2020年10月 第28卷 第10期
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Oct. 2020, 28(10): 16181629
DOI: 10.13930/.200160
孙建平, 刘雅辉, 左永梅, 韩民利, 张虹伟, 吕晶晶. 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构及其功能[J]. 中国生态农业学报
(中英文), 2020, 28(10):
SUN J P, LIU Y H, ZUO Y M, HAN M L, ZHANG H W, LYU J J. The bacterial community structure and function of Suaeda
salsa rhizosphere soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2020, 28(10):
孙建平, 刘雅辉
, 左永梅, 韩民利, 张虹伟, 吕晶晶
(河北省农林科学院滨海农业研究所/河北省盐碱地绿化工程技术中心/唐山市耐盐植物重点实验室 唐山 063299)
摘 要: 盐地碱蓬作为生物改良盐碱地的理想材料, 其根际土壤微生物对土壤改良发挥着重要作用。为了深入
探索环渤海滨海盐碱地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构组成及其功能, 采用Illumina Misep高通量测序平台对环渤
海地区滨海盐碱地盐地碱蓬根际土壤和裸地土壤进行测序。从16个样本中获得有效序列734 792条, 4 285个
OTUs, 归属于41门、100纲、282目、400科、892属、1 577种。盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落由变形菌门
门(Patescibacteria、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)组成。Alpha多样性计算结果表明, 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落
结构多样性高并与裸地土壤间差异显著; LEfSe (LDA Effect Size)分析发现, 盐地碱蓬与裸地差异指示种明显
不同。PCoA与相关性Heatmap表明, 盐地碱蓬、速效氮、速效钾、速效磷、电导率是影响土壤细菌目类水平
群落组成的主要因子。PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved
蓬覆盖能够降低土壤盐分, 增加土壤养分, 对土壤细菌群落多样性及其功能有积极作用。
关键词: 高通量测序; 滨海盐碱地; 盐地碱蓬; 根际土壤; 细菌群落结构; 细菌群落功能
中图分类号: S154.36 开放科学码(资源服务)标识码(OSID):
The bacterial community structure and function of
Suaeda salsa rhizosphere soil
SUN Jianping, LIU Yahui
, ZUO Yongmei, HAN Minli, ZHANG Hongwei, LYU Jingjing
(Institute of Coastal Agricultural, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Saline and Alkali Land Greening
Engineering Technology Center of Heibei Province / Tangshan Key Laboratory of Plant Salt Tolerance Research, Tangshan 063299,
Abstract: Suaeda salsa is an ideal agent for the biological enrichment of saline-alkali soil. Microorganisms in the rhizosphere
of this plant play an essential role in soil improvement. The Illumina Misep high-throughput sequencing platform was used to
explore the structural composition and function of the bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of S. salsa and bare soil
from coastal saline-alkali land in the Bohai Bay Rim area of Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin, China. In total, 734 792 effective
sequences were obtained from 16 samples, of which 4 285 OUTs belonged to 41 phyla, 100 classes, 282 orders, 400 families,
通信作者: 刘雅辉, 主要研究方向为盐碱地改良与农业高效利用。E-mail: bhslyh@
孙建平, 主要研究方向为滨海盐碱地改良与农业高效利用。E-mail: bhssjp@
收稿日期: 2020-03-04 接受日期: 2020-05-29
This study was supported by the Basic Business Expenses of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (201810101), the Agri-
culture Science and Technology Innovation Project of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (2019-1-6-2).
** Corresponding author, E-mail: bhslyh@
Received Mar. 4, 2020; accepted May 29, 2020
孙建平等: 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构及其功能 1619
892 genera, and 1 577 species. The bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of S. salsa contained Proteobacteria, Actino-
bacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, Patescibacteria, and
Planctomycetes. These results were consistent with the Alpha diversity analysis results, indicating that the community was
highly diversified and significantly different from that of the bare soil. The LEfSe (LDA Effect Size) analysis showed that
indicator species differentially occurred in S. salsa and bare soils. In S. salsa soil, Cyanobacteria, Acidobacteria, Alphapro-
teobacteria, Oxyphotobacteria, Chloroflexi, Rhizobiales, Nostocales, Sphingomonadales, Sphingomonadaceae, and Bacillus
were the indicator species. Based on principal coordinates analyses and a correlation heatmap, the main factors affecting the
soil bacterial community at order level were the presence of S. salsa, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available potassium, avail-
able phosphorus, and electrical conductivity. Also, Ectothiorhodospira and Balneolaceae could survive in bare soil with poor
fertility, high salinity, and a viscous structure. PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of
Unobserved States) analysis showed that 304 metabolic pathways at pathway level 3 were active in both soil, of which 41
pathways, especially those involving in metabolism were different between S. salsa soil and bare land soil. These results indi-
cated that S. salsa growth has a positive effect on the diversity and function of soil bacterial community by improving soil
structure and increasing nutrients levels. These findings may be applied to improve saline-alkali land, optimize soil environ-
ment, and enhance its usefulness and sustainability.
