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Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450 ADP3250) 使用手册 示波器说明书

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Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250)

Reference Manual


The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms’

Oscilloscope instrument to capture analog data via the 4 analog input (“Scope”)

channels using BNC probes.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro’s analog input channels are shared, the Oscilloscope

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum

Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Oscilloscope instrument, please visit the Using the

Oscilloscope guide.


Triggering: edge, pulse, transition, hysteresis, and many others

Cross-triggering with Logic Analyzer, Waveform Generator, Pattern Generator, or

external trigger

Sampling modes: average, decimate, min/max

Mixed signal visualization (analog and digital signals share same view pane)

Real-time views: FFTs, XY plots, histograms, spectrograms, and others

Multiple math channels with complex functions

Cursors with advanced data measurements

Captured data files can be exported in standard formats

Scope configurations can be saved, exported, and imported

Important Note: Grounding Circuitry

Waveform Generator

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

Waveform Generator instrument to output analog voltage waves via BNC cables. The

Waveform Generator converts 14-bit digital samples to analog at a rate of up to

100 MS/s on each of the two channels. When the Waveform Generator instrument is

used, the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output channels act as an Arbitrary Waveform

Generator. The instrument supports everything from simple waveforms like Sine and

Triangle waves, up to more complicated functions like AM and FM modulation. Custom

sets of samples can be defined by the user in applications like Excel and imported to


Each waveform generator channel is considered a single ended pin, however, a

connected circuit must share a ground with the Analog Discovery Pro. Each channel

has a bandwidth of >15MHz through the BNC connectors. AC amplitudes of +-5V and

DC offsets of +-5V are supported.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output channels are shared, the Waveform

Generator instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Network Analyzer, or

Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog output (“Wavegen”) channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Waveform Generator instrument, please visit

the Using the Waveform Generator guide.


Standard waveforms: sine, triangle, sawtooth, noise, and many others

Advanced waveforms: Sweeps, AM, FM

User-defined arbitrary waveforms: defined within WaveForms software user interface or

using standard tools (e.g. Excel)

Power Supplies

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) has one programmable Digital Voltage

Supply, which can supply between 1.2V and 3.3V, through the Power Supplies

(“Supplies”) instrument. The Digital I/O Pulls are also configured through the Power

Supply instrument, where each digital I/O channel can be individually set to Up, Float or


For more information on using the programmable power supplies, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Power Supplies instrument, please visit the Using the

Power Supplies guide.


Programmable power supply (1.2V…3.3V)

Up to 300mA output current


The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250)'s analog inputs can be used with

WaveForms' Voltmeter instrument to act as a simple 4 channel voltmeter. DC voltages,

AC RMS voltages, and True RMS voltages can be viewed for each Scope channel.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Voltmeter

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Data Logger,

Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Voltmeter instrument, please visit the Using the

Voltmeter guide.


Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS

Data Logger

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Logger” instrument in order to capture large buffers of analog input data on the 4

Scope channels.

The Data Logger can capture buffers of data at update rates of up to 10 samples per

second. The maximum duration of a log is dependent on the update rate, but at the

extreme, can run for over a thousand hours.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Data Logger

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Voltmeter, Spectrum

Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Data Logger instrument, please visit the Using the Data

Logger guide.


Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS, with Averages, Minimums, and Maximums

Up to 24 hours of data logged at a 1Hz sample rate

Scriptable conversion functions

Logic Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms' “Logic”

instrument to act as a Logic Analyzer. When used this way, the 16 digital input/output

channels are configured to capture high/low logic states on connected pins at a sample

rate of up to 125 MS/s. These channels are capable of interfacing with 3.3V and 1.2V

logic signals, and when configured as inputs are tolerant of voltages of up to 5V.

Individual input/output channels can be grouped as buses and protocols. Protocol

groups can be used to view the decoded contents of packets of many common

communications protocols, including SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, and I2S.

Signal states, decoded bus values, and decoded protocols can be used to trigger a

Logic Analyzer capture. Protocol triggers include protocol-specific events, like start of

transmission, end of transmission, or packet contents matching a value.

