元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AFEATURESDESCRIPTION•Wide supply voltage range of: 1.2 V to 3.6 VThe 74LVC14A is a high-performance, low power, low-voltage•Si-gate CMOS device and superior to most advanced CMOSIn accordance with JEDEC standard no. 8-1Acompatible TTL families.•Inputs accept voltages up to 5.5 VInputs can be driven from either 3.3 V or 5 V devices. This feature•CMOS low power consumptionallows the use of these devices as translators in a mixed 3.3 V/5 Venvironment.•Direct interface with TTL levelsThe 74LVC14A provides six inverting buffers with Schmitt-triggeraction. It is capable of transforming slowly changing input signalsinto sharply defined, jitter-free output ATIONS•Wave and pulse shapers for highly noisy environments•Astable multivibrators•Monostable multivibratorsQUICK REFERENCE DATAGND = 0 V; Tamb = 25°C; tr ≤ tf ≤2.5 nsSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSTYPICALUNITtPHL/tPLHPropagation delaygyCnA to nYL = 50 pF;VCC = 3.3 V4nsCIInput capacitance3.5pFCPDPower dissipation capacitance per gateNotes 1 and 225pFNOTES: is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PD in µW)PD = CPD × VCC2 × fi )ȍ (CL × VCC2 × fo) where:fi = input frequency in MHz; CL = output load capacity in pF;fo = output frequency in MHz; V × VCC = supply voltage in V;ȍ (CLCC2 × fo) = sum of the condition is VI = GND to NG INFORMATIONPACKAGESTEMPERATURE RANGEOUTSIDE NORTH AMERICANORTH AMERICADWG NUMBER14-Pin PlasticSO–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A D74LVC14A DSOT108-114-Pin Plastic SSOP Type II–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A DB74LVC14A DBSOT337-114-Pin Plastic TSSOP Type I–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A PW74LVC14APW DHSOT402-1PIN CONFIGURATIONPIN DESCRIPTIONPIN NUMBERSYMBOLNAME AND FUNCTION1A114VCC1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 131A – 6AData inputs1Y2136A2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 121Y – 6YData outputs2A3126Y7GNDGround (0 V)2Y4115A14VCCPositive supply voltage3A5105Y3Y694AGND784YSV003961998 Apr 282853-1907 19308
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14ALOGIC SYMBOL (IEEE/IEC)LOGIC SYMBOL1211A1Y23432A2Y4569853A3Y6111094A4Y81312115A5Y10SV00425136A6Y12LOGIC DIAGRAM (ONE SCHMITT-TRIGGER)SV00424AYSV00426FUNCTION TABLEINPUTOUTPUTnAnYLHHLNOTES:H = HIGH voltage levelL = LOW voltage levelRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSLIMITSMINMAXUNITVDC supply voltage (for max. speed performance)2.73.6CCDC supply voltage (for low-voltage applications)1.23.6VVIDC input voltage range05.5VVDC output voltage range; output HIGH or LOW state0VI/OCCDC input voltage range; output 3-State05.5VTambOperating free-air temperature range–40+85°Ctr, tfInput rise and fall timesVCC = 1.2 to 2.7V020VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V010ns/V1998 Apr 283
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSRATINGUNITVCCDC supply voltage–0.5 to +6.5VIIKDC input diode currentVIt0–50mAVIDC input voltageNote 2–0.5 to +6.5VIOKDC output diode currentVO
uVCC or VO t 0"50mAVDC output voltage; output HIGH or LOWNote 2–0.5 to VCC +0.5I/ODC input voltage; output 3-StateNote 2–0.5 to 6.5VIODC output source or sink currentVO = 0 to VCC"50mAIGND, ICCDC VCC or GND current"100mATstgStorage temperature range–65 to +150°CPower dissipation per packagePTOT– plastic mini-pack (SO)above +70°C derate linearly with 8 mW/K500– plastic shrink mini-pack (SSOP and TSSOP)above +60°C derate linearly with 5.5 mW/K500mWNOTES:es beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of thedevice at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure toabsolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device input and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output current ratings are ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver recommended operating conditions. Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V).LIMITSSYMBOLPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSTemp = -40°C to +85°CUNITMINTYP1MAXVVCCIHHIGHHIGH level Input voltagelevelInputvoltageVCC = 1.2VVCC = 2.7 to 3.6V2.0VVVCC = 1.2VGNDILLOWLOW level Input voltagelevelInputvoltageVCC = 2.7 to 3.6V0.8VVCC = 2.7V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –12mAVCC*0.5VVCC*0.2VCCOHOHIGHHIGH level output voltageleveloutputvoltageVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –100µAVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –18mAVVCC*0.6VCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –24mAVCC*0.8VCC = 2.7V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 12mA0.40VOLLOW level output voltageVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 100µAGND0.20VVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 24mA0.55IIInputInput leakage currentleakagecurrentVCC = 3.6V;=36V;VI = 5.5V or GND=55VorGND"00.11"5µAICCQuiescent supply currentVCC = 3.6V;VI = VCC or GND;IO = 00.110µA∆ICCAdditional quiescent supply currentper input pinVCC = 2.3V to 3.6V; VI = VCC –0.6V; IO = 05500µANOTE: typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25°C.1998 Apr 284
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14ATRANSFER CHARACTERISTICSVoltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0 V).Tamb (°C)TEST CONDITIONSSYMBOLPARAMETER–40 TO +85UNITVMINTYP1MAX(V)CCWAVEFORMS––1.21.2VT+Positive-goingPitiithreshold1.1–2.0V2.7Figures 1 and 21.1–2.02.7 to 3.60––1.2VT–Negative-goingNtiithreshold0.8–1.5V2.7Figures 1 and 20.8–1.52.7 to 3.6–––1.2VHHysteresisHti(VT+
– VVT-T)0.30.4–V2.7Figures 1, 2 and 30.30.45*–2.7 to 3.6NOTES: typical values are measured at Vamb = 25°CIH and VIL from the DC family characteristics are superseded by the VT+ and VT-.TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC WAVEFORMSVT+VIVHVOVT–VOVISV00428VHVT–VT+Figure 2. Definition of
VT), V and VSV00427T-H; where VT+ and VT- are between limits of 20% and 70%Figure 1. Transfer characteristic.5I4CC(mA)321000. (V)SV00444Figure 3. Typical 74LVC14 transfer characteristics; VCC = 3.3 V.1998 Apr 285
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AAC CHARACTERISTICSGND = 0 V; tr = tf v 2.5 ns; CL = 50 pF; RL = 500W; Tamb = –40_C to +85_CLIMITSSYMBOLPARAMETERWAVEFORMVCC = 3.3V ±0.3VVCC = 2.7VVCC = 1.2VUNITMINTYP1MAXMINTYPMAXTYPtPHL/Propagation delaytPLH nA to nYFigure 1, typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25° WAVEFORMSAPPLICATION INFORMATIONVM = 1.5 V at VCC w 2.7 VAll values given are typical unless otherwise = 0.5 S VCC at VCC < 2.7 VVNote to Figure 7: f+11OL and VOH are the typical output voltage drop that occur with theT[0.8 RCoutput eVIICC(mA)2.0nA INPUTVMpositive-goingGNDedgettVPHLPLH1.5OHnY OUTPUTVMnegative-goingV1.0edgeOLSV00395Figure 1. Input (nA) to output (nY) propagation delays.0.5TEST CIRCUIT1. (V)CC2 x VOpenCCGNDSV00445PULSEVIVO500Ω 3. Average ICC for LVC Schmitt-trigger devices;linear change of Vi between 0.8 V to 2.0 50pF500ΩRTestS1VCCVItPLH/tPHLOpen t 2.7VVCCtPLZ/tPZL2 x VCC2.7V – 3.6V2.7VtPHZ/tPZHGNDCSY00003Figure 2. Load circuitry for switching 00433Figure 4. Relaxation oscillator using the LVC14.1998 Apr 286
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ASO14:plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mmSOT108-11998 Apr 287
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ASSOP14:plastic shrink small outline package; 14 leads; body width 5.3 mmSOT337-11998 Apr 288
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ATSSOP14:plastic thin shrink small outline package; 14 leads; body width 4.4 mmSOT402-11998 Apr 289
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ADefinitionsShort-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. Fordetailed information see the relevant data sheet or data ng values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above oneor more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these orat any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extendedperiods may affect device ation information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. PhilipsSemiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing imersLife support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products canreasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applicationsdo so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standardcells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes noresponsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to theseproducts, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unlessotherwise s Semiconductors811 East Arques AvenueP.O. Box 3409Sunnyvale, California 94088–3409Telephone 800-234-7381© Copyright Philips Electronics North America Corporation 1998All rights reserved. Printed in codeDocument order number:Date of release: 07-989397-750-04484PhilipsSemiconductorsyyyy mmm dd10
