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第38卷第3期 2016年5月 文章编号:1001—6112(2016)03-0418—05 石 油 察 露 沾 届 PETRoLEUM GEoLoGY&EXPERIMENT Vo1.38.No.3 May,2016 doi:10.1 l78l/sysydz2O1603418 黄振凯 '。 ,陈建平 ,王义军 ,王华建 ,邓春萍 (1.页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室,北京3.南京大学地球科学与工程学院,南京100083;2.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京163000) 210093;4.中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083; 5.大庆油田有限责任公司第一采油厂,黑龙江大庆摘要:对松辽盆地白垩系青山口组一段烃源岩的微观结构进行微米CT的三维成像研究。其微观结构特征为:孔隙直径主要在 0.7~25 m之间,孔隙类型主要以粒间孔隙、晶内孔隙为主,孔隙在孔喉的连接下形成连通性较好的孑L隙通道。生物碎屑(或有 机质)大小由几微米到几百微米不等,主要分布在中等密度的矿物基质中,生物类型以浮游生物和介壳类生物为主。微米cT三 维重建技术为精细刻画岩石微观结构特征提供了新的研究方法和手段,但也存在诸如成像分辨率、二维切片的图像处理以及实 验结果的地质代表性等问题,针对上述问题产生的原因进行了探讨并提出了初步的解决方案。 关键词:微米CT:微观结构;烃源岩:白垩系:松辽盆地 中图分类号:TEl35 文献标识码:A Application of micron CT in the characterization of microstructure in source rocks Huang Zhenkai '。’ 一,Chen Jianping ,Wang Yijun ,Wang Huajian ,Deng Chunping (1.State Key Laboratory ofShale Oil and Gas Enrichment Mechanisms and Effective Development,Beijing 100083,China; 2 Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Imtittne,SINOPEC,& 昭100083,China;3.School ofEaah Sciences and Engineering,Nanjing University,Na ng,Jiangsu 210093,China;4 Research Instit ̄e ofPetroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC,Beijing 100083,Chia;5.Finrst Oil Production Plant ofDaqing Oil Field Company,Daqing,Heilong ̄iang 163000,Chia)n Abstract:Three dimensiona1 imaging micron CT was used to observe microstructure character of hydrocarbon source rocks in the first member of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the Songliao Basin.The pore diameter is in the range of 0.7—25 txm,and the pore types are mainly intergranular and intragranular.Pore channels are formed with connected pore throats.The sizes of biological detritus(or organic matter)are micrometers to a hundred micrometers,mainly distibuted irn medium—density mineral matrix,and the biological types are mainly plankton and shellfish organisms.As a new tool and research method,the micron CT 3D reconstruction technology can be applied for the description of microstructure character in rocks.However,there are still some problems such as image resolution,image processing of 2D scans and the geological representativeness of the experimental results.In this paper,reasons for these problems have been discussed and subsequently preliminary solutions have been put forward. Keywords:micron CT;mierostuctrure;source rock;Cretaceous;Songliao Basin zzzPsgiole随着北美页岩油气的成功勘探开发,页岩层系 平面(二维)形貌特征_1 的油气资源也越来越受到重视l1-5]。作为页岩油 了页岩油气基础研究的热点。目前针对岩石微观 结构表征的方法主要有定性和定量2个方面。定 性的研究手段包括扫描电镜、场发射电镜l6一 ]、环 境扫描电镜[。 ]、聚焦离子束(FIB)扫描电镜_】o‘”] 隙的三维空间分布及其连通性等信息则无从获取。 相比之下,聚焦离子束技术可以获得分辨率很高的 二维平面图像和基于3D重构后的岩石孔隙三维 气的储集空间.烃源岩体系的岩石微观结构则成为 空间分布信息,但由于成像过程中的有损扫描导致 样品无法进行其他后续分析,使得该技术在研究过 程中的应用受到了一定程度的限制。定量研究手段 包括气体吸附法(CO,和 吸附)和压汞法,2种方法 等,扫描电镜等技术虽然可以获得微纳米级孑L隙的 收稿日期:2015—04—09;修订日期:2016—03—28。 作者简介:黄振凯(1985一),男,博士,工程师,从事非常规油气地质与地球化学研究。E-mail:huang_zhenkai@163.conl。 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2014CB239101)和中国石油天然气股份有限公司项目(2014A一0211)资助。 Pfrp微米CT在烃源岩微观结构表征方面的应用 100083; .但是对于岩石内部孑L 




