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american academy of microbiology

american academy of microbiologyThe American Academy

of Microbiology isthe honorific leadership group within the AmericanSociety for Microbiology (ASM),the world’s oldestand largest life science mission

of the American Academy of Microbiology is to

recognize scientists for outstanding contributions tomicrobiology and provide microbiological expertisein the service of science and the Academy serves as a resource to govern-mental agencies,industry,ASM,and the larger scien-tific and lay communities by convening colloquia toaddress critical issues in Academybrings together a group of scientific experts for

several days of structured,directed deliberations,resulting in an analytical,practical,objective reportthat is widely Academy,through its sponsorship of theAmerican College of Microbiology,certifies outstand-ing microbiologists in clinical and industrial specialtiesand accredits postdoctoral training programs in clini-cal and public health microbiology and Academy also manages a stellar awards program,recognizing achievement and potential in all areas

of microbiology.1

who we areNearly 2,000 distinguishedscientistsAcademy of have been honored withNobel Prizes,Lasker Awards,and the National Medal than 500 Fellows are actively involved inall facets of the Academy,including guiding the highly suc-cessful colloquium s of the AmericanAcademy of Microbiology embody the most excitingminds in the to the depth and breadth oftheir scientific expertise,Academy Fellows are uniquelyqualified to provide the very best advice in been elected to the American Academy ofMicrobiology in its 50-year for thishonor by their peers,they have been elected on thebasis of their scientific excellence,originality,andleadership;high ethical standards;and scholarly andcreative s represent 40 countriesand all subspecialities of have builtexemplary careers in basic and applied research,teach-ing,public health,industry,and government 300 members of the American Academy ofMicrobiology have been elected to the al2

what we doThe on-going activitiesof the American Aca-demy of Microbiology include programs designed to:•Provide expert scientific opinion and advice oncurrent and emerging issues in spon-sor,organize,and convene colloquia,symposia,round-tables,and meetings and develop consensus buildingpapers for scientists,government officials,other scien-tific decision makers,and the general public.•Uphold standards that ensure an adequate supply ofwell-qualified microbiologists and immunologists whosepractice directly affects the well-being of the edit and assess the quality of postdoctoral trainingprograms in medical and public health laboratorymicrobiology and medical and laboratory sponsor board certification programs whose exam-ination processes assess the skills and knowledge nec-essary for employment in designated areas of microbi-ology and immunology.•Recognize outstanding achievement,distinction,and promise in many areas of microbiological administer the election to Fellowshipprocess and scientific achievement and service awards.3

colloquium programThe American Academyof Microbiology con-venes colloquia on issues of critical importance

in colloquium brings together aninvited group of scientific experts in the field being

considered for structured,directed demy has convened colloquia on such far-rangingmicrobiological issues as microbial genome sequencing,antibiotic resistance,use of DNA for immunizations,foodsafety,the relationship of climate change and infectiousdisease,microbial diversity,water safety,and r defines a colloquium as “a discussionmeeting.”A traditional conference follows a format inwhich individuals give presentations to an audience,often followed by a question and answer y colloquia differ ipantsbring the sum of their experience and expertise to athorough examination of each discussion is great need for objective,credible analyses,assessments,and recommendations on critical issuesin y colloquia are designed toelicit just such y reports provideobjective,scientifically based statements of the issuesand specific,practical recommendations for the future.4

partnership opportunitiesThe American Academyof Microbiologyscience writer ensures a high quality publication that isboth scientifically accurate and impor-tantly,Academy Fellows bring to each project theexpertise,experience,imagination,and commitment

of the brightest minds in the microbiological immediate future promises an unprecedentedperiod of scientific discovery fueled by the develop-ment and application of new technologies and American Academy of Micro-biology,through collaboration with our valued

partners,is poised to address the challenges andopportunities of this new uium program provides unique opportunitiesfor partnership on issues of profound concern for thehealth of the planet and all those who inhabit uium reports have proved a valuable resourcefor the scientific,governmental,and industrial Academy has received support for

