Your dream becomes reality
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49
Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./6JZV49
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 O
Exterior Colors & Wheels
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Exterior Colour0hiteQ3
WheelsO91inch Cayenne wheels4BS
Etandard q,ui/-ent
Interior Colors & Seats
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Interior ColourPartial leather interior in standard colourA SlackM(
SeatsCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT3OM
Etandard q,ui/-ent
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Drive train / Chassis)1E/eed Gi/tronic E2O2
Etandard q,ui/-ent
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 •
Standard Equipment
xCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT
Drive train / Chassis
x)1E/eed Gi/tronic E
xO91inch Cayenne wheels
Exterior Colour
xEolid colours ebterior: 1 0hite 8Q3T 1 Slack 8MOT
Interior Colour
xPartial leather interior in standard colourA Slack
x0ith e-Rossed leather in interior colour:
1 front and rear seat centres
1 front and rear seat side Rolsters
1 front and rear headrest centres
1 ar-rest and handle in front and rear door /anels
1 ar-rest centre console front and folding rear ar-rest
Eteering wheel ri- and gear selector in s-ooth1pnish leather
xPartial leather interior in standard colourA Elate 2rey
x0ith e-Rossed leather in interior colour: 1 front and rear seat centresA front and rear seat side RolstersA 1 front and rear headrest centresA 1 ar-rest and handle in front and rear door /anelsA
1 ar-rest centre console front and folding rear ar-restm Eteering wheel ri- and gear selector in s-ooth1pnish leather
xEtandard interior colours with /artial leather interior: Slack 8M(TA Elate 2rey 8F(T
xMctive Ronnet
xMuto-atic tailgate
xDully galvanised steel1alu-iniu-1hyRrid lightweight Rodyshell
xDour doors with integrated side1i-/act /rotection
xqngine RonnetA tailgateA doorsA side sectionsA roof and front wings in alu-iniu-
xSu-/ers co-/rising high1strength cross -e-Rers and two defor-ation ele-ents each with two threaded pbture /oints for towing eye contained in on1Roard tool kit
xPower do-e on engine Ronnet
xIoor handles /ainted in ebterior colour
xGailgate with integrated roof s/oiler in ebterior colour
xqbtensiveA aerodyna-ic underRody /rotection
xDront end with integrated air intakes and airRlades in side air intakes
xMir curtains in the wheel arches
xHnlays in air intake slats in Fhodiu- Eilver
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 B
xGwin single1tuRe tail/i/es outside le' and right in Rrushed stainless steel
xPWFEC5qN lettering integrated in taillight stri/
xEilver coloured -odel designation on tailgate
xPre/aration for towRar syste-s
xEideskirts in Slack 8-attT
Drive train / Chassis
x)1s/eed Gi/tronic E trans-ission with Muto Etart1Eto/ and coasting function
xBmQ1litre turRocharged V6 engineA -abi-u- /ower out/ut •jQ k0 8B4Q PETA -abi-u- tor,ue 4jQ 7-
x)1s/eed Gi/tronic E
xIirect fuel inXection 8Iirect Duel HnXectionA IDHT with central inXector /osition
xMlu-iniu- -ulti1link front able
x41/iston alu-iniu- -onoRloc pbed1calli/er Rrakes at front
xMlu-iniu- -ulti1link rear able
xMuto Etart1Eto/ and coasting function
xEteel s/ring sus/ension
xGwin1scroll turRocharger
x2asoline /articulate plter 82PDT
Charge1air cooling
xPorsche Graction (anage-ent 8PG(T: active all1wheel drive with an electronically variaRleA -a/1controlled -ulti1/late clutchA auto-atic Rrake diLerential 8MSIT and anti1sli/ regulation
