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泌尿外科学urology 腔道泌尿外科学endourology

肾异位renal ectopia, ectopic kidney 肾缺如agenesis of kidney, anephrogenesis

孤立肾so litary kidney 肾畸形defo rm ity of kidney

肾发育不全renal hypop lasia 肾发育不良renal dysp lasia

节段性肾发育不良segmental dysp lasia of kidney 额外肾supernumerary kidney

重复肾dup lex kidney, renal dup lication 盘状肾disk kidney

融合肾fused kidney 马蹄形肾ho rseshoe kidney

L 形肾L 2shaped kidney 肾下垂neph rop to sis

胸内肾tho racic kidney 盆腔肾pelvic kidney

游走肾movable kidney, floating kidney S 形肾S2shaped kidney

团块肾lump kidney 胎儿肾fetal kidney

婴儿肾infantile kidney 单乳头肾unipap illary kidney

肾轴性旋转axial ro tation of kidney 肾旋转异常renalmalro tation

分叉型肾盂bifid pelvis 肾外型肾盂extrarenal pelvis

巨肾盏megacalyx,megacalyco sis 先天性巨肾盏congenitalmegacalyco sis

肾盏憩室calyceal diverticulum 肾髓质管扩张medullary ductal ectasia of kidney

肾子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of kidney 肾动静脉瘘renal arteriovenous fistula

肾静脉栓塞th rombo sis of renal vein 肾动脉栓塞th rombo sis of renal artery

肾动脉狭窄steno sis of renal artery 肾盏静脉瘘calyceal2venous fistula

肾盂静脉曲张varix of pelvis 肾囊肿cyst of kidney

单纯性肾囊肿simp le cyst of kidney 多囊肾multilocular cyst of kidney, po lycystic kidney

先天性肾囊性病congenital renal cystic disease 肾髓质囊性病medullary cystic disease of kidney

肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst 肾钙化囊肿calcified cyst of kidney

肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cyst 肾旁假囊肿pararenal p seudocyst

肾周围囊肿perineph ric cyst 肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic cyst

肾出血性囊肿hemo rrhagic cyst of kidney 肾小球囊肿病glomerulocystic disease

肾损伤injury of kidney 肾挫伤contusion of kidney

肾裂伤laceration of kidney 肾破裂rup ture of kidney

肾蒂断裂rup ture of renal pedicle 肾穿透伤penetrating injury of kidney

肾小管破裂tubulo rrhexis 肾梗死infarction of kidney, renal infarction

穹窿静脉瘘fo rnico2venous fistula 肾盂毛细血管扩张症telangiectasis of renal pelvis

肾积水hydroneph ro sis 巨大肾积水giant hydroneph ro sis

肾内肾积水intrarenal hydroneph ro sis 肾小管反流renal tubular backflow

肾盂间质反流pyelo interstitial backflow 肾盂静脉反流pyelovenous backflow

肾盂淋巴反流pyelo lymphatic backflow 肾单位肾小球滤过率neph ron glomerular filtration rate

腺性肾盂炎pyelitis glandularis 囊性肾盂炎pyelitis cystica

气性肾盂肾炎emphysematous pyeloneph ritis 黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎xanthogranulomatous pyeloneph


细菌性肾盂肾炎bacterial pyeloneph ritis 肾积脓pyoneph ro sis

肾脓肿renal abscess 肾皮质脓肿co rtical abscess of kidney

肾皮质坏死co rtical necro sis of kidney 肾髓质坏死medullary necro sis of kidney

肾痈renal carbuncle 病理性肾结核patho logical renal tuberculo sis

临床肾结核clinical renal tuberculo sis 肾盏结核tuberculo sis of calyx

肾结核对侧肾积水renal tuberculo sis w ith contralateral hy2

droneph ro sis

肾错构瘤hamartoma of kidney, angiomyo lipoma

of kidney

脓性肾积水pyohydroneph ro sis 肾淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of kidney

膀胱淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of bladder 坏死性肾乳头炎necro tizing pap illitis of kidney

肾盂白斑病leukop lak ia of renal pelvis 镰状细胞肾病sick le cell neph ropathy

海绵肾medullary sponge kidney 急性尿酸盐肾病acute urate neph ropathy

肾肿瘤tumo r of kidney 肾良性肿瘤benign renal tumo r

肾平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney 肾假性瘤p seudo tumo r of kidney

多房性囊性肾瘤multilocular cystic neph roma 肾盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis

肾血管瘤hemangioma of kidney 肾动脉瘤aneurysm of renal artery

肾血管外皮细胞瘤renal hemangiopericytoma 肾脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney

肾皮质腺瘤renal co rtical adenoma 肾纤维瘤renal fibroma

中胚叶肾瘤mesoblastic neph roma 肾淋巴瘤renal lymphoma

肾淋巴母细胞瘤renal lymphoblastoma 肾腺瘤adenoma of kidney

肾素瘤reninoma, juxtaglomerular cell tumo r 肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomato sis of renal h ilus

肾恶性纤维组织细胞瘤malignant fibrous h istiocytoma of


肾盂移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of renal


肾嗜酸细胞瘤renal oncocytoma 肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fibro lipomato sis

肾神经鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney 肾异种组织肿瘤heterop lastic tissue tumo r of kidney

肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinus lipomato sis 肾盂肿瘤tumo r of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状瘤pap illoma of renal pelvis 肾癌renal carcinoma

肾实质癌carcinoma of renal parenchyma 肾细胞癌renal cell carcinoma

肾透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma of kidney 肾颗粒细胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney

肾腺癌adenocarcinoma of kidney 肾母细胞瘤W ilm s tumo r, neph roblastoma

横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤rhabdomyo idW ilm s tumo r 肾肉瘤sarcoma of kidney

肾淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of kidney 肾平滑肌肉瘤leiomyo sarcoma of kidney

肾脂肪肉瘤lipo sarcoma of kidney 肾盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis 肾盂乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开术neph ro tomy 肾切开取石术neph ro litho tomy

肾盂切开术pyelo tomy 肾盂切开取石术pyelo litho tomy

凝血块肾盂切开取石术coagulum pyelo litho tomy 扩大的肾盂切开取石术extended pyelo litho tomy

非萎缩性肾切开取石术anatroph ic neph ro litho tomy 肾2肾盂造瘘术neph ropyelo stomy

肾切除术neph rectomy 肾部分切除术partial neph rectomy

经皮肾造瘘术percutaneous neph ro stomy 肾盂造瘘术pyelo stomy

肾造瘘术neph ro stomy 自截肾autoneph rectomy

根治性肾切除术radical neph rectomy 包膜下肾切除术subcap sular neph rectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术pelviouretero lysis 肾2输尿管切除术neph ro2ureterectomy

肾盏成形术calicop lasty 肾固定术neph ropexy

肾血管重建术reno2vascular reconstruction 肾离体术bench technique of kidney

肾蒂淋巴管剥脱术stripp ing of renal lymphatic vessel 肾门上淋巴结切除术sup rah ilar lymphadenectomy

腹膜后淋巴结切除术retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy 脾肾动脉吻合术sp leno2renal arterial anastomo


肾病灶清除术renal caverno stomy 剖腰探查术exp lo rato ry lumbo tomy

肾动脉栓塞术embo lization of renal artery 血管梗塞性肾切除angio infarction2neph rectomy

肾鹿角状结石stagho rn stone of kidney 肾钙斑Randall p laques

肾萎缩renal atrophy 肾失用性萎缩disuse atrophy of kidney

肾动脉纤维增生病fibrop lasia of renal artery 肾紫癜purpura of kidney

迪特尔危象D ietl crisis 血管运动性肾病vasomo to r neph ropathy

莱特尔综合征Reiter syndrome 肾小球血流动力学glomerular hemodynam ics

输尿管扩张dilatation of ureter, ureterectasis 输尿管发育不良ureteral dysp lasia

巨输尿管megaloureter 发育不良性巨输尿管dysp lastic megaloureter

输尿管畸形defo rm ity of ureter 输尿管闭锁atresia of ureter

先天性异位输尿管congenital ectop ic ureter 重复输尿管dup lication of ureter

重复肾盂dup lication of pelvis 分叉型输尿管bifid ureter

输尿管口异位ectop ia of ureteral o rifice 输尿管发育不全ureteral hypop lasia

远段输尿管不发育distal ureteral ap lasia 输尿管缺如agenesis of ureter

腔静脉后输尿管retrocaval ureter 髂动脉后输尿管retro iliac ureter, p reureteral iliac artery

输尿管脱垂p ro lap se of ureter, ureterocele 盲端异位输尿管膨出blind ectop ic ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出o rtho top ic ureterocele 输尿管憩室diverticulum of ureter

输尿管积水hydroureter 输尿管肾盂连接处梗阻obstruction at ureteropelvic junction

先天性巨输尿管congenitalmegaloureter 反流性巨输尿管reflux megaloureter

输尿管损伤injury of ureter 输尿管肠瘘uretero2enteric fistula

输尿管瘘ureteral fistula 输尿管阴道瘘uretero2vaginal fistula

输尿管炎ureteritis 输尿管周围炎periureteritis

囊性输尿管炎ureteritis cystica 颗粒性输尿管炎ureteritis granulo sa

输尿管结核tuberculo sis of ureter 输尿管白斑病leukop lak ia of ureter

输尿管梅毒syph ilis of ureter 输尿管放线菌病actinomyco sis of ureter

输尿管息肉po lyp of ureter 输尿管肿瘤tumo r of ureter

输尿管乳头状瘤pap illoma of ureter 输尿管癌carcinoma of ureter

输尿管移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of ureter 输尿管乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of ureter

输尿管切开术uretero tomy 输尿管皮肤造瘘术cutaneous uretero stomy

输尿管松解术uretero lysis 输尿管切开取石术uretero litho tomy

输尿管造瘘术uretero stomy 输尿管口切开术ureteralmeato tomy



uretero2enterocutaneous diversion 输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改


uretero ileal cutaneous diversion

断离性肾盂输尿管成形术dismembered ureteropelviop lasty 输尿管袢造瘘术loop uretero stomy

输尿管肾盂吻合术ureteroneopyelo stomy 输尿管成形术ureterop lasty



uretero jejunal cutaneous diversion 输尿管乙状结肠吻合术uretero sigmo ido stomy, uretero sigmo id

anastomo sis

输尿管切除术ureterectomy 输尿管结肠吻合术uretero2co lic anastomo sis

输尿管输尿管吻合术ureterouretero stomy 输尿管膀胱吻合术ureteroneocysto stomy

回盲肠皮肤尿流改道术ileocecal cutaneous diversion 输尿管皮肤尿流改道术uretero2cutaneous diversion

阑尾输尿管成形术appendix ureterop lasty 输尿管腹膜包裹术uretero2peritonization

输尿管移植[术] transp lantation of ureter 输尿管结石calculus of ureter

输尿管梗阻ureteral obstruction 输尿管狭窄stricture of ureter

输尿管肾盂连接处狭窄stricture of uretero2pelvic junction 输尿管口狭窄stricture of uretero2vesical o


