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1. 我宁死也不妥协。I would rather die than compromise.

2. 最奇特的小汽车是只有三个轮子的奔驰汽车。The most unusual car is a Benz with only three wheels.

3. 你决定了从政还是从商?Have you decided to be engaged in politics or business?

4. 邓铁涛是中医界的泰斗。Deng Tietao is a leading authority on Chinese medicine.

5. 她的眼睛由于兴奋而闪闪发光。Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

6. 入乡随俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

7. 干活马虎的人永远不会成功。Those who are slack in their work will never be successful.

8. 准确性是翻译中最重要的原则。Accuracy is the most important principle in translation.

9. 据说苹果皮富含维生素。It is said that the apple peel contains a lot of vitamins.

10. 从这个意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。In this sense, children and adults have equal rights.

11. 他读了很多书,古今中外都有。He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

12. 世界上没有两片叶子是相同的。No two leaves are identical in the world.

13. 宗教信仰自由受法律保护。The freedom of religious belief is protected by law.

14. 任何没有经过检验的理论都是不可信的。Any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one.

15. 没带任何解释,他的申请就被拒绝了。His application was denied without any explanation.

16. 他没有辜负教练的期望。He lived up to the expectations of his coach.

17. 真爱之路永不平坦。(莎士比亚Shakespeare) The course of true love never did run smooth.

18. 酒后驾车会导致灾难性的交通事故。Drunken driving will result in disastrous traffic accidents.

19. 气体不同于固体在于它没有固定的形状。A gas differs from solid in that it has no definite shape.

20. 霜冻在窗玻璃上形成了奇形怪状的图案。The frost made bizarre patterns on the windowpane.

21. 我做了个在湖里淹死的噩梦。I had a nightmare about being drowned in a lake.

22. 不要因为一只宠物猫太过多愁善感了。Don’t be too sentimental about a pet cat.

23. 你怎么能求婚不带戒指呢?How could you make a proposal without a ring?

24. 这位高产作家现在已经江郎才尽了。The productive writer cannot produce any more work now.

25. 他开始了作为一个国际新闻记者的职业生涯。He has started his career as an international journalist.

26. 年轻人掌握两门外语很有必要。It is necessary for the young to master two foreign languages.

27. 洒出的牛奶把地毯弄得一团糟。The split milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.

28. 你的指控在法庭上站不住脚。Your charges will not stand up in court.

29. 要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.

30. 只要你尊重自己,没有人会鄙视你。No one will despise you as long as you respect yourself.

31. 橡胶用来使电线绝缘。Rubber is used to insulate electric wires.

32. 奴隶制在美国是南北战争后被废止的。Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War.

33. 很奇怪,女孩子比男孩子更容易碰淤青皮肤。It’s strange that girls are easier to bruise their skin than boys.

34. 许多白领人士用分期付款的方式买房子。Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments.

35. 文化的普及需要与政治紧密联系。Spread of culture requires a close link with politics.

36. 当今的挑战不仅仅是改善物质生活水平。Today’s challenge is not merely to improve the material living standard.

37. 每个月我们工资中扣除5美元用于修房。Every month, $5 is docked from our salaries for house-repairing.

38. 除了底座有小缺陷外,这座雕塑堪称完美。The statue would be perfect but for a small flaw in its base.

39. 父亲一般比母亲对孩子严厉得多。A father is usually much sterner with his children than a mother is.

40. 由于亚洲金融危机,全球股价暴跌。Owing to the Asian financial crisis, the stock prices tumbled in the world.

41. 云雾面纱遮盖下的群山看起来尤为神秘。Mountains, covered with a veil of cloud, look rather mysterious.

42. 格林先生因信用太差而拿不到信用卡。Mr. Green cannot get a credit card due to his bad credit.

43. 高等教育占到教育预算的30%。Tertiary education accounts for 30 percent of the education budget.

44. 借酒消愁并不能够解决任何问题。Drowning your sorrows can not solve any problem.

45. 在许多零售店中,洗发露样品是免费赠送的。Samples of shampoo are presented free in many retail stores.

46. 他这一生只钟情于他已故妻子一人。He fixed his affection on his late wife all his life.

47. 有些人太把自己当回事儿了让我很恼怒。It bothers me a lot that some people take themselves too seriously.

48. 为赢得比赛,团队成员要紧密配合。Members of a team must work in close collaboration in order to win a match.

49. 人区别于兽因人能思考而且会说话。Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.

50. 这份地图标示出了东京帝国饭店的位置。This map shows the location of Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

51. 尽管遭受不幸,他的信念和乐观精神丝毫未减。Despite his misfortunes, his faith and optimism remained intact.

52. 地方当局决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.

53. 由于和情敌冲突,罗密欧被判入狱15日。Romeo was sentenced to jail for 15 days for a conflict with his rival.

54. 据谣传,国防部长不久就要辞职。Rumor has it that the defense minister will resign soon.

55. 人类需要阳光来合成维生素D。Humans need some sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D.

56. 我们能通过税收来调节社会供求。We can adjust social supply and demand through tax.

57. 我习惯了海洋性气候而非大陆性气候。I am accustomed to the maritime climate rather than continental climate.

58. 处理活期存款的交易成本在上升。The transaction costs of processing demand deposit are increasing.

59. 赡养年迈的父母是每一位公民的义务。Raising old parents is an obligation of every citizen.

60. 我的同事有时拿他秘书当出气筒。My colleague sometimes vents his anger on his secretary.

61. 没有人来采摘这些成熟的水果,结果它们开始腐烂。No one came to pick the ripe fruits, so they began to rot.

62. 农民工从一个城市迁居到另一个城市寻找工作。Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work.

63. 他顶墙撑着一只脚,另一只脚单脚站立。He braced one foot against the wall and stood on the other.

64. 夕阳不断变化的鲜艳色彩迷住了我的眼球。The changing vivid colors of the sunset fascinated my eyes.

65. 好的名望和个人私利是他们追求的东西。Good fame and personal gain is what they are after.

66. 选民的一致意见是死刑不应该被废除。The voters’ consensus was that the capital penalty shouldn’t be abolished.

67. 医生得依赖CT机来诊断脑内肿瘤。Doctors have to rely on a CT machine to diagnose tumors inside the head.

68. 两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。There is keen competition between the two automobile companies.

69. 不论工作多艰巨,她口中从无怨言。No matter how strenuous the work was, no complaint ever passed her lips.

70. 环境是自然基础,经济建立于其上。Our environment is the natural foundation on which our economy is built.

71. 勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。(雨果Hugo) Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance.

72. 光沿直线传播是众所周知的事。That light travels in straight lines is known to all.

73. 玛丽给彼得设了个陷阱,而他就真的掉了进去。Mary set a trap for Peter and he really fell into it.

74. 我们告知已收到贵方6月15日的来信。We acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 15th.

75. 二月到英国度假真是毫无意义。It makes no sense at all to take a holiday in Britain in February.

76. 当听到噩耗时,她展示出了非凡的勇气。She displayed remarkable courage when she heard the bad news.

77. 一位老练世故的政客知道如何操控舆论。A sophisticated politician knows how to manipulate public opinion.

78. 战争爆发后,两国断绝了外交关系。After the war broke out, the two countries broke off their diplomatic relation.

79. 英国的政治体制经历了几个世纪的演变。The British political system has evolved over several centuries.

80. 这位女士太浅薄而无法欣赏这类文学巨著。The woman is too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.

81. 细胞产生的蛋白质能被病毒轻易入侵。The protein produced by cells can be easily invaded by a virus.

82. 沿海的各州都盛产海鲜。Sea food is abundant in the states that border the oceans.

83. 这个不可调和的矛盾升级成一桩武装冲突了。This irreconcilable contradiction escalated into an armed conflict.

84. 我们出售的每架相机都带两年保修期。Every camera we sell comes with a two-year guarantee.

85. 所有村民们都签署了请愿书,要求建一所医院。All villagers signed a petition asking for building a hospital.

86. 由于有点近视,她有眯眼看人的习惯。Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of peering at people.

87. 不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会断路的。Don’t connect the two wires, or there will be a short circuit.

88. 低估对手智慧的人会吃大苦头。Those who underestimate the intelligence of the rivals will come to grief.

89. 她的视力变得如此糟糕,以致几乎看不见了。Her eyesight grew so bad that she could hardly see.

90. 每年,成群的候鸟飞到昆明来越冬。Every year, migratory birds fly to Kunming in batches to survive the winter.

91. 我往脸上泼点冷水提提神。I splashed some cold water on my face to refresh myself.

92. 美国正强有力地在美元对人民币汇率上施压。The U.S. is strongly pressuring China on the USD-RMB exchange


93. 在英国,用餐刀将食物送入口中是粗俗的举止。Putting food into one’s mouth with a knife is considered a vulgar

act in England.

94. 没有被适当培训的女员工不会有被晋升的信心。Female workers who are not properly trained have no

confidence in being promoted.

95. 太空和海洋是科学家们正努力探索的新领域。Space and oceans are the new areas which scientists are trying to


96. 法庭认为经济处罚是惩罚他的恰当方式。The court considers a financial penalty to be an appropriate way of

punishing him.

97. 《我心永恒》的熟悉旋律整日在广播中播放。The familiar melody of My Heart Will Go On was on the air all


98. 应该有一种安全机制,使火车不会相撞。There is supposed to be a safety mechanism which makes it impossible

for trains to collide.

99. 如今,教育花费在家庭支出中占了很大比例。Nowadays, education expenses take a large portion in family


100. 从泰山顶看去,日出真是奇观。Viewed from the top of Mountain Tai, the sunrise is indeed a spectacle.

101. 就职位而言,副教授比教授要低。As far as the rank of position is concerned, an associate professor is inferior to

a professor.

102. 这家公司倒闭使得上百名员工失业。The collapse of this company leads to unemployment of more than 100


103. 大多数下级都奉承上级,唯约翰先生例外。Most inferiors flattered their superiors with an exception of Mr. John.

104. 我们正努力实现欧盟內部更加紧密的政治一体化。We are working to bring about closer political integration in

the EU.

105. 你还记得《乱世佳人》中最精彩的片断么?Do you still remember the most wonderful segment of Gone with the


106. 对于终身大事,切莫做出武断的决定。Don’t make arbitrary decisions when it comes to matters of great

significance to your whole life.