·422· 石 油 雾 劈沾届 第38卷 大发现及非常规石油地质[J].石油勘探与开发,2010, 37(2):129—145. Zou Caineng,Zhang Guangya,Tao Shizhen,et a1.Geological fea- tures,major discoveries and unconventional petroleum geology in the global petroleum exploration[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development,2010,37(2):129—145. [2] 宋国奇,张林哗,卢双舫,等.页岩油资源评价技术方法及其 应用[J].地学前缘,2013,20(4):221-228. Song Guoqi,Zhang Linye,Lu Shuangfang,et a1.Resource evalua— tion method for shale oil and its application[J].Earth Science Frontiers,2013,20(4):221—228. [3] 仰云峰,饶丹,付小东,等.柴达木盆地北缘石炭系克鲁克组页岩 气形成条件分析[J].石油实验地质,2014,36(6):692—697. Yang Yunfeng,Rao Dan,Fu Xiaodong,et a1.Generation conditions of shale gas in Carboniferous Keluke Formation,no ̄hern Qaidam Basin[J].Petorleum Geology&Experiment,2014,36(6): 692—697. [4] 陈祥,严永新,章新文,等.南襄盆地泌阳凹陷陆相页岩气形 成条件研究[J].石油实验地质,2011,33(2):137—141. Chen Xinag,Yan Yongxin,Zhang Xinwen,et a1.Generation condie— ifons of continental shale gas in Biyang Sag,Nanxiang Baslin[J]. Petorleum Geology&Experiment,201l,33(2):137—141.o [5] 刘超英.页岩气勘探选区评价方法探讨[J].石油实验地质, 2013,35(5):564-569. Liu Chaoying.Discussion on methods of shale gasi exploration evalua- tion[J].Petroleum Geology&Experiment, [6] 陈琪-7、占化凹陷罗家地区古近系沙三下亚段沉积特征研究[D].Chen Qi.Study on Sediemntary charactg2013,35(5):564—569. 北京:中国地质大学(北京),2012. eristics ofthelower part ofthe htirdmember of Shahejie Forsmationinlmojia area,Zhanhna s烈D]. Bering:China University of Geo ̄3ience(Beijing),2012. [7] 黄振凯,陈建平.薛海涛,等.松辽盆地白垩系青山口组泥页 岩孑L隙结构特征[J].石油勘探与开发,2013,40(1):58-65. Huang Zhenkm,Chen JiPanping,Xue Haltao,et a1.Microstructural charactzeristics of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale, Songliao Basin[J].Petorleum Exploration and Development, 2013,40(1):58—65. [8] 张廷山,杨洋,龚其森,等.四川盆地南部早古生代海相页岩 微观孔隙特征及发育控制因素[J].地质学报,2014,88(9): l728—1740. Zhang Tingshan,Yang Yang,Gong Qisen,et a1.Characteristics and mechanisms ofthe micro—pores in the early Palaeozoic nlarine shale, southem Siehuan Basin[J].Acta Geologica Sinica,2014,88(9): l728—1740. [9] 粱兴,张廷山,杨洋,等.滇黔北地区筇竹寺组高演化页岩气 储层微观孔隙特征及其控制因素[J].天然气工业,2014, 34(2):18—26. Liang Xing,Zhang Tingshan,Yang Yang,et a1.Microscopic pore structure and its controlling factors of overmature shale in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm,northem Yunnan and Guizhou provinces of China[J].Natural Gas Industry,2014,34(2):18-26. [10] 马勇,钟宁宁,黄小艳,等.聚集离子束扫描电镜(FIB—SEM) 在页岩纳米级孔隙结构研究中的应用[J].电子显微学报, 2014,33(3):251—256.Ma Yong,Zhong Ningnifocused ip ng,Huang Xiaoyan,et a1.The appliea- tion of on beam scanning electorn microscope(FIB— SEM)to the nanometer—sized pores in shales[J].Journal of Chinese Electr[11] Ambrose R J,Harron Microscopy Society,2014,33(3):25 1—256. tman R C,Diaz—Campos M,et a1.New pore scale considerations for shale gas—in—place calculations[C]// fProceedings of society of petroleum engineers unconventional gas conference.Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania:SPE,2010:131772. [12]Curtis M E,Sondergeld C H,Ambrose R J,et a1.Mierostructural Pinvestigation of gas shales in two and three dimensions using nanometer—scale resolution imaging[J].AAPG Bulletin,2012, 96(4):665—677. [13] Sondergeld C H,Ambrose R J,Rai C S,et a1.Microstructural studies of gas shales[C]//Proceedings of society of petroleum engineers unconventional gas conference.Pittsburgh,Pennsylva— nia:SPE,2010:131771. [14]Lame 0,Bellet D,Di Michiel M,et a1.Bulk observation of metla powder sintering by X—ray synchrotron microtomography[J] Acta Materialia,2004,52(4):977—984. [15]Lowell S A,Shields J E,Thomas M A,et a1.Characterization of por- OHS solids and powders:Surface area,pore size and density[M]. Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004. [16] 黄振凯,陈建平,王义军,等.利用气体吸附法和压汞法研究 烃源岩孔隙分布特征:以松辽盆地白垩系青山口组一段为 例[J].地质论评,2013,59(3):587-595. Huang Zhenkai,Chen Jianping,Wang Yijun,et a1.Pore distribu— tion of source rocks as reavealed by gas adsorption and mercury injection methods:A case study on the first member of the Cre— taceous Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao Basin[J].Geo— logjcal Review,2013,59(3):587—595. [17] Sakdinawat A,Attwood D.Nanoscale X—ray imaging[J].Nature Photonics,2010,4(12):840—848. [18]蔡进功,宋明水,卢龙飞,等.烃源岩中有机黏粒复合体:天 然的生烃母质[J].海洋地质与第四纪地质,2013,33(3): l23-l31. Cal Jingong,Song Mingshui,Lu Longfei,et a1.Organo-Clay complexes in SOLII ̄e rocks:A natural material for hydmcxrobn generation[J]. Marine Geology&Quaternary Geology,2013,33(3):123—131. [19] 樊馥,叶文青,蔡进功,等.烃源岩中黏土对有机质保存的研 究进展[J].新疆石油地质,2009,30(3):390—392. Fan Fu,Ye Wenqing,Cai Jingong,et a1.Advances on organic matter preservation by clay in source rock[J].Xinjiang Petroleum Geology,2009,30(3):390—392. (编辑黄娟) zz


第38卷第3期 2016年5月 文章编号:1001—6112(2016)03-0418—05 石 油 察 露 沾 届 PETRoLEUM GEoLoGY&EXPERIMENT Vo1.38.No.3 May,2016 doi:10.1 l78l/sysydz2O1603418 黄振凯 '。 ,陈建平 ,王义军 ,王华建 ,邓春萍 (1.页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室,北京3.南京大学地球科学与工程学院,南京100083;2.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京163000) 210093;4.中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083; 5.大庆油田有限责任公司第一采油厂,黑龙江大庆摘要:对松辽盆地白垩系青山口组一段烃源岩的微观结构进行微米CT的三维成像研究。其微观结构特征为:孔隙直径主要在 0.7~25 m之间,孔隙类型主要以粒间孔隙、晶内孔隙为主,孔隙在孔喉的连接下形成连通性较好的孑L隙通道。生物碎屑(或有 机质)大小由几微米到几百微米不等,主要分布在中等密度的矿物基质中,生物类型以浮游生物和介壳类生物为主。微米cT三 维重建技术为精细刻画岩石微观结构特征提供了新的研究方法和手段,但也存在诸如成像分辨率、二维切片的图像处理以及实 验结果的地质代表性等问题,针对上述问题产生的原因进行了探讨并提出了初步的解决方案。 关键词:微米CT:微观结构;烃源岩:白垩系:松辽盆地 中图分类号:TEl35 文献标识码:A Application of micron CT in the characterization of microstructure in source rocks Huang Zhenkai '。’ 一,Chen Jianping ,Wang Yijun ,Wang Huajian ,Deng Chunping (1.State Key Laboratory ofShale Oil and Gas Enrichment Mechanisms and Effective Development,Beijing 100083,China; 2 Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Imtittne,SINOPEC,& 昭100083,China;3.School ofEaah Sciences and Engineering,Nanjing University,Na ng,Jiangsu 210093,China;4 Research Instit ̄e ofPetroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC,Beijing 100083,Chia;5.Finrst Oil Production Plant ofDaqing Oil Field Company,Daqing,Heilong ̄iang 163000,Chia)n Abstract:Three dimensiona1 imaging micron CT was used to observe microstructure character of hydrocarbon source rocks in the first member of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the