Digital input/output channels used by the Logic Analyzer instrument can still be used by

other instruments using the same digital input/output channels.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Logic Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the Logic

Analyzer guide.


Multiple trigger options including pin change, bus pattern, and many others

Cross-triggering between Analog input channels, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, or

external trigger

Interpreter for SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, I2S, 1-Wire, parallel buses

Scripted custom protocols

Data file import/export using standard formats

Pattern Generator

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Patterns” instrument to generate logic signal sequences on the digital input/output pins.

Each channel can be configured to be push/pull, open drain, open source, or three-state

logic and set to generate Clock, pulse, random or custom patterns.

Digital input/output channels used by the Pattern Generator instrument can still be used

by other instruments using the same digital input/output channels, however, other

instruments can only use these shared channels as inputs.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Pattern Generator instrument, please visit the Using the Pattern

Generator guide.


Customized visualization for signals and buses

User defined patterns: Truth-table based ROM logic

Data file import/export using standard formats

Static I/O

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms' Static

I/O instrument to emulate a variety of user input/output devices on the digital

input/output pins. Virtual LEDs, buttons, switches, sliders, and displays can be assigned

to specific digital I/O pins, and interacted with within the WaveForms user interface.

Important Note: To prevent damage to the device, care must be taken not to drive

input signals to the digital input/output channels over 5V.

Digital input/output channels used by the Static I/O instrument can still be used by other

instruments using the same digital input/output channels, however, other instruments

can only use these shared channels as inputs.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Static I/O instrument, please visit the Using the Static I/O guide.


Virtual I/O devices (LEDs, buttons, switches & displays)

Customized visualization options available

Spectrum Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Spectrum” instrument to view the power of frequency-domain components of analog

signals captured on the analog input channels.

Signals with minimum/maximum frequencies between 0 Hz and 50Mhz can be plotted in

units of peak voltage, RMS voltage, and various voltage level ratio units.

Since the Spectrum Analyzer instrument uses the same hardware resources as the

Oscilloscope, Network Analyzer, and Impedance Analyzer instruments, it cannot be

used at the same time as these other instruments.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Oscilloscope

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Voltmeter, Data

Logger, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input channels, please visit the Analog Discovery

Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different features of

WaveForms' Spectrum Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the Spectrum

Analyzer guide.


Power spectrum algorithms: FFT, CZT

Frequency range modes: center/span, start/stop

Frequency scales: linear, logarithmic

Vertical axis options: voltage-peak, voltage-RMS, dBV, and dBu

Windowing: options: rectangular, triangular, hamming, cosine, and many others

Cursors and automatic measurements: noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD and many others

Data file import/export using standard formats

Network Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Network” instrument to view the amplitude and phase response of a circuit under test.

Nichols and Nyquist plots can also be viewed with this instrument.

Frequency sweeps can be performed in ranges between 1 mHz and 10 MHz with up to

10k samples per decade. The wave used for the sweep can be customized, and uses

the same resources as the Waveform Generator instrument.

The Network Analyzer instrument uses the analog output and analog input channels of

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) to probe a test circuit. The Network

Analyzer can be configured to use an external signal to provide input to the circuit under

test, rather than using the analog output channels.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input and output channels are shared, the

Network Analyzer instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope,

Waveform Generator, Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum Analyzer, or Impedance

Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog output and analog input channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Network Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using

the Network Analyzer guide.


Available diagrams: Bode, Nichols, Nyquist, and FFTs

Settable input amplitude and offset

Analog input records response at each frequency

Impedance Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Impedance” instrument to view a wide variety of frequency response characteristics of

a circuit under test. Input, Phase, Voltage, Current, Impedance, Admittance, Inductance,

Factor, and Nyquist plots are all available. In addition, Custom plots can be used to

present the results of a wide variety of different mathematical operations on buffered


Frequency sweeps can be performed with in ranges between 100 uHz and 25 MHz,

with as many as 10k samples per decade. The signal used to perform the sweep can be

selected from a variety of preset, with configurable amplitude and offset. An external

network analyzer reference circuit can be selected from a variety of options.

