Table l-l. HP
kHz* to 22
kH.z* to 26.5
GHz to 6.46 l-
5.86 GHz 2-
12.4 GHz
19.1 GHz
GHz to 26.5
External Mixing 18
External Mixing Bands
Frequency Baud Frequency Range Harmonic Mixiug
Mode (N**)
K 18.0 to 26.5
33.0 to 50.0
V 50.0 to 75.0
F 90.0 to 140.0
G 140.0 to 220.0
J 220.0 to 325.0
;TOP or MARKER frequency)
Frequency Count Marker
Frequency Count Marker
Frequency Count Marker
for signal-to-noise ratio
<*(delta frequency x frequency reference accuracy*** + 100
dB) Hz
N** + 2 LSD)
Selectable from 10 Hz to 1 MHz
‘1 GHz for HP
‘*N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired
1st IF frequency (3.9107 for the 9 kHz* to 2.9
)ther bands).
‘**Frequency reference accuracy for Option 003 = (aging rate x period of time since + initial
Table 1-1. HP
10F6 per year
Frequency Reference Accuracy
Option 003 only
Temperature Stability
Residual FM (zero span)
Spectral Purity/Noise Sidebands
kHz offset
<(-86 + 20 log N*) dBc/Hz
10s7 per year
lo-“,-10 to
+25’ C
<50 Hz
N* peak-to-peak in 100 ms
External Mixing
Accuracy (spans
GHz (Option
GHz) over the lo-division CRT horizontal axis,
variable in approximately 1% increments, or in a 1, 2, 5
Minimum span kHz
100 Hz to 1 MHz (selectable in a 1, 3, 10 sequence) and
2 MHz***
1 and 2 MHz*** RES BW
100 Hz RES BW <15:1 (60 4-pole filters *N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired 1st IF frequency (3.9107 kHz to 2.9 kHz for analyzers with serial prefix 2805A and above, and for HP 2809A and above. Introduction 1-9 Table l-l. HP dBm input signals HP <-70 dBc 8562B dBc <-75 2.75 Option 026: 2.75 GHz GHz GHz hnage, Multiple, and Out-of-Band Responses Frequency Range 10 MHz to 18 GHz Option 026: 10 MHz to 26.5 8562A <-70 dBc HP kHz to 6.46 dB input attenuation <-90 dB) at the top graticule line 10 dB/DIV for 90 dB display expanded from reference level** 2 dB/DIV for 20 dB display expanded from reference level** LINEAR Reference Level Range LOG, adjustable in 0.1 GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz Option 026: GHz Range -120 +30 dBm to dBm -115 +30 dBm to dBm -100 +30 10% of reference level per div. when calibrated in voltage 2.75 5.86 12.4 19.1 19.1 kHz to 2.9 230 ms (digital display mode). 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix l-1 1 AMPLITUDE ACCURACY/DISPLAY RANGE (continued) Reference Level Range GHz GHz to 6.46 5.86 GHz GHz to 19.7 2.2 pv to 7.07 v 4.0 /LV to 7.07 V 19.1 GHz22.0 3ption 026: 19.1 GHz AMPLITUDE ACCURACY/REF nrith 10 HP GHz 2.9 GHz 6.46 GHz 13.0 GHz 19.7 GHz GHz CAL GHz 9 kHz* to 6.46 GHz 9 kHz* to 19.7 GHz Option 026: 9 kHz* to 26.5 HP <+l.O ,wo bands. Xibrator Uncertainty -10 hput Attenuator Switching 1 Uncertainty dB settings, referenced dB input attenuation Frequency Range 9 kHz* to 2.9 1 ‘From 1 kHz, for HP Introduction 8562B 8562B dB max. l-12 Table l-l. HP dBm to -80 dB input attenuation Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty kHz RES BW IF Alignment Uncertainty uncertainty when using 100 Hz and 300 Hz RES BW 100 Hz RES BW 300 Hz RES BW Pulse Digitization Uncertainty Pulse response mode, <1.25 51 MHz dB peak-to-peak for RES BW of 2 MHz* Linear 51 MHz Log Linear dB/4 f1.5 dB range = 0 Span = 0 22.5 kHz** x N*** 50 <30 ms (analog display) 