九年级英语单词表 Unit 1
pronunciation [prə'nʌnsi'eiʃən]
specific [spi'sifik]
memorize [‘meməraiz]
grammar [’ɡræmə]
differently [‘dɪfərəntlɪ]
frustrate [’frʌstreit]
frustrating [frʌ‘streɪtɪŋ]
quickly [’kwɪklɪ]
add [æd]
pronounce [prə‘nauns]
slowly [‘sləʊlɪ]
mistake [mɪ’steɪkən]
make mistakes
comma [‘kɔmə] [’kɑmə]
challenge [‘tʃæləndʒ]
solution [sə’lu:ʃən]
later on<>
realize [‘riəlaiz]
matter [’mætə]
it doesn't matter
afraid [ə‘freid]
be afraid to
laugh ag
complete [kəm'pli:t]
secret ['si:krit]
learner ['lɜ:nə]
take notes
team [ti:m]
impress [im’pres]
trouble [‘trʌbəl]
fast [fɑ:st] [fæst]
look up
soft [sɔft]
impress [im'pres]
make up
essay [’esei]
deal [di:l]
deal with
unless [ʌn‘les]
unfair [‘ʌn’feə]
solve [sɑlv, sɔlv]
regard [ri’ɡɑ:d]
duty [‘dju:ti]
easily [’i:zili]
influence [‘influəns]
be angry with
go by
friendship [’frendʃip]
lose [lu:z]
disagreement [‘dɪsə’gri:mənt]
development [di’veləpmənt]
adult [ə‘dʌlt, ’ædʌlt]
try one’s best
unimportant [‘ʌnɪm’pɔ:tnt]
face [feis]
soldier [‘səuldʒə]
break off
Unit 2
used to
airplane [‘ɛəplein]
terrify [’terifai]
be terrified of
go to sleep
insect [‘insekt]
candy ['kændi]
chew [tʃu:]
gum [ɡʌm]
chat [tʃæt]
daily [‘deili]
comic [’kɔmik] [‘kɑmɪk]
death [deθ]
cause [kɔ:z]
himself [him’self]
patient [’peiʃənt]
in the end
decision [di‘siʒən]
make a decision
head teacher
to one's surprise [sə’praiz]
exactly [ɪg‘zæktli]
even though
no longer
take pride in
attention [ə’tenʃən]
pay attention to
give up
waste [weist]
Unit 3
pierce [piəs]
license [‘laisəns]
silly [’sili]
earring [‘iə’riŋ,‘ɪrɪŋ]
instead of
stay up
concentrate [’kɔnsəntreit]
concentrate on
study [‘stʌdi]
design [di’zain] 设计、构思
present [‘prezənt]
at present
opportunity [’ɔpə‘tju:niti]
volunteer [’vɔlən‘tiə]
local [’ləukəl]
experience [iks‘piəriəns]
member [’membə]
mess [mes]
old people's home
sleepy ['sli:pi]
reply [ri'plai]
newsletter [‘nu:z’letə]
in the way
achieve [ə’ʃi:v]
race [reis]
realistic [‘riə’listik]
taught [tɔ:t]
importance [im‘pɔ:təns]
care [kɛə]
care about
succeed [sək’si:d]
point [pɔint]
Unit 4
million ['miljən]
medical ['medikəl]
research [ri‘sə:tʃ]
tie [taɪ](=necktie)
worry ['wʌri]
what if
pimple [’pɪmpəl]
confident [‘kɔnfidənt]
permission [pə’miʃən]
herself [hə:’self]
bother [‘bɔðə]
in the slightest
fairly [‘fɛəli]
plenty ['plenti]
plenty of
get along with
circle [‘sə:kl]
listener [’lisnə]
knowledgeable [‘nɑ:lɪdʒəbəl]
represent [’repri‘zent]
come up with
rest [rest]
aid [eid]
nearby [’niəbai]
shelf [ʃelf]
come out
cover [‘kʌvə]
press [pres]
deep [di:p]
downstairs ['daun'stɛəz]
correct [kə'rekt]
burn [bə:n,bɜ:(r )n]
knee [ni:]
pain [pein]
hurt [hə:t]
offer [‘ɔfə]
refuse [ri’fju:z]
helpful [‘helpful]
treat [tri:t]
burn [bɜ:(r)n]
Spotty [’spɔti:]
Unit 5