输尿管绞痛ureteral co lic 巨输尿管2巨膀胱综合征megaloureter2megalocystis syndrome

输尿管子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of ureter 大网膜输尿管成形术omentoureterop lasty

膀胱畸形defo rm ity of bladder 重复膀胱dup lication of bladder

膀胱缺如agenesis of bladder 膀胱闭锁atresia of bladder, atretocystia

膀胱膨出cystocele, vesicocele 膀胱脱垂p ro lap se of bladder

膀胱外翻exstrophy of bladder 膀胱憩室diverticulum of bladder

膀胱假性憩室false diverticulum of bladder 膀胱输尿管反流vesicoureteral reflux

膀胱静脉曲张varix of bladder 膀胱损伤injury of bladder

膀胱挫伤contusion of bladder 膀胱破裂rup ture of bladder

腹膜内膀胱破裂intraperitoneal rup ture of bladder 腹膜外膀胱破裂extraperitoneal rup ture of bladder

膀胱瘘vesical fistula 膀胱肠瘘vesicoenteric fistula

膀胱直肠瘘vesico rectal fistula 膀胱阴道瘘vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱输尿管瘘vesicoureteral fistula 膀胱子宫瘘vesicouterine fistula

细菌性膀胱炎bacterial cystitis 非特异性膀胱炎nonspecific cystitis

间质性膀胱炎interstitial cystitis 非细菌性膀胱炎nonbacterial cystitis

变应性膀胱炎allergic cystitis 气性膀胱炎emphysematous cystitis

腺性膀胱炎glandular cystitis 化学性膀胱炎chem ical cystitis

膀胱坏疽gangrene of bladder 坏疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis

淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎lympho2fo llicular cystitis 滤泡性膀胱炎fo llicular cystitis

碱性痂块膀胱炎alkaline incrusted cystitis 膀胱三角区炎trigonitis

膀胱疱疹herpes of bladder 膀胱真菌病myco sis of bladder

念珠菌膀胱炎candida cystitis 膀胱梅毒syph ilis of bladder

膀胱结核tuberculo sis of bladder 膀胱白斑病leukop lak ia of bladder

囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着cystitis cystica calcino sa 膀胱肿瘤tumo r of bladder

膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bladder 膀胱乳头状瘤pap illoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤病pap illomato sis of bladder 膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤inverted pap illoma of bladder

膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma of bladder 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder

膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladder 膀胱癌carcinoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of bladder 膀胱原位癌bladder carcinoma in situ

膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder 膀胱平滑肌肉瘤leiomyo sarcoma of bladder

膀胱间质瘤mesenchymal tumo r of bladder 膀胱移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladder 膀胱葡萄状肉瘤bo tryo id sarcoma of bladder

膀胱淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of bladder 膀胱肉瘤sarcoma of bladder

膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder 膀胱结石vesical calculus

膀胱憩室结石calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱碎石洗出术vesical litho lapaxy

经尿道膀胱颈切开术transureth ral vesical neck incision 耻骨上膀胱针刺吸引术sup rapubic needle asp

iration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱造口术sup rapubic cysto stomy 耻骨上膀胱切开取石术sup rapubic cysto litho tomy

膀胱憩室切除术vesical diverticulectomy 膀胱切开取石术cysto lithectomy, cysto litho tomy

膀胱皮肤造口术cutaneous vesico stomy, cutaneous

cysto stomy

可控性回肠膀胱术continent ileal reservo ir, continent

ileo stomy, Kock pouch

膀胱切除术cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术partial cystectomy

膀胱全切除术to tal cystectomy 根治性膀胱切除术radical cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术vesicoureth ral anastomo sis 经皮膀胱造口术percutaneous cysto stomy

膀胱灌注irrigation of bladder 膀胱颈部Y2V 成形术Y2V p lasty of bladder neck

经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术transureth ral resection of bladder tumo r 尿流改道术diversion of urine, urinary


外尿流改道术external urinary diversion 回肠造口术ileo stomy

回肠膀胱术ileal conduit,Bricker operation 乙状结肠膀胱sigmo id conduit

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术sigmo id augmentation cystop lasty,

sigmo id cystop lasty

回肠膀胱扩大术ileum augmentation cystop lasty, ileo2

cystop lasty



trigono sigmo ido stomy 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴


hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric


回肠膀胱尿流改道术ileal conduit diversion 稳定性膀胱stable bladder



rectal bladder and abdom inal co lo stomy 盲肠膀胱扩大术cecum augmentation cystop lasty, cecal

cystop lasty

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术ilio inguinal lymphadenectomy 膀胱前列腺切除术cystop ro statectomy

膀胱紫癜purpura of bladder 膀胱小梁形成trabeculation of bladder

膀胱异物fo reign body in bladder 膀胱子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of bladder

膀胱挛缩contracture of bladder 先天性膀胱颈挛缩congenital contracture of bladder neck

尿道畸形defo rm ity of ureth ra 尿道狭窄ureth ral stricture

尿道口狭窄meatal steno sis 尿道瓣膜ureth ral valve

尿道发育不全hypop lastic ureth ra 巨尿道megaloureth ra

尿道膨出ureth rocele 尿道上裂ep ispadias

尿道下裂hypo spadias 尿道憩室ureth ral diverticulum

女性尿道下裂female hypo spadias 尿道闭锁atresia of ureth ra

重复尿道dup lication of ureth ra 棱状巨尿道fusifo rm megaloureth ra

尿道损伤injury of ureth ra 尿道皮肤瘘ureth rocutaneous fistula

尿道瘘ureth ral fistula 外伤性尿道瘘traumatic ureth ral fistula

尿道直肠瘘ureth ro2rectal fistula 尿瘘urinary fistula

尿道阴道瘘ureth ro2vaginal fistula 尿道异物fo reign body in ureth ra

尿性囊肿urinoma 尿道结石calculus of ureth ra

女性尿道囊肿ureth ral cyst in female 压力性尿失禁stress incontinence

神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder 神经性膀胱nervous bladder

机械性尿路梗阻mechanical obstruction of urinary tract 尿道球腺疾病diseases of Cowper gland

尿道综合征ureth ral syndrome 尿道扩张ureth ral sounding

尿道丝状探子ureth ral filifo rm 尿道炎ureth ritis

尿道球腺炎cowperitis 细菌性尿道炎bacterial ureth ritis

非特异性尿道炎nonspecific ureth ritis 淋菌性尿道炎gonococcal ureth ritis

非淋菌性尿道炎non2gonococcal ureth ritis 尿道球腺脓肿abscess of Cowper gland

滴虫性尿道膀胱炎trichomonal ureth ro2cystitis 尿道周围脓肿periureth ral abscess

衣原体性尿道炎ch lamydial ureth ritis 支原体性尿道炎mycop lasmal ureth ritis

尿道尖锐湿疣condylomata acum inata of ureth ra 尿道结核tuberculo sis of ureth ra

尿道球腺结核tuberculo sis of Cowper gland 尿道肿瘤tumo r of ureth ra

尿道肉阜ureth ral caruncle 尿道腺瘤adenoma of ureth ra

尿道息肉po lyp of ureth ra 女性尿道纤维息肉fibrous po lyp s of female ureth ra

尿道血管瘤hemangioma of ureth ra 尿道口血管瘤angioma of ureth ralmeatus

尿道球腺囊肿cyst of Cowper gland 尿道球腺肿瘤tumo r of Cowper gland

尿道癌carcinoma of ureth ra 尿道腺癌adenocarcinoma of ureth ra



acquired inclusion cyst of ureth ral

ep ithelium of female

尿道球腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of bulboureth ral gland

尿道刀ureth ro tome 尿道成形术ureth rop lasty

尿道口切开术ureth ralmeato tomy 尿道口成形术ureth ralmeatop lasty

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术transureth ral resection of ureth ral valve 压力性尿失禁悬吊术sling p rocedure fo

r stress incontinence

尿道折叠术p lication operation of ureth ra 套入法尿道成形术Badenoch ureth rop lasty

尿道膀胱悬吊术M arshall2M archetti2Kranz p rocedure,

ureth rovesicopexy



transureth ral resection of male ureth ral


经尿道外括约肌切开术transureth ral sph inctero tomy 尿道口前移阴茎头成形术meatal advancement

and glandular p lasty

尿道会师手术reconstruction of rup tured ureth ra by

Bank method

斯塔米尿道悬吊术Stamey p rocedure fo r stress urinary in2


尿道狭窄扩张术dilatation of ureth ral stricture 尿道切开术ureth ro tomy

尿道切除术ureth rectomy 尿道外切开术external ureth ro tomy

尿道内切开术internal ureth ro tomy 尿道前移术ureth ral advancement

尿流改道复原术urinary undiversion 约翰松尿道成形术Johanson ureth rop lasty

尿道膀胱吻合[术] ureth rovesical anastomo sis 下丘脑2垂体2性腺轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2gonadal


下丘脑2垂体2睾丸轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2testicular axis 下丘脑2垂体轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary


类脂性肾上腺增生lipo id adrenal hyperp lasia 纳尔逊综合征N elson syndrome

肾上腺切除术adrenalectomy 肾上腺剩余肿瘤adrenal rest tumo r

肾上腺髓质增生症adrenalmedulla hyperp lasia 嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma

皮质醇增生症hyperco rtiso lism 原发性醛固酮[增多]症p rimary aldo steronism



nonadrenal female p seudoherma2

ph roditism



nonfunctional adrenoco rtical adenoma

肾上腺[性]性征综合征adrenogenital syndrome 前列腺囊肿cyst of p ro state

前列腺损伤injury of p ro state 前列腺静脉丛Santo rini venous p lexus

前列腺病p ro stato sis 前列腺增生[症] hyperp lasia of p ro state

变应性前列腺病allergic p ro stato sis 前列腺按摩massage of p ro state



transureth ral p ro static resection


血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶p ro static fraction of serum acid pho s2


慢性前列腺纤维化ch ronic fibro sis of p ro state 前列腺液溢p ro stato rrhea

前列腺痛症p ro statodynia 前列腺素p ro staglandin

前列腺炎p ro statitis 细菌性前列腺炎bacterial p ro statitis

放线菌性前列腺炎actinomyco tic p ro statitis 寄生虫性前列腺炎parasitic p ro statitis

肉芽肿性前列腺炎granulomatous p ro statitis 淋菌性前列腺炎gonococcal p ro statitis

滴虫性前列腺炎trichomonal p ro statitis 前列腺梅毒syph ilis of p ro state

前列腺结核tuberculo sis of p ro state, tuberculous

p ro statitis

前列腺精囊包虫病ech inococcus disease of p ro state and

sem inal vesicle

前列腺脓肿abscess of p ro state 前列腺结石calculus of p ro state

前列腺肿瘤tumo r of p ro state 前列腺腺瘤p ro static adenoma

前列腺子宫内膜样癌endometrio id carcinoma of p ro state 前列腺淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of p ro state