Songliao Basin.The pore diameter is in the range of 0.7—25 txm,and the pore types are mainly intergranular and intragranular.Pore channels are formed with connected pore throats.The sizes of biological detritus(or organic matter)are micrometers to a hundred micrometers,mainly distibuted irn medium—density mineral matrix,and the biological types are mainly plankton and shellfish organisms.As a new tool and research method,the micron CT 3D reconstruction technology can be applied for the description of microstructure character in rocks.However,there are still some problems such as image resolution,image processing of 2D scans and the geological representativeness of the experimental results.In this paper,reasons for these problems have been discussed and subsequently preliminary solutions have been put forward. Keywords:micron CT;mierostuctrure;source rock;Cretaceous;Songliao Basin zzzPsgiole随着北美页岩油气的成功勘探开发,页岩层系 平面(二维)形貌特征_1 的油气资源也越来越受到重视l1-5]。作为页岩油 了页岩油气基础研究的热点。目前针对岩石微观 结构表征的方法主要有定性和定量2个方面。定 性的研究手段包括扫描电镜、场发射电镜l6一 ]、环 境扫描电镜[。 ]、聚焦离子束(FIB)扫描电镜_】o‘”] 隙的三维空间分布及其连通性等信息则无从获取。 相比之下,聚焦离子束技术可以获得分辨率很高的 二维平面图像和基于3D重构后的岩石孔隙三维 气的储集空间.烃源岩体系的岩石微观结构则成为 空间分布信息,但由于成像过程中的有损扫描导致 样品无法进行其他后续分析,使得该技术在研究过 程中的应用受到了一定程度的限制。定量研究手段 包括气体吸附法(CO,和 吸附)和压汞法,2种方法 等,扫描电镜等技术虽然可以获得微纳米级孑L隙的 收稿日期:2015—04—09;修订日期:2016—03—28。 作者简介:黄振凯(1985一),男,博士,工程师,从事非常规油气地质与地球化学研究。E-mail:huang_zhenkai@163.conl。 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2014CB239101)和中国石油天然气股份有限公司项目(2014A一0211)资助。 Pfrp微米CT在烃源岩微观结构表征方面的应用 100083; .但是对于岩石内部孑L 




·422· 石 油 雾 劈沾届 第38卷 大发现及非常规石油地质[J].石油勘探与开发,2010, 37(2):129—145. Zou Caineng,Zhang Guangya,Tao Shizhen,et a1.Geological fea- tures,major discoveries and unconventional petroleum geology in the global petroleum exploration[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development,2010,37(2):129—145. [2] 宋国奇,张林哗,卢双舫,等.页岩油资源评价技术方法及其 应用[J].地学前缘,2013,20(4):221-228. Song Guoqi,Zhang Linye,Lu Shuangfang,et a1.Resource evalua— tion method for shale oil and its application[J].Earth Science Frontiers,2013,20(4):221—228. [3] 仰云峰,饶丹,付小东,等.柴达木盆地北缘石炭系克鲁克组页岩 气形成条件分析[J].石油实验地质,2014,36(6):692—697. Yang Yunfeng,Rao Dan,Fu Xiaodong,et a1.Generation conditions of shale gas in Carboniferous Keluke Formation,no ̄hern Qaidam Basin[J].Petorleum Geology&Experiment,2014,36(6): 692—697. [4] 陈祥,严永新,章新文,等.南襄盆地泌阳凹陷陆相页岩气形 成条件研究[J].石油实验地质,2011,33(2):137—141. Chen Xinag,Yan Yongxin,Zhang Xinwen,et a1.Generation condie— ifons of continental shale gas in Biyang Sag,Nanxiang Baslin[J]. Petorleum Geology&Experiment,201l,33(2):137—141.o [5] 刘超英.页岩气勘探选区评价方法探讨[J].石油实验地质, 2013,35(5):564-569. Liu Chaoying.Discussion on methods of shale gasi exploration evalua- tion[J].Petroleum Geology&Experiment, [6] 陈琪-7、占化凹陷罗家地区古近系沙三下亚段沉积特征研究[D].Chen Qi.Study on Sediemntary charactg2013,35(5):564—569. 北京:中国地质大学(北京),2012. eristics ofthelower part ofthe htirdmember of Shahejie Forsmationinlmojia area,Zhanhna s烈D]. Bering:China University of Geo ̄3ience(Beijing),2012. [7] 黄振凯,陈建平.薛海涛,等.松辽盆地白垩系青山口组泥页 岩孑L隙结构特征[J].