belong [bi'lɔŋ]
belong to
author ['ɔ:θə,'ɔːθə(r)]
picnic ['piknik]
hair band [bænd]
possibly ['pɔsəbli]
drop [drɔp]
symphony ['simfəni]
optometrist [ɔp'tɔmitrist]
appointment [ə‘pɔintmənt]
crucial [’kru:ʃəl]
make up
final [‘fainəl,’faɪnl]
anxious [‘æŋkʃəs]
worried [’wʌrɪd]
owner [‘əunə]
Oxford University [ 'ɔksfəd 'ju:ni'və:siti]
chase [tʃeis]
sky [skai]
helicopter ['helikɔptə]
creature ['kri:tʃə]
catch [kætʃ]
unhappy [ʌn'hæpi:]
extremely [iks'tri:mli]
interview ['intəvju:]
noise [nɔiz]
wind [wind]
neighbor ['neibə]
footstep ['futstep]
garbage ['ɡɑ:bidʒ]
mystery ['mistəri]
director [di'rektə]
monkey ['mʌŋki]
escape [is'keip]
bark [bɑ:k]
smell [smel]
finger ['fiŋɡə]
lift [lift]
stone [stəun]
ant [ænt]
ocean ['əuʃən]
dishonest [dɪs'ɔnɪst]
pretend [pri'tend]
use up
attempt [ə'tempt]
Mark Twain ['mɑ:k'twein]
Fred 弗雷德
Review of units 1-5
net [net]
turn off
polar bear ['pəulə]
Vietnam ['viət'næm]
Unit 6
prefer [pri'fə:]
lyric ['lirik]
gentle ['dʒentl]
dislike [dis'laik]
remind [ri'maind]
heart [hɑ:t]
string [striŋ]
sink [siŋk]
Yellow River ['rivə]
fisherman ['fiʃə'mən]
latest ['leitist]
entertainment ['entə'teinmənt]
feature ['fi:tʃə]
photography [fə'tɔgrəfi:]
gallery ['ɡæləri]
photographer [fɵ'tɔgrəfə]
display [dis'plei]
on display
photograph ['fəutəɡrɑ:f]
interest ['intrist]
class [klɑ:s]
whatever [hwɔt'evə]
miss [mis]
suggest [sə'dʒest]
energy ['enədʒi]
okay ['əu'kei]
pro [prəʊ]
con [kɔn]
honest ['ɔnist]
course [kɔ:s]
suit [sju:t]
suit sb.(fine)
expect [iks'pekt]
sweet [swi:t]
taste [teist]
to be honest ['ɔnist]
be bad for
actually ['æktʃu:əli]
fry [frai]
mainly ['meɪnli]
stay away from
be in agreement [ə'ɡri:mənt]
itself [it'self]
laboratory [lə'bɔrətəri]
type [taip]
cancer ['kænsə]
barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:]
increase [in'kri:s]
risk [risk]
biscuit ['biskit]
main [mein]
exclamation ['eksklə'meɪʃən]
tag question
contraction [kən'trækʃən]
tasty ['teɪsti:]
vegetarian ['vedʒɪ'teəri:ən]
shock [ʃɔk]
Carmen 卡门
Dan Dervish 丹.德威什
Unit 7
tiring ['taɪərɪŋ]
educational ['edʒə'keɪʃənəl]
peaceful ['pi:sful]
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]
thrilling ['θrɪlɪŋ]
take it easy
Florida ['flɔrɪdə]
trek [trek]
Amazon ['æməzən]
jungle ['dʒʌŋɡl]
fall [fɔ:l]
Niagara Falls [naiæɡərə]
touristy ['tuəristi]
spotlight ['spɔtlait]
consider [kən'sidə]
lively ['laivli]
sight [sait]
including [in`klu:din]
tower ['tauə]
Eiffel Tower ['aɪfəl]
cathedral [kə'θi:drəl]
Notre Dame Cathedral ] [¸nəutrə´dɑ:m]
church [tʃə:tʃ]
convenient [kən'vi:njənt]
underground ['ʌndəɡraund]
general ['dʒenərəl]
in general
wine [wain]
translate [træns'leit]
pack [pæk]
light [lait]
wonderful ['wʌndəful]
Ace Travel [eis, 'trævəl]
eastern ['i:stən]
provide [prə'vaid]