30 ms to 60 50 ms to 100 5 sweep time Sweep time Sweep Trigger Free Run, Single, Line, Video, External 2805A and*The 2 MHz RES BW is specified only for HP above, and HP 2809A and above. **Minimum span is 10 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix 1st LO harmonic is always higher than the tuned frequency by the GHz for the 9 GHz band, and 310.7 MH Z for all other bands). Introduction 1-13 Table l-l. HP dBm dBm reference level, 30 dB AHl, Cl, 7550A CAL OUTPUT Connector Frequency Amplitude L4, LEO, 7225A, HP RLl, DCl, DTO, 7470A, HP -10 f(300 Hz x frequency reference accuracy*) f0.3 +16.5 f2.0 (2O’C to f(10 MHz x frequency reference accuracy*) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Calibration Interval Warmup Time Temperature +55OC +85’C 95% at Military Specification per = (aging rate x period of time since + initial achievable accuracy + temperature stability). **Two hours for conditions of internal condensation, 30 minutes to meet frequency response specifications without preselector peaking. If operating outside the 30°C ambient temperature range, preselector peaking is required to meet frequency response specifications. All specifications are valid within the first 20 minutes of operation if Cal adjustment is performed first. 1-14 Introduction Table l-l. HP MIL-STD-461B, Part 4, with the exceptions shown below: Conducted Emissions CEO3 (Narrowband) Conducted Susceptibility cso2 Radiated Emissions RE02 Radiated Susceptibility RS02 Full limits Full limits dB relaxation of 30 kHz to 50 GHz Full limits Exceptioned Limited to 1 V/m from 14 GHz, with 20 dB relaxation at IF frequencies for Option 001 instruments) kHz to 15 dB relaxation from 15 kHz 8562B POWER REQUIREMENTS 115 VAC Operation Voltage Current Frequency 230 VAC Operation Volt age Current Frequency Maximum Power Dissipation 90 to 140 V rms 3.2 A rms max 47 to 440 Hz 180 to 250 V rms 1.8 A rms max 47 to 66 Hz 180 watts Introduction Table l-l. HP 8562A HP 20 kg (44 lbs) Table 1-2. HP VOTE: These are not specifications. Characteristics provide useful, but non- nformation about instrument performance. FREQUENCY Frequency Reference Accuracy Aging +55OC) lO+/year 1o-6 1o-6 ! 1 Frequency Reference Accuracy Option 003 only 1 lo+ of final frequency 10-s of final frequency +55%) <&5 x 10-s (O’C to ( Iafter 7 day warmup) 1 t ;ational effects, temperature stability AMPLITUDE yominal Sensitivity 1 1 GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz Nominal Sensitivity -128 dBm -119 dBm -108 2.9 6.46 13.0 19.7 Option 026: 19.7 V/ m according to IEC 1 it the immunity test frequency of 310.7 MHz dBm. When the analyzer tuned iequency is identical to the immunity test signal frequency, there may be signals of dBm displayed on the screen. introduction Table 1-2. HP mformation about instrument performance. AMPLITUDE ACCURACY Band-to-Band Frequency ResponseBand-to-Band Frequency Response bands. Equivalent to to the sum of (3.7) - 25.26.5 7.0 (2:) (5.5) (6.8) (G) (6.0) 7.3 8.3 8.8 - 8.0 (6.0) 8562B) (Z) hput Attenuator Repeatability >720/sweeptime Standard DeviationdB SWEEP Sweep Time Accuracy (span DEMODULATION Spectrum Demodulation Modulation Type Audio Output Marker Pulse Time AM and FM