Mlu-iniu- cylinder head
Mlu-iniu- engine Rlock
x0ater1cooled with ther-al -anage-ent
Hntegrated Porsche 4I Chassis Control
x•1/iston alu-iniu- -onoRloc pbed1calli/er Rrakes at rear
xqlectrical syste- recu/eration
Power steering
xSrake discs with dia-eter BjQ -- at frontA BBQ -- at rearA internally vented
xMctive air intake ‘a/s
Vehicle staRility syste- Porsche EtaRility (anage-ent 8PE(T with Mnti1lock Srake Eyste- 8MSETA Mnti1sli/ Fegulation 8MEFTA auto-atic Srake IiLerential 8MSITA engine drag tor,ue control
8(EFT and trailer staRility -anage-entm Cayenne q15yRrid -odels with eb/anded PE( EPWFG -ode
xVarioCa- Plus
x’j1litre fuel tank
xE/orts -ode
xSrake cali/ers in Slack
xHndividual -ode for individual selection of s/orty car settings
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 4
xSrake /ad wear indicator
qlectrically o/erated /arking Rrake
Muto-atic hold function
Porsche 5ill Control 8P5CT
Mnti1lock Rrake syste- 8MSET
(ulti1collision Rrake
xO91inch Cayenne wheels
Wne1/iece light1alloy wheels in j1s/oke designm Dront able: )mj J b O9 qG 4’ with tyres • ZF O9 Kz Fear able: 9mj J b O9 qG j4 with tyres •’ ZF O9 Kz
x(ibed tyres
Wheel Accessories
xGyre Pressure (onitoring Eyste- 8GP(T
Lights and vision
xzqI headlights
xDour1/oint zqI dayti-e running lights
xDront light units with /osition lights and direction indicators with zqI light guide technology
xMuto-atic headlight activation inclm –0elco-e 5o-eé lighting
x5igh1level third Rrake light 8zqIT integrated into roof s/oiler
xzqI taillights with three1di-ensional lighting gra/hicsA integrated four1/oint Rrake lights and light stri/
xzqI interior lighting conce/t: switch1oL delayA footwell illu-ination front and rearA ashtray illu-inationA glove co-/art-ent illu-inationA ignition lock illu-inationA front light console
8overhead consoleT with reading s/ot lightsA reading lights rear le' and rightA illu-inated -ake1u/ -irror in the sun visor
x(anually di--ing rear1view -irror
xqlectrically adXustaRle and heataRle electrically folding ebterior -irrors 8also via re-ote keyTA as/herical on driverés sideA including a-Rient lighting
xDront wi/er syste- with • s/eedsA inter-ittent wi/e and rain sensor
xFear screen wi/er with inter-ittent wi/e and washer Xet
xFear screen heating with Nauto oLN function
Comfort and assistance systems
xFe-ote central locking
x0arn and Srake Mssist inclm Pedestrian /rotectionm Ietects the area ahead of the vehiclem 0ithin the syste- li-itationsA an i-/ending frontal collision with other vehiclesA /edestrians or
cyclists can Re detected Roth in the urRan and ebtra1urRan s/eed rangem Ghe syste- warns the driver visuallyA acoustically and if necessary through a Rraking Xoltm 0here re,uiredA the
syste- can su//ort the driverNs Rraking or initiate /artial or full deceleration in order to reduce the collision s/eed or /revent the collision in so-e circu-stancesm
x"eyless drive
xIriver /ersonalisation for cli-ateA audio and co--unicationA assistance syste-s and other custo-isaRle vehicle syste-s
xParkMssist 8front and rearT with visual and audiRle warning
xCruise control: "ee/s the s/eed constant in the range of a//robm BQ1•4Q k-.hm Hncluding s/eed li-iter function for setting a -abi-u- s/eed
xIistance warning: Hf the syste- detects a safety ha+ard due to following too closeA the syste- can warn the driver in a vehicle s/eed range fro- a//robm 6j ¹ •jQ k-.h 84Q ¹ Oj6 -/hT
Ry dis/laying the sy-Rol on the instru-ent cluster
