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cab[kAb] n.[C]出租车,计程车:Shall we walk or take a cab? 咱们走路还是坐计程车?

/ Let’s go by cab. 我们坐计程车去吧。

cab-driver[5kAbdraivE] n.[C]计程车司机

cabbage[5kAbidV] n. [C,U]卷心菜,洋白菜:

She bought two cabbages [two heads of cabbage]. 她买了两棵卷心菜。

/ Give me some more cabbage. 再给我一点洋白菜。


café[5kAfei] n.[C]咖啡馆,餐馆

cafeteria[5kAfi5tiEriE] n.[C]自助餐厅:This cafeteria serves good food. 这家自助餐厅供应的


cage[keidV] n.[C]笼,鸟笼,兽槛:Put the dog in a cage. 把这条狗关入笼中。v.关入笼中

或槛内:I felt terribly caged in that office. 我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样。

calculate[5kAlkjuleit] v.1.计算:Have you calculated the result? 你算出结果了吗? 2.估计,

认为:I calculate you’ll get there in time. 我认为你们赶到那里是来得及的。3.计划,打算:

The room is not calculated for such use. 这房间不是打算做这种用途的。4.指望,依靠:

We cannot calculate on his help. 我们不能指望他的帮助。■be calculated to do sth 打算

或计划做某事:This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个


cake[keik] n.1.[C,U]蛋糕,糕点:Help yourself to more cake. 再吃一点蛋糕。 2.[C]饼:

fish cakes鱼肉饼 / potato cakes 马铃薯饼

call[kC:l] v. 1.喊,叫:Someone is calling for help. 有人在大声呼救。2.叫,点名:

I’ll call the numbers. 我会叫号码。3.大声叫(某人)来,呼唤: Please call me a taxi. 请给

我叫辆计程车。4.取名,称呼:We’ll call the baby David. 我们给这婴儿取名大卫。5.拜访,经常

来访(如卖东西):Let’s call (in) on John[at John’s house]. 咱们去拜访约翰吧。6.举行,进行:

The president called an election. 总统宣布举行选举。7.打电话:

I’ll call (you) again later. 我稍后再(给你)打电话。n. 1.[C]呼喊,喊叫:

I heard a call for help. 我听到有人呼救。/ They came at my call. 我把他们喊来了。2.[C]

电话:Were there any calls for me while I was out? 我出去的时候有人打电话给我吗?

3.[C](短暂)访问:You should make[pay] a call on your uncle. 你应该去看看你的叔叔。■

1. call back 唤回,回电话:He’s not in. Please call back later. 他不在家,请过一会儿再打

来。2. call for 叫某人,需要:This problem calls for careful thought. 这问题需要好好想一

想。3. call in 找来,来访,收回:Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。

/ Please call in at five. 请在五点来访。4. call off 叫走,取消:Call your dog off. 把

你的狗叫走。/ The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消

了。5. call (up)on sb 拜访,看望:He called on them that evening. 他那天晚上去拜访了

他们。6. call out 大声叫:He called out with pain. 他痛得大叫。7. call up打电话,想起:

Please call me up this evening. 请今晚给我打电话。

【说明】1.表示拜访或看望某人,其后接介词(up)on;表示到某地拜访,其后接介词at。2. call sb


calm[kB:m] adj.

1.(指天气)无风的,无浪的:The lake was calm. 湖面风平浪静。2.镇静的,

沉着的:He always remains calm when he meets difficulties. 遇到困难时,他总是保持镇静。

n.[C,U]平静:After the storm came a calm. 风暴过后,万籁俱寂。v.(使)平静,沉着:

Calm yourself. 请别激动。/ The situation calmed down. 局势平静了。


He walked into the shop and calmly stole a pair of gloves. 他走进商店若无其事地偷了



The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness. 风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静。

camel[5kAmEl] n. 1.[C]骆驼 2.[U]驼色,浅棕色

camera[5kAmErE] n.[C]照相机,摄像机,摄影机:Camera! 开摄!

camp[kAmp] n.[C]野营,营地:a holiday camp度假

营 / We have to go back to camp now. 我们现在该回营去了。v.(使)扎营(宿营):

They camped themselves on the grasslands. 他们在草原上扎营住宿。

/ They camped out in the woods. 他们在树林里露宿。

campaign[kAm5pein] n. 1.[C]战役:the Huai-Hai Campaign 淮海战役 2.[C]活动,运动:

a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动 vi.参加活动,从事活动,作战:

She spent her life campaigning for women’s rights. 她毕生致力于女权运动。



[kAn]v. aux. 1. (表能力)能,会:Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。

/ He couldn’t answer the question. 他不能回答那个问题。2.(表推测)可能:

It can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。/ Can he be serious? 他当真是这个意思吗?3.(表许可)

可以:Can I come in? 我可以进来吗? / You can go home now. 你可以回家了。

【辨析】can与be able to:1. can只有现在式和过去式两种形式,而be able to 则有多种

时态形式。2. could 和 was / were able to作为过去式,均可表示过去的能力,但除非在否定句


要用was[were] able to结构:I was able to swim to the bank when the ship sank. 当

船沉时,我设法游到了岸边。3. can有时可用没有生命的东西作主语,而be able to则不可以。



cab[kAb] n.[C]出租车,计程车:Shall we walk or take a cab? 咱们走路还是坐计程车?