Internal speaker and phone jack with volume control 100 ms to 60 s “Minimum span is 10 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix **N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired 1st IF frequency (3.9107 kHz to 2.9 Caution Any electrostatic discharge to the center pins of any of the connectors may cause damage to the associated circuitry (according to IEC I .nformation about instrument 52 L 1 [mpedance 7 VSWR (at tuned frequency) <1.5:1 for GHz and dB input attenuation >2.9 210 <3.0:1 for 0 1LO Emission Level 8562A <-70 [F INPUT Connector Type SMA female, front panel 50 ohms 310.7 MHz 7 dBm -30 8562B dBm I :Gain Compression and Full ! Screen Levels apply with . dB Conversion loss setting and 0 1 LST LO OUTPUT Connector 1Impedance 1 Frequency Range GHz to 6.8107 dBm -2 to dBm Introduction Table 1-2. HP R load) 0 to dB/V LO V/GHz OUTPUT BNC female, rear panel 2 kohms 0 to 0.5 Connector Impedance (DC coupled) LO SWP OUTPUT (no load) V/GHz OUTPUT (no load) during RETRACE mA max.) High TTL Level (source 0.5 +40 v EXT TRIG INPUT Connector Impedance Trigger Level PROBE POWER (front panel) Voltage BNC female, rear panel 10 kohms Rising edge of TTL Level mA max., each EARPHONE Connectormc m 2ND IF OUT (Option 001 only) ConnectorSMA female, rear panel 9 kHz* to 2.9 2.75 GHz GHz to 13.0 12.4 GHz GHz to 22.0 Option 026: 19.1 GHz kHz to 2.9 3dBBW >30 MHz >30 MHz >35 MHz Noise Figure 24 dB 33.6 dB 44.4 Conversion Gain dB -3.6 dB -9.9 dB 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix l-20 Introduction 2024年9月23日发(作者:裔念寒) Table l-l. HP kHz* to 22 kH.z* to 26.5 GHz GHz to 6.46 l- 5.86 GHz 2- 12.4 GHz 3- 19.1 GHz GHz to 26.5 4- External Mixing 18 GHz External Mixing Bands Frequency Baud Frequency Range Harmonic Mixiug Mode (N**) K 18.0 to 26.5 8- Q 33.0 to 50.0 lo- V 50.0 to 75.0 16- 18- F 90.0 to 140.0 30- G 140.0 to 220.0 44- J 220.0 to 325.0 ;TOP or MARKER frequency) HZ) Frequency Count Marker Frequency Count Marker Resolution Frequency Count Marker dB) for signal-to-noise ratio <*(delta frequency x frequency reference accuracy*** + 100 dB) Hz x N** + 2 LSD) Selectable from 10 Hz to 1 MHz ‘1 GHz for HP ‘*N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired 1st IF frequency (3.9107 for the 9 kHz* to 2.9 )ther bands). ‘**Frequency reference accuracy for Option 003 = (aging rate x period of time since + initial Table 1-1. HP 10F6 per year Frequency Reference Accuracy Option 003 only Aging Temperature Stability Settability Stability Residual FM (zero span) Spectral Purity/Noise Sidebands 10 kHz offset 100 <(-86 + 20 log N*) dBc/Hz 10s7 per year lo-“,-10 to +25’ C 10-s <50 Hz x N* peak-to-peak in 100 ms External Mixing Accuracy (spans Range GHz (Option GHz) over the lo-division CRT horizontal axis, variable in approximately 1% increments, or in a 1, 2, 5 sequence Minimum span kHz x N* kHz) dB) 100 Hz to 1 MHz (selectable in a 1, 3, 10 sequence) and 2 MHz*** Accuracy 1 and 2 MHz*** RES BW 100 Hz RES BW <15:1 (60 4-pole filters *N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired 1st IF frequency (3.9107 kHz to 2.9 kHz for analyzers with serial prefix 2805A and above, and for HP 2809A and above. Introduction 1-9 Table l-l. HP dBm input