是使两个节点的某些或全部自由度具有相同的值,即通常说的刚化.CERIG, MASTE, SLAVE,
Ldof, Ldof2, Ldof3, Ldof4, Ldof5Defines a rigid region.要选取主节点(MASTE)和副节
制.By setting Ldof to ALL on the CERIG command (default), this operation will
generate three equations for each pair of constrained nodes in 2-D space. These
equations define the three rigid body motions in global Cartesian space (UX, UY,
ROTZ). In order to create a rigid region on a 2-D model, you must make sure that
the X-Y plane is the rigid plane and that UX, UY, and ROTZ degrees of freedom are
available at each constrained node. This operation will similarly generate six
equations for each pair of constrained nodes in 3-D space. All six degrees of
freedom (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ) must be available at each
constrained ng other labels in the Ldof field will create different effects.
If this field is set to UXYZ, the program will write two constraint equations in 2-D (X,
Y) space and three constraint equations in 3-D (X, Y, Z) space. These equations will
be written in terms of the slave nodes' translational degrees of freedom, and in
terms of the master node's translational and rotational degrees of freedom.
Similarly, the RXYZ label allows you to generate a partial set of equations that omit
the slave nodes' translational degrees of freedom. The other available Ldof labels
will generate other types of constraint general, your slave nodes need
have only the degrees of freedom called for by Ldof, but your master node must
have all applicable translational and rotational degrees of freedom (that is, UX, UY,
ROTZ for 2-D; UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ for 3-D). For models that are made up
of elements having no rotational degree of freedom, you might consider adding a
dummy beam element to provide rotational degrees of freedom at the master
是你的主节点必须要有所有的平移和旋转自由度,例如UX, UY, ROTZ for 2-D; UX, UY, UZ,
ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ for 3-D."问题就在于这里,如果你用的是STRUCTURE SOLID建立的
会无法完成的原因,ANSYS会提示" Label ROTZ is not an active DOF. The CERI
command is ignored."因为你的主节点没有ROTZ的自由度.解决的方法,再建立一个节点,
在这个节点上生成一个单元,记住这个单元要有 UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ,这样的
MASS21 MASS21 ― 结构质点 MP ME ST PR PP ED元属描述MASS21 是一个具
有六个自由度的点元素: 即 x, y, 和 z 方向的移动和绕 x, y, 和 z 轴的转动。每个方向可
以具有不同的质量和转动惯量。在 ANSYS 理论参考 的14.21部分可以见到更详细的资
料。另一个具有全质量矩阵(三角对称矩阵)的元素是 MATRIX27.外观 1. MASS21 结
构质点输入数据此质点元素由一个单一的节点来定义, concentrated mass components
(Force*Time2/Length) in the element coordinate directions, and rotary inertias
(Force*Length*Time2) about the element coordinate axes. 此元属的坐标系统可以平
行于全局的笛卡尔坐标系统也可以是节点坐标系统 (KEYOPT(2)). 在 节点坐标系中的元
素操作 可以看到对节点坐标系中的元素的操作讨论。做大偏转(a large deflection
禁止转动惯量的产生或使元素退化为二维形式。. 如果一个元素只需一个输入, 那末这个
输入将假定到其它所有方向。此元素的坐标系显示如 MASS21所示。.在 Input Summary
中给出了元素输入的一个概述。. Element Input 中则给出了通用描述。MASS21 Input
Summary元素名称 MASS21 节点 I 自由度 UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY,
ROTZ if KEYOPT (3) = 0UX, UY, UZ if KEYOPT (3) = 2UX, UY, ROTZ if KEYOPT (3) =
3UX, UY if KEYOPT (3) = 4(自由度是在节点坐标系中定义) 实常量 MASSX, MASSY,
(3) = 3MASS if KEYOPT (3) = 4(质量和惯性矩是在元素坐标系中定义, 同见 KEYOPT
(2) ). 材料特性 None 表面负载 None 体负载 None 特殊特征 Large
deflection, 单元生和死 KEYOPT(2) 0 - 元素坐标系初始平行于实体坐标系 1 -
元素坐标系初始平行于节点坐标系 (可见Elements that Operate in the Nodal
Coordinate System) KEYOPT(3) 0 - 3-D mass 有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 2
- 3-D mass 没有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 3 - 2-D mass 有转动惯量(rotary
inertia) 4 - 2-D mass 没有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 所有 2-D 元素在实体坐
标系中均假定为 Z = 固定(constant plane). 输出数据节点的位移解包含在总的位移解
中. 所以这个元素没有元素解的打印输出和标注输出。假定与限制如果你指定
KEYOPT(2)=1, 那么元素在节点坐标系中的操作 (请见 Elements that Operate in the
Nodal Coordinate System). 在结构静力分析中不定义加速度和转动惯量或者选择操作,
对元素没有影响。 标准的质点概要打印输出,对于定向输出只能在x方向。在inertial relief
是使两个节点的某些或全部自由度具有相同的值,即通常说的刚化.CERIG, MASTE, SLAVE,
Ldof, Ldof2, Ldof3, Ldof4, Ldof5Defines a rigid region.要选取主节点(MASTE)和副节
制.By setting Ldof to ALL on the CERIG command (default), this operation will
generate three equations for each pair of constrained nodes in 2-D space. These
equations define the three rigid body motions in global Cartesian space (UX, UY,
ROTZ). In order to create a rigid region on a 2-D model, you must make sure that
the X-Y plane is the rigid plane and that UX, UY, and ROTZ degrees of freedom are
available at each constrained node. This operation will similarly generate six
equations for each pair of constrained nodes in 3-D space. All six degrees of
freedom (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ) must be available at each
constrained ng other labels in the Ldof field will create different effects.