前列腺癌肉瘤carcino sarcoma of p ro state 前列腺管内腺癌intraductal adenocarcinoma of p ro state

前列腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of p ro state 前列腺肉瘤sarcoma of p ro state

前列腺癌carcinoma of p ro state 前列腺移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of p ro state

前列腺切除术p ro statectomy 耻骨上前列腺切除术sup rapubic p ro statectomy

耻骨后前列腺切除术retropubic p ro statectomy 经尿道前列腺切除[术] transureth ral p ro static resection

经尿道前列腺切开[术] transureth ral incision of p ro state 外生殖器汗腺腺瘤syringoma of external


经会阴前列腺切除术perineal p ro statectomy 经会阴前列腺全切除术to tal perineal p ro statectomy

前列腺冷冻术cryo surgery of p ro state 根治性前列腺切除术radical p ro statectomy

电切镜resecto scope 尿路上皮肿瘤uro thelial tumo r

泌尿生殖膈urogenital diaph ragm 尿路病变uropathy

尿路上皮uro thelium 尿路感染urinary tract infection

尿路梗阻urinary tract obstruction 泌尿系异物fo reign body in urinary system

泌尿生殖器外伤genitourinary trauma 泌尿生殖系统urogenital system

泌尿生殖系软斑病malakop lak ia of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖系变应性疾病allergic diseases of

genitourinary system

泌尿生殖系寄生虫病parasito sis of genitourinary system 泌尿系子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of urinary


泌尿生殖系X 线照相术roentgenography of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖窦urogenital sinus

精囊囊肿cyst of sem inal vesicle 精液囊肿sem inal cyst, spermatocele

精索皮样囊肿dermo id cyst of spermatic co rd 输精管缺如absence of vas deferens

重复输精管dup lication of vas deferens 精索扭转to rsion of spermatic co rd

输精管畸形defo rm ity of vas deferens 精索静脉曲张varicocele

泌尿外科学 urology

孤立肾 Solitary kidney

重复肾 Renal duplication, duplex kidney

游走肾 Movable kidney

肾静脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal vein

肾动脉狭窄 Stenosis of renal artery

单纯肾囊肿 Simple cyst of kidney

先天性肾囊性疾病 Congenital renal cystic disease

肾盂旁囊肿 Parapelvic cyst

肾损伤 Injury of kidney

肾裂伤 Laceration of kidney

肾蒂断裂 Rupture of renal pedicle

肾积水 Hydronephrosis

肾脓肿 Renal abscess

临床肾结核 Clinical renal tuberculosis

腔内泌尿外科学 Endourology

肾畸形 Deformity of kidney

马蹄形肾 Horseshoe kidney

肾下垂 Nephroptosis

肾外型肾盂 Extrarenal pelvis

肾旋转异常 Renal malrotation

肾动静脉瘘 Renal arteriovenous fistula

肾动脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal artery

肾囊肿 Cyst of kidney

多囊肾 Polycystic kidney

肾挫伤 Contusion of kidney

肾破裂 Rupture of kidney

肾穿透伤 Penetrating injury of kidney

肾梗塞 Renal infarction

巨大肾积水 Giant hydronephrosis

肾积脓 pyonephrosis

病理性肾结核 Pathological renal tuberculosis

肾结核对侧肾积水 Renal tuberculosis with Controlateral hydronephrosis

海绵肾 Medullary sponge kidney

肾肿瘤 Tumor of kidney

肾皮质腺瘤 Renal cortical adenoma

肾盂乳头状瘤 Papilloma of renal pelvis

肾实质癌 Carcinoma of renal parenchyma

肾透明细胞癌 Clear cell carcinoma of kidney

肾腺癌 Adenocarcinoma of kidney

肾鳞状细胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开术 Nephrotomy

肾盂切开术 Pyelotomy

肾切除术 Nephrectomy

经皮肾造瘘术 Percutanous nephrostomy

肾造瘘术 Nephrostomy

根治性肾切除术 Radical nephrectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术 Pelvioureterolysis

腹膜后淋巴结切除术 Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy

肾动脉栓塞术 Embolization of renal artery

肾鹿角状结石 Staghorn stone of kidney

肾萎缩 Renal atrophy

输尿管扩张 Dilatation of ureter

巨输尿管 Megaloureter

输尿管畸形 Deformity of ureter

重复肾盂 Duplication of pelvis

输尿管开口异位 Ectopia of ureteral orifice

腔静脉后输尿管 Retrocaval ureter

输尿管脱垂 Ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出 Orthotopic ureterocele

肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 Hamartoma of kidney,Angiomyolipoma

肾良性肿瘤 Binign renal tumor

肾脂肪瘤 Lipoma of kidney

肾纤维瘤 Renal fibroma

肾腺瘤 Adenoma of kidney

肾盂移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂肿瘤 tumor of renal pelvis

肾癌 renal carcinoma

肾细胞癌 renal cell carcinoma

肾颗粒细胞癌 granular cell carcinoma of kidney

肾母细胞瘤 wilms tumor,nephroblastoma

肾肉瘤 sarcoma of kidney

肾盂癌 carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开取石术 nephrolithotomy

肾盂切开取石术 pyelolithotomy

肾-肾盂造瘘术 nephropyelostomy

肾部分切除术 partial nephrectomy

肾盂造瘘术 pyelostomy

肾自截 autonephrectomy

包膜下肾切除术 subcapsular nephrectomy

肾输尿管切除术 nephro-ureterectomy

肾固定术 nephropexy

剖腰探查术 exploratory lumbotomy

重复输尿管 duplication of ureter

输尿管积水 hydroureter

输尿管损伤 injury of ureter

输尿管瘘 ureteral fistula

输尿管结核 tubculosis of ureter

输尿管乳头状瘤 papilloma of ureter

输尿管移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of ureter

输尿管切开术 ureterotomy

输尿管松解术 ureterolysis

输尿管造瘘术 ureterostomy

输尿管-肠-皮肤尿流改道术 uretero-enterocutaneous diversion

离断性肾盂输尿管成形术 dismembered ureteropelvioplasty

输尿管肾盂吻合术 ureteroneopyelostomy

输尿管切除术 ureterectomy

输尿管输尿管吻合术 ureteroureterostomy

阑尾输尿管成形术 appendix ureteroplasty

输尿管移植术 transplantation of ureter

输尿管梗阻 ureteral obstruction

肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄 stricture of uretero-pelvic junction

输尿管痛 ureteral colic

膀胱憩室 diverticulum of bladder

膀胱挫伤 contusion of bladder

腹膜内膀胱破裂 intraperitoneal rupture of bladder

膀胱瘘 vesical fistula

细菌性膀胱炎 bacterial cystitis

膀胱结核 tuberculosis of bladder

膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of bladder

输尿管肾盂交接处梗阻 obstruction at ureteropelvic junction

先天性巨输尿管 congenital megaloureter

反流性巨输尿管 reflux megaloureter

输尿管肠瘘 uretero-enteric fistula

输尿管肿瘤 tumor of ureter

输尿管癌 carcinoma of ureter

输尿管乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of ureter

输尿管皮肤造瘘术 cutaneous ureterostomy

输尿管切开取石术 ureterolithotomy

输尿管口切开术 ureteral meatotomy


ureteroileal cutaneous diversion

输尿管回肠吻合术 ureterosigmoidostomy,

ureterosigmoid anastomosis

输尿管结肠吻合术 uretero-colic anastomosis

输尿管膀胱吻合术 ureteroneocystostomy


uretero-cutaneous diversion

输尿管结石 calculus of ureter

输尿管狭窄 stricture of ureter

输尿管口狭窄 stricture of uretero-vesical orifice

膀胱输尿管反流 vesicoureteral reflux

膀胱损伤 injury of bladder

膀胱破裂 rupture of bladder

膀胱腹膜外破裂 extraperitoneal rupture of bladder

膀胱阴道瘘 vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱肿瘤 tumor of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤 papilloma of bladder

膀胱癌 carcinoma of bladder

膀胱原位癌 bladder carcinoma in situ

膀胱移行细胞瘤 transitional cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱腺癌 adenocarcinoma of bladder

膀胱憩室内结石 calculus in diverticulum of bladder

经尿道膀胱颈切开术 transurethral vesical neck incision

耻骨上膀胱造口术 suprapubic cystostomy

膀胱憩室切除术 vesical diverticulectomy

膀胱切除术 cystectomy

膀胱全切除术 total cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术 vesicourethral anastomosis

膀胱灌注 irrigation of bladder

经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术 transurethral resection of bladder tumor

回肠膀胱术 ileal conduit, Bricker operation

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术 sigmoid augumentation cystoplasty

回肠膀胱尿流改道术 ileal conduit diversion

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术 ilioinquinal lymphadenectomy

膀胱异物 foreign body in bladder

膀胱孪缩 contracture of bladder

尿道口狭窄 meatal stenosis

尿道下裂 hypospadias

尿道损伤 injury of urethra

尿道瘘 urethral fistula

尿道直肠瘘 urethro-rectal fistula

尿道阴道瘘 urethro-vaginal fistula

神经源性膀胱 neurogenic bladder

尿道机械性梗阻 mechanical obstruction of urinary tract

尿道综合症 urethral syndrome

非淋菌性尿道炎 non-gonococcal urethritis

衣原体性尿道炎 chlamydial urethritis

尿道尖锐湿疣 condylomata acuminata of urethra

尿道肉阜 urethral caruncle

尿道息肉 polyp of urethra

尿道球腺囊肿 cyst of cowper gland

尿道癌 carcinoma of urethra

膀胱肉瘤 sarcoma of bladder

膀胱结石 vesical calculus

耻骨上膀胱穿刺吸引术 suprapubic needle aspiration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱切开取石术 suprapubic cystolithotomy

膀胱切开取石术 cystolithotomy, cystolithectomy

膀胱部分切除术 partial cystectomy

根治性膀胱切除术 radical cystectomy

可控性回肠膀胱术 continent ileal reservoir, kock pouch

经皮膀胱造口术 percutanous cystostomy

尿流改道术 diversion of urine, urinary diversion

回肠膀胱扩大术 Ileum augmentation cystoplasty,ileo-cystoplasty

膀胱前列腺切除术 cystoprostatectomy

尿道狭窄 urethral stricture

尿道瓣膜 urethral valve

尿道憩室 urethral diverticulum

尿道皮肤瘘 urethrocutaneous fistula

尿道皮肤瘘 urethrocutaneous fistula

尿道瘘 urinary fistula

尿道异物 foreign body in urethra

尿道结石 calculus of urethra

压力性尿失禁 stress incontinence

神经性膀胱 nervous bladder

尿道探子 urethral sounding

尿道炎 urethritis

细菌性尿道炎 bacterial urethritis

淋菌性尿道炎 gonococcal urethritis

尿道结核 tuberculosis of urethra

尿道肿瘤 tumor of urethra

尿道口切开术 urethral meatotomy

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术 transurethral resection of urethral valve