signals HP <-70 dBc 8562B dBc <-75 2.75 Option 026: 2.75 GHz GHz GHz hnage, Multiple, and Out-of-Band Responses Frequency Range 10 MHz to 18 GHz Option 026: 10 MHz to 26.5 8562A <-70 dBc HP kHz to 6.46 dB input attenuation <-90 dB) at the top graticule line 10 dB/DIV for 90 dB display expanded from reference level** 2 dB/DIV for 20 dB display expanded from reference level** LINEAR Reference Level Range LOG, adjustable in 0.1 GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz Option 026: GHz Range -120 +30 dBm to dBm -115 +30 dBm to dBm -100 +30 10% of reference level per div. when calibrated in voltage 2.75 5.86 12.4 19.1 19.1 kHz to 2.9 230 ms (digital display mode). 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix l-1 1 AMPLITUDE ACCURACY/DISPLAY RANGE (continued) Reference Level Range GHz GHz to 6.46 5.86 GHz GHz to 19.7 2.2 pv to 7.07 v 4.0 /LV to 7.07 V 19.1 GHz22.0 3ption 026: 19.1 GHz AMPLITUDE ACCURACY/REF nrith 10 HP GHz 2.9 GHz 6.46 GHz 13.0 GHz 19.7 GHz GHz CAL GHz 9 kHz* to 6.46 GHz 9 kHz* to 19.7 GHz Option 026: 9 kHz* to 26.5 HP <+l.O ,wo bands. Xibrator Uncertainty -10 hput Attenuator Switching 1 Uncertainty dB settings, referenced dB input attenuation Frequency Range 9 kHz* to 2.9 1 ‘From 1 kHz, for HP Introduction 8562B 8562B dB max. l-12 Table l-l. HP dBm to -80 dB input attenuation Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty kHz RES BW IF Alignment Uncertainty uncertainty when using 100 Hz and 300 Hz RES BW 100 Hz RES BW 300 Hz RES BW Pulse Digitization Uncertainty Pulse response mode, <1.25 51 MHz dB peak-to-peak for RES BW of 2 MHz* Linear 51 MHz Log Linear dB/4 f1.5 dB range = 0 Span = 0 22.5 kHz** x N*** 50 <30 ms (analog display) 30 ms to 60 50 ms to 100 5 sweep time Sweep time Sweep Trigger Free Run, Single, Line, Video, External 2805A and*The 2 MHz RES BW is specified only for HP above, and HP 2809A and above. **Minimum span is 10 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix 1st LO harmonic is always higher than the tuned frequency by the GHz for the 9 GHz band, and 310.7 MH Z for all other bands). Introduction 1-13 Table l-l. HP dBm dBm reference level, 30 dB AHl, Cl, 7550A CAL OUTPUT Connector Frequency Amplitude L4, LEO, 7225A, HP RLl, DCl, DTO, 7470A, HP -10 f(300 Hz x frequency reference accuracy*) f0.3 +16.5 f2.0 (2O’C to f(10 MHz x frequency reference accuracy*) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Calibration Interval Warmup Time Temperature +55OC +85’C 95% at Military Specification per = (aging rate x period of time since + initial achievable accuracy + temperature stability). **Two hours for conditions of internal condensation, 30 minutes to meet frequency response specifications without preselector peaking. If operating outside the 30°C ambient temperature range, preselector peaking is required to meet frequency response specifications. All specifications are valid within the first 20 minutes of operation if Cal adjustment is performed first. 