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Unit 1

1. 远古时代,四根擎天大柱倾倒,九州大地裂毁,天不能覆盖整个大地,大地也无法承载万



洪水。女娲的丰功伟绩,造福上天和大地,名声流传后世。(145 words)

Unit 1

1.【译文】In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions

split open. The sky could not cover the whole earth, nor could the earth carry all the things on it. A

great fire raged and would not die out; a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked.

Savage beasts devoured innocent people. Then Nuwa melted rocks of five colors to mend the

cracks in the sky. She supported the four corners of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a

giant turtle. She killed the black dragon to save the people and blocked the flood with the ashes of

reeds. Nuwa’s deeds benefited the heavens above and the Earth below. Her name was remembered

by later generations. (129 words)

2. 根据传说,伏羲生于中国西部,出生之前在其母腹中孕育了12年。伏羲教会了人类打猎、


创立了八卦(Eight Trigrams),这些八卦成为数学、医学、占卜学(divination) 和风水(geomancy)


统治者。(149 words)

2.【译文】According to legend, Fuxi was born in the west part of China. He was carried in his

mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, tame animals

and breed their fowls. He also taught people how to split wood, kindle/light a fire and cook food.

He devised the Eight Trigrams, which was based upon markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams

served as the basis for later development of mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy.

Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and he was considered as

the first real ruler.(101 words)

Unit 2

1. 儒家思想基本上是一个人文体系,注重人和社会结构,而道家则提倡自然,与道和谐共处。


理念早已存在。儒家和道家思想在中国并存了2000多年, 他们作为精神向导引领中国经历

了漫长历史上的高峰和低谷。两者后来都被赋予了宗教色彩。(144 words)

2. Unit 2

1. 【译文】Confucianism is basically a humanistic system focusing on human beings and the social

structure, while Taoism advocates being natural and living in harmony with the Tao. Regardless of

the disagreements between Lao-tzu and Confucius, Taoism and Confucianism share common

beliefs about man, society, and the universe, although these notions were around long before either

philosophy. Confucianism and Taoism have existed simultaneously in China for well over 2,000

years, serving as spiritual guides and leading China through the peaks and valleys of its vast

history. Both later took on religious overtones. (90 words)

2. 中国哲学有着几千年的历史,其起源可以追溯到《易经》,其中涉及到一些最重要的中国



天地之间的位置,以及对差异(differentiation)和变化的阐释。(141 words)2.

【译文】Chinese philosophy has a history of several thousand years; its origins are often traced

back to the I Ching (the Book of Changes), which introduced some of the most fundamental terms

of Chinese philosophy. The central focus of Chinese philosophy throughout the ages has been a

practical concern with man and society, how to live an ideal life, and how best to organize society.

Another characteristic of Chinese philosophy has been reflections on nature and the self, which

has resulted in the development of themes like unity between man and Heaven, the place of man

in the cosmic (宇宙的) order, and the explanations of differentiation(差异)and change. (115


Unit 3






One of the excellent literature heritages of ancient China is the Tang poetry. Poetry during that

period contains a wide range of themes. Some reflect the social situations and conflicts at that time

and reveal the darkness of feudal society; some sing the praises of just wars and express patriotic

thought; some depict the beauty of the homeland. The form and style of Tang poetry are colorful

and creative. The creation and maturation of the Tang poetry pushes the artistic features of ancient

verse up to an unprecedented level, which is still favored by people today. (96 words)


2. 《红楼梦》(A Dream of the Red Mansions)是中国文学“四大名著”之一。它写于18世




语言, 可见该书经久不衰的魅力。(149 words)

2.【译文】A Dream of the Red Mansions is one of the “Four Great Classical Novels” of Chinese

literature. It was written in the middle of the 18


century and considered as a masterpiece of

Chinese literature as well as the peak of Chinese fiction. It is remarkable for not only its plot and

characterization(角色塑造), but also its precise and detailed description of the life and social

structures of that time. For centuries, a huge number of words and expressions from the novel

have already been incorporated into the daily language of Chinese people, which demonstrates the

ever-lasting charm of the book. (107 words)



Unit 1

1. 远古时代,四根擎天大柱倾倒,九州大地裂毁,天不能覆盖整个大地,大地也无法承载万



洪水。女娲的丰功伟绩,造福上天和大地,名声流传后世。(145 words)

Unit 1

1.【译文】In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions

split open. The sky could not cover the whole earth, nor could the earth carry all the things on it. A

great fire raged and would not die out; a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked.