尿道膀胱固定术 urethrovesicopexy

经尿道外括约肌切开术 transurethral sphincterotomy

尿道会师术 reconstruction of ruptured urethra by Bank method

尿道狭窄扩张术 dilatation of urethral stricture

尿道切除术 urethrectomy

尿道内切开术 internal urethrotomy

肾上腺切除术 adrenalectomy

皮质醇增生症 hypercortisolism

经尿道前列腺切除综合症 transurethral prostatic resection syndrome

慢性前列腺纤维化 chronic fibrosis of prostate

前列腺炎 prostatitis

前列腺肿瘤 tumor of prostate

前列腺腺癌 adenocarcinoma of prostate

前列腺癌 carcinoma of prostate

前列腺切除术 prostatectomy

耻骨后前列腺切除术 retropubic prostatectomy

经尿道前列腺切开术 transurethral incision of prostate

电切镜 resectoscope

泌尿生殖隔 urogenital diaphragm

尿路上皮 urothelium

尿路梗阻 urinary tract obstruction

泌尿生殖器外伤 genitourinary trauma

尿道成形术 urethroplasty

尿道口成形术 urethral meatoplasty

压力性尿失禁悬吊术 sling procedure for stress incontinence

尿道口前移阴茎头成形术 meatal advancement and glandular plasty

尿道前移术 urethral advancement

嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma

原发性醛固酮增生症 primary aldosteronism

肾上腺非功能性皮脂腺瘤 nonfunctional adrenocortical adenoma

前列腺增生症 hyperplasia of prostate

前列腺按摩 message of prostate

细菌性前列腺炎 bacterial prostatitis

淋菌性前列腺炎 gonococcal prostatitis

耻骨上前列腺切除术 suprapubic prostatectomy

经尿道前列腺切除术 transurethral prostatic resection

根治性前列腺切除术 radical prostatectomy

尿路上皮肿瘤 urothlial tumor

尿路感染 urinary tract infection

泌尿生殖系统 urogenital system

精液囊肿 seminal cyst, spermatocele

精索扭转 torsion of spermatic cord

精索静脉曲张 varicocele

精囊炎 seminal vesiculitis

输精管结核 tuberculosis of vas deferens

精囊切除术 seminal vesiculectomy

输精管结扎术 vasoligation

输精管输精管吻合术 vasovasostomy

阴囊挫伤 contusion of scrotum

阴囊肿瘤 tumor of scrotum

睾丸鞘膜积液 hydrocele of testis

先天性鞘膜积液 congenital hydrocele

混合型鞘膜积液 combination hydrocele

脐尿管 urachus

脐尿管瘘 fistula of urachus

脐尿管囊肿 urachal cyst

脐尿管疾病 dieases of urachus

脐尿管癌 carcinoma of urachus

包茎 phimosis

小阴茎 micropenis

阴茎挫伤 contusion of penis

输精管切除术 vasectomy

精液囊肿切除术 spermatocelectomy

生殖器疱疹 genital herpes

交通性鞘膜积液 communicating hydrocele

阴囊血肿 hematoma of scrotum

脐尿管腺癌 adenocarcinoma of urachus

阴茎折断 fracture of penis

嵌顿包茎 paraphimosis

阴茎损伤 injury of penis

阴茎血肿 hematoma of penis

包皮变应性水肿 allergic edema of prepuce

包皮垢 smegma

阴茎勃起 erection of penis

阴茎纤维性海绵体炎 fibrous cavernositis of penis

阴茎血管瘤 penile angioma

阴茎癌 carcinoma of penis

阴茎鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of penis

包皮背侧切开术 dorsal slit of prepuce

阴茎切除术 penectomy

阴茎再造术 reconstruction of penis

睾丸发育不全 hypoplasia of testis

睾丸下降不全 incomplete orchiocatabasis

回缩睾丸 retracted testis

克兰费尔特综合症 klinefelter syndrome

睾丸萎缩 atrophy of testis

睾丸挫伤 contusion of testis

死精症 necrospermia

睾酮 testosterone

阳萎 impotence

睾丸炎 orchitis

腮腺炎性睾丸炎 mumps orchitis

睾丸精原细胞瘤 seminoma of testis

睾丸非生殖细胞瘤 non-germinal cell tumor of testis

睾丸生殖细胞瘤 germinal cell tumor of testis

睾丸癌 carcinoma of testis

睾丸畸胎瘤 teratocarcinoma of testis

睾丸绒毛膜瘤 choriocarcinoma of testis

睾丸切除术 orchiectomy

附睾炎 epididymitis

附睾肿瘤 tumor of epididymis

包皮过长 redundant prepuce

阴茎肿瘤 tumor of penis

阴茎癌前期病 precancerous lesion of penis

阴茎鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of penis

包皮环切术 circumcision

阴茎截断术 amputation of penis

人工阴茎 penile prosthesis

睾丸附件 testicular adnexa

隐睾症 cryptorchidism

睾丸损伤 injury of testis

早泄 prospermia,premature ejaculation

血管性阳痿 vasculogenic impotence

附睾睾丸炎 epididymo-orchitis

睾丸肿瘤 tumor of testis

非精原细胞瘤 non seminoma

睾丸畸胎瘤 teratoma of testis

睾丸胚胎癌 embryonal carcinoma of testis

附睾结核 tubculosis of epididymis

附睾腺瘤 adenoma of epididymis

遗尿症 enuresis

尿流中断 interruption of urinary stream

排尿困难 difficulty of urination

漏尿 leakage of urination

充溢性尿失禁 overflow incontinence

尿末滴沥 terminal dribbling

尿毒症 uremia

男性泌尿生殖系结核 tuberculosis of male genital-urinary system

肾血管性高血压 renal vascular hypertension

血性精液 hemospermia

无精子症 azoospermia

逆行射精 retrograde ejaculation

不育 sterility

尿流率测定 uroflometry

尿道抬举试验 marshall-marchetti test

经尿道活检 transurethral biopsy

经会阴活检 transperineal biopsy

排泄性尿路造 excretory urography,intravenous pyelography

肾盂输尿管造影术 pyeloureterography

肾血管造影术 renal angiography

经皮肾动脉造影术 seldinger technique of renal angiography

肾静脉造影术 renal venography

顺行肾盂造影术 antegrade pyelography

肾盂镜检查术 pyeloscopy

输尿管镜检查术 ureteroscopy

逆行膀胱造影术 retrograde cystography

排泄性膀胱造影术 excretory cystography

附睾切除术 epididymectomy

夜间遗尿症 nocturnal enuresis

排尿反射 micturition reflex

排尿犹豫 hesitancy in urination

尿外渗 urinary extravasation

假性尿失禁 false incontinence

女性尿失禁 female incontinence

剩余尿 residual urine

结晶尿 crystalluria

肾小球性血尿 glomerular hematuria

排尿指数 micturition index

遗精 nocturnal emission

精子减少[症] oligospermia

手淫 masturbation

泌尿外科检查 urologic examination

尿流动力学检查 urodynamic study

膀胱测压 cystometry

夜间阴茎勃起试验 nocturnal penile tumescence test

经直肠活检 transrectal biopsy

尿道造影[术] urography

逆行肾盂造影术 retrograde urography,retrograde pyelography

肾动脉造影术 renal arteriography

选择性肾动脉造影术 selected renal arteriography

经股静脉插管 transfemoral catheterization of femoral vein

腹主-肾动脉造影术 abdominal aorto-renal arteriography

经尿道输尿管肾盂镜检查术 transurethral ureteropeyloscopy

输尿管肾镜 ureterorenoscope

输尿管肾盂造影术 ureteropyelography

膀胱造影术 cystography

膀胱尿道造影术 cysto-urethrography

膀胱冲洗法 bladder washout method

膀胱镜 cystoscope

逆行尿道造影术 retrograde urethrography

尿道镜 urethroscope

导尿术 urethral catheterization,catheterization

输精管造影术 vasography

阴茎海绵体造影术 cavernosography

肾图 renography

液电碎石术 electrohydraulic lithotripsy

经皮肾镜取石术 percutaneous nephrolithotomy

性行为 sexual behavior

性功能 sexual function

男性不育症 male infertility

精液 semen

高肾素型高血压 high renin hypertension

多尿型肾衰竭 polyuric renal failure

去梗阻后利尿 postobstructive diuresis

体外动静脉短路 external arterio-venous shunt

绒毛膜促性腺激素 chorionic-gonodotropin hormone

动力性尿路梗阻 dynamic obstruction of urinary tract

腹股沟疝 inguinal hernia

膀胱镜 cystoscopy

尿道造影术 urethrography

排泄性尿道造[术] excretory urethrography

尿道膀胱造影[术] urethrocystography

尿道镜检查[术] urethroscopy

间歇性导尿 intermittent catheterization

淋巴系造影[术] lymphography

输精管 精囊造[术] vaso-seminal vesiculography

输精管附睾造影[术] vasoepididymography

精囊造影[术] seminal vesiculography

附睾造影[术] epididymography

超声碎石术 ultrasonic lithotripsy

体外冲击波碎石术 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy

性活动 sexual activity

精子 spermatozoon

男性性功能障碍 male sexual dysfunction

性腺功能减退症 hypogonadism

少尿型肾衰竭 oliguric renal failure

渗透性利尿 osmotic diuresis

组织相容性试验 histocompatibility test

性染色体 sex chromosome

射精 ejaculation

特发性腹膜后纤维化 idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

细胞调亡 apoptosis

腹膜后纤维化 retroperitoneal fibrosis

憩室 diverticulum

动静脉瘘 arteriovenous fistula

剖腹探查术 exploratory laparotomy

冷冻疗法 cryotherapy

畸胎瘤 teratoma

肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄 stricture of pyeloureteric junction

孤立性肾囊肿 solitary renal cyst

闭合伤 closed injury

肾移植 renal transplantation

肾上腺移植 adrenal transplantation

组织相容性 histocompatibility

超急性排斥反 hyperacute rejection

慢性排斥反应 chronic rejection

单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody

麻醉 anesthsia

白细胞介素 Interleukin

尸体肾移植 cadaveric renal transplantation

疤痕 scar

端侧吻合术 end-to-side anastomosis

息肉 polyp

腹腔镜检查术 laparoscopy

错构瘤 hamartoma

重肾双输尿管 duplication of kidney and ureter

合并伤 associated injury

器官移植 organ transplantation

急性肾小管坏死 acute tubular necrosis

睾丸移植 testis transplantation

排斥反应 rejection

急性排斥反应 acute rejection

免疫抑制 immunosuppression

多克隆抗体 polyclonal antibody

感染 infection

乳头状瘤 papilloma

端端吻合术 end-to-end anastomosis



泌尿外科学urology 腔道泌尿外科学endourology

肾异位renal ectopia, ectopic kidney 肾缺如agenesis of kidney, anephrogenesis

孤立肾so litary kidney 肾畸形defo rm ity of kidney

肾发育不全renal hypop lasia 肾发育不良renal dysp lasia

节段性肾发育不良segmental dysp lasia of kidney 额外肾supernumerary kidney

重复肾dup lex kidney, renal dup lication 盘状肾disk kidney

融合肾fused kidney 马蹄形肾ho rseshoe kidney

L 形肾L 2shaped kidney 肾下垂neph rop to sis

胸内肾tho racic kidney 盆腔肾pelvic kidney

游走肾movable kidney, floating kidney S 形肾S2shaped kidney

团块肾lump kidney 胎儿肾fetal kidney

婴儿肾infantile kidney 单乳头肾unipap illary kidney

肾轴性旋转axial ro tation of kidney 肾旋转异常renalmalro tation

分叉型肾盂bifid pelvis 肾外型肾盂extrarenal pelvis

巨肾盏megacalyx,megacalyco sis 先天性巨肾盏congenitalmegacalyco sis

肾盏憩室calyceal diverticulum 肾髓质管扩张medullary ductal ectasia of kidney

肾子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of kidney 肾动静脉瘘renal arteriovenous fistula

