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IT圈 admin 72浏览 0评论




Hey, what's going on? 嘿,怎么样?

I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica's. 我家门上有张纸条

说 过来摩妮卡家

Bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar"? 带香槟和三剑客


Yeah, I'll take that. 给我

What's up? 怎么样?

-Monica and I are engaged. -Oh,my God. -摩妮卡和我订婚了 -我


Congratulations. Where is she? 恭喜你,她人呢?

I'm engaged! I'm engaged! 我订婚了!我订婚了!

She's been there for 20 minutes. You didn't hear? 她在那儿20分


I thought it was a kid yelling, "I'm gay!" 我以为有个小孩在叫 “我


-Can I bring her in? -Let her stay. It's sweet. -可以带她进来了吗?


I'm getting married! I'm gonna be a bride! 我要结婚了!我要做新

第 1 页 共 7 页


No, I will not shut up, becau I'm engaged! 不,我不闭嘴,因为我


Oh,big talk! Why don't you come here and say that to me? 只敢说!


My fiance will kick your ass. 我未婚夫会教训你

Come on, apartment 20, apartment 20. 来呀,20号,20号

You get her in,you bolt the door, I'll be in the clot. 你去弄她进来,

你锁住门 我躲在衣柜里

The One with Monica's Thunder 本集播出:摩妮卡的锋头

19 等一下

I just want to say that I love you guys so, 我要告诉你们我很爱


and thank you for being here on my special night. 感谢大家都在这

儿 在这个对我很特别的晚上

Our special night. 对我们特别的晚上

It just wouldn't be 我的这一晚不会… 我们的这一晚…

if you weren't here to celebrate Us. Damn it! 如果不是因为你

们和我… 我们一起庆祝!

It's okay, I want this to be your night too. 没关系 我愿意这是你的


第 2 页 共 7 页

To Monica. 敬摩妮卡

marinaCome on, wait, stop it. 等一下,停

Okay, to Monica. 好,敬摩妮卡

Have you decided on a band for the wedding, becau I'm kind of

musical. 你决定婚礼用的乐团了吗? 我也能做音乐演出的

She got engaged a few hours ago, I doubt she's had time 她几

小时前才订婚 我想她还没时间去想…

Speaking of chiming in, remember burning my apartment? 提到合

奏 记得有人烧了我的房子吗?

馥郁Yeah, you're on your own. 是,你自求多福

We should get dresd up and go have champagne at the Plaza. 我们

换衣服出门 去广场饭店喝香槟

I can't stay too long. 我不能待太晚

I gotta get up early for an audition. I gotta look good. 要早起去试


I'm suppod to be playing a 19-year-old. 我要演一个19岁的人

西安哪里学托福最好What? 什么?

So when you said get up early, did you mean 1986? 你说要早起,


You guys don't think I look 19? 你们不觉得我像19岁?

第 3 页 共 7 页

Oh,19! We thought you said 90. 19!我们以为你说90

Okay, everybody, let's go. 好了,大伙儿,走吧

Is my candy bar around here? 我剩下的糖还在吗?

No, you ate it all. 没了,你吃完了

I was afraid of that. 我就知道

You know what shoes would look great with this ring? 你知道什么

样的鞋子 能配这只戒指?

假期英文Diamond shoes. 钻石鞋子

You're not getting dresd. 你没换衣服

Know what I mean? 知道我的意思吧?ibis

Yeah, but I don't think we have time. 知道,不过没时间了

There's gonna be a wedding. 要举行婚礼了

You're gonna be the bride. 你要做新娘了

200 people are gonna be looking at you in a clean, white dress. 有


Let's do it. 来吧

Chandler, it happens to lots of guys. 钱德,很多人都会这样

You're tired, you had a lot of champagne. 你累了,喝了太多香槟

Don't worry about it. 别担心

I'm not worried. I'm fascinated. 我不担心,我很惊讶

You know? It's like biology. 知道吗?就像生物学一样

第 4 页 共 7 页

Which is funny, becau in high school I 很好笑,高中时我的生物


aiptekand tonight biology failed me. 今晚生物学当掉我

Check it out. I could play this while the guests are coming in, okay.