Keywords: High-throughput sequencing; Coastal saline-alkali land; Suaeda salsa; Rhizosphere soil; Bacterial community
structure; Bacterial community function
其多样性不仅能够描述任何一种复杂生态环境, 还
可以较早地反映该环境的变化, 已被认为是生态系
在土壤微生物中, 细菌的
营养物质, 如分泌物质、落叶、花粉脱落以及枯死
的植物残体, 微生物分解无机物为植物生长提供营
养, 这些过程均发生在根际, 因此研究根际土壤细
菌群落多样性及其功能, 有助于了解植物、土壤微
滨海盐碱土壤属于极端环境, 其环境的复杂多
样性造就了物种丰富多样性, 物种的多样性预示着
, 因此滨海盐碱土壤
实验室。盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)是藜科
(Chenopodiaceae)碱蓬属植物, 不但在食用和药用领
域备受瞩目, 也是用于开发利用盐碱地的优势植物
已有研究表明, 盐地碱蓬的根系能分泌有机
酸, 植物残体分解后产生的腐殖酸能够降低土壤碱
性, 改善土壤理化性质, 减少土壤水分损失, 还能
析, 而针对其微生物群落结构的研究报道很少, 尤
根际土壤中的细菌多样性优势物种及功能, 可为利
质量, 实施安全有效的盐碱地生物改良措施提供土
近年来, 高通量测序技术发展迅速, 它能够快速
本研究采用Misep高通量测序方法, 对盐地碱蓬根
际土壤细菌进行16s rRNA基因测序, 分析环渤海地
探索细菌群落结构与环境因子的关系, 结合
PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities
by Reconstruction of Unobserved States)分析预测盐
地碱蓬根际土壤细菌的功能, 不仅为环渤海地区滨
供支撑, 也为今后研发土壤改良剂奠定基础。
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究地点与样品采集
以河北、山东、天津的滨海盐碱地为研究区, 其
紧临渤海湾, 主要由海相沉积物和海陆交互层沉积
的黏性土、粉土及砂类土组成, 土壤类型为滨海盐
土。环渤海地区光照充足, 年日照时数2 400~3 000 h,
比山麓平原区多200 h左右; 年平均气温10.8~
13.3 ℃, 无霜期180~200 d; 低平原区年降水量
450~550 mm, 滨海平原区年降水量600~700 mm,
湿润季风性气候, 光照充足, 四季分明, 其中春季
2020年10月 第28卷 第10期
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Oct. 2020, 28(10): 16181629
DOI: 10.13930/.200160
孙建平, 刘雅辉, 左永梅, 韩民利, 张虹伟, 吕晶晶. 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构及其功能[J]. 中国生态农业学报
(中英文), 2020, 28(10):
SUN J P, LIU Y H, ZUO Y M, HAN M L, ZHANG H W, LYU J J. The bacterial community structure and function of Suaeda
salsa rhizosphere soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2020, 28(10):
孙建平, 刘雅辉
, 左永梅, 韩民利, 张虹伟, 吕晶晶
(河北省农林科学院滨海农业研究所/河北省盐碱地绿化工程技术中心/唐山市耐盐植物重点实验室 唐山 063299)
摘 要: 盐地碱蓬作为生物改良盐碱地的理想材料, 其根际土壤微生物对土壤改良发挥着重要作用。为了深入
探索环渤海滨海盐碱地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构组成及其功能, 采用Illumina Misep高通量测序平台对环渤
海地区滨海盐碱地盐地碱蓬根际土壤和裸地土壤进行测序。从16个样本中获得有效序列734 792条, 4 285个
OTUs, 归属于41门、100纲、282目、400科、892属、1 577种。盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落由变形菌门
门(Patescibacteria、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)组成。Alpha多样性计算结果表明, 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落
结构多样性高并与裸地土壤间差异显著; LEfSe (LDA Effect Size)分析发现, 盐地碱蓬与裸地差异指示种明显
不同。PCoA与相关性Heatmap表明, 盐地碱蓬、速效氮、速效钾、速效磷、电导率是影响土壤细菌目类水平
群落组成的主要因子。PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved
蓬覆盖能够降低土壤盐分, 增加土壤养分, 对土壤细菌群落多样性及其功能有积极作用。
关键词: 高通量测序; 滨海盐碱地; 盐地碱蓬; 根际土壤; 细菌群落结构; 细菌群落功能
中图分类号: S154.36 开放科学码(资源服务)标识码(OSID):
The bacterial community structure and function of
Suaeda salsa rhizosphere soil
SUN Jianping, LIU Yahui
, ZUO Yongmei, HAN Minli, ZHANG Hongwei, LYU Jingjing
(Institute of Coastal Agricultural, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Saline and Alkali Land Greening
Engineering Technology Center of Heibei Province / Tangshan Key Laboratory of Plant Salt Tolerance Research, Tangshan 063299,
Abstract: Suaeda salsa is an ideal agent for the biological enrichment of saline-alkali soil. Microorganisms in the rhizosphere
of this plant play an essential role in soil improvement. The Illumina Misep high-throughput sequencing platform was used to
explore the structural composition and function of the bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of S. salsa and bare soil
from coastal saline-alkali land in the Bohai Bay Rim area of Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin, China. In total, 734 792 effective
sequences were obtained from 16 samples, of which 4 285 OUTs belonged to 41 phyla, 100 classes, 282 orders, 400 families,
通信作者: 刘雅辉, 主要研究方向为盐碱地改良与农业高效利用。E-mail: bhslyh@
孙建平, 主要研究方向为滨海盐碱地改良与农业高效利用。E-mail: bhssjp@
收稿日期: 2020-03-04 接受日期: 2020-05-29
This study was supported by the Basic Business Expenses of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (201810101), the Agri-
culture Science and Technology Innovation Project of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (2019-1-6-2).