肾静脉栓塞th rombo sis of renal vein 肾动脉栓塞th rombo sis of renal artery

肾动脉狭窄steno sis of renal artery 肾盏静脉瘘calyceal2venous fistula

肾盂静脉曲张varix of pelvis 肾囊肿cyst of kidney

单纯性肾囊肿simp le cyst of kidney 多囊肾multilocular cyst of kidney, po lycystic kidney

先天性肾囊性病congenital renal cystic disease 肾髓质囊性病medullary cystic disease of kidney

肾盂源性囊肿pyelogenic cyst 肾钙化囊肿calcified cyst of kidney

肾盂旁囊肿parapelvic cyst 肾旁假囊肿pararenal p seudocyst

肾周围囊肿perineph ric cyst 肾盂周围囊肿peripelvic cyst

肾出血性囊肿hemo rrhagic cyst of kidney 肾小球囊肿病glomerulocystic disease

肾损伤injury of kidney 肾挫伤contusion of kidney

肾裂伤laceration of kidney 肾破裂rup ture of kidney

肾蒂断裂rup ture of renal pedicle 肾穿透伤penetrating injury of kidney

肾小管破裂tubulo rrhexis 肾梗死infarction of kidney, renal infarction

穹窿静脉瘘fo rnico2venous fistula 肾盂毛细血管扩张症telangiectasis of renal pelvis

肾积水hydroneph ro sis 巨大肾积水giant hydroneph ro sis

肾内肾积水intrarenal hydroneph ro sis 肾小管反流renal tubular backflow

肾盂间质反流pyelo interstitial backflow 肾盂静脉反流pyelovenous backflow

肾盂淋巴反流pyelo lymphatic backflow 肾单位肾小球滤过率neph ron glomerular filtration rate

腺性肾盂炎pyelitis glandularis 囊性肾盂炎pyelitis cystica

气性肾盂肾炎emphysematous pyeloneph ritis 黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎xanthogranulomatous pyeloneph


细菌性肾盂肾炎bacterial pyeloneph ritis 肾积脓pyoneph ro sis

肾脓肿renal abscess 肾皮质脓肿co rtical abscess of kidney

肾皮质坏死co rtical necro sis of kidney 肾髓质坏死medullary necro sis of kidney

肾痈renal carbuncle 病理性肾结核patho logical renal tuberculo sis

临床肾结核clinical renal tuberculo sis 肾盏结核tuberculo sis of calyx

肾结核对侧肾积水renal tuberculo sis w ith contralateral hy2

droneph ro sis

肾错构瘤hamartoma of kidney, angiomyo lipoma

of kidney

脓性肾积水pyohydroneph ro sis 肾淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of kidney

膀胱淀粉样变性amylo ido sis of bladder 坏死性肾乳头炎necro tizing pap illitis of kidney

肾盂白斑病leukop lak ia of renal pelvis 镰状细胞肾病sick le cell neph ropathy

海绵肾medullary sponge kidney 急性尿酸盐肾病acute urate neph ropathy

肾肿瘤tumo r of kidney 肾良性肿瘤benign renal tumo r

肾平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney 肾假性瘤p seudo tumo r of kidney

多房性囊性肾瘤multilocular cystic neph roma 肾盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis

肾血管瘤hemangioma of kidney 肾动脉瘤aneurysm of renal artery

肾血管外皮细胞瘤renal hemangiopericytoma 肾脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney

肾皮质腺瘤renal co rtical adenoma 肾纤维瘤renal fibroma

中胚叶肾瘤mesoblastic neph roma 肾淋巴瘤renal lymphoma

肾淋巴母细胞瘤renal lymphoblastoma 肾腺瘤adenoma of kidney

肾素瘤reninoma, juxtaglomerular cell tumo r 肾门脂肪瘤样病lipomato sis of renal h ilus

肾恶性纤维组织细胞瘤malignant fibrous h istiocytoma of


肾盂移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of renal


肾嗜酸细胞瘤renal oncocytoma 肾纤维脂肪瘤样病renal fibro lipomato sis

肾神经鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney 肾异种组织肿瘤heterop lastic tissue tumo r of kidney

肾窦脂肪瘤样病renal sinus lipomato sis 肾盂肿瘤tumo r of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状瘤pap illoma of renal pelvis 肾癌renal carcinoma

肾实质癌carcinoma of renal parenchyma 肾细胞癌renal cell carcinoma

肾透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma of kidney 肾颗粒细胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney

肾腺癌adenocarcinoma of kidney 肾母细胞瘤W ilm s tumo r, neph roblastoma

横纹肌样肾母细胞瘤rhabdomyo idW ilm s tumo r 肾肉瘤sarcoma of kidney

肾淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of kidney 肾平滑肌肉瘤leiomyo sarcoma of kidney

肾脂肪肉瘤lipo sarcoma of kidney 肾盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis 肾盂乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开术neph ro tomy 肾切开取石术neph ro litho tomy

肾盂切开术pyelo tomy 肾盂切开取石术pyelo litho tomy

凝血块肾盂切开取石术coagulum pyelo litho tomy 扩大的肾盂切开取石术extended pyelo litho tomy

非萎缩性肾切开取石术anatroph ic neph ro litho tomy 肾2肾盂造瘘术neph ropyelo stomy

肾切除术neph rectomy 肾部分切除术partial neph rectomy

经皮肾造瘘术percutaneous neph ro stomy 肾盂造瘘术pyelo stomy

肾造瘘术neph ro stomy 自截肾autoneph rectomy

根治性肾切除术radical neph rectomy 包膜下肾切除术subcap sular neph rectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术pelviouretero lysis 肾2输尿管切除术neph ro2ureterectomy

肾盏成形术calicop lasty 肾固定术neph ropexy

肾血管重建术reno2vascular reconstruction 肾离体术bench technique of kidney

肾蒂淋巴管剥脱术stripp ing of renal lymphatic vessel 肾门上淋巴结切除术sup rah ilar lymphadenectomy

腹膜后淋巴结切除术retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy 脾肾动脉吻合术sp leno2renal arterial anastomo


肾病灶清除术renal caverno stomy 剖腰探查术exp lo rato ry lumbo tomy

肾动脉栓塞术embo lization of renal artery 血管梗塞性肾切除angio infarction2neph rectomy

肾鹿角状结石stagho rn stone of kidney 肾钙斑Randall p laques

肾萎缩renal atrophy 肾失用性萎缩disuse atrophy of kidney

肾动脉纤维增生病fibrop lasia of renal artery 肾紫癜purpura of kidney

迪特尔危象D ietl crisis 血管运动性肾病vasomo to r neph ropathy

莱特尔综合征Reiter syndrome 肾小球血流动力学glomerular hemodynam ics

输尿管扩张dilatation of ureter, ureterectasis 输尿管发育不良ureteral dysp lasia

巨输尿管megaloureter 发育不良性巨输尿管dysp lastic megaloureter

输尿管畸形defo rm ity of ureter 输尿管闭锁atresia of ureter

先天性异位输尿管congenital ectop ic ureter 重复输尿管dup lication of ureter

重复肾盂dup lication of pelvis 分叉型输尿管bifid ureter

输尿管口异位ectop ia of ureteral o rifice 输尿管发育不全ureteral hypop lasia

远段输尿管不发育distal ureteral ap lasia 输尿管缺如agenesis of ureter

腔静脉后输尿管retrocaval ureter 髂动脉后输尿管retro iliac ureter, p reureteral iliac artery

输尿管脱垂p ro lap se of ureter, ureterocele 盲端异位输尿管膨出blind ectop ic ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出o rtho top ic ureterocele 输尿管憩室diverticulum of ureter

输尿管积水hydroureter 输尿管肾盂连接处梗阻obstruction at ureteropelvic junction

先天性巨输尿管congenitalmegaloureter 反流性巨输尿管reflux megaloureter

输尿管损伤injury of ureter 输尿管肠瘘uretero2enteric fistula

输尿管瘘ureteral fistula 输尿管阴道瘘uretero2vaginal fistula

输尿管炎ureteritis 输尿管周围炎periureteritis

囊性输尿管炎ureteritis cystica 颗粒性输尿管炎ureteritis granulo sa

输尿管结核tuberculo sis of ureter 输尿管白斑病leukop lak ia of ureter

输尿管梅毒syph ilis of ureter 输尿管放线菌病actinomyco sis of ureter

输尿管息肉po lyp of ureter 输尿管肿瘤tumo r of ureter

输尿管乳头状瘤pap illoma of ureter 输尿管癌carcinoma of ureter

输尿管移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of ureter 输尿管乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of ureter

输尿管切开术uretero tomy 输尿管皮肤造瘘术cutaneous uretero stomy

输尿管松解术uretero lysis 输尿管切开取石术uretero litho tomy

输尿管造瘘术uretero stomy 输尿管口切开术ureteralmeato tomy



uretero2enterocutaneous diversion 输尿管回肠皮肤尿流改


uretero ileal cutaneous diversion

断离性肾盂输尿管成形术dismembered ureteropelviop lasty 输尿管袢造瘘术loop uretero stomy

输尿管肾盂吻合术ureteroneopyelo stomy 输尿管成形术ureterop lasty



uretero jejunal cutaneous diversion 输尿管乙状结肠吻合术uretero sigmo ido stomy, uretero sigmo id

anastomo sis

输尿管切除术ureterectomy 输尿管结肠吻合术uretero2co lic anastomo sis

输尿管输尿管吻合术ureterouretero stomy 输尿管膀胱吻合术ureteroneocysto stomy

回盲肠皮肤尿流改道术ileocecal cutaneous diversion 输尿管皮肤尿流改道术uretero2cutaneous diversion

阑尾输尿管成形术appendix ureterop lasty 输尿管腹膜包裹术uretero2peritonization

输尿管移植[术] transp lantation of ureter 输尿管结石calculus of ureter

输尿管梗阻ureteral obstruction 输尿管狭窄stricture of ureter

输尿管肾盂连接处狭窄stricture of uretero2pelvic junction 输尿管口狭窄stricture of uretero2vesical o


输尿管绞痛ureteral co lic 巨输尿管2巨膀胱综合征megaloureter2megalocystis syndrome

输尿管子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of ureter 大网膜输尿管成形术omentoureterop lasty