firm [fə:m]
spot [spɔt]
Confucius [kən'fju:ʃəs] 孔子
sail [seil]
Pacific [pə'sɪfɪk]
finding ['faindiŋ]
thousands of ['θaʊzəndz]
as soon as possible ['pɔsəbl]
continue [kən'tinju]
programming ['prəuɡræmiŋ]
translator [træns'leɪtə]
report [ri'pɔ:t]
willing ['wiliŋ]
be willing to
quite a few
dream [dri:m]
dream of
conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]
hold on to [həuld]
attitude ['ætitju:d]
Unit 8
clean up
hunger ['hʌŋɡə]
homeless ['həʊmlɪs]
cheer [tʃɪə(r),tʃɪr]
give out
sign [sain]
advertisement [əd'və:tismənt]
put off
set up
establish [is'tæbliʃ]
think up
major ['meidʒə]
commitment [kə'mitmənt]
elementary ['eli'mentəri]
veterinarian ['vetərə'neəri:ən]
coach [kəutʃ]
take after
fix [fiks]
fix up
repair [ri'pɛə]
similar ['similə]
put up
ask for
hand out
strategy ['strætidʒi]
work out
website [´websait]
disabled [dɪs'eɪbəld]
organization ['ɔ:ɡənai'zeiʃən]
fill [fil]
pleasure ['pleʒə]
blind [blaind]
deaf [def]
unable [ʌn'eɪbəl]
cannot ['kænɔt] (=con't)
imagine [I'mædʒin]
shut [ʃʌt]
carry ['kæri]
specially ['speʃəlɪ]
fetch [fetʃ]
at once
support [sə'pɔ:t]
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]
donation [dəu'neiʃən]
part of speech [spi:tʃ]
pronoun ['prəunaun]
adverb ['ædvə:b,'ædvɜːb]
preposition ['prepə'ziʃən]
conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]
donate [dəu'neit]
Jimmy 吉米(男名)
Sally 萨利(女名)
九年级英语单词表 Unit 1
pronunciation [prə'nʌnsi'eiʃən]
specific [spi'sifik]
memorize [‘meməraiz]
grammar [’ɡræmə]
differently [‘dɪfərəntlɪ]
frustrate [’frʌstreit]
frustrating [frʌ‘streɪtɪŋ]
quickly [’kwɪklɪ]
add [æd]
pronounce [prə‘nauns]
slowly [‘sləʊlɪ]
mistake [mɪ’steɪkən]
make mistakes
comma [‘kɔmə] [’kɑmə]
challenge [‘tʃæləndʒ]
solution [sə’lu:ʃən]
later on<>
realize [‘riəlaiz]
matter [’mætə]
it doesn't matter
afraid [ə‘freid]
be afraid to
laugh ag
complete [kəm'pli:t]
secret ['si:krit]
learner ['lɜ:nə]
take notes
team [ti:m]
impress [im’pres]
trouble [‘trʌbəl]
fast [fɑ:st] [fæst]
look up
soft [sɔft]
impress [im'pres]
make up
essay [’esei]
deal [di:l]
deal with
unless [ʌn‘les]
unfair [‘ʌn’feə]
solve [sɑlv, sɔlv]
regard [ri’ɡɑ:d]
duty [‘dju:ti]
easily [’i:zili]
influence [‘influəns]
be angry with
go by
friendship [’frendʃip]
lose [lu:z]
disagreement [‘dɪsə’gri:mənt]
development [di’veləpmənt]
adult [ə‘dʌlt, ’ædʌlt]
try one’s best
unimportant [‘ʌnɪm’pɔ:tnt]
face [feis]
soldier [‘səuldʒə]
break off
Unit 2
used to
airplane [‘ɛəplein]
terrify [’terifai]
be terrified of
go to sleep
insect [‘insekt]
candy ['kændi]
chew [tʃu:]
gum [ɡʌm]
chat [tʃæt]
daily [‘deili]
comic [’kɔmik] [‘kɑmɪk]
death [deθ]
cause [kɔ:z]
himself [him’self]
patient [’peiʃənt]
in the end
decision [di‘siʒən]
make a decision
head teacher
to one's surprise [sə’praiz]