107. 科学家们已经在癌症研究上取得了重大突破。Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in cancer


108. 热带的一些地方湿度太高,以至于欧洲人发现他们都忍受不了。Humidity is so tense in some parts of tropics

that Europeans find they are unable to endure it.

109. 别吃太多奶油,因为会破坏你晚餐的胃口。Don’t eat too much cream because it will spoil your appetite for


110. 所有制造盗版光盘的地下工厂必须都被查封。All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must

be closed down.

111. 农民工思维观念的变化影响了他们对到哪里工作的决策。The change in the mindset of migrant workers has

affected their decisions about where to work.

112. 随着人民生活水平的提高,食品支出下降到消费支出的35%。With the development of people’s living standard,

food expenses dropped to 35 percent of the consumption expenditure.

113. 我们必须采取一些预防措施以避免难以预料的后果。We must take some precautions in order to avoid

unexpected consequence.

114. 生长于积雪覆盖的山顶的树木是耐极寒的。Trees that are growing at the top of the snow-covered mountains are

tolerant of extreme coldness.

115. 很多人还在远低于全国平均值的社会经济水平线上生活。A great many people live at socioeconomic levels far

below the national average.

116. 将军强健的体格和堂堂的仪表让美丽的公主一见倾心。The general’s robust constitution and dignified

appearance attracted the princess at her first sight.

117. 中国总理温家宝说“如果一个社会的财富只存在于少数人手中是不公平的”。 Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier,

said that it is unfair if a society’s wealth is only in the hands of a few people.

118. 医学研究人员已成功开发了一种新药来缓解病人的痛苦。The medical researchers have successfully developed

a new medicine to alleviate the patients’ suffering.

119. 他主张人人都有言论自由,不论肤色、种族或信仰如何。 He stood for freedom of speech for everyone regardless

of color, race or creed.

120. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起一支蜡烛。Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

121. 第一座具有现代风格的体育场在1908年建于英国伦敦。The first stadium with modern style was built in

London, Britain in 1908.

122. 把我托给一位老实的亲戚后,我的父亲就去参加红军了。Leaving me with an honest relative, my father went to

join the Red Army.

123. 他已经被纳粹士兵逮捕的谣言是毫无根据的。The rumor that he has been arrested by Nazi soldiers is


124. 芹菜含有一种宝贵的能帮助降低血压的化学物质。Celery contains a valuable chemical substance that helps

lower blood pressure.

125. 钢琴内部的机械构造远比我想象的复杂很多。The internal mechanism of a piano is far more complicated than I

can imagine.

126. 我们很高兴两国有着建立和平的共同追求。We are quite pleased that our two countries have a common quest in

building peace.

127. 银碗中的玫瑰让这张漂亮的樱桃木桌子锦上添花。Roses in the silver bowl complement the handsome cherry


128. 与电视机相比,电台广播被认为是老掉牙。By comparison with television, radio broadcasting is considered as

very old-fashioned.

129. 这就是为什么热能使冰融化,使水蒸发,使物体膨胀。That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause

bodies to expand.

130. 舌头,这个味觉的主要器官,是咀嚼和消化的重要辅助。The tongue, the chief organ of taste, is an important aid

in chewing and digesting.

131. 由于经济复苏,中国的外汇储备已高达2.8万亿美元。China’s foreign exchange reserves have topped $2.8

trillion with the economic recovery.

132. 当那艘号称永不沉没的巨轮带着她的爱人下沉的时候,电影达到了高潮。The movie reached a climax when the

so-called invincible colossal ship sunk with her lover.

133. 该书是关于这些基本信念和价值观是如何影响美国人生活的重要方面的。This book is about how these basic

beliefs and values affect important facets of American life.

134. 他虚心接受来自各方面的批评,使他成为了一位贤哲。He kept an open mind to criticism from different aspects,

which made him a sage.

135. 暴力是软弱和恐惧的标志,团结是力量和信心的标志。Violence is a sign of weakness and fear, while solidarity

is a sign of strength and confidence.

136. 我们离开公寓时如此焦急仓促,以至于都忘记了飞机票。We were in such an anxious rush when we left our

apartment that we forgot the airline tickets.

137. 外国纺织品的进口加速了农民手工业的破产。The import of foreign textiles hastened the bankruptcy of the

peasants’ handicraft industry.

138. 养老金覆盖范围仅适用于那些政府部门和大企业的员工。Pension coverage is available only to those employed

in the government sectors and large companies.

139. 雇主们投资于人力资本,计算他们投资的长期收益。Employers invest in human capital, calculating the

long-term benefits of their investment.

140. 被授予诺贝尔和平奖,他做了激情洋溢的获奖感言。Awarded the Noble Peace Prize, he made an impassioned

acceptance speech.

141. 设若你在郊区买房,你就要坐公车上下班了。Provided that you buy a house in the suburbs, you’ll have to

commute by bus.

142. 毫无疑问,贸易和消费对快速的经济增长至关重要。Without question, trade and consumption are essential to the

rapid economic growth.

143. 看到一窝小鸭子在沙滩上走真是有趣!What fun to see a brood of ducks walking on the sandy beach!

144. 对每个作用力来说,总是有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。To every action, there is always an equal and

opposite reaction.

145. 一首伟大的诗篇是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing the water

of wisdom and delight.

146. 在深秋时节,香山的红叶在阳光里闪耀着红艳。In late autumn, the maple leaves of the Xiangshan Mountain

glowed red in the sunlight.

147. 不景气的经济环境造成台湾股价急剧下跌。Adverse economic circumstances caused a sharp drop in the prices of

stocks in Taiwan.

148. 妇女经济上的独立提升了她们在家庭中的地位。Women’s economic independence has promoted their status in

the family.

149. 人民的文化生活极大地改善,精神面貌也为之一新。People’s cultural life has improved greatly and their mental

outlook has changed as well.

150. 黄昏,我站在大峡谷——这自然世界奇观之一的边缘。At dusk, I was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon,

one of the wonders of the natural world.

151. 邓小平提出的改革开放政策促进了中国经济的发展。The policy of reform and opening up initiated by Den

Xiaoping has accelerated China’s economic growth.

152. 由于广泛的学识和逻辑性,他辩论得掷地有声。He argued eloquently with extensive knowledge and logic.

153. 尽管这项计划在理论上看起来可行,却在实践中失败了。Though the scheme seemed feasible in theory, it failed

in practice.

154. 和发达国家相比,发展中国家面临更大的压力和挑战。Compared with developed nations, developing countries

are confronted with more pressure and challenges.

155. 流行音乐是当代社会如此重要的一个组成部分,甚至都影响到了语言。Pop music is such an important part of

contemporary society that it has even influence our language.

156. 颐和园因其让人印象深刻的古典园林和风光而吸引着全世界的游客。The Summer Palace is attracting

worldwide tourists with its impressive classical gardens and scenery.

157. M是第一款在其中你能管理一个田径俱乐部的在线多人游戏。M is the first online multiplayer game in which

you can manage a Track and Field club.

158. 美国将削减对韩经济援助的消息泄露了。The news that US will cut down its financial aid to Korea has taken


159. 设想驾着一片白云在天空中遨游,是多么奇妙啊!How wonderful it is to visualize sailing through the sky on a


160. 大部分外国消费品企业都将自己的产品定位在中国市场金字塔的顶端。Most foreign consumer goods

companies position their products at the top of China’s market pyramid.

161. 失败的根本原因是他们依赖军事力量而非人民的力量。The fundamental cause of their failure was that they

relied on military strength rather than people’s strength.

162. 因此,中国采取了扩张性的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。Hence, China has adopted aggressive fiscal policy and

prudent monetary policy.

163. 心理学是一个流行学科,但许多人不知道怎样来定义心理学。Psychology is a popular subject, but many people

don’t know how to define psychology.

164. 假设太阳离得再近些,海洋将会迅速蒸发并完全消失。Supposing the sun gets closer, the oceans would vaporize

quickly and vanish completely.

165. 没有做任何的市场调研,这家公司冒着很大风险制造了2500辆新的运动型多功能汽车。The company took a

considerable risk in manufacturing 2500 new SUVs without doing any market research.

166. 有贸易逆差的国家需要储蓄并扩大出口,有贸易顺差的国家需要刺激消费和内需。Countries with trade

deficits need to save and export more, while countries with trade surpluses need to boost consumption and domestic


167. 电影的结局是正义最终取得了胜利,作恶的人受到了惩罚。The ending of the movie is that justice has prevailed

as last and the guilty have been punished.

168. 抱着愤世嫉俗的心态,当今年轻人易走极端。With a cynical outlook, today’s young people are easy to go to


169. 缩小城乡居民间的收入差距是很必要的。It is necessary to narrow the income gap between people in urban and

rural areas.

170. 熊猫是濒危物种,这意味着没有适当的保护它将会灭绝。The panda is an endangered species, which means that

it will become extinct without adequate protection.

171. 少女站在湖边,凝视着宝塔和树木在水中美丽的倒影。The maiden was standing by the lake, gazing at beautiful

reflections of the pagoda and trees in the water.

172. 低利率、力促银行贷款和减税优惠加剧了房地产泡沫。Low interest rate, promotion of bank lending and tax

break aggravated real estate bubble.

173. 经济危机后,中国的刺激计划几乎是美国政府刺激计划总额的三倍。After the economic crisis, China’s

stimulus package was almost triple the U.S. government’s.

174. 这位女演员因其在戏剧上的杰出成就而被授予了年度奖。The actress was given an annual award for her

outstanding achievements in drama.

175. 当他发现自己不够钱请女友吃晚饭时,这让他尴尬得很。It embarrassed him a lot when he found he hadn’t

enough money to invite his girlfriend to dinner.

176. 我们必须超越幻想和臆断来观察,并努力发现遗漏之处。We must observe beyond illusions and assumptions and

try to discover what is missing.

177. 随函附上面额为25000美元的支票一张,以结清贵方账务。Enclosed please find a check, value $25,000, in

settlement of your account.

178. 爱情就是当你流泪却依然想要他的时候,是当他忽略你却依然牵挂他的时候。“Love” is when you shed tears

but still want him, it’s when he ignores you but you still care for him.

179. 尽管繁荣,专家告诫说团购产业过热,需要有跟上的规定来规范市场。Despite the boom, experts warn that the

team-buying business is overheated and calls for advanced rules to regulate the market.

