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Roller Coaster Rides Can Help With Painful Condition

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health and Lifestyle report.

Roller coasters are fast and exciting. But passing a painful kidney stone is not. The process is

painful and can take a long time.

But American researchers have found that a roller coaster ride just might help those suffering from

a kidney stone. They say such rides help patients pass the stones with a 70 percent success rate.

The findings come from researchers at Michigan State University. They published their findings in

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

David Wartinger led the study. He says he became curious after hearing many stories of people

who passed kidney stones after going on a fun ride at a theme park in Florida.

Patients told him that after riding a "roller coaster at Walt Disney World, they were able to pass

their kidney stones." One man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride

more than once!

To test whether the claims were true, Wartinger used a 3-dimensional model of a hollow kidney.

Inside the model he placed three kidney stones, each no larger than 4 millimeters.

Then he placed the man-made kidney into a backpack. The researchers put the kidney on Disney's

Big Thunder Mountain roller coaster for 20 rides.

There are many variables

Wartinger found that where the person sits on the roller coaster can make a big difference.

He said "in the pilot study, sitting in the last car of the roller coaster showed about a 64 percent

passage rate." Sitting in the first few cars only had a 16 percent success rate.

Researchers decided to expand the study. They rode the same roller coaster with several kidney

models. When sitting in the back car, the success rate of passing the stones was 70 percent.

It also mattered where the stones were located in the kidney. The researchers found that stones

located in the upper part of the kidney model were passed 100 percent.

Another variable – it depends what kind of roller coaster. When it comes to passing kidney stones,

not all roller coasters are equal.

The researchers used 174 kidney stones of differing "shapes, sizes and weights to see if each

model worked on the same ride and on two other roller coasters."

They found that "Big Thunder Mountain was the only one that worked." The other two roller

coasters both failed the test.

Wartinger said the other rides were "too fast and too violent." The movement forced the stones

against the side of the kidney. He said that the ideal roller coaster is rough and quick with some

twists and turns.

How common are kidney stones?

About 300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones

each year.

One common treatment for kidney stones -- called lithotripsy -- breaks up larger stones into

smaller ones. But Wartinger said the treatment can leave many smaller stones. To solve this

problem, he suggested riding a roller coaster "after a treatment when the remnants are still small."

Wartinger thinks roller coaster rides could also be used as a preventative measure. He said that a

yearly ride on a roller coaster could even prevent stones from developing.

"You need to heed the warnings before going on a roller coaster," he said. "If you have a kidney

stone, but are otherwise healthy and meet the requirements of the ride, patients should try it."

He adds that it's "definitely a lower cost alternative" to other treatments.

And riding a roller coaster is definitely more fun!

I'm Anna Matteo.

coasters 过山车

We can have roller coasters, bumper cars and bungee jumpings.


stone 肾结石

Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.


s rate 成功率

He claims a 70 to 80 percent success rate.


park 主题公园

Li Wei goes to the theme park with his friends.


man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride more than once!

more than once 不止一次

He has been mugged more than once.


Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble.


300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones

each year.

emergency room 急诊室;急救室

The emergency room was in disorder.


Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.






大卫·瓦特林(David Wartinger)是该研究的负责人。他表示,听说人们在佛罗里达州主题公园坐过山车排出肾结石的事情后,他感到十分好奇。























Samsung Halts Production of Problematic Galaxy Note 7

Samsung says it has permanently halted production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after

continued overheating problems.

The company announced Tuesday it had stopped manufacturing and selling the troubled devices.

Samsung said it was acting to protect the safety of phone users.

The company issued a worldwide recall of Galaxy Note 7 devices in early September after

receiving several reports of overheating problems. The overheating was linked to problems with

batteries that caused some phones to catch fire.

After the recall, Samsung began replacing customers' phones with new Note 7 devices that had a

different battery. Those devices were supposed to be safer. But there were

numerous reports of those replacement phones also overheating.

South Korean safety authorities are investigating the problems with the replacement devices. They

have not yet identified a cause.