exactly [ɪg‘zæktli]
even though
no longer
take pride in
attention [ə’tenʃən]
pay attention to
give up
waste [weist]
Unit 3
pierce [piəs]
license [‘laisəns]
silly [’sili]
earring [‘iə’riŋ,‘ɪrɪŋ]
instead of
stay up
concentrate [’kɔnsəntreit]
concentrate on
study [‘stʌdi]
design [di’zain] 设计、构思
present [‘prezənt]
at present
opportunity [’ɔpə‘tju:niti]
volunteer [’vɔlən‘tiə]
local [’ləukəl]
experience [iks‘piəriəns]
member [’membə]
mess [mes]
old people's home
sleepy ['sli:pi]
reply [ri'plai]
newsletter [‘nu:z’letə]
in the way
achieve [ə’ʃi:v]
race [reis]
realistic [‘riə’listik]
taught [tɔ:t]
importance [im‘pɔ:təns]
care [kɛə]
care about
succeed [sək’si:d]
point [pɔint]
Unit 4
million ['miljən]
medical ['medikəl]
research [ri‘sə:tʃ]
tie [taɪ](=necktie)
worry ['wʌri]
what if
pimple [’pɪmpəl]
confident [‘kɔnfidənt]
permission [pə’miʃən]
herself [hə:’self]
bother [‘bɔðə]
in the slightest
fairly [‘fɛəli]
plenty ['plenti]
plenty of
get along with
circle [‘sə:kl]
listener [’lisnə]
knowledgeable [‘nɑ:lɪdʒəbəl]
represent [’repri‘zent]
come up with
rest [rest]
aid [eid]
nearby [’niəbai]
shelf [ʃelf]
come out
cover [‘kʌvə]
press [pres]
deep [di:p]
downstairs ['daun'stɛəz]
correct [kə'rekt]
burn [bə:n,bɜ:(r )n]
knee [ni:]
pain [pein]
hurt [hə:t]
offer [‘ɔfə]
refuse [ri’fju:z]
helpful [‘helpful]
treat [tri:t]
burn [bɜ:(r)n]
Spotty [’spɔti:]
Unit 5
belong [bi'lɔŋ]
belong to
author ['ɔ:θə,'ɔːθə(r)]
picnic ['piknik]
hair band [bænd]
possibly ['pɔsəbli]
drop [drɔp]
symphony ['simfəni]
optometrist [ɔp'tɔmitrist]
appointment [ə‘pɔintmənt]
crucial [’kru:ʃəl]
make up
final [‘fainəl,’faɪnl]
anxious [‘æŋkʃəs]
worried [’wʌrɪd]
owner [‘əunə]
Oxford University [ 'ɔksfəd 'ju:ni'və:siti]
chase [tʃeis]
sky [skai]
helicopter ['helikɔptə]
creature ['kri:tʃə]
catch [kætʃ]
unhappy [ʌn'hæpi:]
extremely [iks'tri:mli]
interview ['intəvju:]
noise [nɔiz]
wind [wind]
neighbor ['neibə]
footstep ['futstep]
garbage ['ɡɑ:bidʒ]
mystery ['mistəri]
director [di'rektə]
monkey ['mʌŋki]
escape [is'keip]
bark [bɑ:k]
smell [smel]
finger ['fiŋɡə]
lift [lift]
stone [stəun]
ant [ænt]
ocean ['əuʃən]
dishonest [dɪs'ɔnɪst]
pretend [pri'tend]
use up
attempt [ə'tempt]
Mark Twain ['mɑ:k'twein]
Fred 弗雷德
Review of units 1-5
net [net]
turn off
polar bear ['pəulə]
Vietnam ['viət'næm]
Unit 6
prefer [pri'fə:]
lyric ['lirik]
gentle ['dʒentl]
dislike [dis'laik]
remind [ri'maind]
heart [hɑ:t]
string [striŋ]
sink [siŋk]
Yellow River ['rivə]
fisherman ['fiʃə'mən]
latest ['leitist]
entertainment ['entə'teinmənt]
feature ['fi:tʃə]
photography [fə'tɔgrəfi:]
gallery ['ɡæləri]
photographer [fɵ'tɔgrəfə]
display [dis'plei]
on display
photograph ['fəutəɡrɑ:f]
interest ['intrist]
class [klɑ:s]
whatever [hwɔt'evə]
miss [mis]
suggest [sə'dʒest]