If this field is set to UXYZ, the program will write two constraint equations in 2-D (X,
Y) space and three constraint equations in 3-D (X, Y, Z) space. These equations will
be written in terms of the slave nodes' translational degrees of freedom, and in
terms of the master node's translational and rotational degrees of freedom.
Similarly, the RXYZ label allows you to generate a partial set of equations that omit
the slave nodes' translational degrees of freedom. The other available Ldof labels
will generate other types of constraint general, your slave nodes need
have only the degrees of freedom called for by Ldof, but your master node must
have all applicable translational and rotational degrees of freedom (that is, UX, UY,
ROTZ for 2-D; UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ for 3-D). For models that are made up
of elements having no rotational degree of freedom, you might consider adding a
dummy beam element to provide rotational degrees of freedom at the master
是你的主节点必须要有所有的平移和旋转自由度,例如UX, UY, ROTZ for 2-D; UX, UY, UZ,
ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ for 3-D."问题就在于这里,如果你用的是STRUCTURE SOLID建立的
会无法完成的原因,ANSYS会提示" Label ROTZ is not an active DOF. The CERI
command is ignored."因为你的主节点没有ROTZ的自由度.解决的方法,再建立一个节点,
在这个节点上生成一个单元,记住这个单元要有 UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ,这样的
MASS21 MASS21 ― 结构质点 MP ME ST PR PP ED元属描述MASS21 是一个具
有六个自由度的点元素: 即 x, y, 和 z 方向的移动和绕 x, y, 和 z 轴的转动。每个方向可
以具有不同的质量和转动惯量。在 ANSYS 理论参考 的14.21部分可以见到更详细的资
料。另一个具有全质量矩阵(三角对称矩阵)的元素是 MATRIX27.外观 1. MASS21 结
构质点输入数据此质点元素由一个单一的节点来定义, concentrated mass components
(Force*Time2/Length) in the element coordinate directions, and rotary inertias
(Force*Length*Time2) about the element coordinate axes. 此元属的坐标系统可以平
行于全局的笛卡尔坐标系统也可以是节点坐标系统 (KEYOPT(2)). 在 节点坐标系中的元
素操作 可以看到对节点坐标系中的元素的操作讨论。做大偏转(a large deflection
禁止转动惯量的产生或使元素退化为二维形式。. 如果一个元素只需一个输入, 那末这个
输入将假定到其它所有方向。此元素的坐标系显示如 MASS21所示。.在 Input Summary
中给出了元素输入的一个概述。. Element Input 中则给出了通用描述。MASS21 Input
Summary元素名称 MASS21 节点 I 自由度 UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY,
ROTZ if KEYOPT (3) = 0UX, UY, UZ if KEYOPT (3) = 2UX, UY, ROTZ if KEYOPT (3) =
3UX, UY if KEYOPT (3) = 4(自由度是在节点坐标系中定义) 实常量 MASSX, MASSY,
(3) = 3MASS if KEYOPT (3) = 4(质量和惯性矩是在元素坐标系中定义, 同见 KEYOPT
(2) ). 材料特性 None 表面负载 None 体负载 None 特殊特征 Large
deflection, 单元生和死 KEYOPT(2) 0 - 元素坐标系初始平行于实体坐标系 1 -
元素坐标系初始平行于节点坐标系 (可见Elements that Operate in the Nodal
Coordinate System) KEYOPT(3) 0 - 3-D mass 有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 2
- 3-D mass 没有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 3 - 2-D mass 有转动惯量(rotary
inertia) 4 - 2-D mass 没有转动惯量(rotary inertia) 所有 2-D 元素在实体坐
标系中均假定为 Z = 固定(constant plane). 输出数据节点的位移解包含在总的位移解
中. 所以这个元素没有元素解的打印输出和标注输出。假定与限制如果你指定
KEYOPT(2)=1, 那么元素在节点坐标系中的操作 (请见 Elements that Operate in the
Nodal Coordinate System). 在结构静力分析中不定义加速度和转动惯量或者选择操作,
对元素没有影响。 标准的质点概要打印输出,对于定向输出只能在x方向。在inertial relief