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AFEATURESDESCRIPTION•Wide supply voltage range of: 1.2 V to 3.6 VThe 74LVC14A is a high-performance, low power, low-voltage•Si-gate CMOS device and superior to most advanced CMOSIn accordance with JEDEC standard no. 8-1Acompatible TTL families.•Inputs accept voltages up to 5.5 VInputs can be driven from either 3.3 V or 5 V devices. This feature•CMOS low power consumptionallows the use of these devices as translators in a mixed 3.3 V/5 Venvironment.•Direct interface with TTL levelsThe 74LVC14A provides six inverting buffers with Schmitt-triggeraction. It is capable of transforming slowly changing input signalsinto sharply defined, jitter-free output ATIONS•Wave and pulse shapers for highly noisy environments•Astable multivibrators•Monostable multivibratorsQUICK REFERENCE DATAGND = 0 V; Tamb = 25°C; tr ≤ tf ≤2.5 nsSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSTYPICALUNITtPHL/tPLHPropagation delaygyCnA to nYL = 50 pF;VCC = 3.3 V4nsCIInput capacitance3.5pFCPDPower dissipation capacitance per gateNotes 1 and 225pFNOTES: is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PD in µW)PD = CPD × VCC2 × fi )ȍ (CL × VCC2 × fo) where:fi = input frequency in MHz; CL = output load capacity in pF;fo = output frequency in MHz; V × VCC = supply voltage in V;ȍ (CLCC2 × fo) = sum of the condition is VI = GND to NG INFORMATIONPACKAGESTEMPERATURE RANGEOUTSIDE NORTH AMERICANORTH AMERICADWG NUMBER14-Pin PlasticSO–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A D74LVC14A DSOT108-114-Pin Plastic SSOP Type II–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A DB74LVC14A DBSOT337-114-Pin Plastic TSSOP Type I–40°C to +85°C74LVC14A PW74LVC14APW DHSOT402-1PIN CONFIGURATIONPIN DESCRIPTIONPIN NUMBERSYMBOLNAME AND FUNCTION1A114VCC1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 131A – 6AData inputs1Y2136A2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 121Y – 6YData outputs2A3126Y7GNDGround (0 V)2Y4115A14VCCPositive supply voltage3A5105Y3Y694AGND784YSV003961998 Apr 282853-1907 19308
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14ALOGIC SYMBOL (IEEE/IEC)LOGIC SYMBOL1211A1Y23432A2Y4569853A3Y6111094A4Y81312115A5Y10SV00425136A6Y12LOGIC DIAGRAM (ONE SCHMITT-TRIGGER)SV00424AYSV00426FUNCTION TABLEINPUTOUTPUTnAnYLHHLNOTES:H = HIGH voltage levelL = LOW voltage levelRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSLIMITSMINMAXUNITVDC supply voltage (for max. speed performance)2.73.6CCDC supply voltage (for low-voltage applications)1.23.6VVIDC input voltage range05.5VVDC output voltage range; output HIGH or LOW state0VI/OCCDC input voltage range; output 3-State05.5VTambOperating free-air temperature range–40+85°Ctr, tfInput rise and fall timesVCC = 1.2 to 2.7V020VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V010ns/V1998 Apr 283
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSRATINGUNITVCCDC supply voltage–0.5 to +6.5VIIKDC input diode currentVIt0–50mAVIDC input voltageNote 2–0.5 to +6.5VIOKDC output diode currentVO
uVCC or VO t 0"50mAVDC output voltage; output HIGH or LOWNote 2–0.5 to VCC +0.5I/ODC input voltage; output 3-StateNote 2–0.5 to 6.5VIODC output source or sink currentVO = 0 to VCC"50mAIGND, ICCDC VCC or GND current"100mATstgStorage temperature range–65 to +150°CPower dissipation per packagePTOT– plastic mini-pack (SO)above +70°C derate linearly with 8 mW/K500– plastic shrink mini-pack (SSOP and TSSOP)above +60°C derate linearly with 5.5 mW/K500mWNOTES:es beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of thedevice at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure toabsolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device input and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output current ratings are ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOver recommended operating conditions. Voltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0V).LIMITSSYMBOLPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSTemp = -40°C to +85°CUNITMINTYP1MAXVVCCIHHIGHHIGH level Input voltagelevelInputvoltageVCC = 1.2VVCC = 2.7 to 3.6V2.0VVVCC = 1.2VGNDILLOWLOW level Input voltagelevelInputvoltageVCC = 2.7 to 3.6V0.8VVCC = 2.7V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –12mAVCC*0.5VVCC*0.2VCCOHOHIGHHIGH level output voltageleveloutputvoltageVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –100µAVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –18mAVVCC*0.6VCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = –24mAVCC*0.8VCC = 2.7V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 12mA0.40VOLLOW level output voltageVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 100µAGND0.20VVCC = 3.0V;VI = VIH or VIL;IO = 24mA0.55IIInputInput leakage currentleakagecurrentVCC = 3.6V;=36V;VI = 5.5V or GND=55VorGND"00.11"5µAICCQuiescent supply currentVCC = 3.6V;VI = VCC or GND;IO = 00.110µA∆ICCAdditional quiescent supply currentper input pinVCC = 2.3V to 3.6V; VI = VCC –0.6V; IO = 05500µANOTE: typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25°C.1998 Apr 284