energy ['enədʒi]
okay ['əu'kei]
pro [prəʊ]
con [kɔn]
honest ['ɔnist]
course [kɔ:s]
suit [sju:t]
suit sb.(fine)
expect [iks'pekt]
sweet [swi:t]
taste [teist]
to be honest ['ɔnist]
be bad for
actually ['æktʃu:əli]
fry [frai]
mainly ['meɪnli]
stay away from
be in agreement [ə'ɡri:mənt]
itself [it'self]
laboratory [lə'bɔrətəri]
type [taip]
cancer ['kænsə]
barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:]
increase [in'kri:s]
risk [risk]
biscuit ['biskit]
main [mein]
exclamation ['eksklə'meɪʃən]
tag question
contraction [kən'trækʃən]
tasty ['teɪsti:]
vegetarian ['vedʒɪ'teəri:ən]
shock [ʃɔk]
Carmen 卡门
Dan Dervish 丹.德威什
Unit 7
tiring ['taɪərɪŋ]
educational ['edʒə'keɪʃənəl]
peaceful ['pi:sful]
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]
thrilling ['θrɪlɪŋ]
take it easy
Florida ['flɔrɪdə]
trek [trek]
Amazon ['æməzən]
jungle ['dʒʌŋɡl]
fall [fɔ:l]
Niagara Falls [naiæɡərə]
touristy ['tuəristi]
spotlight ['spɔtlait]
consider [kən'sidə]
lively ['laivli]
sight [sait]
including [in`klu:din]
tower ['tauə]
Eiffel Tower ['aɪfəl]
cathedral [kə'θi:drəl]
Notre Dame Cathedral ] [¸nəutrə´dɑ:m]
church [tʃə:tʃ]
convenient [kən'vi:njənt]
underground ['ʌndəɡraund]
general ['dʒenərəl]
in general
wine [wain]
translate [træns'leit]
pack [pæk]
light [lait]
wonderful ['wʌndəful]
Ace Travel [eis, 'trævəl]
eastern ['i:stən]
provide [prə'vaid]
firm [fə:m]
spot [spɔt]
Confucius [kən'fju:ʃəs] 孔子
sail [seil]
Pacific [pə'sɪfɪk]
finding ['faindiŋ]
thousands of ['θaʊzəndz]
as soon as possible ['pɔsəbl]
continue [kən'tinju]
programming ['prəuɡræmiŋ]
translator [træns'leɪtə]
report [ri'pɔ:t]
willing ['wiliŋ]
be willing to
quite a few
dream [dri:m]
dream of
conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]
hold on to [həuld]
attitude ['ætitju:d]
Unit 8
clean up
hunger ['hʌŋɡə]
homeless ['həʊmlɪs]
cheer [tʃɪə(r),tʃɪr]
give out
sign [sain]
advertisement [əd'və:tismənt]
put off
set up
establish [is'tæbliʃ]
think up
major ['meidʒə]
commitment [kə'mitmənt]
elementary ['eli'mentəri]
veterinarian ['vetərə'neəri:ən]
coach [kəutʃ]
take after
fix [fiks]
fix up
repair [ri'pɛə]
similar ['similə]
put up
ask for
hand out
strategy ['strætidʒi]
work out
website [´websait]
disabled [dɪs'eɪbəld]
organization ['ɔ:ɡənai'zeiʃən]
fill [fil]
pleasure ['pleʒə]
blind [blaind]
deaf [def]
unable [ʌn'eɪbəl]
cannot ['kænɔt] (=con't)
imagine [I'mædʒin]
shut [ʃʌt]
carry ['kæri]
specially ['speʃəlɪ]
fetch [fetʃ]
at once
support [sə'pɔ:t]
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]
donation [dəu'neiʃən]
part of speech [spi:tʃ]
pronoun ['prəunaun]
adverb ['ædvə:b,'ædvɜːb]
preposition ['prepə'ziʃən]
conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]
donate [dəu'neit]
Jimmy 吉米(男名)
Sally 萨利(女名)