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 j
xCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT:
electric adXust-ent of:
1 seat height
1 seat angle
1 Rackrest angle
1 fore.a' adXust-ent
Etorage net on the Rack of the driver and front /assenger seats
xPainted in Slack 8high1glossT: large areas of dashRoard decorative tri-sA door decorative tri-s front and rearm
7ote: for Cayenne GurRo . Cou/®A the standard silver1coloured accent tri-s are deleted
xMuto-atic cli-ate control with se/erate te-/erature and air volu-e settings for driver and front /assenger with auto-atic air recirculation -ode including air ,uality sensorA MC1(MK
Rutton and hu-idity sensor
xHnstru-ent cluster with two high1resolution dis/lays
xPartial leather interior in standard coloursA /artial leather seat in e-Rossed leather
xDive seatsA Rench seat in rear with two co-fortaRle seats outside le' and right and one centre seat
xEtorage co-/art-ents in interior 8de/ending on -odel and individual o/tionsT:
¹ glove co-/art-ent
¹ storage co-/art-ent in the centre console
¹ storage co-/art-ent Relow front seats
¹ door /ockets and -a/ /ockets on front seat Rackrests
¹ storage co-/art-ents in sides of the luggage co-/art-ent
xCentral analogue rev counter with Slack dial
xS1/illar clothes hooks on driver and /assengerNs side
(ultifunctional steering wheel with shi' /addles
xParticle./ollen plter with active carRon plter Gra/s /articlesA /ollen and odours and thoroughly plters pne dust out of the outside air
Pull1outA ‘ebiRle luggage co-/art-ent cover in detachaRle cassette
xGwo integrated cu/holders in front and rear with variaRle dia-eter
Sottle holders in door /anels front and rear
xFoof lining and M1.S1. C1/illar tri-s in faRric
xIual sun visors for driver and front /assenger
Ioor sill guards in stainless steel with -odel logo at front:
1 Cayenne and Cayenne q15yRrid: –Cayenneé
1 Cayenne E: –Cayenne Eé
1 Cayenne GurRo: –Cayenne turRoé
1 Cayenne GurRo E q15yRrid: UCayenne turRo EU
x41way headrests front.•1way headrests 8ebce/t for the -iddle seatT rearm Dor Cayenne GurRo o/tionally in co-Rination with co-fort seats 8O41wayA electricT including -e-ory /ackage
xIoor sill guards in stainless steel with NCayenneN logo at rear
xFear seat syste-
qlevated centre console with handles
xDull1si+e airRags for driver and front /assenger
"nee airRags for driver and front /assenger
Dront side airRags integrated into seat
7on1s-oking /ackage
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 6
xCurtain airRags along entire roof fra-e and side gla+ing fro- the M1/illar to the C1/illar
Follover detection for activation of curtain airRags and seat Relt /retensioners
xGhree1/oint auto-atic seat Relts with /retensioners 8front and outer rear seatsT and force li-iters 8frontTA three1/oint auto-atic seat Relt on the -iddle rear seat
MdXust-ent of seat Relt height
Eeat Relt warning syste-
xMdXust-ent of seat Relt height
Eeat Relt warning syste-
Dront /assenger airRag
xMlar- syste- with ultrasonic interior surveillance and two1stage locking 8EMDq functionT
H--oRiliser with in1key trans/onder
xHEWDHK fastening syste- for child seats on outer rear seats
Audio and communication
xIigital radio: Dor receiving digital radio Rroadcasts in the IMSA IMS³ and I(S audio for-atsA oLering far su/erior soundm Hncludes IMS twin tuner and auto-atic ue changeover
to ensure o/ti-u- rece/tion of the selected station
xPorsche Co--unication (anage-ent 8PC(T including Wnline 7avigation°A (oRile Phone Pre/arationA Mudio Hnterfaces and Voice Control