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14ATRANSFER CHARACTERISTICSVoltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0 V).Tamb (°C)TEST CONDITIONSSYMBOLPARAMETER–40 TO +85UNITVMINTYP1MAX(V)CCWAVEFORMS––1.21.2VT+Positive-goingPitiithreshold1.1–2.0V2.7Figures 1 and 21.1–2.02.7 to 3.60––1.2VT–Negative-goingNtiithreshold0.8–1.5V2.7Figures 1 and 20.8–1.52.7 to 3.6–––1.2VHHysteresisHti(VT+
– VVT-T)0.30.4–V2.7Figures 1, 2 and 30.30.45*–2.7 to 3.6NOTES: typical values are measured at Vamb = 25°CIH and VIL from the DC family characteristics are superseded by the VT+ and VT-.TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC WAVEFORMSVT+VIVHVOVT–VOVISV00428VHVT–VT+Figure 2. Definition of
VT), V and VSV00427T-H; where VT+ and VT- are between limits of 20% and 70%Figure 1. Transfer characteristic.5I4CC(mA)321000. (V)SV00444Figure 3. Typical 74LVC14 transfer characteristics; VCC = 3.3 V.1998 Apr 285
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5Vtolerant input74LVC14AAC CHARACTERISTICSGND = 0 V; tr = tf v 2.5 ns; CL = 50 pF; RL = 500W; Tamb = –40_C to +85_CLIMITSSYMBOLPARAMETERWAVEFORMVCC = 3.3V ±0.3VVCC = 2.7VVCC = 1.2VUNITMINTYP1MAXMINTYPMAXTYPtPHL/Propagation delaytPLH nA to nYFigure 1, typical values are at VCC = 3.3V and Tamb = 25° WAVEFORMSAPPLICATION INFORMATIONVM = 1.5 V at VCC w 2.7 VAll values given are typical unless otherwise = 0.5 S VCC at VCC < 2.7 VVNote to Figure 7: f+11OL and VOH are the typical output voltage drop that occur with theT[0.8 RCoutput eVIICC(mA)2.0nA INPUTVMpositive-goingGNDedgettVPHLPLH1.5OHnY OUTPUTVMnegative-goingV1.0edgeOLSV00395Figure 1. Input (nA) to output (nY) propagation delays.0.5TEST CIRCUIT1. (V)CC2 x VOpenCCGNDSV00445PULSEVIVO500Ω 3. Average ICC for LVC Schmitt-trigger devices;linear change of Vi between 0.8 V to 2.0 50pF500ΩRTestS1VCCVItPLH/tPHLOpen t 2.7VVCCtPLZ/tPZL2 x VCC2.7V – 3.6V2.7VtPHZ/tPZHGNDCSY00003Figure 2. Load circuitry for switching 00433Figure 4. Relaxation oscillator using the LVC14.1998 Apr 286
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ASO14:plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mmSOT108-11998 Apr 287
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ASSOP14:plastic shrink small outline package; 14 leads; body width 5.3 mmSOT337-11998 Apr 288
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ATSSOP14:plastic thin shrink small outline package; 14 leads; body width 4.4 mmSOT402-11998 Apr 289
元器件交易网lips SemiconductorsProduct specificationHex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5V tolerant input74LVC14ADefinitionsShort-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. Fordetailed information see the relevant data sheet or data ng values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above oneor more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these orat any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extendedperiods may affect device ation information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. PhilipsSemiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing imersLife support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products canreasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applicationsdo so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standardcells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes noresponsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to theseproducts, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unlessotherwise s Semiconductors811 East Arques AvenueP.O. Box 3409Sunnyvale, California 94088–3409Telephone 800-234-7381© Copyright Philips Electronics North America Corporation 1998All rights reserved. Printed in codeDocument order number:Date of release: 07-989397-750-04484PhilipsSemiconductorsyyyy mmm dd10