First time I met Chandler I thought he was gay 第一次见到钱德时


But here I am singing On his wedding day 但我现在在他的婚礼上


Phoebe,no. 菲比,不要s cute

If you'd let me finish, it goes on to say that he's probably not gay.

如果让我唱完 后面说他大概不是同性恋

You guys don't have this problem, you're made of wood. 你们没有

这个问题 你们是木头做的

Hey,you look great. 你看来很不错房产税入什么科目

祖国在我心中演讲稿300字Thanks. 谢谢

You okay over there? 你还好吗?

I don't know. You know? I feel 我也不知道?觉得有一点…

You know what? Never mind. I'll be fine. 你知道吗?没关系 我会


第 5 页 共 7 页

Don't worry about it. You're probably tired, you had a lot of

champagne. 别担心,你大概只是累了 喝了太多香槟

It happens to everybody. 每个人都会的

-Happy Monica's Night. -Well,thank you. You too. -摩妮卡之夜快乐


Can you believe they are actually getting married? 他们真的要结


decimeter Well, sure, but I get married all the time. 是啊,我结了好


-You okay? -Yeah,I guess. -你还好吗? -我想是吧

Do you think we'll ever have that? 你觉得我们会不会有那么一天?

You mean "we," you and me? 你说“我们”,是指你和我?

Oh,no,no,no. 不,不,不

"We," you with someone, me with someone. “我们”是指你和别人


-Good, you scared me a minute. -I know. Shake it off. -还好,吓了我

一跳 -是啊,好可怕

It's just becau you and I, we were like a nightmare. 因为我们俩在


-No,but there were some good times. -Absolutely. Like -可是也

有好时光 -当然,就像那次…

第 6 页 共 7 页

-Surely you can think of something. -Just give me a minute. -你总想

得起一点好的吧 -给我一分钟

第 7 页 共 7 页




Hey, what's going on? 嘿,怎么样?

I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica's. 我家门上有张纸条

说 过来摩妮卡家

Bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar"? 带香槟和三剑客


Yeah, I'll take that. 给我

What's up? 怎么样?

-Monica and I are engaged. -Oh,my God. -摩妮卡和我订婚了 -我


Congratulations. Where is she? 恭喜你,她人呢?

I'm engaged! I'm engaged! 我订婚了!我订婚了!

She's been there for 20 minutes. You didn't hear? 她在那儿20分


I thought it was a kid yelling, "I'm gay!" 我以为有个小孩在叫 “我


-Can I bring her in? -Let her stay. It's sweet. -可以带她进来了吗?


I'm getting married! I'm gonna be a bride! 我要结婚了!我要做新

第 1 页 共 7 页


No, I will not shut up, becau I'm engaged! 不,我不闭嘴,因为我


Oh,big talk! Why don't you come here and say that to me? 只敢说!


My fiance will kick your ass. 我未婚夫会教训你

Come on, apartment 20, apartment 20. 来呀,20号,20号

You get her in,you bolt the door, I'll be in the clot. 你去弄她进来,

你锁住门 我躲在衣柜里

The One with Monica's Thunder 本集播出:摩妮卡的锋头

19 等一下

I just want to say that I love you guys so, 我要告诉你们我很爱


and thank you for being here on my special night. 感谢大家都在这

儿 在这个对我很特别的晚上

Our special night. 对我们特别的晚上

It just wouldn't be 我的这一晚不会… 我们的这一晚…

if you weren't here to celebrate Us. Damn it! 如果不是因为你

们和我… 我们一起庆祝!