xPorsche Connect with M//le
Your dream becomes reality
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49
Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./6JZV49
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 O
Exterior Colors & Wheels
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Exterior Colour0hiteQ3
WheelsO91inch Cayenne wheels4BS
Etandard q,ui/-ent
Interior Colors & Seats
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Interior ColourPartial leather interior in standard colourA SlackM(
SeatsCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT3OM
Etandard q,ui/-ent
CategoryW/tionW/tion codePrice
Drive train / Chassis)1E/eed Gi/tronic E2O2
Etandard q,ui/-ent
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 •
Standard Equipment
xCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT
Drive train / Chassis
x)1E/eed Gi/tronic E
xO91inch Cayenne wheels
Exterior Colour
xEolid colours ebterior: 1 0hite 8Q3T 1 Slack 8MOT
Interior Colour
xPartial leather interior in standard colourA Slack
x0ith e-Rossed leather in interior colour:
1 front and rear seat centres
1 front and rear seat side Rolsters
1 front and rear headrest centres
1 ar-rest and handle in front and rear door /anels
1 ar-rest centre console front and folding rear ar-rest
Eteering wheel ri- and gear selector in s-ooth1pnish leather
xPartial leather interior in standard colourA Elate 2rey
x0ith e-Rossed leather in interior colour: 1 front and rear seat centresA front and rear seat side RolstersA 1 front and rear headrest centresA 1 ar-rest and handle in front and rear door /anelsA
1 ar-rest centre console front and folding rear ar-restm Eteering wheel ri- and gear selector in s-ooth1pnish leather
xEtandard interior colours with /artial leather interior: Slack 8M(TA Elate 2rey 8F(T
xMctive Ronnet
xMuto-atic tailgate
xDully galvanised steel1alu-iniu-1hyRrid lightweight Rodyshell
xDour doors with integrated side1i-/act /rotection
xqngine RonnetA tailgateA doorsA side sectionsA roof and front wings in alu-iniu-
xSu-/ers co-/rising high1strength cross -e-Rers and two defor-ation ele-ents each with two threaded pbture /oints for towing eye contained in on1Roard tool kit
xPower do-e on engine Ronnet
xIoor handles /ainted in ebterior colour
xGailgate with integrated roof s/oiler in ebterior colour
xqbtensiveA aerodyna-ic underRody /rotection
xDront end with integrated air intakes and airRlades in side air intakes
xMir curtains in the wheel arches
xHnlays in air intake slats in Fhodiu- Eilver
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 B
xGwin single1tuRe tail/i/es outside le' and right in Rrushed stainless steel
xPWFEC5qN lettering integrated in taillight stri/
xEilver coloured -odel designation on tailgate
xPre/aration for towRar syste-s
xEideskirts in Slack 8-attT
Drive train / Chassis
x)1s/eed Gi/tronic E trans-ission with Muto Etart1Eto/ and coasting function
xBmQ1litre turRocharged V6 engineA -abi-u- /ower out/ut •jQ k0 8B4Q PETA -abi-u- tor,ue 4jQ 7-
x)1s/eed Gi/tronic E
xIirect fuel inXection 8Iirect Duel HnXectionA IDHT with central inXector /osition
xMlu-iniu- -ulti1link front able
x41/iston alu-iniu- -onoRloc pbed1calli/er Rrakes at front
xMlu-iniu- -ulti1link rear able
xMuto Etart1Eto/ and coasting function
xEteel s/ring sus/ension
xGwin1scroll turRocharger
x2asoline /articulate plter 82PDT
Charge1air cooling
xPorsche Graction (anage-ent 8PG(T: active all1wheel drive with an electronically variaRleA -a/1controlled -ulti1/late clutchA auto-atic Rrake diLerential 8MSIT and anti1sli/ regulation