石油勘探与开发,2013,40(1):58-65. Huang Zhenkm,Chen JiPanping,Xue Haltao,et a1.Microstructural charactzeristics of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale, Songliao Basin[J].Petorleum Exploration and Development, 2013,40(1):58—65. [8] 张廷山,杨洋,龚其森,等.四川盆地南部早古生代海相页岩 微观孔隙特征及发育控制因素[J].地质学报,2014,88(9): l728—1740. Zhang Tingshan,Yang Yang,Gong Qisen,et a1.Characteristics and mechanisms ofthe micro—pores in the early Palaeozoic nlarine shale, southem Siehuan Basin[J].Acta Geologica Sinica,2014,88(9): l728—1740. [9] 粱兴,张廷山,杨洋,等.滇黔北地区筇竹寺组高演化页岩气 储层微观孔隙特征及其控制因素[J].天然气工业,2014, 34(2):18—26. Liang Xing,Zhang Tingshan,Yang Yang,et a1.Microscopic pore structure and its controlling factors of overmature shale in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm,northem Yunnan and Guizhou provinces of China[J].Natural Gas Industry,2014,34(2):18-26. [10] 马勇,钟宁宁,黄小艳,等.聚集离子束扫描电镜(FIB—SEM) 在页岩纳米级孔隙结构研究中的应用[J].电子显微学报, 2014,33(3):251—256.Ma Yong,Zhong Ningnifocused ip ng,Huang Xiaoyan,et a1.The appliea- tion of on beam scanning electorn microscope(FIB— SEM)to the nanometer—sized pores in shales[J].Journal of Chinese Electr[11] Ambrose R J,Harron Microscopy Society,2014,33(3):25 1—256. tman R C,Diaz—Campos M,et a1.New pore scale considerations for shale gas—in—place calculations[C]// fProceedings of society of petroleum engineers unconventional gas conference.Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania:SPE,2010:131772. [12]Curtis M E,Sondergeld C H,Ambrose R J,et a1.Mierostructural Pinvestigation of gas shales in two and three dimensions using nanometer—scale resolution imaging[J].AAPG Bulletin,2012, 96(4):665—677. [13] Sondergeld C H,Ambrose R J,Rai C S,et a1.Microstructural studies of gas shales[C]//Proceedings of society of petroleum engineers unconventional gas conference.Pittsburgh,Pennsylva— nia:SPE,2010:131771. [14]Lame 0,Bellet D,Di Michiel M,et a1.Bulk observation of metla powder sintering by X—ray synchrotron microtomography[J] Acta Materialia,2004,52(4):977—984. [15]Lowell S A,Shields J E,Thomas M A,et a1.Characterization of por- OHS solids and powders:Surface area,pore size and density[M]. Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004. [16] 黄振凯,陈建平,王义军,等.利用气体吸附法和压汞法研究 烃源岩孔隙分布特征:以松辽盆地白垩系青山口组一段为 例[J].地质论评,2013,59(3):587-595. Huang Zhenkai,Chen Jianping,Wang Yijun,et a1.Pore distribu— tion of source rocks as reavealed by gas adsorption and mercury injection methods:A case study on the first member of the Cre— taceous Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao Basin[J].Geo— logjcal Review,2013,59(3):587—595. [17] Sakdinawat A,Attwood D.Nanoscale X—ray imaging[J].Nature Photonics,2010,4(12):840—848. [18]蔡进功,宋明水,卢龙飞,等.烃源岩中有机黏粒复合体:天 然的生烃母质[J].海洋地质与第四纪地质,2013,33(3): l23-l31. Cal Jingong,Song Mingshui,Lu Longfei,et a1.Organo-Clay complexes in SOLII ̄e rocks:A natural material for hydmcxrobn generation[J]. Marine Geology&Quaternary Geology,2013,33(3):123—131. [19] 樊馥,叶文青,蔡进功,等.烃源岩中黏土对有机质保存的研 究进展[J].新疆石油地质,2009,30(3):390—392. Fan Fu,Ye Wenqing,Cai Jingong,et a1.Advances on organic matter preservation by clay in source rock[J].Xinjiang Petroleum Geology,2009,30(3):390—392. (编辑黄娟) zz


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