180. 除非团结得以巩固、人民得以调动起来,否则我们的武装反抗最终会失败。Unless unity is consolidated and

people are mobilized, our armed resistance will fail at last.

181. 计算机技术使得将大量数据储存在可读文档中成为可能。Computer technology makes it possible to store vast

amounts of data in readable files.

182. 出于特别的审美,我只对古典建筑样式感兴趣。Out of special aesthetic appreciation, I’m only interested in

classical architecture.

183. 由于没有月光,他只好追随着遥远西天中那颗星星的微光赶路。As there was no moonlight, he had to follow the

gleam of the star in the distant western sky.

184. 对于隆重接待和热情款待,我愉快地向主办方表示深深谢意。It gives me great pleasure to express my deep

appreciation to our host for the grand reception and generous hospitality.

185. 大脑发现,让所有嗅觉感受器一直工作效率很低。The brain finds it inefficient to keep all smell receptors

working all the time.

186. 莎士比亚的才华胜过了文艺复兴时期的所有其他英国诗人。Shakespeare’s talent transcended any other English

poet in Renaissance.

187. 今晚的舞会是年轻淑女们第一次正式在社交界露面。The ball tonight is the first formal presentation of young

ladies to society.

188. 中国企业推进其全球性活动符合中国作为一个重要经济强国的崛起。Chinese companies accelerate their

global activities in line with China’s ascent as a major economic power.

189. 保险公司通常需要收集投保人的大量信息。An insurance company usually needs to collect considerable

information about the policyholders.

190. 民主党人用舆论做杠杆使得法案在国会获得通过。Democrats used public opinion as a lever to get the act

through the Congress.

191. 这是她专门为你织的毛衣,无价之宝啊!This is a sweater she specially knitted for you, a priceless gift.

192. 网上购买的化妆品能比零售店购买的便宜许多。Cosmetics purchased online can be much cheaper than that in

retail stores.

193. 人民币升值将使得中国的货币政策发生重大变化。The Appreciation of the RMB would involve a major change

in China’s monetary policy.

194. 美国高等教育的学费比中国学费高很多。The tuition of higher education in the USA is much higher than that in


195. “普拉达”给具有高品位的女性目标客户们带来了一种全新的感受。Prada brings a brand-new feeling to the

target female customers of good taste.

196. 这位外交官插进一个笑话, 紧张状态顿时缓和。The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly


197. 农村改革中的好多新奇点子都是基层创出来的。Many of the novel ideas in the rural reform are created by

people at the grassroots.

198. 为防止这些散页丢失,你最好用夹子。To prevent these loose pages from missing, you’d better use some clips.

199. 来自国家地理杂志的一张照片展示了一位坐在一池水银上的男人。A photo from the National Geographic

magazine showed a man sitting on a pool of mercury.

200. 随时间的推移,医学知识的新领域正在进一步向前推进。The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed

farther forward as time goes on.

201. 很奇怪,她对所有接近她丈夫的漂亮女孩都心存敌意。It is very strange that she was hostile to all the beautiful

girls approaching her husband.

202. 在许多发展中国家,电信服务是政府的垄断品。In many developing countries, telecommunication service is a

government monopoly.

203. 跨多纬度的国家,不同地区间气候差异很大。Climates differ widely in different areas in a country covering a

wide range of latitudes.

204. 如果我们的工业回避了革新,我们就永远无法成功地和其他国家竞争。If our industries shy away from

innovation, we will never compete successfully with other countries.

205. 那位暴发户的房子和车子都硕大无比,却也俗不可耐。The houses and cars of the newly-rich are huge but


206. 生物学家已经确定有专门的细胞把化学能变成机械能。Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert

chemical energy into mechanical energy.

207. 那个扭了脚踝的女孩疼痛难当,泪水顺着脸颊流下来。The girl who got her ankle twisted was in such great

agony that tears rolled down her face.

208. 将你的口译与小说的原版进行对比,你就会发现错误。Compare your interpretation with the original version in

the novel, and you’ll find out the mistakes.

209. 北方的许多房子都是隔热的,所以热量在冬天不致散失。 Many houses in the north are insulated so that the heat

is not lost in winter.

210. 由于来自冰岛的火山灰,欧洲最繁忙的两个机场被迫完全关闭。Two of Europe’s busiest airports were

compelled to shut down due to volcanic ash from Iceland.

211. 蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was

replaced by mechanical power.

212. 我们应通过党内民主的发展来促进人民民主。We should foster people’s democracy through the development of

inner-Party democracy.

213. 自然选择在进化中的作用在一百多年前才得以阐明。The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated a

little more than a hundred years ago.

214. 我们真搞不懂为什么这个超级大国如此热衷于搞“国家导弹防御系统”。We really don’t understand why the

superpower is so enthusiastic over the National Missile Defense.

215. 《富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书的出版使作者罗伯特名利双收。The publication of Rich Dad and Poor Dad has brought

its author Robert great profit and fame.

216. 信不信由你,克林顿夫人总是手握一把大剪刀亲自修理树篱。Believe it or not, Mrs. Clinton always trims the

hedge herself with a pair of garden shears.

217. 在建造新的宇宙飞船期间,安全考虑占了很大比重。Safety considerations bulked large during the development

of the new spacecraft.

218. 如果你想要成功,当以恒心为良友,经验为参谋,谨慎为兄弟,希望为哨兵。(爱迪生Thomas Edison) If you

wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother

and hope as your sentry.

219. 随着经济的快速增长和持续同外部世界的经济一体化,中国的外汇储备大量积累起来。With rapid economic

growth and continuing economic integration with the outside world, China’s foreign exchange reserves have witnessed

considerable accumulation.

220. 比尔·克林顿力图修复他难堪的处境,但是希拉里却无心和解。Bill Clinton did his best to rectify the awkward

situation, but Hillary was in no mood to reconcile.

221. 社会主义精神文明是中国特色社会主义的重要特征。Socialist spiritual civilization is an important attribute of

socialism with Chinese characteristics.

222. 在飞机坠毁之后,驾驶员竟然还能活着,这似乎是不可想象的。It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have

survived the crash.

223. 一个只会模仿他人风格的艺术家是不会获得赞赏的。An artist who can only imitate others’ styles will not

achieve acclaim.

224. 总统不在,副总统主持了内阁会议。In the absence of the president, the vice president presided at the meeting of

the Cabinet.

225. 面临着严峻挑战的中国必须要遏制其生态环境退化。China facing severe challenges must curb its ecological

environment from degrading.

226. 尽管有缺陷,大学英语四、六级考试还是极大地促进了中国大学的英语教学。In spite of the drawbacks, CET-4

and CET-6 have greatly promoted English teaching in China’s colleges and universities.

227. 罗宾先生坐在那儿不发一言,似乎自始至终他只是一个无辜的旁观者。Mr. Robin sat there and kept silent, as if

he were an innocent bystander the entire time.

228. 美国宪法的第一条修正案是关于宗教自由的规定。The first amendment to the American constitution is the

specification about freedom of religion.

229. 得到可靠情报一名乘客走私毒品后,警察实施了严密的搜查。Having got a reliable report that a passenger

smuggled drugs, the police carried out the rigorous search.

230. 我们正致力于改善生产条件,以增加粮食生产能力。We are striving to improve production conditions to increase

grain production capacity.

231. 茱莉亚演奏大提琴的精湛技艺使她赢得了人们的钦佩和雷鸣般的掌声。Julia’s gorgeous techniques in playing

the cello have earned her admiration and thunderous applauses.

232. 加息几乎不能抑制通货膨胀,甚至会对整个经济发展产生不利影响。An interest rate hike can hardly contain

inflation, and will even have a negative impact on overall economic development.

233. 外面,人们纵情欢呼着,等待着新一年的到来。Outside people were cheering heartily and awaiting the arrival of

the New Year.

234. 上海举行的峰会可以促进六国之间的友好合作关系。The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai could foster better

relations and cooperation between the six counties.

235. 由于难以区分信息的真假,公开的谍报活动也有其风险。Open spying does have its risks since it’s difficult to

tell true information from the false.

236. 迁徙的野鸭在着陆之前要查看下地面是否有潜在危险。Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible

danger before they land.

237. 如果想从自动取款机中取钱,只要将磁卡插入槽中,输入密码即可。If you want to draw money from the ATM,

just insert the magnetic card into the slot and enter your password.

238. 有些人吃苹果前削皮,以防农药对身体的危害。Some people peel the apples before eating for fearing the harm of

agricultural chemicals to their health.

239. 全球化的进程正挑战着我们一些最珍视的价值和观念,其中包括什么构成“家”的观念。The advance of

globalization is challenging some of our most cherished values and ideas, including our idea of what constitute a


240. 尽管有智力缺陷,周洲却能指挥一个大型管弦乐队。In spite of mental deficiency, Zhouzhou can conduct a large


241. 外资银行在全球有众多网点,通过这些网点,它们能为中资企业提供优质的本土服务和重要的人民币跨境贸易结算。Foreign banks have many outlets in the world, by which they could offer Chinese enterprises good local

services, and important RMB settlement in cross-border trade.

242. 联合国人权会议应该是一个讨论人类共同面临的问题、促进人权事业发展的场所。The UN Human Rights

Conference should be a place where the common problems of mankind are discussed and the cause of human rights is


243. 美洲王蝶揭示了一种新奇的动物感知地球磁场的方式。Monarch butterflies reveal a novel way in which animals

sense earth’s magnetic field.

244. 能量守恒定律和转换定律说明:宇宙间能量的总和是不变的。The law of conservation and transformation of

energy states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.

245. 苹果向下落到地面而不是向上飞到树上的事实回答了他的疑问。The fact that the apple fell down toward the

earth instead of going up into the tree answered his question.

246. 任何一个干涉他国内政的国家都应该受到普遍的谴责。Any country that interferes in the internal affairs of other

countries should be universally condemned.

247. 一只白色的小鸟在草地上拍打着翅膀,试图抖落下雨水。A white bird is fluttering its wings on the grass, trying

to shake off the rain.

248. 普遍认为中国古代文明是世界上最古老的文明之一。It is generally accepted that the Chinese ancient

civilization is one of the oldest in the world.