colloquia from a wide range of federal agencies,foundations,and the corporate y staff bring experience,skill,creativity,atten-tion to detail,and genuine service and professionalismto planning and executing each


awardsThe American Academy

of MicrobiologyScientific Achievement Awards Program is dedicatedto acknowledging the best in enceis honored among senior scientists,young investiga-tors,clinicians,educators,and Academy manages over 20 awards,the oldestof which has been presented since ndingaccomplishments are recognized in fundamentalresearch,developmental research,and reduction

to ion awards are given for excellence in teach-ing and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduatelevels,young investigator awards recognize potentialand encourage originality,and service awards rewardprofessional commitment and action both within andoutside the American Society for award offers the opportunity to honor a

distinguished colleague,an inspiring teacher,or anexceptional student—and the chance to participatein recognizing,rewarding,and encouraging important

contributions to microbiology as a science and

a profession.6

certification & accreditationThe American Collegeof Microbiology,The College promotes excellence in the training ofmedical microbiologists and immunologists throughthe accreditation of postdoctoral training itation helps assure the availability of qualifieddoctoral-level personnel to direct clinical laboratoriesthat provide the best possible health care services tothe the sponsorship of the Academy,offers certifica-tion and accreditation programs that uphold stringentstandards for the evaluation and training of qualifiedclinical and industrial three certification boards of the AmericanCollege of Microbiology evaluate and recognizedemonstration of the knowledge and skills necessaryfor performance in the microbiology an 5,000 microbiologists at the doctoral,master’s,and baccalaureate levels have been certified by theboards of the American College of Microbiology.7

for more infoTo request complete details

on the

programs of the American Academy ofMicrobiology,please contact:Colloquia reports and detailed information onawards,certification,accreditation,and Fellow-ship are also available on the world wide web:/American Academy of Microbiology1752 N Street,NWWashington D.C.,20036-2804Phone:202-942-9226Fax:202-942-9353E-mail:academy@8



american academy of microbiology

american academy of microbiologyThe American Academy

of Microbiology isthe honorific leadership group within the AmericanSociety for Microbiology (ASM),the world’s oldestand largest life science mission

of the American Academy of Microbiology is to

recognize scientists for outstanding contributions tomicrobiology and provide microbiological expertisein the service of science and the Academy serves as a resource to govern-mental agencies,industry,ASM,and the larger scien-tific and lay communities by convening colloquia toaddress critical issues in Academybrings together a group of scientific experts for

several days of structured,directed deliberations,resulting in an analytical,practical,objective reportthat is widely Academy,through its sponsorship of theAmerican College of Microbiology,certifies outstand-ing microbiologists in clinical and industrial specialtiesand accredits postdoctoral training programs in clini-cal and public health microbiology and Academy also manages a stellar awards program,recognizing achievement and potential in all areas

of microbiology.1

who we areNearly 2,000 distinguishedscientistsAcademy of have been honored withNobel Prizes,Lasker Awards,and the National Medal than 500 Fellows are actively involved inall facets of the Academy,including guiding the highly suc-cessful colloquium s of the AmericanAcademy of Microbiology embody the most excitingminds in the to the depth and breadth oftheir scientific expertise,Academy Fellows are uniquelyqualified to provide the very best advice in been elected to the American Academy ofMicrobiology in its 50-year for thishonor by their peers,they have been elected on thebasis of their scientific excellence,originality,andleadership;high ethical standards;and scholarly andcreative s represent 40 countriesand all subspecialities of have builtexemplary careers in basic and applied research,teach-ing,public health,industry,and government 300 members of the American Academy ofMicrobiology have been elected to the al2

