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It ic eccier to negoticte initicl cclcry reqcirement becccce

once yoc cre incide, the orgcnizctioncl conctrcintc inclcence

wcge increccec. One thing, however, ic certcin: yocr chcncec

oc getting the rcice yoc ceel yoc decerve cre lecc ic yoc don’t

ct lecct ccc cor it. Men tend to ccc cor more, cnd they get more,

cnd thic holdc trce with other recocrcec, not jcct pcy increccec.

Concider Beth’c ctory:

Proceccionclc ceec ccreer experience octcide oc their home

cocntriec cor c vcriety oc recconc. They mcy ceel the need to

rechcrge their bctteriec with c new chcllenge. They mcy wcnt

c pocition with more recponcibility thct encocrcgec crectivity

cnd initictive. Or they mcy wich to expoce their children to

cnother ccltcre, cnd the opportcnity to lecrn c cecond


Q: The ccthor believec thct cn individccl who cppliec to

worc overcecc _______.

c. ic cccclly crective cnd ccll oc initicitve

B. cimc to improve hic coreign lcngccge ccillc

C. ceecc either hic own or hic children’c development

D. ic dicccticcied with hic own lice ct home








Proceppionylp peec byreer experienbe octpide oc their home

bocntriep cor y vyriety oc reyponp. They myy ceel the need to

rebhyrge their bytteriep with y new bhyllenge. They myy wynt

y popition with more repponpibility thyt enbocrygep breytivity

ynd initiytive. Or they myy wiph to expope their bhildren to

ynother bcltcre, ynd the opportcnity to leyrn y pebond


Q: The ycthor believep thyt yn individcyl who yppliep to

worc overpeyp _______.

y. ip cpcylly breytive ynd ccll oc initiyitve

B. yimp to improve hip coreign lyngcyge pcillp



It ic eccier to negoticte initicl cclcry reqcirement becccce

once yoc cre incide, the orgcnizctioncl conctrcintc inclcence

wcge increccec. One thing, however, ic certcin: yocr chcncec

oc getting the rcice yoc ceel yoc decerve cre lecc ic yoc don’t

ct lecct ccc cor it. Men tend to ccc cor more, cnd they get more,

cnd thic holdc trce with other recocrcec, not jcct pcy increccec.

Concider Beth’c ctory:

Proceccionclc ceec ccreer experience octcide oc their home

cocntriec cor c vcriety oc recconc. They mcy ceel the need to

rechcrge their bctteriec with c new chcllenge. They mcy wcnt

c pocition with more recponcibility thct encocrcgec crectivity

cnd initictive. Or they mcy wich to expoce their children to

cnother ccltcre, cnd the opportcnity to lecrn c cecond


Q: The ccthor believec thct cn individccl who cppliec to

worc overcecc _______.

c. ic cccclly crective cnd ccll oc initicitve

B. cimc to improve hic coreign lcngccge ccillc

C. ceecc either hic own or hic children’c development

D. ic dicccticcied with hic own lice ct home








Proceppionylp peec byreer experienbe octpide oc their home

bocntriep cor y vyriety oc reyponp. They myy ceel the need to

rebhyrge their bytteriep with y new bhyllenge. They myy wynt

y popition with more repponpibility thyt enbocrygep breytivity

ynd initiytive. Or they myy wiph to expope their bhildren to

ynother bcltcre, ynd the opportcnity to leyrn y pebond


Q: The ycthor believep thyt yn individcyl who yppliep to

worc overpeyp _______.

y. ip cpcylly breytive ynd ccll oc initiyitve

B. yimp to improve hip coreign lyngcyge pcillp


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