/ Let’s go by cab. 我们坐计程车去吧。

cab-driver[5kAbdraivE] n.[C]计程车司机

cabbage[5kAbidV] n. [C,U]卷心菜,洋白菜:

She bought two cabbages [two heads of cabbage]. 她买了两棵卷心菜。

/ Give me some more cabbage. 再给我一点洋白菜。


café[5kAfei] n.[C]咖啡馆,餐馆

cafeteria[5kAfi5tiEriE] n.[C]自助餐厅:This cafeteria serves good food. 这家自助餐厅供应的


cage[keidV] n.[C]笼,鸟笼,兽槛:Put the dog in a cage. 把这条狗关入笼中。v.关入笼中

或槛内:I felt terribly caged in that office. 我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样。

calculate[5kAlkjuleit] v.1.计算:Have you calculated the result? 你算出结果了吗? 2.估计,

认为:I calculate you’ll get there in time. 我认为你们赶到那里是来得及的。3.计划,打算:

The room is not calculated for such use. 这房间不是打算做这种用途的。4.指望,依靠:

We cannot calculate on his help. 我们不能指望他的帮助。■be calculated to do sth 打算

或计划做某事:This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这个


cake[keik] n.1.[C,U]蛋糕,糕点:Help yourself to more cake. 再吃一点蛋糕。 2.[C]饼:

fish cakes鱼肉饼 / potato cakes 马铃薯饼

call[kC:l] v. 1.喊,叫:Someone is calling for help. 有人在大声呼救。2.叫,点名:

I’ll call the numbers. 我会叫号码。3.大声叫(某人)来,呼唤: Please call me a taxi. 请给

我叫辆计程车。4.取名,称呼:We’ll call the baby David. 我们给这婴儿取名大卫。5.拜访,经常

来访(如卖东西):Let’s call (in) on John[at John’s house]. 咱们去拜访约翰吧。6.举行,进行:

The president called an election. 总统宣布举行选举。7.打电话:

I’ll call (you) again later. 我稍后再(给你)打电话。n. 1.[C]呼喊,喊叫:

I heard a call for help. 我听到有人呼救。/ They came at my call. 我把他们喊来了。2.[C]

电话:Were there any calls for me while I was out? 我出去的时候有人打电话给我吗?

3.[C](短暂)访问:You should make[pay] a call on your uncle. 你应该去看看你的叔叔。■

1. call back 唤回,回电话:He’s not in. Please call back later. 他不在家,请过一会儿再打

来。2. call for 叫某人,需要:This problem calls for careful thought. 这问题需要好好想一

想。3. call in 找来,来访,收回:Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。

/ Please call in at five. 请在五点来访。4. call off 叫走,取消:Call your dog off. 把

你的狗叫走。/ The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消

了。5. call (up)on sb 拜访,看望:He called on them that evening. 他那天晚上去拜访了

他们。6. call out 大声叫:He called out with pain. 他痛得大叫。7. call up打电话,想起:

Please call me up this evening. 请今晚给我打电话。

【说明】1.表示拜访或看望某人,其后接介词(up)on;表示到某地拜访,其后接介词at。2. call sb


calm[kB:m] adj.

1.(指天气)无风的,无浪的:The lake was calm. 湖面风平浪静。2.镇静的,

沉着的:He always remains calm when he meets difficulties. 遇到困难时,他总是保持镇静。

n.[C,U]平静:After the storm came a calm. 风暴过后,万籁俱寂。v.(使)平静,沉着:

Calm yourself. 请别激动。/ The situation calmed down. 局势平静了。


He walked into the shop and calmly stole a pair of gloves. 他走进商店若无其事地偷了



The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness. 风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静。

camel[5kAmEl] n. 1.[C]骆驼 2.[U]驼色,浅棕色

camera[5kAmErE] n.[C]照相机,摄像机,摄影机:Camera! 开摄!

camp[kAmp] n.[C]野营,营地:a holiday camp度假

营 / We have to go back to camp now. 我们现在该回营去了。v.(使)扎营(宿营):

They camped themselves on the grasslands. 他们在草原上扎营住宿。

/ They camped out in the woods. 他们在树林里露宿。

campaign[kAm5pein] n. 1.[C]战役:the Huai-Hai Campaign 淮海战役 2.[C]活动,运动:

a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动 vi.参加活动,从事活动,作战:

She spent her life campaigning for women’s rights. 她毕生致力于女权运动。



[kAn]v. aux. 1. (表能力)能,会:Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。

/ He couldn’t answer the question. 他不能回答那个问题。2.(表推测)可能:

It can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。/ Can he be serious? 他当真是这个意思吗?3.(表许可)

可以:Can I come in? 我可以进来吗? / You can go home now. 你可以回家了。

【辨析】can与be able to:1. can只有现在式和过去式两种形式,而be able to 则有多种

时态形式。2. could 和 was / were able to作为过去式,均可表示过去的能力,但除非在否定句


要用was[were] able to结构:I was able to swim to the bank when the ship sank. 当

船沉时,我设法游到了岸边。3. can有时可用没有生命的东西作主语,而be able to则不可以。


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