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Samsung's business philosophy

在三星,我们都遵循着一个简单的经营理念:以人才和技术为基础,创造出最高品质的产品和服务,为人类社会的发展做出贡献。 At Samsung, we follow a simple business philosophy:

based on the talent and technology to create the highest quality products and services, and to

contribute to the development of human society.

每一天,我们的员工都在对这个理念身体力行。 Every day, our employees are personally on

this concept. 我们的领导者在世界范围内寻找最聪明的人才,为他们提供保证其做出本领域最出色成绩的资源。 Our leaders looking for the smartest people in the world, as they provide a

guarantee of its resources to make the most outstanding achievements in the field of. 由此带来的成果就是,所有我们的产品——从保证储存关键知识的内存芯片到将各大洲用户连接起来的手机—— 都可以用以丰富我们的生活。 Consequent result is that all of our products - from

continents users to connect up phone memory chips to store critical knowledge - can be used to

enrich our lives. 这就是创造更美好的人类社会的含义所在。 Where the meaning of this is to

create a better human society.

我们的价值 Our values

我们相信,以强有力的价值定位为基础的工作是成功业务的关键。 We believe that, based on

the strong value positioning work is the key to a successful business. 在三星,严格的行为规范以及这些核心价值,是我们做出任何决策的基础。 Samsung, a strict code of conduct and these

core values, we make any decisions.

尊重人才 Respect for talent

非常简单,我们尊重我们的人才,秉承“人才是公司的全部”的哲学。 Very simple, we respect

our personnel, adhering to the "talent is all of the company philosophy. 在三星, 我们一直努力为我们的员工提供尽可能多的机会,让他们充分施展自己的才华。 At Samsung, we have been

trying to provide as much opportunity for our employees to enable them to fully display his


追求卓越 Pursuit of excellence


品及服务的承诺,在我们所从事的每一个方面做到世界最好。 To make our best efforts to

strive through unyielding passion for excellence, and the firm developed a commitment to the best

products and services in the market, do we are engaged in every aspect of the world best.

主导变革 Led change

在今天这个快速发展的全球经济环境下,变革是永恒的,没有不断的创新,企业就无法继续生存。 In this fast-growing global economic environment, change is eternal, constant innovation,

companies can not continue to survive. 就如同我们在过去的70 年时间里所做的那样,我们着眼于未来,积极预测市场需求和需要,这样,我们就可以使我们的企业走向长期的成功和繁荣。 Just as we have done in the past 70 years, we have focused on the future, actively predict

market demand and needs, so that we can make our business toward long-term success and


正当经营 Legitimate business

以符合伦理道德的方式经营是我们事业的基础。 Ethical way business is the foundation of our

cause. 我们在任何方面都会保证公平、尊敬所有股东,以及完全透明的道德规范。 We will

ensure fairness in any respect, respect for all shareholders, and is completely transparent to the

code of ethics.

共同繁荣 Common prosperity

一个企业,如果不能为其他人带来繁荣和机会,那么这个企业就无法取得成功。 A business,

if you can not bring prosperity and opportunity for other people, then this business can not be

successful. 三星将承担一个优秀企业公民在社会以及环保方面所应承担的全部责任,追求与我们的每个社区、国家以及人类社会共同繁荣。 Samsung will bear a good corporate citizen in

the social as well as environmental protection should bear full responsibility for the pursuit of

common prosperity with each of our communities, countries, and human society.

2Leading the digital era (2000 to now)

数字时代为全球业务带来了革命性的机遇和革新。 The digital age revolutionary

global business opportunities and innovation. 三星集团一直紧随这些变革,并不断地更新自己的业务结构、经营理念以及公司文化,以满足世界信息时代日益变化的需求。 Samsung Group has followed these changes, and constantly update their

business structure, business philosophy and corporate culture, in order to meet the

ever-changing needs of the world's information age.

在三星,我们将每个挑战都视为是一次机会,并坚信在数字领域,我们完全可以成为世界公认的领导者之一。 At Samsung, we are regarded as each challenge is an

opportunity, and firmly believe that we can become one of the world's recognized

leader in the digital domain. 目前,三星领先全球市场的产品包括半导体产品、TFT-LCD、显示器和CDMA移动电话等。 Currently, semiconductor products,

TFT-LCD, monitors and CDMA mobile phones and other products include Samsung's

leading global market.

同时,我们也在积极地提升企业品牌价值,因为它是公司发展的核心动力。 At

the same time, we are also actively enhance brand value, because it is the

development of the company's core power. 三星的品牌价值已经由2009年的175亿美元增长为2011年的234亿美元,并且被Interbrand公司评选为发展最快的国际品牌。 Samsung's brand value has increased from $ 17.5 billion in 2009 to

$ 23.4 billion in 2011, and named the fastest growing international brand

by Interbrand company.


Looking to the

future, Samsung will strive to become the leading the digital revolution

sweeping the global leader. 我们期望用我们先进的技术、富于竞争力的产品,以及专业的人力资源领导社会的数字化革命。

We look forward to using our

state-of-the-art technology, full of competitive products, as well as

professional human resources leading social digital revolution.