249. 在过去,中国的情侣很含蓄而不会当众拥抱或亲吻,但现在情况变了。In the past, Chinese lovers were too

reserved to embrace or kiss each other in public, but it is not the case now.

250. 一些人为了找份优厚工作而设法去弄假文凭,这样不过是自欺欺人。Some people try to get forged diplomas in

order to find a well-paid job, which only deceives themselves.

251. 由于不合理配置,卫生资源的利用率不高。Due to improper allocation, the utilization ratio of health resources is

not high.

252. 签合同前应仔细阅读每一项条款,以免上当受骗。Before signing a contract, you should pore over every clause

in case you’re fooled.

253. 如今,常驻城镇人口办理了医疗保险,但是在农村的贫困人口要负债求医或得不到治疗。Nowadays, the

permanent urban population takes out medical insurance, but the poor in the countryside have to go into debt to pay their

medical bills or go without treatment.

254. 在20世纪20年代提出的宇宙大爆炸理论是关于宇宙有权威的解释。The Big Bang, put forward in the 1920s,

acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.

255. 在来年通货膨胀率不增加的假定下,许多公司正重新考虑雇员的薪水。Many companies are reviewing the

employees’ salary on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.

256. 他作品的欢乐轻快与他哀伤的性格形成鲜明的对照。The gaiety and lightness of his work were in contrast to his

own sad nature.

257. 身处异国,你会发现很难使自己融入一个与本国文化差异如此大的社会。Staying in an alien country, you will

find it difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.

258. 妹妹主动提出去洗碗筷,声称她喜欢盘子边缘的图案。My sister offered to do the washing-up, declaring that she

liked the pattern on the rim of the plates.

259. 一个老师有勇气向他的学生承认自己犯了错是难能可贵的。It’s commendable that a teacher has the courage to

confess to having made mistakes to his students.

260. 人口老龄化的趋势不可避免,甚至会因死亡率和出生率的进一步下降而加速。The trend of population aging is

inevitable and can even be accelerated by further decline in mortality and fertility.

261. 为了提高政府部门的工作效率,我们必须与官僚作风作斗争。 We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to

improve the efficiency of governmental work.

262. 不言而喻,军队的唯一职责就是保卫民族独立和国家主权。It goes without saying that the sole duty of the army

is to safeguard national independence and state sovereignty.

263. 一些女孩看上去温顺柔弱,但你不该理所当然地认为她们从不发脾气。Some girls appear gentle and vulnerable,

but you shouldn’t take it for granted that they never lose their temper.

264. 尽管一些办公室工作看起来单调乏味,但其实有相当多的工作具有刺激性、趣味性和愉悦性。While some

office jobs seem tedious, there are quite a few jobs that are stimulating, exciting and satisfying.

265. 当中国大使馆被北约轰炸的消息传来,全体中国人民都被激怒而义愤填膺。All the Chinese people were

provoked and burst into rage when the news came that the Chinese embassy was bombed by NATO.

266. 心隐藏了我们不能说的东西,但眼睛说出了我们试图隐藏的东西。Heart hides what we can’t say, but eyes say

what we try to hide.

267. 苏格兰是一个独一无二的地方,在那儿随处可见宫殿与城堡及穿着民族服装的传统仪仗队。Scotland is a

unique place, where you can find palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.

268. 在某些国家中,当众穿睡衣或内衣走来走去是违法的。In some countries, it is illegal to walk around in public

wearing pajamas or underwear.

269. 从1979年,两国正式建立了外交关系,成为双边关系的一个历史转折点。Starting from 1979, the two countries

officially established diplomatic relations, making a historic turning point in the bilateral relations.

270. 无论何时我们用英语说话,都应该尽可能地条理清楚。 We should try to be as coherent as possible whenever we

speak in English.

271. 学生们对难吃的食堂饭菜评头论足是不过分的。It’s appropriate for students to make a passing remark about the

inedible canteen food.

272. 为帮助受灾群众度过严冬,政府号召我们捐赠钱物。To help the calamity-stricken people weather the severe

winter, government called on us to donate money and goods.

273. 小溪安静地流淌着,似乎在低声诉说着一个没有结局的故事。The brook is flowing peacefully, as if murmuring

a never-ending story.

274. 不拘泥于教条,这些第五代导演们拍出了令人称道的影片。Not confined by doctrines, these fifth-generation

movie directors have shot some breathtaking films.

275. 用满足道德、法律和商业期望的方式来经营生意,是企业的社会责任。It is corporate social responsibility to

operate a business in a manner that meets ethical, legal, and commercial expectations.

276. 最早被美国斯坦福大学使用的“教育产业化”这个词,旨在将大学的知识和技术直接转化成社会生产力。The

term “Education Industrialization”, first used by Stanford University, aims at transferring knowledge and techniques from

universities directly into social productive forces.

277. 恰如俗语说的“吉人自有天相”,他在这场车祸中死里逃生。Just as the proverb goes “blessings are ever waiting

on virtuous acts”, he survived the accident.

278. 我把那副肖像画放在每天可以看到它的地方,因为它总让我想起在布里斯班无忧无虑的大学时光。 I put that

portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my carefree university days in Brisbane.

279. 中国的地方政府是房地产市场发展中的重要参与者,因为他们把土地租约卖给开发商换取高额利润。China’s

local governments are major players in real estate development because they sell land leases to developers for hefty


280. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss

the stars.

281. 人们觉得他们正快速步入一个史无前例的文明时代,在这个时代里,更好的教育和有利的技术会确保所有的人拥有财富与闲暇。People felt that they were hurrying into an epoch of unprecedented enlightenment, in which better

education and beneficial technology would ensure wealth and leisure for all.

282. 政府投资渠道必须集中于创新、科学和技术,因为这些构成了知识经济的主流。Government investment

sources must focus on innovation, science and technology as these form the mainstream of knowledge economy.

283. 一些无形的手指,宛如悠闲的微风,在我的心弦上弹出爱的音乐。Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are

playing upon my heart the music of love.

284. 为实现可持续发展社会,工业生产过程实现对环境影响最小的转型是迫在眉睫的。To realize a sustainable

society, it is imperative that industrial manufacturing processes undergo a transformation with minimal impact on the


285. 在房价持续飞涨的大城市和一些二线城市,经济适用房项目给地方政府带来了巨大的损失。The affordable

housing projects generate huge losses for local governments in big metropolises and some second-tier cities, where

property prices have continued soaring.

286. 在上周的半决赛中,曼联队以4:0击败了利兹队。In last week’s semi-final, the Manchester United overwhelmed

Liz by 4-0.

287. 物质中的自由电子数量越多,该物质的导电性就越好。The greater the number of the free electrons in a material,

the better is the conductivity of the material.

288. 中国政府确立了目标,要提供全民的、安全的、负担得起的基本医疗服务以减少个人储蓄。Chinese government

has set the target of providing universal, safe and affordable basic healthcare to reduce personal savings.

289. 中央银行面临着最差的信任危机,因为投资者、居民和企业质疑其为维持物价稳定所做的贡献。The central

bank is facing the worst crisis of confidence, as investors, households and firms question its commitment to maintaining

price stability.

290. 长城从东向西蜿蜒盘旋,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,直至最后到达海边。The Great Wall winds its way

from west to east, across the deserts, over the mountains, through the valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.

291. 中国贸易代表团已前往非洲各国,他们将与各自国家的政府商谈贸易协定。Chinese trade delegations have

been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.

292. 世界上所有爱好和平的人们都要求禁止发展核武器。All peace-loving people in the world demand the

prohibition of the development of nuclear weapons.

293. 有大笔财产的单身汉一定想娶个太太,这是个举世公认的真理。(《傲慢与偏见》) It is a truth universally

acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

294. 在提供足以满足公民基本需求的医疗服务方面,中国政府面临着艰巨的挑战。The Chinese government faces

a huge challenge in providing medical services adequate to meet the basic needs of citizens.

295. 难道一个用枪射杀同类的现代人不比用弓箭捕杀动物的原始人更野蛮么?Isn’t a civilized man who kills his

fellows with a gun more savage than a primitive man killing animals with bows and arrows?

296. 除非经理人与股东追求不同的利益,否则将所有权从管理中分离出来无碍。The separation of ownership from

management does not matter unless the managers pursue interests that are different from the shareholders’ interests.

297. 股票市场最根本的缺陷是一些上市公司将垃圾股以高价卖出,所以投资者的利益没有得到正当地保护。The

stock market’s deep-rooted defects are that some listed companies sold junk shares at high prices, so the interests of the

investors were not duly protected.

298. 海关部门承担一系列的责任,包括收取税收、缉私及知识产权保护。The Customs Department undertakes a

range of responsibilities, including revenue collection, anti-smuggling work, and protection of intellectual property rights.

299. “你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么做新婚礼物么?是个金盒子,在盒子里面,他自己刻上“缘分”。(电影《幸福终点站》) You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And on the inside, he

made an inscription, “Destiny”.

300. 我不确定行业协会的游说者们是否是美国商界的领袖,但业界代表们却压倒性地支持共和党。I’m not sure

whether trade association lobbyists are U.S. business leaders, but industry representatives overwhelmingly support the

Republican Party.

301. 戴安娜尽全力履行其作为王妃的职责,并成功证明了其重要性已经远远超出了完善婚姻和为皇室生育下一代本身。Diana tried her best to fulfill her duty as a princess and succeeded in proving that her significance is much more

than completing a marriage and producing new generation for the royal family.

302. 中国高校入学考试体制正经历着改革,因为大学意图按照自己独立的标准来选拔学生而不再依据高考成绩。China’s college entrance exam system is undergoing reform as universities aim to select students based on independent

criteria rather than on the results of NCEE.

303. 在尼泊尔,反印情绪经常使这个王国群情激愤,王室最不能接受的就是一位有着印度血统的未来王后。In

Nepal, anti-India sentiment has often set the kingdom on fire and the last thing the royal family can accept is a future

queen with Indian blood.

304. 中国的通胀压力来自于大宗商品和食品价格的上涨,上调利率不能解决这一问题,而只会增加那些已受高成本压榨的企业的压力。China’s inflation pressure comes from price hikes in bulk commodities and food, and interest

rate hike cannot solve the problem and will only add pressure to enterprises that are already squeezed by high costs.



