They lure you in! They trap you!
他们还给你洗脑!They destroy your mind!
鹦鹉要吃饼干吗 要吃饼干吗?Polly want a cracker? Polly want a cracker?
不 我受够饼干了 我讨厌饼干No! Enough crackers! I hate crackers.
-快走 罗伯特- Come on, Roberto!
-是他们 是他们 是他们!- It's them! It's them! It's them!
让开Roberto, get out of there!
不要 不要 我不要饼干Not again, not again! No more crackers!
你冷静点Stop out of it!
听好 我们还有个机会阻止这一切Look, we got one chance to stop this, okay?
我去找到我的朋友I have to find my friends.
你飞回去警告大家 明光吗?You fly back and warn the others, you got it?
-明白 -好的 快去!- Yeah, I got it. - Okay! Go! - Okay!
人类 人类!Humans! Humans!
-往你的左边 不右边 右边 -左还是右?- Your left! Right! - Left or right?
你的右腿 我的左腿Your right leg my left leg.
好的 就这样- Good good.
现在..往上爬 爬!Now go..up up.
差一点了 就快到了Reach. Almost there!
琳达 我真的很抱歉Linda I'm so sorry.
虽然情况很糟糕 但是我全世界哪儿也不想去As bad as this is, there is
只想和你在一起I would rather be in the whole world than with you
哪怕是被拴在一棵树上 (记得 第一部里Jewel和blu吗?) Even it's tie to a tree
哦 琳达~Noh Linda
布鲁 布鲁Blu! Blu!
-琳达? -下面!- Linda? - Down here!
-啊 布鲁 -你怎么在这儿?- What? Blu! - What are you doing here?
这里很危险This is dangerous.
真难以置信 里约飞到这儿有2000英里That's incredible! It's a 2000-mile flight!
-我们跟着他 -太神奇了Let's follow him!
我就说我听到他的声音了I told you I heard him!
还给我钥匙blu: Let me take those.
Dialogue: 0,1:20:09.39,1:20:12.89,music,,0,0,0,,ps:好有Avatar的感觉
一切都完了 人类 人类It's over! Humans! The light! The light!
那些光 那些光 不...No...
自从我们找到他 他就不停的说胡话He's been staggering like this since we found him.
伐木工来了 布鲁和他们在一起The loggers are coming and Blu is with them.
-他是个叛徒- Traitor!s.
-不 布鲁是想帮我们- No, Blu is trying to help us.
什么? 就他自己? -我们快撤- What? By himself? - Let's evacuate!
离开这里 所有的鸟立刻出发 快 快 快We are leaving. Let's go, everyone move out! Go! Go!
爸爸 这次不行 我不能和你一起走Dad, no, not this time. I'm not going with you.
你必须和我一起走You have to go with me
我不能再让家人面临危险 I will not put my family in danger again.
布鲁也是我的家人 我不会丢下他的Blu is my family and I'm not leaving him behind.
不用担心You don't have to.
你没事吧Are you okay?
听着 埃德沃德 也许我不是这里最有鸟样的鸟Look, Edwardo, I might not be the birdiest bird
in the flock.
就现在来说 这是好事But for once that's actually a good thing.
你了解丛林 我了解人类You know the jungle, I know humans.
我们合作就能阻止伐木工And I know that together we can stop them.
不能让他们夺走我们的家园We can't let them take our home.
虽然这里又热又吵 到处是恐怖的虫子Sure it's hot, and loud and filled of creepy bugs.
可这是属于我们的 我们要为他而战But it's ours. Let's fight for it!
-谁跟我去? -我跟你...- Who is with me? - I'm with you!
还有谁吗?Anybody else?
停下 停下Stop! Stop! Stop!
哦 这就对了 请尊重热带雨林Oh yeah! Respect the rainforest!
我就知道 我就知道 我就...I knew it! I knew it!
你这是要去哪儿?Where do you think you're going?
那只不过是一群该死的鸽子 It's just a bunch of pigeons.
给我回去干活Get back to work!
你带头 布鲁Lead the way Blu.
终于叫对了 你叫我布鲁That's my name, yes. You called me Blu!
对 我叫布鲁!Yes! I am Blu.
哦 哦 对 有蓝色羽毛的鸟What? Oh, oh, right. Birds of
团结在一起have to stick together!
准备好了吗? 现在往下Everybody ready? And under!
我会活下去 我会活下去I'll survive, I will survive.
-抓到了 -哇 好准- Got it! - Wow, precise.
我才不怕什么鸟呢I'm afraid of no birds.
-亚马逊保卫战开始了- It's on in the Amazon.
-准备 扔- All right, hit it!
-为什么?为什么? -给我振作起来- Why? Why? - Get hold of youelf!
停下 他在那儿 查理 给我准备鼻射炮There he is. Charlie, prepare the nozooka!
-迪耶戈 -这才对嘛- Tiago. - That's what I were talking.
准备 瞄准 开火Ready, aim, fire!
又失手了Foiled again.
-干得好 迪耶戈 -我们是最棒的团队- Good job, Tiago! - We are great team, Dad!
-费利佩? -你以为我会错过这个机会?- Felipe? - You think I'd miss this party?
比赛开始Game on!
嘿 快回来 一群饭桶 没用的东西Hey! Come back! You are useless! All of you!
小心Look out!
要打架 找个个子和你一样大的Pick on someone your own size!
-不 不 -接住你了 接住你了- No! No! - Gotcha, gotcha.
别害怕 没事了 你安全了It's Okay, it's okay, you are safe now.