The Impedance Analyzer instrument uses the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output

channels and analog input channels to probe a test circuit.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input and output channels are shared, the

Impedance Analyzer instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope,

Waveform Generator, Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum Analyzer, or Network Analyzer


For more information on the analog output and analog input channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Impedance Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using

the Impedance Analyzer guide.


Chart views for Voltage, Current, Impedance, Admittance, Capacitance, and others

Alternative simple Meter view

Selectable external compensation circuit

Data file export using standard formats

Protocol Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Protocol” instrument to work with common communications protocols. UART, SPI, I2C,

and CAN transactions can be received, transmitted, and/or spied upon by the Analog

Discovery Pro using any of the 16 digital input/output channels at a sample rate of

100 MS/s. AVR microcontrollers can be programmed through the instrument as well.

Custom scripts can be written within the Protocol Analyzer instrument to generate

sequences of SPI or I2C transactions.

Since it uses the same hardware resources as the Logic Analyzer and Pattern

Generator instruments, the Protocol Analyzer cannot be used at the same time as these


For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Protocol Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the

Protocol Analyzer guide.


Supports UART, SPI, I2C, and CAN protocols

Program AVR microcontrollers

Scriptable transaction sequences for SPI and I2C

Configurable data rates, modes, and others

Send/receive directly from/to data files

WaveForms Script Editor

Each of WaveForms' instruments can be controlled through scripts within the

WaveForms application itself. WaveForms' “Script” instrument allows the user to write

and run JavaScript code that can control the rest of the application through an

extensive API. This allows the user to configure and run many instruments at the same

time, in an easily repeatable way.

A variety of code examples are available in the application to aid in learning to write

WaveForms scripts. Additional resources for writing scripts can be found on the Scopes

and Instruments section of the Digilent Forum.

A plot pane within the Script instrument itself can be used to integrate data from many

different instruments, and display it in a highly customizable way.

For a walkthrough of the different features of WaveForms' Script instrument, please visit

the Using Scripts guide.


Available within the WaveForms application

Simultaneous control of all instruments through JavaScript

Automatable GUI actions

Custom data analysis and manipulation functions

Operation Modes

The Analog Discovery Pro has multiple modes to provide alternative ways to interact

with and use the instrumentation device.

Standard mode allows for communication over USB or Ethernet. Standard mode

provides slightly a faster transfer rates than Linux mode.

Linux mode, accessible through a serial terminal, provides standalone operation of the

ADP3450/ADP3250 and allows the use of the four USB host ports on the back panel of

the Analog Discovery Pro. Linux mode supports communication between the device and

the host computer over USB, Ethernet, and Wifi and also allows for internet access.

In Linux mode, the 4 USB ports on the back of the device are enabled and can be used

to connect different peripherals including WiFi dongles. Any of the USB host ports can

host a flash drive that contains a new or updated Linux image. Instructions on updating

to the latest Digilent provided images can be found here.

Supported WiFi dongles can also be used in Linux mode. The supported WiFi chipsets

are listed in the ADP3450/ADP3250 Specifications.

WaveForms Software Development Kit (SDK)

WaveForms SDK is a set of software libraries and examples that can be used to

develop custom applications that can control Digilent Test and Measurement devices.

Supported languages include C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Python. Third-party toolkits

are available for LabVIEW and MATLAB. Instructions for using WaveForms with

LabVIEW are available through our guide Getting Started with LabVIEW and a Test and

Measurement Device. More information about WaveForms SDK can be found through

the WaveForms SDK Resource Center.


Downloaded via the WaveForms installer, used independently of the WaveForms


Languages supported: C/C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, Visual Basic

Provides control of hardware channels and virtual instruments to custom applications



Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250)

Reference Manual


The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms’

Oscilloscope instrument to capture analog data via the 4 analog input (“Scope”)

channels using BNC probes.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro’s analog input channels are shared, the Oscilloscope

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum

Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Oscilloscope instrument, please visit the Using the

Oscilloscope guide.