1. 我宁死也不妥协。I would rather die than compromise.

2. 最奇特的小汽车是只有三个轮子的奔驰汽车。The most unusual car is a Benz with only three wheels.

3. 你决定了从政还是从商?Have you decided to be engaged in politics or business?

4. 邓铁涛是中医界的泰斗。Deng Tietao is a leading authority on Chinese medicine.

5. 她的眼睛由于兴奋而闪闪发光。Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

6. 入乡随俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

7. 干活马虎的人永远不会成功。Those who are slack in their work will never be successful.

8. 准确性是翻译中最重要的原则。Accuracy is the most important principle in translation.

9. 据说苹果皮富含维生素。It is said that the apple peel contains a lot of vitamins.

10. 从这个意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。In this sense, children and adults have equal rights.

11. 他读了很多书,古今中外都有。He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

12. 世界上没有两片叶子是相同的。No two leaves are identical in the world.

13. 宗教信仰自由受法律保护。The freedom of religious belief is protected by law.

14. 任何没有经过检验的理论都是不可信的。Any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one.

15. 没带任何解释,他的申请就被拒绝了。His application was denied without any explanation.

16. 他没有辜负教练的期望。He lived up to the expectations of his coach.

17. 真爱之路永不平坦。(莎士比亚Shakespeare) The course of true love never did run smooth.

18. 酒后驾车会导致灾难性的交通事故。Drunken driving will result in disastrous traffic accidents.

19. 气体不同于固体在于它没有固定的形状。A gas differs from solid in that it has no definite shape.

20. 霜冻在窗玻璃上形成了奇形怪状的图案。The frost made bizarre patterns on the windowpane.

21. 我做了个在湖里淹死的噩梦。I had a nightmare about being drowned in a lake.

22. 不要因为一只宠物猫太过多愁善感了。Don’t be too sentimental about a pet cat.

23. 你怎么能求婚不带戒指呢?How could you make a proposal without a ring?

24. 这位高产作家现在已经江郎才尽了。The productive writer cannot produce any more work now.

25. 他开始了作为一个国际新闻记者的职业生涯。He has started his career as an international journalist.

26. 年轻人掌握两门外语很有必要。It is necessary for the young to master two foreign languages.

27. 洒出的牛奶把地毯弄得一团糟。The split milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.

28. 你的指控在法庭上站不住脚。Your charges will not stand up in court.

29. 要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.

30. 只要你尊重自己,没有人会鄙视你。No one will despise you as long as you respect yourself.

31. 橡胶用来使电线绝缘。Rubber is used to insulate electric wires.

32. 奴隶制在美国是南北战争后被废止的。Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War.

33. 很奇怪,女孩子比男孩子更容易碰淤青皮肤。It’s strange that girls are easier to bruise their skin than boys.

34. 许多白领人士用分期付款的方式买房子。Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments.

35. 文化的普及需要与政治紧密联系。Spread of culture requires a close link with politics.

36. 当今的挑战不仅仅是改善物质生活水平。Today’s challenge is not merely to improve the material living standard.

37. 每个月我们工资中扣除5美元用于修房。Every month, $5 is docked from our salaries for house-repairing.

38. 除了底座有小缺陷外,这座雕塑堪称完美。The statue would be perfect but for a small flaw in its base.

39. 父亲一般比母亲对孩子严厉得多。A father is usually much sterner with his children than a mother is.

40. 由于亚洲金融危机,全球股价暴跌。Owing to the Asian financial crisis, the stock prices tumbled in the world.

41. 云雾面纱遮盖下的群山看起来尤为神秘。Mountains, covered with a veil of cloud, look rather mysterious.

42. 格林先生因信用太差而拿不到信用卡。Mr. Green cannot get a credit card due to his bad credit.

43. 高等教育占到教育预算的30%。Tertiary education accounts for 30 percent of the education budget.

44. 借酒消愁并不能够解决任何问题。Drowning your sorrows can not solve any problem.

45. 在许多零售店中,洗发露样品是免费赠送的。Samples of shampoo are presented free in many retail stores.

46. 他这一生只钟情于他已故妻子一人。He fixed his affection on his late wife all his life.

47. 有些人太把自己当回事儿了让我很恼怒。It bothers me a lot that some people take themselves too seriously.

48. 为赢得比赛,团队成员要紧密配合。Members of a team must work in close collaboration in order to win a match.

49. 人区别于兽因人能思考而且会说话。Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.

50. 这份地图标示出了东京帝国饭店的位置。This map shows the location of Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

51. 尽管遭受不幸,他的信念和乐观精神丝毫未减。Despite his misfortunes, his faith and optimism remained intact.

52. 地方当局决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.

53. 由于和情敌冲突,罗密欧被判入狱15日。Romeo was sentenced to jail for 15 days for a conflict with his rival.

54. 据谣传,国防部长不久就要辞职。Rumor has it that the defense minister will resign soon.

55. 人类需要阳光来合成维生素D。Humans need some sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D.

56. 我们能通过税收来调节社会供求。We can adjust social supply and demand through tax.

57. 我习惯了海洋性气候而非大陆性气候。I am accustomed to the maritime climate rather than continental climate.

58. 处理活期存款的交易成本在上升。The transaction costs of processing demand deposit are increasing.

59. 赡养年迈的父母是每一位公民的义务。Raising old parents is an obligation of every citizen.

60. 我的同事有时拿他秘书当出气筒。My colleague sometimes vents his anger on his secretary.

61. 没有人来采摘这些成熟的水果,结果它们开始腐烂。No one came to pick the ripe fruits, so they began to rot.

62. 农民工从一个城市迁居到另一个城市寻找工作。Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work.

63. 他顶墙撑着一只脚,另一只脚单脚站立。He braced one foot against the wall and stood on the other.

64. 夕阳不断变化的鲜艳色彩迷住了我的眼球。The changing vivid colors of the sunset fascinated my eyes.

65. 好的名望和个人私利是他们追求的东西。Good fame and personal gain is what they are after.

66. 选民的一致意见是死刑不应该被废除。The voters’ consensus was that the capital penalty shouldn’t be abolished.

67. 医生得依赖CT机来诊断脑内肿瘤。Doctors have to rely on a CT machine to diagnose tumors inside the head.

68. 两家汽车公司之间存在着激烈的竞争。There is keen competition between the two automobile companies.

69. 不论工作多艰巨,她口中从无怨言。No matter how strenuous the work was, no complaint ever passed her lips.

70. 环境是自然基础,经济建立于其上。Our environment is the natural foundation on which our economy is built.

71. 勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。(雨果Hugo) Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance.

72. 光沿直线传播是众所周知的事。That light travels in straight lines is known to all.

73. 玛丽给彼得设了个陷阱,而他就真的掉了进去。Mary set a trap for Peter and he really fell into it.

74. 我们告知已收到贵方6月15日的来信。We acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 15th.

75. 二月到英国度假真是毫无意义。It makes no sense at all to take a holiday in Britain in February.

76. 当听到噩耗时,她展示出了非凡的勇气。She displayed remarkable courage when she heard the bad news.

77. 一位老练世故的政客知道如何操控舆论。A sophisticated politician knows how to manipulate public opinion.

78. 战争爆发后,两国断绝了外交关系。After the war broke out, the two countries broke off their diplomatic relation.

79. 英国的政治体制经历了几个世纪的演变。The British political system has evolved over several centuries.

80. 这位女士太浅薄而无法欣赏这类文学巨著。The woman is too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.

81. 细胞产生的蛋白质能被病毒轻易入侵。The protein produced by cells can be easily invaded by a virus.

82. 沿海的各州都盛产海鲜。Sea food is abundant in the states that border the oceans.

83. 这个不可调和的矛盾升级成一桩武装冲突了。This irreconcilable contradiction escalated into an armed conflict.

84. 我们出售的每架相机都带两年保修期。Every camera we sell comes with a two-year guarantee.

85. 所有村民们都签署了请愿书,要求建一所医院。All villagers signed a petition asking for building a hospital.

86. 由于有点近视,她有眯眼看人的习惯。Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of peering at people.

87. 不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会断路的。Don’t connect the two wires, or there will be a short circuit.

88. 低估对手智慧的人会吃大苦头。Those who underestimate the intelligence of the rivals will come to grief.

89. 她的视力变得如此糟糕,以致几乎看不见了。Her eyesight grew so bad that she could hardly see.

90. 每年,成群的候鸟飞到昆明来越冬。Every year, migratory birds fly to Kunming in batches to survive the winter.

91. 我往脸上泼点冷水提提神。I splashed some cold water on my face to refresh myself.

92. 美国正强有力地在美元对人民币汇率上施压。The U.S. is strongly pressuring China on the USD-RMB exchange


93. 在英国,用餐刀将食物送入口中是粗俗的举止。Putting food into one’s mouth with a knife is considered a vulgar

act in England.

94. 没有被适当培训的女员工不会有被晋升的信心。Female workers who are not properly trained have no

confidence in being promoted.

95. 太空和海洋是科学家们正努力探索的新领域。Space and oceans are the new areas which scientists are trying to


96. 法庭认为经济处罚是惩罚他的恰当方式。The court considers a financial penalty to be an appropriate way of

punishing him.

97. 《我心永恒》的熟悉旋律整日在广播中播放。The familiar melody of My Heart Will Go On was on the air all


98. 应该有一种安全机制,使火车不会相撞。There is supposed to be a safety mechanism which makes it impossible

for trains to collide.

99. 如今,教育花费在家庭支出中占了很大比例。Nowadays, education expenses take a large portion in family


100. 从泰山顶看去,日出真是奇观。Viewed from the top of Mountain Tai, the sunrise is indeed a spectacle.

101. 就职位而言,副教授比教授要低。As far as the rank of position is concerned, an associate professor is inferior to

a professor.

102. 这家公司倒闭使得上百名员工失业。The collapse of this company leads to unemployment of more than 100


103. 大多数下级都奉承上级,唯约翰先生例外。Most inferiors flattered their superiors with an exception of Mr. John.

104. 我们正努力实现欧盟內部更加紧密的政治一体化。We are working to bring about closer political integration in

the EU.

105. 你还记得《乱世佳人》中最精彩的片断么?Do you still remember the most wonderful segment of Gone with the


106. 对于终身大事,切莫做出武断的决定。Don’t make arbitrary decisions when it comes to matters of great

significance to your whole life.