那就是琳达That's a Linda.
还是这么默契 布鲁We stil got it, Blu.
真是的 什么事都得我亲自干I have to do everything myself.
-给我滚开- Hey! Get away from that!
-不 没有人可以抢我的戏- No way, no one steals my scene.
你在干嘛? 快走 快逃命吧What are you doing? Let go, save yourself.
-快放开 -我就不- Come on, let go. - Never.
你疯了吗? 你会把我们两个都害死的Are you crazy? You are bringing both of us down! Let
-飞呀 似曾相识吧 布鲁 -奈杰尔- Deja vu, Blu. - Nigel!
-布鲁 -奈杰- Blu! - Nigel!
你要为你的罪恶付出最惨痛的代价You'll pay it, pay the price for your insolence!
住手 别过来Stop it. Get away from here.
用我愤怒的羽毛 扇肿你的脸Give my furious feathers in your face.
-你没必要 没必要这么做- You don't have to do this.
-我就是想这么做- Oh, I just want to.
哦天哪 查理 机会来了Oh my God! Charlie! This is it, this is it!
稳住 稳住Steady, steady.
扇耳光比赛Slap fight!
就是现在 发射!Shoot! Shoot!
哦 奈杰尔Oh! Nigel!
我就要死了吗?Is this the end?
我太年轻 又太英俊 天妒英才I was too young, too beautiful to live.
-鲍勃 -等下 那不是鲍勃- Bob? - Hold up, that ain't Bob!
我就说我见过他I told you I knew him from somewhere.
这是我最后的谢幕My final curtain call
现在只剩下站票了has standing room only.
不!!我干了些什么啊No! No! What have I done?
如果不能与汝同生 那我不如死了算了If you can not live it with me then I shall not live it at all.
那只青蛙它没有毒That frog is not poisonous.
-什么? -我们没有死?- What? - We're not dead?
这个品种经常被搞错It's a very common mistake.
它是只假的箭毒蛙But she's a colostethus Dendrobate.
从它粉色的斑点就能看出来You can tell by the pink spots.
可我父母从小告诉我说 我有剧毒But my parents always told me I was poisonous
叫我别碰任何人and shouldn't touch anyone.
你是你爹妈充话费送的吧?You just have really mean parents.
那么现在 我们可以在一起啦We can be together!
-奈杰尔 奈杰尔 我的维克多 -谁来救救我- Nigel! Nigel! - No! No! My victory help me!
-我绝对不会放你走的 -不 不 我会学好的- I will never let you go! - I'm sorry, I'll be nicer.
不 不 查理No! No! Charlie!
这是违反自然法则的This is unatural!
嘿 伙计们 嗨 头发没弄脏吧Hi, guys, hi. There's nothing in my hair, right?
我们从亚马逊的腹地Directly from the heart of the Amazon rainforest
为你带来特大新闻we have some breaking news.
多亏了图里奥博士和他的团队Thanks to Dr. Monteiro and his team
这里的整片区域都将会制定为the entire area will be designated
国家野生鸟类保护区as a national wildlife refuge
我们大家会一起确保这里的安全and together we will make sure this place stay safe.
对吗 布鲁?Right, Blu?
好消息还不止这一个But that's not the only good news.
我们在丛林深处找到这只凤头鹦鹉We found this cockatoo deep in the Amazon
他好像和一只树蛙黏在一起and he seems to have bounded to a tree frog
我们会把它带回里约We are bringing them back to Rio
进行持续的观察for continuing observation.
哦 奈杰尔 我们要去里约度蜜月啦Oh, Nigel, wow! A honeymoon in Rio!
大家一起来 拍手 拍手 摇尾巴Put paws, downs, and tails together
这是丛林里有史以来最强大的明星阵容for the most amazing talents ever gathered in one
下面请看--野性亚马逊It's Amazon untamed!
Dialogue: 0,1:30:23.59,1:30:26.89,music,,0,0,0,,《 Batucada Familia》
嘿 嘿 别咬我 别咬我What's up? Don't Bite it. What's up? Don't Bite it
我的鸟儿朋友们Where are my birds up?
翅膀挥舞起来Flap your wings.
这是我们最爱的绿宝石It's an emerald we treasure
从密林来到你的面前Coming from the jungle to you
拍打的是心跳的节奏Beating like it's hopping.
演绎的是自由的音符Interpretation of the freely notes
这是我们最爱的绿宝石It's the emerald we treasure
来自我们生活的地方- Coming from the place where we live. - Place where we live.
充满着自由和欢乐...happy night
时光不停飞逝Time Flies Past as the breeze
丛林就像一阵清风 一个奇迹
快穿上舞裙 随时有人叫你跳舞N{rTESTfs15}(还是没听清..)
你好 亚马逊Hello Amazon!
-嘿 路易兹 -嘿 小鸟们 我来了- Luiz! - Hey birds, I made it!
欢迎来到丛林Welcome to the Amazon!
Dialogue: 0,1:31:28.45,1:31:31.26,white,,0,0,0,,硬汉乌龟
唱吧 宝贝儿Sing it baby.
你确定要在亚马逊安家吗?Are you sure you can make the Amazon our home?
-这里有热又有恐怖的虫子 -开什么玩笑- With the heat, the creepy bugs? - What, are you
我可是丛林先生 充满野性而且还很有鸟样I'm totally wild and very birdy.
夏天还是去里约避暑吧Maybe we can beat summer in Rio.
你是我的唯一 珠儿You are my one of my only Jewel.