It's okay, I want this to be your night too. 没关系 我愿意这是你的


第 2 页 共 7 页

To Monica. 敬摩妮卡

marinaCome on, wait, stop it. 等一下,停

Okay, to Monica. 好,敬摩妮卡

Have you decided on a band for the wedding, becau I'm kind of

musical. 你决定婚礼用的乐团了吗? 我也能做音乐演出的

She got engaged a few hours ago, I doubt she's had time 她几

小时前才订婚 我想她还没时间去想…

Speaking of chiming in, remember burning my apartment? 提到合

奏 记得有人烧了我的房子吗?

馥郁Yeah, you're on your own. 是,你自求多福

We should get dresd up and go have champagne at the Plaza. 我们

换衣服出门 去广场饭店喝香槟

I can't stay too long. 我不能待太晚

I gotta get up early for an audition. I gotta look good. 要早起去试


I'm suppod to be playing a 19-year-old. 我要演一个19岁的人

西安哪里学托福最好What? 什么?

So when you said get up early, did you mean 1986? 你说要早起,


You guys don't think I look 19? 你们不觉得我像19岁?

第 3 页 共 7 页

Oh,19! We thought you said 90. 19!我们以为你说90

Okay, everybody, let's go. 好了,大伙儿,走吧

Is my candy bar around here? 我剩下的糖还在吗?

No, you ate it all. 没了,你吃完了

I was afraid of that. 我就知道

You know what shoes would look great with this ring? 你知道什么

样的鞋子 能配这只戒指?

假期英文Diamond shoes. 钻石鞋子

You're not getting dresd. 你没换衣服

Know what I mean? 知道我的意思吧?ibis

Yeah, but I don't think we have time. 知道,不过没时间了

There's gonna be a wedding. 要举行婚礼了

You're gonna be the bride. 你要做新娘了

200 people are gonna be looking at you in a clean, white dress. 有


Let's do it. 来吧

Chandler, it happens to lots of guys. 钱德,很多人都会这样

You're tired, you had a lot of champagne. 你累了,喝了太多香槟

Don't worry about it. 别担心

I'm not worried. I'm fascinated. 我不担心,我很惊讶

You know? It's like biology. 知道吗?就像生物学一样

第 4 页 共 7 页

Which is funny, becau in high school I 很好笑,高中时我的生物


aiptekand tonight biology failed me. 今晚生物学当掉我

Check it out. I could play this while the guests are coming in, okay.


First time I met Chandler I thought he was gay 第一次见到钱德时


But here I am singing On his wedding day 但我现在在他的婚礼上


Phoebe,no. 菲比,不要s cute

If you'd let me finish, it goes on to say that he's probably not gay.

如果让我唱完 后面说他大概不是同性恋

You guys don't have this problem, you're made of wood. 你们没有

这个问题 你们是木头做的

Hey,you look great. 你看来很不错房产税入什么科目

祖国在我心中演讲稿300字Thanks. 谢谢

You okay over there? 你还好吗?

I don't know. You know? I feel 我也不知道?觉得有一点…

You know what? Never mind. I'll be fine. 你知道吗?没关系 我会


第 5 页 共 7 页

Don't worry about it. You're probably tired, you had a lot of

champagne. 别担心,你大概只是累了 喝了太多香槟

It happens to everybody. 每个人都会的

-Happy Monica's Night. -Well,thank you. You too. -摩妮卡之夜快乐


Can you believe they are actually getting married? 他们真的要结


decimeter Well, sure, but I get married all the time. 是啊,我结了好


-You okay? -Yeah,I guess. -你还好吗? -我想是吧

Do you think we'll ever have that? 你觉得我们会不会有那么一天?

You mean "we," you and me? 你说“我们”,是指你和我?

Oh,no,no,no. 不,不,不

"We," you with someone, me with someone. “我们”是指你和别人


-Good, you scared me a minute. -I know. Shake it off. -还好,吓了我

一跳 -是啊,好可怕

It's just becau you and I, we were like a nightmare. 因为我们俩在


-No,but there were some good times. -Absolutely. Like -可是也

有好时光 -当然,就像那次…

第 6 页 共 7 页

-Surely you can think of something. -Just give me a minute. -你总想

得起一点好的吧 -给我一分钟

第 7 页 共 7 页


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