The company is offering to give buyers their money back or exchange the Note 7 phones for other

Samsung models.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning to airplane passengers last month about the

Galaxy Note 7 phones. It told passengers not to use devices during flights. It also urged them not

to put the phones in checked baggage.

Samsung is the world's largest maker of smartphones, with nearly twice the world market share of

its main competitor Apple.

Jonathan Roubini is an independent technology analyst. He says in addition to the actual

smartphone problems, the company has also been criticized for the way it dealt with the first

phone recall.

"This is very damaging for Samsung. And the fact that they messed up on the recall makes things

extremely worse. Clearly, after new phones have been released after the recall, and the new

phones have issues as well, there's something else in the phone that Samsung missed, and they

should be fixing."

Troy Stangarone is with the Washington-based Korea Economic Institute. He told VOA the

Galaxy Note 7 problems have already hurt Samsung's public image and could greatly affect sales.

"Not only is it lost sales and replacement sales, but you are also talking about damage to

Samsung's reputation. Will consumers now question whether other Samsung products also face

challenges and then simply decide to go with an alternative brand, be it Apple or someone else."

I'm Bryan Lynn.

d baggage 托运行李

They charge for checked baggage.


back 退还

I gave the textbook back to him.


up 搞砸

When politicians mess things up, it is the people who pay the price


fire 起火

I told you, it doesn't catch fire.


1."The Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning to airplane passengers last month about

the Galaxy Note 7 phones.

issued a warning 发出警告

The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal


The Japanese government recently issued a warning about iPods potentially overheating.


overheating was linked to problems with batteries that caused some phones to catch fire.

be linked to 与...有关

All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.


He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal.



三星公司表示,鉴于连续出现的手机电池过热问题,公司决定永久性停产Galaxy Note 7这款旗舰手机。


9月初,因收到多份手机存在过热问题的报告,三星公司宣布召回新款Galaxy Note 7手机。手机电池过热是导致部分手机起火的主要原因。





上月,美国联邦航空管理局就三星Note 7手机对乘客作出警示,禁止乘客飞行期间使用该手机,也不得将该款手机放在托运行李中。


乔纳森·鲁比尼(Jonathan Roubini)是独立科技分析师。他表示,除该智能手机本身存在的问题外,三星公司首次召回的处理措施也引发外界一片声讨。



特洛伊·斯坦加隆(Troy Stangarone)在总部位于华盛顿的韩国经济研究所任职。他对美国之音表示,Note 7手机问题已经严重损害了三星的品牌形象,其销售市场也将遭受重创。



A powerful scene here at Nairobi National Park in April,105 tons of elephant ivory and 1.35 tons

of rhino horn destroyed as Kenya pledged its support for a complete ban of the ivory trade during

the upcoming Convention on International trade in endangered species.


"So our philosophy has been to burn the entire stockpile,because this is one way of demonstrating

to the world that if you offer trade in ivory,we the misimpression that,

actually, ivory is yet it’s this very ivory that’s endangering our species."


Tens of thousands of elephants have been killed in recent years for their ivoryas a result of strong

demand from Asian markets.


The recent "Great Elephant Census"showed an alarming 30 percent decline in African savanna

elephants between 2007 and 2014.


非洲国家的象牙问题 卖掉还是销毁?

About 30 African countries, including Kenya, want a comprehensive ban on all international trade

in ivory.


"Nobody should buy ivory in the world."


But Namibia and Zimbabwe have officially requested through CITES the right to sell their ivory



Along with South Africa, these countries say they want to put the proceeds toward conservation



South Africa says destroying ivory makes it more scarce, upping the black market price and

driving more poaching.


But Kenya argues that previous "one-time" sales have demonstrated the opposite is true, and that

opening up trade for some countries puts elephants across the continent at risk.


"It is very, very hard to distinguish between legal and illegal ivory, and that means that having a

legal supply of ivory in the market perpetuates the killing. And so, the cycle continues. Where you

have trade, you have benefits going to a few kingpins, and you deny livelihoods to communities,

and the populations continue to suffer."


Although elephants are the top issue for Africa at the CITES talks, trade restrictions and

allowances for close to 500 other species will also be on the table.