** Corresponding author, E-mail: bhslyh@
Received Mar. 4, 2020; accepted May 29, 2020
孙建平等: 盐地碱蓬根际土壤细菌群落结构及其功能 1619
892 genera, and 1 577 species. The bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of S. salsa contained Proteobacteria, Actino-
bacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, Patescibacteria, and
Planctomycetes. These results were consistent with the Alpha diversity analysis results, indicating that the community was
highly diversified and significantly different from that of the bare soil. The LEfSe (LDA Effect Size) analysis showed that
indicator species differentially occurred in S. salsa and bare soils. In S. salsa soil, Cyanobacteria, Acidobacteria, Alphapro-
teobacteria, Oxyphotobacteria, Chloroflexi, Rhizobiales, Nostocales, Sphingomonadales, Sphingomonadaceae, and Bacillus
were the indicator species. Based on principal coordinates analyses and a correlation heatmap, the main factors affecting the
soil bacterial community at order level were the presence of S. salsa, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available potassium, avail-
able phosphorus, and electrical conductivity. Also, Ectothiorhodospira and Balneolaceae could survive in bare soil with poor
fertility, high salinity, and a viscous structure. PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of
Unobserved States) analysis showed that 304 metabolic pathways at pathway level 3 were active in both soil, of which 41
pathways, especially those involving in metabolism were different between S. salsa soil and bare land soil. These results indi-
cated that S. salsa growth has a positive effect on the diversity and function of soil bacterial community by improving soil
structure and increasing nutrients levels. These findings may be applied to improve saline-alkali land, optimize soil environ-
ment, and enhance its usefulness and sustainability.
Keywords: High-throughput sequencing; Coastal saline-alkali land; Suaeda salsa; Rhizosphere soil; Bacterial community
structure; Bacterial community function
其多样性不仅能够描述任何一种复杂生态环境, 还
可以较早地反映该环境的变化, 已被认为是生态系
在土壤微生物中, 细菌的
营养物质, 如分泌物质、落叶、花粉脱落以及枯死
的植物残体, 微生物分解无机物为植物生长提供营
养, 这些过程均发生在根际, 因此研究根际土壤细
菌群落多样性及其功能, 有助于了解植物、土壤微
滨海盐碱土壤属于极端环境, 其环境的复杂多
样性造就了物种丰富多样性, 物种的多样性预示着
, 因此滨海盐碱土壤
实验室。盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)是藜科
(Chenopodiaceae)碱蓬属植物, 不但在食用和药用领
域备受瞩目, 也是用于开发利用盐碱地的优势植物
已有研究表明, 盐地碱蓬的根系能分泌有机
酸, 植物残体分解后产生的腐殖酸能够降低土壤碱
性, 改善土壤理化性质, 减少土壤水分损失, 还能
析, 而针对其微生物群落结构的研究报道很少, 尤
根际土壤中的细菌多样性优势物种及功能, 可为利
质量, 实施安全有效的盐碱地生物改良措施提供土
近年来, 高通量测序技术发展迅速, 它能够快速
本研究采用Misep高通量测序方法, 对盐地碱蓬根
际土壤细菌进行16s rRNA基因测序, 分析环渤海地
探索细菌群落结构与环境因子的关系, 结合
PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities
by Reconstruction of Unobserved States)分析预测盐
地碱蓬根际土壤细菌的功能, 不仅为环渤海地区滨
供支撑, 也为今后研发土壤改良剂奠定基础。
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究地点与样品采集
以河北、山东、天津的滨海盐碱地为研究区, 其
紧临渤海湾, 主要由海相沉积物和海陆交互层沉积
的黏性土、粉土及砂类土组成, 土壤类型为滨海盐
土。环渤海地区光照充足, 年日照时数2 400~3 000 h,
比山麓平原区多200 h左右; 年平均气温10.8~
13.3 ℃, 无霜期180~200 d; 低平原区年降水量
450~550 mm, 滨海平原区年降水量600~700 mm,
湿润季风性气候, 光照充足, 四季分明, 其中春季