Triggering: edge, pulse, transition, hysteresis, and many others

Cross-triggering with Logic Analyzer, Waveform Generator, Pattern Generator, or

external trigger

Sampling modes: average, decimate, min/max

Mixed signal visualization (analog and digital signals share same view pane)

Real-time views: FFTs, XY plots, histograms, spectrograms, and others

Multiple math channels with complex functions

Cursors with advanced data measurements

Captured data files can be exported in standard formats

Scope configurations can be saved, exported, and imported

Important Note: Grounding Circuitry

Waveform Generator

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

Waveform Generator instrument to output analog voltage waves via BNC cables. The

Waveform Generator converts 14-bit digital samples to analog at a rate of up to

100 MS/s on each of the two channels. When the Waveform Generator instrument is

used, the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output channels act as an Arbitrary Waveform

Generator. The instrument supports everything from simple waveforms like Sine and

Triangle waves, up to more complicated functions like AM and FM modulation. Custom

sets of samples can be defined by the user in applications like Excel and imported to


Each waveform generator channel is considered a single ended pin, however, a

connected circuit must share a ground with the Analog Discovery Pro. Each channel

has a bandwidth of >15MHz through the BNC connectors. AC amplitudes of +-5V and

DC offsets of +-5V are supported.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output channels are shared, the Waveform

Generator instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Network Analyzer, or

Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog output (“Wavegen”) channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Waveform Generator instrument, please visit

the Using the Waveform Generator guide.


Standard waveforms: sine, triangle, sawtooth, noise, and many others

Advanced waveforms: Sweeps, AM, FM

User-defined arbitrary waveforms: defined within WaveForms software user interface or

using standard tools (e.g. Excel)

Power Supplies

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) has one programmable Digital Voltage

Supply, which can supply between 1.2V and 3.3V, through the Power Supplies

(“Supplies”) instrument. The Digital I/O Pulls are also configured through the Power

Supply instrument, where each digital I/O channel can be individually set to Up, Float or


For more information on using the programmable power supplies, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Power Supplies instrument, please visit the Using the

Power Supplies guide.


Programmable power supply (1.2V…3.3V)

Up to 300mA output current


The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250)'s analog inputs can be used with

WaveForms' Voltmeter instrument to act as a simple 4 channel voltmeter. DC voltages,

AC RMS voltages, and True RMS voltages can be viewed for each Scope channel.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Voltmeter

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Data Logger,

Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Voltmeter instrument, please visit the Using the

Voltmeter guide.


Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS

Data Logger

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Logger” instrument in order to capture large buffers of analog input data on the 4

Scope channels.

The Data Logger can capture buffers of data at update rates of up to 10 samples per

second. The maximum duration of a log is dependent on the update rate, but at the

extreme, can run for over a thousand hours.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Data Logger

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Voltmeter, Spectrum

Analyzer, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input (“Scope”) channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Data Logger instrument, please visit the Using the Data

Logger guide.


Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS, with Averages, Minimums, and Maximums

Up to 24 hours of data logged at a 1Hz sample rate

Scriptable conversion functions

Logic Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms' “Logic”

instrument to act as a Logic Analyzer. When used this way, the 16 digital input/output

channels are configured to capture high/low logic states on connected pins at a sample

rate of up to 125 MS/s. These channels are capable of interfacing with 3.3V and 1.2V

logic signals, and when configured as inputs are tolerant of voltages of up to 5V.

Individual input/output channels can be grouped as buses and protocols. Protocol

groups can be used to view the decoded contents of packets of many common

communications protocols, including SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, and I2S.

Signal states, decoded bus values, and decoded protocols can be used to trigger a

Logic Analyzer capture. Protocol triggers include protocol-specific events, like start of

transmission, end of transmission, or packet contents matching a value.

Digital input/output channels used by the Logic Analyzer instrument can still be used by

other instruments using the same digital input/output channels.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Logic Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the Logic

Analyzer guide.