Roller Coaster Rides Can Help With Painful Condition

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health and Lifestyle report.

Roller coasters are fast and exciting. But passing a painful kidney stone is not. The process is

painful and can take a long time.

But American researchers have found that a roller coaster ride just might help those suffering from

a kidney stone. They say such rides help patients pass the stones with a 70 percent success rate.

The findings come from researchers at Michigan State University. They published their findings in

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

David Wartinger led the study. He says he became curious after hearing many stories of people

who passed kidney stones after going on a fun ride at a theme park in Florida.

Patients told him that after riding a "roller coaster at Walt Disney World, they were able to pass

their kidney stones." One man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride

more than once!

To test whether the claims were true, Wartinger used a 3-dimensional model of a hollow kidney.

Inside the model he placed three kidney stones, each no larger than 4 millimeters.

Then he placed the man-made kidney into a backpack. The researchers put the kidney on Disney's

Big Thunder Mountain roller coaster for 20 rides.

There are many variables

Wartinger found that where the person sits on the roller coaster can make a big difference.

He said "in the pilot study, sitting in the last car of the roller coaster showed about a 64 percent

passage rate." Sitting in the first few cars only had a 16 percent success rate.

Researchers decided to expand the study. They rode the same roller coaster with several kidney

models. When sitting in the back car, the success rate of passing the stones was 70 percent.

It also mattered where the stones were located in the kidney. The researchers found that stones

located in the upper part of the kidney model were passed 100 percent.

Another variable – it depends what kind of roller coaster. When it comes to passing kidney stones,

not all roller coasters are equal.

The researchers used 174 kidney stones of differing "shapes, sizes and weights to see if each

model worked on the same ride and on two other roller coasters."

They found that "Big Thunder Mountain was the only one that worked." The other two roller

coasters both failed the test.

Wartinger said the other rides were "too fast and too violent." The movement forced the stones

against the side of the kidney. He said that the ideal roller coaster is rough and quick with some

twists and turns.

How common are kidney stones?

About 300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones

each year.

One common treatment for kidney stones -- called lithotripsy -- breaks up larger stones into

smaller ones. But Wartinger said the treatment can leave many smaller stones. To solve this

problem, he suggested riding a roller coaster "after a treatment when the remnants are still small."

Wartinger thinks roller coaster rides could also be used as a preventative measure. He said that a

yearly ride on a roller coaster could even prevent stones from developing.

"You need to heed the warnings before going on a roller coaster," he said. "If you have a kidney

stone, but are otherwise healthy and meet the requirements of the ride, patients should try it."

He adds that it's "definitely a lower cost alternative" to other treatments.

And riding a roller coaster is definitely more fun!

I'm Anna Matteo.

coasters 过山车

We can have roller coasters, bumper cars and bungee jumpings.


stone 肾结石

Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.


s rate 成功率

He claims a 70 to 80 percent success rate.


park 主题公园

Li Wei goes to the theme park with his friends.


man even said he passed three different stones after going on the ride more than once!

more than once 不止一次

He has been mugged more than once.


Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble.


300,000 people in the United States go to hospital emergency rooms with kidney stones

each year.

emergency room 急诊室;急救室

The emergency room was in disorder.


Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.






大卫·瓦特林(David Wartinger)是该研究的负责人。他表示,听说人们在佛罗里达州主题公园坐过山车排出肾结石的事情后,他感到十分好奇。























Samsung Halts Production of Problematic Galaxy Note 7

Samsung says it has permanently halted production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after

continued overheating problems.

The company announced Tuesday it had stopped manufacturing and selling the troubled devices.

Samsung said it was acting to protect the safety of phone users.

The company issued a worldwide recall of Galaxy Note 7 devices in early September after

receiving several reports of overheating problems. The overheating was linked to problems with

batteries that caused some phones to catch fire.

After the recall, Samsung began replacing customers' phones with new Note 7 devices that had a

different battery. Those devices were supposed to be safer. But there were

numerous reports of those replacement phones also overheating.

South Korean safety authorities are investigating the problems with the replacement devices. They

have not yet identified a cause.

