to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive:
1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transactions -> Define Business Transaction Profiles. Look for thee transaction type assigned to profile 'DEFAULT', e.g. 0010.
2 - Determine block on Transaction Type, IMG: CRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Determine whether the transaction type is active and whether there are blocking reasons in place and what they are.
to check whether your default transaction type for IC WebClient is not blocked and/or inactive:
1 - Determine default transaction type, IMG: CRM -> Interaction Center WebClient -> Business Transactions -> Define Business Transaction Profiles. Look for thee transaction type assigned to profile 'DEFAULT', e.g. 0010.
2 - Determine block on Transaction Type, IMG: CRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Determine whether the transaction type is active and whether there are blocking reasons in place and what they are.