107. 科学家们已经在癌症研究上取得了重大突破。Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in cancer


108. 热带的一些地方湿度太高,以至于欧洲人发现他们都忍受不了。Humidity is so tense in some parts of tropics

that Europeans find they are unable to endure it.

109. 别吃太多奶油,因为会破坏你晚餐的胃口。Don’t eat too much cream because it will spoil your appetite for


110. 所有制造盗版光盘的地下工厂必须都被查封。All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must

be closed down.

111. 农民工思维观念的变化影响了他们对到哪里工作的决策。The change in the mindset of migrant workers has

affected their decisions about where to work.

112. 随着人民生活水平的提高,食品支出下降到消费支出的35%。With the development of people’s living standard,

food expenses dropped to 35 percent of the consumption expenditure.

113. 我们必须采取一些预防措施以避免难以预料的后果。We must take some precautions in order to avoid

unexpected consequence.

114. 生长于积雪覆盖的山顶的树木是耐极寒的。Trees that are growing at the top of the snow-covered mountains are

tolerant of extreme coldness.

115. 很多人还在远低于全国平均值的社会经济水平线上生活。A great many people live at socioeconomic levels far

below the national average.

116. 将军强健的体格和堂堂的仪表让美丽的公主一见倾心。The general’s robust constitution and dignified

appearance attracted the princess at her first sight.

117. 中国总理温家宝说“如果一个社会的财富只存在于少数人手中是不公平的”。 Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier,

said that it is unfair if a society’s wealth is only in the hands of a few people.

118. 医学研究人员已成功开发了一种新药来缓解病人的痛苦。The medical researchers have successfully developed

a new medicine to alleviate the patients’ suffering.

119. 他主张人人都有言论自由,不论肤色、种族或信仰如何。 He stood for freedom of speech for everyone regardless

of color, race or creed.

120. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起一支蜡烛。Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

121. 第一座具有现代风格的体育场在1908年建于英国伦敦。The first stadium with modern style was built in

London, Britain in 1908.

122. 把我托给一位老实的亲戚后,我的父亲就去参加红军了。Leaving me with an honest relative, my father went to

join the Red Army.

123. 他已经被纳粹士兵逮捕的谣言是毫无根据的。The rumor that he has been arrested by Nazi soldiers is


124. 芹菜含有一种宝贵的能帮助降低血压的化学物质。Celery contains a valuable chemical substance that helps

lower blood pressure.

125. 钢琴内部的机械构造远比我想象的复杂很多。The internal mechanism of a piano is far more complicated than I

can imagine.

126. 我们很高兴两国有着建立和平的共同追求。We are quite pleased that our two countries have a common quest in

building peace.

127. 银碗中的玫瑰让这张漂亮的樱桃木桌子锦上添花。Roses in the silver bowl complement the handsome cherry


128. 与电视机相比,电台广播被认为是老掉牙。By comparison with television, radio broadcasting is considered as

very old-fashioned.

129. 这就是为什么热能使冰融化,使水蒸发,使物体膨胀。That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause

bodies to expand.

130. 舌头,这个味觉的主要器官,是咀嚼和消化的重要辅助。The tongue, the chief organ of taste, is an important aid

in chewing and digesting.

131. 由于经济复苏,中国的外汇储备已高达2.8万亿美元。China’s foreign exchange reserves have topped $2.8

trillion with the economic recovery.

132. 当那艘号称永不沉没的巨轮带着她的爱人下沉的时候,电影达到了高潮。The movie reached a climax when the

so-called invincible colossal ship sunk with her lover.

133. 该书是关于这些基本信念和价值观是如何影响美国人生活的重要方面的。This book is about how these basic

beliefs and values affect important facets of American life.

134. 他虚心接受来自各方面的批评,使他成为了一位贤哲。He kept an open mind to criticism from different aspects,

which made him a sage.

135. 暴力是软弱和恐惧的标志,团结是力量和信心的标志。Violence is a sign of weakness and fear, while solidarity

is a sign of strength and confidence.

136. 我们离开公寓时如此焦急仓促,以至于都忘记了飞机票。We were in such an anxious rush when we left our

apartment that we forgot the airline tickets.

137. 外国纺织品的进口加速了农民手工业的破产。The import of foreign textiles hastened the bankruptcy of the

peasants’ handicraft industry.

138. 养老金覆盖范围仅适用于那些政府部门和大企业的员工。Pension coverage is available only to those employed

in the government sectors and large companies.

139. 雇主们投资于人力资本,计算他们投资的长期收益。Employers invest in human capital, calculating the

long-term benefits of their investment.

140. 被授予诺贝尔和平奖,他做了激情洋溢的获奖感言。Awarded the Noble Peace Prize, he made an impassioned

acceptance speech.

141. 设若你在郊区买房,你就要坐公车上下班了。Provided that you buy a house in the suburbs, you’ll have to

commute by bus.

142. 毫无疑问,贸易和消费对快速的经济增长至关重要。Without question, trade and consumption are essential to the

rapid economic growth.

143. 看到一窝小鸭子在沙滩上走真是有趣!What fun to see a brood of ducks walking on the sandy beach!

144. 对每个作用力来说,总是有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。To every action, there is always an equal and

opposite reaction.

145. 一首伟大的诗篇是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing the water

of wisdom and delight.

146. 在深秋时节,香山的红叶在阳光里闪耀着红艳。In late autumn, the maple leaves of the Xiangshan Mountain

glowed red in the sunlight.

147. 不景气的经济环境造成台湾股价急剧下跌。Adverse economic circumstances caused a sharp drop in the prices of

stocks in Taiwan.

148. 妇女经济上的独立提升了她们在家庭中的地位。Women’s economic independence has promoted their status in

the family.

149. 人民的文化生活极大地改善,精神面貌也为之一新。People’s cultural life has improved greatly and their mental

outlook has changed as well.

150. 黄昏,我站在大峡谷——这自然世界奇观之一的边缘。At dusk, I was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon,

one of the wonders of the natural world.

151. 邓小平提出的改革开放政策促进了中国经济的发展。The policy of reform and opening up initiated by Den

Xiaoping has accelerated China’s economic growth.

152. 由于广泛的学识和逻辑性,他辩论得掷地有声。He argued eloquently with extensive knowledge and logic.

153. 尽管这项计划在理论上看起来可行,却在实践中失败了。Though the scheme seemed feasible in theory, it failed

in practice.

154. 和发达国家相比,发展中国家面临更大的压力和挑战。Compared with developed nations, developing countries

are confronted with more pressure and challenges.

155. 流行音乐是当代社会如此重要的一个组成部分,甚至都影响到了语言。Pop music is such an important part of

contemporary society that it has even influence our language.

156. 颐和园因其让人印象深刻的古典园林和风光而吸引着全世界的游客。The Summer Palace is attracting

worldwide tourists with its impressive classical gardens and scenery.

157. M是第一款在其中你能管理一个田径俱乐部的在线多人游戏。M is the first online multiplayer game in which

you can manage a Track and Field club.

158. 美国将削减对韩经济援助的消息泄露了。The news that US will cut down its financial aid to Korea has taken


159. 设想驾着一片白云在天空中遨游,是多么奇妙啊!How wonderful it is to visualize sailing through the sky on a


160. 大部分外国消费品企业都将自己的产品定位在中国市场金字塔的顶端。Most foreign consumer goods

companies position their products at the top of China’s market pyramid.

161. 失败的根本原因是他们依赖军事力量而非人民的力量。The fundamental cause of their failure was that they

relied on military strength rather than people’s strength.

162. 因此,中国采取了扩张性的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。Hence, China has adopted aggressive fiscal policy and

prudent monetary policy.

163. 心理学是一个流行学科,但许多人不知道怎样来定义心理学。Psychology is a popular subject, but many people

don’t know how to define psychology.

164. 假设太阳离得再近些,海洋将会迅速蒸发并完全消失。Supposing the sun gets closer, the oceans would vaporize

quickly and vanish completely.

165. 没有做任何的市场调研,这家公司冒着很大风险制造了2500辆新的运动型多功能汽车。The company took a

considerable risk in manufacturing 2500 new SUVs without doing any market research.

166. 有贸易逆差的国家需要储蓄并扩大出口,有贸易顺差的国家需要刺激消费和内需。Countries with trade

deficits need to save and export more, while countries with trade surpluses need to boost consumption and domestic


167. 电影的结局是正义最终取得了胜利,作恶的人受到了惩罚。The ending of the movie is that justice has prevailed

as last and the guilty have been punished.

168. 抱着愤世嫉俗的心态,当今年轻人易走极端。With a cynical outlook, today’s young people are easy to go to


169. 缩小城乡居民间的收入差距是很必要的。It is necessary to narrow the income gap between people in urban and

rural areas.

170. 熊猫是濒危物种,这意味着没有适当的保护它将会灭绝。The panda is an endangered species, which means that

it will become extinct without adequate protection.

171. 少女站在湖边,凝视着宝塔和树木在水中美丽的倒影。The maiden was standing by the lake, gazing at beautiful

reflections of the pagoda and trees in the water.

172. 低利率、力促银行贷款和减税优惠加剧了房地产泡沫。Low interest rate, promotion of bank lending and tax

break aggravated real estate bubble.

173. 经济危机后,中国的刺激计划几乎是美国政府刺激计划总额的三倍。After the economic crisis, China’s

stimulus package was almost triple the U.S. government’s.

174. 这位女演员因其在戏剧上的杰出成就而被授予了年度奖。The actress was given an annual award for her

outstanding achievements in drama.

175. 当他发现自己不够钱请女友吃晚饭时,这让他尴尬得很。It embarrassed him a lot when he found he hadn’t

enough money to invite his girlfriend to dinner.

176. 我们必须超越幻想和臆断来观察,并努力发现遗漏之处。We must observe beyond illusions and assumptions and

try to discover what is missing.

177. 随函附上面额为25000美元的支票一张,以结清贵方账务。Enclosed please find a check, value $25,000, in

settlement of your account.

178. 爱情就是当你流泪却依然想要他的时候,是当他忽略你却依然牵挂他的时候。“Love” is when you shed tears

but still want him, it’s when he ignores you but you still care for him.