膀胱畸形defo rm ity of bladder 重复膀胱dup lication of bladder

膀胱缺如agenesis of bladder 膀胱闭锁atresia of bladder, atretocystia

膀胱膨出cystocele, vesicocele 膀胱脱垂p ro lap se of bladder

膀胱外翻exstrophy of bladder 膀胱憩室diverticulum of bladder

膀胱假性憩室false diverticulum of bladder 膀胱输尿管反流vesicoureteral reflux

膀胱静脉曲张varix of bladder 膀胱损伤injury of bladder

膀胱挫伤contusion of bladder 膀胱破裂rup ture of bladder

腹膜内膀胱破裂intraperitoneal rup ture of bladder 腹膜外膀胱破裂extraperitoneal rup ture of bladder

膀胱瘘vesical fistula 膀胱肠瘘vesicoenteric fistula

膀胱直肠瘘vesico rectal fistula 膀胱阴道瘘vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱输尿管瘘vesicoureteral fistula 膀胱子宫瘘vesicouterine fistula

细菌性膀胱炎bacterial cystitis 非特异性膀胱炎nonspecific cystitis

间质性膀胱炎interstitial cystitis 非细菌性膀胱炎nonbacterial cystitis

变应性膀胱炎allergic cystitis 气性膀胱炎emphysematous cystitis

腺性膀胱炎glandular cystitis 化学性膀胱炎chem ical cystitis

膀胱坏疽gangrene of bladder 坏疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis

淋巴滤泡性膀胱炎lympho2fo llicular cystitis 滤泡性膀胱炎fo llicular cystitis

碱性痂块膀胱炎alkaline incrusted cystitis 膀胱三角区炎trigonitis

膀胱疱疹herpes of bladder 膀胱真菌病myco sis of bladder

念珠菌膀胱炎candida cystitis 膀胱梅毒syph ilis of bladder

膀胱结核tuberculo sis of bladder 膀胱白斑病leukop lak ia of bladder

囊性膀胱炎钙质沉着cystitis cystica calcino sa 膀胱肿瘤tumo r of bladder

膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bladder 膀胱乳头状瘤pap illoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤病pap illomato sis of bladder 膀胱内翻性乳头状瘤inverted pap illoma of bladder

膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma of bladder 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder

膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladder 膀胱癌carcinoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状癌pap illary carcinoma of bladder 膀胱原位癌bladder carcinoma in situ

膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder 膀胱平滑肌肉瘤leiomyo sarcoma of bladder

膀胱间质瘤mesenchymal tumo r of bladder 膀胱移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladder 膀胱葡萄状肉瘤bo tryo id sarcoma of bladder

膀胱淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of bladder 膀胱肉瘤sarcoma of bladder

膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder 膀胱结石vesical calculus

膀胱憩室结石calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱碎石洗出术vesical litho lapaxy

经尿道膀胱颈切开术transureth ral vesical neck incision 耻骨上膀胱针刺吸引术sup rapubic needle asp

iration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱造口术sup rapubic cysto stomy 耻骨上膀胱切开取石术sup rapubic cysto litho tomy

膀胱憩室切除术vesical diverticulectomy 膀胱切开取石术cysto lithectomy, cysto litho tomy

膀胱皮肤造口术cutaneous vesico stomy, cutaneous

cysto stomy

可控性回肠膀胱术continent ileal reservo ir, continent

ileo stomy, Kock pouch

膀胱切除术cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术partial cystectomy

膀胱全切除术to tal cystectomy 根治性膀胱切除术radical cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术vesicoureth ral anastomo sis 经皮膀胱造口术percutaneous cysto stomy

膀胱灌注irrigation of bladder 膀胱颈部Y2V 成形术Y2V p lasty of bladder neck

经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术transureth ral resection of bladder tumo r 尿流改道术diversion of urine, urinary


外尿流改道术external urinary diversion 回肠造口术ileo stomy

回肠膀胱术ileal conduit,Bricker operation 乙状结肠膀胱sigmo id conduit

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术sigmo id augmentation cystop lasty,

sigmo id cystop lasty

回肠膀胱扩大术ileum augmentation cystop lasty, ileo2

cystop lasty



trigono sigmo ido stomy 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴


hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric


回肠膀胱尿流改道术ileal conduit diversion 稳定性膀胱stable bladder



rectal bladder and abdom inal co lo stomy 盲肠膀胱扩大术cecum augmentation cystop lasty, cecal

cystop lasty

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术ilio inguinal lymphadenectomy 膀胱前列腺切除术cystop ro statectomy

膀胱紫癜purpura of bladder 膀胱小梁形成trabeculation of bladder

膀胱异物fo reign body in bladder 膀胱子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of bladder

膀胱挛缩contracture of bladder 先天性膀胱颈挛缩congenital contracture of bladder neck

尿道畸形defo rm ity of ureth ra 尿道狭窄ureth ral stricture

尿道口狭窄meatal steno sis 尿道瓣膜ureth ral valve

尿道发育不全hypop lastic ureth ra 巨尿道megaloureth ra

尿道膨出ureth rocele 尿道上裂ep ispadias

尿道下裂hypo spadias 尿道憩室ureth ral diverticulum

女性尿道下裂female hypo spadias 尿道闭锁atresia of ureth ra

重复尿道dup lication of ureth ra 棱状巨尿道fusifo rm megaloureth ra

尿道损伤injury of ureth ra 尿道皮肤瘘ureth rocutaneous fistula

尿道瘘ureth ral fistula 外伤性尿道瘘traumatic ureth ral fistula

尿道直肠瘘ureth ro2rectal fistula 尿瘘urinary fistula

尿道阴道瘘ureth ro2vaginal fistula 尿道异物fo reign body in ureth ra

尿性囊肿urinoma 尿道结石calculus of ureth ra

女性尿道囊肿ureth ral cyst in female 压力性尿失禁stress incontinence

神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder 神经性膀胱nervous bladder

机械性尿路梗阻mechanical obstruction of urinary tract 尿道球腺疾病diseases of Cowper gland

尿道综合征ureth ral syndrome 尿道扩张ureth ral sounding

尿道丝状探子ureth ral filifo rm 尿道炎ureth ritis

尿道球腺炎cowperitis 细菌性尿道炎bacterial ureth ritis

非特异性尿道炎nonspecific ureth ritis 淋菌性尿道炎gonococcal ureth ritis

非淋菌性尿道炎non2gonococcal ureth ritis 尿道球腺脓肿abscess of Cowper gland

滴虫性尿道膀胱炎trichomonal ureth ro2cystitis 尿道周围脓肿periureth ral abscess

衣原体性尿道炎ch lamydial ureth ritis 支原体性尿道炎mycop lasmal ureth ritis

尿道尖锐湿疣condylomata acum inata of ureth ra 尿道结核tuberculo sis of ureth ra

尿道球腺结核tuberculo sis of Cowper gland 尿道肿瘤tumo r of ureth ra

尿道肉阜ureth ral caruncle 尿道腺瘤adenoma of ureth ra

尿道息肉po lyp of ureth ra 女性尿道纤维息肉fibrous po lyp s of female ureth ra

尿道血管瘤hemangioma of ureth ra 尿道口血管瘤angioma of ureth ralmeatus

尿道球腺囊肿cyst of Cowper gland 尿道球腺肿瘤tumo r of Cowper gland

尿道癌carcinoma of ureth ra 尿道腺癌adenocarcinoma of ureth ra



acquired inclusion cyst of ureth ral

ep ithelium of female

尿道球腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of bulboureth ral gland

尿道刀ureth ro tome 尿道成形术ureth rop lasty

尿道口切开术ureth ralmeato tomy 尿道口成形术ureth ralmeatop lasty

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术transureth ral resection of ureth ral valve 压力性尿失禁悬吊术sling p rocedure fo

r stress incontinence

尿道折叠术p lication operation of ureth ra 套入法尿道成形术Badenoch ureth rop lasty

尿道膀胱悬吊术M arshall2M archetti2Kranz p rocedure,

ureth rovesicopexy



transureth ral resection of male ureth ral


经尿道外括约肌切开术transureth ral sph inctero tomy 尿道口前移阴茎头成形术meatal advancement

and glandular p lasty

尿道会师手术reconstruction of rup tured ureth ra by

Bank method

斯塔米尿道悬吊术Stamey p rocedure fo r stress urinary in2


尿道狭窄扩张术dilatation of ureth ral stricture 尿道切开术ureth ro tomy

尿道切除术ureth rectomy 尿道外切开术external ureth ro tomy

尿道内切开术internal ureth ro tomy 尿道前移术ureth ral advancement

尿流改道复原术urinary undiversion 约翰松尿道成形术Johanson ureth rop lasty

尿道膀胱吻合[术] ureth rovesical anastomo sis 下丘脑2垂体2性腺轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2gonadal


下丘脑2垂体2睾丸轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary2testicular axis 下丘脑2垂体轴hypo thalam ic2p ituitary


类脂性肾上腺增生lipo id adrenal hyperp lasia 纳尔逊综合征N elson syndrome

肾上腺切除术adrenalectomy 肾上腺剩余肿瘤adrenal rest tumo r

肾上腺髓质增生症adrenalmedulla hyperp lasia 嗜铬细胞瘤pheoch romocytoma

皮质醇增生症hyperco rtiso lism 原发性醛固酮[增多]症p rimary aldo steronism



nonadrenal female p seudoherma2

ph roditism



nonfunctional adrenoco rtical adenoma

肾上腺[性]性征综合征adrenogenital syndrome 前列腺囊肿cyst of p ro state

前列腺损伤injury of p ro state 前列腺静脉丛Santo rini venous p lexus

前列腺病p ro stato sis 前列腺增生[症] hyperp lasia of p ro state

变应性前列腺病allergic p ro stato sis 前列腺按摩massage of p ro state



transureth ral p ro static resection


血清前列腺酸性磷酸酶p ro static fraction of serum acid pho s2


慢性前列腺纤维化ch ronic fibro sis of p ro state 前列腺液溢p ro stato rrhea

前列腺痛症p ro statodynia 前列腺素p ro staglandin

前列腺炎p ro statitis 细菌性前列腺炎bacterial p ro statitis

放线菌性前列腺炎actinomyco tic p ro statitis 寄生虫性前列腺炎parasitic p ro statitis

肉芽肿性前列腺炎granulomatous p ro statitis 淋菌性前列腺炎gonococcal p ro statitis

滴虫性前列腺炎trichomonal p ro statitis 前列腺梅毒syph ilis of p ro state

前列腺结核tuberculo sis of p ro state, tuberculous

p ro statitis

前列腺精囊包虫病ech inococcus disease of p ro state and

sem inal vesicle

前列腺脓肿abscess of p ro state 前列腺结石calculus of p ro state

前列腺肿瘤tumo r of p ro state 前列腺腺瘤p ro static adenoma

前列腺子宫内膜样癌endometrio id carcinoma of p ro state 前列腺淋巴肉瘤lympho sarcoma of p ro state