1-14 Introduction Table l-l. HP MIL-STD-461B, Part 4, with the exceptions shown below: Conducted Emissions CEO3 (Narrowband) Conducted Susceptibility cso2 Radiated Emissions RE02 Radiated Susceptibility RS02 Full limits Full limits dB relaxation of 30 kHz to 50 GHz Full limits Exceptioned Limited to 1 V/m from 14 GHz, with 20 dB relaxation at IF frequencies for Option 001 instruments) kHz to 15 dB relaxation from 15 kHz 8562B POWER REQUIREMENTS 115 VAC Operation Voltage Current Frequency 230 VAC Operation Volt age Current Frequency Maximum Power Dissipation 90 to 140 V rms 3.2 A rms max 47 to 440 Hz 180 to 250 V rms 1.8 A rms max 47 to 66 Hz 180 watts Introduction Table l-l. HP 8562A HP 20 kg (44 lbs) Table 1-2. HP VOTE: These are not specifications. Characteristics provide useful, but non- nformation about instrument performance. FREQUENCY Frequency Reference Accuracy Aging +55OC) lO+/year 1o-6 1o-6 ! 1 Frequency Reference Accuracy Option 003 only 1 lo+ of final frequency 10-s of final frequency +55%) <&5 x 10-s (O’C to ( Iafter 7 day warmup) 1 t ;ational effects, temperature stability AMPLITUDE yominal Sensitivity 1 1 GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz Nominal Sensitivity -128 dBm -119 dBm -108 2.9 6.46 13.0 19.7 Option 026: 19.7 V/ m according to IEC 1 it the immunity test frequency of 310.7 MHz dBm. When the analyzer tuned iequency is identical to the immunity test signal frequency, there may be signals of dBm displayed on the screen. introduction Table 1-2. HP mformation about instrument performance. AMPLITUDE ACCURACY Band-to-Band Frequency ResponseBand-to-Band Frequency Response bands. Equivalent to to the sum of (3.7) - 25.26.5 7.0 (2:) (5.5) (6.8) (G) (6.0) 7.3 8.3 8.8 - 8.0 (6.0) 8562B) (Z) hput Attenuator Repeatability >720/sweeptime Standard DeviationdB SWEEP Sweep Time Accuracy (span DEMODULATION Spectrum Demodulation Modulation Type Audio Output Marker Pulse Time AM and FM Internal speaker and phone jack with volume control 100 ms to 60 s “Minimum span is 10 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix **N is the harmonic mixing mode. The desired 1st IF frequency (3.9107 kHz to 2.9 Caution Any electrostatic discharge to the center pins of any of the connectors may cause damage to the associated circuitry (according to IEC I .nformation about instrument 52 L 1 [mpedance 7 VSWR (at tuned frequency) <1.5:1 for GHz and dB input attenuation >2.9 210 <3.0:1 for 0 1LO Emission Level 8562A <-70 [F INPUT Connector Type SMA female, front panel 50 ohms 310.7 MHz 7 dBm -30 8562B dBm I :Gain Compression and Full ! Screen Levels apply with . dB Conversion loss setting and 0 1 LST LO OUTPUT Connector 1Impedance 1 Frequency Range GHz to 6.8107 dBm -2 to dBm Introduction Table 1-2. HP R load) 0 to dB/V LO V/GHz OUTPUT BNC female, rear panel 2 kohms 0 to 0.5 Connector Impedance (DC coupled) LO SWP OUTPUT (no load) V/GHz OUTPUT (no load) during RETRACE mA max.) High TTL Level (source 0.5 +40 v EXT TRIG INPUT Connector Impedance Trigger Level PROBE POWER (front panel) Voltage BNC female, rear panel 10 kohms Rising edge of TTL Level mA max., each EARPHONE Connectormc m 2ND IF OUT (Option 001 only) ConnectorSMA female, rear panel 9 kHz* to 2.9 2.75 GHz GHz to 13.0 12.4 GHz GHz to 22.0 Option 026: 19.1 GHz kHz to 2.9 3dBBW >30 MHz >30 MHz >35 MHz Noise Figure 24 dB 33.6 dB 44.4 Conversion Gain dB -3.6 dB -9.9 dB 8562A/B analyzers with serial prefix l-20 Introduction