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Business transaction type Opportunity Default is blocked for further business tr

业界 admin 6浏览 0评论
to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive:
1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transactions -> Define Business Transaction Profiles. Look for thee transaction type assigned to profile 'DEFAULT', e.g. 0010.
2 - Determine block on Transaction Type, IMG: CRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Determine whether the transaction type is active and whether there are blocking reasons in place and what they are.

source:http://scn.sap/thread/53228 to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive:
1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transactions -> Define Business Transaction Profiles. Look for thee transaction type assigned to profile 'DEFAULT', e.g. 0010.
2 - Determine block on Transaction Type, IMG: CRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Determine whether the transaction type is active and whether there are blocking reasons in place and what they are.


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