The company is offering to give buyers their money back or exchange the Note 7 phones for other

Samsung models.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning to airplane passengers last month about the

Galaxy Note 7 phones. It told passengers not to use devices during flights. It also urged them not

to put the phones in checked baggage.

Samsung is the world's largest maker of smartphones, with nearly twice the world market share of

its main competitor Apple.

Jonathan Roubini is an independent technology analyst. He says in addition to the actual

smartphone problems, the company has also been criticized for the way it dealt with the first

phone recall.

"This is very damaging for Samsung. And the fact that they messed up on the recall makes things

extremely worse. Clearly, after new phones have been released after the recall, and the new

phones have issues as well, there's something else in the phone that Samsung missed, and they

should be fixing."

Troy Stangarone is with the Washington-based Korea Economic Institute. He told VOA the

Galaxy Note 7 problems have already hurt Samsung's public image and could greatly affect sales.

"Not only is it lost sales and replacement sales, but you are also talking about damage to

Samsung's reputation. Will consumers now question whether other Samsung products also face

challenges and then simply decide to go with an alternative brand, be it Apple or someone else."

I'm Bryan Lynn.

d baggage 托运行李

They charge for checked baggage.


back 退还

I gave the textbook back to him.


up 搞砸

When politicians mess things up, it is the people who pay the price


fire 起火

I told you, it doesn't catch fire.


1."The Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning to airplane passengers last month about

the Galaxy Note 7 phones.

issued a warning 发出警告

The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal


The Japanese government recently issued a warning about iPods potentially overheating.


overheating was linked to problems with batteries that caused some phones to catch fire.

be linked to 与...有关

All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.


He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal.



三星公司表示,鉴于连续出现的手机电池过热问题,公司决定永久性停产Galaxy Note 7这款旗舰手机。


9月初,因收到多份手机存在过热问题的报告,三星公司宣布召回新款Galaxy Note 7手机。手机电池过热是导致部分手机起火的主要原因。





上月,美国联邦航空管理局就三星Note 7手机对乘客作出警示,禁止乘客飞行期间使用该手机,也不得将该款手机放在托运行李中。


乔纳森·鲁比尼(Jonathan Roubini)是独立科技分析师。他表示,除该智能手机本身存在的问题外,三星公司首次召回的处理措施也引发外界一片声讨。



特洛伊·斯坦加隆(Troy Stangarone)在总部位于华盛顿的韩国经济研究所任职。他对美国之音表示,Note 7手机问题已经严重损害了三星的品牌形象,其销售市场也将遭受重创。



A powerful scene here at Nairobi National Park in April,105 tons of elephant ivory and 1.35 tons

of rhino horn destroyed as Kenya pledged its support for a complete ban of the ivory trade during

the upcoming Convention on International trade in endangered species.


"So our philosophy has been to burn the entire stockpile,because this is one way of demonstrating

to the world that if you offer trade in ivory,we the misimpression that,

actually, ivory is yet it’s this very ivory that’s endangering our species."


Tens of thousands of elephants have been killed in recent years for their ivoryas a result of strong

demand from Asian markets.


The recent "Great Elephant Census"showed an alarming 30 percent decline in African savanna

elephants between 2007 and 2014.


非洲国家的象牙问题 卖掉还是销毁?

About 30 African countries, including Kenya, want a comprehensive ban on all international trade

in ivory.


"Nobody should buy ivory in the world."


But Namibia and Zimbabwe have officially requested through CITES the right to sell their ivory



Along with South Africa, these countries say they want to put the proceeds toward conservation



South Africa says destroying ivory makes it more scarce, upping the black market price and

driving more poaching.


But Kenya argues that previous "one-time" sales have demonstrated the opposite is true, and that

opening up trade for some countries puts elephants across the continent at risk.


"It is very, very hard to distinguish between legal and illegal ivory, and that means that having a

legal supply of ivory in the market perpetuates the killing. And so, the cycle continues. Where you

have trade, you have benefits going to a few kingpins, and you deny livelihoods to communities,

and the populations continue to suffer."


Although elephants are the top issue for Africa at the CITES talks, trade restrictions and

allowances for close to 500 other species will also be on the table.



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