179. 尽管繁荣,专家告诫说团购产业过热,需要有跟上的规定来规范市场。Despite the boom, experts warn that the

team-buying business is overheated and calls for advanced rules to regulate the market.

180. 除非团结得以巩固、人民得以调动起来,否则我们的武装反抗最终会失败。Unless unity is consolidated and

people are mobilized, our armed resistance will fail at last.

181. 计算机技术使得将大量数据储存在可读文档中成为可能。Computer technology makes it possible to store vast

amounts of data in readable files.

182. 出于特别的审美,我只对古典建筑样式感兴趣。Out of special aesthetic appreciation, I’m only interested in

classical architecture.

183. 由于没有月光,他只好追随着遥远西天中那颗星星的微光赶路。As there was no moonlight, he had to follow the

gleam of the star in the distant western sky.

184. 对于隆重接待和热情款待,我愉快地向主办方表示深深谢意。It gives me great pleasure to express my deep

appreciation to our host for the grand reception and generous hospitality.

185. 大脑发现,让所有嗅觉感受器一直工作效率很低。The brain finds it inefficient to keep all smell receptors

working all the time.

186. 莎士比亚的才华胜过了文艺复兴时期的所有其他英国诗人。Shakespeare’s talent transcended any other English

poet in Renaissance.

187. 今晚的舞会是年轻淑女们第一次正式在社交界露面。The ball tonight is the first formal presentation of young

ladies to society.

188. 中国企业推进其全球性活动符合中国作为一个重要经济强国的崛起。Chinese companies accelerate their

global activities in line with China’s ascent as a major economic power.

189. 保险公司通常需要收集投保人的大量信息。An insurance company usually needs to collect considerable

information about the policyholders.

190. 民主党人用舆论做杠杆使得法案在国会获得通过。Democrats used public opinion as a lever to get the act

through the Congress.

191. 这是她专门为你织的毛衣,无价之宝啊!This is a sweater she specially knitted for you, a priceless gift.

192. 网上购买的化妆品能比零售店购买的便宜许多。Cosmetics purchased online can be much cheaper than that in

retail stores.

193. 人民币升值将使得中国的货币政策发生重大变化。The Appreciation of the RMB would involve a major change

in China’s monetary policy.

194. 美国高等教育的学费比中国学费高很多。The tuition of higher education in the USA is much higher than that in


195. “普拉达”给具有高品位的女性目标客户们带来了一种全新的感受。Prada brings a brand-new feeling to the

target female customers of good taste.

196. 这位外交官插进一个笑话, 紧张状态顿时缓和。The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly


197. 农村改革中的好多新奇点子都是基层创出来的。Many of the novel ideas in the rural reform are created by

people at the grassroots.

198. 为防止这些散页丢失,你最好用夹子。To prevent these loose pages from missing, you’d better use some clips.

199. 来自国家地理杂志的一张照片展示了一位坐在一池水银上的男人。A photo from the National Geographic

magazine showed a man sitting on a pool of mercury.

200. 随时间的推移,医学知识的新领域正在进一步向前推进。The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed

farther forward as time goes on.

201. 很奇怪,她对所有接近她丈夫的漂亮女孩都心存敌意。It is very strange that she was hostile to all the beautiful

girls approaching her husband.

202. 在许多发展中国家,电信服务是政府的垄断品。In many developing countries, telecommunication service is a

government monopoly.

203. 跨多纬度的国家,不同地区间气候差异很大。Climates differ widely in different areas in a country covering a

wide range of latitudes.

204. 如果我们的工业回避了革新,我们就永远无法成功地和其他国家竞争。If our industries shy away from

innovation, we will never compete successfully with other countries.

205. 那位暴发户的房子和车子都硕大无比,却也俗不可耐。The houses and cars of the newly-rich are huge but


206. 生物学家已经确定有专门的细胞把化学能变成机械能。Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert

chemical energy into mechanical energy.

207. 那个扭了脚踝的女孩疼痛难当,泪水顺着脸颊流下来。The girl who got her ankle twisted was in such great

agony that tears rolled down her face.

208. 将你的口译与小说的原版进行对比,你就会发现错误。Compare your interpretation with the original version in

the novel, and you’ll find out the mistakes.

209. 北方的许多房子都是隔热的,所以热量在冬天不致散失。 Many houses in the north are insulated so that the heat

is not lost in winter.

210. 由于来自冰岛的火山灰,欧洲最繁忙的两个机场被迫完全关闭。Two of Europe’s busiest airports were

compelled to shut down due to volcanic ash from Iceland.

211. 蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was

replaced by mechanical power.

212. 我们应通过党内民主的发展来促进人民民主。We should foster people’s democracy through the development of

inner-Party democracy.

213. 自然选择在进化中的作用在一百多年前才得以阐明。The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated a

little more than a hundred years ago.

214. 我们真搞不懂为什么这个超级大国如此热衷于搞“国家导弹防御系统”。We really don’t understand why the

superpower is so enthusiastic over the National Missile Defense.

215. 《富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书的出版使作者罗伯特名利双收。The publication of Rich Dad and Poor Dad has brought

its author Robert great profit and fame.

216. 信不信由你,克林顿夫人总是手握一把大剪刀亲自修理树篱。Believe it or not, Mrs. Clinton always trims the

hedge herself with a pair of garden shears.

217. 在建造新的宇宙飞船期间,安全考虑占了很大比重。Safety considerations bulked large during the development

of the new spacecraft.

218. 如果你想要成功,当以恒心为良友,经验为参谋,谨慎为兄弟,希望为哨兵。(爱迪生Thomas Edison) If you

wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother

and hope as your sentry.

219. 随着经济的快速增长和持续同外部世界的经济一体化,中国的外汇储备大量积累起来。With rapid economic

growth and continuing economic integration with the outside world, China’s foreign exchange reserves have witnessed

considerable accumulation.

220. 比尔·克林顿力图修复他难堪的处境,但是希拉里却无心和解。Bill Clinton did his best to rectify the awkward

situation, but Hillary was in no mood to reconcile.

221. 社会主义精神文明是中国特色社会主义的重要特征。Socialist spiritual civilization is an important attribute of

socialism with Chinese characteristics.

222. 在飞机坠毁之后,驾驶员竟然还能活着,这似乎是不可想象的。It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have

survived the crash.

223. 一个只会模仿他人风格的艺术家是不会获得赞赏的。An artist who can only imitate others’ styles will not

achieve acclaim.

224. 总统不在,副总统主持了内阁会议。In the absence of the president, the vice president presided at the meeting of

the Cabinet.

225. 面临着严峻挑战的中国必须要遏制其生态环境退化。China facing severe challenges must curb its ecological

environment from degrading.

226. 尽管有缺陷,大学英语四、六级考试还是极大地促进了中国大学的英语教学。In spite of the drawbacks, CET-4

and CET-6 have greatly promoted English teaching in China’s colleges and universities.

227. 罗宾先生坐在那儿不发一言,似乎自始至终他只是一个无辜的旁观者。Mr. Robin sat there and kept silent, as if

he were an innocent bystander the entire time.

228. 美国宪法的第一条修正案是关于宗教自由的规定。The first amendment to the American constitution is the

specification about freedom of religion.

229. 得到可靠情报一名乘客走私毒品后,警察实施了严密的搜查。Having got a reliable report that a passenger

smuggled drugs, the police carried out the rigorous search.

230. 我们正致力于改善生产条件,以增加粮食生产能力。We are striving to improve production conditions to increase

grain production capacity.

231. 茱莉亚演奏大提琴的精湛技艺使她赢得了人们的钦佩和雷鸣般的掌声。Julia’s gorgeous techniques in playing

the cello have earned her admiration and thunderous applauses.

232. 加息几乎不能抑制通货膨胀,甚至会对整个经济发展产生不利影响。An interest rate hike can hardly contain

inflation, and will even have a negative impact on overall economic development.

233. 外面,人们纵情欢呼着,等待着新一年的到来。Outside people were cheering heartily and awaiting the arrival of

the New Year.

234. 上海举行的峰会可以促进六国之间的友好合作关系。The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai could foster better

relations and cooperation between the six counties.

235. 由于难以区分信息的真假,公开的谍报活动也有其风险。Open spying does have its risks since it’s difficult to

tell true information from the false.

236. 迁徙的野鸭在着陆之前要查看下地面是否有潜在危险。Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible

danger before they land.

237. 如果想从自动取款机中取钱,只要将磁卡插入槽中,输入密码即可。If you want to draw money from the ATM,

just insert the magnetic card into the slot and enter your password.

238. 有些人吃苹果前削皮,以防农药对身体的危害。Some people peel the apples before eating for fearing the harm of

agricultural chemicals to their health.

239. 全球化的进程正挑战着我们一些最珍视的价值和观念,其中包括什么构成“家”的观念。The advance of

globalization is challenging some of our most cherished values and ideas, including our idea of what constitute a


240. 尽管有智力缺陷,周洲却能指挥一个大型管弦乐队。In spite of mental deficiency, Zhouzhou can conduct a large


241. 外资银行在全球有众多网点,通过这些网点,它们能为中资企业提供优质的本土服务和重要的人民币跨境贸易结算。Foreign banks have many outlets in the world, by which they could offer Chinese enterprises good local

services, and important RMB settlement in cross-border trade.

242. 联合国人权会议应该是一个讨论人类共同面临的问题、促进人权事业发展的场所。The UN Human Rights

Conference should be a place where the common problems of mankind are discussed and the cause of human rights is


243. 美洲王蝶揭示了一种新奇的动物感知地球磁场的方式。Monarch butterflies reveal a novel way in which animals

sense earth’s magnetic field.

244. 能量守恒定律和转换定律说明:宇宙间能量的总和是不变的。The law of conservation and transformation of

energy states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.

245. 苹果向下落到地面而不是向上飞到树上的事实回答了他的疑问。The fact that the apple fell down toward the

earth instead of going up into the tree answered his question.

246. 任何一个干涉他国内政的国家都应该受到普遍的谴责。Any country that interferes in the internal affairs of other

countries should be universally condemned.

247. 一只白色的小鸟在草地上拍打着翅膀,试图抖落下雨水。A white bird is fluttering its wings on the grass, trying

to shake off the rain.

248. 普遍认为中国古代文明是世界上最古老的文明之一。It is generally accepted that the Chinese ancient

civilization is one of the oldest in the world.