前列腺癌肉瘤carcino sarcoma of p ro state 前列腺管内腺癌intraductal adenocarcinoma of p ro state

前列腺腺癌adenocarcinoma of p ro state 前列腺肉瘤sarcoma of p ro state

前列腺癌carcinoma of p ro state 前列腺移行细胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of p ro state

前列腺切除术p ro statectomy 耻骨上前列腺切除术sup rapubic p ro statectomy

耻骨后前列腺切除术retropubic p ro statectomy 经尿道前列腺切除[术] transureth ral p ro static resection

经尿道前列腺切开[术] transureth ral incision of p ro state 外生殖器汗腺腺瘤syringoma of external


经会阴前列腺切除术perineal p ro statectomy 经会阴前列腺全切除术to tal perineal p ro statectomy

前列腺冷冻术cryo surgery of p ro state 根治性前列腺切除术radical p ro statectomy

电切镜resecto scope 尿路上皮肿瘤uro thelial tumo r

泌尿生殖膈urogenital diaph ragm 尿路病变uropathy

尿路上皮uro thelium 尿路感染urinary tract infection

尿路梗阻urinary tract obstruction 泌尿系异物fo reign body in urinary system

泌尿生殖器外伤genitourinary trauma 泌尿生殖系统urogenital system

泌尿生殖系软斑病malakop lak ia of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖系变应性疾病allergic diseases of

genitourinary system

泌尿生殖系寄生虫病parasito sis of genitourinary system 泌尿系子宫内膜异位症endometrio sis of urinary


泌尿生殖系X 线照相术roentgenography of genitourinary system 泌尿生殖窦urogenital sinus

精囊囊肿cyst of sem inal vesicle 精液囊肿sem inal cyst, spermatocele

精索皮样囊肿dermo id cyst of spermatic co rd 输精管缺如absence of vas deferens

重复输精管dup lication of vas deferens 精索扭转to rsion of spermatic co rd

输精管畸形defo rm ity of vas deferens 精索静脉曲张varicocele

泌尿外科学 urology

孤立肾 Solitary kidney

重复肾 Renal duplication, duplex kidney

游走肾 Movable kidney

肾静脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal vein

肾动脉狭窄 Stenosis of renal artery

单纯肾囊肿 Simple cyst of kidney

先天性肾囊性疾病 Congenital renal cystic disease

肾盂旁囊肿 Parapelvic cyst

肾损伤 Injury of kidney

肾裂伤 Laceration of kidney

肾蒂断裂 Rupture of renal pedicle

肾积水 Hydronephrosis

肾脓肿 Renal abscess

临床肾结核 Clinical renal tuberculosis

腔内泌尿外科学 Endourology

肾畸形 Deformity of kidney

马蹄形肾 Horseshoe kidney

肾下垂 Nephroptosis

肾外型肾盂 Extrarenal pelvis

肾旋转异常 Renal malrotation

肾动静脉瘘 Renal arteriovenous fistula

肾动脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal artery

肾囊肿 Cyst of kidney

多囊肾 Polycystic kidney

肾挫伤 Contusion of kidney

肾破裂 Rupture of kidney

肾穿透伤 Penetrating injury of kidney

肾梗塞 Renal infarction

巨大肾积水 Giant hydronephrosis

肾积脓 pyonephrosis

病理性肾结核 Pathological renal tuberculosis

肾结核对侧肾积水 Renal tuberculosis with Controlateral hydronephrosis

海绵肾 Medullary sponge kidney

肾肿瘤 Tumor of kidney

肾皮质腺瘤 Renal cortical adenoma

肾盂乳头状瘤 Papilloma of renal pelvis

肾实质癌 Carcinoma of renal parenchyma

肾透明细胞癌 Clear cell carcinoma of kidney

肾腺癌 Adenocarcinoma of kidney

肾鳞状细胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开术 Nephrotomy

肾盂切开术 Pyelotomy

肾切除术 Nephrectomy

经皮肾造瘘术 Percutanous nephrostomy

肾造瘘术 Nephrostomy

根治性肾切除术 Radical nephrectomy

肾盂输尿管松解术 Pelvioureterolysis

腹膜后淋巴结切除术 Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy

肾动脉栓塞术 Embolization of renal artery

肾鹿角状结石 Staghorn stone of kidney

肾萎缩 Renal atrophy

输尿管扩张 Dilatation of ureter

巨输尿管 Megaloureter

输尿管畸形 Deformity of ureter

重复肾盂 Duplication of pelvis

输尿管开口异位 Ectopia of ureteral orifice

腔静脉后输尿管 Retrocaval ureter

输尿管脱垂 Ureterocele

正常位输尿管膨出 Orthotopic ureterocele

肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 Hamartoma of kidney,Angiomyolipoma

肾良性肿瘤 Binign renal tumor

肾脂肪瘤 Lipoma of kidney

肾纤维瘤 Renal fibroma

肾腺瘤 Adenoma of kidney

肾盂移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂肿瘤 tumor of renal pelvis

肾癌 renal carcinoma

肾细胞癌 renal cell carcinoma

肾颗粒细胞癌 granular cell carcinoma of kidney

肾母细胞瘤 wilms tumor,nephroblastoma

肾肉瘤 sarcoma of kidney

肾盂癌 carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾盂乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis

肾切开取石术 nephrolithotomy

肾盂切开取石术 pyelolithotomy

肾-肾盂造瘘术 nephropyelostomy

肾部分切除术 partial nephrectomy

肾盂造瘘术 pyelostomy

肾自截 autonephrectomy

包膜下肾切除术 subcapsular nephrectomy

肾输尿管切除术 nephro-ureterectomy

肾固定术 nephropexy

剖腰探查术 exploratory lumbotomy

重复输尿管 duplication of ureter

输尿管积水 hydroureter

输尿管损伤 injury of ureter

输尿管瘘 ureteral fistula

输尿管结核 tubculosis of ureter

输尿管乳头状瘤 papilloma of ureter

输尿管移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of ureter

输尿管切开术 ureterotomy

输尿管松解术 ureterolysis

输尿管造瘘术 ureterostomy

输尿管-肠-皮肤尿流改道术 uretero-enterocutaneous diversion

离断性肾盂输尿管成形术 dismembered ureteropelvioplasty

输尿管肾盂吻合术 ureteroneopyelostomy

输尿管切除术 ureterectomy

输尿管输尿管吻合术 ureteroureterostomy

阑尾输尿管成形术 appendix ureteroplasty

输尿管移植术 transplantation of ureter

输尿管梗阻 ureteral obstruction

肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄 stricture of uretero-pelvic junction

输尿管痛 ureteral colic

膀胱憩室 diverticulum of bladder

膀胱挫伤 contusion of bladder

腹膜内膀胱破裂 intraperitoneal rupture of bladder

膀胱瘘 vesical fistula

细菌性膀胱炎 bacterial cystitis

膀胱结核 tuberculosis of bladder

膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma of bladder

膀胱乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of bladder

输尿管肾盂交接处梗阻 obstruction at ureteropelvic junction

先天性巨输尿管 congenital megaloureter

反流性巨输尿管 reflux megaloureter

输尿管肠瘘 uretero-enteric fistula

输尿管肿瘤 tumor of ureter

输尿管癌 carcinoma of ureter

输尿管乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of ureter

输尿管皮肤造瘘术 cutaneous ureterostomy

输尿管切开取石术 ureterolithotomy

输尿管口切开术 ureteral meatotomy


ureteroileal cutaneous diversion

输尿管回肠吻合术 ureterosigmoidostomy,

ureterosigmoid anastomosis

输尿管结肠吻合术 uretero-colic anastomosis

输尿管膀胱吻合术 ureteroneocystostomy


uretero-cutaneous diversion

输尿管结石 calculus of ureter

输尿管狭窄 stricture of ureter

输尿管口狭窄 stricture of uretero-vesical orifice

膀胱输尿管反流 vesicoureteral reflux

膀胱损伤 injury of bladder

膀胱破裂 rupture of bladder

膀胱腹膜外破裂 extraperitoneal rupture of bladder

膀胱阴道瘘 vesicovaginal fistula

膀胱肿瘤 tumor of bladder

膀胱乳头状瘤 papilloma of bladder

膀胱癌 carcinoma of bladder

膀胱原位癌 bladder carcinoma in situ

膀胱移行细胞瘤 transitional cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of bladder

膀胱腺癌 adenocarcinoma of bladder

膀胱憩室内结石 calculus in diverticulum of bladder

经尿道膀胱颈切开术 transurethral vesical neck incision

耻骨上膀胱造口术 suprapubic cystostomy

膀胱憩室切除术 vesical diverticulectomy

膀胱切除术 cystectomy

膀胱全切除术 total cystectomy

膀胱尿道吻合术 vesicourethral anastomosis

膀胱灌注 irrigation of bladder

经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术 transurethral resection of bladder tumor