Savage beasts devoured innocent people. Then Nuwa melted rocks of five colors to mend the

cracks in the sky. She supported the four corners of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a

giant turtle. She killed the black dragon to save the people and blocked the flood with the ashes of

reeds. Nuwa’s deeds benefited the heavens above and the Earth below. Her name was remembered

by later generations. (129 words)

2. 根据传说,伏羲生于中国西部,出生之前在其母腹中孕育了12年。伏羲教会了人类打猎、


创立了八卦(Eight Trigrams),这些八卦成为数学、医学、占卜学(divination) 和风水(geomancy)


统治者。(149 words)

2.【译文】According to legend, Fuxi was born in the west part of China. He was carried in his

mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, tame animals

and breed their fowls. He also taught people how to split wood, kindle/light a fire and cook food.

He devised the Eight Trigrams, which was based upon markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams

served as the basis for later development of mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy.

Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and he was considered as

the first real ruler.(101 words)

Unit 2

1. 儒家思想基本上是一个人文体系,注重人和社会结构,而道家则提倡自然,与道和谐共处。


理念早已存在。儒家和道家思想在中国并存了2000多年, 他们作为精神向导引领中国经历

了漫长历史上的高峰和低谷。两者后来都被赋予了宗教色彩。(144 words)

2. Unit 2

1. 【译文】Confucianism is basically a humanistic system focusing on human beings and the social

structure, while Taoism advocates being natural and living in harmony with the Tao. Regardless of

the disagreements between Lao-tzu and Confucius, Taoism and Confucianism share common

beliefs about man, society, and the universe, although these notions were around long before either

philosophy. Confucianism and Taoism have existed simultaneously in China for well over 2,000

years, serving as spiritual guides and leading China through the peaks and valleys of its vast

history. Both later took on religious overtones. (90 words)

2. 中国哲学有着几千年的历史,其起源可以追溯到《易经》,其中涉及到一些最重要的中国



天地之间的位置,以及对差异(differentiation)和变化的阐释。(141 words)2.

【译文】Chinese philosophy has a history of several thousand years; its origins are often traced

back to the I Ching (the Book of Changes), which introduced some of the most fundamental terms

of Chinese philosophy. The central focus of Chinese philosophy throughout the ages has been a

practical concern with man and society, how to live an ideal life, and how best to organize society.

Another characteristic of Chinese philosophy has been reflections on nature and the self, which

has resulted in the development of themes like unity between man and Heaven, the place of man

in the cosmic (宇宙的) order, and the explanations of differentiation(差异)and change. (115


Unit 3






One of the excellent literature heritages of ancient China is the Tang poetry. Poetry during that

period contains a wide range of themes. Some reflect the social situations and conflicts at that time

and reveal the darkness of feudal society; some sing the praises of just wars and express patriotic

thought; some depict the beauty of the homeland. The form and style of Tang poetry are colorful

and creative. The creation and maturation of the Tang poetry pushes the artistic features of ancient

verse up to an unprecedented level, which is still favored by people today. (96 words)


2. 《红楼梦》(A Dream of the Red Mansions)是中国文学“四大名著”之一。它写于18世




语言, 可见该书经久不衰的魅力。(149 words)

2.【译文】A Dream of the Red Mansions is one of the “Four Great Classical Novels” of Chinese

literature. It was written in the middle of the 18


century and considered as a masterpiece of

Chinese literature as well as the peak of Chinese fiction. It is remarkable for not only its plot and

characterization(角色塑造), but also its precise and detailed description of the life and social

structures of that time. For centuries, a huge number of words and expressions from the novel

have already been incorporated into the daily language of Chinese people, which demonstrates the

ever-lasting charm of the book. (107 words)


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