249. 在过去,中国的情侣很含蓄而不会当众拥抱或亲吻,但现在情况变了。In the past, Chinese lovers were too

reserved to embrace or kiss each other in public, but it is not the case now.

250. 一些人为了找份优厚工作而设法去弄假文凭,这样不过是自欺欺人。Some people try to get forged diplomas in

order to find a well-paid job, which only deceives themselves.

251. 由于不合理配置,卫生资源的利用率不高。Due to improper allocation, the utilization ratio of health resources is

not high.

252. 签合同前应仔细阅读每一项条款,以免上当受骗。Before signing a contract, you should pore over every clause

in case you’re fooled.

253. 如今,常驻城镇人口办理了医疗保险,但是在农村的贫困人口要负债求医或得不到治疗。Nowadays, the

permanent urban population takes out medical insurance, but the poor in the countryside have to go into debt to pay their

medical bills or go without treatment.

254. 在20世纪20年代提出的宇宙大爆炸理论是关于宇宙有权威的解释。The Big Bang, put forward in the 1920s,

acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.

255. 在来年通货膨胀率不增加的假定下,许多公司正重新考虑雇员的薪水。Many companies are reviewing the

employees’ salary on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.

256. 他作品的欢乐轻快与他哀伤的性格形成鲜明的对照。The gaiety and lightness of his work were in contrast to his

own sad nature.

257. 身处异国,你会发现很难使自己融入一个与本国文化差异如此大的社会。Staying in an alien country, you will

find it difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.

258. 妹妹主动提出去洗碗筷,声称她喜欢盘子边缘的图案。My sister offered to do the washing-up, declaring that she

liked the pattern on the rim of the plates.

259. 一个老师有勇气向他的学生承认自己犯了错是难能可贵的。It’s commendable that a teacher has the courage to

confess to having made mistakes to his students.

260. 人口老龄化的趋势不可避免,甚至会因死亡率和出生率的进一步下降而加速。The trend of population aging is

inevitable and can even be accelerated by further decline in mortality and fertility.

261. 为了提高政府部门的工作效率,我们必须与官僚作风作斗争。 We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to

improve the efficiency of governmental work.

262. 不言而喻,军队的唯一职责就是保卫民族独立和国家主权。It goes without saying that the sole duty of the army

is to safeguard national independence and state sovereignty.

263. 一些女孩看上去温顺柔弱,但你不该理所当然地认为她们从不发脾气。Some girls appear gentle and vulnerable,

but you shouldn’t take it for granted that they never lose their temper.

264. 尽管一些办公室工作看起来单调乏味,但其实有相当多的工作具有刺激性、趣味性和愉悦性。While some

office jobs seem tedious, there are quite a few jobs that are stimulating, exciting and satisfying.

265. 当中国大使馆被北约轰炸的消息传来,全体中国人民都被激怒而义愤填膺。All the Chinese people were

provoked and burst into rage when the news came that the Chinese embassy was bombed by NATO.

266. 心隐藏了我们不能说的东西,但眼睛说出了我们试图隐藏的东西。Heart hides what we can’t say, but eyes say

what we try to hide.

267. 苏格兰是一个独一无二的地方,在那儿随处可见宫殿与城堡及穿着民族服装的传统仪仗队。Scotland is a

unique place, where you can find palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.

268. 在某些国家中,当众穿睡衣或内衣走来走去是违法的。In some countries, it is illegal to walk around in public

wearing pajamas or underwear.

269. 从1979年,两国正式建立了外交关系,成为双边关系的一个历史转折点。Starting from 1979, the two countries

officially established diplomatic relations, making a historic turning point in the bilateral relations.

270. 无论何时我们用英语说话,都应该尽可能地条理清楚。 We should try to be as coherent as possible whenever we

speak in English.

271. 学生们对难吃的食堂饭菜评头论足是不过分的。It’s appropriate for students to make a passing remark about the

inedible canteen food.

272. 为帮助受灾群众度过严冬,政府号召我们捐赠钱物。To help the calamity-stricken people weather the severe

winter, government called on us to donate money and goods.

273. 小溪安静地流淌着,似乎在低声诉说着一个没有结局的故事。The brook is flowing peacefully, as if murmuring

a never-ending story.

274. 不拘泥于教条,这些第五代导演们拍出了令人称道的影片。Not confined by doctrines, these fifth-generation

movie directors have shot some breathtaking films.

275. 用满足道德、法律和商业期望的方式来经营生意,是企业的社会责任。It is corporate social responsibility to

operate a business in a manner that meets ethical, legal, and commercial expectations.

276. 最早被美国斯坦福大学使用的“教育产业化”这个词,旨在将大学的知识和技术直接转化成社会生产力。The

term “Education Industrialization”, first used by Stanford University, aims at transferring knowledge and techniques from

universities directly into social productive forces.

277. 恰如俗语说的“吉人自有天相”,他在这场车祸中死里逃生。Just as the proverb goes “blessings are ever waiting

on virtuous acts”, he survived the accident.

278. 我把那副肖像画放在每天可以看到它的地方,因为它总让我想起在布里斯班无忧无虑的大学时光。 I put that

portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my carefree university days in Brisbane.

279. 中国的地方政府是房地产市场发展中的重要参与者,因为他们把土地租约卖给开发商换取高额利润。China’s

local governments are major players in real estate development because they sell land leases to developers for hefty


280. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss

the stars.

281. 人们觉得他们正快速步入一个史无前例的文明时代,在这个时代里,更好的教育和有利的技术会确保所有的人拥有财富与闲暇。People felt that they were hurrying into an epoch of unprecedented enlightenment, in which better

education and beneficial technology would ensure wealth and leisure for all.

282. 政府投资渠道必须集中于创新、科学和技术,因为这些构成了知识经济的主流。Government investment

sources must focus on innovation, science and technology as these form the mainstream of knowledge economy.

283. 一些无形的手指,宛如悠闲的微风,在我的心弦上弹出爱的音乐。Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are

playing upon my heart the music of love.

284. 为实现可持续发展社会,工业生产过程实现对环境影响最小的转型是迫在眉睫的。To realize a sustainable

society, it is imperative that industrial manufacturing processes undergo a transformation with minimal impact on the


285. 在房价持续飞涨的大城市和一些二线城市,经济适用房项目给地方政府带来了巨大的损失。The affordable

housing projects generate huge losses for local governments in big metropolises and some second-tier cities, where

property prices have continued soaring.

286. 在上周的半决赛中,曼联队以4:0击败了利兹队。In last week’s semi-final, the Manchester United overwhelmed

Liz by 4-0.

287. 物质中的自由电子数量越多,该物质的导电性就越好。The greater the number of the free electrons in a material,

the better is the conductivity of the material.

288. 中国政府确立了目标,要提供全民的、安全的、负担得起的基本医疗服务以减少个人储蓄。Chinese government

has set the target of providing universal, safe and affordable basic healthcare to reduce personal savings.

289. 中央银行面临着最差的信任危机,因为投资者、居民和企业质疑其为维持物价稳定所做的贡献。The central

bank is facing the worst crisis of confidence, as investors, households and firms question its commitment to maintaining

price stability.

290. 长城从东向西蜿蜒盘旋,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,直至最后到达海边。The Great Wall winds its way

from west to east, across the deserts, over the mountains, through the valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.

291. 中国贸易代表团已前往非洲各国,他们将与各自国家的政府商谈贸易协定。Chinese trade delegations have

been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.

292. 世界上所有爱好和平的人们都要求禁止发展核武器。All peace-loving people in the world demand the

prohibition of the development of nuclear weapons.

293. 有大笔财产的单身汉一定想娶个太太,这是个举世公认的真理。(《傲慢与偏见》) It is a truth universally

acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

294. 在提供足以满足公民基本需求的医疗服务方面,中国政府面临着艰巨的挑战。The Chinese government faces

a huge challenge in providing medical services adequate to meet the basic needs of citizens.

295. 难道一个用枪射杀同类的现代人不比用弓箭捕杀动物的原始人更野蛮么?Isn’t a civilized man who kills his

fellows with a gun more savage than a primitive man killing animals with bows and arrows?

296. 除非经理人与股东追求不同的利益,否则将所有权从管理中分离出来无碍。The separation of ownership from

management does not matter unless the managers pursue interests that are different from the shareholders’ interests.

297. 股票市场最根本的缺陷是一些上市公司将垃圾股以高价卖出,所以投资者的利益没有得到正当地保护。The

stock market’s deep-rooted defects are that some listed companies sold junk shares at high prices, so the interests of the

investors were not duly protected.

298. 海关部门承担一系列的责任,包括收取税收、缉私及知识产权保护。The Customs Department undertakes a

range of responsibilities, including revenue collection, anti-smuggling work, and protection of intellectual property rights.

299. “你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么做新婚礼物么?是个金盒子,在盒子里面,他自己刻上“缘分”。(电影《幸福终点站》) You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And on the inside, he

made an inscription, “Destiny”.

300. 我不确定行业协会的游说者们是否是美国商界的领袖,但业界代表们却压倒性地支持共和党。I’m not sure

whether trade association lobbyists are U.S. business leaders, but industry representatives overwhelmingly support the

Republican Party.

301. 戴安娜尽全力履行其作为王妃的职责,并成功证明了其重要性已经远远超出了完善婚姻和为皇室生育下一代本身。Diana tried her best to fulfill her duty as a princess and succeeded in proving that her significance is much more

than completing a marriage and producing new generation for the royal family.

302. 中国高校入学考试体制正经历着改革,因为大学意图按照自己独立的标准来选拔学生而不再依据高考成绩。China’s college entrance exam system is undergoing reform as universities aim to select students based on independent

criteria rather than on the results of NCEE.

303. 在尼泊尔,反印情绪经常使这个王国群情激愤,王室最不能接受的就是一位有着印度血统的未来王后。In

Nepal, anti-India sentiment has often set the kingdom on fire and the last thing the royal family can accept is a future

queen with Indian blood.

304. 中国的通胀压力来自于大宗商品和食品价格的上涨,上调利率不能解决这一问题,而只会增加那些已受高成本压榨的企业的压力。China’s inflation pressure comes from price hikes in bulk commodities and food, and interest

rate hike cannot solve the problem and will only add pressure to enterprises that are already squeezed by high costs.


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