Multiple trigger options including pin change, bus pattern, and many others

Cross-triggering between Analog input channels, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, or

external trigger

Interpreter for SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, I2S, 1-Wire, parallel buses

Scripted custom protocols

Data file import/export using standard formats

Pattern Generator

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Patterns” instrument to generate logic signal sequences on the digital input/output pins.

Each channel can be configured to be push/pull, open drain, open source, or three-state

logic and set to generate Clock, pulse, random or custom patterns.

Digital input/output channels used by the Pattern Generator instrument can still be used

by other instruments using the same digital input/output channels, however, other

instruments can only use these shared channels as inputs.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Pattern Generator instrument, please visit the Using the Pattern

Generator guide.


Customized visualization for signals and buses

User defined patterns: Truth-table based ROM logic

Data file import/export using standard formats

Static I/O

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms' Static

I/O instrument to emulate a variety of user input/output devices on the digital

input/output pins. Virtual LEDs, buttons, switches, sliders, and displays can be assigned

to specific digital I/O pins, and interacted with within the WaveForms user interface.

Important Note: To prevent damage to the device, care must be taken not to drive

input signals to the digital input/output channels over 5V.

Digital input/output channels used by the Static I/O instrument can still be used by other

instruments using the same digital input/output channels, however, other instruments

can only use these shared channels as inputs.

For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Static I/O instrument, please visit the Using the Static I/O guide.


Virtual I/O devices (LEDs, buttons, switches & displays)

Customized visualization options available

Spectrum Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Spectrum” instrument to view the power of frequency-domain components of analog

signals captured on the analog input channels.

Signals with minimum/maximum frequencies between 0 Hz and 50Mhz can be plotted in

units of peak voltage, RMS voltage, and various voltage level ratio units.

Since the Spectrum Analyzer instrument uses the same hardware resources as the

Oscilloscope, Network Analyzer, and Impedance Analyzer instruments, it cannot be

used at the same time as these other instruments.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input channels are shared, the Oscilloscope

instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope, Voltmeter, Data

Logger, Network Analyzer, or Impedance Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog input channels, please visit the Analog Discovery

Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different features of

WaveForms' Spectrum Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the Spectrum

Analyzer guide.


Power spectrum algorithms: FFT, CZT

Frequency range modes: center/span, start/stop

Frequency scales: linear, logarithmic

Vertical axis options: voltage-peak, voltage-RMS, dBV, and dBu

Windowing: options: rectangular, triangular, hamming, cosine, and many others

Cursors and automatic measurements: noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD and many others

Data file import/export using standard formats

Network Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Network” instrument to view the amplitude and phase response of a circuit under test.

Nichols and Nyquist plots can also be viewed with this instrument.

Frequency sweeps can be performed in ranges between 1 mHz and 10 MHz with up to

10k samples per decade. The wave used for the sweep can be customized, and uses

the same resources as the Waveform Generator instrument.

The Network Analyzer instrument uses the analog output and analog input channels of

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) to probe a test circuit. The Network

Analyzer can be configured to use an external signal to provide input to the circuit under

test, rather than using the analog output channels.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input and output channels are shared, the

Network Analyzer instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope,

Waveform Generator, Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum Analyzer, or Impedance

Analyzer instruments.

For more information on the analog output and analog input channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Network Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using

the Network Analyzer guide.


Available diagrams: Bode, Nichols, Nyquist, and FFTs

Settable input amplitude and offset

Analog input records response at each frequency

Impedance Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Impedance” instrument to view a wide variety of frequency response characteristics of

a circuit under test. Input, Phase, Voltage, Current, Impedance, Admittance, Inductance,

Factor, and Nyquist plots are all available. In addition, Custom plots can be used to

present the results of a wide variety of different mathematical operations on buffered


Frequency sweeps can be performed with in ranges between 100 uHz and 25 MHz,

with as many as 10k samples per decade. The signal used to perform the sweep can be

selected from a variety of preset, with configurable amplitude and offset. An external

network analyzer reference circuit can be selected from a variety of options.