Samsung's business philosophy

在三星,我们都遵循着一个简单的经营理念:以人才和技术为基础,创造出最高品质的产品和服务,为人类社会的发展做出贡献。 At Samsung, we follow a simple business philosophy:

based on the talent and technology to create the highest quality products and services, and to

contribute to the development of human society.

每一天,我们的员工都在对这个理念身体力行。 Every day, our employees are personally on

this concept. 我们的领导者在世界范围内寻找最聪明的人才,为他们提供保证其做出本领域最出色成绩的资源。 Our leaders looking for the smartest people in the world, as they provide a

guarantee of its resources to make the most outstanding achievements in the field of. 由此带来的成果就是,所有我们的产品——从保证储存关键知识的内存芯片到将各大洲用户连接起来的手机—— 都可以用以丰富我们的生活。 Consequent result is that all of our products - from

continents users to connect up phone memory chips to store critical knowledge - can be used to

enrich our lives. 这就是创造更美好的人类社会的含义所在。 Where the meaning of this is to

create a better human society.

我们的价值 Our values

我们相信,以强有力的价值定位为基础的工作是成功业务的关键。 We believe that, based on

the strong value positioning work is the key to a successful business. 在三星,严格的行为规范以及这些核心价值,是我们做出任何决策的基础。 Samsung, a strict code of conduct and these

core values, we make any decisions.

尊重人才 Respect for talent

非常简单,我们尊重我们的人才,秉承“人才是公司的全部”的哲学。 Very simple, we respect

our personnel, adhering to the "talent is all of the company philosophy. 在三星, 我们一直努力为我们的员工提供尽可能多的机会,让他们充分施展自己的才华。 At Samsung, we have been

trying to provide as much opportunity for our employees to enable them to fully display his


追求卓越 Pursuit of excellence


品及服务的承诺,在我们所从事的每一个方面做到世界最好。 To make our best efforts to

strive through unyielding passion for excellence, and the firm developed a commitment to the best

products and services in the market, do we are engaged in every aspect of the world best.

主导变革 Led change

在今天这个快速发展的全球经济环境下,变革是永恒的,没有不断的创新,企业就无法继续生存。 In this fast-growing global economic environment, change is eternal, constant innovation,

companies can not continue to survive. 就如同我们在过去的70 年时间里所做的那样,我们着眼于未来,积极预测市场需求和需要,这样,我们就可以使我们的企业走向长期的成功和繁荣。 Just as we have done in the past 70 years, we have focused on the future, actively predict

market demand and needs, so that we can make our business toward long-term success and


正当经营 Legitimate business

以符合伦理道德的方式经营是我们事业的基础。 Ethical way business is the foundation of our

cause. 我们在任何方面都会保证公平、尊敬所有股东,以及完全透明的道德规范。 We will

ensure fairness in any respect, respect for all shareholders, and is completely transparent to the

code of ethics.

共同繁荣 Common prosperity

一个企业,如果不能为其他人带来繁荣和机会,那么这个企业就无法取得成功。 A business,

if you can not bring prosperity and opportunity for other people, then this business can not be

successful. 三星将承担一个优秀企业公民在社会以及环保方面所应承担的全部责任,追求与我们的每个社区、国家以及人类社会共同繁荣。 Samsung will bear a good corporate citizen in

the social as well as environmental protection should bear full responsibility for the pursuit of

common prosperity with each of our communities, countries, and human society.

2Leading the digital era (2000 to now)

数字时代为全球业务带来了革命性的机遇和革新。 The digital age revolutionary

global business opportunities and innovation. 三星集团一直紧随这些变革,并不断地更新自己的业务结构、经营理念以及公司文化,以满足世界信息时代日益变化的需求。 Samsung Group has followed these changes, and constantly update their

business structure, business philosophy and corporate culture, in order to meet the

ever-changing needs of the world's information age.

在三星,我们将每个挑战都视为是一次机会,并坚信在数字领域,我们完全可以成为世界公认的领导者之一。 At Samsung, we are regarded as each challenge is an

opportunity, and firmly believe that we can become one of the world's recognized

leader in the digital domain. 目前,三星领先全球市场的产品包括半导体产品、TFT-LCD、显示器和CDMA移动电话等。 Currently, semiconductor products,

TFT-LCD, monitors and CDMA mobile phones and other products include Samsung's

leading global market.

同时,我们也在积极地提升企业品牌价值,因为它是公司发展的核心动力。 At

the same time, we are also actively enhance brand value, because it is the

development of the company's core power. 三星的品牌价值已经由2009年的175亿美元增长为2011年的234亿美元,并且被Interbrand公司评选为发展最快的国际品牌。 Samsung's brand value has increased from $ 17.5 billion in 2009 to

$ 23.4 billion in 2011, and named the fastest growing international brand

by Interbrand company.


Looking to the

future, Samsung will strive to become the leading the digital revolution

sweeping the global leader. 我们期望用我们先进的技术、富于竞争力的产品,以及专业的人力资源领导社会的数字化革命。

We look forward to using our

state-of-the-art technology, full of competitive products, as well as

professional human resources leading social digital revolution.


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