Mlu-iniu- cylinder head
Mlu-iniu- engine Rlock
x0ater1cooled with ther-al -anage-ent
Hntegrated Porsche 4I Chassis Control
x•1/iston alu-iniu- -onoRloc pbed1calli/er Rrakes at rear
xqlectrical syste- recu/eration
Power steering
xSrake discs with dia-eter BjQ -- at frontA BBQ -- at rearA internally vented
xMctive air intake ‘a/s
Vehicle staRility syste- Porsche EtaRility (anage-ent 8PE(T with Mnti1lock Srake Eyste- 8MSETA Mnti1sli/ Fegulation 8MEFTA auto-atic Srake IiLerential 8MSITA engine drag tor,ue control
8(EFT and trailer staRility -anage-entm Cayenne q15yRrid -odels with eb/anded PE( EPWFG -ode
xVarioCa- Plus
x’j1litre fuel tank
xE/orts -ode
xSrake cali/ers in Slack
xHndividual -ode for individual selection of s/orty car settings
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 4
xSrake /ad wear indicator
qlectrically o/erated /arking Rrake
Muto-atic hold function
Porsche 5ill Control 8P5CT
Mnti1lock Rrake syste- 8MSET
(ulti1collision Rrake
xO91inch Cayenne wheels
Wne1/iece light1alloy wheels in j1s/oke designm Dront able: )mj J b O9 qG 4’ with tyres • ZF O9 Kz Fear able: 9mj J b O9 qG j4 with tyres •’ ZF O9 Kz
x(ibed tyres
Wheel Accessories
xGyre Pressure (onitoring Eyste- 8GP(T
Lights and vision
xzqI headlights
xDour1/oint zqI dayti-e running lights
xDront light units with /osition lights and direction indicators with zqI light guide technology
xMuto-atic headlight activation inclm –0elco-e 5o-eé lighting
x5igh1level third Rrake light 8zqIT integrated into roof s/oiler
xzqI taillights with three1di-ensional lighting gra/hicsA integrated four1/oint Rrake lights and light stri/
xzqI interior lighting conce/t: switch1oL delayA footwell illu-ination front and rearA ashtray illu-inationA glove co-/art-ent illu-inationA ignition lock illu-inationA front light console
8overhead consoleT with reading s/ot lightsA reading lights rear le' and rightA illu-inated -ake1u/ -irror in the sun visor
x(anually di--ing rear1view -irror
xqlectrically adXustaRle and heataRle electrically folding ebterior -irrors 8also via re-ote keyTA as/herical on driverés sideA including a-Rient lighting
xDront wi/er syste- with • s/eedsA inter-ittent wi/e and rain sensor
xFear screen wi/er with inter-ittent wi/e and washer Xet
xFear screen heating with Nauto oLN function
Comfort and assistance systems
xFe-ote central locking
x0arn and Srake Mssist inclm Pedestrian /rotectionm Ietects the area ahead of the vehiclem 0ithin the syste- li-itationsA an i-/ending frontal collision with other vehiclesA /edestrians or
cyclists can Re detected Roth in the urRan and ebtra1urRan s/eed rangem Ghe syste- warns the driver visuallyA acoustically and if necessary through a Rraking Xoltm 0here re,uiredA the
syste- can su//ort the driverNs Rraking or initiate /artial or full deceleration in order to reduce the collision s/eed or /revent the collision in so-e circu-stancesm
x"eyless drive
xIriver /ersonalisation for cli-ateA audio and co--unicationA assistance syste-s and other custo-isaRle vehicle syste-s
xParkMssist 8front and rearT with visual and audiRle warning
xCruise control: "ee/s the s/eed constant in the range of a//robm BQ1•4Q k-.hm Hncluding s/eed li-iter function for setting a -abi-u- s/eed
xIistance warning: Hf the syste- detects a safety ha+ard due to following too closeA the syste- can warn the driver in a vehicle s/eed range fro- a//robm 6j ¹ •jQ k-.h 84Q ¹ Oj6 -/hT
Ry dis/laying the sy-Rol on the instru-ent cluster
