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A-Level Business Studies 真题及解析(1)

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Explain the opportunity cost of setting up a business to an entrepreneur, such as Ben Kaufman. (6 marks)

分析对于一个类似Ben Kaufman这样的企业家来说,建立新公司的机会成本是什么?

*Source:2014年6月爱德思考试局IA-Level BusinessStudies Paper1


General Comments

We begin by giving a concise definition of opportunity cost. 


Then talk about opportunity cost in the context of Ben Kaufman’s case with respect to his alternative options and use any relevant information found in the case study to support your answer. 

然后聊聊Ben Kauf

Explain the opportunity cost of setting up a business to an entrepreneur, such as Ben Kaufman. (6 marks)

分析对于一个类似Ben Kaufman这样的企业家来说,建立新公司的机会成本是什么?

*Source:2014年6月爱德思考试局IA-Level BusinessStudies Paper1


General Comments

We begin by giving a concise definition of opportunity cost. 


Then talk about opportunity cost in the context of Ben Kaufman’s case with respect to his alternative options and use any relevant information found in the case study to support your answer. 

然后聊聊Ben Kauf


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