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Book4 Module1 Life in the future (on page 72)

A Teaching Design for Reading-based Writing




文本分析:本文是一封书信,书信作者对文章“Twenty Years from Now”所涉及到的关于未来生






Teaching Goals

At the end of this lesson, students can:

1. understand the structure of the passage and master some useful expressions and sentence patterns to

learn how to present their own different opinions. (Language Ability)

2. establish the consciousness of human community and be a responsible person for the society.

(Cultural Awareness)

3. look at the same problem in a critical way and express their own different ideas. (Quality of thinking)

4. apply the reading and writing skills flexibly to write the same kind of article and study efficiently.

(Learning Ability)

Teaching Important Points

1. Teacher leads students to understand and master useful expressions, sentence patterns and the layout


2. Teacher leads students to master the way to polish the passage using useful expressions, good

sentence patterns and transitional words.

Teaching Difficult Points

Teacher makes students learn how to write the same kind of passage using the writing skills learnt in

this class.

Teaching and learning methods

Process-focused writing approach; Individual& Group & Pair work; Cooperative learning.

Teaching Aids

Textbook; Multi-media; Blackboard; Handout

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Q: How could we go out/to school/work in 20 years? And then the teacher will share a video about

the different ways of vehicles in the future to lead the topic.

Step 2 (While-reading) Read the letter on P72 and decide:

1. where it comes from

a. A travel journal

b. A magazine/newspaper

c. An advertisement

d. A science fiction

2. Why the person has written it

Step 3(While-reading) Read the letter again and abstract(提取) the structure

Step 4 (Pre-writing) To abstract(提取) the writing sample(some useful expressions) 写作模板

Step5 (Pre-writing) To polish (润色) the letter (改写)

1. To replace some words using different expressions (Group work)


2. To try some good sentence patterns (Individual work)

Peer Assessments(互评)

3. To add some transitional words(添加衔接过渡词)

Step 6 To summarize how to present different opinions

Step 7 Assignment(作业)——仿写


来网络学习持一种不乐观的态度,请给他回信, 谈一谈你对未来网络学习所持有的不同观


Blackboard Design


I enjoy reading your article Twenty Years from Now, about the life in the future. I was especially interested in the

section on the environment. However, I think the article is too pessimistic about the future. It seems that nothing will

improve and our world will be a terrible place to live in twenty years from now.

Personally, I don’t agree with this vision. I believe that scientific research will help save our planet. Scientists will

find new forms of alternative energy to run our cars and homes before we run out of oil. Wildlife won’t disappear because

genetics will help us save animals that are in danger. We will recycle all our garbage so we won’t waste our natural


In fact, I think that life will be much better twenty years from now because of few scientific discoveries. People will

live longer and healthier lives. I only hope I will still be alive to see the new world.

Xiao Ming, Beijing, China


Book4 Module1 Life in the future (on page 72)

A Teaching Design for Reading-based Writing




文本分析:本文是一封书信,书信作者对文章“Twenty Years from Now”所涉及到的关于未来生






Teaching Goals

At the end of this lesson, students can:

1. understand the structure of the passage and master some useful expressions and sentence patterns to

learn how to present their own different opinions. (Language Ability)

2. establish the consciousness of human community and be a responsible person for the society.

(Cultural Awareness)

3. look at the same problem in a critical way and express their own different ideas. (Quality of thinking)

4. apply the reading and writing skills flexibly to write the same kind of article and study efficiently.

(Learning Ability)

Teaching Important Points

1. Teacher leads students to understand and master useful expressions, sentence patterns and the layout


2. Teacher leads students to master the way to polish the passage using useful expressions, good

sentence patterns and transitional words.

Teaching Difficult Points

Teacher makes students learn how to write the same kind of passage using the writing skills learnt in

this class.

Teaching and learning methods

Process-focused writing approach; Individual& Group & Pair work; Cooperative learning.

Teaching Aids

Textbook; Multi-media; Blackboard; Handout

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Q: How could we go out/to school/work in 20 years? And then the teacher will share a video about

the different ways of vehicles in the future to lead the topic.

Step 2 (While-reading) Read the letter on P72 and decide:

1. where it comes from

a. A travel journal

b. A magazine/newspaper

c. An advertisement

d. A science fiction

2. Why the person has written it

Step 3(While-reading) Read the letter again and abstract(提取) the structure

Step 4 (Pre-writing) To abstract(提取) the writing sample(some useful expressions) 写作模板

Step5 (Pre-writing) To polish (润色) the letter (改写)

1. To replace some words using different expressions (Group work)


2. To try some good sentence patterns (Individual work)

Peer Assessments(互评)

3. To add some transitional words(添加衔接过渡词)

Step 6 To summarize how to present different opinions

Step 7 Assignment(作业)——仿写


来网络学习持一种不乐观的态度,请给他回信, 谈一谈你对未来网络学习所持有的不同观


Blackboard Design


I enjoy reading your article Twenty Years from Now, about the life in the future. I was especially interested in the

section on the environment. However, I think the article is too pessimistic about the future. It seems that nothing will

improve and our world will be a terrible place to live in twenty years from now.

Personally, I don’t agree with this vision. I believe that scientific research will help save our planet. Scientists will

find new forms of alternative energy to run our cars and homes before we run out of oil. Wildlife won’t disappear because

genetics will help us save animals that are in danger. We will recycle all our garbage so we won’t waste our natural


In fact, I think that life will be much better twenty years from now because of few scientific discoveries. People will

live longer and healthier lives. I only hope I will still be alive to see the new world.

Xiao Ming, Beijing, China


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