回肠膀胱术 ileal conduit, Bricker operation

乙状结肠膀胱扩大术 sigmoid augumentation cystoplasty

回肠膀胱尿流改道术 ileal conduit diversion

髂腹股沟淋巴结切除术 ilioinquinal lymphadenectomy

膀胱异物 foreign body in bladder

膀胱孪缩 contracture of bladder

尿道口狭窄 meatal stenosis

尿道下裂 hypospadias

尿道损伤 injury of urethra

尿道瘘 urethral fistula

尿道直肠瘘 urethro-rectal fistula

尿道阴道瘘 urethro-vaginal fistula

神经源性膀胱 neurogenic bladder

尿道机械性梗阻 mechanical obstruction of urinary tract

尿道综合症 urethral syndrome

非淋菌性尿道炎 non-gonococcal urethritis

衣原体性尿道炎 chlamydial urethritis

尿道尖锐湿疣 condylomata acuminata of urethra

尿道肉阜 urethral caruncle

尿道息肉 polyp of urethra

尿道球腺囊肿 cyst of cowper gland

尿道癌 carcinoma of urethra

膀胱肉瘤 sarcoma of bladder

膀胱结石 vesical calculus

耻骨上膀胱穿刺吸引术 suprapubic needle aspiration of bladder

耻骨上膀胱切开取石术 suprapubic cystolithotomy

膀胱切开取石术 cystolithotomy, cystolithectomy

膀胱部分切除术 partial cystectomy

根治性膀胱切除术 radical cystectomy

可控性回肠膀胱术 continent ileal reservoir, kock pouch

经皮膀胱造口术 percutanous cystostomy

尿流改道术 diversion of urine, urinary diversion

回肠膀胱扩大术 Ileum augmentation cystoplasty,ileo-cystoplasty

膀胱前列腺切除术 cystoprostatectomy

尿道狭窄 urethral stricture

尿道瓣膜 urethral valve

尿道憩室 urethral diverticulum

尿道皮肤瘘 urethrocutaneous fistula

尿道皮肤瘘 urethrocutaneous fistula

尿道瘘 urinary fistula

尿道异物 foreign body in urethra

尿道结石 calculus of urethra

压力性尿失禁 stress incontinence

神经性膀胱 nervous bladder

尿道探子 urethral sounding

尿道炎 urethritis

细菌性尿道炎 bacterial urethritis

淋菌性尿道炎 gonococcal urethritis

尿道结核 tuberculosis of urethra

尿道肿瘤 tumor of urethra

尿道口切开术 urethral meatotomy

经尿道尿道瓣膜切除术 transurethral resection of urethral valve

尿道膀胱固定术 urethrovesicopexy

经尿道外括约肌切开术 transurethral sphincterotomy

尿道会师术 reconstruction of ruptured urethra by Bank method

尿道狭窄扩张术 dilatation of urethral stricture

尿道切除术 urethrectomy

尿道内切开术 internal urethrotomy

肾上腺切除术 adrenalectomy

皮质醇增生症 hypercortisolism

经尿道前列腺切除综合症 transurethral prostatic resection syndrome

慢性前列腺纤维化 chronic fibrosis of prostate

前列腺炎 prostatitis

前列腺肿瘤 tumor of prostate

前列腺腺癌 adenocarcinoma of prostate

前列腺癌 carcinoma of prostate

前列腺切除术 prostatectomy

耻骨后前列腺切除术 retropubic prostatectomy

经尿道前列腺切开术 transurethral incision of prostate

电切镜 resectoscope

泌尿生殖隔 urogenital diaphragm

尿路上皮 urothelium

尿路梗阻 urinary tract obstruction

泌尿生殖器外伤 genitourinary trauma

尿道成形术 urethroplasty

尿道口成形术 urethral meatoplasty

压力性尿失禁悬吊术 sling procedure for stress incontinence

尿道口前移阴茎头成形术 meatal advancement and glandular plasty

尿道前移术 urethral advancement

嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma

原发性醛固酮增生症 primary aldosteronism

肾上腺非功能性皮脂腺瘤 nonfunctional adrenocortical adenoma

前列腺增生症 hyperplasia of prostate

前列腺按摩 message of prostate

细菌性前列腺炎 bacterial prostatitis

淋菌性前列腺炎 gonococcal prostatitis

耻骨上前列腺切除术 suprapubic prostatectomy

经尿道前列腺切除术 transurethral prostatic resection

根治性前列腺切除术 radical prostatectomy

尿路上皮肿瘤 urothlial tumor

尿路感染 urinary tract infection

泌尿生殖系统 urogenital system

精液囊肿 seminal cyst, spermatocele

精索扭转 torsion of spermatic cord

精索静脉曲张 varicocele

精囊炎 seminal vesiculitis

输精管结核 tuberculosis of vas deferens

精囊切除术 seminal vesiculectomy

输精管结扎术 vasoligation

输精管输精管吻合术 vasovasostomy

阴囊挫伤 contusion of scrotum

阴囊肿瘤 tumor of scrotum

睾丸鞘膜积液 hydrocele of testis

先天性鞘膜积液 congenital hydrocele

混合型鞘膜积液 combination hydrocele

脐尿管 urachus

脐尿管瘘 fistula of urachus

脐尿管囊肿 urachal cyst

脐尿管疾病 dieases of urachus

脐尿管癌 carcinoma of urachus

包茎 phimosis

小阴茎 micropenis

阴茎挫伤 contusion of penis

输精管切除术 vasectomy

精液囊肿切除术 spermatocelectomy

生殖器疱疹 genital herpes

交通性鞘膜积液 communicating hydrocele

阴囊血肿 hematoma of scrotum

脐尿管腺癌 adenocarcinoma of urachus

阴茎折断 fracture of penis

嵌顿包茎 paraphimosis

阴茎损伤 injury of penis

阴茎血肿 hematoma of penis

包皮变应性水肿 allergic edema of prepuce

包皮垢 smegma

阴茎勃起 erection of penis

阴茎纤维性海绵体炎 fibrous cavernositis of penis

阴茎血管瘤 penile angioma

阴茎癌 carcinoma of penis

阴茎鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of penis

包皮背侧切开术 dorsal slit of prepuce

阴茎切除术 penectomy

阴茎再造术 reconstruction of penis

睾丸发育不全 hypoplasia of testis

睾丸下降不全 incomplete orchiocatabasis

回缩睾丸 retracted testis

克兰费尔特综合症 klinefelter syndrome

睾丸萎缩 atrophy of testis

睾丸挫伤 contusion of testis

死精症 necrospermia

睾酮 testosterone

阳萎 impotence

睾丸炎 orchitis

腮腺炎性睾丸炎 mumps orchitis

睾丸精原细胞瘤 seminoma of testis

睾丸非生殖细胞瘤 non-germinal cell tumor of testis

睾丸生殖细胞瘤 germinal cell tumor of testis

睾丸癌 carcinoma of testis

睾丸畸胎瘤 teratocarcinoma of testis

睾丸绒毛膜瘤 choriocarcinoma of testis

睾丸切除术 orchiectomy

附睾炎 epididymitis

附睾肿瘤 tumor of epididymis

包皮过长 redundant prepuce

阴茎肿瘤 tumor of penis

阴茎癌前期病 precancerous lesion of penis

阴茎鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of penis

包皮环切术 circumcision

阴茎截断术 amputation of penis

人工阴茎 penile prosthesis

睾丸附件 testicular adnexa

隐睾症 cryptorchidism

睾丸损伤 injury of testis

早泄 prospermia,premature ejaculation

血管性阳痿 vasculogenic impotence

附睾睾丸炎 epididymo-orchitis

睾丸肿瘤 tumor of testis

非精原细胞瘤 non seminoma

睾丸畸胎瘤 teratoma of testis

睾丸胚胎癌 embryonal carcinoma of testis

附睾结核 tubculosis of epididymis

附睾腺瘤 adenoma of epididymis

遗尿症 enuresis

尿流中断 interruption of urinary stream

排尿困难 difficulty of urination

漏尿 leakage of urination

充溢性尿失禁 overflow incontinence

尿末滴沥 terminal dribbling

尿毒症 uremia

男性泌尿生殖系结核 tuberculosis of male genital-urinary system

肾血管性高血压 renal vascular hypertension

血性精液 hemospermia

无精子症 azoospermia

逆行射精 retrograde ejaculation

不育 sterility

尿流率测定 uroflometry

尿道抬举试验 marshall-marchetti test

经尿道活检 transurethral biopsy

经会阴活检 transperineal biopsy

排泄性尿路造 excretory urography,intravenous pyelography

肾盂输尿管造影术 pyeloureterography

肾血管造影术 renal angiography

经皮肾动脉造影术 seldinger technique of renal angiography

肾静脉造影术 renal venography

顺行肾盂造影术 antegrade pyelography

肾盂镜检查术 pyeloscopy

输尿管镜检查术 ureteroscopy

逆行膀胱造影术 retrograde cystography

排泄性膀胱造影术 excretory cystography

附睾切除术 epididymectomy

夜间遗尿症 nocturnal enuresis

排尿反射 micturition reflex

排尿犹豫 hesitancy in urination

尿外渗 urinary extravasation

假性尿失禁 false incontinence

女性尿失禁 female incontinence

剩余尿 residual urine

结晶尿 crystalluria

肾小球性血尿 glomerular hematuria

排尿指数 micturition index

遗精 nocturnal emission

精子减少[症] oligospermia

手淫 masturbation

泌尿外科检查 urologic examination

尿流动力学检查 urodynamic study

膀胱测压 cystometry

夜间阴茎勃起试验 nocturnal penile tumescence test

经直肠活检 transrectal biopsy

尿道造影[术] urography

逆行肾盂造影术 retrograde urography,retrograde pyelography

肾动脉造影术 renal arteriography

选择性肾动脉造影术 selected renal arteriography

经股静脉插管 transfemoral catheterization of femoral vein

腹主-肾动脉造影术 abdominal aorto-renal arteriography

经尿道输尿管肾盂镜检查术 transurethral ureteropeyloscopy

输尿管肾镜 ureterorenoscope

输尿管肾盂造影术 ureteropyelography

膀胱造影术 cystography

膀胱尿道造影术 cysto-urethrography

膀胱冲洗法 bladder washout method

膀胱镜 cystoscope

逆行尿道造影术 retrograde urethrography

尿道镜 urethroscope

导尿术 urethral catheterization,catheterization

输精管造影术 vasography

阴茎海绵体造影术 cavernosography

肾图 renography

液电碎石术 electrohydraulic lithotripsy

经皮肾镜取石术 percutaneous nephrolithotomy

性行为 sexual behavior

性功能 sexual function

男性不育症 male infertility

精液 semen

高肾素型高血压 high renin hypertension

多尿型肾衰竭 polyuric renal failure

去梗阻后利尿 postobstructive diuresis

体外动静脉短路 external arterio-venous shunt

绒毛膜促性腺激素 chorionic-gonodotropin hormone

动力性尿路梗阻 dynamic obstruction of urinary tract

腹股沟疝 inguinal hernia

膀胱镜 cystoscopy

尿道造影术 urethrography

排泄性尿道造[术] excretory urethrography

尿道膀胱造影[术] urethrocystography

尿道镜检查[术] urethroscopy

间歇性导尿 intermittent catheterization

淋巴系造影[术] lymphography

输精管 精囊造[术] vaso-seminal vesiculography

输精管附睾造影[术] vasoepididymography

精囊造影[术] seminal vesiculography

附睾造影[术] epididymography

超声碎石术 ultrasonic lithotripsy

体外冲击波碎石术 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy

性活动 sexual activity

精子 spermatozoon

男性性功能障碍 male sexual dysfunction

性腺功能减退症 hypogonadism

少尿型肾衰竭 oliguric renal failure

渗透性利尿 osmotic diuresis

组织相容性试验 histocompatibility test

性染色体 sex chromosome

射精 ejaculation

特发性腹膜后纤维化 idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

细胞调亡 apoptosis

腹膜后纤维化 retroperitoneal fibrosis

憩室 diverticulum

动静脉瘘 arteriovenous fistula

剖腹探查术 exploratory laparotomy

冷冻疗法 cryotherapy

畸胎瘤 teratoma

肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄 stricture of pyeloureteric junction

孤立性肾囊肿 solitary renal cyst

闭合伤 closed injury

肾移植 renal transplantation

肾上腺移植 adrenal transplantation

组织相容性 histocompatibility

超急性排斥反 hyperacute rejection

慢性排斥反应 chronic rejection

单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody

麻醉 anesthsia

白细胞介素 Interleukin

尸体肾移植 cadaveric renal transplantation

疤痕 scar

端侧吻合术 end-to-side anastomosis

息肉 polyp

腹腔镜检查术 laparoscopy

错构瘤 hamartoma

重肾双输尿管 duplication of kidney and ureter

合并伤 associated injury

器官移植 organ transplantation

急性肾小管坏死 acute tubular necrosis

睾丸移植 testis transplantation

排斥反应 rejection

急性排斥反应 acute rejection

免疫抑制 immunosuppression

多克隆抗体 polyclonal antibody

感染 infection

乳头状瘤 papilloma

端端吻合术 end-to-end anastomosis


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