The Impedance Analyzer instrument uses the Analog Discovery Pro's analog output

channels and analog input channels to probe a test circuit.

Since the Analog Discovery Pro's analog input and output channels are shared, the

Impedance Analyzer instrument cannot be used at the same time as the Oscilloscope,

Waveform Generator, Voltmeter, Data Logger, Spectrum Analyzer, or Network Analyzer


For more information on the analog output and analog input channels, please visit

the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the

different features of WaveForms' Impedance Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using

the Impedance Analyzer guide.


Chart views for Voltage, Current, Impedance, Admittance, Capacitance, and others

Alternative simple Meter view

Selectable external compensation circuit

Data file export using standard formats

Protocol Analyzer

The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) can be used with WaveForms'

“Protocol” instrument to work with common communications protocols. UART, SPI, I2C,

and CAN transactions can be received, transmitted, and/or spied upon by the Analog

Discovery Pro using any of the 16 digital input/output channels at a sample rate of

100 MS/s. AVR microcontrollers can be programmed through the instrument as well.

Custom scripts can be written within the Protocol Analyzer instrument to generate

sequences of SPI or I2C transactions.

Since it uses the same hardware resources as the Logic Analyzer and Pattern

Generator instruments, the Protocol Analyzer cannot be used at the same time as these


For more information on the digital input/output channels, please visit the Analog

Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250) Specifications. For a walkthrough of the different

features of WaveForms' Protocol Analyzer instrument, please visit the Using the

Protocol Analyzer guide.


Supports UART, SPI, I2C, and CAN protocols

Program AVR microcontrollers

Scriptable transaction sequences for SPI and I2C

Configurable data rates, modes, and others

Send/receive directly from/to data files

WaveForms Script Editor

Each of WaveForms' instruments can be controlled through scripts within the

WaveForms application itself. WaveForms' “Script” instrument allows the user to write

and run JavaScript code that can control the rest of the application through an

extensive API. This allows the user to configure and run many instruments at the same

time, in an easily repeatable way.

A variety of code examples are available in the application to aid in learning to write

WaveForms scripts. Additional resources for writing scripts can be found on the Scopes

and Instruments section of the Digilent Forum.

A plot pane within the Script instrument itself can be used to integrate data from many

different instruments, and display it in a highly customizable way.

For a walkthrough of the different features of WaveForms' Script instrument, please visit

the Using Scripts guide.


Available within the WaveForms application

Simultaneous control of all instruments through JavaScript

Automatable GUI actions

Custom data analysis and manipulation functions

Operation Modes

The Analog Discovery Pro has multiple modes to provide alternative ways to interact

with and use the instrumentation device.

Standard mode allows for communication over USB or Ethernet. Standard mode

provides slightly a faster transfer rates than Linux mode.

Linux mode, accessible through a serial terminal, provides standalone operation of the

ADP3450/ADP3250 and allows the use of the four USB host ports on the back panel of

the Analog Discovery Pro. Linux mode supports communication between the device and

the host computer over USB, Ethernet, and Wifi and also allows for internet access.

In Linux mode, the 4 USB ports on the back of the device are enabled and can be used

to connect different peripherals including WiFi dongles. Any of the USB host ports can

host a flash drive that contains a new or updated Linux image. Instructions on updating

to the latest Digilent provided images can be found here.

Supported WiFi dongles can also be used in Linux mode. The supported WiFi chipsets

are listed in the ADP3450/ADP3250 Specifications.

WaveForms Software Development Kit (SDK)

WaveForms SDK is a set of software libraries and examples that can be used to

develop custom applications that can control Digilent Test and Measurement devices.

Supported languages include C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Python. Third-party toolkits

are available for LabVIEW and MATLAB. Instructions for using WaveForms with

LabVIEW are available through our guide Getting Started with LabVIEW and a Test and

Measurement Device. More information about WaveForms SDK can be found through

the WaveForms SDK Resource Center.


Downloaded via the WaveForms installer, used independently of the WaveForms


Languages supported: C/C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, Visual Basic

Provides control of hardware channels and virtual instruments to custom applications



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