服装英语QA指引 2008-01-05 10:14 1 月5日 服装英语QA指引女装梳织 QA
指引 - SP0RTSWEAR GENERAL : 概括 11 Bulk fabric s/b submit to lab with
care instruction and test under Nautica requirement. 大货布料应提供给测试室并通
过试验以符合的要求2 Bulk garment s/b submit to Lab and test under Nautica
requirement. 大货制成品应提供给测试室并通过试验以符合NAUTICA的要求3
PCC precision interlining m/b used in there are certain area is needed and those
interlining is approved by our NYO. 在成衣上有个别地方需要PCC 朴布的,朴布应该
是纽约客户所批准使用的类形4 Button with wording quotNauticaquot m/b set
on top and bottom to fix one direction. 钮面上有quotNAUTICAquot字,字体一定
要固定在钮的上顶和下方,不可以在左右两侧5 Cross stitching for fixing 4 holes
button and with thread locked. 4 孔钮是交叉缝线和钮脚线一定要牢固锁结好6 2
holes button and leg button with 1 hole m/b have thread locked. 两孔钮和单脚单孔
钮的钮脚线一定要牢固锁结好7 Shank snap rivet and etc. with quotJ-Classquot
m/b set on top to fix one direction. 工字钮,喼钮,撞钉和 其他种类表面有
quotJ-Classquot的标记,quotJ-Classquot的标记一定是朝向上的方向8 Suitable
tension to attach shank snap eyelet gripper and rivet to keep top surface no
damage and tight fixed. 工字钮,喼钮,鸡眼,五爪钮和撞钉 的模具要调较合适的松紧
度以避免损坏钮的表面和牢固地扣合好9 Eyelet snap amp gripper for both male
amp female m/b have plastic pvc ring supported at underneath and ring size s/b a
bit smallerespecially on single layer amp thin fabric. 鸡眼,喼钮和五爪钮的公钮底和
必需要的10 To avoid clip mark all hanger clip insided m/b have soft rubber. 所
有衣架的内夹中一定是软塑胶制造,以防止成衣留下夹痕11 For quotNautica
Women Pants Skirt Short Bottomquot center front zipper fly opening s/b ladys
style or appointed by buyer. quotNAUTICA 女庒裤,裙子和短裤的下身quot 前中开
拉炼是女庒款式,或客人指定之款式12 To avoid soilage when during bulk
production especially on light colour fabric. 在大货生产过程中要小心污渍问题,浅颜
色布料要特别注意 CUTTING : 剪裁1 For quotNautica Women Denim Jean
Bottomquot center front zipper fly opening s/b mens style or appointed by buyer.
quotNAUTICA 女庒牛仔布料的下身quot 前中开拉炼是男庒款式,或客人指定之款式2
Two way cut m/b one way in one garment for all items. 所有双向裁剪方法的款式,
同一件成衣内的布顺向应该是朝著同一个方向剪裁的3 Two way cut m/b one way
in one garment in corduroy product. 灯芯绒布如果可以用双向裁剪方法的,需要同一
件成衣内的布毛顺向必需是朝著同一个方向剪裁的4 Corduroy in one way cut the
nap direction m/b appointed by buyer. 灯芯绒布如果有指定是单向裁剪的制造方法,
布毛的顺向应该是由客户指定的为正确5 One way cut for velour nap direction
m/b appointed by buyer. 丝绒布是指定单向裁剪制造的,布毛的顺向应该是由客户指定
的为正确6 Bias cut m/b in 45 degree in marker drawing. 纵纹剪裁方法,排图要
用准确的45度来排列纸板的7 Stripe and plaid pattern m/b match on center
front center back side seams inseam center front waistband and center back
waistband. pay attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式,前中,后中,两
8 Stripe and plaid pattern bias cut m/b match on center front center back side
seams pay attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式如果是纵纹裁剪,前中,
后中,两边侧骨的条子和格子一定要相对称在排图的时候要特别注意9 Stripe and
plaid pattern collar and collar stand m/b even and match in center front
attention on marker drawing and sewing. 条子和格子布的款式,上级领子和下级领子
要相等称,条子和格子在前中要相对称在排图和车缝的时候要特别注意10 Strip and
plaid pattern on sleeve sleeve cuff and sleeve placket m/b in pair and in one
direction match to attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式,袖