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 j
xCo-fort seats front 8)1wayA electricT:
electric adXust-ent of:
1 seat height
1 seat angle
1 Rackrest angle
1 fore.a' adXust-ent
Etorage net on the Rack of the driver and front /assenger seats
xPainted in Slack 8high1glossT: large areas of dashRoard decorative tri-sA door decorative tri-s front and rearm
7ote: for Cayenne GurRo . Cou/®A the standard silver1coloured accent tri-s are deleted
xMuto-atic cli-ate control with se/erate te-/erature and air volu-e settings for driver and front /assenger with auto-atic air recirculation -ode including air ,uality sensorA MC1(MK
Rutton and hu-idity sensor
xHnstru-ent cluster with two high1resolution dis/lays
xPartial leather interior in standard coloursA /artial leather seat in e-Rossed leather
xDive seatsA Rench seat in rear with two co-fortaRle seats outside le' and right and one centre seat
xEtorage co-/art-ents in interior 8de/ending on -odel and individual o/tionsT:
¹ glove co-/art-ent
¹ storage co-/art-ent in the centre console
¹ storage co-/art-ent Relow front seats
¹ door /ockets and -a/ /ockets on front seat Rackrests
¹ storage co-/art-ents in sides of the luggage co-/art-ent
xCentral analogue rev counter with Slack dial
xS1/illar clothes hooks on driver and /assengerNs side
(ultifunctional steering wheel with shi' /addles
xParticle./ollen plter with active carRon plter Gra/s /articlesA /ollen and odours and thoroughly plters pne dust out of the outside air
Pull1outA ‘ebiRle luggage co-/art-ent cover in detachaRle cassette
xGwo integrated cu/holders in front and rear with variaRle dia-eter
Sottle holders in door /anels front and rear
xFoof lining and M1.S1. C1/illar tri-s in faRric
xIual sun visors for driver and front /assenger
Ioor sill guards in stainless steel with -odel logo at front:
1 Cayenne and Cayenne q15yRrid: –Cayenneé
1 Cayenne E: –Cayenne Eé
1 Cayenne GurRo: –Cayenne turRoé
1 Cayenne GurRo E q15yRrid: UCayenne turRo EU
x41way headrests front.•1way headrests 8ebce/t for the -iddle seatT rearm Dor Cayenne GurRo o/tionally in co-Rination with co-fort seats 8O41wayA electricT including -e-ory /ackage
xIoor sill guards in stainless steel with NCayenneN logo at rear
xFear seat syste-
qlevated centre console with handles
xDull1si+e airRags for driver and front /assenger
"nee airRags for driver and front /assenger
Dront side airRags integrated into seat
7on1s-oking /ackage
Porsche Code: PP6JZV49 6
xCurtain airRags along entire roof fra-e and side gla+ing fro- the M1/illar to the C1/illar
Follover detection for activation of curtain airRags and seat Relt /retensioners
xGhree1/oint auto-atic seat Relts with /retensioners 8front and outer rear seatsT and force li-iters 8frontTA three1/oint auto-atic seat Relt on the -iddle rear seat
MdXust-ent of seat Relt height
Eeat Relt warning syste-
xMdXust-ent of seat Relt height
Eeat Relt warning syste-
Dront /assenger airRag
xMlar- syste- with ultrasonic interior surveillance and two1stage locking 8EMDq functionT
H--oRiliser with in1key trans/onder
xHEWDHK fastening syste- for child seats on outer rear seats
Audio and communication
xIigital radio: Dor receiving digital radio Rroadcasts in the IMSA IMS³ and I(S audio for-atsA oLering far su/erior soundm Hncludes IMS twin tuner and auto-atic ue changeover
to ensure o/ti-u- rece/tion of the selected station
xPorsche Co--unication (anage-ent 8PC(T including Wnline 7avigation°A (oRile Phone Pre/arationA Mudio Hnterfaces and Voice Control
xPorsche Connect with M//le