what we doThe on-going activitiesof the American Aca-demy of Microbiology include programs designed to:•Provide expert scientific opinion and advice oncurrent and emerging issues in spon-sor,organize,and convene colloquia,symposia,round-tables,and meetings and develop consensus buildingpapers for scientists,government officials,other scien-tific decision makers,and the general public.•Uphold standards that ensure an adequate supply ofwell-qualified microbiologists and immunologists whosepractice directly affects the well-being of the edit and assess the quality of postdoctoral trainingprograms in medical and public health laboratorymicrobiology and medical and laboratory sponsor board certification programs whose exam-ination processes assess the skills and knowledge nec-essary for employment in designated areas of microbi-ology and immunology.•Recognize outstanding achievement,distinction,and promise in many areas of microbiological administer the election to Fellowshipprocess and scientific achievement and service awards.3

colloquium programThe American Academyof Microbiology con-venes colloquia on issues of critical importance

in colloquium brings together aninvited group of scientific experts in the field being

considered for structured,directed demy has convened colloquia on such far-rangingmicrobiological issues as microbial genome sequencing,antibiotic resistance,use of DNA for immunizations,foodsafety,the relationship of climate change and infectiousdisease,microbial diversity,water safety,and r defines a colloquium as “a discussionmeeting.”A traditional conference follows a format inwhich individuals give presentations to an audience,often followed by a question and answer y colloquia differ ipantsbring the sum of their experience and expertise to athorough examination of each discussion is great need for objective,credible analyses,assessments,and recommendations on critical issuesin y colloquia are designed toelicit just such y reports provideobjective,scientifically based statements of the issuesand specific,practical recommendations for the future.4

partnership opportunitiesThe American Academyof Microbiologyscience writer ensures a high quality publication that isboth scientifically accurate and impor-tantly,Academy Fellows bring to each project theexpertise,experience,imagination,and commitment

of the brightest minds in the microbiological immediate future promises an unprecedentedperiod of scientific discovery fueled by the develop-ment and application of new technologies and American Academy of Micro-biology,through collaboration with our valued

partners,is poised to address the challenges andopportunities of this new uium program provides unique opportunitiesfor partnership on issues of profound concern for thehealth of the planet and all those who inhabit uium reports have proved a valuable resourcefor the scientific,governmental,and industrial Academy has received support for

colloquia from a wide range of federal agencies,foundations,and the corporate y staff bring experience,skill,creativity,atten-tion to detail,and genuine service and professionalismto planning and executing each


awardsThe American Academy

of MicrobiologyScientific Achievement Awards Program is dedicatedto acknowledging the best in enceis honored among senior scientists,young investiga-tors,clinicians,educators,and Academy manages over 20 awards,the oldestof which has been presented since ndingaccomplishments are recognized in fundamentalresearch,developmental research,and reduction

to ion awards are given for excellence in teach-ing and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduatelevels,young investigator awards recognize potentialand encourage originality,and service awards rewardprofessional commitment and action both within andoutside the American Society for award offers the opportunity to honor a

distinguished colleague,an inspiring teacher,or anexceptional student—and the chance to participatein recognizing,rewarding,and encouraging important

contributions to microbiology as a science and

a profession.6

certification & accreditationThe American Collegeof Microbiology,The College promotes excellence in the training ofmedical microbiologists and immunologists throughthe accreditation of postdoctoral training itation helps assure the availability of qualifieddoctoral-level personnel to direct clinical laboratoriesthat provide the best possible health care services tothe the sponsorship of the Academy,offers certifica-tion and accreditation programs that uphold stringentstandards for the evaluation and training of qualifiedclinical and industrial three certification boards of the AmericanCollege of Microbiology evaluate and recognizedemonstration of the knowledge and skills necessaryfor performance in the microbiology an 5,000 microbiologists at the doctoral,master’s,and baccalaureate levels have been certified by theboards of the American College of Microbiology.7

for more infoTo request complete details

on the

programs of the American Academy ofMicrobiology,please contact:Colloquia reports and detailed information onawards,certification,accreditation,and Fellow-ship are also available on the world wide web:/American Academy of Microbiology1752 N Street,NWWashington D.C.,20036-2804Phone:202-942-9226Fax:202-942-9353E-mail:academy@8



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