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My Super Cool Mountain Climbing Adventure!

Hi everyone! I'm going to tell you all about the awesome

mountain climbing trip I went on last summer. It was the coolest

thing I've ever done!

It all started when my Mom and Dad said we were going to

go on a big hiking trip up a real mountain. I was like "A mountain?

Those huge rocky things?" I had never been mountain climbing

before. I had been on little hikes in the woods near our house,

but nothing like an actual mountain!

My parents said we would be climbing Mount Killington in

Vermont. It's a pretty tall mountain at almost 4,000 feet high.

That's over half a mile straight up into the sky! I could barely

even imagine how huge that would look. We had to get all sorts

of special gear to get ready too.

We got hiking boots for me that had good traction on the

soles so I wouldn't slip on any rocks. I also got a lightweight

backpack to carry snacks, water, and supplies. Mom and Dad

bought technical hiking clothes made out of special fabrics that

breathe really well and keep you dry even if you sweat a lot. They

looked pretty silly but I guess that's important stuff for a big


A couple days before the trip, we drove up to Vermont. It's

such a pretty state with rolling green hills and lots of trees and

rivers. When we got to the town at the base of Mount Killington,

I could see it looming up into the sky through the clouds. I had

never seen a mountain that massive in person before. It looked

incredibly steep and rugged, with huge rocky cliffs along the

sides. I started to feel a little nervous!

The next morning, we got up bright and early, ate a big

breakfast, and headed to the hiking trail. Right away, the path

started going uphill at a really steep angle. I was having to work

hard after just a few minutes! My legs were burning but I kept

chugging along, stopping to drink water and catch my breath

when I needed to.

As we climbed higher, the trees started getting shorter and

scragglier looking. The path switched from a dirt trail to rocks

and boulders we had to scramble over. Occasionally we would

go around a bend and get an amazing view looking out over the





My Super Cool Mountain Climbing Adventure!

Hi everyone! I'm going to tell you all about the awesome

mountain climbing trip I went on last summer. It was the coolest

thing I've ever done!

It all started when my Mom and Dad said we were going to

go on a big hiking trip up a real mountain. I was like "A mountain?

Those huge rocky things?" I had never been mountain climbing

before. I had been on little hikes in the woods near our house,

but nothing like an actual mountain!

My parents said we would be climbing Mount Killington in

Vermont. It's a pretty tall mountain at almost 4,000 feet high.

That's over half a mile straight up into the sky! I could barely

even imagine how huge that would look. We had to get all sorts

of special gear to get ready too.

We got hiking boots for me that had good traction on the

soles so I wouldn't slip on any rocks. I also got a lightweight

backpack to carry snacks, water, and supplies. Mom and Dad

bought technical hiking clothes made out of special fabrics that

breathe really well and keep you dry even if you sweat a lot. They

looked pretty silly but I guess that's important stuff for a big


A couple days before the trip, we drove up to Vermont. It's

such a pretty state with rolling green hills and lots of trees and

rivers. When we got to the town at the base of Mount Killington,

I could see it looming up into the sky through the clouds. I had

never seen a mountain that massive in person before. It looked

incredibly steep and rugged, with huge rocky cliffs along the

sides. I started to feel a little nervous!

The next morning, we got up bright and early, ate a big

breakfast, and headed to the hiking trail. Right away, the path

started going uphill at a really steep angle. I was having to work

hard after just a few minutes! My legs were burning but I kept

chugging along, stopping to drink water and catch my breath

when I needed to.

As we climbed higher, the trees started getting shorter and

scragglier looking. The path switched from a dirt trail to rocks

and boulders we had to scramble over. Occasionally we would

go around a bend and get an amazing view looking out over the


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