服装英语QA指引 2008-01-05 10:14 1 月5日 服装英语QA指引女装梳织 QA
指引 - SP0RTSWEAR GENERAL : 概括 11 Bulk fabric s/b submit to lab with
care instruction and test under Nautica requirement. 大货布料应提供给测试室并通
过试验以符合的要求2 Bulk garment s/b submit to Lab and test under Nautica
requirement. 大货制成品应提供给测试室并通过试验以符合NAUTICA的要求3
PCC precision interlining m/b used in there are certain area is needed and those
interlining is approved by our NYO. 在成衣上有个别地方需要PCC 朴布的,朴布应该
是纽约客户所批准使用的类形4 Button with wording quotNauticaquot m/b set
on top and bottom to fix one direction. 钮面上有quotNAUTICAquot字,字体一定
要固定在钮的上顶和下方,不可以在左右两侧5 Cross stitching for fixing 4 holes
button and with thread locked. 4 孔钮是交叉缝线和钮脚线一定要牢固锁结好6 2
holes button and leg button with 1 hole m/b have thread locked. 两孔钮和单脚单孔
钮的钮脚线一定要牢固锁结好7 Shank snap rivet and etc. with quotJ-Classquot
m/b set on top to fix one direction. 工字钮,喼钮,撞钉和 其他种类表面有
quotJ-Classquot的标记,quotJ-Classquot的标记一定是朝向上的方向8 Suitable
tension to attach shank snap eyelet gripper and rivet to keep top surface no
damage and tight fixed. 工字钮,喼钮,鸡眼,五爪钮和撞钉 的模具要调较合适的松紧
度以避免损坏钮的表面和牢固地扣合好9 Eyelet snap amp gripper for both male
amp female m/b have plastic pvc ring supported at underneath and ring size s/b a
bit smallerespecially on single layer amp thin fabric. 鸡眼,喼钮和五爪钮的公钮底和
必需要的10 To avoid clip mark all hanger clip insided m/b have soft rubber. 所
有衣架的内夹中一定是软塑胶制造,以防止成衣留下夹痕11 For quotNautica
Women Pants Skirt Short Bottomquot center front zipper fly opening s/b ladys
style or appointed by buyer. quotNAUTICA 女庒裤,裙子和短裤的下身quot 前中开
拉炼是女庒款式,或客人指定之款式12 To avoid soilage when during bulk
production especially on light colour fabric. 在大货生产过程中要小心污渍问题,浅颜
色布料要特别注意 CUTTING : 剪裁1 For quotNautica Women Denim Jean
Bottomquot center front zipper fly opening s/b mens style or appointed by buyer.
quotNAUTICA 女庒牛仔布料的下身quot 前中开拉炼是男庒款式,或客人指定之款式2
Two way cut m/b one way in one garment for all items. 所有双向裁剪方法的款式,
同一件成衣内的布顺向应该是朝著同一个方向剪裁的3 Two way cut m/b one way
in one garment in corduroy product. 灯芯绒布如果可以用双向裁剪方法的,需要同一
件成衣内的布毛顺向必需是朝著同一个方向剪裁的4 Corduroy in one way cut the
nap direction m/b appointed by buyer. 灯芯绒布如果有指定是单向裁剪的制造方法,
布毛的顺向应该是由客户指定的为正确5 One way cut for velour nap direction
m/b appointed by buyer. 丝绒布是指定单向裁剪制造的,布毛的顺向应该是由客户指定
的为正确6 Bias cut m/b in 45 degree in marker drawing. 纵纹剪裁方法,排图要
用准确的45度来排列纸板的7 Stripe and plaid pattern m/b match on center
front center back side seams inseam center front waistband and center back
waistband. pay attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式,前中,后中,两
8 Stripe and plaid pattern bias cut m/b match on center front center back side
seams pay attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式如果是纵纹裁剪,前中,
后中,两边侧骨的条子和格子一定要相对称在排图的时候要特别注意9 Stripe and
plaid pattern collar and collar stand m/b even and match in center front
attention on marker drawing and sewing. 条子和格子布的款式,上级领子和下级领子
要相等称,条子和格子在前中要相对称在排图和车缝的时候要特别注意10 Strip and
plaid pattern on sleeve sleeve cuff and sleeve placket m/b in pair and in one
direction match to attention on marker drawing. 条子和格子布的款式,袖